Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 May 1919, p. 9

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HEM'HENRYPLAWDEALER - -et; £ I, PUBLISHED EVEKY THURSDAY BT F. G. SCHREINER OBI'* I* B«nk Building t elephone H-W Thursday, May 29, 1919 ADDITIONAL PERSONALS .week end. Mrs. Frank LaForce and son of Burlington, la:, sperit several days last and this -week With her mother, Mrs. Mary Ferguson, at Schiller View farm. . ; " Miss Dora Kenney, who has been Geo. Boger was a Chicago visitor employed in the McHenry public •VI last Friday. , " €. G. Bemet, Chicago' vis- - Iter Monday. .J . "" ---Mrs. Clara StarriU"Was a Chicago .visitor Sunday portance along the western co^at and A. K. Burns of Aus- aiso visited Canada. taught two very successful terms in that village. COMING ROME FROM SIBERIA school here during the past year, returned to her home in Milwaukee last Saturday. Mrs. Jas. F. Brandt and daughter, Mary Frances, of Chicago spent sev- Thos. Kane spent Sunday in the ®ral days this and last week as metropolitan city. 'quests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. __ Mrs. G. H. Johnson was a Chicago p. E. Martin west of town. Vjiitor last Friday. | Mr. r.nd Mrs. F. A. Beller arrived ^ vscar Arnold was the guest of his ftere from Detroit, Mich., last Friday ; P»rents at Elgin Sunday. 'find left again on Monday for Calit 1 N. A. Huemann was a business vis- fomia, where they will sojourn for ^.Jlfer in Chicago last Thursday. 'some time to come. John P. Schreiner spent Sunday j Mr. a n d Mrs. F. A. Bohlander regusts of friends at Elgin. ! turned home last Thursday from a „ Misa Rose Huemann passed the very enjoyable trip thru the West, first of the week in the metropolitan They took in all of the places of jmcity. Mr. and Mrs tin wex€ week end guests of relatives , L o w e l l F e r g u s o n , who saw twentyhere. , two months of foreign service and _ Miss Alice Waite passed the latter" recently received his honorable dispart of last week with relatives at charge from the U. S. army, was the Bfein- .'guest of his mother, Mrs. Mary Fer- Mrs. Harry Alexander -spent the puson, several days* last and this v, latter part of last week with Hebron wee^ I , '• -rd£t.i.T?3, i Mrs. W. D. Wentworth was k Solon i l h a m Gillespie of Chicago spent MUls v;sjtor Friday, where " she > a t - a* he gUeSt 0f MlSS tended a picnic given by the teacher i r n j o h' .a n d pugils -ef the school of that Mr. and Mrs. S S. Chapell of Chi- yiU ^ marked the c}osing of <jalled on relatives ,n town last the school Her daughter> Alta> Kas 1. Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pich of Chicago spent the week end with friends and relatives here. jj Petesch was among the1 a. crowd to welcome the 33rd division Le® J- Smith Writes This Good News in Chicago on Tuesday. | to His Parents Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Pauly and j - - children of Elgin were Sunday guests' Private Leo J. Smith, son of Mr. of Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Barbian. . i»nd Mrs. John R. Smith, who reside Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Meyers and sons at Emerald Park, recently wrote his of Chicago visited in the home of Mr. jparents the following letter, which and Mrs. Math. Steffes Sunday. seems to indicate that he and the rest Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Landwer and of the McHenry boys, who have spent ron, Keith, were guests of Barring-. the winter in Siberia, will be home ton relatives over the week end. soon. The letter: Miss Esther Stoffel of Chicago was ; liabacoisk, Siberia, Apr. 12, 19197 a week end guest in the home of her Dtar tolks thought I would writel parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Stoffel. you » few lines today. I haven't Mrs. Hettie Fuller of Chicago was heard from , you for two months, a guest In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Suppose you "don't get all of my mail. . V/. D. Wentworth over the week end. j henry V\ eber is here now. He is Mrs. D. A. Whiting and daughters,: big and fat. In fact, all of the boys Marion and Eleanor, aad Miss Elola.are. I went on train guard,. April 5 Boyle were Elgin visitors last Thurs- i ®t the tlepot and my duty is guarding the wood and other U. S. supplies. Miss Anna Knox of Elgin spent It's a fine job. We are living in log the Week end as a guest in the home cabins. of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John j Well, the weather has broken, up j&iox. j here now and it is very muddy. They Mrs* Raymond Whiting and daugh- gave us rubber hip boots so you can . ter, Loraine, of Lake Geneva were imagine how muddy it gets here. We gUcsts of relatives here several days have clay and black dirt roads. It this week. snows a little some days, but isn't Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Musser of El-1 Quite warm enough for rain. , gin spent the week end as guests in j Well, folks, I am quite sure that ; -the home of the latter's parents, Mr.; t,y the time this letter reaches you I Md Mrs. D. A. Whiting. j will be on my way home. Rumors to , E. Hunter, Wm. Smith. Martin B. !that effect are flying around. In Sehjnitt and M. J. Walsh attended to fact, I think there is something in } " matters of a business nature in the the air now. I ought-to be back in , .j-jjjetropoJitan city Tuesday. jthe next two or three weeks. Misses Agnes Dodge of Camp j Soldiers in Siberia in winter are Grant and Sarah Jane Dodge of Chi-[sure doing their bit, believe me, altho cago attended the alumni banquet j we don't mind it so much now. The and dance last Saturday evening. jRed Cross has been very good to us. Miss Marjorie Gurnett, supervisor We sure have had the clothes. We of music in our public school, re-j have a Y. M. C. A. here and from turned to her. home in Chicago Sat- time to time we have had some good urday. Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Turner and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Young and son, Stanley, of Solon Mills were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wentworth. Mrs. M. J. Kent of Chicago passed the first of the week In the horn* of shows. - . Must close and get busy/hoping to gee you all sooA. Your son, Pvt. Leo J. Smith, Co. G, 27th Infantry, A. E. F., Siberia. Slftice of Sale ef Real Estate . Luxnley £ Allen, Attys. By virtue of an order and decree Of the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, made oh the petition of the undersigned, James B. Perrjt, Administrator de bonis non with tfefe will annexed, of the Estate of Heinrich Wegener, deceased, for leave to sell the Real Estate of said dij- ; ceased, at the May Term,. A. D. 1919, of said Court, to-wit: the 8$/ day of May, 1919, . (\ Notice is hereby given, that on-, Saturday, the 7th day of June next, • at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon off said day, at the east door of.'-; the Court House in the City of Woodstock, County of McHenry and Stale of Illinois, the following described real estate belonging to the estate of Heinrich Wegener, deceased, to-wit: Lot Number Six (C) in Block One (1) of Owen's Out Lots to the Village of McHenry, situated in the Southwest Quarter ol Section Number Twenty-six (26), Township Number Forty-five (45) North, of Range Eight (8) East of the third Princi- , pal Meridian. Also the following described piece or parcel of land, to-wit: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Lot Six (6); thence west to the easterly line of Lot Five (5) of the County Clerk's Plat of part of the South Half " of said Section Twenty-six (26); thence South Twenty-seven (27) degrees Ifost to a point due West from the Northwest corner of Lot Number Eight (8) of said Oweato out lots; thence East One Hundred and Eight (108) feet to said Northwest corner; thence north along the West line of Lots Seven *(7) and Six (6) of said out lots One Hundred and Thirty-two <132) feet 0 the place of beginning, all of the" above described property being situated in the Village of McHenry, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, subject "to the life use and homestead / of Susanna Wegener, will be sold to the highest and beat bidder. / • Terms of s?le, cash. James B. Perry, Arim. de bonis, non with the Will annexed. May 8, 1919. . 4?-4t Executor's Notice 'j-.jjj F. B. Bennett, Atty. Estate of Bernt A. Brasen, ceased. The undersigned having been appointed Executrix of the last Will and Testament of Bernt A. Braseft, deceased, late of the County of Mc-_ Henry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that she will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the August Term, *>n~ the first Monday in August next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 17th day of May, A. D. 1919, 49-3t ' ,Jianna Kuhn, Executrix. . Additional Exchange Miss Minnie Oliphant, the evangelist, gave her lecture on "The Passion Play" at Hebron one evening last week. The lecture was enjoyed by one of the largest gatherings of the kind that ever assembled in that village. The Woodstock council, Knights of Columbus, was the first among the fraternal societies of that city to make a substantial donation towards the fund created to defray the expense of the gigantic soldiers' homecoming celebration to be held in that city in the near future. They sub-- scribed $50.

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