feS"-' : «-'* i'*" V"" ,5-k"' ̂ > 1 * + s ' * ' ~-w '*: '< ^ "' -si - -lr ^ - ~ * * - , >-*!/• V "* *V , * - i Hi JT: ..• Tf*-^ 'w •*•%# ' • •'* .. •*•:. .••* •"•ar'Ersf T ^ ' ,- :." *>1 VOLUME XLIII JUNE 6, 1918 NUMBER IKILY PERSOHAL ITCNS & I N O U B B U S Y V I L L A G E AND GOERS OF A WEEK ; ;%» Seen By Plaindealer Reporters and Handed Into Our Ofioe By Oar g^ilFriends V- ^ ' -Mrs. Oscar Arnold passed Tuesday in Chicago. C. Unti was a business visitor in the windy city Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bethke of Dundee were guests of relatives here Sunday, Dr. and Mrs. F. Albright of Wau kegan were visitors in town Sunday, Miss Verena Brefeld is spending a few weeks as the guest of Chicago friends. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Whiting of Richmond were visitors in town last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger spent Sunday with relatives at West Chicago. Miss Marie Block of Elgin passed Sunday as the guest of McHenry relatives. ' - - Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J. Sutton of Oak Park were the guests of relatives here Sunday. Mesdames P. McCormick and H. J Devlin of Ingleside were visitors in town Tuesday. •h Mr. and Mrs. U. C. Price of Wau- conda were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sayler. Miss Corabel and Lewis McOmber - of DeKalb were week end guests of friends in McHenry. Miss Kathryn Weber passed several days last and this week as the guest of friends at Elgin. ' "firs. C. C. Westfall of Chicago was a guest in the home of her parents ^ here the first of the week. Mrs. Ployd Thompson and children passed several days this week as the guests of relatives at LaGrange. Miss Louise Evanston of Chicago was a week end guest in the home of Mr; and Mrs. Simon Stoffel. C. G. Burkhartsmeier of Chicago was entertained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Barbian Sunday. Mrs. Joseph Hahn and children of Racine, Wis., are guests in the home tit Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wenworth. Miss Glenora Green of Chicago passed the latter part of last week as the guest of McHenry rlatives. Miss Irene Lawrence of Blue Island is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Weg ener at their home on Waukegan St. Miss Clara Alchenberger of Chicago is spending the week as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Freund. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Deinlein of-Lib- ertyville passed Thursday afternoon last as the guests of McHenry rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh and children motored to Richmond Sun day and visited in the T. C. Schroeder home. Hisses Alta and Varina Wentworth and their guests, Nick and John Keller, were guests of friends at Solon Sunday. Mrs. Mary Carey and daughter of Elgin are spending the week as guasts in the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Overton. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Hanly and lit tle daughter, Grace, of Elgin spent Decoration day with Mr. and Mrs. W. ."'A. Sayler, ',£• Atty. C. jC. Hendricks and F. C. Peters motored here from Harvard Tuesday, the former's mission being in the interest of hi* yaariidacy for county judge. / ! Miss. Julia May of Chicago passed the latter part of last and the first of this week as the guest of Miss Helen Freund. Miss Anna M, Knox of Elgin is en- joylllg a 'two weeks' vacation in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Knox, here. Mrs. C. E. Lamphere of ^^rpenters- vilel passed last Friday evening as a guest in the home of her brother, W. D. Wentworth. f Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Besley and sons, Vernon and Walter, of Woodstock were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sayler last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Miller, and chil dren of Zenda, Wis., spent Sunday as guests in the home of Misses Kath ryn and Gertrude Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Chesnut and children of Crystal Lake passed the week end as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers. Mrs. Richard T. Wray accompanied her husband as far as Chicago Tues day morning, the latter returning to Jefferson Barracks on that day. Miss Julia Feffer, who is enrolled at the state normal school at DeKalb, came home to attend the graduation exercises at Crystal Lake last Friday. Mrs. Geo. H Johnson and children returned to their home at Waynes- ville, 111, Monday, after spending a month as the guests of McHenry friends. ; , Mrs. P. Costello of Elgin visited relatives here from Thursday till Sunday. Her mother, Mrs. Ellen Walsh, returned with her "for a few days' visit. , Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Baskof and Robt. Watting of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. D. Lubben and family of Marengo were week end guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hanker- meyer. Mrs. Geo. Meyers passed Sunday as a guest in the home of her son, Vic tor, and family at West Chicago. The following day she called upon her granddaughter, RoVena Marshall, who is receiving treatment at the Augus- tina hospital in Chicago. X SCHOOL NOTES Bertha Schiessle, Doris Bacon. Alice Miller; grade V, Floribelle Bassett, Fern Bacon; grade IV, John Fay, Don- eld Harrison, Frank Page, Kenneth Peterson, Stella Thurlwell; grade III, Bernard Kinsala, Theodore Miller, Warren Holly, Willard Thurlwett; grade II, Robert Thurlwell, Chas. Vy- cital; grade I, Lois Bacon. 5 ^ Names of pupils receiving honorary vacation of one week: Grade I, Ls» cile Helm, Stanley Geier; grade H, Rosalind Nye, Evelyn May, Marion Wegener; grade III, Bernard Kinsala, Adeline Perkins; grade IV, Fraink Page, Kenneth Peterson; sophomores, Mary Smith; seniors, Elfrieda Block. QUARTER OF A CENTURY t y, Clipped From The - Of Twenty-five Yearn Ago Item of Interest as Prepared In Oar : institution of LearnUt$r School Report for May Enrollment: Boys, 102; girls, 125; total, 227. ^ No. days attendance: Boys, 1719; girls, 2417; total, 4136. No. days absence: Boys, 97; girls, 47; total, 144, Cases of tardiness: Boys, 15; girls, 5; total, 20. Average daily attendance, 216., No. of pupils above 90 in industry, 172. No. of pupils neither absent nor tardy, 138. Summary Report For Year No. No. No. Grade Promoted Retained Conditioned S18 " •i. 9 iu-: it Freshman 20 Sophomores 17- Junioj$„ 14 Seniors ~ 16 I II in IV v VI VII VIII T9 * t •t> fi; '• • A t 6. 0 MP •£'*4, 5 Names of students perfect in at tendance for the year: H. S., Opal Cooley; grade VIII, Esther Feltz, Mil dred Kinsala, Helen Frett; grade VII, Wednesday, May 31, 1893 '?£ bus load of pleasure from Elgin were visitors In our lage Sunday. Mrs. L. Bonslett and daughtitof Maggie, attended the world's fair in Chicago Wednesday. H. C. Mead and M. M. Chase attend ed the reunion of the 15th cavalry in Chicago Wedensday. Both the Methodist and Univetiji* list churches are making preparattd&p to observe Chidren's day. H. C. Mead has been drawn as juror in the United States court ^ Chicago, which convenes June 20. Miss Emma Fryer of Doland, D., is spending the summer with her sisters, Mrs. J. F.'Claxton and Mrs.. C. L. Page. A young dairyman arrived «t Ae home of C. L. Page on ^Monday morn ing last and in due time will c«l| Charley "dad." County Surveyor Tryon recently laid out seventy lots on the West Side, which will be known as Hanljf|^ second addition to West McHenry. Woodstock has at last secured m" manufacturing company to locate in its midst. The Wheeler A Tapp«$t Co., manufacturers of pumps and su§fc *; plies, have decided to locate there. ... McHenry has just cause to feel-': proud of her brass band. It his only been organized a few months, but is furnishing music of which much older organizations might feel proud. Decoration day in McHenry proved one of the most successful ever held in the village. The weather was all that could have been desired and the consequence was that men, women and Children from the village and sur rounding country turned out cssnata and aided the G. A. R. in doing hon|g^X to the soldiers dead. - Quite extensive improvements hati ' lately been made to the interior of the Catholic church in this village. The walls and ceiling have been beautl* fully frescoed, the woodwork paint# and other improvements made which makes it one of the handsomest places of worship ip this section* Rev. Father O'Neil, who has beaa pastor of this church for the past sixteen years, is justly popular witlb his people and takes great pride in making the church edifice an invitinl^ - place for all. ^ Our chicken feed Is a sore ducer. Try it. M. M. Nissan. rUHBOia MB SATDI6 -BY- Experienced Workmen DONAVIN It RJUDHANSPERGEft' • «