day, *Vb. 22,1934 . . ,wi... , ^ _ *HI McHENRY PLAINDEALEBr *.'j . rONES TALKS TO HIGH ^ SCHOOL COACHES . Ftfteten coaches from McHenry and Lake counties enjoyed a meeting of the District High School Coaches j|ronp which is a part of a State wide Organization recently founded for the " fcetter promotion of athletics in the •tate, at a dinner at Jus-ten's hotel on llonday night of this week. Chairman Brown of Waukegan presided at the meeting at which a general discussion of the problems of the coaches took place. Coach Ralph ' Jones of Lake Forere college, former Coach of the world's champion Chicago Bears football team, was the main Speaker of the evening and gave a most interesting and educational heart . to heart talk which embraced specific v "':<3|istances of dealing with the beliger- •nts with whom the coaches are bound come into contact. Coach Jfones has had a world of experience in deal- ^;" 'iihg with lads, y-oung men and older • -v^thletes, having at one time be$n academy coach at Lake Forest, coach ; ;®t Wabash college in Indiana, assist- .. .... ant at the University of Illinois, head Vv..iv'-^joach at I/ake Forest college and coach of the Bears. Truly he is fitted discusfe the coaching situation apd ... its problems if ever a man were. And '.'discuss it he did in such a --manner i. tirnt one hour passed as but a fleeting few minutes. * : Coach Orr of McTTenry is District Secretary and was influential in draw- , iiig the meeting to McHenry, though the coaches from these parts did not turn out as well as was expected due is part to the undesirable weather anil travelling conditions. The n,ext meeting of this group will take place at Waukegan, Friday, Mar. "IfV^t 5 o'clock p. m. just prior to the ;\.-lifcmi-finftls of the sectional championship which will be held in Waukegan for the first time. Never before has it been held north of Joliet. Caitipbell Bacon £L Smith fi. {Smith DOUBLES MATCH 201 235 221 243 265--1165 223 165 200 169 182-- 939 MCHS MEETS HARVARD AT TOURNAMENT Mcfferity will play Harvard in the first round of the District Tournament to be held at Crystal Lake March 7-10 it was disclosed today when the drawings were made public. The time of the games-will be announced next week. A. C. Serfling of Oak Park and M. F. Havlicek of Chicago will be the officials for the meet. Both afe well known in this vicinity and have worked basketball games around here longer than most of us can remember. .. Crystal Lake, the host school, is making every preparation toward the efficient handling of the crowds and the teams. Any suggestion made by anyone having the tnw interest of the tournament at heart will be considered and the various high school principals have been solicited for their suggestions, many of whfch have already been adopted. Four teams were seeded in. the draw and the rest were chosen by mere chance. Thus, Harvard, Dundee, Elgin and Huntley were given the honor positions. McHenry was unfortunate in* a way to/ have drawn one of the seeded teams, but Orr feels elated over it. Seems rather strange, at first thought, but when one considers that Harvard, after playing McHenry for two straight years at Harvard, refused to colhe to McHenry this year, it sounds more plausible that Orr should be overjoyed at hav IBACON'S STRIP Vl By "ZEKE" BACON That bowling match turned out to be more than just an ordinary; doubles competition with Campbell putting on the big show for the boys who were wise enough to spend the afternoon at the Palace. Gordon C. just toppled those pins for the towering av- McHENRY TEAMS CLINCH 2ND PLACE IN CIRCUIT There wasn't much of a crowd to watch a couple of teams clinch a couple of places in the Little Conference race last Friday night at the Hebron- McHenry game but there were k pair of games that k£pt those in ft • tendance on their feet a good share of the time. Hebron's lightweights continued their victory string and took the Orr Lights by virtue of a last quarter rally, 19-15. The teams were tied at erage of 233 for the five games, but nine all at the half and were later even then it was no one-sided match deadlocked at 14-14 but Hebron manas Ed Smith averaged 211 and Huppy | aged to sink a pair of baskets of Smith 193. It sure was one swell j which Lines and Schaet were the scrap all the way and was far from ! authors while McHenry could rustle or more victories tucked away aundsr Mcffl&NRY PING PONGERS GIRL SCOUT EDITION HOLD TRIANGULAR MEET What a surprise was in store fo£ A hastily organized ping pong team the Scouts 'Monday afternoon, Feb. 12, wetifc to Woodstock Jast Friday night (and they merely waited unsuspectingto participate in a triangular meetj ly until suddenly, as if dropping from with th* Woodstock Elks club and a ; a clear sky, a party was presented to Harvard team; The meet was held in them. A valentine party, and a rather the rooms of the Paddle club which j pleasant one, too; even if it was prehas taken over the ' space formerly; pared in a great rush by the excited rented )><- the Wein's Dept. store. It hostesses or , the rtemDers of the first makes an ideal place to enjoy the patrol. sport which was recently acclaimed Two of the exciting gimes played the fastest growing and most enter- were pinning the tail on a donkey taining of all the depression games, and who doesn't enjoy that old fa- Harold Freund, Herman - Kreutzer, < vorite--and guessing e riddles. Also Jim Beavis, Ted Schiessle, Gus Freund ! there was an exciting game of guessand Zeke Bacon were the ones to make Ling cards in which Jane Durlandwas the trip and all came home with two j the proud and lucky winner. being disgraceful to lose. Huppy had a stfell alibi aftcr' thc riiatch was ever. He said he had handled Bacon all right, which he had, but that Ed had fallen dowft when it came to matching Campbell. And after Ed had averaged! 211! That's gratitude. Bttt, of course, • »t was. at! in fun; v"- " - ; c "" . v Ed and Hup still maintained that they'd take on any two local bowlers. Come on, boys, step up and take your shots at these two Smith . boys. They're not brothers and they don't wear beards, but they do put up some pretty tough medicine-- • but a free throw by Peterson. Schultz equalled this with a one-pointer for Hebron to enable them to reach their total of 19. A win for McHenry would j youn$f or old. have tied tlebron for first place. 4.x. • U IX nr ,, ,, . The refreshments consisted of two their belts. -More•than that, they ]hot dishes--cupcakes cunningly decto a man declared it the best gameltrated with ^ candv hearts, sandor ^ompe-1 7^ kim,s, cool milk;and someone'^ )us€ "taken'oGt of th^ " " * fudge. These deliciously- tempting J water unconscious. Hi gl-ant that most- Was the meeting this Monday ever , full of importance? It was so important that only one game was had because the announcements took up al t the time. When we went to Woodstock on a previous Saturday, we had no yell to give; so some of the evening was passed for learning Scout yells. The Scouts' voices ran*- throughout the hall with "Bom-a Tak-a" and the Boy Scout yell. Next, time we go to some convention, we will have many more cheers for the gang. Artificial respiration took the boys through a very important test. IS The heavyweight game was just.the !'^^aid°nJli^rrSaI^sM2d of. kin». ^ reverse with McHenry putting on tthuei maki._e_s no differenc1e. Yxro^ul. c_.a n• :®K!pr«vi»M5u, i am sure. last quarter show to emerge victor- j always find Someone of just about the? Oh, yes! I certainly ndt forca\ ise„ they followed dilutions in i?odd manner. Stiff .eBwvs, pressing lous. Orr's lads scored 14 points in 1 same calibre as yourself, as good as announce that we have- nrtother.'n. for^Tu d and up, and r. good posithe last eight minutes which was two jyou are or as bad a.* you are. and im- Scout now, Shirley Smith, who ; are just a few of things the"- rhore that they had counted in the first tw-enty-four minutes of action. Figure that cut on youf slide rule. Hebron led at the end of the first quarter., 6-3 and still helifl the advahmedfatefv a match 'is fomied. that is ^ i"^sted ? " tend-rfoot. 6irl! bt ys had to contend with while prao- well worth while, I Scout Mondtoy" af^te rnoon ; ticmg. Here's a hint. Look over all- Mclienn- fortunate enough to 1 ®ar ^ ,n the near future the annex enough victories to return! secon<* patro1 13 «omg to give a mas- ^ . . . . a .home tied for first^^place honors with j J°r the other two patage at the intermission by a 12-10 the Harvard team with the Woodstock itrols- As what the third $&tr(A is margin. And then the fun began Kramer and Linsey made free throws to tie up the score. Spooner, then Palmer and then Smith did likewise The McHenry ping pongers that and Hlebron again had their three • , , . £ 1 . . | w e n t t o W o o d s t o c k t o p l a y i n t h a t j p 0 ; n t r n a i - g i n a t t h e t h i r d q u a r t e r t e r - mg the opportunity of finding out . triangular match with Harvard and j nnnati0n. " * ' the Woodstock Elks club surely had one very enjoyable evening. The local entry was very fortunate in tying Harvard for first place but it gave them the taste of victory and try and stop them from entering eyery meet they get a chance to nose in on from just what makes Harvard too proud to stoop to the level of McHenry. .Yes, it should be a great game. The remainder of the drawings appear below: Harvard 424 400 421 412 447--2104 189 234 177 170 194-- 964 220 215 225 199 194--1053 409 449 402 369 388--2017 Campbell Bacon fl. Smith IS. Smith St 37 20 17 29 Sp 13 f 20 E 1 6 3 4 Ave 233 188 193 211 (St, Strikes; Sp, Spares; E, Errors; Railroads). LEAGUE STANDING Oldtimers--Schaefers, 12,789; Bicklers, 12,762; Grangers, 12,724; Barbians, 12,114. REMEMBER BERNARD J. JITRON - 35-6 APRIL 10th McHenry Crystal Lake Woodstock ............. • ' ' ft. Richmond Arlington Height# Dundee Hampshire ........... Barrin^ton ............ Elgin Plato Center ......... Hebron Palatine Huntley 1. "."i Plaindealers for sale at Bolger's. Betty's Lily Lake Feb. 24 Frankie Gans' Orchestra playing at our special Turkey Dinner 25^ SUNDAY FEB. 25 8:30 P. M. Why not something different to chase away that dull Sunday evening? Luncheon Euchre and 500 will be played here A prize to a table. Admission 25c SECOND GRAND PRIZE -- al the -- GRAYSLAKE HOTEL -- Saturday, Dine and Dance Cedric Hansen and bis Nite Owl Orchestra 24th Dancing and Chicken Dinner, Saturday, 25c Costume Prizes--Fish Fry Fiday Night--Adm. Men, 25c; Ladies 15c. Adding jmachine %oll§ for sale At the Plaindealer There will be a carload of Iowa Draft Horses at Solon Mills the first of the week. These horses are well broken and fresh from the country. Come and have a look, ED VOGEL FISH FRY-Friday Night Feb. 23 AUTO INN " BEEWEEY CORNER, McHENRY EVERYBODY LIKES BABY PIKE That's just what we are going to serve you Friday Night Kinsey scored from the field and then Kinsala sank his third basket to put McHenry in the lead for the. first time. This tasted pretty good so Kreutzer, who had taken Tonyan's place when the latter was forced out of the game on fouls, sank & free now on. Ted Schiessle, Herman Bear throw and then a basket before Hethe. Second Class First Aid before yoa( cotrte to the Patrol meeting. Here'4 the only gam£ &' the meeting. The boys had to take the basket !" Kreutzer, Harold Freund, Jim Beavis and Gus Freund went along and all of them just hated to leave. bron could enter the scoring again, with a free throw by Redline. Baskets | Schaefer by Kramer and Kinsaia put McHenry out in front 23-16 but Cornue counterHearing about the success enjoyed ed with three points for Hebron to reby the McHenryo cntingent the Pub- j duce the lead to three points again lie Service team from Crystal Lake Kinsey scored again for McHenry as has already sent up a challenge for did Redline for Hebron and the game McHenry. The Public Service squad ended just as Kramer sank a final Elk« not far behind. , . , » Tfr-Br _ . . , , , , ! quite a mystery, but I am sure it will McHertrys team already has been ^ sojnething equaily interesting and lmnted to participate m a match at Crystal 3>ake. Anyone interested ] ., ,, .. , " shoilld g<?t in touch with Gus Freund ^ mee ng of February 19 Mrs. or Herman Kreutzer and they'll see to ^ ®*ir caPt®m' was a^B'n it th*t a chance to make the team is an^ Mrs- Stilling again proved printed. Come on McHenry, let's'JP ^ thf caPab,e assistant leader, go ping pong and keep up with the . nng the mCeting several interestrest of the teams. tmg pames wore played, among which . ' • - >^as that exciting old standby, relay-' racing. It was really comical the way jthe girls tumbled around in vain at- 101 ..a ' tempts to hop on one foot backwards .2? I and forwards. Don't forget to come to the next meeting, Scouts, because we want to jgj dig right into our second and first class work and we could hardly do that if you forget to come- , MARY ERICKSON. to sponsor, well,, up to date, that is hall and bounce it on two benches and OLD TIMERS LEAGUE Schaefers--i Johnson Wattles Sutton J. Schaefer 235 157 167 177 173 187 157 136 124 165 157-- 471 142-- 445 182-- 483 909 769 793--2471 has a three-table club located above the old Public Service offices and boast two very reliable players in Washo and Wiltberger. Sure McHenry accepts the challenge and now all that has to be settled is the date. free throw to make McHenry certain of second place, in the Little Conference Heavyweight division. McHenry's seniors will play their final home game against Fox Lake on Friday night in the last game of the 1933-34 season, with the exception of the tournaments. Coach Orr has Grangers-r- Karla Kreuad - AdanM Meyers Granftig,:-V Bicklers-- Beavis M. Schmitt 173 163 188 153 150 146 162 177 190 188 171-- 490 180-- 503 179-- 170-- 51^ 176-- 514 then make a basket followed by hin. coming to end of the line and passinjr forward. Some of the Scoots fairly flew over thie benches aiid made the basket, while others .had to start again and again. If you don't think the gang had fun just aisk one! Lately more and more boys are joining the Scouts. That's the spirit and remember "Huntley Log Cabin" is due. Mr. Althoff, chairman of the local Boy Scout Board,-visited the meeting and made a fine address to the troop We're always glad to have anyone visit us and watch our progress, because it makes us prouder and make?; us stick out our chest when at attention. See you Scouts Saturday. SCOUT HAROLD TAXMAN. ,827 863 876--2566 The coaches' meeting for the Lake- McHenry county district, one of the j Promised the Seniors that the gam-? j Covalt forty-two districts in the state of the] will he theirs to win so Kreutzer and J Hughes newiy organized athletic instructors,! Ton van will pair at forwards with Bickler was held at the Justen hotel Monday j Kinsala at center and Duker and Kinnight and was very successful, nctjpey at guard. M^arvin Meyers will also from the point of attendance as it see action. Turn out and give the was a cold, disagreeable night, but boys a good sendoff for the District from the point of good fellowship. Coach Ralph Jones of Lake Forest College, former coach of the Chicago Bears, world's championship football squad, was the high light of the evening and caused more than an hour to ] fly with a most interesting discus-1 Kramer, f . sion of the problems that come up 1 Kinsala, c before a coach in his daily routine.! Kinsey, g Coach Jones has had to face many of j Vycital, these in his career and related many I Duker, g interesting anecdotes of his treatments for them, both hard and soft. A very interesting man, this Coach Jones, with a world of personality and every bit of it sincere. Tournament which takes Crystal Lake March 7-10. Heavyweights McHenry, 26 ; Tonyan, f Kreutzer, f place at 167 146 159 153 152 154 176 159 136 187 187-- 508 191-- 513 159-- 477 156-- 445 170-- 509 777 812 863--2452 l.l 0 ...l .1 3 2 ..4 1 1 ...2 0 2 ..1 1 . 4 ,0 0 0 Barbiaxu-- Sayler J. Schmitt Goodell Perkins Barbian The Three Little Pigs will be at THE PIT NEXT SATURDAY NIGHT, FEBRUARY 24* 1934 ' In the form of a Delicious ROAST PORK DINNER 15c Orchestra -- All Your Favorite Mixed Drinftfc A Grand Time For All - 170 150 147 159. 144 178 164 167 183 181 160^ 616 lf>6-- 470 168-- 482 191-- 533 164-- 489 championship of the Little Conference in that division by socking the McHenry Lights, their closest rivals, in a nip and tuck game last Friday right, 19-15. The defeat left McHenry firmly entrenched in second place. : - ?ossing a firm hold on second place as a result of their victory over the Hebron Heavies*. Hebron handed Mo Henry a severe drubbing in the consolation game of the Little Conference Tournament, but Coach Orr was re solved that the game last Friday night would be different and it was. "As I said before" when Orr points his team they're pointed. And that's just what he'fi {going 'Jo do for Harvard when his boys meet that team in the first round of the | District tournament at Crystal Lake the second week in March. Harvard refused to come to McHenry this year after McHenry had played at Harvard two successive seasons and that fact has sort of rankled Orr ever since- Wouldn't a victory over the champs of the Big Four bQ mighty .sweet, or even a moral victory? | Hebron* 21-- 10 fl 14 Cornue, f ..4 • \i:-* 1 Smtih, f ....^.;l. s 4 Redline. f 0 1 Palmer, c ...............w.,; 1 1 a Spooner, g ...... .........o / 1 2 .Emerson, g ..0 0 4 Peterson, g ............... ...o 0 0 ' • 7 7 12 Lightweights McHenry, 15-- F. Meyers, f .~..;..l 0 1 Johnson, f • 0 0 Beckenbaugh, f ......... 0 8 M. Meyers, e 1 2 2 Peterson, g 2 , 2 1 Walkington, 0 ;..:o ; 3 , Perwerda,g ...0 i 5 5 li Hebron, 19-- Lines, f .........2 2 3 Palmer, f 2 1 1 Fuller, c ...1 0 4 Schultjf, 'C ...0 1 0 Schach^1 g .........1 1 0 J Montgomenr, g •••• 0 2 • 0 Take notice, please, that the games at the high school Friday1 night begin at 8 o'clock. Fox Lake will be the piests of the local high whool teams in the last game of the regular schedule. Orr has turned the game over 778 873 839--2490 FORESTER LEAGUE Q. 1-- A. PfaMenstil 138 138 138-- 414 Hank Schaefer 200 178 178-- 556 Ed Thennes 160 159 160-- 479 Ed Smith 192 185 175-- 552 690 660 651--2001 Team No. 2 -- Al Justen G. P. Freund H. Weber Geo. Justen 154 138 230 182 162 151 130 118 ) 183-- 449 173-- 462 200-- 5<K>! 223-- 5731 We Can Fix 'em- When your car or truck is in need of repairs an experienced mechanic should be the doctor. The case should first be diagnosed properly and then the remedy applied. A doctor cannot always guarantee results. But we do guarantee our work to give satisfaction. Let us prove it. SMITH'S GARAGE Phone S20 McHenry Elm St and Riverside Drift 704 611 729--2044 3K»SH=}G5=0l Team No. P. Freund L. Heimer Ed C*iW«y Herb -aimon Team No. 3-- C. Stilling . Herm Schawl# H. Steffes . H. Smith ' r 158 193 191 173 161 157 137 203 144_ 4G3 f$3-- 533 184-- 51 193-- 50 m 715 658 704--2077 180 137' -182 187 148 167 182- 177 144--. 472.i 166--_470 182-- 540 179--,543 DROP IN AT Joe Friend's Rathskeller JUSTEN'S HOTEL Saturday Night, Feb. 24 FREE DANCING--GOOD MUSIC Chicken Dinner 25C " MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT JOE FRIENDi I 686. 674 671--2031 I1 HOLC Sub-District Office •" Opened * In CWA MAKING PLANS . FOR SCHOOL LUNCH WORK Even though the proposed CWA Project has not been approved as yvt>^ the indications are that it will be approved in the near »Jture. We arc therefore making plans for the School Lunch.#ork?*sinee that is part of the Extension work in the and Home Economics A Sub-District office of the Home J ^ sho»,Id bo started as socn Owners' Lean Corporation was opened-i e\ i « . .. . in Waukegan Monday morning/Wo. R^ants qqal.fications^are Un.- 19, 1934, quarters having been Vf' ^ 0me Ec0n0™'t's Iished in. the banking room of. the Pf "V? ^nn^y; Waukegan State BanK building at 214 H fh1 t0 ^terview ard Washington street. ! , |PT -n . ^ ^ This office will handle all of-the be n,e"ess f ary ^ those with business for the Home Owners' Loarr J® ^ ^al^cat,0"s to register tu Waukegan j C°-opera< ive ° Agricultural Corporation in Lake and McHenry to the Seniors who will be playing I counties. The office will b^ managed caii1" _°mr- pa^1,e' Kinsay. Kin-, by L. Elmer Hulse, a prominent real cyer^i, reutzer, Tonyan and J estate .ar^d mortgage broker, resident fa!L k ii,r7i,0x an.(. ^,ve these boys(qf Lake county for the pnst sixteen - - ; 'HTill also act as a , years, Mr. Hulse advises that the National Re-emplovment Court flt>u?e, Woodstock. Offic ment ^ -tourna-1 wards of one for loans in Lake and McHenry coun- Generally the first indication of a frozen motor, should the operator get i it started, is steaming. The proper TT , , . i ties are on file which have not been £rr« .. „ ansoh 8 Junior high school completed. It i« his intention to put * • tt"! Chain-. forth every effort in giving prompt E?Wn"waldn1i(^ £« -*ek 'n ; attention to thke cases af 4ll is tv +»i • « ° an ^Hehry Coun- new cases as they come in. 5* *,***? chan",ions,hiP.,i«.|- • This is the first Sub-District office hr'c , ' u 38 the coun-j to be established in the State hSJH prospects will be of Illinois outside of the Chicago Dis- , er •n.years to come.- Let's honel trict and it is believed that, by this , °^s can repeat in the Senior arrangement, closer attention can be ^car^.T from now- Con- given to the local cases and better .emulations, Coach HansonJ . (service will result. thousand applications thin? to do, Recording to A. C. Bryan manager of the emergency ro&d service department of the Chicago Motor Club, is to cover the radiator and take the car to the nearest gaVage for thawing out. This procedure often will save the expense of a new radiator and other possible damage. A change has been made in the ar- . divided and subdivided into .districts, mnfrements for the State Finals bas- 'In the local district there will be eight ketball tournament this year as the teams and Joe Regner is seeing to it rumber of sectional tournaments has ! that MrHenry puts a team on the field, been increased from eight to sixteen J providing that he can get the Jirop^r To provide enoutrh teams for the s°c-1 kind of co-operation. Joe purchased ti^nals the two finalists in the dis- an option on a franchise and is now trict tournament vill be sent to the I seeking to get the boys organized so sectionals. This will erive more team* j that McHenry, perfectly capable of tho chance of eoing farther along the'putting a strong team afield, won't be rrmte and will prevent the elimina tion of a goodly number of strong teams early in the race. A new nation-wide soft ball league ^ organised with th« coontry sitting still until it is too late to do anything. Poplar Grove, Harvard, Belvidere, Marengo, Woodstock, Crystal Lake, Walworth and McHenry will constitute this group. More details "STOMACH PAINS SO BAD I COULD HARDLY WORK" Says C. S. Gross. "After taking Dr. Emil's Adla Tablets the pains are goirie and I eat anything." Try Adla treatment on money back guarantee. Thomas P. Bolger, Druggrist. ' s • . . . . . , Dtamoxidl Shaped Like Africa A freak diamond sliaped like the map of Africa, was found In the [ Theunlssen district of South Africa, i by a company operating (n that area. It is a pure white specimen, and Ita greatest length Is about half an inch ind its width three-eighths of an Inch. The thickness Is about the same as that of a quarter. As a diamond its value Is considerable, but aa a freak it 1b considered to be raluable.^ y ou £oobivuj For a REAL GOOD TIRE at a REAL LOW the latest GOODYEAR SPEEDWAY Sttpertwist Cord 5 •<: 30x3!- 4^0-21 J5-19 5,00-20 5.25-21 . .$4. b j „..4.85 _ 5.3u j 5 . 85 . 6.90 • For a^llttle moaej it's our belief this la the most reliable tire you can find. We say that tiecause of the service it's giving ear customers--let us tell you how it's standing up for theni. A real Goodyear, factory guaranteed, packed with value--at a price possible because mote people buy Goodyears than any other tire. Come la* I slxet . 6.00-20hd 9.55 r Prices includl expert mounting on your own wheeba. Prices subject to change without notice WALTER J. FREUND lire and Tnbe Vulcanizing, Battery Charging, Repaiiag, -Phone 294, Weat McHenry, Hbneia m :«& N