Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Feb 1934, p. 5

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-'.T wp'r-y y '** vr* r"p'^r^y^^rr: J I <&•*""? ••• *r'-^-t*' ,< Wmdar, *«>.«, ^ -r „*'%£*, • y ~ " r >< ~, iRU ^ ' ?L_* i *"« * *. ^ ^ ^ * - *.'• h ^ -t . 5* "*_ V-- ' *-•" >*a.v • *A«« * "*s - I*1 MR. ETHEL COE IS " SPEAKER AT CONFERENCE McHenry County Rural Schools wwrte honored at the County Superintendents' Conference Called by the State Department of Public Instruction at DeKalb on Monday and Tuesday of thia week by being made the subject of demonstration and discussion at both the Monday afternoon arid evening sessions. *• The Oak Glen School, a one-room school of Algonquin Township, showed how music is being taught by hav» in£ one of their regular lessons with their nrnsic supervisor, W. Irving Horn. The twenty-five pupils who attend this school with their teacher, M*s. May Chesak, Illustrated how beautifully children of rural schools can be taught to sing. There were solos, duets, trios, quartets, and choruses, and some reading of two part music. The training of teachers in servica waa the subject of discussion at the everting session. Misgjtfarina Phillips of the Northern lllmols State Teachers' College told of the plan which ia being followed in McHenry County and Mrs. Ethel Coe spoke of the reeults which she is finding in the schools themselves. Mrs. Coe showed a number of examples of work of both rural pupils and rural teachers. The discussion made it evident that pro* gressive education can be given to jHipils in rural schools. * 'r REGULAR THIRD PRECINCT DEMOCRATIC CLUB'S DANCE The first social affair of the campaign season was sponsored by the regular Democratic club of the Third McHenry precinct Wednesday night, when a danCe was held at the Bridge Tavern. About 200 couples from the surrounding territory were present. The crowd was a peppy one, enjoying dancing until 2 a. m., to the music of Frankie Gens' Skylarks. Arnold Rauen was chairman of the meeting and introduced the various candidates who were present, including James Howell and Mj» H&llyof, congressional candidates- ; A. J. WALTERS DIES AT ' LONGMONT, COLORADO A. 3. Walters, £9 years old, passed away at his home at Longroont, Colo., Friday evening, Feb. 2, after a long illness. He was formerly a resident of Ringwood. Surviving are his wife, one brother, Fred Walters of Wood- ,stock, and two sisters. Funeral services were held at the Fred, Walters home in Woodstock on 'YU&ftBesday afternoon at 2 o'cldck. Bvyial was at Ringwood,;: •• •>.: BACONS STRIP V Br ^ "ZEKE" BACON, That defeat the MCHS crew handed Hujitley at Huntley Friday night seems to have shocked the whole county into believing that Huntley has cracked and will be easy meat in the Little Conference tournament at Hebron this weekl May*j« so, but don't think that the return of Howard Flancher, their coach, ^without whom j^hey played the two games they have lost recently, won't improve their playing by at least ten points a game. McHENRY PLAINDEALE& ** ~i*f,jM ^ ' LEAGUE STANDINGS OLD TIMERS -- Bicklers, 7735; Schaefera, 7699; Grangers, 7600; Barbians, 7359. * FORESTERS--Team No. S, 837?; Team No. 1, 8110; Teem No. 4, 8064: Team No. 2, 8015. OLD TIMERS LEAGttS GRANGERS-- < Karls ............. 195 152 Freund -173 144 Adams ...... 194 184 Meyers 199 191 Granger 175 176 154-- 501 170-- 187 149-- 527 155-- 545 143-- 494 936 SCHAEFERS-- 842 771--2554 Johnson Wattles M. Schaefer Sutton Coach Orr was probably the least J. Schaefer surprised of all those present at the game, though he might have been mildly so. Orr was'wishing that could meet them again at McHenry So' that he could be sure of trimming j Goodell them. Our local coach seems, to have,; Sayler his boys coming and1, is gaining con- (Perkins fidence in them at i&vetry turn.Iloys,|Barbian don't let him down this week! ] 155 148 158 179 190 171 199 178 221 202 0 i - t, y, *" - Page If# McHENRY TRIPS COUNTY CHAMPIONS AT HUNTLEY LITTLE CONFERENCE STANDING 7 Heavyweights Won tost Huntley ; g i ~6 The fast improving McHenry High basketball squad pulled the big sur- \ McHenry ..., prise of the 1933 '34 season when Hebron they evened the count with the co^ch- Marengo less Huntley five on the latter's homel^?* Lake . floor in a nip and tuck struggle. Richmond . Huntley went down 20-18 in a game replete .with thrills, not a few of which came in the l^st few minutes Of play. Obacft Orr started his six-foot line- Marengo up, whk4» left the diminutive Co-Cap-; Huntley , tain Kreutzer on the bench, the pur- F°x Lake pose being to make hTs zone defense more effective on the--smaller floor. judgment was vindicated when BARBIANS-- J. Schmitt* 830 971 802--2603 156-- 482 135-- 482! His 178-- 514 | Hur$ky was held to a meagre four 161-- 561 baskets with Anderson, the hot shot, getting llot a one, though he did collix t seven free throws to help swell the, Huntley total. Huntley was clearly hard pressed throughout and couldn't 172-- 564 156 139 146 169 152 1ST m 174 169" 178 169-- 462 146--- 467 175-- 49r> 169»-- 507 15S-- 48S SUMMER RESIDENT' fcter The Plaindealer has just been infoitned that Oscar W. Brecher passed away at his home in Chicago on Jan 5. Mr. Brecher and family were summer residents at Chapel Ilill for more than .twenty-five .years. WILLIAM DUNNE, 68, DIES AT HARTLAND William Dunne, 68 years old, died at Hartland Tuesday morning, Feb. 6. Funeral services were-held at jSt. Patrick's church at 9 o'clock this Thursday morning with burial in St. Pat- Tick's cemetery. Mr. Dunne was a former resident of this vicinity,Jiyitig west of McHenry on Route 20 in his little house for several years. 762* 840 817--2419 There Were several strange points j^' BICKLEItS--- >bout both the hfeavy and lightweight jBeavis* ...\<,;..v.w.162'162. games at Huntley. Both McHenry fM. Schmitt ........ 167 144 teams led by four points, at the half CoValt ................ 205' 190 245-^ 640 and both won by two points, None of .Hughes 172 172 172-- 516 j Mcljeiiry 162 141 486 452 lightweights Won ^8 It ,.4 Results Last Week Heavyweights McHenry 20--Huntley 18 Hebron 38--Fox I>ako"20 Lightweights* Hebron 26--Fox Lake'5 McHenry 22--Huntley 20 The Little Conference holds their Hebron. . McHenry Richmond Lost 0 t1 3 7 . -6 6 i Marengo and McHienry can cop witiv* out tipping the dope bucket Is a lo9 precarious an angle. ; Hebron and McHenry drew byes fo insure their appearance in the semifinals Friday night. Marengo plays Fox Lake and should win as should Huntley over Richmond. • Those two games will fill the Thursday night program. Friday night Hebron plays Marengo, if the latter does emerge victorious, and McHenry faces Huntley, the team they defeated on their home floor last Friday night. However, Huntley is no longer coachless as their old idol, Howard Flanches, is back in the harness, with reservations of .course, as he has not yet fully recovered from his recent operation. His presence alone will improve the Huntley machine by ten points and they should go through-to the finals, v ' Hebron already holds a'Victory over MJarengo and the latter's floor so it Seems they should take the Bunmen penetrate the big defense vnt*i any ifiirst" annual basketball .. tournament (."at Hebron and they will nrobabTv T^,f^!this week at Hebron with the games ^ F probably REMEMBER BERNARD J. JURON 86-6 APRIL 10th MARION'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Phone 117-J Marion Krause, Prop. McHenry, I1L Guaranteed Reconditioning Oil Permanent Wave, $5*00 Combination of Spiral and Croquignole Wind. Complete with Shampoo and Finger Wave. * Service of Shampoo and Finger Wave, 50c Special $3.00 Permanent. Combination of Spiral and Croquignole Wind, complete with Shampoo and Finger Wave " ANNOUNCEMENT I wish to announce the opening of My ^ BARBER SHOP --in the-- MARSHALL BAKERY BUILDING ON GREEN i:;-- V;:_ ; OH ' •' FRIDAY, FEB. 9 All old and new patronage will be appreciated HOWARD E. CULVER ^ ST. •I FISH FRY-Friday Night Feb. 9 AUTO INN BREWERY CORNER, McHENRlf ' r EVERYBODY LIKES BONELESS PERCH - That's just what we are going to serve you Friday Night NEXT SATURDAY FEBRUARY 10 THE PIT Will Start a New Season Under the Management of > HAROLD MILLER • --with -- Chop Suey and Good Music Free to All Patrdfis On Route 20 East of McHenry, 5^ ** On display in our showroom with many features. Lowest priced car with individnal wheel springing, floating power and hydraulic brakes. __ J. W. Schaffer MOTOR SALES Peart Street McHenry, III. the four teams playing in the two games scored a basket during tha third period. Each of the heavyweight teams had sixteen free throws and together they male half of them, Huntley sinking ten and McHenry six. McHenry Lights fell one short by only missing nine. Bidder 180 212 895 880 FORESTER LEAGUE TfeAff NO.-3-- C. Stilling H. Schaefer ... H. Steffes From the number of free throws Huppy Smith McHenry nVissed at Huntley it sounds like their motto is "Free throws are made to be missed." It's just too bad they can't sink them like Orr can as . he's a crack shot from the dead line.; k®0 Heimer And they'll need to make every point '.^on^?y count if they expect to win a gajnej"* &imon •• at the Little Conference tourney. j 198 121 168 202 137 171 149 202 throw* mfejP mom than half ^e; startin? Thursda ni^llt and rUTin;n? uOI!L « thejrnmsed six, while Mc- through Saturday night at which time Hen|» Managed to s»nk but a lowly, the finaIs ^ pla ^ : si < OTvt of sixteen. Of the four bas- i - t ^ kc*. s fcomi by Huntley but one came Huntley wife the early favorite to hi tfcfe 1lH?t.half and the third^^ qjiiarteT;coR ^e <?vent wi't-h Hebroti ranking a yielded nary a. one. \ ? J close' second due to the .games' beiri^c K^fer,, Huntley center, left the game on home floor, but sin(;e "with fcxix pei-sonals late in the game- , . ^-oun^y Champs nave dropped ill so used one substitute, e'V 1.Jafi; eramos Crystal Lake 204--v 605 ] Kinsey getting in for Duker and cor- and McHenry it makes the event open ailing a mucb-needed basket late in c°mers. Comparative scores 924--2690 i the game. mean little in elimination tourna- Kinsala started the scoring with a wnjw^nttn^ u basket, but A«lm« sunk a pair of :t,am3 Huntley, Hebron, free throws to even the score. Ell's I 'basket put- Huntley in the lead for the ' only/time 'until they passed McHenry., 132-- 467 157_ 449 172-- 489 193-- 597 689 659 664--2002 meet Huntley in a great game in the finals. Early in the year Hebron held a 1,0-1 lead'over Huntley at the end of the first quarter-but Huntley pulled out to wjih by two points. It &tirev. does look like a great toqrnament Mid . should bfe well attended by fans from $11 over the county. .-v. - , . CARD OF THANKS . The McHenry Emergency R-elief association desires to . thank everyone who assisted in the sports" night, the proceeds of which went for charity. ATTENTION FRIENDS 1K./7 late in the la,t period. Vyoit.i; Qn T„es(lay ewninft Feb.13, we are,giving a benefit Card Party TEAM NO. • Peter Freund 164 144 166 i57 187 131 178 175 144-- 496 1&&_ -431 154-- 498 177-r- 509 -- , . TKAM NO. 1-- Always a plugger when playing 166 baseball back in the kid diays, whenpfannonsti]L ..143 the big rivals used to be the Paulisr w -r- Choristers, Schmaltz Miller is still Smith ...I.'. 200 plugging away. Now he's plugging his spare time into building up business at "The Pit," where he announces a new deal is in effect- 631 671 *£31--1933 160 132 208 174 159-- 485 166-- 441 183-- 575 JK-ored on a foul and Kinsala got his second basket to give ^McHenry the lead at 5-3 in the first period. Tonyan and then Kramer entered the scoring column to start the seconB quarter. Ell scored the only other point of the period on a free throw, and Dance at Amaiw's hall, Round Lake, for. the benefit of St. Joseph's Cliureli. Sixteen prizes will be given away. Good Music--Nice Lunch. Sponsored by the following families: Mr: and Mrs. G-. B.^Kenehan, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zomley, Mr. whiie Evvert, Tonyan and ' Kinsala i lind Mrs Poter-Mvor, Sr. and Mrs. George Wicks, Mr. and Mrs. missed attempts. The score stood 9-51 7 o » at the half. jlrank Dolplier, Mr. and Mrs. George Pfannenstill, Mrs. Geor£o Not a basket was made by either^^jFincutter, Emie Rosing. • . , * , side in the third quarter, but Kinsala I scored a pair of free throws andl jgg 529jsank one of two tries to give, McHenry a 12-5 lead, the widest mar- 693 TEAM NO* 2--• A1 Jitsten 182 , p. P. Freund 179 This Bob Fneshnger seems to be | |j ^ the world's .newest sensation on Ge«. juxten 204 skates. So far this season Bob ha® raced in twelve events, set six new world's records, tied another and won all of his starts. He is in the inters mediate division which is restricted to 712 658 674* 663 2030 *ranu'- before Huntley made j three to clip their lead to 12-9 at the 153_ 509 i quarter ,mark. 148-- ,4721 And then came the ball game! Lit- 204 520 tie Aulabagh pepped up hast mates 169-- 543 with Huntley's second basket and the three free throws by Anderson put 671 2011, Huntley in the running. Kinsey sank a'basket to give McHenry a one-count lead and Tonyan doubled it with a Boncosky score*! hi?- first points with a basket to again tie the 174 145* 169 170 GIRL SCOUT EDITION , Mrs. George Stilling, Mrs Durland's jfree throw. those under 18 years old and yet he ac^j^t&nt, acted as Scout 4veader dur-j j bettered the time madt; in the senior jn(, ia^er»s absence. And Mrs.! fount and then Kinsala sank a field j division of the mile race at the Sta-: stilling, certainly, filled her mission dium last Friday night by more than J WpU Why with the help of our Sec. twelve seconds. Maybe a few of the ; on<l-ciass Scouts, Louise Stilling and pro® could^take a peek or two to their Audrey Rothermel, a visitor would advantage." v t [never notice that the usual order of - j the meeting had been disrupted. I Speaking or skating, last Sonflay, muSl^ give the Scouts credit for the afternoon was ideal for those willing co-operation they displayed in care to and can glide about on t e ^ ^0jn^ their part to make the meetinqr ice. The river had the biggest group a p,easant time interesting game of skaters that it has had in several pjayjnfr wasn't the only thing done at years. Beginners were also out '"'the meeting either. Oh my, no! In ; abundance, though «>ft spots in the fact several of the Riris had the hap. ice 'were blamed for a lot of the spi pinees of knowing that they had sue- | and near spills that served to oamnen i c^gfuUy paswd their signalling. And I the ardor of some bf the enthusiasts, j as s i s r n anin? is one of the most dif-i I , ~ j f i c u l t r e q u i r e m e n t s , t o b e p a s s e d b y ! g a m e t o a c o u n t y t e a m , l o s i n g . t o ' The night after the Chicago | the would-be Second-class Scouts, they' Crvstal lAke by a four-point margin. i dium was packed by a crowd witness^ a j0t of credit. j McHenrv is the first school belonging ing the annual skating carnival and 0f Mrs. Durland's absence,jto the Little Conference to accomplish indoor championships, another mob of the uestjon was postponefl un_ ,4ilis and they thereby dropped 17,000 .gathered m the same place to tjl next me<?ting i'm veTy anxious to 'Huntley from their 1.000 mark. " goal only to have Stading come thro with a basket after Ewert had been ( joeted on fouls. With the score tied at 17 all, this f«me Stading contributed a free throw that looked miehty big with but minutes to go. Then Tonyan got his. third' free throw to tie the score and Kramer came through^ with the all important basket just be-' fore the final gun. Huntley has been playing without the guidance of their coach, Howard Flancher, who has been confined to the hospital following an unexpected operation for appendicitis. During this time the boys dropped their first SATURDAY SPECIAL AT BETTY'S AT LILY LAK| TOASTED TURKEY LUNCH, 25c Sandwiches, 15c VALENTINE PARTY, MONDAY, FEB. 12 Cards and Dancing--8 o'clock FISH FRY FRIDAY NIGHT, 10d ' We Can Fix 'em-- •When your car or truck is in need of repairs an experienced mechanic should be the doctor. The case should first be diagnosed properly and then the remedy applied. A doctor cannot always guarantee results. But we do guarantee oyr work to give satisfaction. Let us prove it. SMITH'S GARAGE Phone 320 McHenryElm St. AM Riverside DOT* McH^nrj's Lighw^iglits kept in the' | nim^||^ lor county honors in their j division by taking Huntley in another; w^tch the Chicago Blackhawks in that find out about all the <ietail^ of the most thrilling of all games, hoc ev. pa^-ty So let's hope that nothing hap- Several McHenryites are i-abid fans peng nex Monday. . and those anxious to see ^mos may perhaps, if it snows a little more, breath-taking fracas, 22-20. McHenry be glad to know that the Blackhawks ^g^ily, the Scouts will be able to w-as early doped as a one-sided victor, play at home the next five Thursday jjftve a s]ej£h ride party. j but evidently the old enemy, overnights. There are a'so, S*v I Several comical songs were sung,'confidence, got in its deadly work. Mcday night «ames «cneduled--for th^ p^c^ ^ -pa^ Silk Hat," and a Henry led most of the way, but thf?i near future in case any6ne wants to order tickets,. -. comical song of a "Goose" that added dropped from their vantage point in | spice and interest to the meeting. Just j the lajrt ^uaiterlafter Huntley succeed- j what would we do if we weren't able-^d int ving the score at 18 all. Then And heres some ne^ t|»at_comes ^ break into gonfrs to express our Beckeobautrh sank two of his three; in over the shoestring liner Herman feelin^s, Vm afraid it would ^ a 1 mskets to build a safer lead which I Steffes, one of the outstanding bowl- j atb , ^i^rny world 1"irtlev shaved oriy with a pair of ] er, .f Uu, current Foster schedule, | n„t Monday fr*. Ovrcw,. took on one of the leading bowlers of we will have our leader back again. Won 3-Cushion Title Chicago's north ride on January 28 at yon agTw ^ Scouts, a Chicago recreation ano grave him a ^ MARY ERICKSON sound lacing with a 194 average and high game of 221. Though the stakes war£ well worth his time, Herman derived the most satisfaction from trimming his rival who has rubbed it in on several prior occasions. Herman himself will wonder whence came this welcome news and so do I, at the same time extending my thanks tp an unknown informant. . ' Watch for the advertising relative to the county . basketball league games" that are scheduled to be played j at the McHenry High School gym j every Sunday afternoon for the next j several weeks. Two and sometimes i three game® are played every Sunday | with the girls' team an added attraction at times. . Anyone interested fy, ping ppng should start practice for the County ; Open Championship which will be held at Woodstock's Ping Pong and Paddle club some time within the next month, the date to bfe announced later. You don't have to be gocd to enter if ycu enjoy playing the game, a© the experience you gain is well worth the time expended. They tell it around that George Johnson, Sr., is getting to be quite the shark. Anyone desiring a little practice should just yodel. Quite a rumpus was kicked ap in the Old Timers league when the Bicklers rushed into first place with a neat 2699 Series. Led by Floyd Covalt, with a splendid 640 series, Captain Billy's team whizzed right past the 1 Schaefers, who also totaled over 2600. j Bickler had the only other 600 series | in the league with a OUO count to help bolster his team's count. With a little more support from the weak sisters, it would have been some total. Hebron is the next foe of the Lights and must be taken in order to give McHenry a chance for a tie for th? lead. Hebron holds an early decision over McHenry, but it wasn't at all decisivelaud Coach Orr is his npn for that battle. T Heavyweight# • McHenry 20-- ,; ' ' 8 P F Kramjfk f 0 8 iTony^ i 7;.8 ,': Kinsala, C Wntaij l •'•. 3 rhikeav* - 0 0 0 Kinsey, g. .0" '1 DROP IN AT Joe Friend1* Rathskeller JUSTEN'S HOTEL Saturday Night, Feb. 9 FREE DANCINO--GOOD MUSIC Chicken Dinner 25it MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT JOE FRIEND'S -fr-T sKii «-lC H 18-- rii, ndersd*, f Pwert-, c [ Stading, c ................. i Roncoslcy, g : Aulabaagb, g 7 e 13 B p ,'F ..A A 1 2 n • 1 p**y ' 9 .j} • f . © ' i 4 1 b ...i 0 2 ...1 0 2 Klnrey Matsuyaiua, Japanese billiard star, won the national three-cushion championship !n the New York tournament, and he will meet the former champions in the contest for the world title. Huppy Smith's team seems to be rolling away from all competition! in the Forester circuit and Captain Huppy himself is carrying the brunt of the attack. Hup hit a 597 total last week but the rest of the gang weren't so hot with the result that his team lost ground, b|ft still continue to lead by a safe mar; A bowling team has been picked by Earl Monear to meet a Chicago team at the Palace Alleys next Sunday afternoon. A week from Sunday the first serious acceptance of the challenge issued by Hup and Ed Smith will take place, with Campbell and Bacon attempting to knock the chip off their shoulders in a friendly match of three, five or possibly tea ganvga. ! 4 10 11 I Bv Quartern* . j McHenry 9 12 20 Huntley ...4 6 8 18 Lightweights McHenry, 22-- .zzzzJ i .........1 ..^.....0 Huck, f Beckenbaugh, £ , Meyera, f ^ Baur, f ^^rwerda, ft ...... Freund, o Walkington, g i„ Meyers,.X., g ... Fnehe^ jg ~.r John9^<t,% P 0 & 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 10 12 20 . Fttrd, f ... Witt, f Benson, e Schulz. BIOUJUI 'XxuaiJDK WMMU 'lopftdsg 'Sot8i*i|3 iisntg *qnj, pn aajx GNH3HJ f >13X1VAV i i .1 Of 6 <4 II qs-6 .1 ii oa'9 ii <i 03 9 I, ii OS'S « K qv9 u ii Ol'P « I« SSfdn pire 00'^$ ~ * (-a*H) 13-00 ^88 03"00'9XTS tZSZ'GXTS $rszs^8z 6T"00'fix68 IEOQ-**0S OBOS'fXfig TZ :03ireMOix« vs9[ 'soaud SHIMOQOJ sauix M9U ioj sarrj q^ooras pio asoq^ ui apurj j.nop noi ji iiMop episdn aq ibo ittoA pro nmop appsdn ij p* I r-r-- *">•••

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