Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Dec 1918, p. 8

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- S.>. , * S ' r %• H Men and * ^..,a '>. *"V *»* - it >r •• *•* * - " %e * * ^ O- ' * -/ ,#*•; " ijijm UA.. . -t-i ^v4v t V v -*i .- tv"' v*. *,' <*• *'<v" J - • ,?v ' nrAfi »/•*» tMCITID A VTT\ £J 1 V \» *» ;,# t&> 1 WORKMANSHIP AND STYLESHIP are the dominant feftturetofour sptondidline of new Suits for men and^oys, J^hese &oits are well tailored and are cut from the best foreign and domestic woolens, guaranteeing to our Cloth­ ing a superiority of which we are justly proud. Don't let the talk of high prices discourage you. Come and$ae these Suits and the ex- iiiiwnelylow prices «t ^rtiieh - they am goitar, Fou will be correctly garbed if you wear oae Suils eni-$w price wffl nol scare you. ;p V/ ' ^ *4 t ^ *** * -- '•>vA WBSHMcll&NRY. ILL. r%'i *'•* A*\ - :;m -X Money invested in Home Comforts--good furni- ittre--pays * feette ̂ditidend than perhaps any fOjtiier way 3ff<Sfti|itfVfbst it Home cheer and > iMlort is a mighty help in equipping your fam­ ily for the battle of life. If you will take the loubleto our beioutifal hneof 4 - **., V\ a--^Furniture and Rugs : W e k n o w y o u w i l l p r o n o u n c e it the finest ever. When you see it, with the very low prices we are making, you will know we are making a freat effort to help you over the high price wave ping over fh* county. If you have it furniture hers come and let us show f#Hi why yon ttould do to now* All items of fcomeboid fuiuiHate in a great ̂ variety ol values . V--I3 4' " $ •"•aiK • V- A " 2> : ? "A * • •> <$* «f ri lf ^ *,• ' 1 fe/ f 'A,'/ ^ *> "? - ' f '*" j i(y,':y -y • • w't • '\£j> ' $• <«*}« . • « i / . "A '"V" * Vtf'-Y * ; ; - . We have just put m a complete line of Arrow Colktrs, both soft and stiff, and ; f we feel certain that the selection offered is as attractive as may be found any­ where in McHenry. We know that we , have your size and the styles that will ̂| suit the most fastidious. We also have an elegant new line of neckties. Other sensible Xmaa jfo^sr in-v h*$ t '4\fri >/• 'l •M", f *% >r ' .V f,' /&' U<' • v. V . » . ! (»»fS iS* , J k X.J. ' , ,.4.-,..-,. ; fv*/ (. r,4 • -r /„«• * - ;'v. ' • r 'X-Jj'v1 *-> * " " - • ; ' v r - i . v ^ . • . f - - - , ' V r - - '•>4**^4^^!^ M x i t ' " » JOS. X; MILLER MeHHNRY, ILUNOIS •" •* V 4 •> /*t ! X? 0 ih> " .J; COMERS AND €OftK|#F A IN. OUR BUSY VILLAGE r Plaiiidealer Reporters and Into Ovr OAce fcy Our , v >• x ; • w.- 1- ^ v ?!f; .ILLINOIS ' - Take good care of your Ford ear.̂ Oont expect it to give you full service un yon give it some care and attention e ̂ Let us give it regular treatment occasion-, ally. Ho ubogU8"parts |̂i' <* unworthy materials '̂ ; used m our shops, but genuine Ford material and experienced Fo mechanics. Well keepJ.Hi your Ford car serviceable for years if youj give u$ a chance. Our prices are mighty ̂ \ seasonable. We want your trade. Why ̂ can't we bave it? We will serve you bet ter than anybody else Chances STAR As Scom b: ' Handed Friends Miss Trace Barbian was a Chicago visitor Monday. Mrs. J. P. Smith is spending a few days with relatives in -Chicago. A. M. "Whitten of Chicago was a McHenry visitor the first of the week. Mrs. P. M. Justen passed the latter |>art of last week with relatives in Chicago, Miss Dora Kenney passed the Thanksgiving vacation at her hone in Milwaukee, Wis, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heuser of Ken­ osha were week end guests of rela­ tives in this village. Mrs. Geo. A. Himler spent the lat­ ter part of last week with relatives in the metropolitan city. y; Postmaster and Mrs. B. E. Bassett and children ate Thanksgiving dinner with Woodstock relatives. Mrs. W. W. Vogt and children were guests of friends at Naperville a couple of days last week. Miss Avis Carey of Elgin spent several days last week as £he guest of relatives in this village. Miss Blanche Pryor was the guest of her sister at Princeville from Wed­ nesday until Sunday evening. M[k» Mary Burke returned home Sunday evening from a few days' visit with relatives in Chicago. Miss Marjorie Gurnett was the guest of her parents in Chicago from Wednesday until Sunday evening. A. M. Schiller returned last Satur­ day from a several days' visit with relatives in the metropolitan city. Miss Anna Wolff of Chicago was a guest in the home of her mother, Mrs. Augusta Wolff, here last Thursday. Pvts. Gerald Carey and Walter Gorman of Evanston were the guests of home folks over Thanksgiving. > Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Landwer and son, Keith, passed the latter part of last week with friends at Park Ridge. Mrs. Patrick Sheehan of Chicago passed Thanksgiving day as the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Philip Meyers. Miss Edna Stephenson of Ridgefield was a guest in the home of her sister, Mrs. J. W. Schaffer, the last of the week. Mrs. Chas. Wright and daughter, Ann, returned Sunday evening from a several days' visit with Chicago rela­ tives. • • •% \ . . Pvt. Arthur Patzke of Camp Grant ate Thanksgiving dinner in the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Patzke. '" Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Bending and daughter, Eleanor, ol Woodstock were Thanksgiving day guests of McHenry relatives. Mrs. Elizabeth Krause^ and son, Clarence, spent the latter pari of last week as the guests of county seat relatives. * \->v- Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Besley and sons of Woodstock were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sayler the latter part of last week. Mrs. Chas. Wesley Wonch of Chi­ cago spent last Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pay, on John street. Mrs. John Dalton of LaGrange passed « few days last week as a guest in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Floyd Thompson. Mrs J. M. Hoyt of Chicago spent the latter part of la*t week as a guest in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Peter Wirfs. Miss Eva Stenger of Chicago was » guest in the home of her brother, C. W. Stenger, and family the latter part of last week. Corp. Chas. J. Reihansperger and Pvt. Edward Bonslett of Camp Grant spent the latter part of last week at their homes here. Mrs. Earl Brown and daughter, Harriet, of Woodstock spent the lat­ ter part of last week as the guests of McHenry relatives. Thos. Phalin of Urbana passed the 'ells was a Chicago vis- iay . sx &teei«ded to business was a vis _ ,:Slrs*. itor last John Knitters Everett'*" iitater aid son, Everett, were Chicago visitors Tuesday. r % Richard B. Walsh boarded the Chi­ cago train Wednesday morn:ng. Henry Dowe of Dundee passed:last Thursday with Ms wife and son here. Miss Clara Freund was among th<r Chicago passengers Mbn&ay evening. Miss Eva Stilling was among the Chicago passengers Wednesday morn­ ing... ' f. ' Math. B. Laures was a business •visitor in the metropolitan city Tues­ day... \ • John R. Freund spent Tuesday in the home of W. G; Schreiber in |Chi- cago. , . . Mrs. Fred Justen was among' the Chicago passengers Monday after­ noon. . Albert Johnson was among those to board the Chicago train last Saturday morning. * v * Mrs. John Knox, Jr., and Mis£ Vera Knox were Chicago shoppers Tuesday. Chas. Pich of Chicago was enter­ tained by McHenry friends the flr|t of, the week. •' ^ M. L. Worts and M. J. Walsh were; business visitors in the metropolitan city today. Wm. Smith attended to matters of a business nature in the windy city Wednesday. Z. Webster spent Thanksgiving, day as the guest of his sister at North Crystal Lake. T Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Heimer -and daughter, Elvcfra, were 'Chicago ! vis­ itors Monday. j Miss Amy Talladay of Chicago was a week end guest in the home of Mrs. Helena Heimer. , Mrs. G. C. Boley and son, Kenneth, are guests of relatives and friends at the county seat. Miss Fanny Granger sppnt the' lat­ ter part of last week as • the guest of relatives at Elgin. ' U ' Mrs. E. J. Larkin of Montana is a guest in the home of Mr. and Mre. Lewis McDonald. Mrs. Mary A. Waite entertained her niece, Clara L. Wightman, of Wil- mette last Friday. Miss Winnie Hayes of Woodstock spent Thanksgiving day as the guest of McHenry friends. * Mrs. Maggie Gilles of Woodstock whs the guest of McHenry relatives on Thanksgiving day. f Mr. and Mrs. Jas. T. Perkins and daughter, Adeline, were Sunday guests of eounty seat relatives. Misses Dorothy and Jean Matthews and Master Edward Matthews weve Chicago visitors Monday. E. P. Dietz of Chicago*.r^WWr Thanksgiving day guest in the home of Mrs. Christina Brefeld. Miss Esther Matson of Chicago is spending the week in the home of her mother, Mrs. Peter Wirfs. Mrs. Vernon Lockwood and children' were guests of county seat relatives the latter part of last week. John P. Schreiner of Chicago spent Sunday as a guest in the home of his mother, Mrs. Mary Schrtmer. S. H. Freund attended a meeting of the board of supervisors i|t Wood­ stock on Monday of this week. Elmer Justen of Ringwood is spend­ ing the week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Freund. Harold Day of Chicago was a Thanksgiving day guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stenger. Mrs. J. G. Pauly and children of El­ gin were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Barbian. Pvt. Geo. Heimer of Camp Grant was a Sunday visitor in the home of his mother, Mrs. Helena Heimer. Stephen McDonald of Montana is visiting in the home of his son, Lewis McDonald, just south of this village. Mr. and Mrs' D. A. Whiting and daughters spent Sunday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Musser at ElgiVi. Mr. and M!rs. F. H. Wattles attended the funeral of the latter's uncle, John latter part of last week as a guest in ©welly, at the county seat last Satur- the home of nia nnrenta/ Mr nrtfi m>c * • ' • . nny, John M. Phalin, south of town Mrs. Harry Alexander of Genoa Mr. and Mrs. Walter^ Kelley of Junction, Wis., was the guest of her Hammond, Ind., spent Thanksgiving grandmother, Mr.. Ateen* SmitH, here day as guests of Mr. and Mrs. ,Wm. Mrs. L. F. Newman, daughter, Ella, Kelley at the Riverside hotel Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Whiting and daughter, Lorraine, of Lake Gen­ eva spent the latter part of last week as the guests of relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Westfall and Miss Esther Stoffel of Chicago were Thanksgiving day guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Stoffel. Mrs. Augusta Krause of Crystal Lake spent several days this and last week as a guest in the home of her son, Al. Krause, a$d family here. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hanly and daughter, Grace, of Elgin were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Sayler the latter part of last week. Mrs. Emma Fullington of Wood­ stock passed the latter part of last week as a guest in the home of her brother, Chas. L. Page, and family. Mrs. Helena . Heimer, daughters, Lilljan and Annabelle, and son. Leo, were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Steilen in Chicago Thanks­ giving day. , Misa Lenor. Grate*. <rf Mfflwaul^ l~vf' stl'tlon' l»ce, Wis., and Miss Theo Graham of Mad- ™ hu A1»"> and son, Bernard, were the guests of relatives at the county, seat the latter part of last week. . Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gruener anti children of Chicago were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wirfs the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Whiting of Libertyville spent Sunday and Mon­ day as guests in the home o^f Mr. and Mrs. Lewis McDonald Mrs. Sarah Sherburne and daugh- ! ter, Anna, ate • Thanksgiving dinner • with the former's daughter, Mrs (\ vC., Harrison, hear Ringwood. | Mr and Mrs. Henry W. Groat of Waterloo, la., were guests in the home of the letter's parents, Mr. and • Mrs. Jas. B. Perry, last Friday. f Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Marshall and children of Morton Grove spent Thanksgiving day as guests in the , home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers. Joseph H. Wagner from the U. S. air ison, Wis., wtre guests in the home of Mr. and Mr«. F. E- Martin wast of town the latter part of .last week. Mrs. F. A. Schnorr spent the week end in Chicago and Hyde Park and on Friday, in company with Oklahoma friends, she will go to Cush'ing, Okla., for the winter months, aft^r having here for a few days while en a fur­ lough. Mr. and Mrs. R. Churchill and son, George, of Grayslake were guests in the home of the former's grandr mother, Mrs. Sarah Sherburne, last! Wednesday. Re*. M. J. McEvoy, Dr. C. H. Feg- ers, Miss Eleanor McGee and Mr. aid Mrs. T. J. Walsh and son, Riehard B», attended the grand opera at the Audi- -Tiini'Mrirrri -- v ,> ***** ' mmmmtSmmmmm u::! mmm mm mmm mm 1 __ •mi -- lactory? '^business •v. v; who go ifito business fail within 20 years. Ignorance of figure concerning the business, due to lack of* proper business records, vestigators say, is largely responsible for this startling < rate. Do your books tell what it costs you to operate your store Do they give you this information about each department of ^-tell you what each is costing you per day, week, month or year? Can you teB how your gross and net profits this year With those of last year? Do your figures tell you how often you turn - •• itock; how much stock you have on hand today and what it cost you^ 'they show which departments or lines are profitable and which, if any, ,-r vGot paying? If your records do not show these things, you have cause ̂your business u |he i ^ " IT i * " » " ' * r ** r î; Houses, large" and small, has convinced us that complete figure facts * ̂vitaliy necessary to the full success of any enterprise. We will be glad to talk over your problems with you. rffc'4ur knowledge of the successful practices of other firms, we Suggestions that will be helpful in your business, ̂ - >if. ^ . • : .: _ V""* m f s • :4 .* f -it, .r * WE MAKE s > -?• substitutes: TelfowCom Meal- White Corn Flour Buckwheat Flour Rye Flour and., Oat Flour / , * f . I 1 • - . « • • • McHENRY ̂ Flour Mill ~?-L •r ^ n f ;%nd Nuts The art, the skill, the discriminating taste many crafts unite in- IS . • i-t' '..I. ^ V V' i ' Wi; to produce them--objects as attractive in form as they are efficient in operation--ideal Christmas Presents which satisfy the.giver and gratify the receiver. ••V- *•' : •••'•.. ; y- • '• Electric Portable Lamps, wrought in copper, brush brass, verde antique, silver, art iron, wicker witfc shades Jn art glass, silk, cretonne. Electric Cooking Utensils, chafing toasters, grills, disc stoves, percolators. Lahbr Savers, washing vacuum, cleaners, utility motors. , - , t . 1 Articles the toilet table, that increase comfort and multiply convenient ' All in great variety at our Public Service :fe- i r OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS mpany I f ' v - ; H- J M. M. . Niesen McHenry TPhone84-W WE BUY OLD FALSE' "TEETH! We pay from $2.00 to $35.00 jgsr set (broken or not). We also pay actual value for diamonds, old gold, silver and bridge work. Send at once by parcel post and receive cash by return mail. Will return your goods if , our price is unsatisfactory. MAZER'S TOOTH SPECIAL# K Dept. X, 2007 So. 5th St. | , Philadelphia, j: :: :: 'Pa. ' ' ' • Junk Wanted! Will pay the highest price for iron, rags and rubber. Extra ices for all telephone calls. ; DAVID jSEGEL | 90-B . :: :: MiHmotJ B PLUMBING IM HEATING • BY-- > S ̂ Experienced Workmeif DONAVIN & REIHANSPERGER torium in noon. UitkBrntimmG**- V, •F u? r. h: I ipr i v', during the period of the war \ we have been unable to give 4f>rompt and efficient service formerly--oiir icusttwners, whom t ̂ we look upbn as our friends, have , ' been most considerate. For this 4 patriotic attitude we thank them ||nd ask their continued until conditions A ^OHMl. /̂ •West6rnUr)i Electric Compaq ' ̂ 0. M. WORKMAN, ...

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