Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Mar 1934, p. 8

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Society Notes m; AUXILIARY ENTERTAINS Miss Julia Feffer, district director, Mid her secretary, Mrs. Goodwin, both of Crystal Lake, Mrs. Tressie Kjell^trom, county president^ and Mrs. Conway of Hebron, were quests of honor at the reoru&p meeting of the McHenry unit of the American Le- •vt. :>1 :i; OF I H K N. K. > CRYSTAL LAkE, ILL. 10e .. SA I L K1)A> Lillian Harvey •:&c in AM SUZANNE1' with Gene ltaymond. l^eslie • v . Banks and the I'iccoli Marionettes "I have the admiration of- the world, but I want the love of or man." Added: Popeye the Sailor in "Sock-A-Bye Baby" and News! SUNDAY AND MONDAY . Janet Gay nor Lionel Barrymore ; "CAROLINA" The romance of a girl who didn't "belong," but love helped her shatter tradition! Sun. Mat. 2:45 to 6:00---10c-25c After 6:00 p. m.--10c-30c TUESDAY - 10c SPECIAL J5c "MISS FANE'S BABY IS STOLEN" with Dorothea Wieek Alice Brady and Baby LeRoy Every woman's heart will ache for this anguished mother who can only sit and wait! WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY Fredric March, Miriam Hopkins, George Raft, Helen Mack in "ALL OF ME1* There are two kinds of women, but only One kind of love! gion Auxiliary, Thursday evening in Legion hall. At the close of the meeting interesting talks were given by the county officers on the coming district convention at Downers Grove to be held June 16 and concerning membership. Cards furnished entertainment- for all present with prizes in bridge being awarded to Mrs. Albert Rarbiaii : nd Mrs. Tressie Kjellstr6m and in iive hundred to Mrs. Anna Howard ; nd Mi's. Goodwin. Gifts were pre- >erited."to the visiting officers, Lunch was served with the^ memi^ rs seated at one large .table attractively decorated In St. Patrick's i'ay colons with green dishes, nut cups :rnd -other decorations carrying out the color scheme of green, even to the •centerpiece which was a popular Paddy, with growing -green hair.' ' PHILATHEAS ELECT OFFICERS Mrs. John Mioulder was hostess at the meeting of th© Philathea club held at the home of Mrs. Alby Krug Thursday afternoon. Several finished articles for the summer bazaar were turned in with one member donating six aprons. Interest in this event is increasing and officers of the cltib are much encouraged in the success of the preparations for the coming bazaar. The business of the day was election of officers, with Mrs. Everett Hunter elected as president; Mrs. H. B. Schaefer, vice-president; Mrs. Clarence Douglas, secretary; Mrs. Glen Peterson, treasurer. The" next meeting will be next Thursday afternoon at the home, cf Mrs. Clarence Douglas, with Mrs, Nickels as hostess- . ENTERTAIN AT PARSONAGE Rev. and Mrs. L. H. Brattain entertained friends of the f£. E. church Sunday evening at a pot-luck supper, the affair being planned, so that everyone who desired might have an opportunity to meet and visit with Joe Devadanam, a native of India. The guest was a charming entertainer and talked freely about his native land, answering questions and giving interesting descriptions and points of history. The evening was both a. most instructive and enjoyable one. " LADIES' AID SOCIETY I ' r_-i" ' , '*.r- , The Ladies' Aid society met at the church Thursday afternoon where a short business meeting was held while preparations were in progress for the J Lenten supper. ,It was decided to clean the churclxjttuls. Thursday afternoon inf readiness for the Palm Sunday ^nd Easter services. A committee was appointed . to decorate y the church for these services,;, also. The society will meet next Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. G. Mathews, Waukegan street. This will be guest day and each one is asked to invite or bring a guest. BIRTHS * Mr, and Mrs. Jack Purvey ai*© the parents of a daughter, bom at Mercy hospital. Champaign, on Monday, March 19. She has been- named Patricia.. Both Grandpa, and Grandma Purvey and Grandpa and Grandma Miller are happy over the arrival of their first grandchild., Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wohlert, who reside in the house with Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Adams, Waukegan street, are parents' of a daughter, born March 10- She hag been named Patricia. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nimsgren ' ars parents of a daughter, bom last Thursday at St. ."Thelfes^ > Waukegan, v ' • 'yi ;: \v" SATURDAY ONLY , Zane Grey's . "THE LAST ^ROUNDUP" The West In Song' and . • Story . SUNDAY -- MONDAY J an£t Gay nor . Lionel Barrymore in " '• "CAROLINA" Also Shorts Cont. Sunday After 2:30 : TUESDAY SPECIAL BARGAIN NIGHT James Cagney in "LADY KILLER" Adults 15c Children 10c j WRITES FROM FLORIDA J Friends here have received cards j from Mrs. Jack Walsh, who with "her son, Earl, is enjoying the warmth : and the climate at Miami, Fla. She i writes that Earl is improving in health as he enjoys the warm sunshine in the sunny southland. I Although the sun is bright and springlike in McHenry, the winds are , chilly and the nights cold and the 'possibilities Of a snowstorm are not i yet past, so to our frends in the south | we send greetings and some good ad- ; vice which is, do not be in a hurry j to leave the warm sun and summer ! temperatures for the cold northland. WEEKLY EXCHANGE ITEMS OfJNTERESI TAKEN FROM COLUMNS OF OUR EXCHANGES The Chicago & North Western Railway company will give work to about 100 men laying rails about June 1, it is announced. New rails will be laid on the north bound track from Cary to Ridgefield, a distance of 7% mile^, which work will last about 2% months. About 80 of the men will be taken from the ranks of the unemployed with the remainder Wing those who are experienced and who v^ill be in cliarge of the men. Burglars broke open the door which leads into the Texaco Oil Co. station in Harvard, of which Arthur Krueger is manager, after 1 o'clock Sunday morning, March 11, and carted away the safe, in which there were $50 in mbrtey, recor.ds and accounts of the business enterprise. During Sunday forenoon the safe was found on the roadside west of Schact's corners, seven miles northwest of Hai*vard by David Jones, who reported his find to Mr./Keuger, whose employe, J. Dal- ENTERTAIN AT HIGH SCHOOL j tori, discovered the burglary upon ap- Students of Grant Township high j pearing at the station at 6 a. m. Sunschool visited the local high school day morning. Wednesday forenoon and put on a| The evergreen tree purchased and one-act play. From all .reports the j transplanted at the depot park by the „ WII C~TV,« A Legion in Crystal Lake ' EMPLOYMENT OFFICE CAN FURNISH FARM rfELP The McHenry Connty Reemployment Office, located at Woodstock, Illinois, telephone number 193, has registered two hundred and sixty-two fafm hands. Many of these individuals have had from fifteen to twenty- five years of experience in farm work. R. B. Olson (local manager) will he to arrange to have any of these .viduals come to the office to be iewed by any farmer who may wish to secure a helper, so that there may be a complete understanding beforehand of the nature of the work, wages, etc. McHenry county farmers should make use of this service to supply their needs for spring and summer work. , The McHenry County Reemployment Office makes no charge for this service to either the employer or the porker. lit is here to serve any and all employees for the good of the county. , BEEKEEPERS ASSN. TO Ml He first meeting of the year of th«j MicHenry-Lake Beekeepers AssociM tion, will be held Saturday, Mkreh Stj at Woodstock in the Farm Bureau office, from 1 to 5 p. m. All interested in bees are welcome. rf- THE SAFE WAY •9r. • r.m^i . drama was very well done with some exceptional acting done by the leading characters. The cast will enter e contest with their play. Here's wishing them success. Carroll To Speak - At Study Club GREEN STREET 8Nw»--7 and & ThC foMPl gm McHENRY ILLINOIS Adm. 10-2&C i Friday and Saturday, March 23-24 ROBERT ARMSTRONG -- HELEN MACK , "SON OF KONG" Back to the Isle of King Kong in Search of i Buried Treasure I Added -- "Mickey Mouse Cartoon" M'HENRY CHAPTER, O. E. S. McHenry chapter, O. E. S., will observe past officers' and emblematic night on March 26 with Miss Elsie Vycital and Albert Holly of Qenoa in the east. The Japanese tea will be held on April 19. Members have been Invited to attend Palm Sunday services at the M. E. church and will attend in "a body, meeting at the church. McHenry chapter <nas received an invitation to attend past officers' night at Nunda chapter, Crystal Lake, on April 17. The initial meeting of the Study Club, which is being sponsored by the j Mothers club, was held at the high j school Wednesday evening of last i week, with Mrs. E. M. Phillips of Wordstock speaking on current books of the day. - Mrs. Phillips gave a splendid outline of Sinclair Lewis' new book, "Work of Art," also giving somewhat of a biography of the writer and mentioning some of his other books. She also told of the book, "Oil For the Lamps of China," by Hlobart, and dwelt shortly on a book of a different type, "We M >ve In New Directions.," by Overstreet. The more than twenty women present expressed their interest in the American now an addition to the bcautificationv|last 86611 of the park and business section- For several years, the Legion has purchased a tree and erected it at Christmas time as its part in decorating the city during the holidays. As this is qijite an expense it was decided to purchase a tree and transplant it for permanency. The tree is on the triangular plot near the electric sign. Damage estimated at $1,500 was caused to the farm residence on the property of Mrs. C. E. Herman at Bluff Lake Sunday afternoon of last week when fire originating around a defective chimney threatened to destroy the building. Antioch firemen called to the scene played two lines of water hose upon the fire for nearly an hour before it was extinguished. Knute Olson escaped serious injuries Tuesday evening of last week when his Hudson car was struck by an engine at the crossing on Crystal Lake avenue near the Bowman- Dairy company plant in Crystal Lake. Mr. Olson had been to Chicago to attend ney Charles E. Mason constructed the scene they believe that Kettleman, wishing to avert a scandal arising from the death of the police matron, a divorce, and the fact that he was married, took his revolver and s-hot himself. After being missing since the night of Jan. 22, the body of Peter Go-hrke, 43 years old, of Fox Lake, WM found under the ice at Fox Lake Monday near the Rascoe cottage where he was To YOUR Protect LINOLEUM IS TO USE ,, j JifHf " < Beforeyou put anything onyour Linoleum, see the new chart at our store. It prevents mistakes., Thomas P. Bolger The McHenry Druggist --£ Monday, Tuesday, March 25-26-27 ORES DEL RIO -- GINGER ROGERS . FRED ASTAIRE "FLYING DOWN TO RIO'* 200 Beauties Singing and Dancing on the Wings of I Giant Planes "'Comedy and Short Subjects" Wednesday and Thursday, March 2S-iq GARY COOPER -- FREDRICK MARCH MIRIAN HOPKINS ^DESIGN FOR LIVING" The story df a woman who loved two men and admitted it. i Added -- "March of the Years" ! and "POPEYE" ST. PATRICK'S PARTY The St. Patrick's party sponsored by the Altar and Rosary sodality of St. Patrick's church was held at Stoffel's hall Saturday night and was a big success, as usual. Twenty-seven tables of cards and bunco were in play wtth a prisSe for each table and old and .new dances were enjoyed with music furnished by the Terrace Trio. Earl Conway entertained with a group of Irish song!?. PAST ORACLES MEET Mrs. O. Bratzler of Elgin, district deputy of the Royal Neighbors of America, is to be at the county meeting of the Past Oracles held at Woodstock today. . meeting and appreciation of the in- 1 annual meeting of the Pure Milk teresting talk given by Mrs. Phillips,; ?ssociat5on' He no<;ed an engine standand it appears that the project will t»e ' near the crossing and he stopped, a successful one. ! then proceeded to start across the The second meeting of the Study |tracks when another engine, which he Glub will be held next Wednesday ev-- id,d not see- start«d moving. His car ning, March 28. at 8:15 o'clock, with|wa8 struck in the center and badly Rep. William Carroll of Woodstock; damaged. Mr. Olson escaped with a speaking on "School Legislation." i s'I?nt injury, to one elbow. This will be an open meeting to which 1 A *rass fire that was making rapid the fathers, as well as the mother?-,! headway north of Cross Lake and are invitejl and a large attendance3s menacing the tenant house on the ch« each will be made to cover expenses. Have Your Eyes Tested --BY-- Dr. C. Keller 45 Years* Experience Sundays and Mondays at my Summer Home, Riverside Drive, McHenry, 111. All Work Guaranteed Tel. 211-R SEED EXCHANGE DAY- * Saturday, March'17, was seed exchange day at the Farm Bureau office at Woodstock, as arranged by Clinton Martin, chairman of the Farm Bureau seed committee. Seed exchange day is an attempt to bring farmers who have Surplus seeds to sell in contact with other farmers who need to buy seeds. Each farmer who has speeds to sell should first have tests made by the laboratories at Springfield and samples submitted. In the case of com and small grain, the germination te?x should be made previous to submitting the samples. I Seeds that are locally grown are jaften superior to seeds brought in jfrom a distance, if they have a good ; purity and germination test. \ the invited. A charge of fifteen cents j M&rtin farm was extinguish- 1 ed by firemen at four o'clock last wefck Saturday, and Sunday at three o'clock the _ Antioch fire department was called to Beach Grove where a <rrass fire threatened the Leslie ice house. The cottage of Miss Agnes M. Ramsdell, of 911 Glengyle avenue, Chicago, at Little Silver Lake near Antioch, was burglarized last Friday by thieves who took $300 in silverware, dishes and linen. They broke the hasp on the storm door and then broke the pane of glass in the door to enter, accordine to the report to Sheriff Lester T. Tiffany. Following a dispute with George Niswender, owner of a private sanitarium on Wooster Lake, three people from Woodford, Wis., Sunday, were referred to State's Attorney Charles . E. Mason in an effort to settle their (difficulties. The three were Emil an I (Richard Amelong and Mhfs. A. L.< I Gordee, brothers and sisters. Their sister, Helen, 27 years old, they told , was | employed as a nurse by Niswender | more than a year ago. When sho went therg, they said, she was healthy j normal in every respect. Now, I PERSONALS Mrs^M "k Ms W' f" Blirke, Mrand | Deputy"sheriff' John' D^mid"! Mrs. M. Knox and family, Miss Ellen ' S ONLY ONE WEEK AWAY Easter Cards - Easter Baskets - Easter Candy f. Easter Novelties English Coffee Is this week's special Ice Cream--a famous confection and a famous ice cream combined. You couldn't think of a more perfect dessert for Sunday dinner. LUICK'S ICE CREAM 'V-iS" Ciquors 1 Yottr Easter f MEN'S SUITS Gray Tweeds Basket Weaves Fancy Blue Worsteds $15.00 to $27.50 I Look at your | HAT v i Everyone else does j $2.00'to $4.50 ° The Styles and Shades are ' , different this spring. ,i:;; Dress OXFQRDS v Latest $2.85 tp $5.00 Freurid's • Easter SUIT : WITH VEST Itnicker Pants, Knitted ptdf* . Now $5.50 Men's Dress ; . SHIRTS Solid Colors--Blue, Green, Tan, Slate, White. 1 .. $1.50 to $150 : TIES . Hundreds to select from 35c to $1.00 Maki Street. West McHenry r Doherty, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh and family, J. B. Kelter and E. F. Kelter,, attended the funeral of Mrs. Frank Sullivan at River Forest, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Freui/d of Utica visited here Wednesday. Mrs. William Krumpen of Richmond, recently injured in an automobile accident, was taken last week to Sherman hospital, Elgin. She suffered a broken arm as a result'of being thrown in the car when a tire blew out. Mr. and Mrs. George Scott and daughter Mary, Mrs. Mary Harris, and they charge, her health is broken and j she fails to respond to their sugges- i tions in a normal manner. They went j there last Sunday afternoon, they told I DeSmidt, to get he* to < return to \ Woodford and live with, her sister. \ During their talk with her, which they I said was unsatisfactory because sho ! seems changed. Niswender approached j and remarked that if she wished to re- j main at the sanitarium it was hev ! business as she was more than 21 years of age. He then ordered them, Mrs. Ella Cady and Mrs. Bert Harris i oi*t. the brothers and sisters told Dt of Wauconde, visited in Richmond and McHenry Wednesday of last week. fcWA TO The Civil discontinued March 31, BE DISCONTINUED Works program will be in McHenry county on according to John T. O'Brien, chairman of the McHenry County Emergency Relief committee. After this date, necessary care will be provided to those eligible to receive unemployment relief and will be administered by the county committee as agent for the Illinois Emergency Relief commission. Work relief will supplant direct relief as far as possible and wherever possible relief clients will be given the opportunity to earn the amount of their relief needs by productive work at prevailing wage rates. NOTICE . . / Notice is hereby given by the License Committee of the Board of Sup- ! ervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, | to all Tavern keepers in said County I operating outside the corporate limits ! of any city or village, that the said ! committee „<Svill be in session at th^ ! Court House in the city of Woodstock, j Illinois, on the 28th day of March, A- , ; I>, 1934, at ten o'clock A. M., for the hospital last Thursday, purpose of receiving and approving "" ' - applications for County Alcoholic Liquor Licenseg^ t Please take notice and be present at "that time if you desire to operate. Certified Montana Alfalfa Seed. Purity 99.60. $19 per 100 lbs., at McHenry Co. JFarjWjW Co-op Awn. Phone2k <3 Smidt. They did not go immediately and he left the room ancl returned armedf with a, revolver, forcing them out, thev told the deputy; Two Milwaukeeans, a husband and wife, were crushed to death la?t Sunday night, and thirteen oth^-r net-sons Were injured when a Greyhound bus bound for Milwaukee collided with a touring car, plunging both machines into an eightfoot ditch at Waukegan road and Route 22 west of Highwood. Lawson D. Parker, an Armpur company salesman, and his wife. Oliedene. of Milwaukee, were fatally injured as th« big bus tonoled over on their small machine. The Parker car was heading west on Route 22 and failed to stop at Waukegan road, witnesses said.. Parker swung his car northward in an effort to cut ahead of the Grevhound bus. Then William Max on. of Belvidere, the bus driver swerved on the roadwnv but the front wheels of both machines locked and sent them into the ditch, the big bus on top of the small touring car. Paul W. Kettlemann, 38 years oi l, a Milwaukee policeman, was a snirlde in the opinion of a corner's jury that hqld an inoue^t at the St. The>> - Kettlemann, the jury .concluded, took his life after he wrecked his cp.r on Telegraph road near Belvidere road on the morning of March 15. He got out of his car and sow the bodv of his companion, Mrs. Lillian Ehlebracht, 37 years old and n Milwaukee police matron, stretch^) on the ground as ip death. As Corondr J. L. Taylor and State's Attor- We Carry a Complete Line of Domestic and Imported Liquors BOTTLED IN BOND WHISKIES BRANDIES WHISKEY BLENDS WINES OF ALL KINDS VERMUTH AND GINS Week-end Liquor Special -- $1.50 Ridgewood Whiskey 98c 5c 5c 5c 5c 5c FOR ONE OF THOSE Friday 40d Saturday; March 23 and 24 Have you been reading our ads on Shed-Water Linoleum? Lacquers -- Varnishes and Wax WE HEARTILY RECOMMEND TPESE PRODUCTS SEE OUR WINDOW Circulating Library NEW BOOKS EVBJHT WEJIC ^ fc a day For the Little Girlf Again; this year, w© are giving to the little girls who present this coupon, Friday or Sat- Orday, a set of jacks and ball, FREE V J

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