Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Aug 1918, p. 8

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immmm :'tM~<4 1 ̂ 'i 'if'- *-?•*;' st.;'v» &> 4 SK Hi- . * ','•? <%> , V? t^f V-*. .3. f[' |f n>* v 1" tff-' % . ^ ' ft* & £v ? -^•* i f'l"I' t4^' *£.•-, 1.-* "? ^*V *' 1 jif %y v • > * \ t % $ • JSi ,f.f |»* F »/ * <£n' iW" lV fr\ *\*; K'V~, ^ " ,'\> V l* iK x * *• a&. -•St <a £ ' 1:.' I?'* ?i-"': I' »S: ..f^VV £ "• * •' * X m. ; V4# y*^' ^ 4'*. i"5' ' r"' &«:•, v --- ' C H • ' <;> , ilW' is.' • ^ < •> H,/ *'-V ' Ml: .?:H.\ 3fc:; 7^ i ^ 4 fe L . 4 *wJ5 %. . & ^ 4* f'V- ̂ "' f'• #*? .* AV 0 £' 1 b; /;> & .' ty '. ./ '*fc%S'.j V-3 '/ dominant features of our splendid line of new Suits for men and boys. These Suits are well tailored and are cut from the best foreign and domestic woolens, guaranteeing to our Cloth­ ing a superiority' of which we are justly proud. Don*t let the talk of high prices discourage you. Come and see these Suits and the ex­ tremely low prices at which they are going. You will be correctly gdrbed if you wear one & 4' ' * V I fr:l SSfes^' 's-%^ f"» v \ * I ^ , UJU s , * ' * ¥ • • - - .:.'•3W .zw&il ' $' : •' Summer Comforts Pff .. "v;.-' • vv e>v may be best enjoyed by purchasixig the things that bring comfort at this store. We have a very complete Ifalf lowing Summer Goods: * ' Lawn and Porch Swings;; /j. >-- Porch Shades, Porch Chairs, Lawn Seats, Hammocks, _ > h> «#M|' r,%;r • lv.VJ V'1' s , , v Awnings , Etc . We also carry a fine stock of Summer Furniture,' Rugs, Carpets, Linoleums, Window Shades, Croquet Sets, Push Carts, Wagons and Baby Carriages*q|. various designs. Jacob Justen McHENRY, ILLINOIS "" "*'**' *•*% 1-, V- . ' ' • .$*' i my > O Y A \ w ( ) ( \ ^ 1 i S . < < ) [ , > s I I ^ ^•5 /. Mads Is Macy Models npHlS is one of the^delights of select- J» ing ROYAL WORCESTER Cor­ sets. You have such abundant variety from which to choose. Styles size and price are yours to name. But whatever your selection of model, you are confident of correct fashion, efficient figure forming, com­ fort and satisfactory wear. All this is implied and assured in the world famous name ROYAL WORCESTER. * Prices, $fc00 and up ~A I'-" 'fy if1.' , . W •i? JOHN STOFFE; [^5|v ri's* Mi - ; . * A * ^ 1 f se a New Perfection Oil Stoyev,,;f Jci. find help save coal afed wood.̂ .4;>^yV?i ̂ ̂ , 2 lo 4 burner $13.50 to$&M ,X'f< 00^:Wi Spading Forks.. r,yV:i$ . Rakes GARDEN TOOLS ----»»--»».$1.25 and up ̂ ̂ , f . .25 and up - ; Hand CultivatDrsy^,i$1.25 to HM - i " s ia . mm , • f- V* * - ! <:*<< v .. ' \i-'\ " -V t£\ 5t -» Hoes__ .. .« to .K Lawn Mowers ^>._|4.5# to $15JI Seeds. 2 packages 'for-î Remember, Unde S&ii ing on you to help feed the Sam mies and our Allies. ^ > p' MCHENRY, ILLINOIS^, %*£ Mi >*L l M ^ i I I l L . - L L i j A l l . S - f ' • v / ' Hardware TiHui ril.ilitlVTi^ is, • chl- *0 vMtor ©»• John Pikna «u Cbicaco passengers last TMwT w»ttmilL Wm. Spenoar tMasjwM-yMittess in fthe metropolitan c% l^t FHday. Peter M. Chicago jiassed Sunday as the guest of his wife here. S. H. Freund transacted business in the metropolitan last Saturday. Miss Elsie WoHT l^issed the week end as the guest of Ytiatives at Elgin. Merwin Kent of CXdcago spent Sun­ day as the guest of Hc&enry friends. Dr. D. G. *Wetls was a professional visitor in the metropolitan city Tues­ day. „ Everett Hunter attended to matters of a business nature in Chicago Tues­ day- • ' V Miss Ella Ibsh of Chicago is epend- in^a t#o weeks' vacation at her home here. James B, Perry was a business vis­ itor at thev county seat one day last week. Miss Susie Frett passed Monday as the guest of relatives in the metropol­ itan city. Miss Lovina Nicholls of Woodstock spent Sunday as the guest of her sis­ ters here. Mrs. F. Wark of Chicago is here for a two weeks' visit in the home of Mr. aiid Mrs. A. M. Frett.* Richard B. Walsh, Wm. Smith and N. A. Huemann were Chicago passen­ gers Wednesday morning. J. H. Waldron of Chicago passed the week end as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J..W. Smith. Miss Lucy Riemann of Milwaukee, Wis., is the guest of Mrs. Henry Degen at her home on Water street. Misses Dorothy and Lillian Buss passed several days last and this week as the guests of relatives in Chicago. Misses Theresa Knox and Vera S toff el were visitors at the "Great Lakes Naval Training station Sunday. Thos. Frisby of Elgin, who has spent a week's vacation among rela­ tives hevi, returned to his home Sun­ day. Andrew Kearns of Chicago is spending a couple of weeks as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward. George Colford and Jack Carey of West Chicago were callers at the W. J. Donavin home one evening last week. • , Miss Josephine Heaney of Chicago is spending a two weeks' vacation with her aunt, Mrs. Gee. Frisby, and family. Mrs. Charles Davis of Early, la., is a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Bacon, east of this village. Mr. and Mrs. George Garrity of Chicago were week end guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. i. Schoewer. Mr. and ~Mrs. Ben Frett came out from Chicago Tuesday for a week's visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Frett. Privates William Campbell, John Unti and Henry Weber of Camp Grant spent Sunday as the guests of Mc- Henry relatives. Mrs. Frank Going and little grand­ daughter, Marion Frances Brandt, of Chicago were week end guests of McHenry friends. Edward and John firefeld of Ken­ osha, Wis., spent Sunday as guests in the home of their parents, ttlr, and Mrs. Ben Brefeld. Miss Delia Burke of Chicago is spending a month's vacation in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McCabe at their cottage on Elgin road. Frank Schnabel and daughter, Al- ceta, Miss Vera Knox and Math. Laures motored to the Great Lakes Naval Training station yesterday.' Mrs. Henry Wolff and Misses Lillian Frederick and Elsie Mertes of Pista- kee Bay spent Wednesday ^in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Miller. Thos. Loftus of Chicago is spend­ ing a couple of weeks as the guest of Miss Wilma Ernst at the home of her mother, Mrs. Fred Deutschmann, east of the river. Misses Emma Fiebranz and Anna Zecor of Marengo passed several days last and this week as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamhoiz on Main street. Misses Dorothy and Louise Engeln and their guest, Miss 'Marieta Klein, of Chicago visited friends at the Great Lakes Naval Training station on Wednesday of last week. Miss Marieta Klein returned to her home in Chicago Monday after spend­ ing a couple of weeks' vacation as a guest in the home of her grand­ mother, Mrs. Barbara Engeln. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hahn and Mr. and Mrs. Al. Hahn of Racine motored here Sunday and spent the day in the home of W. D. Wentworth and family. Miss Alta returned with them for a week's visit. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Nelson, who Ire summering at McCollum's lake, hpd as their guests last Thursday Mrs. L. Thompson and daughters and Mrs. J. M. Westerlin and niece. They motored out from Chicago. Mrs. James Lonergan and niece, Miss Kathleen Lonergan, who have been spending a month as the guests of the Misses Aileen and Kathleen O'Reilly, returned to their homes in Chicago last Saturday morning., Prof, and Mrs. E. C. Fisher and children motored to this village from Rock Island last Thursday. On Sat­ urday, in company with Mrs. E. S. Wheeler, they motored to Lake Gen­ eva, Wis., where they passed a couple of days as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Reeser, returning to McHenry Sunday evening. They left the following morning for Dundee, where they passed a few days with friends before returnina: to ihflte home. "W: ^ ™ Ebb. mR. v- Thursday, AUQ. % 5 _>* A FQt FEATURE »V ValesKa Suratt .----in A RidiMai's f SATURDAY. AUG. 17 . '•^TRIANGLE FEATUR* Margery Wilson . • ----IN TheHadtttheWiidow SON DAY, AUQ. 18 i A^tfOX FEATURE ! Tom Mix I IN CUPID'S M1XUP •*< V' (Continued from first pag«) day it was so foggy that we could not see 100 yards away from the ship. They lost quite a little time, for they had to go so slow, because they did not know where they were going or when they might hit something. The weather is real cool, nothing like Flor­ ida. I did not get very sick, only one day I didn!t feel * good. Don't have to do anything but guard once every four days. I have be^n on three times so far. Hope we will land before it comes to me again. I received three letters just before we left camp, but did not even have time to read them before we left. *We left quicker than we expected. ^ I expect you will get a card be­ fore you do this letter and you will know that we arrived safely. There isn't much danger, we are so well pro­ tected. You would not believe it if I could tell you, but I believe lots of things now that I would not before I saw them with my own eyes. I got a letter from Clara that last day. I will answer it just as soon as I can get time. I spent the Fourth this year in a way I never thought I would. We had fairly good eats. Had a good dinner the Fourth, roast pork, pota­ toes, gravy, pineapple, cake, etc. Hope we will all be able to spend that day home next year. Well, I think I will close for this time and hope that you are all well. Answer as soon a^ pos­ sible. From your loving son, William, Field Remount Squadron 308, 2078255 A. E. F., via New York. From Pvt. Arthur Smith Camp Sheridan, Ala.j Aug. 10. '18. Mr. F. G. Schrein«r, McHenry, 111, Dear Frank--Just got thru reading The Plaindealer. Always get it Sat­ urday evening and it could not come at a better time, because we have a lot of time to ourselves Saturday and Sunday. Am enjoying life immensely, down here in the sunny south, a little warm, but am getting used to that. Some time ago it was 122 in the shade. However, the nights are oool, so we don't .jmind. I see by your paper ,that nearly all the McHenry boys in the first draft haVe gone over the foam. Expect the fighting 45th will get over in about six weeks. . Our officers expect us to do won* ders. Most of our non-coms, have been in the service several years, all regulars. They feel a little peeved toward us drafted men, but we are showing them that we will be there when we go over the top after the Huns. Just now we are having mqre fun than a picnic with our gas masks. Most of us can put them on in six seconds or' less, but when we hike they feel tight. After hiking about four miles our shirts look like a race horse's neck after a hard race, all full of foam. If we take them off would get extra K. P. and nobody cares for that, so we just keep them on. Some time ago our battalion, while out on a three hours' hike, devoured a top box full of water melons in ten minutes. We sliced them with our bayonets. The young darky was tickled to death to s$ll them for 15 and 20 cents each. Am lucky enough to camp across road from our K. C. hall. Have two masses every Sunday, movies' three times a week, boxing matches every Wednesday night. There are probably about two to three hundred boys use this place to write home every night. Will be back in McHenry running Smith Bros.' Ford just as soon as the kaiser is safely hanging on a sour apple tree. Till then I have the pleasure of being your friend, Pvt. Arthur Smith. From Pvt. Walter Fay Somewhere in France, July 17,1918. Dear Mother--Well I am settled and have found time to write. . We left the place where we were stationed at about 9:00 a. m. yesterday morning and asrived here at 8:00 last night, after passing thru some of the most beautiful country I have ever seen. We traveled by motor transportation. We had four trucks, one ambulance Ford, which I drove myself. I had an English St. major, our 1st Sergt. and the officer in charge of the convoy in the Ford. We would go ahead and pick out the r<md and then >¥x #>v t; •C, * ' v* ,i. r ' 'Ms> - f o x * • ' • ; wfe-'. -j-Sr .?v tic* 'M « I - , > - %«V' *, r * ~i fW** , t * , - * IS "ifs f « ' • j i t * ; MS «-•<> w ;ig:' a ; "A f , 2 r'. • »s SAVE N@W FOF| 'Ms fall thwe probably \̂ ill be another Liberty hdm and all of us will be asked to lend our share. You may find it a hardship to subscribe as much ̂M you should unless you prepare for it now by saving a little each day. If you deposit your savings in this bank you will be paid interest while waiting for the next Liberty Loan. ' v S •" t 1 " ^ We t̂ McHenry State Bank .'^4 •d'4-kl tAV- i '• V til.#? r T-M-- i'-' t', »•, fi .% ' Si|r. fct*.' :&•}* *c> • mM - >7, is ^ ' :4V f, bY > ^.>.1 wait for the trucks to follow. Some­ times one wouldn't show up and I would have to take the officer back to find it. He was a good mechanic and it's a good thing he was as we had plenty of trouble. We had to get trucks from* another company and they picked out the poorest they could find. They even had to toW one in to turn it over to us. I can't begin to tell you how pretty the country is. You would have to see it for yourself. There were any number of horseshoe bends and double MS" turns thru the hills. The country is practically all hilly. On some of hills you could see for miles and some places the road was at the edge of a precipice and one had to drive mighty careful. It was the first time I had put my hand on a wheel since I joined, but I got along fine. It was only sixty miles, but the trucks are slow. These quarters are not as comfor­ table as our others, but we are satis­ fied. The town is very small and the camp is larger than the town. It re­ minds me of Camp Merritt. I have not been around as yet, as I have been very busy, making shelves in my bunk, etc. It is a lot of trouble to pack up, move and get settled again. We eat corn beef and bread when we are on the road that way and it al­ ways tastes good. I didn't go to bed until two the morning before we left, ss X was vu pass until twslv® and guarded the truck from twelve to two and then slept two hours. I just threw my blanket down last night and 1 don't remember anything else. We were all pretty tired, but feel fine today. It was a common sight to aep women making hay along the way. It is awfully warm here, but the nights are cool. I have been in my shirt sleeves all day and have got burned some. Well, 111 have to ck»e for this time as I want to wash my clothes. Hop­ ing you are as well and happy as 1 am, 1 remain, ' Your son, Walter. | News From Corp. Lester Bacon Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bacon receive^ Word this week that their son, Cor- poral Lester Bacon, was in a hos­ pital at Camp Custer, Battle Creek, Mich. He had been sent there as a trainer. This appointment, if he is as successful in the performance of these duties as heretofore^ will, win for him the commission of sergeant. His ill­ ness is not of a serious nature." , Hears From Son In Flo* Mr. and Mrs. Jos. H. Huemann of Johnsburg received a letter from their son, John M., this week, informing them that he had enlisted as a me­ chanic in the U. S. army and is now stationed at Camp Jos. E. Johnston, Co. 26, 2nd Road Regiment, Jackson­ ville,, Fla. He also states that he is fine and likes his work as mechanic. Here Is Your Last Chance to secure a good farm at a low price. Visit western Minnesota and North Dakota and see the great opportu­ nities we are offering, where one wheat field after another will pro­ duce more dollars and cents per acre than we ask for the land on which to raise it. Ben Stilling, Great North- •m jpipteration Agent, McH«uff, *|l- Take Notice! Notice is hereby given to bicycle riders that they KEEP OFF the side­ walks. Officers are notified to arrest all violators of this notice and the offense will be made punishable by fine. The practice has become so dan­ gerous to pedestrians that it must bp abolished. R. G. Chamberlin, Pres. Village Board. During the month of July $NMM)0 worth of thrift and war savings stamps were purchased \tn McHenry county. Our feed is a sure egg pro- dBeer. try It. X» M. NleeMi. S> ' i•: ^ ' WiT'.W ifa.r•f'rt «ni if "~i **• -fc'- a.:fri >• iNOwtiiatme straw season is coming to an end what we1 need is a good felt hat. For fall and winter use we have ' a new line in greenp brown, dark grey and black at $3.00, $4.00 and $4.50. k J.-v v("X, >!j A •" ;% - • Sip • ">"r WATER STREET MtiM MitQft, SOtlKE, uv mccs LARD As you all know there lias been a sharp advance in the price of lard the last few days; further advances are sure to follow. Vfe handle Kerber's pure lard in 50-lb. tin pails which we still offer at a very reasonable price, WATER STKEETHAilErmSE Phone * Fnapt IMhmin 4 AUMtS FRESH vegetable* for cooking are a l way a fresh; our salad vege- tab lea ar# a lwayo oriap. always lwe every vegetable in our Btore that is on the market, BO that when our cus­ tomers call, they may have many kl nd • aeledt from. Our prices on *S8®- tables are as low their high Will-- allow-' i- ••MMs f- 4 . > *^- as q u a l i t y ® 3 Schneider Bros enry PHILIP: JAEGER ' GENERAL COriMISSION MERCHANT *ieOlAL ATTENTION 8IV1M TO WW SAUB' OKf, Vggf a- Dressed Beef* Hutton, Hogs, Visi, Hides, Etc., Batter end Bffi This is the oiftetfaofrfe On itle application COLD STORAdb FREE > "" S CHICAOO.ILLINOIS. DR. F. J. AICHER DENTIST OSee In WMM Cwterrille McHenry, Illinois Telephees Ha TS-W E. H. Waite Paul J. Donovan] VA1TE & MNfOVM L A W Y E R S OScea: Woodstock; j»duaend Wed­ nesdays and Satordaya CMBce Hours: 9:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m.\ ruMma sm mm ST Experienced Workmen DONAVIN & REIHANS^ERGER Teleplm Ma 1SS-K SIMON STOFFEL

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