Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 May 1919, p. 5

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0e mmmTrnm <fr:'V~' ' •"# ;VeJH' U&1' J*S X UCE TO GET GOOD DRUGS '*'1 "j?A. ]%h\, #>*S\ .5, No one, we think, will question the statement that we hfive an unusually complete stock of high-grade drugs. Large as it is, it is a constantly growing one, because it keeps pace with every advance in medicine or pharmacy. It is obvious that a store like this one is a good place to get family drugs or to have prescriptions filled. Drugs hete are handled by competent pharmacists of large experience. You get ideal service lit ressonableprices. :: - v& - '!k> W N. H. PETESCH DRUGGIST It is sure if you get acquainted witfct our lines of silk that we carry yoil will be a friend of them all. Silk Poplin, Crepe de Chine, Georgettfp^ Crepe, Taffeta and Silk Messaliiv Also new patterns of striped silks. These patterns will make a hit, fop ^ they are the same kind that you find in the big city stores. SMITH BROS. McHENRY, ILLINOIS apse mm mm GAS m WEEK MAY 12-17 Gas Companies, Range Manufactwm ftft&Defllen the country over join hands with the Public this week in nation-wide recognition of 4he merits of the Qas Range. Millions of homes have been made happier and better by the Gas Ran^e. Millions of housewives have welcomed the convenience, dependability, cleanliness, safety and economy of Gas Range Cooking. So we are asking you to assist us in observing National Gas Range Week in McHenry. Come in and see the gas ranges on display at our office. ___ M WORKMAN, District Man*** EAST SIDE (ASH MARKET & GROCERY WE HANDLE ' KERBER'S Lard, Bacon, Ham and Sausages. Fresh Vegetables at all times. Orders promptly delivered. Try our sugar cured corn beef. Henry Heuser PHONE 57-M McHENKl , GROCERY ECONOMY Santos Coffe, per lb. SSe Ivory Soap Flakes 19c Kitchen Cleanser, 6 for. _25e Lady Elgin Tea, per Ib._Me Yuban Coffee, per lb. .42c Mazolo Oil, per can ... .SSe Spaghetti, No. 1 can--Me Early June Peas or lima Beans, per can - 16e Navy Beans, per lb. lie Cent. Am. Coffee, lb.. .He Fancy Red Salmon- SSe Galvanic Soap, 4 bars...SSe Fancy Pumpkin, No. 3_ .lSe John Stoffel, - West McHenry JBHOWOOD •*•Mw. W. E. Bradley wat t Chicago visitor last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baeba are visiting relatives in'town. Mrs. W. M. FOBS was a Saturday .morning visitor in McHenry. Mr. Kimball has been in town a number of daysf this week. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Brunswick spent Sunday with Genoa relatives. Mrs. F. A. Hitchens was a Chicago . passenger Monday morning. Mrs. James Rainey called on her mother in McHenry Saturday. Jack McLaughlin visited his mother, who is very ill, in McHenry. Mrs. Johonnott was a caller at Mrs. W. £. Bradley's Wednesday. Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn were McHenry callers Saturday afternoon. Miss Florence Harrison visited friends in Richmond Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Allen of Woodstock attended church here Sunday. Ed. Hawley and" Ed. Hopper were Woodstock visitors Saturday afternoon. Next Sunday evening meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Cannon. Miss Rosemary Nye of McHenry was a visitor in the home of Mary Smith Sunday. Mr. ami Mrs. H. M. Stephenson went to Elgin Saturday, returning Sunday evening. Miss Grace Harrison spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Harrison. Mrs. Wade Sanborn of Spring Grove called on her mother, Mrs. Stevens, Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bacon and Vera Beatty visited relatives, in North Crystal Lake Sunday. W. M. Foss was taken seriously ill Sunday night, but is resting easier at the present writing. Mr. and Mrs. Lovejoy and Mrs. Reynolds of Genoa were calling on Miss Ellen Hall Sunday. Mrs. Julia Toynton of Genoa is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Leo Brunswick. Miss Dorothy Carr spent the week end with her friend, Miss Varina Wantworth, in McHenry. Edward Harrison, who has been in service at Camp Grant, was honorably discharged last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bradley motored to Beloit Sunday and spent the day with their daughter, Winifred. Mtss Agnes Dodge of Camp Grant spent a six day furlough with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dodge. Don't forget the community supper at the M. W. A. hall Friday night. There will be speakers for the evening. Mr. and Mr#. J. C. Ladd, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Covell visited relatives at Crystal Lake last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCannon visited the latter's uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs. Richard Thompson, at McHenry recently. Miss Lor a Smith, who is employr in Chicago as a stenographer, spen Sunday here with her parents, Mr and Mrs. W. E. Smith. Mrs. W. E. Bradley went to Palatine - Monday morning to assist hei sister, Mrs. Holmes. Mr. Holmes ir in a critical condition in a Chicagc hospital. Misses Mary Smith and Marthr Dailey accompanied Miss Madsen t. her home in Hebron Friday night where Miss Mary attended the junior prom that evening. Mr. Murray of Harvard was in town Tuesday evening and organised a canning and pig club. They elected officers and are „ ready to begin their work. Anyone wishing to join either club may do so by calling on the president, Miss Bern ice Smith. RIDGEFIELD F. Reed was down from Woodstock Monday. Mrs. Wm. Abbott was a Woodstock passenger Saturday. W. L. Levey was a Chicago passenger Monday morning. Elsie Anderson visited friends at Crystal Lake Tuesday. Mrs. W. E. Dike was a business caller at Crystal Lake Monday. Miss Grace Bockhus spent last week in the Powers home at Crystal Lake. * Mrs. Wm. Glawe entertained her sister from Woodstock the first of the week. Mrs. J. 6. Lynch and Mrs. Lola Bennett hiked to Crystal Lake Saturday afternoon. Mrs. R. L. Dufield and son, Leroy Skinner, of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday here. Miss Helen Briggs spent the latter part of last week with her par-; ents at Harvard. Mr. Keeler of Ft. Sheridan spent the first of the week with his grandmother, Mrs. S. Wakefield. Mrs. Inga Martini of Elgin visited in the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Rushton, over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walkup are entertaining a son, Lowell Edward, who arrived at their home May 8. Mrs. Houby of Chicago spent Saturday night and Sunday in the home of her daughter, Mrs.^J. Kresl. A number of our young-people attended the basket social at the Lucas district and Spring Valley schools Friday and Saturday evenings. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wilkins and children and Mrs. Lola Bennett and son, James, 'enjoyed an auto trip thru Union, Harmony and Huntley Sunday afternoon. Walter Reed has accepted a position with Bosshard & Co. at the mill here, which changed hands recently. F. E. Howe expects. go to farming in the hear fetus*. * Therexwas a' goodly attendance at church Sunday, morning, it being Mothers' day. Each Sunday Rev. Sunderlin will speak to the children a special sermon of just five minutes, so mothers baring the children. Miss Virginia Reed entertained to the number of twenty of her friends on Saturday, May 10, from three to six in honor of her tenth birthday. Out-of-door games were indulged in and dainty refreshments were served. SPRING GROVE Miss Katie Frett of Johnsburg was a caller here Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Sweet of Richmond were callers hoe Sunday. Mrs. T? D. Cole and daughter, Elizabeth, were Chicago passengers Saturday. Fred Huff worked a few days last week for the Wieland Dairy company at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Nimsgem and daughter, Bernice, Were Chicago passengers Saturday. Spring Grove was well represented at the play and dance in Solon Friday evening. The play was enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Huff and children of Ostend were Sunday guests in the home of Mrs. Huff's mother, Mrs. Frank Jung. The baseball game between Spring Gi ove and Twin Lakes ended in a defeat for our boys. The score was 15 to 17. \ Try again boys, better next time. Among those from here who witnessed the parade of the 149th field artillery in Chicago last Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Hatch, Ellen Baker and Harold Watts. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hay entertained the following at their home here Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. William Hay, Mr. and Mrs. John Hay and little son and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Petrosky and children. John Foster, who has been serving with the 149th field artillery in France, returned to his home here Saturday, having received his honorable discharge at Camp Grant. John .looks as if army life agreed with him. cJOHNSBURG™ Jbe Nell of Woodstock spept Sonday at Columbia park. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williams wer^jjr McHenry visitors one day last week, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schumacher were McHenry visitors on day last week John A. Miller and family were Sunday. guests at the Peter Nieseit home. Mr. and Mrs. John Jarick are th* happy parents of a baby girl, bom last. Friday Everybody come to the dance at Columbia park next Wednesday, evening, May 21. Mrs. Henry Heimer of McHenry called on her sister, Mrs. John Mer< tes, Sunday evening. Fred Schaefer and lady friend of [Chicago were Sunday guests at the (home of John Jarick. Misses Mary and Katherine Alt* |hoff are visitng their parents, Mr. an<| Mrs. Wm. Althoff, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Huemann and' daughter, Rosemary, were Rich* mond callers one day this week. There will be an opening dancer | at Columbia park on Wednesday of. next week, May 21. Everybody wel* come. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Diedrich of Mc* Henry were pleasant callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Huemanil Sunday evening. Mrs. John Weber, Mrs. Nick Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Revor of McHenry visited Mrs. Geo. Nell one day last week. Mrs. Cece^t Fox and two daugh* ters, Agnes and Anna, are here iot a couple of weeks' visit with heel mother, Mrs. Geo. Nell. Quite a few from here' attended the entertainment given by the children at the Ringwood school. Mr< Shelton gave a talk on school im«f provment, which was fine. TERRA COTTAv Mrs. Fred Trudell was a Woodstock visitor last Friday. Mrs. Geo. P. Bay was a businesscaller in Crystal Lake Tuesday. Miss Lizzie Ames was an out-of* town visitor the latter part' of last} week. Mr. and Mrs. John Liddle entertained relatives from Chicago over Sunday. Miss Celia Geary of Griswold Lake was a caller in this vi.inity Monday evening. Miss Lillian Sprague of Woodstock was a week end guest of her sister, Mrs. Fred Trudell. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gibbs and Earl Walsh of McHenry were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Riley were called to Chicago Monday evening by the death of the former's niece, Misa Grace Riley. * The Barreville school closed Friday for the summer vacation with aj picnic dinner at noon. Miss Agnesf Frisby was the teacher. Several from here witnessed th*| photo play "For the Freedom of the World" at the Crystal Lake gymnasium Friday evening last. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin and daughter, Eleanor, attended the wedding of Miss Agnes Carey, and Thomas Doherty at McHenry Monday. Supt. A. M. Shelton and Prof. H. H. Dean of Crystal Lake were here Monday evening to attend the Nunda township exercises at the Barreville school. Both men gave very interesting talks, which were greatly enjoyed by sB. +'** r4 - It PON THERE UNITED EFFORT IS STRENGT1 UNITED FINANCES ( '• "Ti ' McHenry people want McHenry to Grow, Improve and Prosper. We are asking ourselves' what we can do to assist in bringing these conditions about. We want to help. Permit us to suggest that it can best be brought about by everyone boosting and pulling together for anything and everything that will build up McHenry. Let us ai| tj : work in harmony,for that purpse. Concentration' of effort and finances is necessary. Each person . can be of some help. We invite and urge you to do your share by systematically adding to the fi-y-' j: nancial strength of the community, through d# il *, positing all surplus funds with McHenry BankaT ^ WE SOLICIT SUCH DEPOSITS HOY BANKING COMPANY McHENRY, ILLINOIS fW Big Increase in Fisk 'Sales Due to Fisk Durability and Value •mi MOTORISTS today are buying tires on the basis of actual re«ulttf| Here is a condition that is leading to a great demand for Fisk Tire^l •--for Fisk visibie value stands out today in terms of greater mileagej|r longer life, more distinctive appearance and greater tire economy. ft./ In mry line of business there is always one product that stands out •ad shoulders above the average. Experienced motorists know the difference tires, and they know the superior mileage and wear delivered by Fisk Tires. You'll like the type of dealers who specialise in Fisk Tires--alert, foresceta^ M. •sen who know comparative values in tires, and who know that success nnmri to those who serve their publie. v Ike Fisk dealers in this community haT> a, mnssage for yon 1 ,f: Next time ---Buy Fisk J. W. SCHAFFER C. M. ADAMS McHenry Garage Johnsburg, IS. FISK CORD TIRES ORDER NOW' Let us do your Hatching in our mammoth 3600-egg incubator E. G. Peterson Plume 625-M-l JOHNSBURG, ILL. PLUMBING AND HEATING Experienced Workmen DONAVHf It RMHANSPERGER PHILIP JAEGER GENERAL COflMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THX SAUC OF . - ^ *< ' " ^ Dressed Beef, flatten, Hegs, Veal, Povltry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Bffi This to the oldeat honae on the strwt. Tags and prio* Uata firmjiMl .sat application. Stall > * 3, Flit®1 W' Whol.dl. Marfeat. COLD STORAQ6 FfcBB CHICAGO, ILLINDL 'SH; Tllephom N«L 108-R SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for mil rlsssss at property in the best rampant-- WEST McHBNKT, - ILLINOIS A. J. MULLEN Attorney at Lav AfeWest McHeoxy Friday :: :: Waa The office force of the Woodstock Typewriter company moved tato their new addition to the factory last wasfc. ' •<:.

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