Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Apr 1918, p. 11

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f t & el... . ' • i f 'il pp-.w '.: ;&. -SfS W" *ir" **& ^ f - , 'r ^ * ¥ Si" " t -S /"* " tf, " ; <\* ' V$Hjr v*'J ^ £• u " * " * " ~ x ? * > * V l P r ; : W r > £ 5 # 4 «f ' -> V1;, >t ; yr^f 4 'r^f ,< V^**, * ,• **?£ K*^ru$ **V * */*•"*-W? ,*- <• •? r * ** !*;&£- V/* - -i* "v - ti ;*.v "*-*n, ,.-:** * „ •" »> \-; v \* • . \? w ' . r £/**>*' * " ** * <$« r&W, i > ^ & :*• 01 * ^ *,* i <• v4v , £1 *4 > * v *7/ * ;f^, s * *$? - ' * if •' y \L; .3 • ' " • ' '• • • 3'n,-\ > \vi' - *-* >' -"Vs* • '-4|."; |fc • -.**• ??t , •* * y'*& .* - ^ 1 i. ?> "*• * *>*5 ***?} " *V* »*&• /*• * ••*, , jt • |wb| . i3 '1'Wmi Ifrifc # £'it%prifc 'I M c H E N R Y C O U N T Y I L L I N O I S O f f i c i a l R e p o r t o f t i e P r o c e e d i n g s f o r t h e F i s c a l Y e a r E n d i n g . . . - McHENRY PLAINDEALER, MCHENRY, ILLINOIS. Thursday, April 4, 1918, r <*•' : l^roceediiigs Special April Meet- ^ ing, 1917 • 5»The Honorable Board of Supervisors .•Hft McHenry County, Illinois, met In •pedal session, pursuant to a requeBt atsned by more than one-third of its members, at the Court House In the Citjr of Woodstock, on Monday, the 30th 4ay of April, A. D. 1917, at 10 o'clock a. m., said call being in words and fig­ ures as follows, to-wit: To G. E. Still, County Cierk: Tou are hereby requested' to call a •pecial meeting of the McHenry County Board of Supervisors, to b© held on Jfonday, the 30th A&y of April, A. D. 1917, for the purpose of organizing said board and the transaction of any and •all other business proper to be brought Jfcefore said meeting. „ ,.w • X>ated March 6, 1917. R. B. HAEGEB, '/V/.t H. M. TURNER, ... W. H. FORR8ST, • H. HALE, ' "• • 4 :Jt m HARRISON, v- . - * ' t>. M. WKKjUT, •' •' s" '•• CHAS. H. ACKMAN'f-TO: , « W. F. PIERCE. • -The meeting was called to order by Hie clerk and tire following members responded to their names at roll call: N. H. Stanley, D. M. Wright, H. 13. Whipple. W. H Ward, H. G. Durkee, W. H. Forrest, E. F. Kuecker, Charles EI Ackman, Jr., John Donahue, F. A. Walters, J. E. Harrison, H. M. Turne Emma Nlxbouer H. M. Rosenthal & Sons, coal, Mrs. Billows G. H. Dike, mdse. Mrs. Billows. Duensine Bros., mdse. Mrs. Rog- man Dr. G. H. Pflueser, serv. Herman Hacker family Chemung-- < ' Carr Ambler & Co., mdse. for T. D. Brunner ................. J. J- Shields, mdse. for Charles Hartnell Richmond-- Mrs. E. W. Howe, mdse. Russel Turner McHenry-- M. N. N lessen, groc. Geo. Beck- wit h S. H. Freund, exp. Geo. Beck with Wilbur Lumber Co., coal .;..... Jacob Justen, burial Edna Beck- with *P. A. Bohlander, - mdSe. Wm. Thurl well ^Algonquin-- F. J. Theobald,. M. D., med. ser. McXamara 20.00 Balance on hand ..$42.46 December 1 to January 2 Receipts-- Dec, 13 Balance on hand .......f 42.46 Dec. 13 H. E. Whipple, Farmers* Institute 6.26 Dec. 13 Membership does Ji lB.00 Dec. 13 Membership dues .26.00 Dec. 21 Appropriation ......4**.; 166.67 Jan. 2 Membership dues •'••'••20.00 Jan. 2 Membership do«> ...».... 26.00 1S.12 10.66 3.89 t.M 4.90 11.76 2T.46 70.S9 1«.« - #. •. 17.33 16.00 10.27 SS.00 26.61 10.00 ted. All of which Is respectfully submlt- F. A. WALTERS, H. E. WHIPrLBJ, . - I. • W. H. WARD, ' ' J. E. HARRISON, ~ 'h- JOHN DONAHUE, The McHenry County Soil Improve­ ment Association made the following report, which was on motion approved and ordered of record; la. B. Covell, W. F. Pierce, S. H. Freund, i To the Honorable Board of Supervisors A. H. Hale and R. E. Haeg^r, const!? I of McHenry County: tilting a full board. ! We present to you the financial state- First in order being the election of a : ment of the McHenry County Soil Im- <sbairman for the ensuing year, Super-1 provement Association, from May 23, visor Turner placed in nomination L. B. [1916, to April 2, 1917: <3ovell, Supervisor of the Town of Rich- May 23 to July mond, said nomination was duly sec-1 Receipts-- OOded and there being no further nom- May 29 Balance on hand*f 117.12 inations, the said L. B. Covell was de-' June 8 Appropriation *v. 166.67 Glared elected chairmaa for the ensuing I June 8 Membership dues 5.00 year. A I'July 7 Appropriation 166.67 The records wr the last preceding . , " «t99.3S Expenditures--•• Dec. 13 Central Scientific Co.," ' soil tester 6.16 Dec. 16 Louden-Flaninggan Ofck • account books • 12.00 Dec. 15 Edith Carlson, salary >. .-40.00 Dec. 21 G. W. Frame, stamps .. 5.00 Jan. 2 E. R. Goodrow, garage , 7.33 Jan. 2 A. J. Gafke, salary .. i,dfcOO.GO Jan. 2 Wilbur Rummel, janitir " 2.00 Jan. 3 A. J. Gafke. expenses . •» 15.04 Jan. 3 Austin-Salisbury, car 1.20 w. 1187.72 Balance on hand . $111.66 January 4 t« Febrtt«ry 3 Receipts-- Jan. 4 Balance on hand wi'ii»'i Jan. 13 Membership dues 40.00 Jan, 15 Membership dues ^ 10.90 Jan. 16 Membership dues 4.00 .37 loo 21.40 2.73 m 7thida?ofnjune°i,5i7() bef°re me' "lis j County, as on file m the office of tkm y q p iTiT T" i County Clerk of said County, and on The Sp?«5- I'i'U SMe"V'ghway "lKJ5t^,'"S,ces?*1»* Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of Board of Supervisors: fiStfl It was then moved by fiupr. Walters Mar. 15--W. M. Cooney, constable ana seconded that said amount of ap- costs in case of People vs. Pe- t9nnn An TLT $2,200.00! instead of -ter Engeln and D. Murphy $2,000.00. Motion carried. Mar. 17--Telephone for Feb ... A petition of the highway commis- Mar. 15--Paid Sheriff J«be £ees sioners of Seneca township for county ; in People vs. Albert Phillips aid m building a bridge in said town-1 Caroline Roberts ship was read by the clerk, said peti- Mar. 26--Dispatch to Chicago... tion being in words and ffeures as fol- Apr. 11--Expense of trip to Lily lows, to-wit: » Lake securing, evidence State of Illinois, County'of McHenry, Apr. 17--Telephone for March.. Town of Seneca, ss. t .Apr. 12--Dispatches to ManWto, To the Board of Supervisors of Mc- and Chicago ... Henry County, Illinois: ' 'Apr. 20--Expense of trip to Rich- The undersigned Board of Highway' mond securing evidence Commissioners of the Toira of Seneca Apr. 20--Roy Stewart, Dep. Sher-. m said county, would respectfully rep-l lff> expense on trip to Sycamorei r I bridge site on the fifteenth day of* May*' noina• °l termination, said resent that a new bridge needs to be . to s®cur® criminal ...... • 1.W iA. D. 1917, and decided that a new i weTt + ^ othfe noTt*- built over the North Braijrh Kishwau- i Apr. 25--Expense of Sheriff to -- -- --• . ~ . west corner of the afnrosaja kee where the same is ci»ssed by the I Chicago to secure criminal.,.. highway leading from Woodstock 111 : Apr. 30--A. J. Walters, taxi ser- to Belvidere, 111., in said town* for! vlce in triP® to Huntley, Rlch- which said work the Town of Seneca is' m#nd and Ringwood responsible; that the total cost of said Feb- 9--Remington Type. Co„ work will be Five Thousaid ($5,000.00) = . '±: : v- ; Dollars, which sum will he more than Apr. 30--Stamps to date twelve cents on the One Hundred Dol-1 Apr- 30--'r* J" Shakell. trip to lars valuation, on the latest a<wa«!mont * Sycamore roll of said town, and the levy fo-T^d Feb- 26--600 carbon sheets, Wil- a n d b r i d g e t a x f o r t h e t w o y e a r s l a s t ' ' * a r t * C o ^ b . . . . . . . . „ * y past in said town was in each year for the rull amount allowed .by-law to be raised for all road and bridge purposes. llows, to-wit: tbe Starting at the present west terminal Tour Committee to whom was refer- the" aforesaid^te^^id1 *2 red the matter of constructing a new! beins Rt th^ vm^fRAUte Map *! bridge at the site known as the McAul- extending ^P«iTirW I?llng a®® , iffe bridge in Seneca township would beg 1 atone- th» £ and northwesterly leave to^submit the following Report of ' Sectfons and n' the matters before them: That they mat Townshin tn .L L2 Che™u«« ! with the highway commissioners of said ; and X i- t* 7LeeTL ®0<Ma* Town of Seneca at the said McAuliffe <• infno?s ln he,State of bridge site on the fifteenth day of May, ' point of t £ termination, i A. D. 1917, and decided that a new i west nf tK»°n .beinfr ^ othe •"" r Ibridge was necessary, and instructed C.! and «hsn i,reSj Section 21, 10.00 j L. Tryon, County Superintendent of! part of x- designated ma ' Highways, to prepare plans and speci-;Earned^ as^ *%Lt»°iJ7h a?d flcations for a new bridge and to adver-i the annrn^ai ^ Route subject to 18.6# j tise for bids, said'bids to bo received mission^ of the State Highway Com- 4.09 10.00 by this committee on the ninth day of j aaf(1 v,o5 . ' D. 1917, at Woodstock, Illi-Ui^'l™®"®" seconded, saU 12.00 resolution was adopted.' date's Attorney Lumley appeared be- Jan. 17 Membership dues Jan. 18 Membership dues Jan. 22 Membership dues Jan. 24 Membership dues" . Jan. 27 Membership dues Jan. 31 Membership dues .. Feb. 1 County appropriation ... 25.00 :. 5.00 45.00 25.00 15.00 > 5.00 166.67 * --i--o >•«' r W lUCUlllK I or vacating roads, the major part of I Balance sa h&m . . VINCaNT s. IATMLEY. State's Attorney. June, A. nois. The committee again met on the j ninth day of June, A. D. 1917. at .Wood-; fore> thf. vmn"ir.""i »«- stock, Illinois, to receive bids for the ! ^ ^ salary f®1" i construction of the said McAuliffe j rrea? t. ^ attention to the 1.00 i bridge, at which time the contract for i fnd Lked thnf thoHhtIn^K ot his offie® | building said bridge , was awarded to ; to^^hfs aq^Sn-t w2' V? Srant-a salary $169.00 The International steel & Iron Com- Judge C l| oSLlk ^ called upott r$31.00 ; pany, of Evansville, Indiana, for "the ! the tartTll!' t° af- sum of four thousand four hundred sev- board as to the needs of said ; ent'y-three ($4,473) dollars and sixty Expenditures--• May 29 M. J. Wright, expense. .9104.10 May 29 Edith Carlson, salary... June 2 Chicago Tel. Co. meeting were read and on motion ap proved. It was moved by Supr. Turner that the same rules adopted by the board for the management of the business of the county for the last year be adopted ! June 8 Auto T?arts Co., repairs.. t»y this board as the rules to govern its ; June 9 Geo. W. Frame, stamps.. action for this year; that the same com-i jUne 9 American Exp. Co.i ex- mittees, and the same dumber on each | press committee be selected as the working i June 9 Geo. W. Frame, sub.*for force of this board for the current year, i Gazette Said motion was seconded by Supr. June 20 Woodstock Wright and unanimously carried. It was moved by Supr. Wright and *455.46 seconded by Supr. Harrison that the present committee on claims pass upon the claims now before the board, said Wtotion was seconded by Supr. Ward and duly carried. . , The clerk presented lists of claims against the county and on motion same were referred to the proper committees Without reading, and the board adjourn­ al to 1:30 p. m. for committee work. 1:30 P. ML. The committee on claims (labor, fees Spd supplies) made the following re- Kt which was.adopted, to-wit: Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Tour committee on labor, fees and supplies claims would beg leave to re­ port that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the clerk bo directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: JP. F. Pettibone & Co., supplies County Officers 9 87.62 City of Woodstock, light and 60.80 16.00 Water Illinois Prtg. Co., law books ... Zion Inst. & Industries, mdse. Co. Clerk & Supt. Schls American Law Book Company, law books lawyers Co. Op. Pub. Co., law books -JFRMRRY LF.---JMW*©J&«». S>MR-V. COUNTY JTudge Crystal Lake Herald, envelopes. Sheriff H. T. Cooney, No, 9 Oliver Type­ writer, Cir. Clerk Hall & Eckert, coal, Co Dacy Lumber Co., coal, Co National Sanitary Asn., mdse., sheriff H. M. Francis, com. Insanity, Lizzie Jones ... .* E. V. Anderson, com. Insanity, t Lizzie Jones Thos. Davis, Jr., hauling coal... Standard Oil Co., oil for sheriff. Chgo. Tel. Co., rent, of phones.. Woodstock Republican, printing for Co. Supt. Schools ... A. M. Shelton, expenses of office Woodstock Sentinel, pub. proceed­ ings and printing Crystal Lake Herald, printing, Co. Supt. Schools I>o printing, Co. Treas. Slavin & Eastmaft, chair, sheriffs 'office W. K. Forrest, Poor Farm Com. A.,H. Hale, Poor Farm Com.... FV A Walters, Poor Farm COm.. D.-M. Wright, Poor Farm Com.. L. B. Covell, Poor Farm Com... J. E. Harrison, Poor Farm Com. XL E. Haeger, Poor Farm Com.. 10.86 16.60 , 19.00 m 8.90 48.60 269.54 22.71 40.00 6.00 6.00 29.90 4.25 37.60 20.46 26.76 892.60 86.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 8.60 7.00 9.60 9.60 3.70 6.30 Typewriter Co., typewriter June 24 Edith Carlson, salary... 6.00 8.71 6.80 6.00 it • .80 63.55 40.86 .Expenditure#-- • Jan. 4 Chicago Tel. Co. ... Jan. 4 Richmond Gazette, station­ ery c Jan. 5 G. W. Frame, stamps .... Jan. 15 Edith Carlson, salary Jan. 13 Woodstock Republican, stationery , Jan. 13 Zion Institutions, supplies Jan. 22 R. R. Gates, office sup­ plies Jan. 27 Woodstock Tire St Auto Eq. Co , Feb. 1 A. J. Gafke, salary ...... Feb. 1 Wilbur Rummel, janitor . rFeb. 1 E. R. Goodrow & Son, gmr- age Feb. 8 A. J. Gafke. expenses « Feb. 8 Flora Fish, salary ..., . V 4483.33 I (220.93 284.53 July 7 to August f Receipts-- July 7 Balance on hand |234.53 July 10 Membership dues 5.00 Augi 7 Membership dues 5.00 Aug. 7 Membership dues ....... 6.00 Apg. 7 County appropriation 166.67 • |416.20 Expenditures-- July 10 H. E. Whipple, expense of meeting $ 2.60 July 10 J. H. Turner, expense of meeting 2.60 July 11 Woodstock Rep., printing 28.00 July 11 Woodstock Sentinel, printing 8.60 July 11 Chgo. Tel. Co 8.61 July 11 V. D. Sherburne, auto re- . pairs 1.20 July 11 M. J. Wright, expense on auto 48.06 July 11 Woodstock Imp. Co., auto supplies 10.98 July 11 BUrton Wright, auto re­ pairs 12.00 July 11 A, J. Gafke, expenses... 17.81 July 12 Creamery Package Co., creamery supplies 1.76 July 17 Yawman & Erbe, letter files 1.38 July 22 Edith Carlson, salary .. 40.00 July 24 Percy R. Forman, stencil • letter ' • .vv-w.....-. it it«"v"! MM July 81 Chicago Apparatus Co., dairy supplies 4.83 Aug. 7 H. E. Whipple, expense of meeting 2.60 Aug. 7 J. H. Gracy, expense of meeting 2.60 Aug. 7 D. M. Wright, expense .of meeting 2.50 Aug. 7 A. J. Gafke, expenses . s 15.46 Aug. 7 V. D. Sherburne, auto *, , 7.30 Aug, 7 Chgo. Tel. Co. 8.26 Aug. 7 Whit son Bros., auto .... 29.06 Aug. 8. M.' J. Wright, meeting ex­ penses 2.60 4.60 4.76 6.00 . 40.00 4.76 8.14 £.65 2.66 100.00 1.00 12.66 #2.70 8.00 fill. 70 .$270.63 Balance on hand..... Augustlto,Sept. 11 Receipts-- Aug. 8 Balance on hand. Aug. 28 Membership dues .... Aug. 31 Membership dues ...J Sept. l County appropriation i All of which is respectfully submit- » A. H. HALE, W. H. FORRFWJV . • W: F. PIERCEX - 1 CHAS. H. ACKMAN, JR. l!he committee on claims* (County J*S©r) made the following report, which Was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Tour committee on County Poor Claims would beg leave to report that thev have examined all claims presented to them, anl recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directpd to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the claimants for the sev­ eral amounts allowed, as follows, to- Wit! . . • Marenp'O-- - . __ .' .v- •' J. H. Patterson Co., coal, Chas. Ward v ' U1* The Shurtleff Peters Co., coal, ^ Chas. Ward 1.7* F C. Hackley, mdse., Chas. Ward 12.09 Waterman Bros., 1 Trdse., Chas. -, Ward 18.82 Obeist & Wlttmus, mdse., Chas. Ward J.M Patrick Bros., mdse., Chas. Ward $.14 A. J. Steege, mdse., Aug. Botts. 14.12 Dr. R. M. Curtis, serv. Chas. Ward family 18.00 John Glender, brd. Mrs. Grote- man 18.00 Seneca-- Schroeder Bros^ mdse., John Sheldon .... , i. %4.SS The Shurtleff Peters Co., mdse. «-V John Sheldon Hebron--• Slavin & Eastman, burial Fred .• Forber 85.00 Nunda-- H. M. Rosenthal A Sons, coal, Mrs. Heine A Goldstrom 27.18 H. W. Gieseke, mdse. Goldstrom 4.22 Meier Bros., mdse. Jeske A Smith 86.78 W. E. Kroeger, mdse. L. L. Dodds 18.79 Chas. G. Frett, mdse. Mrs. Kate Miller 20.46 A. H. Hale, pension, Ida Muffley 46.00 Greenwood-- Draheim & Eberweln, mdse. Mrs. Nicho! 85.10 J. E. Harrison, pension, Mr. Nichol 100.00 Chi. Ind. Home for Children. Bd. Fitzhenry A Skow children... 800.00 Dorr-- F. A. Walters, wld. ttension, Bar­ bara Pope, Grace Edinger, Em ma Eckert. May Anderson ... 126.00 Do cash J. Oakroot A Jerome Ferm 68.69 Mrs. George Grote, board Mrs. Hunthauser 21.00 Draheim A Eberweln, mdse. for Mrs. Parrish 6.07 Chemung-- S«»feldt A Lange, mdse. Sirs. Parker 10.00 Dr. J. G. Mavon, serv. Wm. Day, Mrs. S. Hawver, Carrie Con- ners. Jos. Chilson 88.90 T. J- Leahy, mdse. Del Penning­ ton 20.19 Dr. H. D. Eaton, serv. Del Pen­ nington 12.60 Lake A Harris, mdse. coal, etc., Hartnell A Brown .' 16.00 W. H. Ward, rent for Ruth Keeler 171.43 Esmond A Dean, feed and coal.. 24.87 Algonqiiin-- W. E. Kroeger, mdse. H. C. Hacker, Mrs. Eibisch .., 82.18 Schueneman Bros., mdse. Mrs. Deering, Mrs. Kalltna 80.0t R. E. Haeger, exp. Louie Bohl, 1840.98 ..$75.22 .ife 75.22 .* 15.00 v 5.00 .. i«<5.67 . ^61.89 Expenditures-- Aug. 14 P. R. Forman, stencil...$ 6.15 Aug. 16 Crop. Imp. Committee.. .50 Aug. IT Zion Institution, supple. 10.38 Aug. 21. Edith Carlson, salary .. 40.00 Aug. 25 Lewis G. Stevenson, du­ plicate 1.00 Aug. 22 Geo. W. Frame, stamps. 6.00 Aug. 28 P. R. Forman, stencil .. 2.60 Sept. 1 A, J. Gafke, salary ..... 100.00 Sept. 7 Chgo. Tel. Co 4.17 Sept. 7 Creamery Package Co* scales 2.60 Sept. 7 V. I|i Sherburne, auto re­ pairs '. 2.50 Sept. 7 A. J. Gafke, expenses .. 86.48 Sept. 7 M. J. Wright, expense of meeting 2.50 Sept. 7 H. E. Whipple expense of meeting 2.60 "'f- ' „ • #214.28 Balance on ^iand, •.............947.61 v : . -Sept. }1 & Nov. t Receipts-- - Sept. 11 Balance on hand... .w2y«(|M7.61 Obt. 2 Appropriation ............ 166.67 Oct. 16 Membership dues 15.00 Nov. 1 Appropriation 166.67 Nov, 1 Membership dues ....... J.00.00 Nov. 3 Membership dues 70.00 Nov. 4 MembeiiilUp ^es ....... 10.00 Balance on hand February 8 to March 6 Receipts-- Feb. 3 Balance on hand .......$170.63 Feb. 5 Membership dues 10.00 Feb. 6 Membership dues 5.00 Feb. 9 Membership dues 5.00 Feb. 10 Membership dues ...... 5.00 Feb. 14 Membership dues ..v'VW:;-;':;5,00 Feb. 15 Membership dues .. .*.-£s-.4®.0.00 Feb. 16 Membership dues .....w $5.00 Feb. 17 Membership dues 15.00 Feb. 19 Membership dues 5.00 Feb. 24 Membership dues ...... 5.00 Feb. 27 Membership dues ....*.10.00 Feb. 28 County appropriation ,.106.67 Mar. 1 Membership dues .,...,4 - 5.00 Mar. 2 Membership slues ..», 5.00 ^ ^ $667.30 Expenditures-- - - Feb. 6 H. B. Whl#ik^%N^I«jup,»|. 2.60 Feb. 5 T. Murray, meeting 2.50 Feb. 5 C. L. Smith, meeting 2.50 Feb. 5 M. J. Wright, meeting* «. 2.50 Feb. 5 Chicago Tel. Co *$'£i 8.50 Feb. 10 Flora Fish, salary ..... ' 8.00 Feb. 12 Stevens, Maloney A C30.».. 6.89 Feb. 13 G. W. Frame, stamps..* 6.00 Feb. 15 Woodstock Typewriter ribbon .60 Feb. 17 Flora Fish, salary ... . 8.00 Feb. 20 Woodstock Paint Stol%, pictures " 8.50 Feb. 20 Flora Fish, salary ..... 8.00 Feb. 28 A. J. Gafke, salary Mar. 3 Flora Fish, salary which levy is needed "for the' or'dinarv ' ^ and sworn to before'me ! (60) cents per lineal foot for -piling'un­ repair of roads and bridges °rainary this 30th day or April. A. D. 1917 Wherefore, the said Board of High­ way Commissioners herebv petition you for aid, and for an appropriation from G. E. STILL, < County Clerk. On motion of Supr. Haeger, duly sec-, onded -and carried, the report was the County Treasury of a sufficient; amoved r to meet one-half the expanses of said I J. \ v , bridge or other work, saii town beinir ' 11 was moVed by Supr. Whipple that prepared to furnish the other Inlf of. there be appropriated for the use of said the amount required «>»« Dated at Town Clerk's olfice this »v- enteenth day of April, A. t>. 1917 gfc A. MORim, m HENRY GRIFFIN, „ ^ F. C. LUNDST, Board of Highway Con'misslonere. State of Illinois, County ®f McHenry, Town of Seneca. ss. We, the undersigned Bo&rd of High- der, abutments. ^AIl Of which is respectfully submit- -* CHAS. H. ACKMAN, JR., H. M. TURNER, W. F. PIERCE. The highway commissioners of the . . , ..... , jr ---^ town of Riley presented the following state s attorney an additional sitm of j petition for County aid in building a $200 under the same terms as the for- bridge in said town, to-wit: mer appropriation referred to and that State of Illinois, the clerk draw an order on the treas- ; County of McHenry, urer for said amount in favor of said I Town of Riley state's attorney. Said motion was sec­ onded by Supr. Walters and carried. The chair presented a list of standing committees as appointed by him to con­ stitute the said committees for the en­ suing year, which appointment was on way Commissioners in the "fown of Sen- j motion approved, the list of committees eca, county aforesaid, herefiy state that • being as follows, to-wit: we i!1£!^e nm a careful estimate of the Personal Property--H. G. Durkee, J. probable cost of the proposed bridge at E. Harrison, Charles H. Ackman, Jr., the site known as the Mc.iuliff bridge. W. H. Forrest and R. E. Haeger. on the line between sections 5 and 8 of Lands and Lots--N. H. Stanley, F. A Seneca township $.nd the fcost of said i Walters, W. F. Pierce, Charles H. Ack- new bridge will be Five Thousand Dol-! man. Jr., and S. H. Freund. I Railroads--Chas. H. Ackman, Jr., D. witness our hands this 17th day of M. Wright, John Donahue, H. G. Durkee , N h. Stanley. April, A. D. 1917 A. MORIT3S, HENRY GRIFFIN, F. C. LUNDY. .Board-of Highway Commissioners Supr. Wright otfe'red the^ following g"V8 ^ E Whipple and resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, The Hon. Nahum Bi Finance--W. H. Ward, E. F. Kuecker, W. H. Forrest, H. E. Whipple and H. G. Durkee. Education--E. F. Kuecker, H. M. Tur- R. E. Haeger. Roads and Bridges--John Donahue, N. WnKKKAS, The Hon Nnhnm Rrnf«. ivo»u» aim crmses--juun ironanue, IN. man of_ Riley TownslTip>4' to ^ gid®^" G^Durkee. ̂ ' H> Whlpple Fees and Salaries--H. M. Turner, A. a member of this Board of Supervisors, and 1 WHEREAS. In his m&nv war* nt <•«>> Hale, W. H. Forrest, E. F. Kuecker. v_ r. . " n-lB many jears or ser- \xr tj ti « 01 vice on this board as"membe"r" of "nu- S"' ^ard.IX M. Wright and Charles merous committees and finally as chair- Ackman, Jr. man for the past two years, he has dis­ tinguished himself as a man of Public Buildings--S. H. Freund, F. A. Walters, H. M. Turner, John Donahue, ability^ inUgrityand honestyPierCC' D" M" Wr,ght and A" H ility for valuable services to I citfims-- (Labor, Fees and Supplies) --A. H Hale, W. H. Forrest, Chas. H. Ackman, Jr.. W. F. Pierce and N. H. Stanley. Claims (County Poor)--F. A. Walters, W. W Ward. .1. T" TTr,rrIson W F; "Th!r.. . - rare executive ab and capability for valuable services to the county and his township, and WHEREAS, It was at all times a pleasure to the members of this board to have associated with them a man of the good natured qualities and genial goou ieuowsnip or Nahum Br ot em an. therefore be it RESOLVED. By visors pie and John Donahue. OLVED Bv the Board of To fettle With Treasurer--H. E. of McHenry Cmmtv IilinLf that Whipple, S. H. Freund. R. E. Haeger. YA. " "C"1 y ^ UI1<y' Illinois, tnat I rinnatinn and T V. Hurrlonn John Donahue and J. E. Harrison. Poor Farm--D. M. Wright, F. A. Wal- citisen, supervisor, "chaimafi""of ~the i «rjL,A- ^ H" -t- E- and comrade, 1 , ner. we hereby express our appreciation of all that Mr. Brotzman has typified as a board, financial advisor and we hereby tender to him our heart­ felt wishes for a long, happy and pros­ perous future. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. That ison, R. E, Haeger and H. M. Tur- „ 190.00 ja ®°py i>/ these resolutions fee transmit- Mar. 3 Flora Fish, salary 8.00 ! te« to Mr. Brotsman. . . Mar. a Wilbur' f- SaM m°tior. was '«eea<MHtt^hy Mar. 3 Chicago Tel. Co. 4.46 j Turner and carried. Mar. 5 E. Goodrow & Sons, auto repairs Mar. 5 C. K Austin, auto repairs Mar. 5 A J. Gafke, expenses .... Balance on hand .......... March 6 to April Receipts--- Mar. 5 Balance on hand Mar. 5 Membership dues .... Mar. 5 Membership dues ... Mar. 6 Membership dues .... Mar. 6 Membership dues ... Mar. 7 Membership dues ... Mar. 8 Membership dues Mar. 9 Membership dues ... Mar. St Membership dues . Mar. 10 Membership dues .. Mar. 12 Membership dues .. Mar. 13 Membership dues .. Mar. 14 Membership dues .. Mar. 16 Membership dues .. Mar. 24 Membership dues ., Mar. 30 Membership dues .. Apr. 1 County appropriation County Superintendent of Schools A. 13.52 Sbelton addressed the board relative 2.95 t0 necessity of applying all labor 12 56 1 ava-ilable to productive lines and pre- 1 sented the following resolution which J1«S 07 ' was on motion adopted, to-wit: 171*48 T° THE BOARD OF EDUCATIONS AND CITY SUPERINTENDENTS OF " | McHENRY COUNTY: 1871 4S' V'PW the fact that our country • ••.»*««. has entered into a great world wide war _• and that we are at present engaged in boo "eating and equipping a great army and navy, and: • •.*•$* *»•«« j in view of the fact that the world's Elections--J. E. Harrison, W. F. Pierce, W. H. Ward, E. F. Kuecker and N. H. Stanley. Relief of Blind--R. E. Haeger, D. M. Wright, S. _H. Freund, F. A. Walters and W To the Board of Supervisors of Mc­ Henry County, Illinois: , The undersigned Board of Highway Commissioners of the Town of Riley, in office. Judge Donnelly responded by statin* that m his opinion Mr. Lumley was giv- ing careful attention to ail matters per­ taining to his office, that it was more than one man could do and stated that he believed it to be the duty of the board to grant the request of the stated attorney and fix the salary of his assist* ant at, at least the sum of $100.00 ner month. » . I t w a s t h e r e u p o n m o v e d b y S u n r . Walters and seconded by Supr. Wright that a salary of $100.00 per month be paid to Charles T. Allen as assistant state's attorney, and that the clerk be directed to draw an order on the treas­ urer payable to said assistant state's attorney; that the payments be made quarterly on the dates at which the said County, would respectfully repre- i state's attorney's salary is due and that sent that a bridge needs to be construct- i the salary begin at this date Motion ed over the Coon Creek where the same ; carried. " is crossed by the highway leading from ; The Committee on Claims (County Wm. H. Wallace's to McCue Bros., in Poor) made the following report, which, said Town, for which said work the was adopted, to-wff Town of Riley is responsible; that the Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the total cost of said work will be $4,000, j Board of Supervisors -•81 j M - TfV SIS ;VSI which sum will be more than twelve cents on the One Hundred Dollars valu­ ation, on the latest assessment roll of said Town, and the levy for road and bridge tax for the two years last past in said Town was in each year for the full amount allowed by law to be.raised for all road and bridge purposes, ex­ cept for laying out, altering, widening or vacating" roads, the major part of which levy is needed for the ordinary repair of roads and bridges. Wherefore, the said Board of .High­ way Commissioners hereby petition you for aid, and for an appropriation from the County Treasury of a sum sufficient to meet one-half the expenses of said bridge or other work, said Town being prepared to furnish the other half of the amount required. Dated at Town Clerk's office, this 6th day of June, A. D. 1917. • T. H. RATFTELD, ; J. W. STOCK WELL, F- H. PAYNE, Of Highway C^.imnj|L9)S,PR.eWt; .- State of Illinois. ' - y ' County of McHenry, Town of Riley ss. , »• •> „ ' We, the undersigned Boat-d way Commissioners in the Town of fti ley. County aforesaid, hereby state that we have made a careful estimate of the probable cost of the Wallace-Mc- Cue bridge, said bridge to be built of steel on concrete abutments and have a throatway or clear space, fade to face of abutments of fifty (50) feet. Your committee on County Poor claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the fol­ lowing, and that the elerk be directed to issue orders on the county treasurer to the claimants for the several amounts' allowed, as follows, to-wit: St. Vincent's Ind Sch., Bd. Rd. & H. Spielman, H. Lilly ......{ 90.0# ' Nunda-- . .-V.-"'-- • ; Chas. G. Frett, Mdse, Steve Har­ vey, Kate Miller A. H. Hale, Pension Ida Muffley, mdse. for Chas. Smiley and Mrs. Goldstrom W.- E. Kroeger, mdse. L. L. Dodds McHenry-- Mathias Miller, Bd. Maria A Leo Miller N- Niesen, Mdse., "Mrs. Geo. Beckwith ... if. H. Freund. Rent A Beckwith Family Dorr-- F A Walters, Pension, May An- " derson, R. Gilllspie,-Grace Ed- inger, B. Pope, Emma Eckert.. IlifcMP Mrs. Geo. Grote, Bd. Mrs. Hunt- hauser F. A. Walters, care John Oak- root Haley A Behringer, Mdse. Mrs. Jake Olson Chemung--^ , T. J. Leahy, Mdse. Del Penning* ton »5.«* til 15.«8s 15.00 f>' ' v rw! The, width of roadway to be sixteen feet. Harvard Garage, Livery Mrs. An- The bridge is to have a removable con- derson * Crete floor cast in blocks, and the steel! Dr. Howard D. Eaten, Serv." La- - •**•- -vest** *' i^1:? «•-. constructed..-that-a* A nr w^TT* w ' msllsr tRken down to a',ow Pa»sage of W. H. Ward, Cora Plankey pes^ A. H. Hale, H. G. Durkee and W. H.' dredge boat at some future date if the " " 14.08 '..! i " "" Ward Purchasing--W. H. Forrest, H. M. Turner and F. A. Walters. The following named persons were se­ lected to serve as grand jurors at the May term of the Circuit Court, and on motion Of Supr. Freund, seconded by Supr. Turner, the same were approved and the clerk Instructed to certify said selection to the Clerk of - the Circuit Court: F. R. Rowen, Riley: Frank Miller, Marengo; Harry Loorais, Marengo; Al. McGuire, Alden: John Wells, Dunham: Geo. B. Lake, Chemung: J. E. Smith, ••> »- tion not only to supply foods for our I own armies and seamen but also for a j 2.50 2.50 2.60 2.50 *075.95 Expenditures-- f y- Sept. 14 P. R. Forman, Mtfcfrs ..» Sept. 18 Edith Carlson, salary .. Oct. 2 Chicago Tel. Co . . Oct. 3 A. J. Gafke, salary ..... Oct. 4 Geo. W. Frame, stamps... Oct, 18 Edith Carlson, salary .. Oct. 26 Geo. W. Frame, stamp en­ velopes 7„84 Nov. 1 A. J. Gafke, salary .. ,, *1 ICO.OO Nov. 2 Chicago Tel. Co .'.. . ' 3.20 Nov. 2 Sentinel, Stationery ..-V. 6.00 Nov. 2 A. S. Wright, account... .• • 5.90 Nov. 2 Goodrow's Garage, car... 16.25 Nov. 2 Whitson Bros., repairs Ol Nov. 8 A. J. Gafke; expenses ., Nov. 8 W. Tire A Auto Eq. (Js. Nov. 8 Woodstock Republican, letters Nov. 4 A. J. Gaflw, £e* black­ smith . .... . . 5.40 40.00 . 4.78 100.00 2.25 40.00 19 55 J19.53 ;^4.8« 3.35 1.00 Balance on hand ...... I November 4 to December Receipts-- Nov. 4 Balance on hand Nov. 8 Membership dues ...... Nov. 9 Membership dues ...... Nov. 15 Membership dues ..... Nov. 28 Membership dues ..... Dec. 1 Membership due$ Dec. 1 Appropriation ..... .. ... Nov. 4 Membership dues ..;... Expenditures-- T. Nov. IT. E Murray, expenve of meeting Nov. 8 H. E. Whipple,, expense of meeting Nov. 9 Geo. W. Frame, order for soil maps Nov. 10 Jerome B. Conrad, mag­ azines Nov. 16 Edith Carlson, salary .. Nov. 28 G. W. Frame, stamps... Dec. 1 A. J. Gafke. salary . .... Dec. 4 J. H. Turner, meeting ... Dec. 4 C. L. Smith, meeting .... Dec. 4 M. J. Wright, meeting Dec. 4 T. H. Murray, meeting Dec. 4 J. H. Gracy, meeting Dec. 5 Whiston Bros., auto . .cite*: Dec. 6 Woodstock Republican Dec. 5 E. R. Goodrow, garage Dec. 5 Chicago Tel. Co Dec. 5 A. J. Gafke, expenses Dec. 5 Austin & Rosencrans, garage Dec. 6 Woodstock Sentinel .. UT9.80 .8196.15 .8196.16 . 85.00 . 15.00 . "*5.00 . 80.00 . 15.00 .. 166.67 . 10.00 f 112.82 Expenditures-- Mar. 5 T. H. Murray, expense of meeting Mar. 5 J. J. Turner, expense ; ^ meeting ,... Mar. 5 H. E. Whipple, expense of meeting Mar. 5 J. J. Gracy, expense of meeting Mar. 5 C. L. Smith, expense of meeting ; 2.60 Mar. 8 Woodstock Sentinel, paper 1.00 Mar. 10 Woodstock Imp. Co., avtO repairs i 6.00 Mar. 10 Woodstock Republican, stationery 8.00 Mar. 10 Flora Fish, salary 8.00 Mar. 15 Woodstock Male Quartet, singing 10.00 Mar. 17 Flora Fish, salary ...... , ,8.00 Mar. 23 Box rent ' .75 Mar. 24 Flora Fish, salary . 1.00 Mar. 24 American Express ... , , j • .33 Mar. 30 Stevens, Maloney, offl<$e' ' supplies .....i. 1.25 Mar. 31 Flora Fish, salary ...... 8.00 Mar. 31 A. J. Gafke, salary .... 100.00 Mar. 31 Woodstock Republican, paper 1.26 Mar. 31 E. R. Goodrow, storage and gasoline g.81 Mar. 31 Burton Wright, auto re- • pairs Mar, ill A. J. Gafke, expensed .. Mar. 21 C. K. Austin, work on auto Mar. 81 Grace E. JPotter, stencils f0 nn , food reserves are unusually low and that Tn 5^0 t^^Sfact ttimySundevo1veB'eupotfethisTna0 j Kan?leyf' Senega; ̂ 1. J. Miller Coral; ilon nnt nnit'L' ".S3," ^! Frank Crowley, Grafton: F W. Hart- man. Dorr: Chas. T. Forrest, Dorr: W. A. Lathrop, Greenwood: Peter Robert­ son, Hebron: E. C. Barnard, Richmond: Joseph Rauen, Burton: Edward Bell, McHenry: John Justen. McHenry: Wm. Cowlin, Nunda: Ed". Swanson, Nunda: Paul Rosenthal, Algonquin; Clarence Franke, Algonquin. Thereupon ,on motien of Supr. Hae- jrer. It was ordered that this board ad­ journ. Thereupon said board adjourned. L. B. COVELL,, Chairman. Attest: G. Ei STILL, Clerk. 10.00 10.00 16.00 6.00 186.67 -5.00 5.00 Sft'nn (larse part of the nations with whom we S"'"" have made common cause and: In further view of the recent procla­ mation Issued by Governor Lowden and a direct appeal by the Agricultural De­ partment of the University of Illinois, emphasising the importance of growing ------ 1 an adequate food supply, especially for 1688.10 this vear, therefore: BE IT RESOLVED, By the McHenry County Board of Supervisors, in a spe­ cial session on April 30, 1917, that we ( hereby recommend for the careful con­ sideration of every Board of Education in the county, that the Annual Athletic Field Day event be postponed indefinite­ ly, that the young men of our caonty now enjoying the privileges of High School work may be given an equal op- 8.00 18.56 1.50 8.00 ' Regular June Meeting, 1917 •rtie Honorable Board of Supervisors „v. „ „McHenry county, Illinois, met in portunity to engage during the after j *S°1,se*iin school hours in the patriotic service of * "odstock, on Monday, the food production, thereby helping tofVY1 i?ay June, A. D. 1917, at 10 solve this, important food problem now ° c'?tk a- 1?.- , . , . confronting our nation. LuThl 7leetin^T w*9 1?alle,? t0 We wish to make known and to re- I £he chairman, L. B. Covell, and the roll new our faith at this time in all forms 'being called, the following members re- of manly athletics and to commend such I sponded to tlieir narr*«s»*i0"-ST i " activities to the young people of Mc-j ̂ tanley. D. M. Wright, H. E. Whipple, Henry county. The unprecedented ' .; problem of growing an adequate supply i ^est« F- Kuecker, Cha^s. H. Ackman, of food has prompted this appeal. The i J°bn Donahue, F. A. «alters, J. E. time for patriotic action in these mat- *?a"*.Json' Xurne*i' : ters is now at hand. JT- ^ ^ If BE IT FtTRTHER RESOLVED That ' ^* Haeger, constituting a full board, a copy of this resolution be transcribed ! minutes of the last meeting were and submitted -to the boards of Educa- jre^ and approved. The semi-annual tion and City Superintendents of this ; °t Ulf £ounty c,er^k' GiireuiIt countv. .1 Clerk and Sheriff were presented and The" matter of purchasing posts for ! by the clerk, and on motion re­ signs at corners throughout the county • 'erred to the committee on fees and sal- was again discussed and it was stated arJj^_ f Balance on hand .... GENERAL SUMMARY Resources--May 28: Ralance on hand | 117.12 Membership dues 140.26 Appropriation ^1,888.37 Liabilities--May 18: County Advisor ..;., Stenographer Auto --.......,»_... Railroad .. ̂ Miscellaneous by nearly all supervisors present that the highway commissioners had signi­ fied their willingness to set the posts providing they were furnished by the county, and it was moved by Supr. Ack- mant^that County Superintendent of 1114 96 j Highways Tryon arrange for the pur- 8443 16' chase of a requisite number of posts, 'cause them to be creosoted. and desig­ nate the places for their installation, and cause them to be delivered to the vario"* highway commissioners of the county. Said motion was seconded by Supr. Freund and carried. State's Attorney V. S. Lumley called attention tr> several guns that were now in the hands of the sheriff which were 11,810.74 j ir#»8 900.00 #' :•?;* m ji. k >S f- • $ • 660.24 68.74 626.61 2.60 2.60 1.02 .60 40.00 5.00 2 50 2.50 •^®450 ' 2.50 - -i*2.60 1 ' 1.15 .5.00 6.09 A54.40 v'*;?6.49 2.70 ,5.50 ns.oo * ? >• v • J", * 1 8470.86 „ " 82,447.59 Balance on hand 8443 15 H. E. WHIPPLE, President. A. M. SHELTON. Secretary. SUMMARY OF THE WORK From May 16 to April M Number of farm visits--310. Number of office calls--525. Number of telephone calls--400. Number of meetings--80. , ^ Total attend&S^uU Hicclings----8,400. Number of clrflHV letters--39. Total number of Circular letters---7.000. Total number of other letters--1,400. Total amount of limestone ordered-- 800 tons. Total amount of rock phosphate order­ ed--300 tons. New members added--22. A. J. GAFKE. County Agricultural Agent. A. J. Gafke, county advisor of said McHenry County Soil Improvement As­ sociation, addressed the board relative to the work of said association and asked for a renewal of the annual ap­ propriation for the use of said associa­ tion of $2,000.00 and stated that an ad­ dition thereto could be used advanta­ geously, stating that four meetings of the board of directors could be had dur­ ing the coming year at a cost of about $50.00 per meeting. It was moved by Supr. Turner and seconded by Supr. Walters that there be appropriated by this hoard the sum of $2,000.00 and that the clerk be directed to issue orders on the treasurer in favor of said associa­ tion for said-amount in eqaal monthly, payments during the next year. Motion carried. ^ 398 00 - being held fpr the payment of certain fines assessed by Justice Bryant against some Italians, and asked to be instruct­ ed to advertise said guns for sale and sell same to the highest bidder and ap­ ply the proceeds to the payment of said fines due the county. Tt was moved by Supr. Wright that the state's attorney proceed to advertise and sell said guns for the purpose aforesaid. Motion was duly"seconded and carried. The said state's attorney also made the following report of his expenditures under the appropriation of $200 made him at a previous meeting, to-wit: To (the Honorable Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen:--I herewith respectfully submit a report of the expenditures made by me from December 4, 1916, to the present time. State of Illinois, Countv of McHenry ss. T. Vincent S.-Lumley, State's Attorney of McHenry County, Illinois, being first duly sworn on my oath, depose and say that the several items mentioned below are just and true expenditures made by me, in connection with the administra tion of my office, out of the moneys set over to me by this Board for such pur­ poses. 1917 Mar. 6, 1917- to my use Amount' appropriated $200.00 The semi-annual report of Lynn Rich­ ards, County Treasurer, was read and on motion approved, said report being in words and figures as follows, to-wit: To the Chairman of the County Board of McHenry Connty: I, Lynn Richards, County Treasurer in and for the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, respectfully present the following report of all the fees and emoluments of my oifice, and also of necessary expenditures therefor ,for and during the half year ending May 31st, 1*17, wherein I state the gros? amount of all fees or emoluments by me earned by official service during said half year, the total amounts of receipts of what­ ever name or character, and all neces­ sary expenses for Clerk Hire, Station­ ery. Fuel, and other expenses. 1 per cent Commission on $165,947.51 received from ' Township Collectors $1,669,48 2 per cent Commission on 8127,544.24, collected Countv Collector Making Delinquent List for Publication, 269 tracts and 5,45 lots, at 3 cents Mp.king Delinquent List for Judgment, 139 tracts and 226 lots, at 3 cents . > 1 per cent Commission OB 86.704.96 received as County Treasurer -- 1 per cent Commission on 8168.444.62, paid out as Coun­ ty Treasurer Total receipts Expenditures-- Stationery .. Misce l l aneous . . . . Treasurer's Salary half year Respectful ly of June. 1917. same be necessary. Said bridge shall be constructed on plans approved by the County Superintendent of Highways and State Highway Department, as provided by statute, and we do estfmate that the probable cost of the same will be Four Thousand Dollars. Witness our hands this 6th day of June, A. I) .1917. T. H. RATFIELD, V •! W. STOCKWELL, _ . . F. H. PAYNE, . , BoflM, of Highway Cgfldipisfips^ts. S t a t e o f I l l i n o i s , . • , . County of McHenry, •>' Town of Riley ss.- _ J. W. Stockwell, *• Ifefftfel^nd F. H. Payne, Board of Highway Com­ missioners of said Town of Riley, be­ ing duly sworn on oath say that Four Thousand Dollars mentioned in the es­ timate to which this affidavit is at­ tached is necessary, and that the same will not be more expensive than Is needed :fi8f the purpose required; . ' v:'::-^;iJ. W. STOCKWEL&, -- T. H. RATFIELEV ;; •.:'-••- F. H. PAYNE, ! Board of Highway Commissioners. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 7th day of June, A. D. 1917. H. K. BARKER, Justice of the Peace. It was moved by Supr. Wright and seconded, by Supr. Hale that the chair appoint a committee of three to repre­ sent the County in said matter. Motion carried. There'upon the chair appointed Supervisors J. E. Harrison, F. A. Wal­ ters and S. H. Freund* as such commit­ tee. Supr. Wright offered the following D. i**i s!on, care John Keller, Pennington, R. Keeler Jafnes A. Keeler, Coal Mrs. Lee Brown, Del Pennington, Mrs. S. Hollister Marengo-- A. J. Steege. Mdse. Mrs. Betts.. John Glender, Bd. Mrs. Groat- man Richmond^-- Barker Lbr. Co., Coal W. Cor- t nish Solon Mills Genl. Store, Mdse. Do Greenwood-- J- E Harrison, Pension Mrs. Nichol ; Wall & Eckert, Coal Mrs. Nichol. Algonquin--• ' G. H. Dike, Mdse. Mrs. Billows, Mrs. Timm tm, Mrs. Theo Bohl, Care Louis Bohl 10. Schueneman Bros., Mdse. Mrs. Kallina, Mrs. Deering 19.S1 Hebron-- r r" H. W. Eastman, Casket Don Das- sow child 12.S# All of which to respectfully submit­ ted. . • V. £. A. WALTERS, . H. E. WHIPPLE. V ' j. E. HARRISON, . <;!.s W. H. 'WARD, JOHN DONAHUE. The Committee on Claims (tabor, fees, and supplies) made the following port, ^which was adopted, to-wit: i. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of thf Board of Supervisors: PV Your committee on J^abor, Fees an$-J Supplies Claims would beg leave to r<*»> port that they have examined all claims', presented to them, and . recommend the «*» M. .« V ' •'$Si * t - • resolution' and moved its adoption, to-!payment of the following, and that the wit: ^ „ clerk be directed to issue orders on thfc BE IT RESOL\ ED, That the Board | county treasurer to the claimants fojft of Supervisors of McHenry County, II- the several amendments allowed, as foli linois, do hereby authorise and direct lows, to-wit: the payment of a bounty* on ground P. F. Pettibone & Co., Supplies 2.660.89 24.42 l.iu95 67.05 1.584.45 .;n $6,890.24 'Ill for one- 1,125.00 submitted this 7th day .Tan. 4--Telephone bill for I^ec. .8 Jan. 29--Geo. Rhlert, expense of 4 trips to Chicago to apprehend persons wanted in this county for criminal offenses Feb. 17--Telephone for Jan Mar. 15--T. H. Brown, P. M.. - • costs in cases of People vs. • Earnest Schaefer. Robert Rey- nolds, Ernst Kuhlmann, Dan­ iel Murphy. Peter Engel®, Ja­ cob Hubschmann 9.20 20.00 W-10 m % 28.79 LYNN RTCHARDS, County Treasurer. State of Illinois, , M^Henrv County ss. I. Lynn Richards, do solemnly swear that the foregoing account is. in all re- «mects. just and true according to my best knowledge and belief, and that T have neither received directly or indi­ rectly nor directly or indirectly agreed to receive or be paid for my own or an­ other's benefit, any other money, arti­ cle or consideration than therein stated, nor am I entitled to any fee or emolu­ ment for the period therein mentioned, other thjfcii those therein specified. - ^ LTNV RICHARD?. hogs,, crows' eggs and crows'- heads for the year ending July 1st, A. D. 1918, in the same amounts, manner and form as provided in the Acts of the General As­ sembly of ihe year 1907, for the pay­ ment of such bounties. Said resolution being necessary to comply with amendments, to said Acts, made by (the General Assembly of the year 1909. The motion was seconded by Supr. Whipple and unanimously carried. The clerk presented the statement of Jesse F.. Hannah, Poormaster of the City of Belvidere, amounting to the sum of $52.60 for supplies furnished Edward Moore and family. Tt was moved by Supr. Haeger and seconded by Supr. Wright that same be laid on the table. Motion carried. M. A. Carmack and Fred Eppel ap­ peared before the board in behalf of one Mary Henry, representing that she had been for manv years and was now in fact a resident of this County, that she had some years ago while living here beenijafflicted with a form of rheuma­ tism, which had rendered her practically helpless, that in an attempt to rid her­ self of the malady she had taken treat­ ments at West Baden, Elgin and many other places, that she had later been persuaded to go tp Hot Springs for treatment, and had there stayed until the present time, that her physical con­ dition is now such that she is almost entirelv helpless, that she is absolutely without means and that this county should aid in her care. Thev further stated that arranger ments could be made whereby she would he taken care of by the associated char­ ities, provided this county would pay toward said care the sum of $12.00 per month. It was moved by Supr. Hale and sec­ onded by Sunr Forrest that Supervisor Walters be directed to arrange for said care at the terms mentioned. Supervisor ̂ "alters stated that he had 4*0®:.:^ Tip im 10.04 18.8* been requested to solicit from the Board of Supervisors the use of their room !n j Chas. Ackman, the Court House for the use of the Red Work ^ -* 'H M. Turner, SpL Com Work Co. Officers $ 39.51 . iv Rochester Germicide Co., Mdse. . ,f Sheriff :. 9.0« ̂ A. Dwlght Osborn, Mdse. Sheriff 12.71 -t?' Midland Chemical Co., Mdse. „• Sheriff 7.50 * Thos. Davis, Jr., Labor, Sheriff.. 6.06J Perry L. Persons, Serv. 4 days County Judge The Lawyers Co. Op. Pub. Co.. Law books Northwestern Mfg. Co., Mdse. Sheriff Zion Tnst. A Industries, Mdse. Sheriff & "Supt. Schools ...... Chicago Telephone Co., rent of phones Dr. E. Windmueller, Com. Insan­ ity John Levell Dr. E. V. Anderson, Com. Insan­ ity, John Levell Dr. E. V. Anderson, Com. Insan­ ity, Alonzo Putnam Dr. E. V. Anderson, Com. Insan­ ity, Sarah Johnson Dr. H. M. Francis, Com. Insan- ityj-Sarah Johnson Dr. H. M. Francis. Com.. Insan­ ity Alonzo Putnam M. J. Wandrack. Bailiff 6 days.. McHenry Co. Soil Imp. Assn., Sal­ ary Mch , Apr. & May 516.87 ,S[ . Roy J. Stewart, Salary Sheriff "• !»"; March. April. May >216.00 Wilbur Rummel, Salary Janitor -« March, April. May .' 186.00 <, 1 A. M. Shelton. Add. Comp., - SS March, April, May 225.00. . <• P- j"5 C. L. Tryon. Salary Supt. Hgwys., i \"'t Feb.. March, April & May.... 8A0.00' ?, / ' ,71 A. M. Shelton, Exp. of Office 24.25' W. M. Welch Mfg. Co., Mdse. •V"? ** Supt. Schools Woodstock Sentinel. Ptg. County y Officers , 143.9# Frank O'Brien. Labor ft material Court House 1M.00?" A. H. Hale, Spl. Com. Work .... 8.1« W. H. Ward. Spl. Com. Worif.... 4.50 - W. H. Forrest. Spl. Com. Work *J D. M. Wright. Spl. Com. Work.. 9.0V? Jr., Spl. Com. • 1 t.o* ' \ • | £ \ % v*! \ I.®# 6.00 ' 'j 12.50' * ' Cross. It was mov»d by Supr. Wright and seconded that the. use of said room be tendered. Motion was unanimously carried. The clerk presented lists of claims. County Poor "and Labor Fees and Sup­ plies, against the County and on motion Of Supr. Whipple, duly seconded, same were referred to proper committees without reading, and the board adjourn­ ed to 1:30 for committee work. 1:30 P. *. Roll call showed same members pres­ ent. Supr. Wright presented the following resolution and moved its adoption, to- wit: 18.901 S.7»> SLBflfir" t.00 J. E. Harrison, Spl. Com. Work. F. A. Walters, Sol. Com. Work. W. T!\ Pierce, Sol. Com. Work.. E. F. Kuecker. Spl. Com. Work.. Ernest Ries, Plumbing Court Hse. and .Tail ..." All of which is respectfully submit ted. ^ i A. H. HA i;K, .•;* ' -* , -.Ml W. H. FOBREif, Z\ W. F> PIERCE. . "f v-- %,••,.«.• K H_ gfANLWr,. . ••/o CHAS. H. ACKMAN, JR. The Committee on Fees and Salaries made the following report, which was" adopted, to-wit: v *• ¥' i ' RESOLVED, That the public Interest Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the demands that Route No. 17. lying in < Board of Supervisors:- r Chemnn* Township, in McHenry Coon- ' Your ct>mmittee on Fees and Salarle*. «v. Illinois, and designated on offi- to whom referred the semMianuei clal State-alfl Route Hap or McHenry reports of the County CSerk, Circuit imS-UM >skt %.V\I - \\ V v A • *7 s*. Yr' *1 \ J ^ .' ,'A. v!;5stej \ ' ' '</&< •

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