Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Mar 1919, p. 5

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Cough * -v ^ --" 5 Remove The Cause . 7/'.' fc.H ;y> 'y- *>••$*- .V-J.WT .„" '•' ;*••'••. inhere are so many cough remedies on the mar-" let that a selection is difficult to the one who has , J ^' Hn occasional or even an urgent need for a good? *"•]*, One. As a result of our experience in handling* *. . Icores of differeat kinds, we feel justified in our/ - Claim that * ?' WHITE PINE AND TAF£ is in a class by itself. It cures a cough by removing the cause. It cures stubborn cases. It relieves promptly and each bit of relief is a step to-" Wards a thorough cure. At this season when • coughs are prevalent, some reliable cough remedy should be kept in every home. Let it be $im and Tar. Guaranteed. A Price, 25 Cent! phone so w N. H. PETESCH bruccist BRING US* Your Eggs -- P P Wcpay as ititfcn as wefet tor tnetii on the Chicago market.. If we paid more we would have to get it out of the goods. That would not be fair to the other fellow. * 6 ^ " . - .*-7 If you buy eggs buy them here. 5Ve sell them for lc a dozen ; i^aore then we pay the farmer. 5l)ne cent for candling and hand-. SMITH BROS McHENRY, ILLINOIS • ISBS* . • Work Shoes Then make it a point to see the special lot of all leather, substantially built Work Shoes I am offering at the very low pric^f per pair.....-$2.50 Because I contracted for : these shoes a long time ahead it is possible to sell them at'this unusually low price. Better get a pair or two while the lot lasts. Other makes and ^grades at varying prices. JOHN STOFFEL, WEST McHENRY \\yn\ / ( ' f ) O ( l 1 s. '•.•*<! To make good Toast you must have good bread. By experimenting we have found just the right formula to make a loaf that is equally good fre&h or toasted. BIRTHDAY AND PARTY CAKES made to order apy size or price The McHenry Bakery A. LAI .LINGER, Prop. PHONE ItS-R SOLON MILLS Geo. Vogel transacted Chicago Monday. Mrs. Geo. Weatlake spent Saturday at Richmond." Jack Pester and <on, G«>r;c, a pent Sunday at Liberfcyville. * ^ ^ki. Livesiy transacted business m Spring Grove last Saturday. Miss Alta Wentworth spent Sunday at her home in McHenry. Miss Floy Haldeman transacted business at Richmond Saturday. W. W. Monear of Richmond spent Friday afternoon at E. T. Monear's. Will Frost of Round Lake was a Sunday caller at Richard Aylward's. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Alms spent Sunday at Johnsburg with relatives. Gdson Hodge of Ringwood was a caller at Geo. Westlake's Saturday. Walter Cropiey was a. business caller at Ringwood Monday morning. Miss Bird Hodge of Ringwood spent. Friday here in the Ed. Monear home. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Osborne and family speitt Sunday here with relatives. . . • K. S. Craine «f Kenosha was a Sunday visitor in the Geo. Vogel home. F. H. McAssey of Richmond was a Sunday called at lira. Fannie Johonnott's. Franjt Patterson of Park Ridge was a Saturday visitor at Richard Aylward's. Mr. and Mrs.. Robt: Sutton of Keystone spent Saturday with rela tives here. Earle Monear went to Hebron last Friday night to play for the. basket ball game and dance. Miss Leona Cropiey returned to McHenry Monday morning to resume her school studies. . Mrs. Carlson and little granddaughter of Johnsburg spent Satur day here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn F. Jackson of Spring Grove were calling on their many friends here Sunday. Art Aubert returned to Chicago last Thursday evening after spending a week in the Bert Sutton home Mrs. Lynn Overton timd little daughter, Virginia, spent one evening recently in the Willis' Gardner home. Messrs. Edwin Vogel and Lee Aylward attended the Chicago horse sale in Chicago Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. " Will Overtoil accompanied some registered cattle to Oconomowoc for Willis Gardher last Wednesday. He returned home Saturday evening. RIIMSEFIHUI Miss Jennie Ashton is on list. Ray Lynch had dental in Chicago Sunday. I Mrs. Burdick called on Woodstock friend Saturday last. J. B. Lynch made a business trip to Woodstock Saturday. Mrs. .T. M. Coates was shopping at Crystal Lake Saturday; E. Kriilans transacted, business at Woodstock last Saturday. - Clarence Anderson did shopping at Crystal Lake last Friday. Mrs. W. F. Abbott was a Wood£ ^tock shopper last Friday.. W. E. Dike attended to business matters in Chicago last Thursday. Nels Peterson made a business trip to Woodstock one day last week. Mrs. F. S. Morse had dental work done at the county seat last Friday. Lee Baker passed Thursday of last week as tiie guest of friends at Capron. F. W. Hartman waa transacting business at Woodstock last Thursday. Mildred Pearson was calling on friends at the county seat Inst Friday. Miss Helen Carlson was calling on friends in Crystal Lake Saturday last. Mrs. Albee and daughter did shopping at Woodstock on Friday of last week. Geo. Garner of Cobb, Wis., has moved to the* farm vacated by C. Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hossman attended to business matters at Elgin last Saturday. • Mrs. R. Reed had business with the dentist at Woodstock on Friday of last week. Mrs. P. G. Pederson and children were Crystal Lake visitors on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. A. Jacobs, Mrs. C. Jacobs and Mrs. A. Skinner were shopping at the county seat last Thursday. F. W. Hartman attended to matters of a business nature" in Woodstock on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Rush ton, Mrs. EHckson, Mrs. Inga Martini and Christina Erickson were Woodstock visitors last week Wednesday, 'j Miss Bessie Murray left last Thursday for her home at Ripon, Wis., after spending a few days as 9 guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch. SPRING GROVE Mrs. Wm. Britz is on the sick list. Herbert Swenson arrived home last Thursday. Mrs.NF. P. Cole was a Chicago passenger Friday. J. J. Freund is at Waukesha, Wis., taking the baths. Joe Brown was a /Chicago passenger last Thursday, Dr. Furlong was a business caller at Harvard Thursday last. Atty. E. J. Elliott of Richmond was a business caller here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson spent Wednesday in the John Weber home. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Rauen spent Sunday with relatives at Johnsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Richard. Oxtoby and Arthur Oxtoby spent Saturday in Chicago. The Messrs. Mark Pierce and Bern Bell are at the Cottage hospital, Harvard. George 'jtay, who is employed at Kenosha, spent the week end at his home here. Ouv town was well represented at the dance at the Solon opera house Monday evening. The Misses Martha and Susan Freund and Hasel Turi^r spent last Thursday in Chicago. Joseph Wagner spent a' few days of last week with his sister,- Mrs. Henry Heinle, at Itasca. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williai) a of Ringwood spent Friday afternoon with the latler's mother, Mrs. Etten. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ShotlilT and little daughter, Walter Shotlitf and Mrs. J. G. Wagner were callers in the John Sanborn home. Wednesday afternoon. JOHNSBURG Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith w«3re Spring Grove callers Tuesday. Father Weber was a Chicago visitor Wednesday and Thursday. The Lenten servioes at St. John's church are being well attended. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. E. Freund were guests at J. A. Miller's Sunday. MisS Margaret Huemann of McHenry was a Sunday visitor here. Rev. Wm. Weber was a business visitor at McHenry last Saturday. Joe Nell of Woodstock was a Sunday visitor in the Jos. H. Huemann home. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Schaefer were Spring Grove callers one day last week. Nick Miller passed a day last week as the guest of his brother, Jake, at Zenda, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Niesen of McHenry were callers at Jos,. H. Huemann's Tuesday. Miss Caroline Miller, and Mrs. Mike Pitaen of Volo were Sunday visitors at J. A. Miller's. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Michels and baby of Chicago passed the week end with her parents here. Fred Schaefer and Alfred and Emil Debrecht of Chicago -were visitors in town Sunday. Mrs. John Mertes and daughter, Mrs. Peter Schaefer, were McHenry callers last week Tuesday. A few of our young folks took in the movies at the McHenry opera house last Sunday evening. / Fred Freund^ who has been in <3 service for some time, returned7to his home here from Georgia Suviday, Mrs. Wm. Smith of Mrrier .y was the guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Michels,»y evening. Mrs. Geo. Nell M North Dakota will soon move tf> Woodstock, where her boys are ejpjployod at the Oliver. The Forester ladies had their regular montty^ meeting Tuesday and Mrs. Jos. M. Freund of McHenry was in attendance. Frank Brathieu played at the Gran<A jp^ a house at Oshkosh, Wis., the .lir.ttci' part of last and the first of this week. The places of "Stubby" Smith and Jos. J. Miehth ait- st5!r under lock and key and there is no vailing how soon the locks will be a moved. Lonnie Michels, who has just returned from overseas service, arrived at his home here' Friday.A He is glad to be with home folks agairt. His many friends in and around Johnsburg are beginning to wonder how soon Dr. Arnold Mueller will gain his release from service in the medical corps of the U. S. army. They all hope it will be soon. An infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith, who reside northwest of this village, passed away at the family home on Wednesday morning of this week. The bereaved parents have the sincere sympathy of their many friends here. A number of farmers around Johnsburg went to McHenry last Saturday to consult the internal revenue inspector regarding the filing of their income tax report. Some were informed that they would not have to pay an income tax this year, while others were not so fortunate. Farmers thruout this locality were pained to learn of the death of Dr. Gordon, the Richmond veterinarian, who passed away at home last Sunday morning. The doctor has lieen called to this locality quite frequently and his services have always proven very satisfactory. We have been asked to make a correction regarding an item which appeared in this column in a recent issue. The item stated that a wedding dance was conducted in the parish hall here, but our information is to the effect that no such event took place at said hall recently. We are glad to make the correction. Henry Schaefer, Jacob Thiel and Nick Miller, who recently returned from overseas, have been kept busy relating stories of their experiences while in training, of their voyage to and from Europe and their stay in France. Mr Schaefer declares that the prettiest scenery that came to his notice was in Scotland. He also tells of his trip to and from France. Being a musician and a Inember of a company band, he relates that out of fifty members of that organization only twenty wet-e able to up and on deck during the return trip. ' Messrs. Miller and Thiel relate that their return to America was a most perilous one. They experienced one of the worst storms of the season and the seas were naturally very rough. On one or two occasions the boys felt that the boat would surely be sunk, so rough was the ocean and so much damage was inflicted upon the trans port wttidicaitflpi tbemhome. Ibere mm INVESTMENT For Surplus Funds To those wZho wwii ll have funds 'M I V) ^ J, for investment in any amount, ' ) * ^ we desire to state that we will be pleased to have you consult us and we will assist you in procuring absolutely Safe Securities bearing an attractive rate of interest, • . y.; t' ' *4??,*?1 ^ .. -/ i We have funds for investment in Real Estate Mortgages. HOY BANKING McHENRY, ILLINOIS TSie Electric !roy is Ready For Work In AMoment Or Two |il] that is needed is to connect it to any lamp Sbcket in any room any hour of the day or night. Sold 00 Payments Ask any one of your friends who owns one ^bout its convenience. £he'll talk a good ad vertisement. The Iron Lasts a Long Time Pme Service Co. OF NORTHEKN ILLINOIS A home of good looking, comfy furniture will help. Money was made to use. When company comes look prosperous. Leath furni ture is more beautiful--it costs a little less. Come in and see us. Home* Leath Stores Elate. W -74 Grove Ave. -- Rockford, Opposite Court Hmiw Dubuque, 574-5M Main St. Aurora, 31-33 Island Ave.' Free port, It3-lt5 Galena St. Waterloo, 312-314 E. 4th St. Beloit, 617-621 4tb St. Mm, 216-217 Jeffecaon It We Make Free Dellve^ USE FLOUR T"! - Manufactured by the / ,! , McHENRY Flour Mill West McHenry, III. orot rot I wish to announce that my Vulcanizing shop, located in the McHenry House garage on Pearl street, is now open and your business is respectfully solicited. Two of the very latest improved Vulcanizing machines have just been installed and we can repair your casings and tubes quickily and satisfactorily. Give us a trial Stilling' VULCANIZING SHOP John Stilling, Prop. McHENRY. -:- ILLINOIS SALE EVERY We' handle Kerber's Laid, Bacon,. Ham and Sausages. Fresh Oysters and Fish during Lent. Fresh Vegetables every Friday and Saturday. Orders promptly delivered. EAST SIDE USII HEI&MI PHONE 57-M HEU&&R BROS. p'•* 4%:, V CONTRACT NOW WH1L& PRICES ARE-WOT** Vat run, 12.00 per 100 lbs. Large $1.00 for 100 lbs. ^ Nubbins, 60c per 100 lbs. ^ *$' jrtr Contracts can be had of A. Knwnprn . > " ' ' * - - - * -- y A l s o J o h n S t o f f e P s S t o v e C. F. Claussen" & Sons was a happy bunch of "Yanks" on that boat as they landed in New York harbor. \ Annual Hw* Cwe« . Notice is hereby ^iven that the annual town caucus, or primary, of the town of McHenry will be held at the city lull in tha Tillage of McHcnry on Saturday, the 15th day of March, Niesen. A% D. 1919, to nominate one supervisor. ' Polls will be open from one o'clock p. m. till six o'clock p. m. Town Committee. "V v;r % Caurload of choice eating potatoes. Fpfef come, fint mr*&. M. II. Pred Wolff, who far some month* was employed at a large manufacturing plant at Kenosha, now working at Racine, Wis. •« i . •' - >>Ci.

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