Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 May 1918, p. 5

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,'TM:.:"! ri >• *s,v "v A * ' ! ibBUna, ill. ^TCTiTv: f " v- , y 9 V4, * f . / OUR^ .».;• K•_'/».,"*. * 1# ^ S§& '• .. . \ ' • " . : :y:J * . 1 •• •' -.5 .'• f ~if * * * ' •V, / <FE . . • R "1' ^ •4® -' is again at your service! ̂ We handle Chapell's Ifee Cream, the creai With a real flavor. J ** <' :W' <s.#l >'"' J,* $t Ifli w Eh » - TWNE 80* N. H. PETESCH druggist Hardware Use a. New Perfection Oil Stove aad help save coal and wood. a to 4 burner. .£ĵ *pHSJ9 1° &M GARDEN TOOLS Forks..-*,, c'M .$1.25 and up Rakes . .25 and up Hand Cultivator8_-- -$1.25 to $6.50 Vr|Joes_ .4$ to .95 . I»awn Mowers. _$4.5t to $15.M Seeds, 2 packages for 5c Remember, Uncle Sam is count­ ing on you to help feed the Sam­ mies and our Allies. PLANT A REAL GARDEN McHENRY, ILLINOIS Richardson's Superlative Brussels The best low-priced Rug ŝ on ike market' You will find friend­ liness as well as fair prices at this store. Now is the time to buy new things for the home. . J. JUSTEN «c SON FURNITURE ' WEST McHENRY, ILL UNDER i AkIIIG i- v 3 More than two million satisfied owners know from experience that the Ford -car is f a real utility, an economical, powerful, al­ ways-reliable means for increasing the ; profit in business or adding zest to pleas- ! ure. The Ford car meets the demand for ; prompt transportation in every line of human activity. The demand grows larg­ er every day, because of the ay-round use­ fulness of the car. Is a Ford not a necessity ? Runabout, $435; Touring Car, $450; Coupelet, $505; Town Car, $595; Sedan, $645; One-Ton Truck Chassis, $600. All f. o. b. Detroit*; ' " ̂ •*% V *•; • , j * • • . STAR 'Phnn* 3f Inhn B, McHenry -...&.• - RIDGEFIELD Miss Helen Baker was in tfce city Saturday. W. E. Dike was a Woodstock vis­ itor Tuesday. Wilber Levey was a business, caller in the city Tuesday. Geo. Wheeler passed one day last week in Woodstock. Mrs. AT H. Levey passed Wednes­ day at Crystal Lake. J. H. Slater was a Crystal Lake visitor last Thursday. Mrs. W. B. Morris visited at Car- pen tersville Saturday. Mrs. F. Morse was a Woodstock shopper last Thursday. A. Kremer autoed to Crystal Lake on business Wednesday. Mrs. H. Nelson passed Wednesday of last week in Woodstock. Miss Etta Levey was a Crystal Lake shopper Wednesday. Mrs. Roy Skinner and son were visitors at Crystal Lake Friday. J. F. Casey of Woodstock was a business caller here Wednesday. Mrs. Joe Coates was calling on rel­ atives at Woodstock Wednesday. A. H. Abbott was in the city on business a couple of days last week. Mrs. L. G. Waterman and children were callers Wednesday in Woodstock^ Earl Abbott and Ray Lynch were callers at Crystal Lake Tuesday even­ ing. Mr. and Mrs. Horskey and son were callers on relatives at Woodstock Fri­ day. . „ Mrs. A. Kremer and grandson pent a few days last week at West Chicago. Mrs. Frank Muffley of Crystal Lake spent Sunday at the home of Wm. Wagner. t \ Miss Loretta V^agtier is attending normal at DeKalb aqd^will teach the coming year at Cherry Valley. Mrs. Dorothy Johnson of Harmony spent last week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. Wilkins, return­ ing home Sunday. Mrs. Ralph Walkup and the Misses Mabel Murphy, Pearl Reed and Una Gilberts attended the teachers' exam­ ination at Woodstock Friday. The Ridgefield Ladies' Cemetery so­ ciety will meet with Mrs. Anna Orms- by May 23. The members are re quested to be present. Come early as there are two comforters to tie Mr. and Mrs. F. Wilkins entertained at Sunday dinner Mr. and Mrs. J Johnson and two children, Luella and Edna, and Miss Clara Hunbracht of Harmony and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Matthews of Union. ' < The pupils of the upper and lower grades, with their teachers, Mrs. Walkup and Miss Murphy, marched around the square Monday. The pupils with their flags and Uncle Sam hats, made a most interesting sight. Evelyn Nelson Mid Hugo Benson, both of the primary room, celebrated their birthdays at the school Wednes­ day afternoon. The mothers sur­ prised the children by each bringing a cake. The upper room was invited to enjoy the occasion. Ridgefield went "over the top" al­ most a thousand dollars. The flag pole is almost completed. There will be three flags--service, our Ameri­ can and the liberty loan. The pole is to be erected in the most promi­ nent place in the village. SPRING GROVE John Karls was a business caller at Decatur Tuesday. Mrs. John Karls was a Chicago passenger Wednesday. Anton Schaefer was- a business caller in Chicago Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brown^ were Chi­ cago passengers Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freund are the happy parents of a baby girl. Mrs. Joe Etten yisited with relatives in Chicago a few days last week. Miss Kathryn Althoff spent Sunday with her parents at Johnsburg. Mr. and Mrs. John Adams announce the birth of a son, born May 10. Miss Aileen O'Reilly of McHenry was a caller here Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Rauen and son, Arnold, were Johnsburg visitors Sun­ day. Chet Reed and Peter Christensen of Richmond were callers here Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. N. N. Weber and chil­ dren spent Sunday in the Peter Weber home. Hubert Rauen, who has been on the sick list for some titne, is slowly re­ covering. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Peterson of Richmond were callers here Monday afternoon. v Wm. McGee and Mr. Murphy of Chicago were Sunday guests in the Keefe home. Mr and Mrs. Joe Miller and chil­ dren of Ringwood were callers here one evening last week. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Loecher of Adams, Minn., are the guests of the former's sister, Mrs. John Wagner. Quite a number of our young folks attended a dance at the Solon opera house Saturday evening. All report a good time. * Mr. and Mrs. Joe Young and chil­ dren of Ringwood spent last Thursday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Math. Nimsgern. Mr. and Mts. William Frederick are the proud and happy parents of a ten pound son, born May 12. This account* for the big smile en Bill's face. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Christensen, Mr. and Mrs. Ben May, Misses Mame Frett and Mary May, Messrs. Geo. May, Wm. May and- Fordyce Jackson were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Weber. RINGWOOD Wayne Foss visited In Solon last Friday. « Rev. Harrington gave a good talk on Mother Sunday evening. Miss Winifred Bradley was home Saturday and Sunday from Beloit. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Julia Abbott Saturday of this week. Mrs. Rilta Foss had as Sunday guests her father, mother, sister and family. The high school class was enter­ tained last Thursday night at Charles Oleson's. Mrs. Nancy Lawson and of Park Ridge spent last Thursday at W. A. Dodge's. Mrs. Callie Rainey was a caller the home of her mother in McHenry Saturday morning. ^ Clarence Draper and wifeof Nun da township were callers at James Rain­ ey's Monday afternoon. Misses Helen and Catherine Freund of McHenry spent Thursday with their sister, Mrs. Nick Justen. J. C. Ladd and wife, Carire Smith and. Agnes Bigelow attended Mrs. Cole's funeral at Spring Grove last Saturday. Do ndt forget the patriotic meetimr to be held in Ringwood Decoration day at 2:00 o'clock p. m. A good program is being prepared. McHenry is cor­ dially invited to attend. JOHNSBURG Caroline Miller was a McHenry caller Monday. Joe Schaefer has the Silo, builders at work at his plaice. Miss Theresa Huemann was a Mc­ Henry caller last week Thursday. Wm. Klein and family of Ingleside were Tuesday evening callers here. Mike Freund and wife of Spring Grove were Friday evening callers in town. Mr. and Mrs. Steve May called on the former's mother, Mrs. Kate May. recently. The dance at Columbia park was well attended and everybody present enjoyed it. Math. N. Freund was taken ser­ iously ill last week Wednesday, but is getting along nicely under the care of Dr. A. Mueller. Miss Katie Oeflling was the victim of a pleasant surprise on her seven­ teenth birthday last week, about thir­ ty being present, and all report a fine time. J. B. Hettermann, the local distrib­ utor, delivered a 6-cylinder Oakland touring car to James Rainey at Ring.-, wood last week. Attend the Red Cross dance at Smith's hall here next Tuesday even­ ing. Entire net proceeds to go to­ wards our quota of $200, which we are asked to raise. It was the intention of the Johns­ burg baseball team to play a picked team of players from McHenry at McHenry next Sunday, but owing to the fact that suitable grounds were unobtainable the game has been called off. It was the intention of the play­ ers of both teams to turn the proceeds of the game over to the Red Cross. J. B. Hettermann, the local Buick salesman, accompanied by John Schu­ macher, went to Flint, Mich., last Tuesday and returned home the fol­ lowing Thursday with a new 4-cylin- der Buick, which has since been deliv­ ered to its purchaser, Ben Tonyan, Jr. This makes eight machines that the Johnsburg man has disposed of this' year. On account of the scarcity of freight cars all salesmen, residing within a reasonable distance of the factory, arp asked to call for their cars at the plant where they are man­ ufactured and it was for this reason that Mr. Hettermann made the trip. The two gentlemen inform us that they really enjoyed the trip and ex­ perienced few bad roads. OSTEND Mrs. Cornwell is reported quite ill at this writing. C. B. Durkee is just recovering from a severe attack of bronchitis. Earl McAndrews and wife were making calls in our neighborhood Monday evening. Henry Hobart and wife entertained their daughter, Mrs Nina Sherman, and faimily over Saturday night and Sunday. Some of the youngsters turned out *#--1 .. 1 .,,1^.1 T7" 1- MAVNUA/ EVENING ANU AVI V..»MIVV< * F«>«a Herdrick and bride. The boys were treated to cigars. Relative^ received , a card from Harry Francisco of Co. G, 3rd Illinois infantry, stating that he was in New York waiting for a transport to take the company "over there." Mr. Cornwell recently met with a very painful accident. He had taken horse halter down and in some way as he started off with it the end caught in a door. He gave a sudden jerk to remove It and the end flew up and hit him in the eye, penetrating the eye ball. Several stitches were taken to mend the break. He was obliged to remain in a dark room for some time, but now Wears the eye bandaged. TERRA COTTA Mrs. Mary Grant was a Chicago visitor last Wednesday. Misses Clara and Agnes Frisby were Woodstock ^visitors last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Beal were Crystal Lake callers Saturday even­ ing. Miss Florence Knox spent Friday evening with Miss Mary Burke at McHenry. Misses Katherine and Ina Knapp of Crystal Lake were callers here Mon­ day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McMillan and children of Crystal Lake spent Mon­ day evening here. Mrs. John Liddle and daughter, Elizabeth, were out-of-town visitors one day last week. Miss Frances Knox was a guest of Miss Nellie Doherty at McHenry last I \J.' • <\ t * • 1/1 •v-n'"" r You discharged a patriotic 4uty in buying Liber­ ty Bonds. Do not let your patriotism end here. Save every cent you possibly can. Save till it hurts. In saving you help build up the financial resources of Our country. Finances will win the war. We will help you save/ If you have not already done so, start an account with us at once. HOY BANKING McHENRY, ILLINOIS mm. - ti" • J* • % 1 'V*'£ _ . v : ^ \ .' - * v BEST IN THE, LONG R U N a {& I 2 5 4 f 6 6 5 5 i d 2 I 7 f A T L A N T I C I P A C I F I C i M O U N T A I N J P R A I R I F . ; L A K E 1 D i x i e T l R F, T I R E T i n F . r i r f : r i R r . r i ri r M I L L S M I L E S M I i .ES MILF .S M I t. F_S M I i .ES F L E E T F L E E T FT-E £ T F L E E T J- L E E T 'r/7: D I X I E F L E I X 3 , 2 d 5 . . ^ O T i ' X C T O T A L < 4 , 1 7 8 , 7 4 4 T I R E M I L E S r.-ira .j mr the City of have officially 1̂ 044,636Bno&r adio* 4,178,744 the seal bf mutti- and stamps searching test, no aHghtest detect, no hidden short-coming escapft the tight of the Goodrich ex­ pert®. a- SflLVERTOWN CORDS, and BLACK { SAFETY TREADS, under light and heavy • cars, defied the rough going of roads wher­ ever the Tew Car fleets rushed them. Compassed intbam h tip qtay of t famous % WjW Up? huri GoodricbTJrw tfep hncn aadbfeadth oar nation, ow d of tho htufaf it and country ploughing them through raod and muds uivoinst̂ m agftlnstrodc and {tsral Mathematics has pq fa* vodtee. That multiplied of <19«,744 miles The spiral-wrapped, cable-cord tire body, and Goodrich's tough black tread robber fought the hard fight and conquered. Seek tire surety and long mileage in the proven service erf "America's Tested Tires." Goodrich guarantees you will get it became Goodrich tested and got it Tested Tires mean 100 per cent, quality. Demand it. Tested Tires mean supreme servioe. Denupdit W <3tHE a P. GOODRICH RUBBER COMPAM* Chicago Branch: 1935 Michigan Ave., Chicago, IU. THE fmr OF GOODRICH • AKRON, OHIO ON SALE AT STILLING'S GARAGE Wednesday evening. Misses Florence and Frances Knox attended a teachers' meeting at Wood­ stock Friday last. ADDITIONAL PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kennebeck spent Thursday last at the home of the latter's sister, Mrs. Nick Joaten, at Ringwood. Miss Eva Stenger of Harvey, 111., was entertained in the home of her brother, C. W. Stenger, and family over the week end. Alfred Smith left Tuesday for his home at Lincoln, Neb., after spend­ ing a week with relatives' in and around McHenry. Mrs. J W. Rothermel and Miss: Elizabeth K. Miller are spending the' week as the guests of relatives and. friends in the metropolitan city. Chas. G. Frett went to Elgin last Sunday afternoon, where he entered!* the employ of the Kerher Packing company the following morning. O <6 come H® TEAS i Schneider By the SMELL ; ̂ You oan tell then you prepay# om JS'S % ' - 1 s': ?MI 4<4« -1 : ' ' - • < t«a and ooffee. ! And the FLAVOR ? V ; 7 i „ . -Gains your favor* >,/ The beat tea and ^ ooffee is t|» dwapeat. ̂ v It coats a. few cents " more per: poun4» but less per CUP. Drink our tea and cof­ fee one week and you will be our oustoaer for um> . . - it-; . . ... • : ' •

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