Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 May 1918, p. 10

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** f ̂ •. * *• ̂ *£». ^ J v* *• ^ ~t * > f , ' * • * * > : ?•*„ . £*. v *!5 -*j. h/' -? '>v">, ^ \V.' 1yz."m'- «T \r" -v%.«'; *"' ""r - »* %J\ f* "r^ " ^*1 •"•' V' •*&* , „«=<4*" » ^ « , <•* *"•> ?• < 4 " S>£~ "*' '"SaTr* . S'^*,.*'- » v>x •. fcu • ... „ ».'v* ..-*-r:?r v... *:• "»* «*v • >• .-.: •• ?V. •' " > ' %' 1»*» * 4"** ' , f " &'•• ~r <•*!; ' H * ^ ^ * ~V*«- ^*1"-£ SffvJ, ANNUAL REPORT ':£jf the Village Treasurer of ~Mc- "., , Henry, Illinois *1 ^>1 ' j. (Continued) "' ^ i*.*"-* X 'Itoted'-Oll Co..,*;**#- **- • L"-- John Schaefer ../.., ? March John R. Knox ..*,,•£ ft"-'..> :• ^^.JStandard. Oil Co. j>" >' *"" "Linquist & Hanna •"£»"», ^ April \ *1 ^ t Standard Oil Co. S s^^-cst"^iPeter J. Schoewer •v* s?V& .'**£• .. » #V* ~. Wto 2.40 2.40 27.30 6.25 ' i"'V 42.00 6.00 4.75 2.40 92.85 tM 36.92 3.00 35.91 11.50 Mar 1 . Interest Old balance Receipts ... r Total. Contingent John J. Vycital •f John 'Schaefer . ...^ ,.•vyfe#-: A. D. Wood & Cflh <».» • --i» Public Property Fund November D. & R Wilbur Lumbfer Co% ...ys i February r^"^' .Joe Heimer '.V.".- Wilbur Lumber Co.. ̂ . .V^. /\ ti*-.Peter J. Schoewer ....,, Anticipatioa Firt ̂ : . . . . . , $ 9 0 0 . 0 0 ;• 5.87 $ 905.87 $4,699.49 Xiii... 9,630.62 l~. .$14,330.11 . . . . 1 7 8 . 0 0 Streets and alley. . . . ?. &... 4,505.23 Salary ...«.> 035.24 Water Works 882.02 Public Property k 88.49 Anticipation ..". '-:^05.87 May 6 Balance on hand.. v. .$5,735.26 Total ...$14,330.11 I hereby certify the above report to be c6rreet according to the best of my knowledge and belief. ' Joseph C. Holly, Village Treasurer, and sworn to before me thfe sixth day ^>f May, 1918.. Elsie L. Smith, Notary Public. Annual Statement of Village Cferk Annual statement of Village Funds received by the Village Clerk of the Villagfe of McHenry, McHenry Coun­ ty, Illinois, for the year beginning May 1, 1917, and ending May 1, 1918: Rec'd for water rates . . . f 1135.52 Rec'd for water taps.....:V£*;r". 30.00 Rec'd for licenses issued..H31.50 Rfe'd for .miscellaneous..... 144.64 •* jM. V. Tj - >:>•« ^ ? Totial..:.... i. .V.$1441.66 Paid to Village Treasurer... .$1384.88 Lea 5 per cent for water col.. 66.78 Tot?il.... ./ $1441.66 {, Wm. G. Schreiner, hereby certify that the above report re -correct ac­ cording to the best of my knowledge -and belief. Wm. G. Schreiner, Vil. Clerk. < -Subscribed and sworn to before me this sixth day of May, A. D. 1918. Carl W. Stenger, t Notary Pufc^p,;-.;, - Administrator's Notice ' F. B. Bennett, Atty. ^ £state of Kate Surges, Deceased. - The undersigned, having been ap­ pointed Administrator of the Estate of Kate Surges, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illi* nois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the July Term, on the first Monday in July next, at which time all persons having cl&ims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the under- rsigned. Died this 30 Lh uay of April, A. D. 1918. r, Joseph C. Holly, Administrator. How's This? We offer One-Hundred Dollars He- ward for any case of Catarrh that MtD* not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Hall's Catarrh Cure has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past . thirty-five years, and has become the moat reliable remedy for catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure acts thru th« Blood on the Mucous surfaces, ex- Selll&S the Poison from the Blood and •sling the diseased portions. After you have taken Hall's Catarrh Cure for a short time you will see a great improvement in your general health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh Cure at oncp and get rid ef catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. , JP. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, flold by all Druggists, 75c. WEEKLY PERSONAL ITEMS " IN OUR BUSY VILLAGE i x :OMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK 4s Seen By Ptaindealer Reporters and Handed Into Our Office By Our Friends * C. Unti transacted business in Chi­ cago last Friday. . ' _ Miss Blanche Pry or-was a Chicago visitor last Saturday. Miss Irene Hirruff wW' a Chicago visitor last Saturday.- - Chas. Frettr Jr., was an Elgin caller last Sunday afternoon. Walter Warner called on Elgin rela­ tives last Sunday afternoon. Frank Justen was a business vis­ itor in Chicago last Thursday. Phil Meyers was among the Chicago passengers last Friday morning. Mrs. Richard T. Wray spent Satur­ day last in the metropolitan city. Lisle Bassett spent Saturday as the guest of relatives at the county seat. Mrs. F. A. Cooley and daughter, Opal, were Chicago visitors last Sat­ urday. C. G. Burkhartsmeier of Chicago was a week end guest of McHenry friends. Ben Stilling attended to business matters in the metropolitan city lafet Saturday. Simon S toff el attended to matters of a hnsijriess nature at Bgarengo last Saturday. Mrs. A. K. Burns of Austin passed Thursday of last week with McHenry relatives. Miss Dorlesca Granger spent a re­ cent day as the .guest of relatives at Wauconda. t ^ A. C. Granger ©f Chicago passed the week end as the guest of rela­ tives here. ' . Mrs. Ella Hanly passed the latter part of last week as the guest of rela­ tives at Elgin. Mrs. A. G. Barbian passed the lat­ ter part of last week as the guest of friends at Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gafke of Wood­ stock were week end guests of Mrv and Mrs. C, L. Page. V Mrs. Geo. A. Stilling1 was among those to board the Chicago train last Saturday morning. Miss Myrtle Gans of Ghicajgo spent Sunday as the guest of her parents at the Riverside House. Mrs. John Aylward and sister, Miss Delia Conway, of Elgin were guests of McHenry relatives Tuesday. Miss Maude Granger came out from Chicag9 last Saturday afternoon to spend Sunday with home folks, Jacob Buss of Belvidere visited in the home of his mother, Mrs. Eliza* beth Buss, last Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sayler passed the latter part of last week as the guests of relatives at the county seat. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brown and daughter, Harriet, of Woodstock were week end guests of McHenry rela­ tives. ^ Nate Kimball of Grayslake was a Sunday guest in the home of his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kimball, here. Sister Mary Celine of Dubuque, la., is a guest in the home of her father, P. H. Conway, "who resides south of town. Miss Emma Thelen of Elgin passed the first of the week as the guest of her sister, Miss Elizabeth Thelen, here. Miss Anna Frisby passed the latter part of last and the first of this week as the guest of relatives in the metro­ politan city. Miss Julia Feffer left Sunday for DeKalb, where she will attend the normal school during the spring and summer term. Mrs. Lucy Thomas of Woodstock passed several days this week as * guest in the home of her daughter; Mrs. F. H. Wattles. r Miss Mary Reihansperger of West> Chicago was entertained in the homo ~ of her brother, C. J. ReihanspergeJr, over the week end. Private John Campbell of Camp Grant spent Sunday as a guest in the home of. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell, here. ^ ' Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Bickler and child of Pullman, 111., were Sunday guests in the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Theo. Bickler, here. Mrs. A. Wiswall and children of Chicago passed several days last w#iit" as guests in the home of her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Buss, here. Mrs. Chas. McArthur and daughter, 'Ruth, of Elgin were guests in the home of the former's mother, Mrs. A. Wolff, the latter part of last week. Mr. McArthur came up for a Sunday visit. - . Guy Baconr now in the aviation vice and who is completing a special course of study at Champaign, 111., passed Sunday as a guest in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bacon. . » , _ ' Rev. M. J. McEvoy, Postmaster T. J. Walsh, Richard B. Walsh, Dr. ^ H. Fegers and F. G. Schreiner ware over at the county seat last Saturday morirtng, -caring for business that has fallen their lot as members of the com­ mittees on the coming , Red Cross - drive. * :S..Xs irf •<&" v " ' : * ̂ -r •M:. '-JU Notice of Sale of Real Estate iji' . #*£>•• .'•V "A- - Vf '•V/-? By virtue of an order and decree of the County Court of McHenry County,1 Illinois, made on the amended peti­ tion of Elizabeth Stephenson, former administratrix, but now resigned as such administratrix, of the Estate of Alvaro Stephenson, deceased, for leave - to sell the Real Estate of said de­ ceased, at the March Term, A. D. 1918, of said Court, to-wit: on the 27th day of March, 1918, Notice is hereby given by John W* Schaffer, administrator de bonis non of said estate, that on Tuesday, 4th day of June next, between the \ hours of 10 o'clock in the forenoon ^ J-' and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of. said >7*y day, to-wit, at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of said day, at the East door of the Court House in the City of "Wood­ stock, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, the following described real estate belonging to the estate of deceased, to-wit: Beginning at a post at the Northwest corner of lot number two (2) in Block number nine (9) in Hartman's addition to Ridgefield in Section number twenty- five (25), Township number , forty- four (44) North, of Range number seven (7), East of the Third Princi­ pal Meridian, thence east on the south side of the highway, two (2) chains and four (4) links to a post; thence south thirty-six and one-half (36%) degrees West; three (3) chains and seventy-nine (79) links to a pott; thence north four degrees east, three chains and six and one-half (6%) links to place of beginning, contain­ ing thirty-six and one hundredths of an acre.of land, more or less, will be sold to the highest and best bidder at public vendue. " Terms of Sale, for cash. John W. Sdutfer,4 -" Administrator De Bonis Non» May 4, 1918. fi-r< v-v: . t tX * a, - V" 4 :jsf>cS Phone 43#-R-i Nune McHRNRY "V

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