r-WCBP .. AV' 1 i- 5U- * r H • 'H- f / j ! •„ i «; \> y* f %<* ** ll". £ v v ^ C* . *V' , si"r;. •.' ?r",; *;. * iU 8>«-V- -• H rr:^- jc-: ̂ •» r/a* #" ^ ^ frV* "?£ - \fte\ *i> -§> " /. >" •|C^. ;jr *•- ^frnmssP-M «1*sf w -- ^ ^ ^ ^ m v*-: sMmzm-mi miKBtvm **f® 'Vs'flwwa ' V « >•" >'*J,"t. J* J jw^awtMEi ^n; " • :••> -ve'-r.t» •• » I'j&K 1 *l£fc •• •» lEWR "SUP <hp-' •SP" Check the Cold W0 is easier to cure then, and also guards against more serious complications which may result from neglect. <>-fetesch's lit Cold TiUett if taken in time, will cure a cold in twen- ty-four hours. They restore circulation, promptly overcome congestion and Slop the feverish condition which usually ac companies a cold. They are pleasant to take arid in no way harmful. Price, 25 Cents • v - • ?& * ,f ^ wMIt mm THE STORE OF Quality and Service A FEW SPECIALS WHILE THEY LAST: No. 1 Herring, large pail $1.05 Premium Chocolate, 1-4 pound 8c Fancy Eating Apples, per pound 6c New Cabbage, per pound... - 6c Pimento Cheese, per package -- 10c Onion Sets, per pound. T 15c WE ARE OFFERING S00 PACKAGES OF NO. 1 FFINCE NEAT AT 3 FOR 28 CENTS Also a large supply of Vegetables and Fruits, Orders delivered promptly 'Phone 80-M PRIES Successor to C. G. Frett Fills oo the 31st of March Order your Easter Suit early and get the best of tailoring- We can satisfy every fancy and also your purse, prices ranging from...$15.00 to $50.00 In our two lines the old reliable International Tailoring Co. and the Scotch Woolen Mills a per fect fit always. Our line of DRESS GOODS is very complete in silk and woolen materials. Shoes in fancy and staple shapes and popular colors, ranging in price, per pair, up to $8.00 PURE, FRESH GROCERIES Finest quality of Tea and Coffee West McHenry. \yf (ioodo delivered, cnoae 43-R. .IT JL« J. w n l o K aicFii 'PIIONE sow N. H. rETESCH DRUGGIST VU ft WINTER GOODS' SALE! Sale starts March 22 and continues for one week During this sale we will give you 15 per cent discount on all winter goods. Below you will find a few of the many bar gains we offer during this 75c flannel petticoats.... .f «50 35c flannel petticoats... .* .25 $1.50 night gowns....... MS $1.00 night gowns....J;* %5 75c night .gowns. .. ,55 $1.25 men's heavy under wear LM $1.25 women's onion suits. 1.0# 75c pajamas .60 29c children undervrear.. .24 50c boys'waists.......... .45 60c children's bonnets... .45 60c tam o'shanter*.......'. .45 15c children's mittens.... .10 10c pillow tops, 2 for 15 McHENRY, ILLINOIS RIDGEFIELD A. P. Pfeck went to Janesville Mon day. W. E. Dike transacted business in Chicago Tuesday. A. Martini was a Chicago passenger Monday morning. Herman Wille was in Chicago on business Tuesday. Mrs. A. Kremer spent Saturday and Sunday in Chicago. " Mrs. Buchanan was a Crystal Lake passenger Saturday. - E. Malsch and family moved to Crystal Lake Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Martini were Elgin shoppers Tuesday. E. E. Knilans and Ray Bohl were Woodstock callers Friday. Mrs. S: A. Merchant and sons were Woodstock visitors Saturday Hans Nelson was a business caller at the county seat Monday. I. E. Mason of Woodstock business caller here Monday. C. Anderson and sister were shop ping at Crystal Lake Monday Mrs. A. Peterson spent Monday night and Tuesday at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Coates entertained relatives from Woodstock Sunday. Mrs. A. Kremer and grandson re turned from West Chicago Sunday. W. S. Rushton spent Sunday with relatives and friends at Woodstock. Mrs. Claude Jacobs is visiting in the home of her cousin, Mrs. A. Skin ner. • Mrs. R. Goddard and Mrs. A. R. Yanke were shopping: at Elgin Mon day. Nels Peterson and A. Kremer were Crystal Lake callers the first of the week. Mrs. Wm. Glawe and son visited her parents at Woodstock Friday and Saturday. Mrs. W. E. Dike visited at' the home of Mrs. demons at Crystal Lake the week end. Miss Helen* Briggs spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday with her par ents at Harvard. Mrs. A. R. Yanke, Mrs. R. Reed and Mrs. A. H. Skinner were Woodstock shoppers Saturday. Mrs. Leroy Skinner and Mrs. Glenn Roderick spent Sunday with the latter's husband at Rockford. Mrs. J. B. Lynch and son, Ray, visited Sunday and Monday with E. W. Merchant and family at Elgin. Miss Virginia Reed of Woodstock spent part of Saturday and Sunday with her grandmother, Mrs. Rose Goddard. Mrs. Earl Colby and son of Crys tal Lake and Mrs. Colby's mother, Mrs. Fryer, of Doland, S. D„ .were calling on friends here Monday. Mrs. R. Walkup, Misses Hazel and Helen Baker, Pearl Reed, Mabel Murphy and Luretta Wagner were in attendance at the teachers' meeting at Crystal Lake Friday. SPRING GROVE Leo Huff is back in our town again. Math. Lay spent Thursday in Chi cago. Jhon Karls was a Chicago passenger Thursday. Edmund Keefe was a Chicago pas senger Saturday., Mrs. P. F. Seigler was a Chicago passenger Saturday. Harold Kelly of Ringwood was a caller h^sre Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben May visited with relatives at McHenry Sunday. Mrs. T. D. Cole spent Wednesday and Thursday last in Chicago. Miss Kathryn Althoff spent Sunday with her parents at Johnsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Turner of Solon were callers here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Nimsgern are entertaining company from Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Christenson visited with relatives at Richmond Sunday. Mrs. Math. J. Miller and daughter, Rose, of Johnsburg were callers here Wednesday. < Miss Mabel Seigler attended the teachers' meeting at Crystal Lake last Friday. Miss Mayme Frett spent Sunday with her friend, Miss Rosing, at Round Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Stark of Zenda, Wis., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Tony May Sunday. A number of our young folks went to Round Lake Saturday night to at tend a dance. Wm. Peterson and Harold Johon- nott of Richmond were seen on our streets Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Hironimus of Round Lake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Juaten of Ring- wood visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rauen, Sunday. Miss Myrtle Siedsclag of English Prairie is visiting with her friend, Miss Newett, in Chicago. The Misses Mayme and Coletta Freund of Johnsburg spent a few days last week with their cousins, Frances and Julia Freund. , OSTEND The 610 telephone line was out of order a day and a half last week. Myron Francisco of Wauconda was calling on relatives here last week. Nearly every voter in this neighbor hood attended the caucus last Satur day. Butchering and cutting wood seems to be the main work on the farms now.. R. H. Richardson and wife are ex pected home the middle of this week from their winter's stay in Florida. Carl and Franz Herdrick are quite busy now getting their farm tools and seed grain, ready for the spring work. Only One calf buyer has yet dared to start out this spring. He hails from near Cary and he makes his Lizzie sing. jj A man by the name of Kelly has moved to the farm vacated by Ellis JFecks. He moved from the Ormsby farm near Ridgefield. Relatives here received a letter from Harry Francisco, who is one of Uncle Sam's boys and stationed at Houston, Texas. He reports all trees starting and apple and cherry trees in blossom. Mr. Glossoi purchased the Mrs. John Miller farm near McHenry and has moved there with his family. Will Blake has lived on the Miller farm the past several years. He pur chased his father-in-law's farm and moved there. Mrs. Abbie Martin and son, Lor en, arrived in McHenry Saturday from Belleview, Fla., where they spent sev eral weeks during our cold, stormy weather here. Mr. Martin did not come. He is expected the last of the present week. JOHNSBURG Miss Barbara Smith is spending a few days, in Chicago. The Forester ladies had a big meet ing last week Tuesday. Mrs. Chris Blake was \a caller at the home of Jos. Michels. . Mr. and Mrs. Richard Guyser spent Sunday evening at Martin Lay's; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kattner called on Mr. and Mrs. Jacob A. Miller recently, Mrs. John Mertes and daughter Clara, Were McHenry callers Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schaefer are entertaining a bright, bouncing baby boy at their home. Mrs. John Pitzen of Volo visited with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Oeffling a few days this week. Miss Caroline Miller is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Jos Freund, in McHenry. Mrs. Geo. Nell left Friday for Effingham, 111., where she will visit her son, Rev. Geo. Nell. Mrs. Math. Freund and daughter, Clara, visited at Peter Freund's at Spring Grove Tuesday. Mrs. Peter Williams passed a few days recently with her daughter, Mrs. Martin Schmitt, in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Schaefer passed a few days recently with their daughter, Eva, who is sick at Mercy hospital. Miss Margaret Huemann of Mc Henry passed Sunday as guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. H. Huemann. Mrs. Jos. H. Huemann and son, Fredrick, passed a few days recently as guests of her daughter, Mrs. E. G. Haglund. Mrs. Fred Weinschenker of McHen ry passed a day this week as a guest in the home of Dr. and MrsI Arnold Mueller. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller of Chi cago passed Sunday and Monday as guests in the home of Dr. and Mrs Arnold Mueller here. Mr. Miller is connected with the Terrace Garden at the Morrison hotel in Chicago. SOLON MILLS Mrs. E. E. Brigham is visiting in Chicago. Miss Vera Turner spent the week end in McHenry. Mrs. H. Seiveri was a Monday call er at J.. Pester's. V. S. Esh was a business caller in town Tuesday. H. H. Fay made a business trip to Chicago Tuesday. Miss Bird Hodge was a Saturday caller at Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Turner spent Tuesday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Monear were Sunday callers here. Mrs. J. S.' Gibbs was a Richmond caller Thursday last. Mrs. R R. Turner was a Spring Grove caller Saturday. C. W. Cropley was a business call er in McHenry Monday. Mrs. Chas. Vogel visited in the Oscar Yanke home Sunday. A Mr. and Mrs. John Weber were Saturday callers at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hoff were Spring Grove callers Sunday evening. Misses Lilian Yanke and Vera Tur ner spent Friday at Crystal Lake. Jas, McCannon of Beloit, Wis., spent Sunday with his family here* Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Aylward of Hebron were Sunday callers here. Mesdames Brennan and Sullivan were Chicago shoppers the past week. Mrs. Etta Esh and Mrs. H. C. Sweet were Tuesday callers in town. The Mystic Workers will serve a cafeteria supper at Turner's hall on Thursday evening, March 21. Mrs. Wm. Fredericks of Spring Grove spent Sunday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Stotz. Mrs. Hannah Yanke and daughter, Lillian, spent the week end in the Oscar Yanke home near Spring Grove. RINGWOOD . * Lewis Hawley was home last Thursday. , ~ , Mrs. Miller of Rosedale was call ing in town Tuesday. Edwin Hawley of Elgin was a week end guest of his parents. Miss Lottie Florick spent Sunday at her home in Richmond. Next Sunday evening meeting will be held at William McCannon's. H. W. Allen attended the fanners' meeting in Woodstock Monday. • The W. C. T. U. will meet Saturday of this week with Mrs. C. Krohn. Miss Bird Hodge of Solon Mills was in town last Saturday, getting a class in music. Robert Green of McHenry was call ing on several of his former school mates here 9Unday. Mrs. Mary EsR and little son of Spring Grove spent Tuesday ^tki her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bell, while her husband and Mr. Seigler attended the meeting of bankers and commit tees «f the third liberty loan at Crys tal Lake. f ' * - - AA' t jb%' - 4$ Your neighbor banks with us because this institu tion endeavors to satisfy its customers. We be lieve that the strongest advertisement is the recom mendation of those who have dealt with us and are pleased with the treatment received. Make this your hank. v - i * v o. „ if" \ \ 1 Hi , - - HOY BANKING COMPANY BANK OF McHENRY BANK OF RINGWOOD Auction Sale! L. H. Freeman, Auctioneer The undersigiled, having decided to quit the horse livery business, will sell the public auction, positvely without reserve, at the West Side Livery Barn West McHenry, 111., SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1918 commencing at one o'clock, sharp, the following described 'property, to-wit: Buggies and Wagona Truck wagon, nearly new; rubber tired single buggy, single buggy, sur rey, three-seated wagonette, 2 16-pas senger Janesville buses, 5 cutters, 3 sets light bobs, set osculating bobs, hay rack bed, set of dump boards. 15 Head of Horses and Mules Black horse, weight 1200 pounds; brown mare, weight 1000 pounds; brown mare, weight 1050 pounds, two- year-old Ally, three-year-old filly. Harness, Etc. Two single harness, 3 sets double driving harness, set of solid rubber trimmed double driving harness, set of genuine nickle plated double driving harness, 2 sets heavy work harness, also forks, shovels, brooms, curry combs, brushes, fly nets, blankets, robes, whips, and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms of Sale: All sums of $10.00 and u/ider, cash; over that amount a credit of six months' time will be given on good bankable notes bearing interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum. No property to be removed or posses sion of same given to purchaser unti. settled for with clerk. Overton & Cowen. In every wired house at every lamp socket a ready low cost ser vant waits-- / Electric Power Arduous labor done by hand can be done by the electric power. The washing for in stance, the cleaning and mucii^ of the cooking. We sell the elec trical appliances. Public Service Co. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS The Entire Family 1 including the dog, will rejoice and grow fat on. bread made with EARLY RISER Flour. There is no other article of food that you eat so much of aa you do of bread. It is very es sential that it be good bread. This is assured when it is made with EARLY RISER Flour. It is equally as good for pies and cakes. Better order a sack today. • • . _X 5$,^ WEST MIRY FLOOR ADD FED HILLS TERRA COTTA Dr. H. D. Hull of Crystal Lake was a caller in this vicinity Sunday. Earl McMillan of Crystal Lake was calling on his brother here Saturday. Miss Clara Frisby and brother, Thomas, were Elgin shoppers Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Adams and children of Ringwood spent Sunday at P. H. Conway's. Miss Lillian Riley spent a couple of days last week with relatives and friends at Crystal Lake. Misses Marion Shales and Eleanor McMillan spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl McMillan at Crystal Lake. Misses Eleanor Phalin Clara and Agnes Frisby, Florence and Frances Knox attended the patriotic meeting at Crystal Lake Friday. Truman Soule, brother of Mrs. J. H. Gracy, who has resided here for many years, passed away suddenly Sunday morning of apoplexy. His re mains were taken ( to Honey Creek, Wis., for burial. VOLO Miss Ella Moore spent Sunday in McHenry. Dr. W. Coon of WaucondA was in town Sunday. Ray Paddock was a Wauconda vis itor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Peterson were Wauconda visitors Friday. Mrs. N. Molidore and Miss Clara Rosing were in McHenry Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Smith of Zion City are visiting in the home of George Case. Mrs. M. Sabel and Mrs. Wagner and son, Arthur, were Wauconda vis itors Tuesday. msm Give M to order. that seed pota- Read 13M i'5 J1 BUY THAT BOY K NEW SUIT FOR CASTER We have near ly all sizes in blue wool serge at $8.00 We also have some sizes in mixed goods. SMITH BROS. IPs it In order that you may expect efficiency from your horse you mutt give the animal a Har ness built especially for it and during the witt- ter months you must also see that it is given proper protection from the cold. We have spent years in studying Horse needs and are in H position to Harness your animal in a man ner that will satisfy. A MCE LWE OF BUKKETSUa ROBES ON IAND, A. Thelen Wert McHenry PHILIP JAEGER GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT | SPECIAL. ATTENTION QIVKN TO *H* SAUE OF DniMd Beef* rtuttea, ttegs, Vial, Pwttff, Hide*, rate.. Butter and Bggt This la the oldest B oiaa OK the street. Tags and prioe lWi Jteihhl ' Jf! QQC.D STOfcAOB FftBB :* ' ' • • : j't L- sun i a a. ittiA&W Wlol*Hl* Marlutf. CHICAOO. ILLINOIS.