Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Mar 1919, p. 5

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|«(W®r Remove The jSSKMf -j. jj*£' r/>*v £ 7"/-'. ' •« /J- flThere are sp many cotigh remedies on the mar ^<^I |tet that a selection is difficult to the one who ha ; ><H&n occasional or even an urgent need for a goocjt^ one. As a result of our experience in handling . scores of different kinds, we feel justified in out;- laim that ' ' feT'- HITE rtNE AND TAR *M': . » • • ' J *• :?<?<«$ { ', Is in a class by itself. It cures a cough by remov»~ ; fi *" 4ng the cause. It cures stubborn cases. It re* ;v . lieves promptly and each bit of relief is a step to* i ,; jvards a thorough cure. At this season wheii , ; Roughs are prevalent, some reliable cough rem*;*- . • |My should be kept in every home. Let it b* ^ ite Piae and Tar. Guaranteed, c. .y Price, 25 Cents mm w N. H. PETESCH DRUGGIST MEN'S DRESS and , , iVj_ T _ t •" * v ttfi !. - / ' ^ • Our new springstyles are now hetp. • All the latest colons, green, brown, ; grey and black. It's worth you^- . while to come in and try tbfem Good grade Hats at-, $4.60 .__ __..50c, 75c, $!.#•, $1.50 v;*tT<r V"'/ SMITH BROS. McHENRY, ILLINOIS Then make it a point to see the special lot of all leather, substantially built Work Shoes I am offering at the very low price, per pair,-_w-_-$2.50 Because f contracted for these shoes a long time ahead it is possible to sell them at this unusually low price. Better get a pair or two while the lot lasts. Other makes~ and grades atvju^ia&price* ^ - A k\I; K< ^ ( '()!)( C * To make good Toast you must have :*"%> good bread. By experimenting we have found just the right formula to ;£^;' make a loafthat isequally gapdieasfe - or toasted. BIRTHDAY AND PARTY CAKESi . made to order any size or pricf McHenry Bakery A..LALUNGSR, Prop. PHONE 1W-R WOULD YOU CARE TO SAVE A THIRD ON YOUR ^ JOHN STOFFEL, * WEST McHENRY >U>N Jack^^PHbr vu a ' McHenry• tfaK itor M' Miss Vera Tartier watoaChicego visiter Tuesday. , ^ ,:pn Yonk© was a Sunday caller at Lee Turner's. Willis Gardner spent one dj^y recently at Hebron. Reubin Turner spent «Ki day recently in Chicago. Geo. Johnson of Twin L&eswes-a Sunday visitor in town. Wm. Brennan is at Waukesha taking treatments for rheumatism. Miss Leona Cropley was home from McHenry to spend Sunday. Geo. Vogel was a business visitor at Savannah, 111., one day this week. Clay Hardy of Spring Grove transacted business here one day recently. Mrs. Sievert of Fox Lake was a Monday evening visitor at Jack Peso's. Messrs. Jones and Phillips of Hebron were callers at Richard Aylward's Wednesday. . A largo crowd attended the old folks' dancing party given here last Wednesday evening. Several of the young people^, from here attended the movies at Spring Grove Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Sutton were here from Keystone Tuesday, calling at the Bert Sutton home. Earle Monear went to Hebron Friday evening to play for the dance after the basket ball game. ' Mrs. Wm. Cornish is in the Wm. Stewart home caring for the sick, being sufferers from influenza. Willis Gardner disposed of two registered cattle the first of the week to parties from St. Charles, 111. Messrs. Chas. Vogel and Lee Aylward were business visitors at McHenry and Crystal Lake Monday. Miss Mabel Anderson is here from Chicago to spend a few days with her parents, who reside south of town. John Leath of Milwaukee, Wis., spent a few days last week as the guest of relatives in the E. E. Brighton home. Lee Turner and daughter, Vera, left Monday morning for Denison, la., to make an extended visit in the home of relatives HIOGKFIELD CX Mrs. Sarah Wakefield is spending the week in Elgin. Helen Carlson was a Woodstock shopper last Saturday. Mrs. S. Reed was a shopper at Woodstock last Thursday. v A. Albee was a business visitor at Woodstock last Saturday. Herman Wille transacted business at Crystal Lake Saturday. John .Carlson made a business trip to Ringwood last Thursday. Mrs. R. Reed did shopping at the county seat last Thursday. Lyman Levey and family called at the home of Sam Levey Sunday. Mrs. Burdick had dental work done at the county seat on Thursday last. Airs. Levey and daughter spent one day last week at Crystal Lake. Nettie Levey passed Sunday as the guest of friends at the county seat Mrs. t. S. Morse had dental work done at the county seat last Satur day. ' Will Qrmsby attended to business matter* at Crystal Lake last Thursday. J. H. Slater made a business trip to Chicago on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. H. Wille was shopping at Crystal Lake on Thursday of last week. E. Knilans attended to matters of a business nature at Woodstock Sat urday, ^ Stanford Bliss and sister took in the picture shows at Woodstock last Sunday. Harry Albee and friend attended the picture shows at Woodstock Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Er Dike trans acted business at the county seat last Saturday. Mrs. Fred Bockhus passed last Saturday as the guest of relatives in Woodstock. W. L. Yanke Fred Wille and C Denniman were transacting business at Woodstock Monday. Mrs. A. Anners of Woodstock spent Wednesday of last week as the guest of friends in this vilage. W. E. Dike, G. W. Wheeler and F. W. Hartman spent last Thursday at th* court, house in Woodstock. guest of an, and 06TBND Mrs. Dora Parsons is th< her brother, C. E. She family. Henry Hobart and Warren Fran cisco attended the Howe sale at Ridgefield March 14. Mrs. Maude Clark was the guest of her old schoolmate, Mrs. C. J£ Jecks, on Friday last. ^ Ostend school has fifteen names on the list. This is the largest number of names for some time that Ostend could boast of. * S. S. Rogers sawed a large pile of wood for F. R. Eppel last week. Nearly every farmer'here has a pile waiting to be sawed. Jim, the telephone doctor, was called out Monday. No matter what the weather is Jim is always on the read when notified of defects on gie line. ' John Matj^Ss and friend went to Rockford Monday. They intended to make the, trip by automobile, but on acount of the atom and sticky roads they went by train. The Richardson family is anxiously looking for some tidings from Alfred. None has reached them since January/ when he wrote he expected to emWrk for home soon. ^ John McBroom and Leslie Franciss trip to Woodstock r load priMd tto- hard tt stOHMd. Ed. WalliB has decided to leave his silo brick in McHenry until the roads are passable and certainly other people hope he will. They dont like th« looks of the deep ruts he makes, in the roads with such heivy loads. RINGWOOD Henry Schaffer of~ McHenry was in town Tuesday. James Conway of^Harvard was in town last Thursday. Mrs. Callie Rainey and mother spent last Saturday in Woodstock. James Rainey attended Floyd Howe's ; sale at Ridgefield last Friday. ' Miss Emily Behm returned to her home in Woodstock Wednesday morning. * George Hohenstein has purchased a home in the Parks addition in Woodstock. Mesdames Emma Merchant and Grace McCannon visited the former's daughter in Woodstock Wednesday of this week. The community institute was thoroly enjoyed by all in spite of the storm and bad roads, which prevented the Saturday afternoon speakers from getting there. The Friday evening and Sunday speakers were fine. Mrs. Lora Brown entertained a number of her lady friends Monday afternoon. The home was prettily decorated with green and bouquets of sweet peas. Ice cream and cake were served. All enjoyed the occasion very much. SPRING GROVE Mrs. Scott Haldeman was ill Woodstock visitor Monday. James Carey of Wilmot Wttl a business caller here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fredericks were Chicago passengers Tuesday. Mrs. John Bowers transacted business at Woodstock Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Christensen were Spring Grove callers Sunday. 'Happy" Weber of McHenry spent Tuesday in the Frank Wagner home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pierce are the happy parents of a baby girl, born Thursday, March 13. Mr. and Mrs. John Weber and daughter, Marjorie, spent Sunday at the Peter M. May home. Miss Frances Freund of Johns burg spent Friday afternoon at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. N. N. Weber spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gallagher at Round Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kelly of Richmond were visitors in the homo of the latter's sister, Mrs. Scott Haldeman. Charles Bauman, who is home from Franoe, spent Sunday in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bauman. Tuesday TERRA COTTA Mrs, John J. Riley spent with relatives in Elgin. Miss Frances Knox was a business visitor at Elgin Saturday. Miss Hogan of Elgin has boon a guest of Mrs. John Riley. Mrs. Mary Grant visited friends In Crystal Lake Friday evening. Geo. P. Bay was a business caller in Crystal Lake Monday morning. Mrs. Philip Huffman spent a recent day with her parents in McHenry. Wm. Gruenwald of Woodstock waa a business caller in this vicinity one day recently. Miss Florence Knox spent Saturday evening and Sunday with relatives in McHenry. Mrs. J. M. Phalin and daughter, Ruth, were guests of relatives at Woodstock over the week end. Miss Neva McMillan spent Friday evening with Miss Agnes Bertram at Crystal Lake and attended the basket ball game. Mrs. Wm. Coleman arrived Monday from Davenport, la., and will visit her daughter, Mrs. G. P. Bay, for several weeks. - , VOLO * Dick Dowell was in Wauconda Saturday. Wm. Dillon wa* over to Grayslako Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Dillon spent Tuesday in Wauconda. , * Phil Peterson w*a " McHenry last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Decker spent Saturday in Wauconda. Ray Seymour transacted business in town Wednesday. Miss Ella Moore spent Friday and Saturday in Wauconda. Mrs. Tfcos. Fisher was a Bound Lake shopper Wednesday. Mrs. Arthur Powers of Wauconda spent a day recently in town. Mrs. Phil Peterson of Wauconda spent Thursday at John Walton's. On account _the JmmL roads the farmers are hauling their milk to Gayslake. Misses Ruby and Martha Peterson and Esther Russell are attending the teachers' examination at w this week. JOHNSBUKG Mrs. Peter M. Schaefer and sister, Miss Clara Mertes, were McHenry visitos Tuesday. Mrs. Frank Mathieu will leave to morrow for a few days', visit witli her sister, Mrs. Ed. Seirft, in Chicago. * * / , Frank Mathieu came home from Beloit, Wis., Mbnday to spend a few days with his wife before returning to Chicago. Miss Theresa Merles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mertes, who has been employed by the Chicago Telephone company in Chicago during the 'W fijrS* •pis SERVICE 11 :> m: Hit;'" '• * -v-f i % . -i/ •• '• - . %: . •: . v;i'4£ The United States Government |s desirous that all returned Soldiers have their DISCHARGE PAPERS RECORDED in their home county* " This bank will be glad to assist all such soldiers by procuring the Recording of the Discharge for which there will be no charge or expense. It is as essential to have these papers recorded as any deeds or mortgages as the original might be lost or destroyed. •vS; * '} VfJ ' "h < i-ti - • fi r-A k#. ^*1 ' ^ "-1 : "•M I McHENRY, ILLINOIS Now i$ the time for-ytou. to C i F f f l l l nn^heComfortW jAI LVIUAkU heallhofytwrferaily ID I f - Contract Now Save $10 to $30. We save 5% on the selling cost of Roawf Oak Moistair^Heating Systems by securing the season's contracts in a 10 day period^ Matcll l^th to 29th--YOU GET IT! ' ' Solve your heating problem fbr the QMI ^ ation--at a very material money saving. ^ r, there is only one ^ fi y'3-- Round Oak Mfiistair Heating ! "* ' afn*) feurns all fuels economically. Let tot explain to you more in detail the "why" of it* advantages, and this immediate aavinfr, .. Douavia & West^McHenry, * .'A. 1 ' }.» ^•K"r i • "11 |:fti M r given a promotion in recognition for* faithful and efficient services rendered. She has been made supervisor at the company's Hyde Park station. Hor many friends will be pleased to learn of the success she has attained since going to the metropolitan city. • ' K2 seed. Jacob M- Diedrich, III. Phone 631-W-t. McHenry, J quire of 39-6t"V McHenry, Steinsdoerfer, West 40-M* FOR SA LB--Your . choice rf two trucks; one a Ford and the other a Republic. Both in good running order. Frank Freund, McHenry, 111. FOR SALE--The C. H. Parks and property on the corner of John CLASSIFIED renWHEHTr<fr '» C. W. Stenger, West McHenry. 39-ti FOR SALE OR RENT--The Kelter farm of 120 acres situated east of the village of McHenry. Apply to or write C. W. Stenger, West McHenry, 111. * 39-tf FOR SALE--One Goulds hich pre*>$ sure power white wash machine aml; - Waytag engine, hose and all CWH • ' plete. In good condition. Jamne 7 Meehan, West McHenry, 111,. 9fr FOR SALE--Rubber tire top buggy. Inquire of Jos N. Miller, McHenry, 111. 40-' FOR SALE--A modern soda fountain, the one now in use at C. Unti's ice cream parlor. C. Unti, McHenry, HI. 39 WANTED--Experienced girl for general housework. Apply to Mr». Carl W. Stenger, West McHenry or call 'phone 100-R. 40-tf . y' J FOR SALE--a quantity of Marquis for seed, dear from fouljabro^ % FARM WANTED--We have a cash customer for small farm on lake. Send full particulars. "Chas. Bauman & Co., 3065 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, 111. 37-4t FOR RENT--Five room house together with one acre of land, located FOR SALE--100 fat, pure Ml White Wyandotte pullets and cocfe* erels. $2.00 each. Get your bid lift early, as they will go quickly. Towaside farm, Volo, III. Address C. S. Cox, Round bake, IU. Phone Me- Henry 628-J-l. SMt TO "SETTLE ESTATE--WiB sett it reasonable price, the Anton Efcgaln property, consisting of barber shop* hotel building, two vacant lota adjoining property, also one at Emerald Park. Address Helena Smalley, 331 Lake Ave., Woodstock, IU. «Mt "m Read The Plsindmlwr . sv3

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