. ». v-',* ' "V V* :r-' ""s . v " 4 • i f t ' i ; . , . - • . • '->>? Vv. $~']r-'>•* *. "?•' v.;: o,. ..» 4 »>•*&*/" • ApriI5.1»34 ^ i TAIN AT TEA of the high school and school are entertaining the g*a of the Mother's Club at tea Ut the high school this, Thursday, afternoon. MRS. MOODY AT HARVARD C. D. OF A. TO MEET The regular business meeting of the Catholic Daughters of America will N? held Monday evening, April 9. The officers are hoping for a good attendance as it will be decided at this meeting whether or not a change in fhe meeting night will be made- , of Elgin, died at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Palmes at Harvard, Tuesday evening, after a lingering illness. H&r father, Martin Palme*, is a former resident of McHenry. Surviving her are her parents, her husband and three children. ' Funeral services were held at Harvard at 10 o'clock this (Thursday) morning with burial at Elgin. • J;' m Qlaire Beauty Shoppe Shoppe Phone 145-R McHenry, 111. Res. Phone 208-R We Have Moved Two (2) Doors North of Our Old Shoppe SPEdA^TMON. TUES. WED., PERMANEfcTS $1.75 • ' C o p m p l e t e ) ; U - ; • Children 's Pennnjietit s, com pi lind Permanent s» : .... 85c Finger Waves " S":.v --ALSOa-. Ouai-antoediP^rpiAiien• t• s• •, c• o•m• p lefe;' - 4 (Croquignote - Spiral /'C All other types of work done for Marcel^ 25c j^.OOfe$6JOO Hon) each 35c 50c We Service All Permanents With a Shampoo,'Rinse and Finger Waw ........ Oil ShamjH)o and Finirer Wavcf 50c 65c Three Operators at Your Convenience This Shoppe has been noted for its guarantee and. good workmanship. We aim to please all. - •. try us. BACKWARD PARTY of Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A., enjoyed a "Backward Party" in Woodman hall, Tuesday evening. Everything was backward from the attire of the members, who were dressed backwards, to the lunch, which was served backwards, and the evening was full of amusing incidents. Following a short business meeting, cards were enjoyed with the pristin bridge going to Mrs- Fred C. Schroewer, in five Hundred to Mrs. John Freund and in pinochle to Mrs. R. Waterstraat. One new member Final plans were made for the roast beef dinner which will be served Thursday afternoon, April 12. The committed has planned a fine menu ofroast beef and other good things and are planning on a large crowd at this dinner. They, invite the, general public attend. ; ' . r ---: i '* * ' MOTHERS CLUB POSTPONED The regular meeting of the Mothers Club to be held at the home of Mrs. P. M, Justen, with Mrs. E. E. Bassett as assistant hostess, has been postponed until April 20. On April 13, which is Arbor Day, there will be a program in connection with the schools and trees will be planted. - A program of this event will appear next week- The meeting of the Study Club has. also been postponed from April 11 to April 18, when M!rs. Phillips of Woodtock will again be present to review i book. SOCIAL WHEEL The Social Wheejhvwill meet next Thursday afternoon in the Universal ist church parlors. A pot-luck lunch will be served. AMONG TUB SICK Mr^. Lester Sherman and children are quarantined with scarlet fever, the little boy being ill with it. Lester Page underwent an operation for appendicitis at St. Theresa's hospital, Waukegan, Tuesday. John Schaefer, son of Mr. and Mae.. Peter M. Schaefer, was taken to St Theresa's hospital, Waukegan, Tuesday evening. His condition is reported good. Clarence Stilling was operated on at St. Theresa's hospital, Waukegan, Wednesday of last week for appendicitis. His condition is reported favorable. Nick Miller of Volo underwent an operation at St. Theresa's hospital, Waukegan, Sunday. Good reports for an. early recovery have been .received- CANTOR GIVES LESSON Those who listen to Eddie Cantor over the radio every Sunday night usually receive some good sound advice given by Eddie who can become serious as suddenly as he can send his listeners into peals of laughter. On Sunday night Cantor gave a litjtle lesson on "Neighbors," explaining that we should all be neighbors and that it was the quarrels of neighbors that started wars. He wished that he might inaugurate a neighbor's day when everyone might get acquainted. "For," said Cantor, "the first thing that happens to *a banana when it leaves the bunch, it gets skinned." Many saw Cantor at the Empire theatre Sunctay night, also, in "Roman Scandals." FREE DANCE! at the PAVILION-SAT. EVE, Apr. McHenry, III. Sponsored by friends of THOS. BOLGER Democratic Candidate for the State Legislature ' L* ' 5 1 - * OLD AND NEW DANCES - - EVERYBODY WELCOME HOUSE WARMING A house warming was sponsored by friends of Mirs. Ratherine Schmitt, Sunday evening, who a short time ago moved out from Chicago and is making her home with her brother, Aug. Kunz. Cards were In progress and those awarded prizes were: First prize, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Simons; second prize went to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kunz; third to Roy Smith. A delicious lunch was served after the cards. Those that made up the happy [gathering were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Simons, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kunz, Aug- Kunz, Mrs. Katherine Schmitt Mid daughter Katherine Kunz. BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs. Lester Bacon entertained several of her friends at her home Wednesday evening, March 28, in observance of her birthday anniversary Two tables of five hundred, two of bridge and one of bunco were in play, | and prizes were awarded at each table. Prize winners were Mrs. H, B. Schaefer, Mrs. Henry Vogel, Mrs. Howard Culver, Mrs. Clinton Martin, Mrs. Felmeten, Lois Bacon, Mrs. Do we, Mrs L. V. Adams, Mrs. L. J. McCracken and Mrs. Everett Hunter, Jr. Luncheon was served and many pretty gifts were received. Lolger's Weekly Drug Sale Friday and Saturday - April 6 and 7 $1.50 LEES GERMOZONE Sale Price 98^ 60c SYRUP OF FIGS Special 42 & 50c Chocolate Ex-Lax 33^ 60c Pint Witch Hazel 39<^ 25c Bauer & Black Baby Talc 11^ $1.00 St. Regis Watches .......03it 75c Dextri Maltose ~ 56d 85c Krushen Salts 25c Eaempfer's Bird Seed X7<^ 4 oz. Cascara Aromatic. ...... 29 <b 50c Zip Depilatory 33^ Gallon Mineral Oil .$2 .00 10c Miller Nipples, 3 for 1 XO^ 25c Infant Suppositories ..... 100 McKesson Aspirin 49 25c McKesson Cold Cream .... 25c E-Z Corn and Callous Pads .16^ 25c McKesson Foot Powder 50c Midol 33^ 75c Jar Barbasol Shave Cream 61^ 50c Chamberlain's Hand Lotion 36(^ 25c Eaton's Escrito Linen 174 10 Yards y2 Inch Tape ...:L..:i.„.....334 50c Mennen Shaving Cream 334 Climax Wallpaper Cleaner 124 50 c/c Off on All Wahl Pens and Pencils 50% Off on All Hair Brushes c DISCOUNT ON ALL PAINT IN OUR STOCK Complete Line of Paints and Varnish M. E. CHURCH •> You are invited to attend services at the M. E. church every Sunday. Sunday School, 10 a- m. Morning Worship, 11 a. m. Sermon subject: "On Toward Pentecost,M by pastor, Rev. L. H. Brattain. The ladies of the Philathea club "and of the Ladies' Aid society will send representatives to the McHenry County group meeting of the Women's Association at Alden, April 11. Several local young people attended the McHenry County Sub-district Epworth League rally at Woodstock, Tuesday night. 15c CANARY HIGH BALL Sale Price 94 25c Dr. West TOOTH PASTE WARN THE CHILDREN With the approach or warm weather: and an increase in automobile traffic on our city streets the danger of automobile accidents increases as the children grow careless in crossing the streets and playing in the streets. Spring shows itself in vital energy which is felt by the boys and girls | as they become sportive in games and1 adventure and are apt to grow (careless in' their play and in crossing jthe street. I Parents are asked to watch their ; chiHren and caution tftufn against this danger which everyone is anxious to prevent. ' VISIT BARRINGTON CHAPTER Mrs. James Perkins acted as warder at Lounsbury chapter, O. E. S., at Barrington, Monday evening. She was accompanied by Mrs. Minnie Miller, Mrs. J. R. Smith, Frances and Elsie I caretaker, WEEKLY EXCHANGE ITEMS (MEREST TAKEN FROM COLUMNS OF OUR EXCHANGES Billy Greene, small Son of Mr& K. Porter, of Hebron, had his face quite badly cut Saturday night of last week. Trash was being burned in a barrel and included in this was an old electric light bulb. This became overheated and burst, the flying glass cutting the small boy's face and nosfe. He is making a fast recovery. Hienry Odenbright, 42 years ©Id, who said he lived in Waukegan, was arrested last, Saturday night in Hebron, McHenry county, on a cfiarge of attempting to pass a forged check. Odenbright, according to Sheriff Lester EdSnger of Woodstock, stated that the Waukegan man made a complete confession tp him, stating that he passed seven forged checks in Lake county and eight or ten in McHeijry county. Work of remodeling the old milk factory at Huntley for a brewery is underway. It is planned to make this a busy place. Stock will be sold. The brewery at Hartland is not in operation. / 4 James Johnson, 28, a brother ef Mirs. Louise McManus, deceased, nf Harvard, met an -accidental death at Butler, Wis-, Mlarch 27, by falling from a railroad bridge. Johnson was a railroad employe also a member of a bridge crew. The Gossard corset plant, laying on the west edge of Belvidere, which has been closed for several months, reopened last Monday and is operating with a force of nearly 75 employes. A., J. Crinklaw, head of the Gossard plant, is responsible for the statement that the number of employes will be increased in the near future. i Donald Rowling, son of Mr. and ,Mrs. R. D. Rowling of Grayslake was quite seriously burned last week Wednesday evening when his clothes caught fire as he was using a gasoline torch. In e*ome manner he had spilled some of the liquid on his sleeve, and his right arm, from wrist to* elbow was severely burned. Glen Truax, of Crystal Lake, suffered severe burns on his right hand Saturday of last week, when pitch which he was heating caught fire. He is employed by Goff and Gillies of Virginia street, where the accident occurred. While on his way to light the fire in the heating plant of the Ivanhoe Congregational church Sunday morning of last week, Louis Radke, for the past sixteen years janitor of the church, was seized with a sudden heart attack and fell dead just a. few hundred feet from his destination. His body was found lying at the side of state highway 176 by John G. Wirtz w^o went out to look for him. Following his usual custom, Mir. Radke left the house where he and his sister lived, before six o'clock Sunday morning to do his preliminary work to have the church comfortable for the morning service. His sister knowing his heart to be weak, Tias made it a practice to watch for a light in the church which would indicate that he had arrived safely. The damage action in the long fought Lake Zurich riparian rights last week came to a close when attorneys agreed to $200 as damages ill tlie case before Circuit Judge Ed- •Ward D .Shurtleff, who held court in Waukeggn. Damages to go toward attorney fees first were set at $7,500, but not upheld on an appeal to the appellate court. The settlement was made after a short conference before Judge Shurtleff. The suit was brought for the purpose of establishing the right of Edward Froelich and Mrs. Marguerite Pearce to adiminister exclusive control over the waters of Lake Zurich. A new automatic safe has been installed at the Home State bank at Crystal Lake that is a decided safe guard in preventing robbers from fcooping up the cash from the large vault that is open during the day, Valiant efforts of the members of the Antioch Fire Department saved the Oakland Hotel on the west side of Channel Lake from being totally destroyed by fire last week Friday night- Tlhe -fire, according to the Les Rogers, was caused walked an, in spite of his wound) to the Meyer Brothers' age, some distance from the and asked to be taken to a Skufca wus found to be suffering from a compound fracture of the left elbow, a lengthy gash over the left eye and his nose was split the full length. It is feared the arm injury may result in ^ permanent disability. Popular Items for Spring ; Marquisette CURTAINS^ pair ........«9c Cottage CURTAIN SETS, pair ...fi9c Ruffled CURTAINS* pair ftfe Crinkled BED SPREADS .. ............79c All Linen TABLE CLOTHS ........$1.00 Plain Colored ORGANDIE, ydU..^JSOc 9-4 Druid SHEETING, yd. ......35c 58 in. TABLE DAMASK, yd." Printed Pique VOILE, y& Printed VOILES, ycL ....... MOVES ON street from its old Claire Beauty Shop has the Hunter building to the building. TME SAFEWAY To Protect YOUR LINOLEUM W TO USE ••••A ..s Rayon PANTIES, regular size:.;*»J9c Extni Size Rayon PANTIES ... ..4! JOHN STOFFEL i Vycital, Mrs. Henry Vogel and Lisle | from a defective chimney and over- Bassett. Mrs. Perkins will be chaplain at Woodstock chapter Friday night, April 6, on their Friends Night. U DrW><rt*n2Br! TOOTH I 2 Tabes 25* PONDS JAR POND'S COLD CREAM Sale 49^ THOMAS P. BOLGER 40 'THE PAINT STORE" McHenry, 111.' Miss Louise Weingart of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weingart- Mr. and Mrs. Emll Schneider of Woodstock have moved from 10 Grove street to the Frank Flood farm south of Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Christensen end sons of Richmond spent Easter in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weingart. EASTER PARTY A SUCCESS The Easter Monday dance and card party sponsored by the lady and men Foresters for the benefit of St. Mary's church was a big success with the Bridge ballroom Crowded with pleasure seekers. About fifty-five tables of cards were in play with prizes for high scores awarded, while many others enjoyed dancing during the evening. LADIES* AID SOCIETY MEETS ' Members and guests of the Ltfdfta* Aid society were pleasantly entertained Thursday afternoon at the home of Mlrs. A. G. Mathews on Waukegan street. Games furnished entertainment for those present and prizes were won by Mirs. Bienapfl and Mrs- C. H. Duker. Delicious refreshments were served. World'* Be*t Archers •flit world's greatest archers are the Tara scans, a tribe of Mexican Indiana. With their bows and arrows, many of - them It is claimed, can spilt a grain of wheat at 80 fin. heated stove. The fire was discovered shortly after seven Friday night, and a call put in to the fire department. The firemen battled the blaze for two hours before effectively checking the flames. Two firemen, Cletus Vos -and James Steams, fire chief, were slightly injured during the struggle. Fred Smith, residing southwest of Hebron featured March 15 in what was undoubtedly an intended holdup. While coming home from Richmond, two men in a car stopped him near the railroad tracks and asked him the way to Harvard. He told them and proceeded weet on 178. Near the Campbell #armi a couple miles further on, the men forced his car to the side of the road and one of them attempted to get in with him, saying he wanted a ride. Mr. Smith quickly retorted that this was as far as he was going and drove into the farmyard. When he finally decided to continue home, he was not molested again. Louis Skufca, 28 years old, of Waukegan, narrowly escaped death last week Tuesday night when he drove his machine into.the side of a moving freight train on the Soo Line at the route 176 crossing in Waukegan. Skufca, who was alone in the car at the time of the accident, was thrown clear of the machine, a small coupe, which was battered into a shapeless mass of wreckage. Motorists on the opposite side of the train heard the crash as the machine struck and hurried to the battered car as soon as the train had passed. They found the twisted wreck beside the highway and a big pool of blood on the pavement but could find no traoe of the occupant- It developed later that tM in . A F##*sb'S Special*** - °veri#gs floor * Before you put anytWng ow'jkHir Linoleum, siee the new chart at our store. It prevents mistakes. Thomas P. Bolger The McHenry Drnggist 1 m « •• Bolger's Drug store For the First Time this year, that most wonderful of treats--Loick Fresh Strawberry Ice Cream. This will delight the whole family-- so don't fail to serve it--Our Weekend Special-- FRESH STRAWBERRY Countless Acres' of New Linoleum are being laid every day--bringing new problems for the varnish and wax industry as to the best way to preserve it-- ' See the interesting new chart at our store. It teB* you what to use to preserve and beautify every type of linoleum-- it-prevents mistake*. 'YOU OWE IT TO YOUR LINOLEUM TO TAKE CARE OF IT" For Your Automobile Duco No. 7 Line Auto Top Iftnish Waterproof Dressing Auto Wax Speed Bend Polish Touch Up Black Top Sealer Chamois Skins Sponges Simonixe Wax Simonize Cleaner Johnson's Auto Polish Johnson's Auto Wax V CHAMOIS SKIN . 69c This Is a First Grade Chamoig and Must Be Seen To Be Appreciated. -- :n"-: . Springtime is Painting Time Enamels - Outside Paint - Inside Flat - Cold Water Paint Varnished - Sizing - Wall Paper Paste - Shellac * Gold and Aluminum Paint - Brushes - Sandpaper --etc. "THE OLDEST PAINT STORE IN McHENRY" Playing Cards PINOCHLE DECKS POKER CHIPS CHECKERBOARDS < CRIBBAGE BOARDS Special for Friday and Saturday Deck BUDGE PLATING CARDS 29C For Men Only On Thursday and Friday v \ tlLAC VEGETALE SHAVING LOTION Regular 50c Present This Coupon and : ."wws£jssSslli&..sj A v- -t.