Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Apr 1919, p. 8

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DURING 0'i l-iV^ ®V ' %" W\~:f . La lf:. p/. •, #• , } • ' lbmsA m-: !>w*... rPAfA:;; •' /f . • ' !ft: ) * i? r A ;;:\>. •V.' F>;; ' ^' IK^' K>'v ,v* IU\ |;|V We can make you a saving of $10 on a Suit if you buy of us before the present supply is sold. These Suits were bought at a price so we can sell them for less then we will have to pay for a new supply--so do not delay your purchase until ; too late. Call and we will be glad f to show you our stock of Suits and . v let you judge of the saving vire will; • •- make for you.? JOS. W. FREUND WEST McHENRY, ILL. Spring Is Here! The home renovating time is here and while undergoing the spring cleaning it will undoubtedly be discovered that a new Carpet, Rug or piece of Linoleum is needed. Our line comprises all the very latest patterns and we are sure that we can please you. We still have a limited supply of these goods which were purchased at pre-wartime prices which we are offering our customers at remarkably pleasing prices while the stock lasts. Jacob Justen McHENRY, ILLINOIS h desire for service has animated us in the assent- Ming of our perfectly matchless line of General Merchandise--Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries, Notions, Etc. It is a good sized job to keep up a stock in condition to meet the wants of all the people, but that is just what we are doing. We are prepared at all times to give you the best of the market-- dean, fresh, satisfying groceries of every description. Try us next time and well make ^ood. 4Mso see our line of samples from the famous International Tailoring company. The snappiest line on the market today and prices right :: :: Telephone 63-R Goods delivered. WEST McHENRY M. J. WALSH lage and the IuMdiate Vfafaftty--- Other Short Paragraph* Get a brick of G. Unti's ice cream for your Easter dinner. Smart styles for Eaater. Blake Sisters' West Side millinery. Attend the Easter dance at Staffers hall next Monday evening. Vycital is again doing all kinds of repairing. Give him your order. Get your estimates for hardware, plumbing and furnace work at Vycital's. Now is the time to buy potatoes at prices that are right. See M. M. Niesen. . Red Star, best by test, the real automobile gasoline, sold by C. M. Bickler. ' A fine time is ^assured those, who attend the Easter .dance at Stoffel's hall next Monday evening. R J.'s Syncopated orchestra of Chicago will furnish the music at the dance to be held at Stoffel's hall next Monday evening. Miss Magdelena Wegener is a new employe at the Vycital Novelty store in Centerville, she having entered upon her new duties a short time ago. On account o f the rainy weather, work on the Joseph Diedrich bungalow on Front street has been delayed more or less during the pait week or mora: Henry Ahrens has been quite ill of pneumonia at his home on Crystal Lake road, but is much better at this writing. High test Valvoline gasoline--the gas that will add comfort to your pleasure drives. C. M. BickJer, agent. He delivers right to yoar very tank. , Harry Lavine has moved his family JOHN STOFFEL, WEST McHENRY • • max " f h d. y T*' J -- lals.. roJ- MR. SATURDAY, APRIL 19 A TRIANGLE FRA' Glaire Anderson -; IN "The Crown Jewels" •!;* '. -*tlNOAY, APfttl* 80' *•„" A FOX FEATURE ! Virginia Peam^^v*' ^ rlNPrice' SCHOOL NOTES Items of Interest From Our.Edncational Institution The seniors are busy making the scenery for their play. - The class in physics is^ taking singing lessons now. ~-- Remember to come to "The'Camouflage of Shirley" Friday night, April 25. Mr. Wineberry from the University of Illinois visited the high school classes Wednesday. WANTED--A cute little ^iog for sing Some Coffee is "finicky"--it's fine when it's made just so; but it's anything but good when it is allowed to boii too long, or something else isn't done just right. Other coffee is liiic when it s freshly uisdc aud served fresh from the pot-- and yet when you want to"warm it up" a second time it has lost its sweetness. I have found an unusual quality of Coffee which I call my BALANCED BLEND OLD CROP COFFEE and which has none of these faults. Hi the first place it's blended so that all the qualities in the Coffees used are "balanced;" that is, each complements the other. You can make it YOUR way and it will be "just fine;" you can warm it up for a quick lunch and it will still have its smooth, sweet flavor and aroma. Balanced Blend has too many good points to mfes. Try a pound. Price, only _tte O business can keep ahead of rising costs and make a sale iuconH»-- except by great, good, unreliable luck--until the boss stops guessing! The greatest mistake of most small retailers is a lack of appreciation . / ^ of accuracy and exactness--a failure to grasp the importance of# v;4 "to the penny" balance idea, which many of them think is only forth<Ff: - 3^ banker. . But it has been proven that this business principal is just as sential in a store as it is in a bank; it will earn as much profit and aR muclie good will for the merchant as for the banker. ^ BlVery'business man should forever banish the idea that bookkeepinj^^v^'r::..K-'\ ,is a highly technical work, requiring many complicated forms aud a skilled/'"1 bookkeeper. On the contrary, modern retail amounting requires merely • -/' common knowledge of ordinary arithmetic' ^ essentials of a *y*^ iem forxthe average retail store are these: • 1. Simplicity--a system adjustable to the mind and experience of th«^nX> / person for whom it is intended. X Accuracy--eliminating error by always proving tbe work by simpl« - processes of addition and subtraction. " ^ ' V ;- ^ Economy--requiring a minimum amount of time, enefr^y and materials M 4. Usefulness--securing the facts needed for good business managed: lltneht in time to be of use, and avoiding collection of unnecessary detail^ vihnd figures. , . H A bookkeeping system meeting these requirements will earn dividend# for the business every day of the year. . •R.S'-YW, s / R fl?* from the Jacob Justen flat over N. phe class play. Anyone A. Petesch's drug store in Centerville I same call on Ellen Walsh. to the Wirfs house on Waukeganl Jeivnie Mae ('ooley, editor in chief street on the West Side. I of the year book, took the finished There will be more building in andlwork to the / engravers last Saturaround McHenry the coming summer Jdaythan has been experienced here in j Miss Keaney, in Virgil class: some years. Looks very much like "Frank, where are the dolphins^ the return of real prosperity. J found?" J; The wedding bans of Miss Eliza- Frank: "In the water." S; beth Thelert of this village and Chas. Current events werfe discussed on1 Pich of Chicago were published for Monday by Mary Smith and Irene the first time at St. Mary's Catholic Conway and on Wednesday by Rosechurch here last Sunday morning. mary Nye and Elsie Vycital. The Ladies' Aid society will meet McHenry high school was well at the home of Mrs. Wm. Spencer on represented in Elgin last Saturday: Wednesday afternoon, April 23. Re- Mildred Welch, Vera Buss, Opal freshments will be served. Mem- Cooley, Jennie Mae Cooley and Miss hers and friends are invited to at- |Pry°r. tend. The senior class of the McHenry Overton & Cowen do moving with high will give "The Camouflage of closed vans to all points within 100 Shirley" in the high school auditormiles of McHenry at rates that are Iium Friday evening, April 25. This considerably lower than pan be ob-1 promises to 'be a play of exceptional tained from the railroads/ When you | merit. • want to move call Overton & Cowen, | Mr. Nye: "Why are you boys West McHenry, 111. Phone 6. J standing on the stairs?" According to Lake county papers.! A bright Soph.: "We're waiting work on the new bridge, which is to|for the rai** to *top." Are they still span Nippersink creek at Fox Lake, I waiting ? has been resdmed in real earnest and, Miss Pryor, in ancient history: according to present plans, the I "Caeear staid longer than was necstructure should Be completed and jessary in the court of the Egyptian ready for travel by August 1.: jqueen. Rev. Edward Berthold, pastor of I Adelia: "Was tMs before or after St. Mary's church, will be away a few ICaesar died?" days this week and therefore thel The junibrs are busy soliciting for customary holy week services will not I the annual. When they come to you be held there this year. However, be prepared to say "yes" and boost the regular Friday evening Lenten |y°U1' school and encourage the jundevotional services will be held as |i°rs- "A word to the wise is sufusual. Ificient." W. F. Vogt, the West Side druggist, I The juniors take pleasure in anis spending a few days this week up I nouncing that they have their year in Wisconsin, where he is interested I book, "The Foxe," at the engravers in a fruit farm. Mr. Vogt informs us and as far as they know now it will that he expects some nice returns I be ready for delivery by the middle from this source the coming season I May. Leave your i orders for as all of the trees are now old enough Ion® with any of the juniors. HUB to bear fruit. lis a very interesting book and the Mrs. Geo. Colby entertained the I juniors have worked very hard to members of her Sunday school class I make it a success. Help them out of the M. E. church at her pleasant!by buying one country home last Saturday after- j AN APPEAL TO FARMERS noon, when a few very enjoyable, „ hours were passed, after which re-1 County Soil Advisor Wants Every freshments, consisting of ice cream and cake, were served. j The following letter has been Everybody is invited to attend the mailed out thruout the county by A special Easter services at the M. E. Ij. Gafke, county advisor, in the hope church Sunday, April 20, at 10:30 a. I that the membership of the McHenry m. An Easter program is being pre-1 County Soil Improvement association pared by the children, entitled "Life I may thereby increase its member- Abounding." Also special singing by |ship: the choir. Baptismal services will be J "During the past four weeks the conducted by the pastor. McHenry County Soil Improvement St. Clara's court, C. O. P., of this I association has secured for the farmvillage will hold a public dance atlers of McHenry county over 1,000 Stoffel's hall on Thursday evening of J bushels of clover, alfalfa, timothy and next week, April 24. A four-piece I other farm seeds of the best quality orchestra has already been engaged I to be found and at a price no higher for the occasion and tickets 'will sell | than the poorer grades of seeds were at 85 cents each. A special invitation J selling for. In many cases the price is exended to Forester to attend. jwas $2.00 to $4.00 per bushel less Samuel J. Harrison, pastor of the I than the price asked by various seed M. E. church in this village, has I companies for seeds of inferior qual rented the Mrs. Chas. C. Colby house I ity a short distance northwest of this vil-i "Over 2,000 huslwtg of Marqnia lage. He and his estimable wife will | wheat seed were sold for the mem take possession of same in the very I bers in addition to several hundred near future and during the coming I bushels of miscellaneous seeds, summer will conduct a truck farm I "We want to make McHenry county there. Ithe best county in the state and in The drinking fountains have again I order to do this we •must secure good been put in place. Parents should J seeds; grow good crops free from instruct their children that these!foul weeds; keep good stock; main fountains aren't playthings and warn tain the fertility of our farms and them against turning on the water above all we must work together, unless it be to quench their thirst. At I "During the past three weeks 250 least one of the fountains has al-1 farmers have become members of the ready been broken thru the thought-1 McHenry County* Soil Improvement lessriess of children. I association and the Illinois Agricul Local contractors and builders are tural association. Every farmer hoping that McHenry carpenters now I should become a member. You can in the service of their country may be I not afford to be without the county or given their discharges at an early I state association. The dues are $10 date as there is plenty of work ahead per year, $5.00 of which goes to the to keep them busy thruout the greater I county association and $5.00 to the part of the summer. The boys, no (state association. If you have not doubt, arc just as anxious for - their sent in your memberhip card, do so release as are their former > em-|now. We must work together if we UptoyfPfr,". • , • i % "Apple Blossom Time in an Overland ** The keen appreciation and deep respect so freely expressed Jby over 600,000 Overland owners is an Overland asset of priceless value. Model 90 by its easy riding qualities, economy, sturdiness, and dependable performance, cpnstantly widens the circle of Overland friends and perpetuates Overland prestige. The enthusiasm of pwyu* ^ buying guide. Overton & Cowed WEST McHENRY. ILL. QUiwIMtlil»Hw fMumtfTowtuC* Wti Come to our ttore : ^ i To corset you correctly Is my wmm? profession. Your comfort and health are promoted by wearing SnireL IV.ORSETS (MOT KKD IN STORE* ) My personal services are free. An appointment, arranged to suit your convenience, places you urtder no obligation. A postcard or telephone call will bring me to your home. HISS HABELLE WHEELER "McHenry, • "'Pi i' Telephone No. 10S-B SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all class-- of property in the best companies WE8T McHKNKY, •. ILLINOIS PLUMBING AND HEATING Experienced Workmtf DONAVIN & RE1HANSPERGER • A. J. MULLH3N Attorney at Law At Wert McHenry State Every Friday System Occasionally there is no one on your line when you answer your telephone. This may be due to several causes: You may have been slow in answering and the person calling, possibly impatient, has hung up. The i»nii^ per8Gn saay have realised having called the wrong number aod hung up without waiting for response. When the calling party han up, the operator gets the signal to disconnect uid does so; she has no means oi knowing who called you after the connection has been severed. In none of these instances is the opuMtor blameworthy and her courteous request tp excuse any inconvenience caused -t should be graciously CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY llgyill m. :*r •'ViO/u-V 'j .ff-, .fry .-,v» /*• Pateseh. JBaad- Iht. PlsiBd^alnr, .$ •M.

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