Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Apr 1918, p. 13

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f&Ct* V ' • ; V-J t *I X % » 1 f t $ ' • • * ; f T - ' " ? f * **'V? ardmH ontheTr<lil«ger. g*Z»°! ***® t r € # W i d ? i s r s P O t t i . t r i j ' » * c t Sto^and' Omto^BwMslation and the Pwaltrr association for the sum Of 919.90 each, said Appropriations to be received by said associations with the express undj^tandjng that they thereby agree that their members ex­ hibit their, stock at the next session of toeMcHen*y County Fair. It was moved by Supr. Harrison and duly seconded and carried that the chair appftfwt a committee of three to rep­ resent the county in investigating the ^ proposed improved road from Rockford Livery hire to Chicago, get all information possible Miscellaneous and report back to this Board. The chair thereupon appointed Suprs. Har­ rison, Wright and Forrest. Thereupon, on motion of Supr. Wright, duly seconded by Supr. Hale, and carried, that this Board adjourn. Thereupon the Board adjourned. L. B. COVELL. Chairman. Attest: G. E. STILL, Clerk. SHERIFF Receipts-- Earned Received For Fees li* Suits in Court % For Executions . . From State Auditor, June 27th 4 For Miscellaneous Services ......... 284.60 ,_| J77.85 7«.« * $4.41 80.50 *0.50 > '*-• Total earnings tut '••*•. ^ » One-half year Received of earnings previous- ^ ly reported ................ 1BS-30 Annual December 1917 1 ^ ^ ' t" Total receipts Expenditures-- Sheriff's salary one-half year <*.t: toi *•* 200.00 . 200.22 .y' 700.06 . $1,100.22 K£». The Honorable- Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, met in speci' 1 session pursuant to the rule of said board, at the Court House in the City o( Woodstock, on ' Monday, the third day of December, A. E>. 1917, at ten o'clock, a. m. The meeting was called to order by the chairman, L. B. Covell, and the roll; being called the following members re-j sponded to their names: N. H. Stanley,; D. M. Wright, H. E. Whipple, W. H. Ward, H. G,, W." H. Forrest^ E. F. Kuecker, Charles H. Ackman, Jr., Fred A. Walters, J. E. Harrison, H. M. Turner, L. B. Covell, W. F, Pierce, SL If. Freund, A. H. Hale and R. E. H&e- ger, constituting a quorum. The minutes of the meeting of Sep­ tember 11th and the adjourned meeting fit September 26th, were read and ap­ proved. The special committee on Seneca bridge made the following report, to- wit: Mr. Chairman and Members of the Board 6f Supervisors: Tour committee to whom was refer­ red the matter of constructing a new bridge at the site known as McAuliffe bridge in Seneca Township, would beg leave to report as follows: The International Steel & Iron Com­ pany, to whom said bridge was let for the sum of $4,473 (exclusive of piles and filling approaches) have been un­ able to complete the work to date al­ though the abutments are about com­ pleted and the steel • nearly ready for shipment. Tour committee would recommend that the County Clerk be empowered to draw orders for McHenry County's half of the cost of said bridge upon accept­ ance of said bridge by this committee and so reporting to said County Clerk. "i^Jtespetttfully submitted. • ku CHAS. H. ACKMAN, *R. . • •" W. F. PIERCE, • H. M. TUEXER, •, .;v;vvC, Committee. On motion of Supr. Haeger, duly sec­ onded, same was laid on the table. The special committee on Chemung bridge made the following report, to- wit: Mr. Chairman and Members of the Board of Supervisors: Tour- committee to whom was refer-J^V red the matter of constructing a new bridge at the site known as Cash bridge! • ^ 5FV *t Lawrence, Chemung Township,'f? would beg leave to report as follows: . Thg j0iiet Bridge & Construction Cora- sV • • ' pany to whom said bridge was let for the sum of $4,896 (exclusive * of piles ^"V and filling approaches) have been un- ,-V able to complete the work • to date al- '\~x though the abutments are finished and 'it~ the steel is at the site. The date set for the completion of the bridge.JjkJPecem- ;*U/.. her 20, 5917. .» Tour committee would recommend ' -V that the County Clerk be empowered ; it to draw orders for McHenry County's V " half of the cost of said bridge upon ac- " ceptance of said bridge by this commit- *> tee and so. reporting to said County . - - Clerk. , • , . K • Respectfully submitted. ' ,v • ' - H. E. WHIPPLE, ' • H. M. TURNER, ' , i; \ , I H. Q. DURKEE, ,*? ' Committee. >** • '• motion of Supr. Haeger, duly sec- ^ onded, same was laid on the table. ;-t/ f> J. R. Hyde appeared before the board and suggested that some action be 4 •; taken to provide for the registration of All volunteers to the service of the U. fV S. from this county, of which there is % t, • at the present time no complete record, stated that those who had been select- ed, and those who had gone as mem- i y'."* bers of the militia were on record, but \\, that many others had enlisted and been ',tl assigned to various branches of the ser- vfoe. ' Upon motion of Supr. Hale, duly sec- ?>" . onded, the County Clerk and the County • Superintendent of Schools were ln- ;v"v.,J" structed to formulate a register and » blanks to be distributed by the County Superintendent in the various school Vv -f,- districts and the Clerk directed to re- , cord said certificates when properly, re­ turned. _ _ Supr. Whipple stated that Mr. Cof­ fey from the State University was pres- ! ent and would talk to the boax~d on the ; tobject of "County Soil Advisors. Mr. Coffey expressed himself as well pleased with the progress that had been %v made in this county toward better. Balance due the Sheriff $ 632.14 Your committee would therefore rec­ ommend that an order be drawn on the County Treasurer for the sum of six hundred thirty-two dollars and fourteen cents ($632.14), the amount as shown to be due to the Sheriff. We would further report that said committee has examined the Sheriff's account for dieting prisoners for the past six months and find that there is due the Sheriff the sum of nine hun­ dred and three dollars and twenty-five cents ($903.25), for which we would recommend that an order be drawn on the County Treasurer in favor of the Sheriff..--" All of which is respectfully submit­ ted. '•••'• V « H. M. TURNER, Chmn; E. F. KUECKER,^'^ •' . A. H. HALE, ; • W. H. forresDv, W. H. WARD, ; D. M. WRIGHT, CHAS. H. ACKMAN, JR. The coapmittee to settKe with the Treasurer made the following report which was on motion adopted, towit: Mr. Chairman and Members' of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to settle with the Treasurer would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters be­ fore them: We have examined and checked the books and vouchers in the County Treasurer's office and find them correct and satisfactory, showing as follows: Balance on hand as per re- , port Dec. 1, 1916 : f 4t.071.70 Receipts from all sources duEing the year endings Nor. 30, 1917 *.., 314,714.52 Total receipts ........,.. $356,786.22 Disbursements for year end­ ing Nov. 30, 1917 ........ 818,759.56 Township officer County Orders Bounty Orders Circuit Court Jurors' tificates County Court Jurors' Certif- :. maae in mis <juumy lunaiu ucuci* ic®tes ......... .... *•••••'•: methods of agriculture but as not fa- 'County^ Court ^Jurors^ Certii-r; voring the plan adopted here of com- ' *" ' L * t T* . bining the Soil Advisor's work with that of the Boys and Girls, as had been done the past year, his opinion being that both branches were a necessity but that the soil advisor had all he could attend to with adults and should jiave some one else to act as leader in the young people's work. The semi-annual reports of the Coun- . ty Clerk, Circuit Clerk, Sheriff and Treasurer were read by the clerk and on motion referred to the proper com- lttees for report. The clerk presented lists of claims against the county which on motion, duly seconded and carried, were refer­ red to the proper committees for re­ port, and the board adjourned to 1:30 p. m. for committee work. 1:30 P. ML Board met pursuant to adjournment, roll call showed same members present with the exception of Suprs. Whipple and Haeger. The committee on Fees and Salaries made the following report, which was uKJilor. adopted, ts-wit: Mr Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Tour committee on Fees and Salaries to whom was referred the semi-annual reports of the County Clerk, Circuit Clerk and the Sheriff for the half-year ending December 1st, A. D. 1917, would beg leave to submit the (following re­ port on the matters and things before them: . We have audited the books and ac­ counts of said officers and find the same correct, as follows, to-wit: COUNTY CLERK ^ • Receipts-- JSarned Received For Probate Fees.. .$1,182.J6. $ 685.08 For Clerk's Fees in Suits in Court ... 66B.40 270.90 For County Services. '671.00 For Miscellaneous , Services 541.^0 384.05 Total of Earnings -u for half-year . .$2, A.Jtereived of Earnings pre­ viously reported: ,• Probate r;«, ^Eourt Costs ...,. . . • . $fiscellaneous • .. ... . • • • • ' Total Receipts $4,390.91 Balance due County «• per June Report ... 928.78 i.i%V Balance on hand Nov. SO, 1917 • .....$ 88,026.67 The County Treasurer's itemized re­ port hereto attached, which with the County Treasurer's, report showing of­ ficial collections and disbursements made during the past year, we submit as part of this report. We would rec­ ommend that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized to borrow at the lowest rate of interest Such sums of money as may be required from time to time to pafy the running expenses of the County until sufficient funds shall have been collected from the current year's taxes and turned over to the Treasurer by the various town collec­ tors, -4o meet said expenses. All of which is respectfully submit­ ted. --. ' H. E. WHIPPLE, Chmn. JOHN DONAHUft ; iv S. H. FREUND,,.;,-./- J. E. HARRISGffiE ; R. E. HAEGER. > ^ > A DEBITS . Amount on hand Dec. 1, 1916.• 44,071.79 Received from-- Wi Taxes ,.. . 414.37 *V. V 1,837.22 *81.89 *00.00 1,73 5.1? Interest and costs .... Township Collectors, O*. Clerk's fees V;..... Sale of milk at Poor Farm.. Sale of produce at Poor Farm Theo. Hamer, Circuit Clerk,, G.AN'~E. Still, County Cleric," Nov. 1916, balance G. JR. Still, County Clerk, unclaimed witness fees* .. # *88.50 G. E. Still, County Clerk, Refund fees of Peck and' Smith, Laura Kretchnerjs insanity - Special patients at Poor Farm D. R. Joslyn, State's Attorney V. S. Lumley, State's Atty.. Inheritance tax fund Inheritance tax fund, County? Fees «. A. M. Shelton, Institute Fun<% , Fred Guttschow, Unknown^; ; , 4 Non-Resident and Minor ' . Heirs' Fund .^« 158.60 C. B. Whittemore, share o%, Thos. Davis, Estate of D|»|v , • L. Davis 47.90 Fayette Thomas. Part county claim of L. J. Rahn .... Richards, Jewett and Wrigh and McHenry County Ab#^ ; Companies, rental of tele-; '• 4. ' phone extension Air' :h 118.40 450.00 t,047.50 J.,153.07 i40.ll • 450.95 *48.89 * 9.00 Total receipts ...... $866,78(^22 CRBDIT5B;'4 • • Paid-- - State Treasurer, General rev- enue fund_ $142J17.39 i!!! 71,060.28 .... 1,579,85 Cer- icates (in insanity) Coroner's Court Juroraf CeTfj tificates • • *: Coroner's inquest fees ...., 1 Unclaimed witness fee® -.. ,':;i For births and deaths report- 1/T18.00 8.50 36.00 SI16.00 "165.00 t^|5.50 Court reporter. * . ̂2 22 County Clerk, extending taxes l,f37.22 County Clerk, assisting at tafe.^« i sale For publishing delinquent ta*,f list "" For publishing assessment;* lists From association fund ..... From institute fund ....... Probation officer .' Refund erroneous tax sales State Treasurer, inheritance tax fund - Appraiser's fees, inheritance- tax fund ^ fj County Clerk's fees, inherit ance tax fund County fees, inheritance ' tas fund 4A I. 194. •150. i<99.71 7.95 1.76 ).00 33.18 ^164.90 i:v|87.10 • Shovels «i 4 Hog scrapers 3 Currj- combs and brushes .. 1 Land roller 4 Axes 1 Water trough 1 Seed drill 4 Pair ice tongs ......... 2 Riding plows 1 Potato hiller .......... 1 Pair horse clippers 1 Hay carrier, fork, rope and pulley 10 Corn knives *•.. » 2 Work benches and vise ..... 1 Corn planter 1 Three-section 10 Wrenches »' »V.'. 4 Sprinklers .. i , 2 Pruning knives 1 Pruning saw i 1 2-inch auger 1 Pair compasses .. ..... ... 3 Pipe wrenches 1 Trowel 1 Hog ringer ..... 2 Wheel barrows .. 2 Picks 6 Hoes 1 Set scales .. 1 S q u a r e . . n , 2 Monkey wrenches 1 Bit and brace ... 2 Post mauls ....'. Step ladders .... 3 Wedges 1 Pair pinchers . 1 Ga-soline engine , 1 Sickle grinder ., 1 Set fly nets .....; 2 Hand carts ...,. i i Potato sprinkler # 1 Potato planter .v 1 Emery wheel .. Crowbars 4 Scoop shovels * Corn plows ...... 8 Forks ........... 1 Potato sprayer .. Scythes ...A.... Barrels ....... Buck saws* ..... Grub hoe ....... Scalding tank . .. Garden drill* .. Tank heater .., Disc harrow .... Butter worker ... Hammers 50 Grain sacks 2 Plows .......... Fanning mill .... Corn sheller .... Shovel plow ... Wire stretchers Post augers <*,60 ~ **40 :=ft75 tt.00 .is .50 WkOO i.00 . .75 10.00 10.00 12.00 .75 U /J.00 %' 1.00 • f p ' 1 *0% »*•< rfV,.'.. »*. I*** <i • .50 25 .00 .00 00 8.00 16.00 26.00 i.00 too 1.50 S.50 .00 .75 *.00 ! I.0G ,50 t.00 6.00 6.00 16.00 1.50 S.00 4.00 16.00 4.00 i.00 W-' .75 >.75 ^tr. Chairman and Gentlemen ot- th#i Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was refers red the election expenses for the judi­ cial election held on £0th day of Octo­ ber, A. D. 1917, would beg leave to sub­ mit the following report on the mat­ ters before them: That they have audited the accounts of the several predicts and find the following amounts dm the precincts as follows, to-wits.,-,; y&i&A Riley - •: ;&%. $$0.70 Marengo, 1st ,ii. . 30.20 v » O _ J . r - - 3 0 . 2 0 30.20 30.20 Marengo, 2nd Dunham . . . . , Chemung, 1st 4 Chemung, 2nd Chemung, 3rd "'It Seneca .'... , Coral ... .,. Grafton .... Dorr, 1st;.. Dorr, 2n| ... Dorr, 3rd ... Dorr, 4 th Greenwood Hebron ...... Richmond burton McHenry, 1st McHenry, 2nd i., McHenry, 3rd s Nunda, 1st ...... Nunda, 2nd Set wagon springs Pair tin shears Cable chains .. Keyhole sav • • Pruning knives Try square Grindstone Cultivators Funnels .iiir.if Oil stone •I:0" . . . . 00 r .50 ^ ^ « oo ';»* *^5 '• '"•T'i 7' w«• *;» Step ladders^ 2 Hay racks' if. •v.. i V r » •'*'«.« a »'•* * ** • • * Potato forks Garden raises .......i,**.* Hand saws . . Bevel saw-, »-» Planes .. Hay knife ... ̂ 4 v Chisels V'.: Draw shave ...... Cross-cut saw Caldron kettle .............. Pump jack ....4.. Spring tooth harrow Gasoline tank .......... > Hay rake Hack saw si 00 feet l^-inch garden hose... 1 Manure spreader ........... J Hay tedder Grain binder Corn binder .. Alfalfa cutter Cultivators ... Tackle blocks Road scraper S t o n e b o a t . . . . . . . , Extension ladder i vw» «... Lawn mowers . <... .a .. Potato scoop ........ 1**• Lawn rakes >; Set bob sleight} • • • ••••«•• 5 1.00 .25 ^ 1.50 ( 00 ! .20 • .15 • i.00 i.00 1.00 ,1.00 1.00 .20 1.00 .50 f .50 •1.00 too i.00 ««.oo If. 00 i.00 IO.00 .50 .50 40.00 iS.OO «5.00 100.00 16.00 «.oo 2.00 i.00 4.00 £00 and fixtures .00 ,... .25 „ i. 80.00 . f e . . Total Electric light system .. ..... Farm Products--* , >'>. 500 bushels ' Oats •%#»•$ 225 bushels Barley ... 1.. 175 bushels Wheal. »*,. 30 feet Silage ... .1 « . 300 shocks Com 1 lot Straw ... 26 tons Hay .... .$3,017.46 .. 900.00 . . . . . . . . . . ,......... , . . v> ». «>,. < 350.00 281.25 350.00 600.00 800.00 60.00 780.00 •», year Expense of Treasurer's ofllee, 1 year 20.00 iS , * : 40.11 Isl50.00 42.34 Total expenditures $318,759.55 Casb on hand to balance.... 38,026.67 l,44i.4i 13.70 1,645.72 Total Expenditures- Clerk Hire ...... $1,167.76 Pocket fee returned. 4.00 Miscellaneous ••••,•• ? Clerk's Salary for one-half year .... 1,000.00 .$6,319.69 ' " i - , $2,182.36 /.. . Balance due tb« County ...$8,187,33 The semi-annual report of the Cir­ cuit Clerk being as follows, to-wit: CIRCUIT CLERK ••• Receipts-- Earned Received For Recording $1,163.66 $1,168.65 For Clerk's fees in Suits in Court ... 864.60 836.50 For Miscellaneous ^ Services 141.11 14CJ6 For Attending Court 1 • I12 days at $5.00. CTlfl Total earnings for fe " one-half year .. $2,836.$0 ^7; : flj^Mnved of earnings previous- yfcy reported ..••• ...... 1.000.47 %otal Receipts v...v.i«i•.• .$8,206.77 T ipxpenditures#-- . : ... • v Cferk hir® EKx kPt foes r%» _ funded ....««• «>« *1-00 Miscellaneous 67,41 <3trk's salary for . f one-half year .... 1 1 1 4 1 3 2 4 .lance due the County ...$1.143.29'1 le semi-annual report off tfcf Sheriff 1 as follows, to-wit: * « 1,000.00 $2,063.48 .$1,143.29 Total $356,786.22 December 1st, 1017--% t Debits Cash Book ....^..,^$356,786.22 Credtts Cash Book .. 818,759.55 Balance •«,<>** 38,026.67 Distributed as follows: ' • General fund $ 10,450.99 Tax of 1916 (paid after abate­ m e n t V • • • * • • Township officers' fund .... Unknown, Non-resident and Minor Heirs' fund Duplicate taxes Deposit by order of court... Unclaimed witness fees ...» institute fund Total in funds • The committee on nlms House and Farm made the following report which was on motion adopted, to-wit: Mr. tnairman and Gentlemen or tne Board of Supervisors: Your committee on Alms House and Farm would beg leave to submit the followlhsr report on the matters and things before them: We met at the Alms House and Farm on Fridav, the 30th "day of November, A D 1917. for the purpose of making an inventory of•the personal property on and about said farm and transact­ ing such other business as should prop­ er! v ,* before this coiniuiiioe. The inventory is as follows, to-wit: Registered Stocks 2 Registered cows $ 40U.WW 1 Registered bull .t.• • i Registered- heifBP • . »V-t • * Total O;711.26 Groceries, Provisions, Ftael, Etc.--- 34 lbs. plug tobacco 8 cartons smoking tobaoeo 4 dos. pkgs. Sterling ...... 1 case toilet paper 6 doz. suits underwear ... 10 lbs. tea 120 lbs. oatmeal ......... 90 lbs. sugar 25 lbs. rice 25 lbs. starch 150 lbs. coffee, at.SOc..,,. 100 lbs. corn, meal 24 lbs. baking powder 25 lbs. soda 1,000 lbsf flour 8 lbs. better 28 cans salmon 12 cans corn T4 cans soup ........«.•* 20 lbs. cheeste 10 gal. syrup ....»^,......... 50 lbs. lard 34 cans mustard ..-«j 1 bbl. wash powder ........... 18 •pkgs. shredded wheat...... % bbl. table salt 50 lbs. sal soda 5 boxes soap 100 lbs. sweeping compound 85 bars Ivory soap 50 lbs. scouring powder 14 hoxes soap chips 6 gal. disinfectant 5 gal. liquid soap at $i gal.... 30 gal. bed-bug disinfectant... 40 gal. disinfectant 60 gal. vinegar i i ot prun^B . »»•» 37 cans lye .................. 12 brooms 6 gal. canned apples 1.600 qts. canned fruit 15 bu. turnips ......,......... T 12.92 16.36 1.92 6.50 108.00 2.00 7.20 .7.00 .00 .50 .00 .00 4.80 1.30 w.oo $.84 $.72 1.44 1.40 6.00 $.00 .00 .72 .00 1.80 1.00 1.50 ffc.25 i.oo 6.50 8.50 8.5° 10 bu. beets 20 bu. carrots .., 125 bu. potatoes 25 bu. onions .... 10 doz. squashes 120 gal. gasoline t o . . « < .00 lO.oo •O.oo 40.00 li.oo ft.75 . 2.96 7.20 1.20 HO.OO 6.25 12.50 »S.OO 177.50 60.00 10.00 16.40 11.00 305.06 Registered stock ......... $ Unregistered stock ...... i », Farm Implements ....... . . Farm Products Groceries,. Provisions, etc.... Electric Light System ...... $1,052-49 650.00 S.IOO.OO 3,017.45 2,711.25 1,962.49 900.00 128.44 1,197.51 4, IE 3.79 98.54 OS8.5S $26.^5 1*52.87 11,026.67 125.00 125.00 . I *6o.oo T-nrepistered Stock--• ^ ftA 6 Brood sows f f00.0« 1 Boar . 28 Shoals 14 Cows 7 Two-year olds . ̂ »«,«.>. ,# •.. 4 One-vear olds s Head horses t., 8 Geese ••»»»; 5 Ducks ........ 120 Chickens .«v 30.00 420.00 1,400.00 420.00 100.00 400.0'l 24.00 100.00 $1400.00 Farm Implement#-- ' » ri4 4 if, n(. Top bum ™ 64.. : .20.00 ' ao.oo 5.00 L ir- * i l , ... Hog rack . Single harness , Robes ffe Spring wagon > . • •••• • z-zi Truck wagons .^. Set harness . , Horse blanketa »• •• • vy2.00 Mower ./ig-J® Potato dlOTsr ^ * . . . w . , , M i - . -• >* *- i & 4 y $ ^ , . - " ' - . . v' . f - ' - Total $12,331.19 Tour committee would further report and recommend that the county employ Dr. E. V. Anderson as county physician for the year one thousand nine hundred and eighteen to attend the patients at the poor house at fhree dollars and fifty cents per visit, he to furnish his own medicine. Your committee would also recom­ mend that Gardner Knapp be reappoint­ ed superintendent of said Alms House and Farm, and that his salary be fixed at the sum of twelve hundred dollars $3,200.00) per annum, and his wife three hundred dollars per annum, for run­ ning the poor farm and house, and for the proper care of all inmates who may V)£» |n hOUS6 on 1^5© faZ*s£ a# t»«»_ nary in the year of our Lord one thou­ sand nine hundred and eighteen or may be admitted during the said year, the superintendent to furnish and pay alt necessary help, with the exception of one hired man and woman who we rec­ ommend that the board of supervisors employe at a salary not to exceed the sum of one hundred fifteen dollars $115.00) per month, the hired help to work at all times under the instructions and direction of the superintendent or his wife. It is further recommended that the superintendent or some responsible em­ ploye of his or of the county shall at all times be in personal charge of the inmates. It is further recommended that the superintendent be employed for such time as his services shall prove satis­ factory to the Board of Supervisors and its poor farm committee, not to exceed one year from the first day of January in the, year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred ana eighteen. It is further understood and agreed that the entering upon the duties of su­ perintendent of said poor farm shall constitute an acceptance of all the fore­ going provisions and be in pant a con­ tract between the superintendent and the Board of Supervisors. AH of\ which is respectfully submit- Sk M- WRTOHT. Chairman. .1 --- " / M. H. HALE, <f" Z"Y\ «. M. TURNER, ' * - V j •' - ,|F. A WALTERS, ' ™ R. E. HAEGER, W. H. FORREST. The committee on Elections ma^e the following adopted, ' •f ••• e- • *,•> • • A • - » ¥ • f .* '• • « » . • • .*-» » * \ >• «i » • • » • • n'Ve-j. 4 • . 4 » • » • * • rf * * f' • * • • » e. 30.70 SO.SO:5 29.3(1 29.8(1 30.20 30,20 24.10 24.00 24.10 29.60 29.70 30.50 30.40 31.00 30.20 30.20 A. W. HA1 W. F. PJH N. H. STi CHAS. H. AC _ -- . JR. , The committee on Relief of the Blind made the following report which was on motion adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and* Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on Relief for Blind would beg leave to submit the follow­ ing report on the matters before them: That they have considered the proof submitted by Walter Freund as to whether he was entitled to relief, from which, they recommend that he be re­ instated and relief granted. All of which is respectfully submit­ ted. D. M. WRTGHT. Cbmn. «. H. FREFNOi,- '• * F. A. WALTERjfc' :• , H. WARD. v- . Thfe report of W. E>. Wire, probation officer under appointment of the Circuit Court, was read by the Clerk and on motion approvi-d, the same being in words and figures as follows, to-wit: To the Honorable Board of Supervisors, McHenry County. Illinois. Gerttlemen:--I enclose herewith an­ nual report as Probation Officer for Mc­ Henry County, Illinois. . I have at the present date twelve paroles. During 30.20 !9.90 Nunda, 2nd ,.»i. 29.90 Nunda, 3rd . . . i 1... . . . . . . > » . 29.80 Algonquin, 1st J.. 30.50 Algonquin, 2nd 30.50 Algonquin, 3rd ii.... 30.30 All of which is respectfully submit- ; X E. HASRISON, Chlria. - W., F. PIERCE, V, H. G. BT JtKEB, - W. H. WB.RD. The committee on Claims (County Poj»r) made the follo^ini; report which was on motion adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervises: Your committee pn County Poor claims would beg leive to report that they have examined >11 claims present-' ed to them, and re<Mmniend the pay­ ment of the followtog, and that the Clerk be directed to iksue orders on the County Treasurer to 'the claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: i St. Vincent's Ind. School, board • Spiel man and Lilly child..... .$ 90.00 Chemung-- Dr. C. M. Johnson, serv. Andrew Anderson *«..... ..... 76.00 Lake & Harris, mdse Mrs. Lee Brown 11.00 Dr. H. D. Eaton, secv. Raymond Anderson t, 11.00 Hoge & Guetschow,1 mdse. The­ resa Parker 10.00 James A. Keeler, coal Mrs. S. Hollister V 4.18 W. H. Ward, exp. R. Keeler, Del Penny 11.60 Coral-- Dr. P. A. Rente, msi. ser. Mrs. Fred Roth 10.0© Greenwood-- J. E. . Harrison, <! pension ltl«. Nichols . . , Richmond--. ", • . . C. w. Kionts, , serv.. Chas. Bor- cum < . 18.00 Nunda-- A. H. Hale, exp. Geol West 11.17 Dr. W. M. Freeman, serv. Mrs. AUie Benson .... ; 16.00 Chas. G. Frett, mdse. Mrs. Kate Miller : ; 7018 Wilbur Lbr. Co.,*' coal Mrs. Kate Miller 11,76 H. W. Gieske, mdse. Goldstrom.. "Ml.tO Kegebein & Miller, coal Mrs' Deering 11.03 Schueneman Bros., mdse. Mrs. Deering $>.*9 H. 51. Rosenthal & Sons, mdse. Mrs. Heine and Goldstrom .... 14.65 Dr. Geo. H. Pflueger, serv. Mrs. L. Heine and Mrs. Dodde.... 14,75 W. E. Kroeger, mdse. L. L. Dodds 14.89 Meier Bros., mdse. - Mrs. Heine. Smith and Jeske $8.10 A. H. Hnle, pension Ida Muffley ahd ?udse. Mrs. Schultz ..... 14S.0S McHenry-- Math Miller, board Marin and Leo. Miller 00.00 M. M. Niesen, mdse. Mrs. Geo.. Beckwith 11.48 Wilbur Lbr. Co., coal Mrs. Geo. Beckwith ....*.. 10.48 S. H. Freund, rent Mrs. Beck with and exp, Dorlester Granger 60.60 Dr. D. G. Wells, serv. Geo. Beck* with " Algonquin-- '. Schueneman Bros., mdse. Mrs. . i Kallina i$-42 G. H. Dike. mdse. Mrs. Billows. 16.65 H. M. Rosenthal & Sons, coal Mrs. Kalina and Billows ..... 81.19 Duenslng Bros., mdse. Mrs. Rog.- man 7.16 Dr. G. H. Pflueger, serv. Owen Billows ; Mrs. Theo. Bohl, serv. Louis Bohl $0.00 B. H. Bellows, mdse. Mrs. Billows 1.15 Dr. H. M. Francis, serv. Delia- and John Smith $.16 Dr. W. V. Ooodar, serv. James, O'Brien • Dorr-- Mrs. Geo. Grote, care Mrs. Hunt- houser • • • 11.50 Haley & Behringer, mdse. Mrs. . Jake Olson 10.15 F. A. Walters, exp. J. Oakroot,, 11.15 F. A. Walters, pension Cora Plunkey, May'Anderson, Emma Eckert, Grace Edinger, Rachel Gillsple, Delia Hurley, May • Henry and Barbara Pope tffl.V" Richmond-- George Foster, rent Chas. Bas- comb Hebron-- „ Dr C. W. Bailey, serv. Mrs. Fred Phillips and Bessie Das~_ SOW ' wWVwV Dr E V. Brown, serv. Mrs; Fred Phillips, Jack Wlen and boy at Spooners ............. - le-OO All of which is respectfully submlt- t«d F. A. WALTERS, W. H. WARD, J. E. HARRISON. The committee on claims (Labor, Fees and Supplies) made the following report which was on motion adopted, to-wlt: . _ . . Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: .Your committee on Labor, Fees and Supplies claims would beg leave to re­ port that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on ints County Treasurer to the claimants for the several amount^s allowed, as fol­ lows, to-wlt: P F. Pettibone & Co., supplies. County Officers . .$170.46 Lawyers 'Co.-Op. Pub. Co., law books v: •: Citv of Woodstock, light and Chicago Telephone Co., rent of phones .... *• • • • W. C. DeWolf, services, Co. judge D B. Nichols, labor A material John Buehler, canvassing elec­ tion returns ,-*«v Emil Arnold, canvassing election returns • • • • ; • •' • • • Ed. L. Martin, auto delivering ballots Thos. Davis. Jr., hauling coal and demurrage . r J. I. Hoi comb Mfg. Co., mdse. Sheriff • • • • • Rochester Germicide Co., mase. Sheriff J. A. Cadwell, freight and express Hali & Eckert, coal ....... A. S. Wright, drugs, etc., sher. Geo. J. Bartelt. mdse. sheriff.... Chas. F. Anderson, hauling coal John J. Stafford, book cases.... Ernest Ries, labor and materia! Wm. R. Burns, labor & material A. D. Osborn, mdse. sheriff.... A. M. Shelton. Supt. Schools, ex- tra comp. Sept. & Oct........ 160.00 C. L. Tryon, Supt. Hys., salary Aug.. Sept. A Oct.. M. J. Wandrack, bailiff J. A. Cadwell, sheriff, salary Sept.. Oct ft Nov. 210.00 Roy J. Stewart, dep. sheriff, sal­ ary Sept., Oct. & Nov McHenry Co, Soil Imp. Assn.. salarv Sept., Oct. & Nov...... Chas. H. Ackman, Jr., Spt. Com. Work Hoy's Pharmacy, Mdse. Co. Off.. S. E. Cunningham, Storm Win­ dows C. H ; • • -- S. H. Freimd. Spl Com. Work.. J. E. Harrison, Spl .Com. Work. A. H. Hale, Spl. Com. ~Work . . . H. M. Turner. Sol. Com. Work . W. H. Forrest, Spl. Com. Work. Belcher Bros., Mdse. Sheriff... F A. Walters, Spl. Com. Work. H. E. Whipple, Spl. Com. Work. C. L. Tryon. Supt. Hys.. Mileage Walters & Burger. Coal, County 197-80 L. >W. Cobb. Ptg. Co. Supt. Sch. . 229.00 Woodstock Sentinel, Ptg. Co. & Cir Ctks * - • • • E. F. Kuecker, Spl. Com. Work.. R. E. Haeger, Spl. Com. Work.. D. M. Wright, SpL>Com. Work. . Frank O'Brien, elfc. supplies ft labor •••• W. H. Ward. Spl. Com. Work. 30 20 past year I liave discharged four paroles, they having fulfilled all con­ ditions put upon them by the court. Four of the paroles saw me and Rsked consent to, enlist in the U. S. Army. I gave them consent and they are now in camp at Camp Grant and in camp in New Jersey. All paroles are obeying the restrictions placed upon them by the court except two. These two are not reporting to me and I have been unable to locate them. I good fdlth with the county and retain­ ed only such fees as he believed him­ self te be entitled to, that believing he was receiving good pay he furnished automobile services for his own and the sheriff's office at all times and in the services rendered paid large expenses from his own pocket. He stated that at one time the matters in controversy had been left to Judge Pond for decision; that Judge Pond decided that he should pay over to the county about $2,850.00; that he had been at all times and was "now ready and willing to pay that amount in settlement of his accounts. Upon the suggestion of Mr. Lumley that a. committee of the board be ap­ pointed to verify his abstract and find­ ings, it was moved by Supervisor ijar- rison and duly seconded and carried that the chair appoint a committee of three for said purpose. Thereupon the chair appointed as such committee Supervisors Turner, Harrison and Hale. County Judge D. T. Smiley stated to the board that there was in Woodstock a girl of about three years of age, which had been taken away from her mother on account of cruelty, that in its infancy the mother had broken the wrist and Mikle of said child, that the breaks had" healed but that the bones were not straight, that the Interest of the child demanded that the bones be reset. He stated that he could have this done at a charitable institution in Cook County at no cost for surgical work if the county would pay the board and care at the hospital. Upon motion of Supr. Turner, seconded by Supr. Wright, Judge Smiley was au­ thorized tft incur the expense as men­ tioned by him. Jesse F. Hannah from Boone County appeared before the board and called attention to the condition of Mrs. Pol- tract being $4,396 yard If walls of add shown on the plans would beg leave to « ing report on. the matto# That they met to insjpief!; and found same completed, in accordance with the pla.,=, « tions and contract (except the floor). Owing to the latenee# Of ll season and the extreme cold weatfiov was decided not to place the floor spring. It was decided by your oSSIff mittee subject to the approval Bosard Supervisors, to recommend payment in the sum of $2,000 oa !&•* count to the Joliet Bridge and Con­ struction Company to be applied on ?*' act?i°n4. ul_ these jnow and three children, stated that they *" ' "" ""*• had been at one time residents of Ma­ rengo, had* moved from there to Wis­ consin and bought a farm where they resided until the husband was killed hy Hghtning, that the widow returned to Boone county less than a year with Some insurance money which was soon expended through sickness and thes fam­ ily was now and would be for some time a charge on Boone county al­ though the parties had no legal resi­ dence there. He stated that there was no obligation on McHenry county but hoped that they might be moved to as­ sist Boone county in some manner. State's Attorney Lumley stated to the board that during the past year he had disposed of 140 cases in Justice Court, 42 cases in the Circuit Court and 100 cases in County Court, that he had dis­ posed of thirteen prisoners, had placed eight in the service of the United States and that he believed they were making good In that service, The following named persons were selected to serve as Grand Jurors for the January Term of the Circuit Court and on motion of Supr. Wright, duly seconded, the list was approved and the Clerk ordered to certify same to the clerk of the Circuit Court: 21.60 m 6.00 66.70 40.00 17.17 6.00 6.00 16.00 18.16 <3.47 66.00 3.41 161.05 31.20 8.38 1.00 63.00 15.10 2.70 21.16 225.00 2.60 255.00 641.99 f.20 1.10 16.40 8.60 28.50 16.80 17.40 23.40 31.43 13.80 4.20 <96.20 41.50 8.85 9.30 26.20 23.10 young men to enlist will meet with your approval. Those in camp write me that they are pleased with their ac­ tion and are glad that they are able to serve their country. Yours very truly, W. E. WIRE, Probation Officer. The report of V. S. Lumley, State's Attorney, was read by the Clerk and on motion approved, said report being as follows, to-wit: To the Honorable Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen:--I herewith respectfully submit a report of the expenditures made by me from May 11, 1917, to the present time. State of Illinois, County of McHenry. ss. I, Vincent S. Lumley, State's Attor­ ney of McHenry County, Illinois, being first duly sworn on my oath, depose and say that the several items mentioned below are just and true expenditures made by me in connection with the ad­ ministration of my office, out &£ the moneys set over to ran by this board for such purposes. 1917-- i - June 11--Amoxint appro­ priated to my use.... $200.00 June 11--Credit on Ray Ashley costs May 21--Sam Ball, ser­ vices as detective. ...$ 30.00 May 28--Sam Ball, ser­ vices as detective.... J\ine 11--Sam Ball, ser­ vices as detective.... June 11--Sam Ball, ser­ vices as detective.... June 19--Sam Ball, ser­ vices as detective..,. June 27--Telegrams on Ducheneau, case ..... June 27--Roy Stewart, Kreuger matter July 2--Perfection Le­ gal »Blank Co., blanks Jttly 2--Telephone for June July 3--Greunwald & Son, taxi to Pistakee Bay ... t July 3--Gruenwald Son, 4axi to Alden... i July 3--Gruenwald ft Son, taxi to Hebron... July 13--Pat McQee, auto to Crystal Lake (Bryant case) July 17--Van ICeuren, de? tectlve services July 17--Van ICeuren, de­ tective services July 21--Frank Whaples July 21--Taxi to Belvi- dere, auto theft Aug. 18--Telephone for July ... Aug. 13--Witness fees, Keyes case Aug. 13--Frank Whaples, Keyes case Aug. SO--Telegram to Milwaukee, exemption case • Sept. 4--Telephone for August Sept. 6--Set aside by Board of Supervisors. Sept. 15--Frank Whaples, Harry Ward case .... Sept. 22--Cash by V. S. L. to send Mrs. Lasoh's sister to insane asylum Sept. 24--Telegrams, Jo­ liet and Alton Sept. 28--Enola Burke, testimony in Ward and Sprague eases Oct. 2--Telegrams, Wash- ington, D. C. and Hous­ ton. Tex., Newman matter Oct. 3--Perfection gal Blank Co.... Oct. 4--Telephone September Oct. 30--Telegrams Nov. 1--Telephone October Nov. 30--C. T. Allen, ex­ pense In Bodkins case. Dec. 1--A. J. Walters, taxi to Spring Grove, Marengo, Union, Ma­ rengo, Sprlhg Grove, Rockford, Algonquin and on Pierson McCar­ t h y c a s e . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dec. 1--Telegrams, Elgin and Ft. Sheridan Dec. 1--Wlllard Cobb, Stationery, «tc. ...... Dec. 1--National Office Supply Co. blanks .... Dec. 1--Cash V. S. L. to Ben Seltz, securing evi­ dence Dec. 1--T. H. Brown, costs in cases of Peo­ ple vs.' Geo. Bodkins, Frank Holtz, James Hayes, Harry Ward, James Powers and Clarence Herdklots ... Dec. 1--William Cooney, fees In cases of People vs. Geo. Bodkins and Frank Holtz Dec. 1--Roy Stewart, fees in cases of People vs. James Powers and Clarence Herdklotz ... Dec. 1--Charles Wan- drack, fees in case of people vs. Harry Ward 20.00 61.71 ( 10.00 6$;14 4.61 1.60 6.00 1.60 3.60 1.00 10.00 5.00 20.00 8.00 11.40 1.00 4V; ^ -Yi* .38 10.10 20.00 Le- ' "for • for S.00 1.ST •; • V * y-. .. ; .• SJf 20.85 1.1C *" • 1.1C 11.10 •Hi • * , . f -•Hi • * , . f - •fS; nm ,41 24.1S i i *$*K; i 2A.|f^ •* 1 ' y * :<;• . • w tM •••.fc fi-4 Riley--Fred Patterson. • - Marengo--Max Wilson and $mar Wright. . • Dunham--Dave Fitch.; . ^ • Chemung--H. W. Pau| fcttd Ifttold Cash. Alden--Chas. BottlemjE „ Hartlp.nd--Wm. Averill: Seneca--J. D. Wright/fT Coral--Henry C. Miller, V Grafton--John HawlejK T • Dorr--John Bolger and Geo, Queer. Greenwood--James Engstrom. Hehron--Chas. Nichols, Jr. Richmond--Wm. Motley. Burton--Berne RM1. . . McHenry--Abe Lawrence and Joseph J. Freund. ' __ _ Nunda---S. A. Johnston and H. F. Senne. - _ . .. Algonquin--Albert Wilbrandt and Michael Fitzgerald. 1 ' • . H. M. Rotrock, representing Tarvia for top dressing for gravel roads, ap- pearHl < and suggested that th^ board consider the purchase of Tarvia for treatment of state aid roads. It was moved by Supr. Freund that the board adjourn to Dec. 20th. Said motion was duly seconded and carried. Thereupon the board adjourned. L/ B. COVELL, Chairman. Attest: O. E. STILL. Clerk. McHenry County's share of cost. which is respectfully cabsiit* teds,fc. , H. E. WHIPPLE, ' ^ ^ : • H. G. DT-RKEE, H. M. TURNER. The special committee heretofore ap­ pointed ' to audit State's Attorney re­ ports, made the following report which was on motion adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of tbWf Board of Supervisors: - ff Your committee to whom was refer- t A »; red the matter of considering the find-, * > ings of V. S. Lumley, State's Attorney u T"¥ * \ in connection with his action as att&i-* *, <j ney for the County Superintendent of- Schools, relative to the unapproved re- '* ' ports of D. R. , Joslyn, former State's. i ;o Attorney for McHenry County, would v, beg leave to submit the following re- i port on the matters before ihem: ..'sr? i That they met on Monday, December' ; 10th, Tuesday. December 11th, Wednesday. Dee. 19th. at the Court House, that they talked the matters iaf s v controversy with such persons as they could determine might be able to giva information, and that after mature liberation it. appears that the reports 'ij f Of question have been made by said for- mer State's Attorney to the .Counts Judge of McHenry County, that said re< ports have not been approved, that thafe?- County Superintendent of Schools ia. 'v, now and has been represented by the ^ - present State's Attorney, who has filedff#f%l?S written objections, that so far as they „ 4.* J are able to determine there Is no ac+ 'I "f 1 tion which can be taken by this com-.- / ̂ | mittee that will in any way affect tho - * "1 present standing of this matter, ana V.%s> 1 they would respectfully ask to be dis-. - ' > ] charged, - ,j£ i All of which is respectfully submit- ' B i ted. H. M, TURNER, Chmn.' J A. H. HALE, J. E. HARRISON. The bond of Lynn Richards as Coun- . * $ ty Collector was read by the clerk «aCsc: ^ on motion same was approved, and or* * dered of record. The following resolution was Intro* duced by Supr. Harrison, who moved its adoption, to-wit: » f RESOLVED, That the public interest | demands that part of State Aid Rout# No. 3, lying in McHenry Township, UUV' nois, and designated on the OfficialV-' State Aid Route Map of McHenry . » County as on file in the office of th(f " County Clerk of said County, and on A ^ b copy of said map in the office of the Adjourned December Meeting, 1917 Balance oa. 1667.88 $711.60 1 .*... $163.72 V. 8. fcUMLEY, State's Attorney. Hon. E. D. Shurtleff of Marengo ap­ peared before the board and stated that he bad been requested to present the matter of issuing bonds of the icounty for the purpose of tjuilding" hard roaas. He explained the provisions of the $60,- 000,000.00 bond bill as passed by the last legislature, and described the roads contemplated for improvement He stated that the bill provided that if a county desired to issue honds and im- prove anv portion of ttie roads oovt^ by the -bill, that the cost thereof would be refunded by the State, when the bill became operative, and that in se the cost of such road whe?,.JTef"n^ could by the county be applied to the improvement of other roads not cover- ^H^stafed^that he was not heretoask for the submission of the a vote bv the people at this that the matter might be brought t^o the attention of the board so that eacn member could ascertain the sentiment in his community and be prepared to consider the matter t^0 or adjourned meeting to be held in two or three ^^umley. State's Attorney «tatpd to the bdard that about a J car ago he was employed by the County Su­ perintendent of Schools fection of this board to audit the re nnrts of his predecessor, D. K. Joslyn, which reports had been under constd- eration for a long time and not yet dis­ posed of. He stated that he together with his assistant and his office force bad devoted a great deal of time and labor to the task and had prepared an Abstract of his findings, which Mr. Allen, his assistant, would explain to them, while he would call Mr. Joslyn, whom he understood felt that he had a claim against the county, which should be treated as a set-off against the amount he might owe. ' Mr Allen then explained to the board his abstract stating that they had con­ sidered the various reports Item, by item and their conclusion was that there was due the School Fund $7,064.38. Mr. Joslyn was called upon and stated that good attorneys differed as to the 410 ! fees to which a state's attorney was en- Tb*. ileiWBWiMs Board Supervisors of McHenry,County, Illinois, met in ad­ journed session pursuant to adjourn­ ment at the Court House in the City of Woodstock, on Thursday, the 20th day of December, A, D. 1917, at 10 o'clock a. m. The meeting was • called to order by the chairman, L. B. Covell, and the roll being called the following members re­ sponded to their names, to-wit: N. H. Stanley, D. M. Wright, H. E. Whipple, W. H. Ward. H. G. Durkee, W H. Forrest, E. F. Kuecker, Charles H. Ackman, Jr., John Donahue, F. A. Walters, J. E. Harrison, H. M. Turner, L. B. Covell, W. F. Pierce, S. H. Freund, A. H. Hale, constituting a quorum. . .. The clerk read a- communication from the Department of Public works and Buildings, announcing: an annual engineering" short course to be held at Springfield and Champaign and suggest­ ing that the board authorise the Coun­ ty Supt. of Highways to attend, the necessary expenses thereof to be borne by the county, and by vote of the board C. L. Trvon was authorised to attend said meeting, the county to pay his nec­ essary expenses. A communication from the Depart- ment of Trade and Commerce, relative to weights and measures was read and on motion placed on file. The clerk presented lists of claims ae-ainst the county and on motion same were referred to the proper committees for report and the board adjourned to 1:00 p. m. for committee work. 1100 V. M. The board met pursuant to adjourn­ ment, »<tiiic members being present. The committee on claims (Labor, Fees and Supplies) made the following report which was on motion adopted, to- TVit • Mr." Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on Labor, Fees and Supplies claims would beg leave to re­ port that they have examined all claims presented td them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the claimants for th» several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: National Off. Supply Co., mdse. State's Atty 1°-80 Harvard Herald Co., Ptg. ballots and blanks Harvard Herald Co., Doe. covers, Cir. Clk J. E. Harrison, Spl. Com. Work.. A. H. Hale, Spl. Com. Work Chas. H. Ackman, Jr, Spl Com. Work •/ •: • • * H M. Turner, Spl. Com. Work.,- C L. Tryon, Supt Hys., salary, Nov • • • • v " A. M. Shelton, Supt. Schools, salarv, Nov M. J. Wandrack, bailiff ••••••••• H. E. Whipple, Spl. Com. work. W H. Forrest, Spl. Com. «orlc.. D. M. Wright, Spl. Com. Work X',K 1 vi as ttetne 36.10 3.00 14.80 11.40 420 17.70 75.00 75.00 2.50 9.88 350 4.60 All of which is respectfully submit- ** A. H. HALE, W. F. PIERCE. N. H. STANLEY. CHAS. H. AOTfMAN, JR. \V. H. FORRKST. The committee on claims (County poor) the following report which was on motion adopted, to-wlt: , Mr Chairtpan and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: . Your committee on County Poor Claims wouM beg leave to report that they have examined all claims present­ ed to them, and recommend the pay­ ment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the claimants for the several amounts allowed, as fol­ lows, to-wlt: Chicago Ind. Home for Child., k care Skow & Fitshenry ehild. .1180.00 Nunda-- _ Kegebein & Miller, coal B. Con* over & Mrs. R o s e . . . . . . . . . . . 1 * 1 0 Grftfton-- ' Kelley A Hllbert, flour Ml* Sherrey S--0 Dorr-- _ Ida H. Wienke, ,eare Louise Jaeger ltt.00 All WWch is respectfully^ ptlbmit- t*d" F. A. WALTERS, i - H. E. WHIPPLE. ^ V * JOHN DONAHUE, W. H. WARD. The special committee on bridge known as the Cash bridge m%de the following report which was on motion adopted, to-wlt: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors. McHenry County. Illinois: Your committee to whom was refer­ red the matter of a new bridge at the site known as Cash bridge, Chemung Township, contract for the construction of which was awarded to the Joliet Construction Company on Department of Public Works and Build* ings, Division of Highways, at Spring* field, Illinois, shall be changed, so that- said Route 3 shall not pass over what is known as Sherman's Hill, said change in the said Route No. 3 to be made in the following manner: That from the point where sat#; Route No. 3 turns south. In the north-': west .quarter of the northwest quartet: of Section 28, Township 45 North. Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, said Route 3 shall be extend^* ed in an easterly direction along this present highway to the highway thatr'v-'-J extends north and south along tho ' 7 | west line of the northeast quarter of . said Section 28; thence south along sal® highway to intersect said State Aid " ; Route No. 3, as shown on the abovo mentioned State Aid maps for a plaoo f of termination of said change of said •: State Aid Route No. .3; and that sal# * . ." Route 3 as designated on raid State A!$* Route maps shall be discontinued as State Aid Route from the above men- ' tioned place of beginning to the abov#* * >*yi mentioned point of intersection with th» ' v|s new route location as described abovs, ,? and the old route as specified on that- - <- above mentioned maps. , S All of the above subject to the ap* - " proval of the State Department of Pub* *'> - lie Works and Buildings, Division qf. • : ' .<•$ Highways. "* Said motion to adopt was duly se<te> * , 1 on (fled and the resolution adopted. •_ s »*- The special committee appoln^d_^t» investigate the question of the «*»« ability of bonding the county fo# hlMd roads made the following report, tOinrtV Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of" Board of Supervisors, McHenry Coun* ty, Illinois: Your committee to whom was refer­ red the matter of investigating tlpfr proposition of a proposed highw. Rockford, Illinois, to Chicago, and also to ascertain what was done regarding said proposed highway by our neighboring counties, in order that McHenry county might not bo gard regarding improved liighwajjfc Mir leave to report as follows: That they met on November 20th anA 22nd at Belvidere, Illinois, and attend*, ed the sessions of the Board of Super* visors of Boone County. Said bo^E$ bad under consideration the matter 0? submitting a bond issue to the peoplo to build a concrete road across the poutlk end of Boone County on what is known as the Grant Highway. Const&srablo opposition having developed to thtt* plan by the people residing in the llprta and central portions of the county. It was decided to include in the plan also a north and south road through the cen­ tral portion of the county and another east and West road across a portion of the north end of the county, maklat system of roads in the form of a letter "T" in addition to the Grant Highway. The Grant Highway being one of tti# roads to be improved by the Sixty Mi|« lion Dollar State Bond Issue, it was als» decided to use any money refunded by the State from said proposed bond is­ sue for the building of additional ^hard^ reads in the county aside from thos®" proposed in the county bond issue. A plan to best serve the_ public interest'.; was agreed upon and will be submitte® *; to the people of Boone County at a spe« cial election on January 9th. 1918, call­ ing for a bond issue of $400,000. If the bond issue passes in Boon* Countv the Grant Highway will b#J built 'to the McHenry County line at * point about five miles west of Mareng^ Illinois. Your committee would also report that on October 30th. 1917. the people of Lake County. Illinois, voted in favor -1;, H or oonaing mat cuuul/ iv it of $500,000 for the improvement of- J roads. That one of these roads is t® extend in an easterly and westerly di» * ih} rection across Lake County from Wau*. " kegan to Volo. Said last named villag#; „ • being about one and three-quarter*" ,<-V miles east from {he east line of McHen- - ' ry County. From Waukegan there Is , . '/jj also to be a north and south road ex» tending from the Wisconsin state lln* > - * i 'it : '• ' ' ' ̂ i v • ">-* •vfM south to Chicago, Illinois. 7 , M , Your committee would also stato " that they have been informed that fCan# ' ' 'Z County. Illinois, on our south to BOt » ft considering the paving of the Gnat Highway at the present time, but lit - improving the Lincoln Highway In an ? easterly and westerly direction across > the county. Winnebago County has passed a bondW, issue to improve the Grant Highw«*_.%(pif the Boone County line. So shouldO!!^! Henry County build a hard road acrOM| the county to connect with tho posed Boone County and Lake County* • mprovements, there would be butit ml- hard road from Rrwkford to ChtcwfQg^-'^ via Belvidere, Maren«ro. WoodsU^t ; McHenry. Volo, Waukegan, Naval . I - 3= Training Station and Fort Sheridan. Your committee again met on the Stlfc 'i ^ dav of December, at Woodstock, Il!i«ns.r*; ('•$ 'i nois, to further study the road situa^*:/6 }^*| tion fn McHenry County, and beg leav# • ^ *J .& to make the following recommenda- * tlons: n "1 That the Honorable Board of SdplN . yisors of McHenry County entertain 1,^| resolution for the bonding of McHenry , , • County, in the manner provided by law ' ai to the sum of $800,000 for the purposo » • »| or building the following Im prove# ': : highways in said county: * f -A. 1. Beginning at the county line of ~ r Boone and McHenry counties on Stat^fc f ;r ii Aid Route No. 12 and extending alonjf' ' said route in an easterly direction % -- distance of four and a half miles <4u> : more or less, to the west city limit* of Marengo, making a total of four anA? a half miles ( 4 Hmore or less. Said y i improvement to consist of constructing :?£- an 18-foot Portland cement concrete pavement with a 30-foot graded roe«- way. The estimated cost of said Msg;y provenient to be Ninety-nine Thousand Dollars <$99,000,001. . , 1 ' ^ 2. Beginning at the east city limits t of Marengo on State Aid Route No. 14 and extending in an easterly dijrec«gN| on said State Aid Route No. 14 tance of four miles < 4> more <JP thence running northerly on said Aid Route No. 14 a distant of ~ a half miles <1*41 #»tiore or north termination of said; Route No. 14. thence ext« erly on State Aid Route tanee of one and three- n^)n,or^WtT<4°)of

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