Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Jul 1919, p. 4

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•- 'A : Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Edinger and Mr. Delsiel motored to one day last week. Wm. Dryer of Arlington Heights passed several dti$% this week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Block. Elt * \ • k r.Vx^ FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, AUGUST 1 AND 2 KERBERS Hams, Bacon and Smoked Meats Bacon, by the slab, per Hams, per pound Smoked Butts, per pounds EAST SIDE 44c 40c -i:' S.-v. m MARKET S i.BIKERI PHONE 57-M McHENRY, ILL. PUBLISHED eymy F. G. SC Office I* Bank Ruildlnsr *r TrnUm*m» »W Thursday, July SI, ltl« LAUNCH GLADENE 50c COUPON Good Week Daya Only f i !' ' jig': Regular Trip to all poin^ o© the . j river and Lakes - Fares 65c and 75c Large or small launches to carry any size crowdsrent bylthe hour--day, week or season, with or without engineers AT ANY HOUR NIGHT OR DAY HUNTER BOAT LINE UrrUi h( EACH $1.29 EACH Oriuin Z/a Qt. baaUe Bwlcr Special ^ Sale or LIBERTY Brand 20 Year Guaranteed Aluminum Ware iHTibes up to $11)0 A special advertising arrangement with the makers permits these pric.eS foe this sal* only;. CM (art lbs Ksttb 7 Co* bflN f«tcoUU» M«U.1H«W30<. ISM Fus ur tsrit Sin I Ot Cmuti Sam taa Wtffc WEST McHENRY Sale Starts, Saturday, August 2nd XU£ V N IVJ H SAL CAR rhe Ford Model T one-ton truck is proviufiT a splendid time and money saver on the farm. It is very flexible in control strong and dependable in service. It has rn. • . really become oni Think It. Oyer Mr. Farmer of the farmer!* necessities. One . Ford truck it equal to a half dozen teams and it won't "eat its head off" when not working. The very low price makes it popular with shrewd farmers who analyze conditions on the farm. Let's talk it over, Mr. Farmer. Price, without body, $5501 o. b. Detroit STAR GARAGE? :Wplt Knox; Pro*; QUARTER OF A CENTURY Items Clipped From The Plaindealer of Twenty-five Yean Ago July 4, 1894 Mrs. Jos, Heimer has been quite ill the past week. "v Mrs. Frank Cobb has been very sick the past week. Wm. Page of Chicago is spending a few days with his son on his farm southeast of this village. Miss Mabelle Wheeler, who by been attending school at Oshkosh, Wis., is home for the summer vacation. Dr. Jos. Abt, late of Chicago, has located in this village for the practice of his profession. He has located in the Nicholls block. The picnic of the M. W. A.'s at Sycamore on Thursday last was, well attended. All report a good time, notwithstanding the hot weather. Thirty-six tickets were sold at this station for the special train. The effects of the railroad strike have struck McHenry. Workmen on the new syhoolhouse were obliged to stop work on Monday on account of not being able to get material over the railroad. A newspaper cannot be run to suit the individual tastes of all its readers. ' It should be treated as a bill of fare Take from your paper the things you like and leave the things you dislike for those that have a; taste for them. ^ Wednesday, July 11, 1894 The Fourth of July in McHenry vas one of the quietest experienced here in years. There were about eighty couples reported at the party at the McHenry House on July 4, Harry Holmes bame near having an eye put out by the cook from a bottle of ginger ale. One hundred and seventy-seven couples attended the party fit the Rverside House on the Fourth. Miss Dora Besley attended a reunion of the class of '92, Waukegan high school, held in that city recently. Mrs. J. C. Bigelow, wife of a former pastor of the M. £. church in this village, passed away in Chicago last week. The picnic at Stilling's summer resort, Pistakee Bay, on the Fourth, drew out a large crowd both day and evening. E. W. Howe has taken the contract to build the residence of Prof. F. M. Goodman of the Chicago College of Pharmacy. The drouth in this section is getting to be serious. No rain in three weeks and pastures and all kinds of vegetation is suffering. George Vogel of Solon Mills had his thumb bitten off by an ugly horse on Tuesday. It was taken off as clean as it ctfttld have been with a knife. » * r , The baseball game, pttyed in this village July 4, between the McHenry and the Hibbard, Spencer & Bartlett nine of Chicago, proved one of the most interesting and resulted in a victory for McHenry by a score of 17 to 11. Additional Personal Geo. Boger was a Chicago visitor last Friday. Louis A. Erickson transacted business in Chicago Tuesday. G. C. Boley boarded the Chicago train last Friday morning. John F. Miller attended to business matters in Chicago Monday. E. M. O'Neil of Harvard was a McHenry visitor last Thursday. R. T. Wray spent Thursday of last week in the metropolitan city. C. G. Berner was a business visitor in Chicago last Thursday. Miss Helena D. Adams of Elgin was a McHenry visitor Sunday. Jacob Justen transacted business in the metropolitan city Monday. Wip. Pries attended to matters of a business nature in Chicago Wesnesday. Leo Thelen. was among those- to board the Chicago train hist Saturday morning. Joseph Suerth and son of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday with friends here. J. C. Bickler and son, William, were among the Chicago passengers Mon day morning. ^ Mrs. M. Schlosser and children of Chicago were week epd guests in the home of Mrs. A. W,o|fF. Mrs. A. Wolff is Spending the week as a guest in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Chas. McArthur. Miss Virginia Harrison of Chicago is spellflliS the week as the guest Miss llipkillle Hauswirth. ^ ^ Engewahl Lang of Chicago spent the week etad as a guest in the homit' of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Geier. Mrs. Mayme Overton of Elgin passed several days this and last week as the guest of relatives here. Miss Josephine and George Buss of Malta spent the week end with their grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Buss. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McArthur and daughter, Ruth, of Elgin spent Sunday as guests in the home of Mrs. A. Wolff. Miss Elfrieda Block returned to her home here last Friday from a couple of weeks' visit with friends in Indiana. Miss Lenora Peake and Miss Marion Warden of Kentucky were guests in the Wm. Spencer home a few* days last week. Mrs. Geo. J. Schreiner and Miss Theresa Freund are spending a few days as guests of the former's sister at Aurora. Miss Vera Turner of Dennison, la., and Geo. Yanke of Spring Grove spent Friday evening with Miss Alta Wentworth. " , Miss Martha' Althoff of Kenosha, Wis., passed Saturday and Sunday a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spencer and daughters visited friends and relatives at Edison Park and DesPlaines few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Holly and Mrs. W. D Wentworth and daughter, Alta, spent Monday evening at the home of R. R. Turner at Solon Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grob and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rauen motored out from Chicago last Sunday morning and passed a very pleasant few hours as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Niesen. Mrs. Niesen accompanied them to* the city that evening, where she remained their guests until Monday night. ~JOHNSBURG~ Steve King returned last Friday from overseas. Miss Barbara Smith Was a Chicago visitor Monday. Joe Nell will leave tomorrow (Friday) for North Dakota. - Mrs. Cecelia Fox entertained two girl friends from Effingham a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Jarick entertained friends from Chicago a few days last week. The K. of C. picnic at Columbia park Sunday was well attended and all report a fine time. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Nett of Ringwood passed Sunday as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Klein. Mrs. Peter Schaefer entertained Mrs. Bennie Frett and daughter, Millie, of£hieago A few days last w e e k . . . . , > ' '» Mr. and Mrs. Bfen Kennebeck and baby of McHenry were guests in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schumacher, recently. Joe Nell and sister, Mrs. Fox, and two girls from Effingham and Miss Ella Huemann were visitors at the lotus beds last week Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mills and daughters, Gladys and Clarise, returned to their home in Chicago after a pleasant vacation spent with friends and relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Hogland and baby daughter have returned to their home in Chicago after a two weeks' vacation spent with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. H. Huemann. Professional Golfers Coming Warren L. Howell, secretary of the Chapel Hill Country club, informs us that several professional golfers of note will be guests of their club over Sunday and he wishes in this public manner to extend an invitation to the people of McHenry and this summer resort region to turn out and watch these professionals in action A game will be played at two o'clock next Sunday afternoon and everyone interested in the sport should be on hand. Even if you do not feel interested in the wholesome recreation, you may be the one to become fascinated just*by watching the others The members of the Chapel Hill Country club are planning on taking care of a large crowd -of spectators on this occasion and every golf en thuslast in this community is sure to attend. Remember, you, who are i)ow reading this article, are invited. Gone to Belleville Frank Masquelet, who returned home from overseas duty about a month ago, left for Belleville, 111., on Monday morning of this week Frank re-enlisted his services in the air service before returning home and for the time being will be stationed at the above named place. He has enlisted for a period of one year. SALE--My improved 120 acre falrtn, situated near Lily Lake- M. L. Worts, McHenry, HI. 6-tf FOR SALE--Mare, nine years old, weight 1400 lbs. Has colt by side. Inquire of Leo Regner, Ingleside, 111. 7-3t* FOR SALE--The John A. Smith estate farms, one of 189 acres and one of 14S acres. & H. Freund, McHenry, 111. . 3 FOR SALE CHEAP--A gasoline engine for boat in A-l condition. Henry Ahrens, West McHenry, 111. Phone 53-J. . 4-tf WANTED FOR CASH--Small summer home on river near McHenry bridge. Chas. Meinhard^819 S. Oakley Blvd., Chicago. 6-lt* WANTED--Small acreage of improved or unimproved land, improved preferred. Have cash purchasers. Ben Stilling, McHenry, El. 49 FOUND--North of Johnsburg, a pocket book containing some money. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this notice. FOR SALE--The C. H. Parks house and property on the corner of John and Center streets in West McHenry. C. W. Stenger, West McHenry. 39-tf FOR SALE OR RENT--The Kelter farm of 120 acres situated east of the village of McHenry. Apply to or arrite C. W. Stenger, West McHenry, ni. 89tf H Wm. M. Heimer spent Friday of "tfit H^ek in llllH|yu1lp| tity. James T. Perkins wis. a**4hg the Chicago passengers Totffciay morning. Mr«. E. B. Gribbel of Green Wis., passed the latter part of and the first of this week as a gue: : ,V in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Stenger. -- J LOST--Sopaewhere between Orchard Beach and the Riverside hotel, a black leather suit case with complete toilet outfit for women. Case made by Chas. T. Welt. Finder kindly notify this office. Reward. v G-2t -- -- -- - FOR SALE--Place known ai the Henry Wegener property. Lot 6, block 1, Owen's out-lots in village of McHenry. For terms, etc., inquire of Jas. B Perry or Mrs. Susanna Wegener, McHenry, 111. 5-tf FOR SALE--Dining room furniture, sectional bookcase, sanitary couch with mat, library table (small mission), corner chair, gasoline stove, small gas range and a hot plate. Phone 87-M. Mrs. A.. E. , Nye, McHenry, 111. 7-tf FOR SALE--160 acre "farm, just east of English prairie and 4 miles northeast of Spring Grove. Has 60 acres of plow land, 55 acres timber, balance meadow and pasture, 8 room house, barn 30x70, deep well, windmill, living springs in pasture. Fine place for sheep, hogs and stock and general farming. Price, $75.00 per acre for quick sale. Go and see it, it will stand inspection. J. C. James, Antioch, 111. 6-2t* Telephone No. 108-S SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies WE8T McHENRY, - ILLINOIS PLUMBING AND BEATING -BY- , Experienced Workmen DONAVIN & REIHANSPERGER Enjoying Short Vacation Rev. Edw. Berthold, pastor of St. Mary's Catholic church in this village, is enjoying a few days' vacation this week. The charge is temporarily being filled by Father Theobald, pastor of the Cathedral, Dubuque, la. The Rev. Theobald is vis iting among relatives and friends in and around McHenry. J AT HONEST PRICES is the secret of our success and for this very same reason our business keeps right on growing. Our constant aim is to give our patrons 100% value for every dollar expended with us. Our linp of staple and fancy groceries is always complete. M. M. Niesen McHenry Phone 86-W Hot Weather Wear Men's Athletic Union Suits, made of best quality of nainsook, sleeveless, knee length, each $t.M Women's Union Suits, fine yarn, well made and good . values, each 45c to 75c Women's Vests, light wts. in suitable fabrice, at 25c and up Bathing Suits, for children, one piece garments 59c Dress Gintghams, a new lot just received. Come in and see them- :: •• . « « •} :: JOHN STOFF£U WfefT McHENRY Most Everybody's Buying Furniture This big August sale is being attended by many out of town folks. It's a wonderful time to refurnish. The saving is from 8 to 50 per cent. Our big truck is busy, but you won't have to wait but a day or two. A. Leath & Go. Stores Elgin, 7S-74 Grove Ave. ' Rock ford, Opposite Court Hoosa Dubuque, S74-5M Main St. Aurora, 31-33 Island Ave. Free port, 1S3-1S5 Galena St. Waterloo. SU-314 E. 4th St Beloit, 617-621 4th St. Jollet, 215-217 Jefferson St. \; Janesville, 202-204, Milwaukee Sfc E*w Claire, Masonic Temple. ' Free Delivery by Truck PiOWB .«, r.-i At' •' .>,Y • ->S, £ Hall, McHenry, Saturday Water Street, near Fox River Bridge lessons all day by a • PHONE 104-J ; Children's Class, 3 to 4 p. m., 50c , Adult's Class, 8 to 9 p. m^ 50c ^ eS4* and Lessons Conducted by The Rumely Ideal Standard Separator " A SIZE TO FIT EVERY JOB--The Rumely Ideal Separator is made in six sizes--a size to profitably handle from the smallest to the biggest job. In the standard size we offer a 28x48, 32x52, 36x60 and 40x64. In the Junior size a 20x36 and 24x44. This gives a range of sizes to meet every condition of service and power--whether for custom work or the farmer's individual use. M. L. WORTS, AGENT For the Advance-Rumely Thresher Co. % v '." McHENRY, ILLINOIS THE OIL PULL Runs in four sizes:-- 12x20 Horse Pownf 31x40 Horse Powe£ 14x30 Horse Power 30x60 Horse Powel BACKED BY A WRITTEN GUARANTEE! The Oil Pull is governor controlled, the speed of the engine is automatically and instantaneously adjusted to tue load. It holds a thresher at its correct speed all day--no speeding or slowiug down as the load changes. We recommend for a 300-acre farm the* lit 20 Oil Pull Tractor, which will run a 22x36 Rumely Ideal Separator, specifications for which are as followtt v ^ Draw Bar Horsepower..: ...vtt ,• Brake Horsepower 30 Number of Cylinders. Diameter of***-® inches Stroke of Piston ---- 8 inches Belt Pulley-Speed R. P. M......*.!.?: 560 Diameter.... ---^9 inches Face ' inches Diameter of Crank Shalt. 2 7-8 inches Master Gear--width of face.- 3 inches Rear Axle--Diameter 3 inches Crank Shaft Bearings--Length R tl 7 inches Crank Shaft Bearings--Length L. H 7 inches > „ Connecting Rod Bearingsr Crank Shaft end .S inches Piston end inches Front Wheels--Diameter- --34 inches ^ Front Wheels--Width-----6 inches Rear Wheels--Diameteir--i---*r-v»---i»-Sl inches Rear Wheels--Width -.-----12 inches Speeds forward (2)--miles per hour.and 3J# Reverse Speed--Miles per hour 2.82 Fuel Tank Capacity--Kerosene...---4--^-20 gals. • Gasoline (for atarting only)...-----1 gal. Water .11 gals. - Capacity of Radiator and Cooling System (Oil . , Cooled) ,....10 gals. Width over all (without extensions) 5 ft. 4 la. - Height over all... ft. 3 la. Length over all. --........10 ft. 8 in. For Quick Delivery Call Ofa M L. WORTS, AGENT For jhe Advance--Rumely Thresher €36. McHENRY, ILLINOIS " ;J' W0 I •M-o :3 V •'•Mitt- .'its .

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