IT.1 .A<*< !' && 'r ' *. */"C - V/^. Kti lis is a remedy that cures by i£- : ! * T ' *'" " " • ' moving the cause. It is a soothing, healing, expectorant remedy. It | stimulates the secretions; it loosens «'«* :f the cough. It does not drug a cough into silence as narcotic rem edies do; it stops the cough only When the cause of the cough is re moved. It is a remedy easy to take and is equally good for children and adults. It is economical to use, be-»-» s."'» v ! /, J ^wse you get a liberal quantity for ^ " the price, and because it cure$. f£r V positively guaranteed. * v K'i • Price, 25 Cents • r'vs'iW- 4 , K>& ^*'t *:• nJ o*.t > •* i' •MONEWW N. H. PETESCH DRUGGIST •S •' N '• J.," ^ Fall Saiiiplel! of the famous International Tailoring Co. The snappiest line on the market today. Collected from the best manufacturers. Qur prices are very low. compared with this season's tailoring. Call early and secure first choice. Also many good patterns from last season's line to choose from at extreme^ low prices. * FALL DRESS GOODS in silks and wool and silk and wool poplins, ginghams, percales,- beach cloth and khakis. SWEATERS AND UNDERWEAR in large var iety. It's a wise thing to buy early as there will \ surely be a shortage of good merchandise this tjj§»Y;\?. son due to war conditions. OUR LINE OF SHOES is now complete for early fall trade in black, gray and dark brown priced up to $7.10 GROCERIES of the best grades always in stock. Tea, try our 60c, none better. Coffee, try our 30c. Sugar just as sweet as ever. We have supplied all our customers up to date and lived up to U. S. Food v Administration rules. Come or- phone your order. WEST McHENRlf v M. J. WALSH LOOKllLOOK! Mil*18 >V*: : ••4.'. *\\ j. ' -•*- ; *"*• ' s . .. . £• ?. rJj©r ,'. .f r .. - N' v . • 'V *.• Watch this space iiext week for at-v* n • »• • -V K .¥*>'£-• " '• lis- * • • ' ' ^tractive prices on -Hardware. . i* •"* JKi"'-- ' Sffc-v- •rA •*' '•*' > f » <•' " * I ' ^ J*' • * " i . V ' * ; P • <s . "fc *1*4' fa '*• *<"" , ' v- ' f ^ J§ .-Q* tSSSs* |k a_ . H iSsfe" McHENRY, ILLINOIS ,* *-A_ t (Ms I GENERAL AUCTIONEER Farm Sales a Specialty ̂16 Years Experience £*k : ' HIB many years of experience in buying and selling cattle keeps him well informed on the current values of all kinds of farm properties. x A number of sales have al ready been listed and if yon plan to sell I will be glad to, make arrangements with you. Dates can be left at any of thft foar banks in Woodstock, Crystal Lake, Huntley, McH«a> ry, Harvard or Hebron. ̂ ̂ Good Honest Servic e and a . Square Deal Guaranteed. « r TVIephone' at my expense ef. write. " r- P..;- - ii ,"V % r\;; v ^ ' A -» * v 5 cutis Xeotori- Tel. MS-R Woodstock, I1L M YOUR MM ' ...FOR... RISER FLOUR PUREFLOUR * M AKtrf/t McHENRY.̂ Flour Mill ' Clarence Reed was a Chicago pas senger Friday. \ Karl Abbott was in uke metropoli tan city Saturday. A. P. Peck was a county seat busi ness caller Monday. ' H. Wille and W. Reed autoed to, Woodstock Monday. Mrs. F. S. Morse spent Friday aft ernoon at Woodstock. w , Frank Horsky was * Crystal L*ke caller last Thursday. ' . Elsie Anderson was a pleasant vis itor at Woodstock Monday. Mrs'. Emma Wille was a business caller at Woodstock Monday. The church and school arc closed on account of the Spanish flu. Station Agent Lynch and wife were business callers at Harvard. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Knilans were Woodstock callers last Thursday aft ernoon. Mesdames H. Reed, R. Goddard and Carrie Johnson autoed to Woodstock Monday. - I. Erickson and daughter, Mrs. Inga Martini, transacted business in Gary Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Fitzgerald enter tained out-of-town visitors one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wilkjnson and son, Ralph, were shoppers at the Lake Saturday. Mrs. Ormsby is visiting in the home of her son, Chas. Ormsby, and, family at Crystal Lake. Mrs. J. 8 Lynch and Mrs. Lola Ben nett were Woodstock shoppers Thurs day of last week. Mrs. W. E. Dike and Miss Helen Briggs visited over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Briggs near Harvard. F. Wille and daughter-in-law, Mrs. H. Wille, called at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ed. Senne, and family at Woodstock Sunday. Mrs. Lola Bennett was called to Richmond Saturday and is caring for the Chas. Summers family, who have the Spanish influenza. J. H. Slater, Mesdames W. Reed, W. Abbott and daughter, Dorothy, and Miss Elsie Wille were Woodstock pas sengers Saturday afternoon. _ Reuben Kramer of the Great Lakes spent a part of Saturday and Sunday with his wife and son and his parents, returning Sunday evening. 'Clarence Reed was called to the city Monday. Clarence is a graduate of the Crystal Lake high school and expects to enter the C. A. T. C. of Chicago. News was received by relatives and friends here that Sidney Reed of Woodstock was taken to the hospital Monday. His many Ridgefield friends wish him a speejdy recovery. Miss Ethel Sleezer was unable to teach the latter part of last week on account of the "flu." There are sev eral families afflicted with this rmal- ady, but not any seriously. Mrs. J. E. Gore and sons of Orland, Calif., who have been' the guests of her parents for several weeks, were in the city Tuesday, purchasing tickets for their return trip, expecting to leave Wednesday for home. J01»»3BUIG ' Joe Adams passed Sunday as the guest of McHenry relatives. * Martin F. Schmitt was a Crystal Lake visitor Tuesday afternoon. Our mill is now grinding on Tues day, Wednesday and Friday of each, week. ~ Rev. Wm. Weber attended to busi ness matters at McHenry Tuesday afternoon. The letters -that were sent out by the liberty loan committee last week brought very satisfactory results. A number of our people were at McHenry last Saturday, where they witnessed the Liberty day demonstra tion. Owing to the scarcity of help, the farmers' thruout this entire vicinity have been unusually busy during the past few weeks. t . Johnsburg has had considerable sickness during vthe past week or more, but no serious cases have thus far been reported. Our people have shown a truly pa triotic spirit of late. At our church patriotic song hymn is sung each and every Sunday by the entire con gregation. Our local liberty loan committee hopes to report that they have gone over the top" between now and Sat urday night. The workers are fast nearing their goal. A number of our people have pur chased prayer books especially suit able for soldiers. These have already found their way to some of the Johns burg young men who are no win the service. The Johnsburg chapter of the American Red Cross society will meet at the parish hall here tomorrow aft ernoon, Oct. 18, at which time elec tion of officers will trfke place as well as the raffling off of the quilt. All members are urgently requested to be present. The local chapter, since its organization, has made a fine record. New members have been added and considerable work has been ~ tarned out. on relatives here Tuesday. E. A. McCortnick of Bcn&if* ton called on friends here Momiip* Mrs. Ray McMillan and dangitto^ were Crystal Lake visitors Friday. Miss Vera Bolger of Woodstock is spending a few days at J. M Phalin's. Ed. Riley of Barrington and Mr. Eisner of Cary #en business visitors here Friday. Miss Clara Frisby was the guest of Wauconda friends from Friday un til Monday. Several from this vicinity attended the Welch-RobiSon farm sale near McHenry Tuesday. Misses Clara and Agnes Frisby spent last Wednesday evening with friends in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Frisby and daughter, Agnes, spent Friday evening at B. F. Martin's at Grayslake. Miss Eleanor Phalin and George Phalin were guests at the B. F. Mar tin home at Grayslake Saturday fog .and Sunday. V w OSTEND Ed. Wall is is hauling cord Wood to McHenry. Clinton Martin is reported recov ering nicely from an attack of influ enza. Ostend school will be Closed for a short time for safety of pupils, hop ing that the influenza will not visit many homes. C. B. Durkee and wife ehjoyed a visit from their cousin, Miss Georgie Ingalls, and her friend, Miss Anna Compton, of Elgin last week. Mr. and Mrs. Moyer, friends -of(Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Durkee, motored out from Chicago Saturday and visited until Monday morning with their friends here. We noticed .several automobiles out last Sunday. We did not know the people nor did we take their numbers. Some of them have no other day that they can be spared from work to take a little ride. Warren Francisco and sister, Miss Ammie, wepe Woodstock visitors Sat urday. They called on their nephew, Elmer Francisco, and found him just able ta walk a little with two canes. He is taking, treatments and slowly improving. The doctor tells him the rheumatism may leave very suddenly, which Elmer hopes for, but he is weak and it will take some time to recover his natural strength. SPRING GROVE John Karls is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Christenson were McHenry callers Sunday. A large crowd attended the auction sale at Wm. Watt's Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. P. Cleary of McHenry were visitors in the Keefe home last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Schaefer were Sunday visitors in the John Schaefer home at Johnsburg. Messrs. Leo Huff and Ford Jackson were called to Woodstock last Thurs day for physical examination. Miss Hilda Karls returned to her duties in the telephone office Monday after having had a three weeks' vaca tion. Miss Anna Pitges and friend of Chi cago spent Saturday evenipg and Sun day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Math. Nimsgern. Mr. and Mrs. Ben May entertained the following at their home Sunday, Oct. 6: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Chris tenson, Mr. and Mrs. John Weber, the Misses Margaret Freund of McHenry, Frances Freund of Johnsburg, Mae Keefe and Mayme Frett and the Messrs. Geo. May, Edmund Keefe and Ford Jackson of this village. tm ft a' h p- T \* •' ^ s • T <-• £!/;• •'I. ̂ • f • , <>r , ^ v * . very '4# «j*V7 'j&iS uSr"\ y fj-, .H • *<•& <,y , -V. : i«1 * <£ ' V* y -i / J, '* ' w vr- •*A- » ; ' Our Savings Department is intended es pecially for the money which is not foolishly spent. We pay 3 per cent com pound interest. Start an account today.; Your savings will help win the war. n « : ^ v - McHENRY, ILLINOIS CLASSIFIER DEPARTMENT FOR SALE--A fifty-light gas ma chine. Emil Lasch, McHenry, 111. 18 TERRA COTTA Ed. Conway was a business caller in Woodstock Friday. Ed. Conway was a business v&tor in Chicago Monday. Mrs. John Liddle was a Crystal Lake business caller Friday. Miss Frances Knox was a business visitor in Elgin Saturday. Mrs. Stella Peck of Elgin spent t^e week end with relatives here. Ed. Conway spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Martin. Miss Florence Knox spent Saturday evening with McHenry relatives. Earl McMillan of Crystal Lake From Lieut. Alford H. Pouse The following notations, taken from recent letters received by Mrs. L. F. Pouse from her son in France, will be of interest to his many friends: France, Sept. 7, 1918. Dear Mother and All--I am now at my new station after traveling from Tuesday to late last night. I spent some time in Paris, where I took in show, roller rink and some fine meals. I visited the "Louvre," the big store of Paris, and bought some things and sent home. Hope you get them. The store is a wonderful show for any woman, Or lii&it cither. September 9, 1918. We are now pretty well settled in our new place. Tomorrow I'm going to take some pictures forty miles from here and will go over 10,000 feet in the air. It gets pretty cold up there now, but I guess I wont feel it any with my outfit. Yesterday I got some mail that had been forwarded from the last place. I had a letter from Jimmie Doherty and also one from E. J. Heimer. I am glad to hear that crops are fine and the farmers doing their share. I guess when it comes to pulling to gether our 'U. S. isn't so bad and it surely is no time for talking now. It's only acts that can count or amount to anything. Don't try to send me anything for Christmas for maybe I wouldn't get it anyway, but you can send me a brand new dollar bill. I'd like to see a real U. S. bill again. September16. Got some more mail today and I am glad you are going to send me some pictures. I hope they get here soon. There is absolutely no news here, only work. The soldiers are nearly all American soldiers here. We work every day, Sunday included, but do not put in so many hours. Three or four hours of work in the air every day is considered a day's work, as it is more or less of a strain on a person working in the air. We were out one day observing artillery tire. It was so stormy and windy we had to sail back and came down in a farm er's potato field. The farmer took me WANTED TO RENT--A farm from 80 to 100 acres. Call this office. 14 WANTED--Rye. Will pay Chicago price. McHenry Flour Mill, West Mc Henry, 111. 1* FOR SALE--At a bargain, a house and corner lot. Inquire of Ben Stills ing, McHenry, HI. 13-t£ FOR RENT--Six room house, elec trie light, gas and good well. J< Justen, McHenry, III. 18-tf FOR SALE--A Crow-Elkhart tour ing car in excellent condition. Will sell cheap. Inquire at this office. 18 FOR SALEr--Dry wood sawed in stove length. Price $7.00 per ton, deliv ered. Wm. Bonslett, McHenry, 111. 18 FOR SALE--A self player piano. Cost $700 new. A bargain if taken at once. Arthur Adams, McHenry, 111. 8-tf FOR SALE--Two Poland China' boars Full blooded and eligible to register. John A. Anderson, West McHenry, 111. Phone 611-R-2. 18-2t* FOR SALE--Hand picked winter apples. Several varieties. Price 4c per pound; wind-falls at 2c per pound. Wm. Bonslett, McHenry, 111. 18-2t LOST--Somewhere between McHenry and Terra Cotta or between Terra Cotta and Elgin, a sum of money. Re turn to this ^office and receive reward. LADIES--Prominent Elgin business house will pay you well for your spare time. Will also give you needed help. Address care of McHenry Plaindeal- \ 17-2t LOST--In some store in McHenry late last winter or early this spring, a large black pillow muff. Liberal re ward for return of same to The Plain- dealer office. ' 18 FOR SALE--Have two Ford touring cars, will sell one for $76.00 less than the original price of a new car, good-J as new. Only driven about 800 miles. Frank A. Weber, Crystal Lake, J11. Phone 64-W. i7 back in his car. For recreation we walk to a dead town and around a little and back to bed. I got some magazines the other day and they sure were welcome. Remember me to all the folks. Love, . Al. Fall Exhibit Postponed The boys' and girls' clubs of Me- Henry county will not hold their fall exhibit and pig sale on October 31 and November 1 on account of the influ enza epidemic. W® hope to hold this fair the latter part pf November if conditions permit. Notice will be given later. Thos. H. Murray, f County Club ,(T Ke ep a IN normal times die telephone cotifc* pany would not feel called upon to suggest that its subscribers forego the use of their service in any degree whatever* But these are days when intelligeat ca>H"» omy must be practiced by all. An unnecessary telephone call is as truly , a waste as the unnecessary consumption of a pound of coal or a pound of food. Calls of a purely social character should be made brief. This does not mean thftt we must be abrupt and brusque, but merely that our conversation should not * '-"'TV. be prolonged.into "visiting." * *4/ w't ' * If this practice is followed there will bo} fewer "busy'* reports from the operators. . CHICAGO TELEPHONE! €Qlfi>ANY ... -'S. <•:***. '• ^ A |Eo Indeed I •' -i *i\ All canned goods &re the same quality. There is a difference between silk and cot- ton; there is a differ ence in canned goods.' Our "Dan* goods yon can eat. •* . * - Buy the*? the«; and you'll cone again for them* c Buy, from US* CANNED GOODS !H mi 4: </4 No Public Services Just before closing our forms pre paratory to going to press, Rev. M. J. McEvoy, pastor of St. Patrick's Cath olic church, stepped into our office and asked us to make public the fact that there will be no public services at St. Patrick's church until further notice. Parishioners will kindly bear $his fact in mind. 'S Notice * -"V No huw*fag or trapping allowed on farm occupied by me. 12-tf Philip Thennea. until The Jehnaburg Mill further notice will grind ta Schneider Bros., - We& McHenry Electrical Service Company ROY A. SCHROEDER, Mgr. (Successor to G, L. Forest) (Successor to G, L. Forest) Crystal Lake, I1L Phone 62<Jf We are equipped to handle all kinds of Electrical Work, ami will appreci ate your patronage. Estimates cheerfully furnished. All work guaranteed. SKILBECK ELECTRIC CO. We "are equipped to handle any aal̂ f «I1 kinds of electrical work. For an estimate oa house wiring er fixtures, a postal card er pkaoe call will bring us. No charge for esti mates. We make a specialty oa,. mojor raring. ̂ \ % > . PHONE 2* GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS PLUMBING AND HEATING -BY- £xperienc$d Workmen DONAVIN «c REIHANSPERGER !> y " - 0 ,4 i ^ ^ ,* * * ' % -i. : ••s l . • : •-v 1 Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays of each week. . . y • • s . ' " tM J. MULCjpt Attsney at Satr West McHenry Slate Bvery Fxiday' Hetto OAo pe