Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Apr 1934, p. 12

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rt * * t,+-r >•. % t; :$» w •>< *r-^.\ v* :-E r*\. 7 , . - • • r - f ' • • • - - : % ' v . - - ^ • . . * ! < - * . ; < • - : ^ v ^ . r - ^ ' i . • £ • • . " * , £ * e ; . ~ * * u »5»4:: T A. • •" : '---.. " ' *"•• THE MOHKNBY FLAIMDKALZK %'"" - ; *.$£.;•" '-*te' ># - '-V. Two--Pa^e Four - f -* " >. - • Thursday, April & /?V ' <<r^' , s, -\>T% ^vi »• . . Renehan Lodge Opening FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 8:30 P. M. RINOWOOD with boxing and wrestling show--6 boxing and 1 wrestling Wat--Dancing to follow show--Frank Wallen, master of ceremonies. Look, for the red. white and blue lights at each entrance. All ngw equipment.'" » No Parking Charge at Any Time at Renehan'9 Summer Resort' c,ub ^eld lts frst "ieet,n* at the home & 7 • , ;(>f their leader, Kenneth Cristy, on ~ on East Side of Round Lake : March 29. They elected the follow- : j ing officers: Lenard Gibbs, presi- Fry and overytliing that goes, with it. General admission 1 dent; Earl Harrison, vice-president; Mrs. Vera Schultxand children and Granville Carlson of Richmond spent Thursday evening in the Clayton Bruce home. Mrs. Agne® Jencks and daughter, Mary, of Evanston and Mrs. Appley and daughter, Mary Ann, of Libertyville were visitors here Saturday. The Ringwood, Jr., Dairyr^in 4-H 75c, including tax--Reserved seats $1.^0, including tax. Music Clarence Harrison, secretary and Ia McH ; -w J , , •b , 1 4 -IT ,1 -11 ' r treasurer; Frank Martin, director of • * n n y' tod entertainment between bouts. Hotel will be open for the recrpation; John cristy, reporter. The jSilblic for those wishing to plav cards or visit out inuseuin.; 1 " - - - « GEO P RENEHAN. Promoter " : JOHNSBURO Mir. and Mr?. Math Schmitt and son, ^Stanley, were Wfeukegan callers Wednesday afternoon. Mi"- and Mrs. Schultz of Chicago spent the week-end with John J. Schmitt and family. v Mr. and Mrs. Math Lay of Spring Grove were oallers here Friday evening. Mrs. Ben Schaefer was taken quite ill Wednesday and was taken to St. Theresa's hospital at Waukegan. Mrs. George_ King spent Saturday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. John JUDGE ALLEN'S ANSWER A* : -p.--'<^y»-^Ueiu^,^sileiwe,--Hsileiioe. . NOW UP TO THE VOTERS , Every fair minded person must admit, that the failure of"Jtldtzc Allen to enter a, denial of the published charges- made against him, is an admission hitn, that they are time. Briefly, the published charges are as follows: 1. Cortinually leaving our county four and five days a week to hold conft in Chicago, and yearly drawing thousands of dollars from Ccok county, when he should be" in our own county attending to the daily business of our County Court, on his salary from this county of $3,600.00 per year. 2. Refusing, in the midst of our very serious depression, to save to our hard pressed taxpayers, thousands and thousands' of dollars, by dropping an entirely useless Probation Officer, who for years, as everyone knows, has done practically nothing. • •- 3. Deliberately/ engineering throughourCounty Board in April 1929, an unlawful raid on our taxpayers' money, and thereby obtaining a totally illegal salary for his Court Reporter, which has cost our taxpayers, thousands and thousands of dollars. 4. Refusing to even promise our voters, that if again re-nominated and elected, he will save them nearly $10,000.00 in the next four years, by stopping the illegal salary of his court reporter, and by not re-appointing a needless Probation officer. With the above facts admitted, how can fair, impartial voter*, endorse and approve of the above, by voting for Judge Allen on primary Pay? ._• If the majoritf trf the Republican voters of this comity, endpHe«, and approve of the above, by a present Republican County office holder, who can tell, what (next, may happen to our County Treasury or to our taxpayers' monfey^? Do we want some other public official, told by the result of the approaching Primary Day, that he can d>o likewise, and that the Republican voters of this county will readily overlook such acts, and even be anxious to re-nominate and again re-elect him to public office ? Can we afford to have it said, that a majority, of the G. 0. P. voters of this county, have knowingly voted their endorsement and approval of the acts of Judge Allen, that have been openly published in every newspaper of our county? > If by any possibility Judge Allen should be re-nominated, with Attorney Charles Carpenter of Crystal Lake, the other nominee, we would have our Democratic opponents, in the fierce battle for votes that we are sure to encounter at the approaching November election, holding up to scorn, Judge Allen's record, and their public speakers would loudly proclaim before all our voters from every platform, that the Republicans of this county had knowingly and deliberately selected Allen as a proper and fit standard bearer for our G. O. F., and that with his odius record, he had also been chosen as a fit candidate to try to lead our County Republican ticket to the success that it is clearly entitled to, at the approaching November election. Who could then speak one word in defense of Allen's record? Must the lesson from the defeat of Len Smaii for Governor in 1982 be learned over in this county? Will you deliberately invite the defeat in November, of every Republican nominee on our Republican County ticket, by re-nominating Allen, with his record that no one can excuse or defend? Can any Republican consistently claim, that Judge Allen's record i® any way resembles or represents the true Republicanism of Lincoln, Grant, Logan, McKiuley, or out dear and once beloved "Teddy" Roosevelt, or that of our former grand Governor, Frank O. Low den ? Very few people in this county knew anything about Judge Allen's record before it was lately made public through our newspapers, but is it not much better that his record be known before Primary Day, so that every Republican voter can vote advisedly ? To the credit of all other Republican County-candidates, Judge Allen is the only,one, against whom any charges have been made • Judge Allen has had over three months to deny the above charg- Jwit has utterly ignored them. His only answer has been,--silence, silence,--silence,--while he has daily gone about attending aucti" i sales, smilingly meeting all voters, passing them out more and m<>i < cigars, and attending more and more dinners. These voters are t• same persons whoifi he, for years, has refused to help by lightenmg their heavy burden of taxes. * Scores and scores of people in every comer of our county, have repeatedly asked each other this question,-- WHY DONT ALLEN ANSWER THE CHARGES? The answer to this question, is as plain, as A. B. C. Allen could not answer, because every charge made is true, as shown by our court records, even as to the correctness of every figure published. That brilliant, world famed lawyer, Clarence P&rrow, could not poesibly have answered the charges for^Allen. Do you wonder, that Allen has remained silent? Cashed county pay vouchers, ready to be produced, but at my r quest, kept safely under lock and key, in the vault of our County Treasury, bearing the personal endorsement of his Court Reporter and Probation Officer, showing the payment to the, two, of the thousands and thousands of dollars of the hard earned im>ney of our taxpayers, are the silent, but conclusive witnesses again Allen* proving that the two, direw every dollar as charged. . Everyone that knows anything about the above matters, knows full well, that his two extremely high salaried officials, have done practically nothing for the thousands and thousands of dollars that they have drawn from our taxpayers' money, with the full knowledge consent and approval of Judge Allen. , feiiany wonier' tl!at scores and scores of hia neighbors, friends aM former supporters, m the Villages of Cary, Fox River Grove, Al- U Zen m the'City of Crystal Lake, and in fact throughout an^i tT w ii' art0pen1?;• a,nd Pubi*cly declaring that they cannot, and> will not, give his published recort' their stamp of approval by voting to renominate him on Primary Day? To'aak votes for Judge Allen, is to also ask full approval of Ms not tme? person can ^at b«lievea in good government. -. P* course, there are some voters, along with his expensive officials, and some paid workers, whose eyes are so blinded by an imaginary halo, that they think they see, surrounding Judge Allen, that they cannot see a thing in his record, that should prevent his unanimous nomination, but, the result on binary Day is very certain to minority U<^e that ^ cLa*8 mentioned, are greatly in the _ Admittedly, every vote cast for Judge Allen on Primary Day, is the same as the voter saying, I know it all, but, I fully approve of, and knowingly endorse it all--everything,--that Judge Allen has done I also vote to have him continue along the same linos for the next four year, regardless of the expense to our taxpayers. •ip.pB§DE?U"**,D WILL Y0U» 80 VOT^ JEP IS FOR ^OU Very respectfully yours, < CHARLES P. BARNBS were served. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Merchant and ;Mrs. Emma Merchant of Woodstock ; spent Sunday* afternoon in,, the iVVilliafn McCannon home. Mrs. Edgar Thomas* £nd Mrs. Geo; Shepard were visitors at Richmond Friday afternoon. Mrs. Harvey Bumgardffer and son, Harvey, Jr., returned to their home at Royal Oak, Mich., Monday, after visiting with her mother, Mis. Nellie I)odg£ .; V'"'4 v-/' •• Mr. and Mr%. Wnt. McCamnon spent Saturday afternoon at 'Mc - Henry. \ . . • - ' Mr, and Mrs. George Young and son, Alfred, spent Sunday afternoon in the James Bell home at Lake Villa- Mr. and Mr*. E. E. Can* and family visited in the home of Mrs. Carr's mother, Mrs. Rose Antcliff, at Richmond, Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. George Young spent Sunday evening in the Joe Frett home at Johnsburg. Harold Jepson «of Elizabeth, 111., spent the week-en^ with his parents, j Mr- and Mrs. C. J. Jepston. j Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon 'and family spent Sunday in the Lester Edinger home at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs Dave Walkington and daught(rf> Marie; of VoIo ^ited with son have moved to McHenry^ M!i-s. Ray Merchant and daughter, Darlene, spent Friday Woodstock. The Home Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. Claus Larson Tuesday April 10, instead of Wednesday. Robert Bacon of Grant, Iowa, passed away at his home Sunday. He will be buried in Ringwood cemetery. John Pitzen Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Oeffling and morning ln f famify were McHenry visitors Saturday afternoon. Miss Katherine Pitzen of Chicago spent the week-end with her father, John Pitzen. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Condon, and Mrs. Margaret Landre of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe He is a brother of the late Charles Karls. B^n- r .« j .„ v . n Mr. and Mrs. John Rauen of Spring The Epworth League .will present---^ the play, "The Antics of Andrew," at the M. W. A. hall Saturday evening. Admission 25 and 15 cents. Miss Maud George of Evanston spent the week-end in the C. J. Jepson home. Miss Alice Peet of Crystal Lake rove and Miss Emma Freund of McHenry visited with John H. Freund Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith of Chicago and" Mr. and Mrs. Olsen of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Huemann. Leo Miller and" Leander Miller were parents, Mir. and lMlersrn. ,Crh.a,.rTlesi2 PLeehte. r|EWn Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and Misses Evelyn Hergott and sister, E'^an.oi';, of Chicago -spent Sunday family spent Sunday afternoon with afterno;'n ^ Miss A1vina Schmitt. the latter's parents at McHetiry. Mrs. C. J- Jepson and daughters, Mildred and Virginia, and son, Harold, spent Saturday at Evanston. Miss Dorothy Carr and Dewey Beck of Chicago spent the week-end in the Chaflfes Carr home. Roy and Mae Wiedrich spent Thursday morning in McHenry. Mrs. Cora Flanders spent Sunday coh'weinTai^ in the Clifton Miller home at Crystal g Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr and family spent Saturday afternoon ht Woodstock. Mrs. Harold Whiting of Chicago pent Wednesday in the Louis Schroeder home. Fred Wiedrich and son, Fred, -Jr., j rpent Thursday in Chicago. Mrs. Ed Peet spent the past week in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ralph Clay, at Rockford. Mr- and Mrs. G. O. Allen of Chicago spent the week-end in the F. A. Hitchens home. - Mrs. Nick Young spent Monday in the home of her daughter at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson attended the funeral of Mrs. Frank Mc- Omber at McHenry Monday. * Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clay and daughter, Maxine, of Rockford -spent Sunday in the Ed Peet home. Mrs. Nellie Dodge Is visiting in the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Bacon, at Antioch. Jack and Gene Wolfe of Woodstock Bpent a few days last week with their grandmother, Mrs. Jennie Bacon. We Won Gratton and lady friend of Urbana called on his uncle, J. V. Buckland, Saturday. J. V. Buckland, M!rs. Houston and Miss Flora Taylor attended the Knights Templar Easter service at Hebron Sunday afternoon. Ike Britz of Fox Lake and Miss Lois Ash of Spring Grove were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Klein Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Huff visited with Clarence 'Stilling at St. Theresa's hospital Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jamies Comstock of Chicago spent Sunday with Mrs. Ja- Miss Isabel Schmitt of Chicago visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Math N. Sfchmitt, Sunday. Misses Helen Smith and sister, Florence, of Woodstock spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Stephen Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hoffine and family of Genoa, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gors«ki and son, Kenneth, of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. George Zornstoff of Spring Grove and Mr. and Mr?- George King spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller. Miss Evelyn Meyers and Irving Schaefer of Waukegan spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrsr William J. Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. William Althoff and family of McHenry were visitors in the home of-their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Althoff, Sundlay afternoon. Miss Katherine Althoff of Elgin spent Easter with home folks. POTPOURRI Swagger Tweed Suit Church vs. Business Failures ' There are 21G.OOO churches in the United States. During the depression years only one church In every 2,344 has closed. On the other hand one bank in five, one business establishment ln tweDtytwo, and one private hospital in forty-five has closed its doors. However, church attendance has not increased during the period. © by Western Newspaper Union. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Miller and • • , j > . . ; nun, Mr. and MVs. Peter J. Freund and enJ° " t Mr- and Mrs. Joe King and family and Mr. $.nd Mrs. Steve May and daughters motored to Richmond to celebrate tha birthday anniversary of Mrs. Joe Miller Tuesday evening. Miss Annabel Meyers and sisters, Evelyn and Laura, Mrs. Phil Guinto and Miss Anna Anderson motored to Elgin Tuesday afternoon. , Nick Schaefer0 of Waukegan was a caller here Wednesday; Miss Mabel King , of Woodstock spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. ahd Mrs. Joe King- V .Mr. and Mrs. Joe J. Freund and Mrs. John Pitzen were Waukegan callers one day this week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Diethorn and daughter, Florence, speht Sunday with Mi-, and Mrs. John M. Schmitt- Mrs. Steve May entertained the Five Hundred club Tuesday afternoon with prizer. being awarded to Mrs. Leo Freund1, Mrs. Steve May and Mrs. Joe King. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund Jind daughter of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs- Ray Hor-ick of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Smith and daughter, Phyllis, and Mrs. Joe Regner and family of McHenry spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stoffel and Outboard Speedster SS of McH enry As you all know, I am a candidate on the Republican ticket :for renomination for. County .Jiuii&e. Jodelle elaborates the swagger tweed suit with intricate seaming, a new skirt treatment, and her individual loose neckline on the blouse. Horace Tennes of Chicago, student at Northwestern university, with his trophy after he had captured the oat board speed title during the international motorboat races in Florid*; ".MS Plaindealers for sale at Bolger*s. I have the support of over ninety percent of the members of the bar and the encouragement of hundreds of friends from all over the county, who assure me that the people are satisfied with my administration of the office. v ^ We are now almost on the eve of the primary and I did not want you, the voters of this county, to go to the spoils without my having said to you thatj appreciate the kindness with which you have treated me and that I am not unmindful of the confidence shown in electing nae twice your County Judge. No scandafhas ever touched^my Court. I have carefully protected the rights of widows and orphans and of everyone who has come into or had to do witl) my Court. Also, I have endeavored to accord everybody courteous treatment. * I have; personally, -afeefr as many of you as 1 eottHv but lack of both opportunity and time has made it impossible for me to see everyone. However, I trust no one will fail to vote for me on that account. In going about the county, I have everywhere received the most hearty assurances of support and have no doubt of my renomination on Tuesday next, if my friends turn out and vote as I know they will. Let me thank you again for your many kindnesses and courtesies, •' Respectfully, ^ Charles T. Allen Republican Candidate lor

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