Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Jan 1918, p. 8

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?W H* •> * <s< '* - * i if : *" itij a*<> »' "/* » **• --.«»• * • r/;-Tpf LOCALS WIN RYONEPOINT y , *v •• *'< - \ *•' p®» Winter Glothing Made and Made to Order . < • , ' If you are in need of a Suit or an Overcoat It will pay you to buy now, as the stock we have on hand was bought before the present rise in prices, and when our stock is depleted • fve must pay quite an additional price--so While our present stock lasts we can give you Very attractive prices in clothing. Call early. W. FREUND WEST McHENRY, ILL. The Test of Time That is what this community has applied to'this ^store and we have stood the test. The reason we have been able to bear this test is we have ap­ plied the same test to all of the lines of goofls that we handle. Our Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats & Groceries -each constitute a line of time tried .and tested merchandise. In short, we handle nothing that we cannot conscientiously recommend on its Writs. :: :: n :: :: :: Trade at the Time Tried Store F. A. Bohlander WEST McHENRY. ILL. / I 1 Price Concessions.. • h * A l l t h a t w e a s k " i s a n o p p o r t u n i t y t o s h o w 'Sp i>-" «4" '" you our select stock of »:> JFurniture and Rugs ti; ^ * * '<h 4-- , Mi >*' *• ? ^ When you see it, with the very low prices we i-r;\ are making, you will know that we are mak- , p yV-. ing a great effort to help you over the high *jj* ' • price wave that is sweeping over the coun- try. If you have not bought furniture here come and let us show you why you should . do so now. Our goods and prices are con- viacing. , Undertaking a Specialty „• - ' 1 • Jacob Justen McHENRY, ILLINOIS rr: VLEADER BRAND COFFEE! g; • fjpIIERE IS ONE POINT ABOUT COF- |*,k i FEE that is always kept in mind by us and that is "old crop" Coffee. Every ^ pound of Coffe# sold here is strictly "old ^ trop," freshly roasted and a good, sound drinking Ccjffee in every way. We select _ \ Coffee that we know will suit the tastes of fhose who are fond of a good cup at a moderate price per pound. HJR LEADER brand at 21c a pound is in old crop Coffee and our best seller. Try it JOHN STOFFEL, WEST McHENRY, ILL. McHenry Highs Have • Hard Tim* Beating Fast Wauconda Five In a rather freakish sort of a con­ test the McHenry high school five won their game against Wauconda here last Friday night by the skin of their teeth and had time not been called when it was it is doubtful whether our boys would have won at all. McHenry started the game with a flash and during the first half of the contest played rings around their opponents. In the second half, how' ever, the team took a reversal in form, Wauconda outplaying the Mc Henry outfit so far that there was little room for comparison. As a matter of fact, the second half of the contest resembled a game of baseball between professionals and bush leaguers. Leonard Frett, McHenry's husky center, kicked himself out of the game at the beginning of the second half by committing his fourth personal foul and from this time on there was nothing to the contest but Wauconda. Our boys just seemed dazed and the article of ball they put up during the last half, especially after L. .Frett's disappearance from the line-up would put to shame a team composed of pri­ mary room pupils. And to make mat­ ters worse, at least one of the locals is charged 'With playing dirty ball, which won't help the game in thfe least. How our boys came to show such a reversal in form in such a short space of time is inexplicable. It just seemed as if the whole team laid down after the expelling of L. Frett. This is not the proper sort of a spirit and not the kind that the fans want to see them display. It's all wrong. What the fans want to see is a team that never gives up, no mat­ ter who may be taken from the £ame. It's that old fight, but make it clean, that wins. In the first half the two teams played a fast, snappy article of ball, team work and passing standing out quite prominently on both sides, with McHenry exhibiting the better work. During this stanza our boys gathered in twenty-three points, while Waucon­ da chalked up eleven. In the second half L. Frett was put out after a few minutes of play and from that time on the game passed from a classy exhi­ bition to one great, big farce with the local players carrying the stupid roles. ' Wauconda knew that her time had come and by taking good advantage of same played our lads clean off their feet. While our boys were running about the hall and shooting the ball around in an aimless sort of a way, Wauconda was playing real basket ball and when the whistle sounded for the close of the .contest the fecore sheet showed that the visitors had obtained fifteen points to our lads' four. After looking over the McHenry outfit one cannot help but admire the material and it seems a shame that Prof. Dorr is not here to grind down the rough edges and teach them the finer points of the game. With prop­ er coaching and lots of work we be­ lieve that the locals would be capable of giving the best of 'em a hard tussle. Let's hope that they got all of the bad basket ball out of their systems last Friday night and that on their next appearance will show the fans that they really know a thing or two about the game and can* "put them over." The line-ups and scores follow: McHenry (27) Wauconda (26) C. Frett L. F. A. Stroker G. Barbian R. F. E. Stroker L. Frett C. R. Stroker Buss " L. G. Tiffany Bickler R. G. Young Hunter Sub. Lung Konslett Sub. ± Jenks Field throws--C. Frett, 5; Barbian, 3; L. Frett, 5; A. Stroker, 7; E. Stroker, 2; R. Stroker, 1; -Young, 1. Free throws--C. Frett, 1; A. Stroker, 1; R. Stroker, 3. Fouls--C. Frett, 1; G. Barbian, 1; L. Frett, 4; Buss, 3; Bickler, 1; E. Stroker, 2; Tiffany, 1. Scorer, F. Justen. Timekeeper, Ger­ ald Carey. Umpire, Niesen. Ref­ eree, Vogt. Lake Geneva Friday Tomorrow (Friday) evening the McHenry high school basket ball five will meet the Lake Geneva highs on the local floor for the first time this season. In former years Lake Gen­ eva has been rather easy picking for the high school team here, but from reports from the summer resort city the team this year is better than any that has represented the high school of that city in years and they are coming to McHenry with a firm de­ termination of taking the locals into camp. In order that a reproduction of last Friday night's affair may not result our boys are putting in the hardest kind of work this week in an­ ticipation of a hard struggle and they promise the faithful fans that they will show them some real basket ball at the local gym tomorrow night. The game will be called at the usual hour and the general admission pricC of 25 cents will prevail. Turn but. M. W. A. Install Officers At a regular meeting of Valley camp, No. 2318, M. W. of A., on last Wednesday evening the following of­ ficers were installed for the ensuing year, E. E. Bassett and Dr. R. G. Chamberlin acting as installing of­ ficers : Consul, Jas. N. Sayler; past consul, A. M. Brown; advisor, Andrew Eddy; clerk, W; D. Wentworth; back­ er, M. A. Conway; escort, W. A. Say­ ler; watchman, John Miller; sentry, John Walsh; trustee, Math. Styes. Refreshments were served and sf few games of cards were indulged inf&Ug the meeting. Shoulders All Baking Cares When CALUMET comes in, all baking troubles take quick leave. You go right ahead and mix up bak­ ing materials, for biscuits-- cakes--'anything without fear ©I uncertainty* Calumet makes you forget failure. CALUMET BAKING POWDER it the most popular because it does give most results. It.has the big- BMt atmand because it is the most de~ ptndabU. The fact that it is the big- sett teller proves that it is the best. A trial win convince you that there is none jutt as good." Buyacan--if you are not satisfied take it back and get your money back. _ Calumet contains only such ingre­ dients as have been approved officially by the U. S. Food Authorities. Yra ore when jroa fcnj It. Tn Mve when yon bm it. HIGHEST QUALITY HIGHEST AWARDS WEEKLY PERSONAL ITEMS COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR BUSY VILLAGE As Seen By Plaindealer Reporters and Handed Into Our Office By Our Friends Wm. J. Welch passed Wednesday at Crystal Lake. Everett Hunter "was a Chicago vis- tor Wednesday. Robert Knox was a Chicago passen­ ger Saturday morning. J. H. Miller passed Friday and Sat­ urday at Kenosha, Wis. F. O. Gans boarded the Chicago train Tuesday morning. ' W. J, Walsh spent the latter part of last week at Urbana, 111. Wm. Cowen boarded the. train for Chicago Tuesday morning. F. A. Beller boarded the Chicago train last Friday morning. W. F. Vogt was a business .visitor in the windy city Wednesday. John R. Knox was a Chicago pas­ senger Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spencer were Chicago ^'sitors last Saturday. Dr. D.jOG Wells was a professional visitor iij ^hicago last Thursday. Chas. J/irteihansperger boarded the Chicago tJ^n Wednesday morning. R. I. Ov&.ton attended the automo­ bile show in the windy city Tuesday. Richard B. Walsh attended to busi­ ness matters in Chicago Wednesday. E. H. Thompson of Woodstock was a business visitor here one day last week. Ben Stilling attended to matters of a business nature in Chicago last Sat­ urday. Peter Frett attended to business matters in the metropolitan city last Saturday. Mr*. A. A. Landwer and son, Keith, were guests of relatives at Barrington Wednesday. John Thurlwell of Rockford passed a^day iast week as the guest of his brothers here. F. H. Wattles attended to business matters in the windy city a couple of days last week. I Jay Comiskey of Woodstock spent jthe first of the week a|i the guest of McHenry friends. F. A. Bohlander attended to matters I of a business nature in the metropol- jitan city Wednesday. Miss Florence Babcock of Elgin j spent Sunday and Monday with Mrs. JW. F. Vogt and family. Mrs. W. F. Vogt spent Thursday and Friday of last week as the guest ! of relatives at Evanston. j Chris G. Burkhartsmeier of Chi­ cago spent the first of the week as 'the guest of McHenry friends. Miss Clara Miller is spending a couple of weeks as the guests of rela­ tives in Kenosha and Milwaukee, Wis. Robert Campbell of Downer's Grove passed the latter part of last and the fore part of this week as the guest of McHenry relatives. " John R; Knox and Earl Whiting spent the latter part of last and the fore part of this week in the metropol­ itan city, taking in the automobile show while there. Astonishes McHenry The QUICK action of buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Ad- ler-i-ka, the appendicitis preventive, astonishes McHenry people. ONE SPOONFUL of this remedy relieves sour stomach, gas and constipation AT ONCE. W. F. Vogt, druggist, West McHenry. - Join fee Red Crou, fr* fvfo' j.-'t ' '• - .. •? ~ ^ * n-': * 'I' "J N f>* ^ i ^ •» . ' J A ' J t 'A ' v X. *a m i: Regardless of exemption--if net income of an unmarried person is $1,000 or a married person $2,000, a return must be made. Call on Income Tax Deputy Col­ lector Mr. E. T. Lavin, who will be at our bank Feb. 8 and 9, from 8:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m. i 'fv The Dawn of Better Baking If you will use a sack of Early Riser flour, easier and better re­ sults will be yours. It has the finest texture, runs evenest, makes lightest cakes and pas­ try, makes best bread and more of it than any other flour. WEST N'HENRY FLOUR AND FEED HILLS QuitMnjj Guessing at the purity and strength of your food stuffs is dangerous. Quit it. Come to the store that sells only guaranteed Foil Strength Groceries Our stock is bought with a view of benefit­ ting our customers. We positively w il! not ban die an inferior article Of food if we know it* We use every means to get the best. M. M. Niesen McHenry Phone 86-W Offce Hours: 9:M to 12:M a. a. I:M to 4:30 p. n. 740 to 8:00 p. m. Telephone! Office 17 A. I. FROEHLICH Physician and Surgeon FREUND BLDG. Over Voift'« WEST McHENRY PLIINBING AND HEATING -BY- Experienced Workmen DONAVIN & REIHANSPERGER Telephone Now 108-R ** SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all clacsee of property in the boot companiee WEST McHENRY, - ILLINOIS DR. F. J. AICHER DENTIST OUce hi Telephone Exchange Bldg. GenterrUle McHenry, Illinois Telephone No. 7f-W "S5H Tho Plalndoftlor te WHOLESALE Meats R E T A I L GOVERNMENT INSPECTION FOR YOUR PROTECTION THE MARKET THAT LEADS OUR SPECIALS FOR Friday and Saturday, Feb. 1 and 2, are: RETAIL PRICES Native Pot Roast, per lb ltie Native Boiling Beef, per lb..l4}c Native Boneless Roast Beef, no waste, per pound..^ 24Jc Sirloin Roast, per lb 22^c Porterhouse Steak, perlb.--.2Sc Virginia or Georgia Bacon, per pound ..Hie ~ ~ PORK We have home butchered pork the kind that tastes so sweet and juicy. All cuts, such .. as Spare Ribs, Hams, Side Pork, Pigs' Feet. Hocks, Shoulders, Loins, Etc., at prices lower than packing house prices. Smoked ham, per pound 28c For the Meatless Days we have Fresh Halibut, Salmon, Sable, Cod Fish, Oysters, smoked and spiced Fish. Sausage and Corn Beef Our home made is the reason we sell so much sausage and corn beef. PURE LARD Edelweiss, Arnold Bros.' or Hetzel's Holly brand pure -- lard, per lb. only. 28e> Also calves' liver, hearts, brains, sweetbreads and tongues. Wholesale Prices We have a large stock of quar­ ters of beef and all cuts on hand all the time. All No. 1 corn fed stock. Hindquarters, per pound... . 15c Forequarters, per pound .,.. ltie Beef Rounds, per pound-. lie BUTTERINE ~ The reason we sell so raufeh butterine is that we offir you any of those leading and well known brands such as Jelke's Good Luck, Swift's Premium, Armour's Vert- best and Cream of Nut, at per lb. only . - JMc Our Grocery Specials for Saturday only: 3 lb. granulated sugar 2Sc Sweet corn, 13c per can. 2 for.2!e Van Camp's and Monarch pork and beans, per can .18c Oyster and Premium Soda Crackers, per pound .lie Tomatoes, large can lSe Peaches, large can 22c Plums, large can 2Se Kellogg's Toasted corn flakes, per package He "Pineapple, per can.. I7e Carnation and Monarch large ttnd small cans milk 7c &|4c 6 bars American Family soap.S7c Calves, Poultry, Hides, Etc., bought and highest market prices paid.* The large amount of calves, poultry and hides that were brought into us last week shows that the farmers take advantage of my fifteen years' experi­ ence of buying in that line. 'Phone 57-M EAST SIDE MARKETmchenry WHOLESALE AND RETAIL L. H. EISENMENGER. JR., PROP. The Market That Leads DRY SOCKS SHOES! Just think what's going to happen when all this snow melts. There's going to be some mighty wet days ahead. These special Dry Sock Shoes will take you through any weather with dry feet. They're made with extra heavy overweight sole. They are worth a great deal more than the price .50 SMITH BROS. In order that you may expect efficiency from your horse you must give the animal a Har­ ness built especially for / it and during the win­ ter months you must also see that it is given proper protection from the cold. We have spent years in studying Horse needs and are in * position to Harness Jgour animal in a man­ lier that will satisfy. s* s A JICE UNE or KUNKmxm ROBESON BAND M. A- Thelen "West McHenry

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