Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Feb 1919, 7.pdf

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PUOTDBALEB, lUHBHHf, * -A.' »*•, *' *• 5 *? r *- y •:5 "•f* "*"* * cy? j't d mr C;* ^W" • fc',^. Remove The Crnsi -t*" • There are so many cough remedies on the marm. ket that a selection is difficult to the one who has ,, an occasional or even an urgent need for a good *<<• one. As a result of our experience in handling ^ scores of different kinds, we feel justified in our 1 ;; claim that WHITE PINE AND TAR® it in a class by itself.' It cures a cough by remOv- ^ ing the cause. It cures stubborn cases. It re- v lieves promptly and each bit of relief is a step to- ! ; ? w a r d s a t h o r o u g h c u r e . A t t h i s s e a s o n w h e n ; coughs are prevalent, some reliable cough rem- 4 ? edy sh<4uld be kept in eve^y home, h&k-be White Pine and Tar. Guaranteed. Price, 25 Cents rtioNc se w N. H. PETESCH DRUCGIST -1&1 • We will at all times give you the benefit of any decline in the price, of goods. Prices may go down or slow. Who knows? * We do believe that it will be to get good quality goods, such as we like to sell, from now oo. BUY ARMOUR PLATE HOSB; SMITH BROS. * 1 McHENRY, ILLINOIS f. • | n I 4 WE ARE selling agents few Truease Shoes for this dis- , trifct. Truease Shoes are of /or lenaer reet!I ^thne s|ort that give the desired 0rt for tender feet Tney are quality merchandise. The best of materials are used in their construction and the highest grade workmanship gives them a "style and fitting quality seldom found in .other liiakcs. Truease Shoes have established for themselves a good name. We have them in ^ * - high or low cut. Try a pair. JOHN STOFFEL J - r-isy $ •!V ^ Smoked Hams, any size, per pound ..... -3Sc Bacon, by the side, per pound.•r.-..r.^35c Bacon, sliced, f>er pound Bacon, squares, per pound. x.rr ,+- ^ Fresh Side Pork, per pound^v'^^»^- ^ Jfaqsh Spare Ribs, per pound J$C -GROCERIES--- ^ Navy Beans, hand picked and dean, lb.---rllc U. S. Mail Soap, 10 bars for -- » Miked Cookies, reg. 25c to 35c sellers, 2-lbs.Ste v Graham Crackers, per pound -M* ; granges, per dozen 25c, 15c, 45c, Mc,Hc i If you are in the market for Potatoes come in. We can save you some mon$y»* TjBE STORE OF It MIY r«y Yon TO-- 9% A WOMEN WM. PRIES, PROP v -THE *ti*p , twwtiBD Santffl|l Bliss was a Crystal Lake visitor Thursday, v : "" Clarence Andersot| did shopping: at the Lake Friday. Mrs. B. P. Pec J? was aSWdodstock shopper last Thursday. Mrs. A. Peterson wm shopping at Crystal Lake Thtffsdmy last. Mrs. Tarrje Johnson did shopping at the "ctiunty steat Saturday. trw. Wheeled made a business trip to Woodstock last Wednesday. D. M. Fitzgerald made a business trip to Woodstock last Tuesday. Miss Helen Carlson was shopping at Crystal Lake last Saturday. F. E. Howe attended to business matters at Woodstock Friday. Mrs. J. M. Coates was calling on friends at Woodstock Saturday. Miss Etta Irish made a business trip to Woodstock last Thursday. Mrs. Clark Jacobs was calling on Crystal Lake friends last Friday. Chris Denniman made a business trip to Wauconda last Saturday. Herman Wille was a business visitor at Woodstock last Wednesday. Helen Bockhus and Marjory Allbee were Woodstock visitors Saturday. Mrs. W. Glawe, Jr., was shopping at Crystal Lake Tuesday of last week F. W. Hartmaji was transacting business at Crystal Lake Thursday last. Mrs, W. F. Abbott and Mrs. F. S. Morse did shopping at the county seat -fast Wednesday. Mrs. Hans Nelson was a visitor at Crystal Lake In Thursday of last week. r Robt. Rnilans made a business trip to Crystal Lake last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Fred Reed visited with relatives and friends at Elgin part of last week. • F. W. Hartman transacted business at the county seat last Saturday afternoon. - M. H. Fitzsimmons attended to matters of a business nature in Chicago Saturday. ' Mrs. Frank Buchanan was calling on relatives at Crystal t^ke_on Thursday last. x - Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Reed went, to Woodstock to do some shopping last Saturday. Mrs. Frank Buchanan and son were calling on relatives at Crystal Lake Saturday. \ Mrs. A. 'Peterson and daughter, Rose, were shoppers at the county seat Friday. ' ' Mrs. 'Herman Wille ami Mrs. Mabel Reed* spent Friday shopping in Chicago. A. H. Abbott ami wife of Cary spent Saturday and part of Sunday at Ridgefield. Sam Mavis and tWo. children were Crystal Lake visitors last Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walkup were calling on friends at Crystal Lake last Friday. Miss Etta Levey attended to business matters at Woodstock Thursday of last week. Mrs* Nettie Levey attended to business matters at Crystal Lake Saturday afternoon. Mrs. J. B. Lynch and son, Ray, were business callers in Chicago Monday evening. ' Mrs. A. H. Skinner and Mrs. Clause Jacobs were shopping at 'Woodstock last Thursday. F. E. Howe went to Woodstock last Thursday for his auto, which had. been there for repairs. Nels Peterson went to Crystal Lake last Saturday morning to get some meat for his Sunday's dinner. S. Reed moved his family here from Woodstock Thursday. Mr. Reed is a new employe on the section." L. J. Gibson and wife of Detroit, Mich., passed a few days last week as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Gibson. Mrs. -Lola Bennett returned home last Thursday evening from a seven weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs. L. M. Goddard, at Moline. , " SOLON MILLS . Jack Pester spent Sunday in Chicago. Lawrence Santucci spent Wednesday in Chicago. . Miss Rose Aubert spent Saturday at Spring Grove. Geo. Vogel transacted business in Chicago Monday. Geo. Yonke spent Saturday at the Lee Turner home. Mrs. Grace Jackson spent one day recently at Spring Grove. * Earle Monear played for the basket ball team at Hebron last Friday evening. Mrs. Anna Huff is spending several days in Elgin the guest of relatives. Red Star gasoline, best by every test. Ask C. M. Bickler, the local agent, Mr. and Mrs, Robt Sutton of Keystone were callers here 'Monday afternoon. Nic|^ Young of Ringwood was a brief caller at Richard Aylward's Tuesday. _ t Several of the children around this village are victims of the liberty measles. Bert Sutton left Monday afternoon for Mason City, Iowa, for a visit of several days. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McAssey of Richmond were visitors at Mrs. E. S. Johonnott's Monday. Richard Aylward and son,. Wm, attended the funeral of Michael Kelter at McHenry last Tuesday. . Mrs. Etta* Armstrong, who; is here from Montana, called on several of her friends here One day recently. Mrs. Mary Aubert of Chicago is spending several days with her daughter, Rose*_ in tfee _ Bert. Sutton holme. Notice the display advertisement of the Northern Illinois Jobbing company, which will be, found elsewhere in this issue. * Our teacher, Miss Alta Wentworth of McHenry, was unable to teach last week, being sick. Miss Vera Turner took her place. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Aylward and family of Hebron and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Aylward of Spring Grove and Messrs. Lee Aylward and Brute Porter of Kenosha spent Sunday at Richard Ayl ward's. - RINGWOOD Ed. Peet and Mrs. Ad« WWtfngare both quite sick. Miss Dorcas Foss was home from Beloit over Sunday. Mrs. Madsen went tt> her hMIe near Alden for the week end. \ Next Sunday evening meeting will be held at H. M. Stephenson's. K Miss, Laura Wharton of Richmond spent the week end at H. M. Stephenson's. William McCannon and wife ate Sunday dinner with his brother, Bert, and family. Bert McCannon and wife were Woodstock and Greenwood callers Monday afternoon. Mrs. Nellie Dodge Itttd daughter, Eleanor, and Mrs. Lawson were Woodstock visitors Saturday. Fred- Bell and wij|e of Richmond were brief callers at the honftftof his brother, Ed., Monday afternoon! Mrs. Libbie Allen attended the Social Wheel at the home of Mrs. T. J. Walsh in McHenry last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Allen drove to Salem, Wis., Saturday to see Ward Bloss, who has been ill for three years. ! It's a pleasure to make those steep grades and hills when you have your tank filled with Valvoline. Once used, always used. t Ed. Robbins and wife of Chicago visited their uncle, E. T. Chaise, Sunday. Monday was Mr. Clume's ninetieth birthday. \ Mrs. Carrie Smith entertained Mrs. Nancy Lawson of Park Ridge, Mrs. Lucinda Francisco of Woodstock, Mrs. Nellie Dodgef Mrs. Libbie Ladd and s. Louise Tabor last Thursday. SPRING GROVE ath. Lay was a Chicago passenger Monday. iL John Hay moved his family into the Nick Klein flat. ~ * Bob Gibbs of Richmond was seen on our streets SundayJS Miss Mag Keefe spent Friday and Saturdajrin Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Rauen were business callers at McHenry Friday. Mr. and Mr^.* N. N. Weber entertained Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson last Sunday. Miss Marjorie Eldredge of ^ic)^ mond was a Sunday guest inyuie home of P. F. Seigler. * ^^ Messrs. Lee Aylwarg %and Bruce Porter of Kenosha spent Sunday with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jung and children of Ringwood spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Math. Nimsgern. , Notice the display advertisement 6f the Northern Illinois Jobbing company, which will be foundl elsewhere in> this issue.. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Justen and daughter, Kathleen, of Ringwood were guests in the home of Mr.' and Mrs. Mike Rauen Monday. A dance was given by the Mystic Workers here Thursday evening of last week. A fair crowd attended and all had & good time. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson entertained a number of their friends at their home Saturday evening. The evening was spent in playing cards, after which , the hostess uet vmi refreshments. VOLO ~ ' Niclq Bowers was a McHenry shopper Saturday last Miss Ella Moore was a McHenry visitor last Saturday. ~ Ed. Bauman of East Fremont was in town last Saturday. Miss Martha Rossdeutscher spent the past week in Chicago. ' Wm. Frost and Earl Potter antoed over to McHenry Saturday. Use Lenox oil. "Cap" wilt fee pleased to explain its merits. Did you notice the pep that Valvoline gave your engine last week? Dr. Dl G. Wells pf McHenry was a professional caller at Wm. Dillon's Friday. " Messrs. Eugene Priors and |$obt. Blackburn of Wauconda were here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Peterson were guests of relatives near McHenry Sunday evening. Mrs. Wm. Dillon and children, Miss Irene Dalziel and Mrs. Frank past week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fisher are having electric lights placed in their house by the Defoe lights agents of Round Lake. ' Mr. and Mrs. Owen Paddock and LaVerne, Mrs. R. Seymour and Marie and Mrs. L. Seymour of Wauconda were seen on our streets Sunday. TERRA COTTA M. Knox was a business visitor in Chicago Tuesday. Will Conway spent Friday evening with McHenry relatives. 1 Miss Clara Frisby spent, Sunday with friends in McHenry. John J. Riley spent Friday last with relatives in Chicago. Arthur C. Sewell was the guest of his mother t at Huntley Sunday Miss Alice Riley is visiting relatives in Chicago for a few weeks. Lewis Sherman spent Saturday everun^ Md Sunday at Leonard BeaJ's- . ^ ' ST- • -g* 5"fc - A * ^ mm : *:m -'M .« . vi .L A THIS BANlt has provided such accomiftodations for THIRTY YEARS. We solicit connect yourself with this bank and assure you of safety and satisfaction coupled with court* eous treatment at all times. ^ as • H HOY BANKING COMPANY McHENRY, ILLINOIS. >>v; '• ?sfs i* :• siat.'-'SsicSiifc ean It cleans--it cleans absolutely-- it draws out dust and dirt and particles you don't want there from rugs, hangings, upholstery--from anything you bring to its aggn^u^e eota. Don't you want to own one? It's a household institution. • . •' • -* " Fejentl Vacuum Cleaner fUtmrnfthly payments D«i Cninri^A 1 UV11V UU T1VV Wi OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS WE BUY OLD FALSE TEETH! We pay from $2.00 to $35.00 per set broken or not). We also pay actual value for diamonds, old* gold, silver and bridge work. Send at once by arcel post and receive cash by return mail. Will return ydur goods if our price is unsatisfactory. MAZER'S TOOTH SPECIALTY Dept. X, 2007 So. 5th St Philadelphia, :: :: :: Pa. A. J. MULLEN Attorney at Law At Wast McHenry State Bank Every Fftday BOOM OOee, :: :: Woodstock, m. Mrfi. JiOaii Liuut6 wfi3 a uuiiiiicoo caller in Crystal Lake last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Doherty and family of Holcombvilie spent Sunday with relatives here. "Can't understand why I'm not getting the power out of my motor?" Answer your own question by using Valvoline high test gasoline. , Miss Mary Conway visited at the liome of her sister, Mrs. Geo. E. Adams, for a few days last week. The basket social, which was held at the Terra Cotta school Saturday evening, was well attended and as a result $50 was netted, which will be used in purchasing school supplies. Ed\tard J. Knox, who has been in France since Dec. 4, arrived in port at Philadelphia Sunday noon. The homeward trip took fifteen days and on Jan. SO they experienced a severe storm. , 4 Frederick G. Schnick, dl LaCrosse Anna L. Wilbrandt, 25... .Algonquin £for%nt JUuuufi tabbing (En. West McHenry, 111. SPECIAb Phone 59-R '."•"""I OPENING SALE ONE DAY ONLY, SATURDAY, M 15th Every item sokKJjy--th|s company is positively sold 00 a money-back guarantee- Our complete stock is absolutely pure, fresh and clean. A complete line of Indiola products and premiums on hand at all times. Let us explain our profit-sharing plan to you. Below we fist a few of oiff many money-saving bargains: m . BOTTLE GOODS dATSUP, Hitter's with t o b a s c o , 8 b o t t l e 3 for ...43c SYRUP, cane and corn, New Manse brand, pt. bottle I. ..29c CHOP SUEY SAUCfi, large size bottle ,25c OLIVES, large Queen jar.28c CAKES iAND CRACKERS SODAS, fresh and crisp, per pound 20c LILY FLAKES, salted V per pound 22c CRISPO GRAHAMS, always crisp, per pound. .22c GINGER SNAPS, in barrels, per pound ,45c • FISH SALMON, Red Alaska, tall can, 2 for... 62c ^SARDINES, in ^il, 1% | size, 2 for...'......., 25c In Mustard, % sice, 2 for 35c HERRING, 8 lb. pail Gortons .**•60 FLOUR EARLY RISER, % lb..$2*5 GRAHAM, 10 lb. bag.. ;65 BREAKFAST FOOD, 5 pound bag ........j..V .40 ROLLED OATS, 5 bag < .33 .00 " CANNED GOODd A PEAS, Early June, 6 for f I No. 2 Can CORN, Country Gentle- * , man, 3 for Oe No. 2 Can * TOMATOES, Big R. Brand, 3 for '43e No. 2 Can „ PINEAPPLE sliced, Lib- ' W's Hawaiian, 3 for,. m --v No. 2 Can * APRICOTS, halves fai food syrup,"2 eans... J?c i r.-.i. .. ' • ' INDIOLA PRODUCTS PINTO BEANSt, 3% lb. pSt-kasc .SS. INDIOLA prepared Pancake and Buckwheat Flour, 5 lb. bag only...Sic •COFFEE, special this sale 3% pound package. . .$1.20 COCOA, sweetened 1 lb. can > 4Sc MACARONI AND SPA- > GHETTI, large pkg...*e FREE 1 25c jar of Jap Rose cold cream and 1 26c box Jap Rose fitee ; power with 1 lb. can Indiola Baking Powder.. Coupons given with all Indiola products good for valuable premiums. . .. Phone and mail orders promptly attended to. A post card or phone call will bring our auto truck jo your door week with a full line of Groceries and indiola Products. Feb. Furniture Festival-- •> • Many people buy furniture iql rugs for six months ahead at Leath's February Sale. You save 9 lo 29 per cent. Out-oftown folks get extras. Eltia. JI-71 Grove Are. Rockford. Opposite CoMt Hmh* DnbaqM, Main St. Aurora, M-33 Island Ave. FfMport, MS-MS GatWM St. Waterloo, HUM £. 4th St. BeJoit, U7-421 4th St. Joliet. 21S-217 Jelfer»MlS«. Beautiful, Co--fy PWaiture--Free Delivery" William Nelson, 21...... .Marengo Mabel Vander Boacby 10..... .Waupun v. A'-\- ! "i. ^ 1,.';:. •£%Si Howard. J. Galloway, Minnie C. Room. 33. -t i - ^ *\'c ? ?• **>j mm

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