• < y . x v , • •. v * v.-.. % .-s .. RICHMOND PROVES EAST Team Defeats Rich- Here Saturday Night I T' "i • "mk& -mm v ; C'~' *' 1917 Clothing ftercoats & S Ready Made and Made to Order If in need of a Suit or an Overcoat this fall it will pay you to buy early, as the stock we have on hand was bought before the present rise in prices, and when our stock is depleted we must pay quite an additional price--so while our present stock lasts we can give ybu very attractive price? ip clothing. Call early. JOS* W. FREUND WEST McHENRY, ILL. Special While they last Men's and Boys' Caps value up to $1.00 39c F. A. Bohlander WEST McHENRY. ILL. Cheerful Homes The TONE of the home lies in the FURNISH INGS. Shabby, dingy furniture is as out of place in a home as rags on a queen. The family life is apt to take its tone from the home surround ings and furnishings. We invite every house holder in this community to inspedl our superb line of Household Furniture. Ever$* piece speaks of discriminating ta&e. We have everything you will need for any and every room in your house, and the prices are really the lea& pro nounced features. :: :: :: •• Jacob Justen McHENRY, ILLINOIS Fall Goods! NOW. READY FOR YOUR SELECTION UNDERWEAR We have a complete line of Underwear in separate garments and union suits ranging in price up to $3.00 each. DRESS GOODS in all wool, silk and wool and cotton mixtures at popular prices. * SILKS AND SATIN--A nice line of Silks and Satins, black and colors up to $2.50 the yard. „ SHOES for the whole family. Our line of girls and boys Shoes in English Walking and Button up to $4.50 per ' :. Pa*r* A. complete line of Children's Shoes. Ladies' ancf , .Cents' Shoes from $2.50 to $6.00 per pair. Correct • ityles. MADE TO ORDER CLOTHING--Correct fit guaranteed Over 1000 samples to select from. Make any style you wish. GROCERIES--Pure fresh Groceries. Try our famous tea and coffee. None better. Goods delivered. 'Phone 43- «M. J. WALSH fidence and accompanied by a band of royal rooters, the Richmond town basket ball team swept down upon this village last Saturday evening with the expectation of avenging the defeats suffered at the hands of McHenry last season, but, sad to relate, the visitors were again forced to return home suf fering the sting of defeat, they having been able to register but 14 points, while the home team accumulated 44. This was the first game played by the McHenry-town team and, in veiw of the fact that Richmond has been playing for three weeks or more, the showing made by the McHenry squad was truly commendable. The McHen ry team gathered for the initial prac tice on Wednesday night of last week and when the whistle sounded the be ginning of the contest on Saturday night it was quite evident that our boys would give a good account of themselves. From a spectator's point df view the game was a fast, snappy exhibition, altho considerably rough in spots. However, the fans seemed to enjoy it and the large crowd in attendance had plenty of opportunities to give vent to their feelings thru the progress of the contest. At no time did Richmond have a chance to win, but the visitors fought gamely, never giving up until the end of the game. Robisqn, playing at left forward for McHenry, proved the star of the game, his basket shooting ability standing out prominently over the work of all the other athletes. He shot baskets from any angle and in any position. It just seemed as if he couldn't miss the wicket. (All told he made thirteen baskets and one free throw for a total of twenty-seven points, more than half of McHenry's score. The other members of the McHenry team also played good ball, altho lack of practice was a noticeable fea ture of their playing. However, when these five get into shape they will be able to set a pace that will make most of the teams in this locality sit up and take notice. ' The line-tips and scores of the game follow: Richmond (J4) Palmer R. P. Sternberg L. Y. Richter, Speaker C., Williams R. G. Brjll L. G. F. Williams Subs Field baskets: Justen, 5; Robison, 13; Miller, 3; Palmer, 5; Sternberg, 1. Free throws: Miller, 1; Robison, 1; Palmer, 1; Brill, 1. Referee, Vogt. TAKE DECIDING GAME McHenry (44) Justen Robison Miller "Bacon Knox Frett, Meyers Geier's Colts Again Trim Their Wood stock Opponents The three-game series between Geier's Colts of this village and a team from the Oliver typewriter fac tory at Woodstock came to a close on the county sfeat alleys on Monday night of this week, when the McHenry bowlers again defeated their oppo nents by 98 pins. Geier of the McHenry team again carried off the individual honors of the evening, hanging up an average of 189 for the three games bowled. His high mark was 214. Conway also rolled a very steady game, with an average of 175. The line-ups and scores of the two teams follow: Woodstock Miller 124 S ?hneider 135 Kunda Korth Kane Ge.ier Robison .. Justen ... Conway 0 . Meyers .. : .107 . .134 . .132 155 170 128 136 167 163 179 149 197 191 Haindealer scribe on Monday evening of this week, the church will cle&r about $1,282.00. This is figuring an expense of about $220, which appeared to be the correct figures at the time of {making out the report. However, there may still be a few minor bills outstanding. The result of this year's fair is most gratifying to the pastor and his parishioners, who wish to pub licly thank each and every one who in any way assisted in making tHe event such a gehuine success. While their thanks go out to their own people first, they wish to have it understood that they also feel grateful towards the people from neighboring towns, who, by their presence and otherwise, contributed towards the success of the occasion. ' It is the hope of the beloved pastor, Rev. Wm. Weber, and his parishioners that the church's entire indebtedness will be entirely wiped out by the first of the year. This was their aim pre vious to the holding of the fair and from all records at hand it now looks as if their fondest expectations will come to a realization. The pastor as well as his faithful followers are to be congratulated upon the showing made and it only goes to show what can be" accomplished thru unity and harmony. It seems but a very few years ago that the parish ioners of St. John's lost their church by fire, which necessitated the build ing of the beautiful edifice which now stands out like -a monument to the good.people of that community. The showing of the people of that commu nity is indeed a remarkable one and they have just cause for pride in their wonderful accomplishments. St. .Mary's Notes Saint Nic made his descent upon our school. But every lad and girl was in readiness and found Nicholas pleased with all their work and diligence. Candy rained down on the pupils and nobody in town is as good as St. Nic, "But say, kid, who was it behind tjiose ropy whiskers anyway?" Saturday morning at 9:00 o'clock a second class of first communicants ap proached the holy table. Paul £enk, Edward Grasser, "Elmer Freund, Al- phons Diedrich, Charles Miller, Wm. Jung, George Grasser, Alfred Freund, Florence Mary Freund, Lillian Bauers and Lena Grasser. The Thanksgiving card party at the Riverside was one of the most notable gatherings' of its kind this year. It will be followed up by another New Year's. day. Most probably it will be (0- 500 party. Those who know the secrets of the new game will please take notice. Beginners in the game will do well to become proficient. The raffle on the round bottom clink er row boat,* courteously donated by Everett Hunter Boat company, has been postponed until next spring. Quite a number of book holders have asked for more time and, inasmuch as no date was set for the disposal of the 14 ft. boat, the race will be more exciting and the returns greater next spring. Save your tickets. Announce ment will come again in ~ The Plain- dealer. " The Women's Catholic Order of Foresters has entered upon a cam paign for a large class of new mem bers to be initiated in the Lady Fores ter Court about Dec. 13. Miss Anna Walsh, one of the "best organizers of Chicago, is conducting the work in McHenry and the Lady Foresters are looking ahead to some big celebration. Exceptional advantages are offered to young ladies and young married wom en who seek safe and sound fraternal insurance giving protection at the lowest cost consistent with safety. The W. C. O. F. boasts of a reserve fund of two and one-quarter million dollars, increasing quarterly, and is doing business in thirty-two states and provinces. Eventually every lady would like to be insured. 682 Total pins McHenry • 170 Ill . .164 174 108 756 214 152 134 168 180 879 2259 185 137 , 143 184 '136 724 848 785 Total pins.. .2357 On Friday evening of this week Weber's All Stars will roll Geier's Colts on the McHenry alleys. Weber believes that he has put together a team that can trim Geier's Colts and the^ contest tomorrow night should be an interesting one. Provisions will be made to entertain a large number of spectators., BIG CROWDS ATTEND FAIR Total Receipts at Johnsburg Week Were $1502.44 Last The annual church fair, given by the parishioners of St. John's church at the parish Shall at Johnsburg last week, proved a big success, both so cially and financially. Large crowds patronized the 'fair each day and as a result the various booths and other attractions did a big business. Thanksgiving day, as had naturally been expected, proved the banner day of the fair, the crowd on this day packing every corner of the large hall. The dinner and supper served by the ladies were very well patronized, these alone bringing into the church treasury a very neat sum. As a special attraction the McHenry Military band furnished music for the day, which was greatly enjoyed by everyone present and needless to say that the Johnsburg people appreciated the band boys coming out. According to the- figures given .|C OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. Report of the condition of the West McHenry State Bank, located at West McHenry, State of Illinois, before the commencement of business on the 21st day of Nov., 1917, as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, for the State of Illinois pursuant to law: RESOURCES. Loans: Loans on real estate... 968,045.00 Loans on collateral se curity 43,230.57 Other Loans and dis counts 188,803.91 Overdrafts/ Investments: II. S. Lib." Loan Bonds.. 18.060.00 State, county and mu nicipal bonds • 0,500.00 Other bonds & securities 34.239.00 Stocks of corporation... 2,If®.00 /discoUaneous resources: Banking house Furniture and fixtures. Due from banks: State National ... Cash ou hand: Currency ... Gold coin Sliver coin Minor coin.. Other cash resources: Checks and other cash Items . 13.206.05 4,700.00 10,000.00 44,780.00 3,000.00 1,400.00 500.00 98.55 290,870.48 30.62 61.575.00 17,008.05 64.7W.00 10,806.55 Total resources.. LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In Surplus fund Less current Interest. expeuses & taxes paid Deposits: TMme certificates . 35,043.55 Savings, sublect to no tice 194.078.63 Demand, subject to check 147,285.00 -Demand certificates..,. 856.00 Liberty Banking Club... 7,326.92 Miscellaneous liabilities: Dividends unpaid 30.00 Contingent fund 500.00 1445,140.65 50.000.00 . JM86.M 385,484.10 1530.00 #445,140.65 Total liabilities.. STATE OP ILLINOIS, > ' County of McHenry, f " I, CARL W, STENGER, Cashier of Wept McHenry State Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is ti-ue, to the best of my knowledge and belief. CARL W. STENGER. Cashier. j Notice Having taken charge of the accounts of my father, John Wagner, all bills now due him are hereafter payable to the undersigned. J. G. Wagner, 25-4t Spring Grave, 111. Send Your Own Check i • When you want to send money to di&ant points the mo& conven ient way to <Jo it is to send a check. When you send a check by mail you insure yourself against loss, because if the check is lo& payment on it can be stopped at the bank and a duplicate issued. You lose nothing. We offer you the be& of facilities for handling your checking ac count/ We can give you prompt and efficient service. Your money is absolutely safe and &i]l ju& as available as in your Own "pocket.. •- We invite you to opetfla: tte^fngr account that we will give you the be^ of service. We^l McHenry State Bank MEATS We give special attention to the buying and selling of MEATS is the reason | we can give you such good meats at low prices. Government [ ~ inspection for your protection. ? Our Specials for Friday and Saturday, Dec. 7 and 8, are: RETAIL Native Pot Roast, per lb 16 l-2c Native Boiling Beef, per lb__14 l-2c Native Sirloin Roast, per lb _ 122 l-2c Native Corn-fed, boneless Roast Beef, no waste, per lb 24 l-2c Edelweiss brand California Hams -per lb 23 l-2c Virginia Bacon, per lb 35c Mayers Edelweiss brand regular Ham, every (ham guaranteed, per lb 29 l-2c We are trying to keep the price of Lard down for you by our careful buying and can sell you lard this week for 29c Edelweiss or ^Vrnold Bros, brand. Guaranteed pure. Butterine We only sell such famous and well known brands as Jelke's, Good Luck Cream of Nut and Swifts Premium, special, per pound _51 l-2c WHOLESALE Native Beef Loins, per lb. 16 l«2c Native Beef Rounds, per lb_.15 l-2c Native Chucks, per lb„-.--1.-13 l-2c Native Plates, per lb._-.__-_--13 l-2c Native Beef Ribs, per lb 15 l-2c Pork All cuts of Pork, Pigs Feet* Spare Ribs, Pork Hock, etc., at lowest market prices. ' For Your Meatless Days We have Halibut, Salmon, Sable, Smoked and Spiced Fish and Oysters Canned Goods < J Also a full line of the best brands of Can Goods; also Fruits and Vege tables and Kind's Elgin baking Goods. CHEESE AT WHOLESALE--American, Limburger, Brick, per lb -___33c By wholesale we mean 1 pound or more Satisfaction guaranteed. We want you to be satisfied. We cannot afford to sell you an article that does not please you. On each single sale our profit is small. It becomes large only when hundreds of satisfied customers are ordering continually, CalvQ§, Hi4£§* Poultry, etc. bought and highest prices paid. * •Phone 57.M EAST SIDE MARKET McHENRY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , L. H. EISENMENGER, JR., PROP. Central OPERA HOUSE McHENRY SATURDAY. DEC. 8 Wallace ^leid --and-- Myrtle Stedman IN- 4 \ Prison Without Wills ' •<"& II ilijlfjiiiit' >i i "II py IIIHI SUNDAX DEC. |r. lack Pickfoijjl I N - THE DUMMY JtmA PltindMbr ids* We have bought two kinds of Ladies' Shoes, one of School Shoes for Children, one kind of Boys' Shoes, about 25c per pair cheaper than we could some time ago. Of course, we sell them that much cheaper. It may not seem much, but is bet ter *han fly* former raise SMITH BROS. Horse ooods! In order that you may expect efficiency from your horse you must give the animal a Har ness built especially for it and during the win ter months you must also see that it is given proper protection from the cold. We have spent years in studying Horse needs and are in a position to Harness your animal in a man ner that will satisfy. A MCE LINE OF BLANKETSM ROBES ON HAND M.. A. Thelen Wet HcHtarr