Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Apr 1918, p. 14

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/ $ a** gag? i'm,s MM m , ; . is about TJpOtt •""Tof Highways.* C uraMtaH to contract for tton In his office of a tut ma own ex 0« <w - v -"! ....... Received from help ntals ner dner dner Aid Route No. Judge.. miles <• sev S,»Zf.S7 Total ental of same to be paid »ps • the board the clsrlt was of constructing- o t u a u w . - . i . * - . . ® i * i Supplies on hand March 1,1#17 2, | By vote authorised to arrange for too tion of the proceedings of this board in ITGUST, 1917 casket and m "a*. Portland . pavemwtTwith a JO-^fe^Vgraded - way. The estimated cost of sua provemettt tr> be Ninety-nine Thou I)ollar# (IM.OOO.OO). • 8. Bogttminfr at the east city Umtte cement concrete pavement with a of Marengo on State Aid Roate No. 14 at graded roadway. The esti- j and extending in aa easterly direct ton J cost of said improvement to be son said State Aid Route No. 14 a da- Hundred Twenty-three Thousand i tance of four miles <4) more or 1 s,; Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars thence running northerly on said Mate i¥ : ?ti23 750.00). j Aid Route No. 14 a distance of one and • l 'Beginning at the north end of a half miles (1%) more or less to the »» BtmX« Aid road as now completed on north termination of said State Ala gtTtfl Aid Route No. 3 which is ap- Route No. 14, thence extending north- DTOJdmatelv three miles (S) northeast- erly on State Aid Route No. 15 a dis- f Srlv from "the city limits of Woodstock, tance of one and three-eighths (1%) -i thence north on said State Aid Route j more or less to a point approximately • ^ No 8, eighty f80) rods more or less! one-eighth (>4) of a mile south of the ? to Thompson's corners, said corners be-! intersection of Sections 10, 11, 14 and ' ins the intersection of State Aid Routes,! IS in Seneca Township on said State No 2 and No 3; thence extending east- Aid Route No. 16, making a total of six erly a distance of six and a quarter I and seven-eighths miles (6%) more or f6*£) miles more or less on State Aid \ '•/ _ _ M. . _ it A. 1: «n i 4e Route No. 3 to the west village limits of the Village of McHenry, making a tbtal of six and a half (6% ) miles more or less. Said improvement to consist of constructing a 15-foot Portland cement less. Said improvement to consist of constructing a 15-foot Portland cement concrete pavement with a ^27-foot graded roadway. The estimated cost of said improvement to be One Hundred Twenty-three Thousand Seven Hundred concrete pavement with a 27-foot;and Fifty Dollars ($123^50.00) 3. Beginning at the north end of State Aid road as now completed on State Aid Route No. 3, which is ap­ proximately three miles (3) northeast­ erly from the city limits 6f Woodstock, thence north on said State Aid Route graded roadway. Th« estimated cost of C •. \ V-" said improvement to be One Hundred j and Seventeeh Thousand Dollars ($117,- f'K fl°4;°° Beginning at the east village n':4 limits of the Village of McHenry, W1-' " thence extending easterly a distance of, No. 3 eighty (80) rods more or less to few ><f three and a half (3%) miles more or , Thompson's corners, said corners being ••. " iess along State Aid Route No. 3 to the : the intersection of State Aid Routes No. i,v !< county line of McHenry and Lake eoun- 2 and No. 3; thence extending easterly fix >* ties, making a total of thr$e and a half a distance of six and a quarter (6^4) feT ? (3%) miles more or less. Said lm-: miles more or less on State Aid Route i?v' ' ' provement to consist of constructing ajNo. 3 to the west village limits of the S - V 16-foot Portland cement concrete pave- v<"-- • ment with a 27-foot graded roadway the same manner and under MUiM terms as last year. It was moved that this meeting ad­ journ to some date early In January, said date to be fixed by the chairman. Thereupon the meeting adjourned. • L. B. COVELL, Chairman. Attest: ^ , G. E. STILL., Clerk. 4- I Village of McHenry, making a total of six and a half (6^2) miles more or less. Special March Meeting, 1918 The Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, met in spe­ cial session pursuant to the date fixed by the rules of said board, at the Court House in Woodstock, on Tuesday, the 5th day of March, A. D. 1918, at 10 o'clock a. m. The meeting was called to order by the chairman, L. B Covell, and the roll being called the following members re­ sponded to their names, to-wit: N. H. Stanley, D. M. Wright, H. E. Whipple, W. H. Ward, H. G. Durkee, W. H. For­ rest, E. F. Kuecker, John Donahue, F. A. Walters, J E. Harrison, H. M. Turner, L. B Covell, W. F." Pierce, S. H. Freund, A. H. Hale and R. 3E. Haeger, constitut­ ing a quorum. The minutes of the meeting of De­ cember 3rd,, and the adjourned meeting of December 20th were read and ap­ proved. The clerk read th® amounts paid at various times as payments under con- The estimated cost of said Improvement; Said improvement to consist of con- (tracts for stats aid roads in accordance T h o u s a n d D o l l a r s * « -- - * -- * • * . . . . . strncting a 15-foot Portland cement with former resolutions of this board, concrete pavement with a 27-foot graded . which payments were approved, roadway. The estimated cost of said e. D. Shurtleff in behalf of the City Improvement to bo One Hundred and ; of Marengo stated to the board that the Seventeen Thousand Dollars ($117,000). j plat of the Marengo Cemetery had never 4. Beginning at the east village ltm-jj)een recorded; that on account of the State Aid Routes No. 2 jits of the Village of McHenry. thence ;large number of lots in said plat the distance of eight and a extending* easterly a distance of three , legal fee required to be charged by the to be Sixty-three (63,000.00). . 5. Beginning at the intersection of State Aid Routes No. 2 and No. 3 run­ ning thence in a northerly direction on said State Aid Route No. S to the in­ tersection of and No. 5, 'half miles (8*4) more or less, making and a half (314) miles more or less (recorder was $64.25; that the City Board 1 a total of eight and a half miles (8^4) j along State Aid Route No. a to the ,of the City of Marengo were of the s more or less. Said improvement to c-m-! county line of McHenry and Lake conn- j opinion that this fee was more than i slst of constructing a 15-ftfcot Portland ; ties, making a total of three and a; they could pay for this work. It was cement concrete pavement with a 27- half (3*4) miles more or less. Said Jm- I stated that the actual cost of the record- foot graded roadway. The estimated j provement to consist of constructing a, ing to the county would be about $15 cost of said Improvement to be One j 15-foot Portland cement concrete pave-i to $20 and that the recorder was satis- Hundred and Fifty-three Thousand ment with a 27-foot graded roadway. , fled to record same at this price if so Dollars ($153,000.00). I The estimated cost of said improve- directed by the county. Thereupon it 6. Beginning at the north end of; ment to be Sixty-three Thousand Dol- was moved by S.upr Walters, seconded Total for July BILLS FOR A Slavln & Eastman, robe H. A. Stone & Son shoes Geo. Moncur, seeds ft V. 0. Sher--... C. F. Gaulke A A. S. Wright, d Belcher Bros., c Ike Miller, dry good ing Chicago Tel. Co., tel. Dr. Ben W. Wilson, boots 27.00 Bosshard St Meyer, f ;ed vegetables. V groceries ' 1 repairs... moats. . nd med.... qg and shoes and cloth- on coal.... Oats. service.... et. service. Franklin McVe&gh & les and tobacco .. Gardner Knapp, sala Gardner Knapp, hire 1 help .. Dr. E. V. Anderson, tendance Total for August ........$«6d.2» BILLS FOR SElfrEMBER, 1917 Co., grocer- y'.Y. m edlcal at- 2T.00 inc dentals "for bread..... md med.... ed implements ind fruit... and colMr. Co., grocer- Co., soap.', and gas,... service 4^< *• & ; State Aid road as now completed on lars ($63,000.00). I by Supr. Wright," and unanimously car- r • .State Aid Route No. 16, which is ap-1 5. Beginning at the intersection of, ried that the recorder of McHenry coun- proximately two and a half (2%) miles state Aid Routes No. 2 and No. S run-.ty be authorized to record said plat at northwest of the city limits of Wood-!ning thence in a northerly direction on, the fee of $20. ' stock, thence extending in a northwest-'said State Aid route No. 2 to the Inter-) The clerk presented lists of claims erly direction a distance of nine and a ' section of State Aid Routes No. 2 and j for support of poor and for labor, fees : quarter <9ii) miles more or less, along i no. 5. a distance of eight and a half j and supplies, which lists were upon mo- State Aid Route No. 16 to the south city 1 miles (8^4) more or less, making a to- tion referred to the proper committees limits of t&e City of Harvard, making ital of eight and a half miles =(8%)jfor report. Thereupon, on motion of a total of nine and a quarter (9%) imore or less. Said improvement to con- ;miles more or less. Said improvement j s|st of constructing a 15-foot Portland to consist of constructing a 15-foot j cement concrete pavement with a 27- ... Partland cement concrete pavement foot graded roadway. The estimated t-'-\ with a 27-foot graded roadway. The; cost of said improvement to be One 'wttmated cost of said improvement to Hundred and Fifty-three Thousand be One Hundred and Sixty-six Thousand j Dollars ($153,000.00). • •'Five Hundred DoNars ($166,500.00). 6. Beginning at the noHh end of *r* :• - 7. Beginning at the east end of State j state Aid road as now completed on Aid road as now completed on State Aid , state Aid Rout* No. 16, which is ap- , Route No. S which is approximately proximately two and . . ... k- " two and three-quarters (2*4) miles northwest of the city limits of Wood- , southeast of the south city limits of j stock, thence extending in a northwest- Pf'sK-a Woodstock, thence running southeast j erly direction a distance of nine and a 4 State Aid Route No. 8 a distance of < quarter (9*4) miles more or less, along ff4' fear (4) miles more or less to the 1 state Aid Route No. 16 to the south city £' k • northeasterly city limits of the City of (umits of the City of Harvard, making r , Crystal Lake, making a total of four a total of nine and a quarter (9%) yi * (4) miles more or less. Said Improve- j miles more or less. Said improvement ment to consist of constructing a ID- | to consist of constructing a 15-foot foot Portland cement concrete pavement, Portland cement concrete pavement with a 27-foot graded roadway. The with a 27-foot graded roadway. The estimated cost of said Improvement to be One Hundred and Sixty-six Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($166,500.00). 7. Beginning at the east end of State Aid Road as now completed on State Aid Route No. 8 which is approximate­ ly two and three-quarters (2 %) miles southeast of the south city limits j)f estimated cost of said improvement to ; be Seventy-two Thousand Dollars ($72,- The Mar ensro-Wood stock road de­ scribed in Section 2 is not on the sixty million dollar State Bond Issue system. There would not, therefore, be any Re­ fund for the section of road. How- southeast of the south city limits ever, this is on a State Aid Route and , Woodstock, thence running southeast™n Supr. Wright, duly seconded and car ried, the board adjourned to 1:30 p. m. for committee work. 1:30 F. IK. The board met pursuant to adjourn­ ment, roll call showed sattte members present. The committee on Alms House and Farm made its annual report, which was half (2V,> miles 9? "V0"0/1 adopted io-wlt: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Tour committee on Alms House and Farm beg leave to submit the following report: The committee met. at the county farm and audited the bills as follows: BILLS FOR MARCH, 1917 A. S. Wright, medicine % 5.50 Walters & Burger, coal and re­ pairs 246.65 Koch & Hart, groceries ......... Belcher Bros., clothing ......... A. Dwight Osborn, dishes ....... Geo. C. Peterson Co., eng. oil... Standard Oil Co., oil and gasoline Sprague, Warner & Co., groceries and tobacco 140.76 Gardner Knapp, milk tickets and repairs 47.90 29.31 35.00 15.38 23.04 S9.21 wWd be subject to refund from future I state Aid Route No. 8 a distance of | ̂a^oiml^eenastone^Co^flooring 992.46 State Aid allotments to the amount of ,four (4^ miles fifty per cent of its cost. - • more or less to the i ! J. E. Harrison & Sons, shoes It is estimated that McHenry County j crystal Lake, making a total of four j^T; t^n5S22' will be refunded to the amount of ap- • (4y mues more or less. Said Improve- I proximately $530,000, which, together j ment to consist of constructing a 15- s PqP'J? s "" with future State Aid, could be used | foot Portland cement concrete pavement 'ye£z sherbuTne Lu^!f^eoklri" for improving the following State Aid with a 27-foot graded roadway. The es- ~ . Sherburne, auto repairs, routes: _ _ .. itimated cost of said improvement to be 1. Beginning at the south city^lim- Seventy-two Thousand Dollars ($72,- U " •: its of the City of Crystal Lake, thence ; 000 extending in a southerly direction aj Be It Further Resolved, That the f, * , ' distance of four and a quarter miles Board take such action as may be nec- r a (4%) more or less on State Aid Route 1 essary law to raise such funds for fa,-1 No. 5 t othe northwest village limits of the construction of said roadways, ps the Village of Algonquin said ImT j WHEREAS, It is proposed to improve provement to consist of constructing ajwith money to be raised by a County 15-foot Portland cement concrete pave- issue certain roads which are des- f.( ment with a graded roadway 27 feet ignated aa gtate Bon^ Issue poads, s- n- Wide. ^ ^ AND WHEREAS, In the event that ,. \ Beginning at the southeast village sajd state Bond Issue is authorized at of the Milage of Algonquin, thG election in November, 1918, and that t h e n c e s o u t h e a s t a d i s t a n c e o f o n e a n d v - - . . . Chicago Telephone Co., phone serr vice, two months Hoy's Pharmacy, drugs Higgins & Lounsbury, groceries. -A. W. Wagner, milk cans and lettering Shurtleff & Peters, feed ........ Gardner Knapp, salary .... ..... Gardner Knapp, hired help ..i.i; Gardner Knapp, incidentals ..... Dr. E. V. Anderson, medical at­ tendance 14.00 63.32 39.50 2.15 26.53 1.2E 2.15 8.15 6.40 27.42 91.85 227.00 100.00 100.00 8.36 54.00 Bennison & Lane, >read (Aug, bill) Gardner Knapp, Aug. F. T. Ferris, repair work Bennison & Lane Co A. S. Wright, drugs Bosshard & Meyer, f Walters & Burger, and repairs Ike Miller, clothing C. D. Barker, fly net Franklin McVeagh & ie.s and tobacco Armour & Co., lard sind meat... Franklin McVeagh & Standard Oil Co., oil Chicago Tel. Co., tel. ,.. Higgins & Lounsbury, groceries Slavln & Eastman, undertaking.. Buell & Olmstead, feed A. B. Pratt & Sons, meat. Belcher Bros., clothing ..... Mr. and Mrs. Knapp, salary* Gardner Knapp, hired help Vii-ei Dr. E. V. Anderson, [medical at­ tendance Total for Sept. .'..I .$969.70 BILLS FOR OCTOBER, 1917 V. D. Sherburne, auto repairs....! 9.21 Belcher-^Bros., clothiig ..... 21.07 Bennisoreyft Lane, br^ad ........ 44.80 H. A. Stone & Ssa^ boots and shoes 13.75 Armour Soap Works, soap....... -25.50 Franklin McVeagh & Co., grocer­ ies and tobacco 87.81 Armour & Co., meats 21.48 A. S. Wright, drugs pnd med.... 5?*K Chicago Tel. Co., tel.(service .... 3.80 Higgins & Lounsbury, groceries 56.43 Wien's Dept. Store, Clothing .... 29.96 Standard Oil Co., oil land gas.... 31.50 Gardner Knapp, safety ... .X.iii 125.00 Mr. and Mrs. Keffer, salary* 60.00 Mrs. Peterson, salary .......22.00 Angle Knapp, salary 24.00 Gardner Knapp, incidentals ..... 56.89 Dr. E. V. Anderson, medical at­ tendance 36.00 Willis Disbrow, groc. and mdse.. 37.52 49.52 28.84 3.50 39.21' 10.50 18.70 232.20 27.10 5.00 32.40; 59.44: 14.70 34.95 4.30 42.02 27.00 39,00 14.68 23.64 125.00 99.00 89.00 xotai Less supplies March 1, 1918. Balance 8; Less permanent improvements 1,9! 2,911, Total cost for. one year, . ... .$ 6,784.02 Number of weeks, 2,02#. Number of Inmates, 66. Cost per week for one year.....ft.34 SUMMARY NO. 2 Total expenses for one year. .f 12,570.66 Less following items-- Permanent improve- „ ments Clothing, boots shoes Tobacco Medicine Medical Attendance Undertaking .. . .$1,962.9S tg and ->.p 515.0fri-?. 234.09* 123.5f 444.01 108.Oi Farm products sold. 2,811.0} Board of inmates ... 112.2$ Total k.; 6,251.95 Balance .$ 6,318.71 Supplies on harid Mar. 1, 1917. 2,003.42 Total •....» 8,322.18 Less supplies March 1, 1918.. 2,962.77 Total * cost dieting for iotte Total for October $712.47 bills for ^oVember, 1917 T. E. McCracken, white washing, etc $ 12.60 18.63 Total for March, 1917 $2,346.79 BILLS FOR APRIL, 1917 a quarter miles. (1_*4), more _ or _ less | Bonl Issu^^ds'lor" j & Co - ^ocerles $101.69 constructing a 15-foot Portland cement concrete pavement with a graded road­ way 27 feet wide. 3. Besrlnnlng at the south end of the State Aid road as now completed on State Aid Route No. 11 which Is a point approximately one-half mile south from the south city limits of the city of Woodstock, thence extending southerly along said State Aid Route No. 11 a distance of ten miles (10) more or less to the north village limits of the Vil­ lage of Huntley. Said improvement to consist of constructing a 15-foot Port­ land cement concrete pavement with a graded roadway 27 feet wide. 4. Beginning at the east village lim­ its of the Village of Hebron and extend­ ing east on State Aid Route No. 5 to the west village limits of the Village of Richmond, a distance of five and three-fourths (5?J) miles more or less. Said Improvement to consist of con- 18.50 40.40 along State Aid | their improvement with a permanent J coc"" Converse Fdwarda' Co* «»Uanty«ir,i pavement will be refunded. Now, there- nUrse^V^ock Bdwards Co » J^P^vwnent Jo con^st of fore be }t nursery stocK RESOLVED, That such moneys thus DeKalb Soii TmD Asln" alfaifi refunded together with any unexpended Seed ...T7. 23.05 portions of said County Bond Issue, siavin • & Eastman, undertaking. 54.00 raised for the improvement of said | warrell Mfg. Co., disinfectant... 65.79 roads, be used for the improvement (standard Oil Co., kerosene 12.75 5 a T>av^'^ roadway of the following (Chicago Tel. Co., tel. serVice.... 4.44 roads, to-wit: Koch & Hart, grroceries 16.43 1. Beginning at the south city limits I Higglng & Lounsbury, grroceries 10.74 of*thl. C ^ of ,CryF^i Buell & Olmstead, seed 20.50 extending in a southerly direction a, Hoy's Pharmacy, medicine 6.70 distance of four and a quarter miles singer Sewing Machine Co.. ma- (4%) more or less on State Aid Route chine 85 00 No. 8 to the northwest village limits McHenry'>'lour *Miiis,"grinding of the village of Algonquin, said im-, and buckwheat ..7 2.74 provement to consist of constructing a Henry Shultz.-oats and barley... 48.98 15-foot Portland cement concrete pave- - ment with a graded roadway 27 feet wide. 2. Beginning at the southeast vil­ lage limits of the Village of Algonquin, thence southeast a distance of one and a quarter miles (1%) more or less along 10-foot Portland cement I ^ate Aid Route No, 8: to the county structlng a concrete. pavement with a graded road­ way 24 feet wide. line of Kane and McHenry counties. I Said Improvement to consist of con- Pv ' ™ „. Beginning at the south village limits of the Village of Richmond. I concrete pavement with a graded road- thence south on State Aid Route No. 4 w®.y xLiA *v,* ot,a a* •to the intersection of State Aid Routes i „.®- f?, " «« No. 4 and 4-A, a distance of two and j A ^ i 2 irth (Hi) miles more or less, i State 41d Route No. 11 which is a >1\ one-fourth (2^).milesa more iifhub easterly for a distance or three miles (3) more, or less along State Aid Route No. 4-A to the west village lim­ its of the Village of Spring Grove, making a total of ftae and one-fourth (5%) miles more or less. Also begin­ ning at east village limits of Village of Soring Grove and extending south­ easterly one and three-fourths (1%) miles more or less on State Aid Route No. 4-A to the county line of MpHenry and Lake counties. Said Improvement •o consist of constructing a 10-foot Portland cement concrete pavement with n e-raded roadwav 24 feet wide. 6. Beginning at the southwestern village limits of the Village of McHen- rV. thence extending In a southerly di­ rection, a distance of seven miles (7) more or less on State Aid Route No. B to northerlv city limits of the City of Crystal T.ake. Said Improvement to consist of a 10-foot Portland eement concrete pavement with a graded road­ way 24 feet w!0e. 7. Beginning at the Intersection of the east line of Section 34 In Chemung Township with State Aid Road No. 17. thence In a westerly direction two and one-half (2%) miles on said State Aid Route No. 17 to the south line of Che­ mung Township. Kafljiimprovement to consist of constructing a 10-foot Port­ land cement concrete pavement with a graded roadway 24 feet wide. Your committee would therefore rec­ ommend to the Honorable Board of Su­ pervisors of McHenry County that the following preliminary resolution at­ tached hereto be passed and submitted to the Department of Public Works and Buildings for their formal approval. It is further recommended that a final resolution be considered for passage at an adjourned meeting to be called by the Chairman at the earliest possible AJI Of which is respectfully submit- ,4od. c J. *L HARRISON > TV M. WRIGHT. , r W. H. FORREST. ' : PRELIMINARY RESOLUTION 5;. ••'That. Whereas, Lake Countv haa on October 20th voted money sufficient to build a hard surface road to our east county line near the town of McHenry, that Cook County is closely approach­ ing our boundaries with like roads and that Boone County will vote on Janu­ ary 9th on the question of issuing bonds to pave the so-calledf Grant Highway With a hard surface road to the McHen­ ry County west line near Marengo, And, Whereas, It is deemed essential to the best interests and public demands of McHenry County that we pave cer­ tain roads within our limits in the near future, And, Whereas, It Is also necessary for McHenry County to provide for the cost of paving said roads. Therefore, Be It Resolved, That the folbiirtu described roads be and are hereby designated as the roads to be "°l, S^i nni ng at the county line of Boon* and McHenry counties on State Aid'BOttte No. 12 and extending along sai4 '*Mte in an easterly direction a dlstttttO* of four and a half miles (4%) 8# less to the west city limits of making a total of four and (4%) more or less. Said or less, htaie *ia Koute ino. ii ^ nf three 1 2.pj/« wAmiatcij uucTiiaix unit? aOiliii from the south city limits of the City of Woodstock, thence extending south­ erly along said State Aid Route No. ,11 a distance of ten miles (10) more or less to the north village limits of the Village of Huntley. Said Improvement Henry Shultz, oats and barley... Gardner Knapp, Ford car 150.00 Dr. E. V. Anderson, medical at­ tendance 45.60 Gardner Knapp, salary 125.00 Gardner Knapp, paid Mr. and Mrs. Hall Gardner Knapp, paid Mrs. Deuer Gardner Knapp, paid Bertha Tontz Gardner Knapp, paid Angle Knapp 60.00 80.00 15.00 20.00 Total for April, 1917 8901.71 BILLS FOR MAY. 1917 Walters & Burger, twine and re- * pairs ? 25.85 Woodstock Produce Co., seed ... 17.10 Sprague, Warner & Co., groceries and tobacco 145.14 Ike Miller, groc. and tob 60:40 Belcher Bros., clothing dry goods, etc 28.92 i F .T. Ferris, glasses and repairs 1.85 to consist of constructing a 15-foot IG. F. Walker Dept. Store, cloth- Portland cement concrete pavement with a graded roadway 27 feet wide. 4. Beginning at the east village lim­ its of the Village of Hebron and ex­ tending east on State Aid Route No. 5 to the west village limits of the Vil­ lage of Richmond, a distance of five and three-fourths (5%) miles more or iess. Said Improvement to consist of constructing a 10-foot Portland cement concrete pavement with a graded road­ way 24 feet wide. 5. Beginning at the south village limits of the Village of Richmond, thence south on State Aid Route No. 4 to the intersection of State Aid Routes No. 4 and 4-A, a distance of two and one-fourth (2%) miles more or less, thence easterly for a distance of three miles (3) more or less along State Aid Route No. 4-A to the west village lim­ its of the Village of Spring Grove, making a total of five and one-fourth (5%) miles more or less. Also begin­ ning at east village limits of Village of Spring Grove and extending southeast­ erly one and three-fourths (1%) miles more or less on State Aid Route No. 4-A to the county line of McHenry and Lake counties. Said Improvement to consist of constructing a 10-foot Port­ land cement concrete pavement wjith a graded roadway 24 feet wide. 6. Beginning at the southwestern village limits of the Village of Mc­ Henry. thence extending In a southerly direction a distance of seven miles (7) more or less on State Aid Route No. 6 to northerly city limits of the City of Crystal Lake. Said Improvement to consist of a 10-foot Portland cement concrete pavement with a graded road­ way 24 feet wide. 7. Beginning at the Intersection of the east line of Section 34 In Chemung Township with State Aid road No. 17, thence in a westerly direction two and one-half (2%) miles on said State Aid Route No. 17 to the south line of Che­ mung Township Said improvement to consist of constructing a 10-foot Port­ land cement concrete pavement with a graded roadway 24 feet wide. RESOLVED, That this Bond Issue so far as possible pledge and commit itself by vote to adhere to the above program so far as the same may be practicable. Hon. E. D. Shurtleff spoke In favor of the submission of the proposition to tho voters, as did J. D. Donovan. Hon. D. T. Smiley spoke at some length on the question, stsCtlng that he favored the proposition of good roads, but expressed himself as of the opinion that this was not the besjt time for the consideration of bonding the county. F. W. Hartman was called on and gave figures of the cost of a certain piece of road built under the direction of the highway commissioners of Dorr Township and gave It as his opinion that a great loss was suffered by the building of roads under the State High­ way Commission. A roll call being demanded, same was ing J. V. Buckland, nursery stock... Shurtleff A Peters Co., posts, feed, etc Woodstock Sentinel, printing ... Dacy Lumber Co., repairs John E. Conway, clothing Standard Oil Co., gasoline and kerosene Northwestern Mfg. Co., brushes, soap, etc Frank King, 106 bu. potatoes ... V. D. Sherburne, auto repairs ... McHenry Flour Mills, grinding and whole wheat Chicago Tel. Co., tel. service.... W. H. Whlston, wringer and re­ pairs Koch & Hart, groceries, etc. .... Dr. E. V. Anderson, medical at­ tendance Gardner Knapp & wife, salary. Gardner Knapp, hired help Gardner Knapp, Incidentals .<... 86.64 85.60 68.47 7.10 10.60 8.75 ?2.70 12:80 68.90 2.59 5.04 8.40 8.00 H.77 42.00 125.00 118.00 67.58 A. Dwight Osborn, dishes, etc. Singer Sewing Machine ©ft., one machine Belcher Bros., clothing ......... Fred Hawkins, 100 lbs. coffee.... Higgins & Louhsbury, groceries Sterling Refining Co.. threshing. Gardner Knapp; freight on coali. Chicago Tel. Co., tel. service.... Standard Oil Co., oil and gas.... Walters & Burger, twine and stove J. M. Hoy; clerk of Forrest sale, mdse. purchased for farm .... 213.63 Geo. H. Walker Dept. Store, cloth* ing Thos. Guth, filling silo Bosshard & Meyer, feeds .. A. B. Pratt & Son. meats Armour & Co., meat and lar#..^ Gaulke Bros., meat ^ »... A. S. Wright, drugs and med.... The Park Garage, labor and re­ pairs J. E. Harrison & Sons, 2 milk pails 2.50 Dacy Lumber Co., car coal ..... 157.50 Franklin McVeagh & Co., grocer­ ies and tobacco 58.20 Gardner Knapp & wife, salary . 325.00 Gardner Knapp, hired help ..... 106.00 Gardner Knapp, Incidentals ..... 35.26 Dr. E. V. Anderson, medical at­ tendance 48 00 15.00 20.40 20.00 27.92 22.43 106.28 4.20 84.80 8790 63.19 50.00 45.83 26.31 42.85 4.40 28.85 5.05 Total for Nov., 1917 fl,817.23 BILLS FOR DECEMBER, 1917 Dacy Lumber Co., car coal $181.28 J. E. Harrison & Sons, 37 bed blanket's ioi 75 A. F. Field, 82,900 lbs. coal ..... 337^00 G. A. Knapp, freight, repairs, etc. 83.69 Frank Barber, 1 hog 3000 Chicago Tel. Co., tel. service.... 4.80 Dr. B. W. Wilson, vet. service... 7.00 Buell & Olmstead, 300 lbs. mid­ dlings 7.B0 The Fleischman Co., yeast. » 3.16 Goodrow's Garage, 1 tube ....... 350 Standard Oil Co., oil and gas.... 21.55 Armour & Co., 1 tub lard ...;... 16.80 Fairbanks, Morse & Co., eng re­ pairs L l.ttf Prairie State Fertilizer Co., one car lime 38.00 Franklin McVeagh & Co., grocer­ ies and tobacco 150.99 Bennison & Lane Co., bread..... 10.00 Frank White & Son, 1 hog ...... . 20.00 Joe Kvidera, 21 chickens, 4 bu. potatoes 21.00 Mead & Charles, groceries....... 52.27 Wien's Dept. Store, clothing..... 20.01 Bosshard & Meyer, bran ... .«,.«* 31.80 Hall & Eckert, lumber .V...^ 29.45 Belcher Bros., clothing .... 19.43 ^ S. Wright, drugs and med.... 11.50 J. D. Donovan, clerk Hanson sale, purchased for farm 302 SI Dacy Lumber Co., freight on coal 108.85 Dr. 12. V. Anderson, medical at­ tendance 85 00 Gardner Knapp and wife, salary 125.00 Gardner Knapp, hired man And „ wife 87.20 Gardner Knapp, 2 hired glrl» , 42.00 Gardner Knapp, Incidentals 22.17 Total for December, 1917 $1,824,78 BILLS FOR JANUARY, 1918 Dacy Lumber Co., war tax on coal Wertz & Shaw, feed Home Oil Co., oil and gas Chicago Tel. Co., tel. service...*. Mead & Charles, groceries ...... iwiMi8 Ph.armaoy, drugs and mod. Total for May, 1917 $966.00 BILLS FOR JUNE* 1917 Wertz & Shaw, grinding .......$ 1.25 Willis Disbrow, groceries and hardware 46.02 Koch & Hart, groceries 40.70 Hoy*s Pharmacy, drugs and med­ icines 7,10 Higgins & Lounsbury, groc 84.55 Park Garage, spark plug, oil, etc. 8.16 D. Barker, harness goods 8.45 Standard Oil Co., oil and gasoline 29.05 Sprague, Warner & Co., groceries, and tobacco 86.19 E. E. Lawrence, dentist work.... 2.00 Chicago Tel. Co., tel. service.... 4.75 Murphy & Doerlng, clothing .... 21.54 C. F. Gaulke & Son, meats * 18.80 Belcher Bros., clothing 16.67 Siavin & Eastman, furniture .... 41.60 McHenry Flour Mills, grinding and flour 17.52 Dr. E. V. Anderson, medical at­ tendance 88.00 Gardner Knapp, salary 125.00 Gardner Knapp, hired help 103.00 Gardner Knapp, Incidental* ..... 48.98 Total for June, 1917 $642.21 BILLS FOR JULY, 1117 E. E. Stone, drugs »....$ 2.97 Frank Gaulke, three cows ...... 275.00 Koch & Hart, groceries 2.78 Willis Disbrow, blacksmlthing .. 1.70 Bennison & Lane Co., bread...... 26.46 Hoy's Pharmacy, drugs 2.16 Shurtleff & peters Co., twine, etc. «J>.05 A. Dwight Osborn, hardware .... 11.26 H Peet, wagon repairs 6.T5 Higgins & Lounsbury. groceries 86.61 2u,GlJ & Olmstead, middlings ... 12.00 Belcher Bros., clothing 85.41 Sprague, Warner & Co., groceries and tobacco . IB 59 Franklin, McVeagh & Co.,'" gro­ ceries 7<#. 7fjj5 Y' SaPv,e.r' hardware 16.85 A. S. Wright, drugs and modi- cine 1 i 1 K Ike Miller, sugar Standard OH Co., oil and gas.'. Willis Disbrow, groceries A. W. Wagner, hardware, etc.... A. D. Osborn, hardware, etc. .... The Park Garage, labor on eng.. Standard Oil Co., oil and gas... Fairbanks, Morse & Co., eng. re­ pairs Bosshard & Meyer, feed, etc..... The Fleischman Co., yeast ..... Dr. E. V. Anderson, medical at­ tendance '.'Qi'i't Mr. and Mrs. Knapp, salWlr'.if ii Mrs. Whitney, salary Angle Knapp, salarv Gardner Knapp, incidentals ..... Franklin McVeagh & Co.. groc.. Mr. and Mrs. Kvidera, salary..*. 8.27 6.00 26.40 5.35 30.16 5.15 47.28 48.16 5.48 8.00 80.20 4.86 24.25 1.58 24.50 125.00 15.00 25.00 34.70 132.92 60.00 Total for January, 1918 $658.21 BILLS FOR FEBRUARY, 1918 A. S. Wright, drugs and med....$ 10.85 Kerber Packing Co., lard 18.50 Hoy's Pharmacy, drugs and mod. 2.10 Chicago Tel. Co.. tel. servic©.... 4.85 Bosshard & Meyer, feed 85.35 Woodstock Imp. Co., Implements and repairs 1.15 F. T. Ferris, 2 clocks 8.80 Chas. Leonard, pasture of cattle 42.00 Home Oil Co., oil 18.75 A. H. Hale, 1 yr. clerk of com.. 25.00 Gardner Knapp and wife, salary. 125.00 Mr. and Mrs. Kvidera, salary.... 60.00 Angle Knapp, salary 25.00 Mrs. Whitney, salary 15.00 Gardner Knapp, Incidentals .... 38.77 Dr. E. V. Anderson, medical at­ tendance 27.50 Franklin McVeagh ft Co., grocer­ ies and tobacco 99.81 ent to consist of constructing olutlon unanimously adopted. A. I un Laii uciug ucuianucui mmiio was icvaiuiaiu wu V^O., Oil and had and the report and preliminary res-1 Philip Schiekler, tobacco ' Ail Anf Ail I rv/v IHaI A. -- V _ "f! (*• i, f £5 p •/*> •yii Total for February, 1918 $542.93 SUMMARY NO. 1 FOR ONE YEAR Bills tot- March, 1917 April, 1917 May, 1917 .. June, 1917 .. July, 1917 . August. 1917 ....... 'September. 1917 . . October, 1917 .....», November, 191T .... ** - January, 1918 ...... * l February, 1918 •..... T^biS" for one year ...» Divided as follows-- Permanent improvements Running expenses Clothing, boots and shoqs Tobaceo Medicine Medical attendance Undertaking .<|» *,346.79 901.71 966.00 642.22 1,019.88 669.29 969.70 •V 712.47 1817.28 668.21 542.98 year 6,359.36 Number of inmates, 66. Number of weeks, 2,029. " Cost per week for dieting $2.64 All of which is respectfully submit­ ted. *, D. M WRIGHT, Ghmn. , r A, H. HALE, R. E. HAEGER, : 'r \v « ' F. W. WALTERS, •• ' H. M. TURNER, " """ J. E. HARRISON,, The committee on Claims (County Poor) made the following- report which was on motion adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on County Poor claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims present­ ed to them, and recommend the pay­ ment of the following, and that the clerk be directed to issue orders on the county treasurer to the claimants for the several amounts allowed, as fol­ lows, to-wit: Lincoln St. Sch. & Col., exp. County Patients $117.40 St. Vincent's Trailing School, exp. County Patients 96.00 Marengo-- A. J. Steege, mdse. Dan Phelps.. 8.05 F. G Hackley, mdse. Wilbur Harrison 9.42i Patrick Bros., mdse. Wilbur Har­ rison D. M. Wright, mdse. John Shel­ don 18.44 The Shurtleff-Peters Co., coal, W. Harrison, Mrs. Weaver and Dan Phelps 19.25 J. H. Patterson Co., coal, Mrs. Weaver, John Sheldon, Mrs. Gluth and election 82.26 John Rowland, mdse. Chas. Ward 8.71 Nunda-- W. E. Kro^ger, mdse. Ii. J* y.«zt 4.1# 20.54 11.80 82.80 15.24 84.55 66.75 5.50 29.75 800.60 11.19 80.68 2.00 50.70 62.25 10.25 21.12 252.00 495;66 65.23 46.50 24.14 10.00 .. .$12,570.66 ...$ 1,908.92 ... 9,242.08 511.06 81:8! Total •Chicago Tel. Co., tel. aarvlce Total for year t. / Dodds Chas. G. Frett, mdse. Mrs. ICate Miller Meier Bros., mdse. Mr$, Heine, Gluth and Jeskie Schueneman Bros., mdse. Mrs. Deering Kegebein & Miller, coal, Mrs. H. Rose, Mrs. Deering, B. Conover and L. J. Anderson H. \M. Rosenthal & Sons, cosl, Mrs. Heine, Mrs. Goldstrom.. Wilbur Lbr. Co., coal, Mrs. L, J, Anderson Dr^ G. H. Pflueger, serv., L, I», uoads ;... .•?•............ A. H. Hale, pensions, Ida Muf- fley and Mrs. W. H. Grant.... Algonquin-- Duensing $ros., mdse. Mrs. Rog- man Schueneman Bros., mdse.' Mrs. Kalllna G. rf. Bellows, drugs Mrs. Kal­ llna and Mrs. F. Muffley ... W. E. Kroeger, mdse. Mrs. BH- blsch and H. C, Hacker H. M. Rosenthal & Sons, coal, Mrs. Kalllna and Billows .... John Buehler, exp. Mrs. Eibisch, Minnie Holtz G. H. Dike, mdse. Mrs. Billows.. Mrs. John Wienke, care Louise Jaeger Dorr-- F. A. Walters, Pension Delia Hur­ ley, Mary Henry, Barbara Pope, Florence Sheahy, May Ander­ son, Emma Eckert, Grace Edin- ger, Cora Plankey F. A. Walters, cash John Oak- root, E. Kashinan F. A. Walters, burial Mary Henry Dacy Lbr. Co., coal John Oak- root Dr. A. B. Smith, services Julia Jaap Woodstock Hospital, services*Ju­ lia Jaap A. F. Field, coal John Oakroot.. Hall & Eckert, coal Rogers..... Haley & Behringer, mdse. Mrs. Jake Olson Mrs. Geo. Grote, board Mrs. Huntlauser Dr. A. B. Smith, serv. Mrs. Ray Ashley Chemung-- t Lake & Harris, coal M*e. Brown, , Will Johnson, Mrs. Holllster, and F. Ames S. E. Betzer, burial Richardson. Dr. C. C. Peck, care Jennie Keeler Dr. J. G. Maxon, serv, Chas. Hart- nell family Jas. Keeler, coal Mrs. S. Hollls­ ter and Mrs, Lee Brown. Seefeldt & Lange, mdse. John Melthke Lush & Schmauss, mdse. Hart- nell and E. Hurst W, TV TTfl.11. cnfil. Mrs. L. Bro»vli and Italians .'.... 7"...'. Esmond & Dean, coal Miss Chrlt- chet, Mrs. Hawley B. F. Manley, hauling coal Dacy, - O'Brien, Keeler, Ames, Haw- and Putnam Ike Miller, mdse. Wm. Dellne... O. L. Putnam, burial Katy Leone W. H. Ward, rent Ruth Keelor, John Keller Greenwood- John E. Harrison, pension Mrs. Nichols McHenry--• M. M. Nlesen, mdse. Mrs-. George Beck with Mathias Miller, board Maria and Leo Miller Dr. Arnold F. Mueller, serv. Wil­ lie Ahrens Wilbur Lbr. Co., coal Geo. Beck- wit h S. H. Freund, board Dolester Granger and rent Geo. Beck* with Dunham--• Seefeldt & Lange, mdse. I^ee Hawley Dr. C. M. Johnson, serv. Francis Willie k H. E. Whipple, pension Mrs. Amanda Hawley 105.00 Chicago Ind. Home for Child., board Skow and Fltshenry child 150.00 Richmond-- Dr. Geo. Foster, rent Chas. Bas- . comb 18.00 Reed & Williams, auto tramp.... 8.06 All Of Which is respectfully submit-•- , ' F. A, WALTERS, * 4 H. E. WHIPPLB, . .. JOHN DONAHUM, V ^ J. E. HARRISON, _ ; , r W. H. WARD. The committee on Claims fLabor, Fees and Supplies) made the following report which was on motion adopted, to- wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on Xabor, Fees and Supplies claim? would beg leave to re­ port that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the clerk be directed to issue orders on the county treasurer to the claimants for the several amounts allowed, as fol­ lows. to-wit: P. F. Pettlbone ft Co., supplies Co. Officers $630.38 Illinois Printing Co., records, Co. Clk McHenry Plalndealer, pub. ballot The American Law Book Co., law books Chicago Tel. Co., rent phones and service Lawyers Co-Op. * Pub. Co., law books Crystal L^ke Herald, blanks, sheriff H. T- Cooney, typewriter, Clr. T clk. Woodstock Paint Store, paints,' Dacy Lbr. Co., coal, C. H........ Hall ft Eckert, coal C. H Board of Education, WoodsteeJc. coal, C. H. Thos. Davis, Jr., wood. G. H..,.» John IS. tftonway, mdse. stteriflt.. 38.00 3.80 14.16 11.71 89.00 19.00 24.75 85.00 15.00 65.50 88.25 7.96 10.69 4.06 *4.76 11.09 5.00 27.00 S4.& 160.00 45.94 66.00 58.75 28.89 75.60 88.81 111.75 38.00 .76 7.50 67.22 16.66 15.00 48.60 4.02 72.00 26.99 66.25 24.00 10.05 ... •.££.*•*** etal Construction Co., file " handler f.|f Frank Brown, wood C. H. 176.00 City of Woodstock, light and water 229.85 Roy J. Stewart, dep. sheriff, sal­ ary Deo., Jan. & Jeb. 255.00 J. A. Cad well, Janitor, salary Dec. Jan. ft Feb 225.00 C. L. Try on, Sup. Hy •; salary, Dec 75.00 McHenry Co. Soil Imp. Assn., salary, Dec., Jan. & Feb. 549.99 A. M. Shelton, Supt. Schools, ex- ! tra comp., Dec., Jan. & Feb.., 225.00 Park Restaurant, meals jary .... 6.55 M. J. Wattdrack, bailiff Co. Ct.. 2.50 A. D. Osborn, mdse. sheriff...,. 17.82 Belcher Bros., mdse. sheriff.,.. 46.49 J. A. Cadwell, express, etc • .8? A. M. Shelton, expenses of office. 45.21 Plunkett Chemical Co., mdse. Sheriff v.. 3.55 C. M. Parker, mdse. Supt. Sohs.. 5.16 W. M. Welch Mfg. Co., mdse. Supt. of Schs. $6.79 A. F. Field, coal 25.15 W. H. Whltson, mdse. Sheriff.., 16.20 G. E. Still, Co. Clk., extending taxes 2,024.96 Geo. J. Bartelt, mdse. Sheriff..,. 12.64 Walters & Burger, coal Co 406.37 A. W. Wagner, mdse. Sheriff.... 13.91 G. F. Knaack, lumber and labor, C. H. 6.90 Herman J. Ohls, lumber and la,- bor. C. H. ?7.60 National Sanitary Assn., mdse. Sheriff 72.75 The Beckman- Co., mdse. Sheriff 54.00 Ernest. Ries, mdse. Sheriff ...... 43.40 J. E. Harrison, spl. com. work.. 11.10 •The Herald Pub. Co., prtg. for Supr. Schools t 54.50 D. B. Nichols, labor and material, C. H. 89.83 Frank O'Brien, labor and mate­ rial, C. H ... 20.90 Woodstock Sentinel, prtg. Clr. ft Co. Clks 87.00 A. H. Hale, spl. com. work ..... 12.90 F. A. Walters, spl. com. work ... 10.80 D. M. Wright, spl. com. work ,- 9.60 H. M. Turner, spl. com. work.... 8.80 W. H. Forrest, spl. com. work... 6.70 All of which is respectfully submit-'• J..- ry. ' i \ " A. H. HALE, ' • W.F.PIERCE, • v N. H. STANLEY, • W. H. FORREST. V. S. Lumley, States' Attorney, made the following report which was on mo­ tion approvedt to-wlt: To the Honorable Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen:--I herewith respectfully submit a report of the expenditures made by me from December 1317, to the present time. ,> State of Illinois, i. v County of McHenry. SSi •, „ • • I, Vincent S. Lumley, StateS*^^Atr&rhey of- McHenry County, Illinois, being first duly sworn on my oath, depose and say that the several Items mentioned below are just and "true expenditures made by me in connection with the administra­ tion of my office, out of the moneys set over to me by this Board foi- such pur­ poses. 1917-- Dec. 3--Balanoe on hand.. .$168.72 Dec. 3--Cash by Louis J. Blake to pay costs i.nd damages v. 85.00 Dec. 17--Cash from Capt. Brown on Bentley, Baccus,. et al. (cos£s.^ ..w..... 18.00. ,, $211.72 Dec!17T-Expert^e SilvW case, looking up witnesses in Free- port $'10.00 Dec. 3---John Buehler, costs In Wolek case Dec. 3--John Buehler, costs In L. J. Blake case Dec.» 3--Leonard Beale, damages to rig from Blalre ............ Dec. 8--Expense Silver case (Kaplln) Dec. 10--Expense Silver case (Kaplln) • Dec. 10--Telephone for Nov..*.. Dec, 13--Allen, / dinners (Silver case) Dec. 17--Zl'on * institutions (fold­ ers) 1918-- Jan. 3--Hotel Woodstock (Silwtf case) i,S". Jan. 3--Gruenwald & Son, taxi.. J a n . 4 -- G u s W a l t e r s , t a x i . . . . Jan. 4--Legal Perfection Blank Co. Jan. 4--Telephone for Dec Jan. 11--Geo. D. Barnard Co. ( d o c k e t s ) • • » • * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Jan. 15--Sheriff's fees--McHen­ ry Co. ex rel., Shelton vs. Jos- lyn Jan. 15--Sheriff's fees---People vs. Joslyn Jan. 17--Sherman, taxi (Har- vard-Ehlett) . Jan. 17--Sherman, taxi (Maren- 9.06 5.80 11,00 6.00 15.00 24.20 1.40 8.07 .7.00 .4,00 13.00 2.00 13.05 25.02 .95 2.6? 5.00 go-Paddy Miles) Jan. 17»-Sherman, taxi (Hunt­ ley-Ed. Kaudau) • Jan. 22--y. S. L., pd. Mrs. Ba- nar4 Jan. 29--Telegram Jan. 30--Sam Kaplln,-Silver case Feb. 5--Hotel Woodstock, Sliver case Feb. 6--Telephone for Jan. ;.... Feb. 8--Expense in Sliver case.. Feb. 8--Expense In Silver case to Schappel Feb. 8--Expense In Silver case to Lump Feb. 8--Cash adv. to Lump (ex­ pense) Feb. 8--Allen, expense to Lump Feb. 8--Expense to Kaplln ..... Feb. 8--Expense to Kaplln Feb. 12--Hotel Woodstock (Sil­ ver #ise) Feb. 23--Miss Hendricks, testi­ mony (Silver) Feb. 27--Willis Jobe, bringing Winklauuka tft- Woodstook • • • • 4.50 5.00 8.00 .48 $0.00 21.50 21.20 5.00 10.00 5.00 2.00 1.00 40.00 6.00 14.00 12.00 5.00 Vt-'-ff-;- t\ ' *690. o o \ >» ^ 211.72 &ue to V. S. Lumley--Deficit..$ 82.16 ' ~ • / V. S. LUMLEY, " State's Attorney, McHenry Co., Illinois. « Subscribed and sworn ,to before mo this 5th day of March, A. D. 1918. CHARLSJS T. ALLEN, Notary Public. It was thereupon moved by Supr. Whipple that there be appropriated for the use of said State's Attorney an ad­ ditional sum of $282.16 under the same terms and conditions as former appro­ priations-and that the clerk draw an or­ der on the County Treasurer for said amount payable to said State's Attorney. Supr. Ward introduced the following resolution, and moved its adoption, to- wlt: WHEREAS, The practice in matters of probate is not uniform In all the counties of this state, and it is to the best interests of the people of this county, owing to the great increase in property values in recent years, that for the improvement of the administration of law in the county, the judges at the county and probate courts should be fully advised of the best practices in other county and probate courts of this state and WHEREAS, The most practical way to obtain this knowledge, and the ex­ change of views on this subject Is by the association of our county and pro­ bate judges with the other county and pfobate judges of the state, and WHEREAS, It is the custom In most of the counties of this state for the countv to pay the expenses of stutes at­ torneys, circuit and county clerks, pro­ bation officers, county farm supervisors land supervisors, to the state meetings of their respective associations, and the attendance of the county and probate judges of this county at the meetings of the County and Probate Judges Asso­ ciation of the State of Illinois, should be encouraged, therefore BE IT RESOLVED, That the county clerk of this county Is hereby directed ^iut ordered to Issue a county order, drawn on the county treasurer of this county,.payable to the county and pro­ bate judges of this county respectively, whenever such Judge br judges shall present to said county clerk a certificate signed by the Secretary of the County •wd probate Judges Association of the State of Illinois, certifying that said Judge was in attendance at the last meeting of said association, which or­ der shall be drawn for a sum only suf­ ficient to pay the necessary traveling and hotel expenses of said judge while in attendance at, and going to and from_ said meetings. This resolution shall be* effective only as to meetings of said as­ sociation held after its adoption. The motion to adopt was seconded by Supr. Turner and carried."1 N. A. Sunderlln, Fuel Administrator for McHenry County, appeared before the Board and explained the work done by himself and his assistants during the past few months, read a letter from the State Administrator, which suggested that the expense connected with this work should be borne locally by those benefited, stated that the expenses of Ernest Robb of Marengo, one of his as­ sistants, was about $10 and of B. F. Manley, another assistant, was about asM admlnlstrator pay ~«hh» ahready accrued therefrom im f .balance to pay necessary to bo incurred hereafter, and k the expenditure thereof to this -AbaSiSLr. « oral re elation he wo clerk of have same ' i1 ' v, \£t. "f v f- tke finances of the Mc- JBoll Improvement Asso- Past year and stated that ^a copy thereof with the P°ard as soon as he could getated that he was *®*«*t* accomplished the funds at Its ulsppsal during the last year and "W for an expression of the board as to whether they would favor an appropria­ tion from the funds of the county for the ensuing year equal to the one made for the past year, namely $2,000 for the payment of the expenses of the associa­ tion and $200 for the expenses of the four quarterly meetings of the exeou. tive board. It was moved by Supr. Turner •*«» this board appropriate said amounts aft* that the clerk draw prooer warrants for same on the treasurer, the $2,000 to be paid in monthly installments, beginning at the expiration of the former appro- prfatfr.n. Said motion was duly ^m. onded and carried. Supr. Whipple stated that In his opliir ion it was necessary to have a leader for the Boys' and Girls' club in addition to the Soil Advisor, stated that the state would pay $600 toward the salary of such a person and that this board should appropriate the sum of $1,800 to pay the balance of the salary of $1,200 per year and the necessary office and traveling expenses of such an official. D. T. Smiley, County Judge, N. H, Stanley, N. A. Sunderlln and State's At­ torney Lumley all spoke in favor Of such an appropriation and It was there­ upon moved by Supr. Ward that said sum of $1,800 be appropriated for said purpose.* Said motion was duly second­ ed and carried. It was thereupon ihoved by Supr. Harrison that this board adjourn. Said motion was seconded by Supr. Wright M-V:- a n d c a r r i e d . , • . . ' ^ < T Thereupon said board adjourned. ^ L. B. COVELL, Chairman, ' A %'*> • , ill1 r'f Attest: G. E. STILL, Clerk. . U \ W ! •liiHrir,) GOOD PROFIT IN CAR - ^ r- * ̂ * ... -\,VM After Paying Woman's Fare Man 6»» tracts Her Last Quarter From j' His Trousers' Cuff. She boarded a trolley. All the seat* were occupied and she had to stand. When the conductor shouted, "Fares* please!" she gave a sudden start and dropped something. .She began to look on the floor. The conductor kept on saying, "Fares, please!" * "I've dropped it," said the young woman, "I've dropped a quarter, and I don't seem to be able to see it" "I can't help that," replied the con­ ductor, "You'll have to pay your fare.'* "I haven&»ftny more money." ^ "Then, you'll have to get off at tfei next corner." "I'll send the money to the company by mail. I have an appointment in 15 minutes, and If I have to walk I will be frightfully late." A young man sitting in the seat In front of the distressed damsel spoil", up: ' "Pardon me, miss," he said, "may ! pay your fare?" "I'd be awfully obliged," she replied. So the fare was paid. The poltt* young man wouldn't even give the girl his name and address and soon left the car. As the car started again he whistled' to the conductor,, and when he got that functionary's attention, ostentatiously be extracted Srom the cuff of his trou­ sers the lots' 25-cent piece, held it tri­ umphantly and hastened, grin­ ning, down a side streets--New Yorit Ihrening Post.' • ; ... ~. , 1 1 iiii nini*^^itt»i)--iiiir 1 ii, 11 mh v ' ' 8afe and Sound. T\ , The best way to succeed In this f world Is to" mind your own business. -t 1 The next best way is to mind your eij* ployer's business as though It wea|», your own.'.- > . , V 7 ouniry By Savins Morief* 1-War Savings Stamps are a promise to pay you the amount you invest, at the end of five years, with 4 per cent interest com­ pounded every three months. 'C-X 2-You can turn them into cash any time without koking for a buyer; just go into any postoffice and get them cashed. 3-You can invest in U. S. Thrift Stamps as little as 25 cents at a time and as much moreasyou please. •*.?, •• rv,„ Ji \ '* ;j5>* ,-rI - r t ' , - . V i' v < > £ * issossirr tu imnrap STATES JKVtKMMEMT _ ii •' k ^ ^ * ^ -*V *'>» " i" ' ] mV'SV - £ Invest Your Money 1ffl Your Government Begin today to putyour quarters, and halves, and dollars into these safest and simplest of ait government securities. »v V: ' *= * • , ' - v i , • . . • SO'Ss" JfS - 'f tV -k . at-, cf̂ •.. . ' .a > t . AA 2,.sh. ,

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