Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Mar 1918, p. 8

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inter Clothing **>$ v?^ W ' & • ' Ready Made and M»do to Order ». ' ̂ ' ' , .V« 1' • IV ' m.^-e tl you are in need of a Suit or an Overcoat It will pay you to buy now, as the stock we have on hand was bought before the present rise in prices, and when our stock is depleted we must pay'quite an additional price--so * While our present stock lasts we can give you ;v«4y attractive prices m dothiqp. Call e^ly. JOS. W. FREUND WEST McHENRY, ILL. }ir ' h H Ui,\- rh: [* 4 •<W 5 ll , ?iv ; •YrJ- • . - ft w. . * lis/-- ' The Test of Time That is what this community has applied to this store and we have stood the test. The reason we have been able to bear this test is we have ap­ plied the same test to all of the lines of goods feat we handle. Our Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats & Groceries each constitute a line of time tried and tested merchandise. In short, we handle nothing that we cannot conscientiously recommend on its merits. :: :: :: :: :: Trade at the Time Tried Store F. A. Bohlander WEST McHENRY. ILL. It," . SPRING will soon be here and with its coming you will feel the need of many things carried at this store such as Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Curtains and various pieces of Furniture. Our stock in these lines has been selected with the Utmost of care thus assuring the public of the very best in the way of selections. We are Home Outfitters and know that we can please you both as to quality and price. Why not let us install a Kitchen Cabinet, one of the most useful things you can possibly place into your home? When once in your home your wife will wonder how she ever got along without one. Call in and see them. Jacob Justen McHENRY, ILLINOIS ff£, lav" ;j 4 sig4'H ' . a»Mtv.v •> 5 1-2 Billions of Dollars That's what the government figures today is the in­ crease in selling price of farm products for 1917 over 1916* How are you going to invest your share of the excess? You can't do better than to put it into profit produc­ ing improvements that will take care of your greater 1918 crops, prevent waste and permanently increase the value of your plant 'Phone 5 We shall be glad any day to talk over building plans and prospects with you. Building costs are relatively low. There is a substantial advantage in building now. We can help you with practical suggestions that obligate you not in the least. 1918 is going to be a big crop year. Buildings most be equal to the ciops. Wilbur Lumber Co. West McHenry, I1L TOWN TEAM TAKES ANQ7KER Lane Techs Go Down Before Fast Local Quintet At the high school gymnasium last Saturday evening the town basket bail team handed a team from the Lane Technical school in Chicago a 49 to 28 trimming. The Chicago team put up the gam- est fight that has been waged against the home quintet on the home floor this season. The first half of the contest proved highly exciting and ended with the home squad leading by only a few points. In the second half, however, Mc­ Henry seemed to come into its own, Robison and Frett shooting the ball thru the wicket with such marked regularity that the Chicagoans were soon out-distanced. Miller's place at center was very creditably filled by Leonard Frett, who put up one of the best games that he has shown thus far this season. Robison,, as usual, proved the lead­ ing point maker for the home outfit, he getting credit for twenty of the points registered by the locals, while Frett ran him a close second with nineteen points. The line-ups and scores follow: . Chicago (28) McHenry (49) Halvorsen L. F. Robison Baker R. F. Reihansperger Gross C. Frett Connley L. G. A. Justen Unison R. G. F. Justen Baskets: Robison, 10; Reihansper­ ger, 4; Frett, 6; F. Justen, 1; Hal- orsen, 6; Connley, 4; Unison, 4. Free throws: Frett, 7; Unison, 2. Ref­ eree, Vogt; timekeeper, Hunter; scorer, Bickler. Wauconda Scares Our Boys The Wauconda high school team threw an awful scare into the camp of the followers of the local team at Wauconda on Wednesday evening of last week, when our boys succeeded in nosing out the fast little team of that village by a score of 28 to 25. The game was close and interest­ ing thruout and the fans present had the time of their lives in rooting for their favorite athletes. McHenry was leading at the end of the first half, but Wauconda came back strong in the second and for a time it looked as if our boys would surely go down. During the last few minutes -of play Meyers was substituted for Hunter and this proved the breaking point of the contest, Meyers putting in the two ringers that brought the game out of the fire. Wauconda has a cracking good, lit­ tle high school team and one of which the citizens of that village have every easonto feel proud. They have been going fine all season and. tried hard to administer to the McHenry boys their season's fii-st defeat. The line-ups and scores: McHenry (28) Wauconda (25) Robison L. F. E. Stroker Hunter, Meyers R. F. Lung Miller C. A. Stroker F. Justen R. G. Tiffany A. Justen L. G. Young Baskets: Robison, 6; Hunter, 1; Miller, 1; F. Justen, 1; A. Justen, 1; Meyers, 2; E. Stroker, 3; Lung, 2; A. Stroker, 2; Tiffany, 2. Free throws: Miller, 4; Young, 7. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Win Om and Lose One at Rftckford " Tournament Village Trustees Transact Business at i Regular Monthly Session Council Room, Mar. 4, 1918. The village trustees met in regular session with Pres. Chamberlin pre­ siding. Trustee present: Doherty, Heimer, Justen and Kamholz. Absent: Stof- fel and Kennebeck. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and aprpoved. The following bills were read and approved by the finance committee: John R. Knox, batteries $ 2.40 F. G. Schreiner, printing 9.75 Public Service Co., lighting sts and traffic lights 205.60 W. F. Bassett, lbr on sidewalks 4.00 Standard Oil Co., gasoline.... 27.30 Legal Adviser Pub. Co, elec­ tion supplies 8.46 Geo. Meyers, lbr on streets and sidewalks G. C. Howard, marshal service James Revor, police service.. Linquist & Hanna Mfg. Co., supplies for engine 8.25 W. G. Schreiner, postage, tele­ phone & express. 1.69 Motion by Doherty, seconded by Kamholz, that the minutes be ac­ cepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Kamholz, seconded by Heimer, that the treasurer's and col­ lector's reports be accepted as O. K.'d by the finance committee. Motion car­ ried. Motion by Justen, seconded by Hei­ mer, that the bills be accepted as O. K.'d by the finance committee. Mo­ tion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Justen, to adjourn. Motion carried. R. G. Chamberliii, Pres. W. G. Schreiner, Clerk. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other disease* put together, and for years it was sup­ posed to be incurable. Doctors pre­ scribed local remedies, and by constant­ ly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly influenced bjr con­ stitutional conditions and therefore re­ quires constitutional treatment. Rail's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is a consti­ tutional remedy, is taken internally and acts thru the Blood on the MUOOUS Surfaces of the System One Hundred H Ia,r.a rew*rd is offered for any case that Hall's Catarrh Cure falls to cur*. Bend for circulars and testimonials. V. i. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, Ohio. Bold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Read The Plaindsaler~and posted <» local happenings. Playing at the Rockford tournament last week the McHenry high school basket ball team made a very respec­ table showing against the seasoned teams represented there. The locals played their first game last Friday morning with the Peca- tonica tean\ as their opponents. The game was close and hard fought thruout, both teams putting up a fine article of ball. In speaking, of the game the Rockford Register-Gazette had the following to say: "In the morning's roun$ McHenry eliminated Pecatonica after a hard fought game, 21 to 17. At half time the score was a tie 11 to 11, but Mc­ Henry gradually drew away during the second half, as the result of clever basket shooting by Frett at center. The Winnebago county boys fought hard and did not succumb withoiit a struggle." The line-ups and scores follow: McHenry (21) Q Pecatonica (17) C. Frett : fk F. Erlandson Barbian R. F. Owens L. Frett C. Barloga Bickler R. G. Marks Hunter L. G. "Meyers BasketsV C. Frett, 2; Barbian, 2; L. Frett, 6; Erlandson, 2; Owens, 2; Marks, 2. Free throws: C. Frett, Erlandson, Marks, 4. Lose to Harlem , On Saturday morning our boys met the fast Harlem team and went down to an easy defeat, the score being 38 to 16. Our boys, in spite of the odds against them, put up a very credit­ able game and fought their opponents up to the very last. Wiegert, playing at forward for Harlem, played a wonderful game, his accuracy at shooting baskets was next to marvelous, while his general all-round playing was without fault. He is credited with making 22 of the 28 points registered by his team. McHenry played hard and did well to hold Harlem down to the respec­ table loking score that they did. The linemps and scores follow: McHenry (16) Harlem (38) Barbian R. F. Wiegert C. Frett L. F. Schoonmaker L. Frett C. Short Buss R. G. Schoonmaker Hunter L. G. Ten Eyck Baskets: . Barbian, 1; C. Frett, 1; L. Frett, 4; Wiegert, 10; Schoonmak­ er, 4; Ten Eyck, 3; Short, 1. Free throws: C. Frett, 4; Wiegert, 2; Short, 1. Reti Cross Notes Five new names were added to our membership roll last week. Splendid returns from the sock yarn given out at the previous meet­ ing. More cutters are needed. The new patterns reqUire more time. Mrs. J. E. Wheeler's home cutting is very commendable as well as her faithful services on Friday afternoons. A meeting of the various commit­ tees, who have been soliciting for home charities in the Needlework Guild, instituted in this village by Mrs. D. G. Wells, will be called imme­ diately after the work of the Red Cross tomorrow afternoon. The committee composed of the ocal telephone girls, with Miss Lena Stoffel as chairman, disposed of 200 numbers at 10c each in one week. The raffle took place at the Red Cross rooms and the lamp was won by Mrs. Casper Bickler, No. 41 being the lucky number. The committee was excused with much appreciation of their en­ thusiasm. The chairman also gave over to the secretary a/check for $26.76, do­ nated with pleasure by the pupils and faculty of the public school. This was one-half or the receipts of the enter­ tainment given last week. They will accept the sincere thanks of the chap­ ter for their generosity and hearty co-operation. A vote of thanks was placed on the minutes of the meeting. SL Mary's Church Notes St. Mary's school is running in full earnestness, making up for vacation days during the winter. The attend­ ance is splendid. St. Mary's church choir is. prepar- ng two beautiful new masses, one of which will be rendered on Easter Sunday. Rehearsals begin every Tues­ day night promptly af 7:30. The service flag of St. Mary's church, much improved with silk fringe and cords, now contains twen­ ty-one stars. The latest acquisitions represent Paul Barbian and John M. Freund. The altar boys of St. Mary's church are preparing a patriotic and dramatic entertainment, which was to have been given Washington's birthday. Since that date could not be had, the show will be staged Easter Monday. It promises to surpass everything the children have given. The enthusiasm which the boys are exhibiting during rehearsals makes its success unques- tionable. Executor's Notice F. B. Bennett, Atfcy. Estate of Thomas Thompson, De­ ceased. The undersigned having been ap­ pointed Executor of the last Will and Testament of Thomas Thompson, de­ ceased, late of the County of Mc­ Henry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the May Term, on the first Monday in May next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are k»p [notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the suae ad- 9.00 60.00 60.00 T"..; mtmi * - -̂ .FL-j. . ̂ ̂V-*l Old Age Is Coming You will not always be strong and able as you are now. You will not always be able to earn as you have peed. If you have a day of rest in the future it will be because you are making provis­ ions for it now. Make it a habit to lay aside a certain sum every week in a savings account and then stick to it. < It is simply a matter of using foresight. It is prudence. It is a first step toward financial independence, It is making present prosperity contribute toward future comfort. v Our savings department pays three per cent interest, adding the interest every six months. Open an account with us and save a certain portion of your earnings.every year. Wê t McHenry State Bank - Guessing at the purity and strength of your food stuffs is dangerous. Quit it. Come to the store that sells only guaranteed Full Strength Groceries Our stock is bought with a view of benefit­ ting our customers. We positively will not han­ dle an inferior article of food if we know it. We use every means to get the best. M. M. Niesen McHenry Phone 86-W justed. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make imme­ diate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 28th day of February, A. D. 1918! 38-3t F. B. Bennett, Executor. DEATH OF JAMES FRYER father of Mrs. J. F. Claxton Dies In West [Times-Record, Doland, S. D.] James Fryer was born at Nursted, Cent, near Gravesend, England, on November 20, 1830, and died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Edw. Lea, n Harrison township Feb. 13, 1918. At the age of twenty-five he was married to Miss Julia Down and with Mr. Fryer's father and mother came to America, settling at Rome, New York, where he worked by the day or month until enough money was saved to start farming for himself, at which he was very successful. Ten children were born in New York, two of whom died in infancy. Two were born in Illinois. In the spring of 1872 Mr. Fryer, be- ieving he could do better by going west, moved his family to Rochester, Minn. This was a new country and did not suit him as he had been ac­ customed to living in an old settled Country. He then moved to McHenry, Illinois, where many of his old New York neighbors were living. This change suited him better and they re­ mained there until the spring of 1885. At this time, with the family still re­ maining at home, he moved to the present home in Harrison township, near Doland. Mr. Fryer was always considered a good farmer wherever he lived and was known as "Honest Jimmy," always believing that hon­ esty is the best policy. Mrs. Fryer departed this life Nov. 6, 1894, six years after coming to Dakota territory. One daughter, Julia Fryer Page, died at McHenry 111., May 10, 1901. Th# surviving children are Mrs. John Claxton of McHenry. 111.; E. T., George, A. R., Mrs, Wood, Mrs. Gilbert and Mrs. Lea near Do­ land, S. D., Frank of Brookings and Howard of Aberdeen. The remains were laid to rest be­ side those of his wife in the Irving cemetery, where many of his old neighbors art now sleeping. The children were all present at the fu­ neral except Mrs. Claxton a.nd JS« T-» who with his wife are in Alabama. John W. Bonslett has moved his family from the Zens house on Broad street to the Searles house on Elm street^ now owned by Jacob Schneider. WHOLESALE Meats R E T A I L Government inspection for your protection The Market That Leads In Quality and Price# , * ^ ~ : ,i% . Friday and Saturday, March 8 and 9, are: Native Boiling Beef, per lb... 15c Native Chuck Roast, perlb. l<Uc Sirloin Roast, per lb r22$c Porterhouse or short steaks, per lb 25c Virginia Bacon, per pound..34*c Also calves' liver, hearts, .brains, sweetbreads and tongues. For Your Lenten Eats we have fresh halibut, sable, sal­ mon, mackeral, cod, whiting, smoked and spiced fish and ^an­ chovies. Special No. 1 spiced herring, 17 Roll mops, 3 for 16c Bloaters, each 6c Holland milcherherring, each 6c BUTTERINE We sell only those popular brands such as Jelke's uood Luck, Swift's Premium, Ar­ mour's Veribest or Creafai of Nut, per pound only... SHc . PURE LARD Edelweiss, Arnold Bros.' or Hetzel's Holly brand pure lard per lb. only.. 27^c Sausage and Corn Beef We have home made pork sau­ sage, bologna, liver sausage and frankforts. Also a full line of Oscar l«\ Mayer's Edelweiss and Hetzel's Holly brand sausages, hams and bacon. The fine taste satisiies. The low price gratifies Corn Beef \ | Our home made sugar cured beef. Boneless briskets, rumps, etc. Home pickled salt pork, lb. .2te Our Grocery Specials for Saturday only: 3 bars American Family soap. 17c Oyster crackers, per lb. 14c Prem. soda crackers, per lb..I64c Kellogg's Toasted corn flakes, ]per package Henry brand peas, per can.--14c, Sweet corn, 13c per can. 2 for.25c Peaches, large can 26c Plums, large can - -21c Matches, 2 boxes lie Van C'amp's and Monareh pork and beans, per can 16c Coffee A full line of all best grades of coffee, per lb. 17c to 85c We carry most everything in the grocery line. Also fruits, vege­ tables and bakery goods. Calves, Poultry, Hides', Etc., bought and highest market prices paid. Open Sundays Till Noon Orders Promptly Delivered 'Phone 57-M EAST SIDE MARKETMCHENRY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL L. H. E1SENMENGER, JR.. PRC*. The Market That Leads Are you not oft«n "caught" when company comes in? You won't b* if you have ON H A N D some of our delicious CANNED SOUPS. You can serve them in three minutes. Think of the WORRY this will save you I Besides they COST LESS than th® things you use in mak* ing soup. CANNED S0UF$ WILL SAVE YOU TIJQK WORRY AND MONEY, Give US your grocniT' trade, Schneider Bros., - We& McHenry CERTMNI OURS goo° r&c: Offce Hours- Telephone: to t3:M a. m. flffice 17 IsM to 4:3# p. nk. 7:Mto8:Mp. m. m A. I. FROEttLICH Physician and Surgeon FREUND BLDG. Over Vogt'i WEST McHENRY PLOWING AP HEATING -»¥ • Experienced Workmen DONAVIN & REIHANSPERGER M. E. Church There will be preaching as usual at the M. fJ fchurch here next Sunday afternoon. An invitation is extended to members and friends to be present. Wm. E. Grose, Pastor. r:-;" t t f Telephone No. 108-R • SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all cIm-- of property in the best comptniM WEST McHENRY, - ILLINOIS DR. F. J. AICHER DENTIST . Dike in Telephone Exchange Bldg. Centerville McHenry, :r: Telephone N* 7»-W A. J. MULLEN Attorney at Law At West McHenry State Bank Every Friday OBce, :: :: ItyMbUcfc Iffcr

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