Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Jul 1918, p. 5

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I iiji|ir ri irnriiifiiiijj} V*. handle ChapelTs |ce Cream, the cream Sbitfa a real flavor: v.a j $mM, leoNE e#-w N. H. PETESCH drucgis? was here last 'Vi$ Hardware Use a New Perfection Oil Stovfe and help save coal and wood. ̂* r * f»;V. y.'W, --- «• --- - -.T" v £'.'L burner. ._^_}_$1J.5I to $23'•* ' 4 \ »V , *** ' " * i- *'•'• v "*>•' >> 'V^- **\ '¥. .X,f4 *\ Spadillg Fork$ ̂ ;;i--H.!5 and up" •»? - , ,, ̂ .. .Hakes .„.•!=?. .Sand up ̂ **» V- **' '• Hand Cultivators.- IMS to $§.$•» v.; »» - GARDEN TOOLS ' $1.25 and up' -:vf *-vv " "* v 1 *49 to .95^"* *" ̂* ^:^awn Mowers._.___ $4it to $15.11 Seeds, 2 packages for ^_..5c: m W; 4-:K^ 1 *fcf. «sC:' Remember, Uncle Sam is count- • v * • •r~-: -.X . , ing on you to help feed the Sam- «4 §?.* 4 ̂ ' f " mies and our Allies. ' ' » r | i f ' ' " f .w ' ' • 'J . • PLANT A REAL GARDEN-v "7M Store MCHENRY, ILLINOIS THREE-PIECE i . i, r • Bed Construction! 1 •' ' ' ' ^Three-piece Steel Beds are unquestion- 9 iZ 4' ;>V, ably the lightest, strongest, most rigi< IftMf >. ̂!•"«*•" "" *"* ' * and serviceable ever produced*. The re ̂:- m' ; duced cost of this complete unit over * fitted with the same spring, is due to the elimination of side rails, lowered cost of : y's -v. A handling fewer units and many othef - ̂̂ £j^$ ' featarli - -'Come in and let usdemon*7^r ':V-, strategy' •tt< '• > ^ J*." •<tv C ___i - i . f ( •*>>! •* * ' ' »A* . TPHONE 43-W ,';UV ' , - - , J , 55Tv- s - • . ?»•? «hrj . -r.' : ' ,"-<!;>*<• >'»• y « Vi*- *.» l": «JF* +- 1 r ju i A *. * J&>eU 1 N. J. JUSTEN &! FURNITURE WEST McHENRY, ILL UNDERTAKING . i-t r 1 : «'W < f *1 • ,t',\ r*S /%7i THE STORE OF '.'t t- , ? •?", -.. 1 -v 4 > -"» ~;x> "" * *•-' * -ir » ^ t ^ • * * .ti !»•• s, '-i>b , , . w W " ' . * , 7%t*TjPS v;*-> r v ^ v n o - " ;ls ^ •-« *r y '\**4 * f *> * iv XsZ k * .,«• .„.v, . IfiiCtii'tei %' %*« • ' «« "" '*J '• » '•!» K <• -3l ; We wisn, at this time, to call to your attention file fact that we are not taking in as many eggt as we would like and as a special inducemefil > we offer CASH AND THE HIGHEST MAK- KET PRICES for all eggs delivered to us ia the future. ' 4§ < A * m#; :• <'%-^ s'1 •• t : f . . * 'r' We also wish to remind you once more that we Cure and smoke our own Bacon and Ham and v .therefore are able to offer you attractive pricejtf A fine stock of Picnic Hams and Smoked Butts lys on - f.-- McHenry, Pi. * * 4 *V v *,/ WM. PRffiS T AtElertit Mr. Jenks Mrs. Wni. Sunday. Gordon Fit«g6rald pet lambs. A. Kremer and F. Wilkins Mtoffi to Elgin last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Abbott Sundayed at their home in Cary. A. H. Skinner and wife were Wood­ stock callers recently. "v 5 i F. E. Howe and wife were Wood' stock shoppers Saturday. < j * Crystina Erickson was a \Cary vi»> itor Saturday and Sunday^ Mrs. Schaffer and Mrs. Smith were callers at Woodstock Tuesday. A. Kremer and family were Dud- dee callers Friday evening last. A. Martini and family were calling on Ridjjefield relatives Sunday. Mrs. Anna Mollohan spent the week end with MeHenry friends. ^ James Westerman of Capron was a business caller here Wednesday. Mrs. Irish, who has, been ill for some time, is slowly recovering. Mrs. Glawe and son called on relatives at Woodstock last Friday. Mrs. Lolo Bennett is caring for Mrs. Glenn Roderick at Woodstock. Miss Doris Terwillegar of Wood­ stock visited with friends here, Sun­ day, • Mrs. John W. Schaffer of McHenry was a caller here the first of the week. Mrs. Leroy Skinner and E. Abbott were business callers .at Crystal Lake Tuesday afternoon. Rev. Mr. Sunderlift was a dinner guest at the home of Mr. aiid Mrs. H. L. Eidenier Sunday. Mrs. S. Reed and children spent several days at the home of her mother, Mrs. Rose Goddard. Mr. and Mrs. Burkett of West Chi­ cago spent Sunday* with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Kremer. Jacob Barty and two sons, George and Oscar, of Kankakee, Bl., are vis­ iting E. E. Knilans and family. Mr. Rarty's son, George, is one of the soldier boys stationed at iNu Sam, Texas. • Louis Gibson and lady friend of Chicago are spending a few days at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Gibson; also visiting with his sister, Mrs. 4S. A. Merchant, and family. Ridgefield had. one more ad<$8d to its population Wednesday, Walter Merl Reed. The correspondent has not met the young man, but his dad sayn he is a dandy and looks like his mother. be :fwm with Mrs# SPRING GROVE John Karls transacted business in Chicago Friday. x - Mrs: N. N. Weber was a McHenry caller Saturday. * , irfiss Hilda Karls was a Ringwood caller Tuesday evening. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lay spent Sun­ day with relatives at Johnsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Peterson Of Richmond were callers here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Etten entertained company from Chicago OV«r Satur­ day and Sunday. - Miss Susie Herbes of Chicago spent Friday and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. John Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Rauen and son, Arnold, spent Sunday visiting rela­ tives at Johnsburg. Weber & Lay are having their store t edecorated. Mike SchaefeFbf Johns­ burg is doing the work. Mesdames H, G. Reading, R. A. Ox- toby, James Oxtoby and N. N. Weber motored to Woodstock Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Haldeman and Mr. and Mrs. John Clark motored to Twin Lakes Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Klein and chil­ dren of Ingleside spent Sunday even­ ing with Mr. and Mrs. Niek Klein. The Misses Mayme Frett and Kate Altnoff were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kattner. Mr. and Mrsv Wm. Rothermel of Springfield, 111., spent Wednesday in the home of the former's sister, Mrs. Mike Rauen. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Christensen entertained Misses Kate Althoff, Mayme Frett and Agnes Weber Thursday afternoon last. Mr. and Mrs. John Knox, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weingart and Mrs. EUzt abeth Laures of McHenry were vis­ iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs Howard Christensen Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Christensen entertained the following at their home Saturday evening: Mr. - and Mrs. John Weber, Misses Susie Her­ bes, Mayme Frett and Anna Schaefer, Messrs. Ford Jackson, Gilbert How­ ard and Geo. May. ' RINGWOOD Mm. Clara Beth entertained young lady friends from Chicago over Sun­ day. „ August Walters and wife of Wood­ stock were at their farm here Mon­ day. Ben Cramer and family of Roseile, 111., were calling at Fred Gibbs' Sun­ day afternoon. The Ladies' Aid meeting at Lena Peet's last Thursday was well attend­ ed and enjoyed by all. W. E. Smith and Will Whiting drove to 'Peoria last Tuesday, return­ ing Wednesday evening. Miss Agnes Dodge has gone to* New York to study for six weeks and then expects to go to France to do war work. - Bert McCannon and family and Mrs. Sarah Johonnott and son, Harold, of Richmond spent last Thursday in Racine, Wis. A goodly number of our people at­ tended the moving picture show, Ger­ ard's four years in Germany, ^t Wood­ stock Friday. It was very good. The W. C. T. U. had a very pleasant pig; Mrs. a very* will Smith. Mrs. Fred Gibbs and daughters vis­ ited Mrs. Gibbs' sister at, Algonqpil} Wednesday of last weefc The girls went from there to Ridlgfliitftld to tjait anotheraunt, day morning. TERRA COtoT -- Miss Mary Frisby is visiting rela­ tives in Elgin for several weeks. Henry McMillan and daughters ^fere callers at Woodstock Thursday morn­ ing- Thomas Frisby is spending several weeks as the guest of relatives ip El- Hetirr Miller of McHenry was a business caller in this vicinity Monday evening. Mrs. George W. Pfcalin was a busi­ ness visitor in Chicago last week Wed­ nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hoffman of Rich­ mond called on relatives here last Thursday. Miss Agnes Frisby spent several days last week with Mrs. W. A. Sayler at McHenry. Mrs. M. A. ConWay spent Friday evening arid Saturday at the J. H. Gracy home. - ' Miss Clara Frisby spent several days last week in the Murray home near Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson and son, Melvin, were callers in Wood­ stock Thursday last. Miss Mary Burke of McHenry has been spending a couple of weeks with Miss Florence Knox. Miss Vera Bolger of Woodstock is spending a couple of weeks with rel­ atives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Malone of Crystal Lake visited at' the home of M. Knox last Wednesday. Mrs. J. H. Gracy is quite ill at her home here. Her many friends hope that she will soon be around again. Geo. W. Phalin of Tuscaloosa, Ala., spent a few days recently with his wife and son at the home of J. M. Phalin. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox returned Monday after a week's trip thru the East, including points of interest in Buffalo, Niagara Falls, New York and Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMillan and daughter, Eleanor, were Woodstock visitors Thursday, going over to see their cousin, Paul Hoffman, who left that day. for Camp Grant. ; r JOHNSBURG Twin girls were born to llr^ and Mrs. Al. Pepping on Monday morning of this week. Misses Kate Althoff and Mayme Frett of Spring Grove spent Sunday as guests of Miss Dena Kattner. The rain of Sunday was welcomed by everyone in this village. It proved of great benefit to the growing crops as well as the pastures. Mrs. Arnold Mueller left Tuesday to join her husband, who is now en rolled in the medical service of Uncle Sam and stationed at Columbia, S. C. Farmers thruout this vicinity are complaining about the shortage of farm help. Everyone from father down is pressed into service these days. Miss Kate Althoff, who has been employed at the Weber ft Lay store at Spring Grove for some time past, has quit her position at that place and returned to her home here. Joe and Peter Freund, who have been employed at Woodstock for some time past, has resigned their positions in that city and have since gone to Kenosha, Wis., where they have se­ cured more acceptable employment. Joe Thelen and Geo. King, two of our boys who left Woodstock with the McHenry county contingent last Thursday morning, returned home ou Saturday night, being rejected at Camp Grant on account of physical disabilities. A card party will be held in parish hall Sunday evening. Proceeds for the, benefit of the local Red Cross. A quilt donated to the society by lbs. John Smith will be raffled at the same timp • F!v«py|wylv ;n®j CUt £~dl <«ujf a good cause. Math. N. Freund, who suffered a stroke of paralysis about a month ago, was able to be out for the first time on Thursday of last week. While he is still quite weak "and de­ prived of the use of his left hand, he is on the gain, which his many friends here will be pleased to know. He is making his home with Stephen F. Smith and family. A letter fropi Frank Mathieu, re­ ceived this week, tells of his visit to Camp Fremont, Calif., where he played on June 17 and 18. While at the camp he met a number of the boya of McHenry township and mentioned particularly Anton Schneider of Mc­ Henry and Charles Mertes of Pista- kee Bay. He adds further that Mr. Mertes was his guest at San Francis­ co on Sunday, June 28. Mr. Mathieu opened a week's engagement at Pasa­ dena, Calif., on Monday, morning at this week. From Pasedena he goes to Los Angeles,, theilce to Salt Lake City, Denver, Kansas City, St Louis and back home, where he expects to spend a short time with his wife and friends. r. .-I"r.\7* " • <- lit' _ r, S il$m >->.7 *. ' < \i<v- * •"T*,- '-Vlr r,' * * YOLO Miss Ella More spent tile past week in Waucondfc Paul Geary of Wauconda wan a vis­ itor here Sunday. Chris Dillon spent a few days {he past week in Waukegan. Mrs. Chris Dillon and Mrs. Geo. Benwell were recent McHenry visitors. Mr. and Mrs. H. Krueger and sons were Sunday callers at John Walton's. Mrs. Sarah Gill of Chicago was visitor ai^Jokn Braeme's the pa --« f t .1 I f " - a > «*- 4 - V I f * # . »>, i-'-ife .WWW H , ] / ^ 't -7 P.j-m .. -If;. ^ •t-k I ,\t * required us to save food and materials of all kinds to aid in winning the war. We can do a little more by saving ouf: money. We pay 3 per cent on SAVINGS ACCOUNTS compounded semi-annually! •M, *,rA : m %m-sM II:. vxV,,>- -3-^- vl "Si - ' " * >»"• .i ^ £e'i ILLINOIS McHENRY Wr STANDS FOR- QUALITY, SERVICE, LOW PHCCS All kinds Berber's La; - Hams and Bacon of fresh Meats, Lar<f Smoked II jBinMiW^piy 'in REMEMBER OUR 19c COFFEE! Equal to any 30c Coffee on the market >* • . " ' v • F- • • ' •'jii'iijiyii inmnii" '. i n . ' ' i D 1 'flli'.'-i' [Tji'n.On We stni sell the best ' Bulk i at 47c per pound us your eggs. We you the top price* < ? at all times WATER Stun MARKET BOOSE s Phone M Prompt Sanric* I I . 1. _ MakeYourAuto DoYour Haulin SAVE TIME AND TROUBL6 v... •, Be in town with a toad of mil^ in as little time as It takes to drive there on pleasure. * CHICAGO TRAILERS Economise and make that machine do more work by using a trailer behind it. Absolutely will not injure machine in any way and will haul milk to the factory, stock, produce to town--in fact anything that requires hauling. The Chicago Trailer is a simple, easily at­ tached equipment--for any make of car. Positively no trouble to connect. Saves your car and carries the load. Carries easily 1,000 pounds. Size of body--44x80. Wheels--82 inches high, 1% inches Mid rubber tires or interchange*^ with; > for prices and full* description. » v t - , , • • : Chicago Trailers Co* i 1 :: :: Chicago, Ut. 2811 S. Michigan Ave. 4,' W: '» & ' T **7; new uiien We •are f not making very much noise about it m when it comes to an abso­ lutely reliable stock of staple and fancy groceries this is the place to find same. Our lines are al­ ways fresh as well as com­ plete and our honest ser­ vice goes with each order. Our Chickea Feed is an • egg producer. Try & a# M. M. Niesen Mcllemy Phone K-W Mr. and Mrs. Ray Paddock and chil­ dren were over to Wauconda Satur­ day evening. Dr. L. E. Hughes and Merlin of Wauconda were callers here Sunday while on their way to Waukegan. Mrs. Cox, who resides on the Town- side farm, will entertain the Ladies' Aid July 11. Red Cross work will be done. Mrs. Cora Dowel and Ella were in Chicago Wednesday. Ella underwent pearly.every one knows that all cof­ fee can be spoiled; by making it the wrong way. Some coffee is more eas­ ily spoiled than others. We know our 25 cent coffee Can be made most any way and still SMITH BROS. MEATS! Government Inspectioai for jTOwa* *•%*** • 5 --AT THE v % • EAST SIDE MARKET AND GROCERY Th* Market that lead* in «n«iity uul price. Our "Motto: "Price telle an4 v>t»aHty aeU»." ' :yi.. SPECIALS^---ri, " MI . QmitimmiAmv* I'lllMJ auu JCUHMJ I sell absolutely nothing government inspected guaranteed fresh at all My large sanitary refriger­ ator, holding eight tons of ice, assures you meats fresh at all times. You are as­ sured of saving money when trading at this market or grocery. There's a reason: Small place, small expenses, small profits. Calves, poul­ try, hides, etc., bought and highest market prices paid. Orders promptly delivered East Side HMtf L. H. EiaenoMMtcer. Jr.. Prop. 'Phone 57-M McHenry, 1H. P H I L I P J A E G E R COrtMISSION MERCHANT -, 'GENERAL „ SPECIAL ATTENTION QIV*N TO TBI ML* OP DrMMd Beef, riutton. Hogs, Vttl, P-- try HMM, Etc., Butter and Em This Is the oldest house on the aiieei Tb({b and prioe Hats ftalahert AppltOitiOBi • • £ " ; COLD STOKAQB FRee #1 ' Carl Strueh and & Chicago passengers Miss Agnes Frisby of Terra Cotta an operation, having Jiad her adenoids I jg spending a few days with Mrs. ' .^ v *

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