Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Jun 1934, p. 8

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% . - i * J* " \ '•Zx**' * ~* * - T • **' i sTf^ *£%• ' , > v , «->•*- £ • *-itf NiKitt t^mui <->*•*- otes RIVERYIEW CAMP :>X*Fke regular meeting of JR.ivojr.view Camp, RN.A-, was held Tuesday eve;, nipfr and was followed by jl-'public \ffipo .party; with a pood attendance of members and friend^ ^present. --' ^V'J: FORM A 'CLUB :" Lisle B«?s$*t and Elsio-Vycital were , present at the for-mtnjpjef a'past, ma- •trons* and patrons-' fl^o~iW the home, of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Parker at Woodstock Saturday night*. Sixteen • we.*e :pre?t»nt" ytith G. .-^ifeJParker, president. alia--"Miss." J.ea;n Mathison'secre- . tary treasurer. ^Auction' bridge' was playeii and prizes won by Mrs. An; a Graves,, Elsie Vycttal, Georpe Gr^Vi-s and J/isle Bassett. > \ T THE To Protect YOUR LINOLEUM V; is^ro USfr „ : SOCIAL WHEEL i. ./The Social Wheel met at the home 'of .Mrs," John W. Smith Thursday afternoon when_ three tables of bridge were in play with prj^es won by Mrs.' Minnie Miller, Mrs. Bienapfl and Mis. j. W. Smith. The next meeting will he., held on Thursday, June .28,, with Mrshr H. A. Asmalsky as hostess* ENTERTAIN* AT TEA . Mrs. EaKl McAndrews entertained St one "of a series oi^ diminishing teas held" t<&; St. ;P>irJ,cfe'-S church on Friday evening. Cards wire played and lunch si?rved. ' Quests were Mesdames C, W. Gibbs* John" Miller, Jake Stoffel, Thomas Plialin, P M.* Justen; G.rW-.' *HSes|vin^ M-iss Mildred Kinsal*.f ALTAR AND ROSART PARTY Tito Altar and Rosary Sodality of Of St. Patrick's church sponsored a card party at the home of Mrs. George Instilling Thursday afternoon. Nine tables of c&^ds were in play with prizes in bridge awarded to Mrs. Clarence Kelley an'd Mrs. William Tonyan; in five hundred tp Mrs. Harry" Townsend and Mrs. Math Steffgs, and in bunco to Miss Evelyn ^Kaefer, and Mrs. Peterson. Out-of-to<vif guests were Mrs. Clarence Kelley and Mrs. Harry iihnwn of. Crystal Lake. ' • * 't. ' „, , , / SIX YEARS OLD : Master James Altho-ff celebrated BRIDGE LUNCHEON » Mr% W. C. Besley of Woodstock delightfully entertained a group of fourteen friends at a one- o'clock bt idge luncheon at Glen Crest Country club Friday. Pink .peonies ' and- Queen Ann's Lace in aj low container graced the center of jthe table and at either end were green candles in green candle holders. Pink and white predominated in the decorations arid tattle appointments. Following the three-course luncheon, three tables .wei;e in play..ftt contract bridged :f Before ybu>put anything on your Linoleum, see the new chart at Our store. It prevents mistakes. Thomas P. Bolger The McHenry Drug-gist. Vv>:-c. D. OF A. MEETING' Mv sixth •'birthday Saturday and bysines^meeting 61^^ .he affenoo^ invited* of h* friends ,o Ipend a few^hourS,;With-;hi^.;^aiAes.i^?l^l Monday.- eyenjn^^n.. K. € h»U ere played arid refreshments of ,ice j vVtl> a small: attendance of members ^ cafe we^ serv^"t& th^ W^t- ;Some sewing *as done on cveanv and Mrs,4 the quilt fwhieh will be' given aWfey little folks by jinimy'^ pother, WmoKk Althoff. " ';!--r~&-' * (auxiliary PARTY The ladies of the American Legion Auxiliary held a public card» party following their meeting in Legion hall Thursday evening. Prizes in bridge were won by Mildred Kinsala and Mrs Ted Schiessle and in five hundred by Anna Anderson and Gertrude R. Weber. Lunch was served at the close of the games. < " 7PHILATHEA CLUB The Philathea club met at the home of Mrs. Alby Krug last Thursday afternoon with work under way for th.o summer bazaar. Several articles were handed in for this event. Th^ business session was presided over by the president, Mrs- Everett Hunter. The next meeting will be with Mrs. TVilliam Green. How Are Your •A large majority of motor accidents arc eauscd by faulty T5i»aP:<>s.f•• In• facty" arc 4jie,jni>st. important juiyU of vour car. A little attention to tliem now mi glit save hundreds .of dollars later on. Let its test-tliem ajid advice you as to tlic cost of placing tlvcffi in A-l condition.' ^ SMITH'S GAR AGE J Phone 320 McHenry. Elm St. and Riverside Drive Some time this summer. * - f: The next business meeting will be •jhqld Monday night, July 9. There will be no social meetings during the V&rm, summer Months but the regular business meetings will be held the second- Monday of each month.# -MOTHERS, CLUB _ The Mothers Club met Friday afternoon at the hoirie of Mrs. eHarry Durlandf with Mrs. Ray McGee %s assistant hostess. Games were played, after which- lunch was served and the following program given: PianO duet by Misses Mitzi and Jane Ehirland; vocal solo by Miss Clara Miller, accompanied by Mrs.- Albert Barb fan; violin solo, Rosa Popp, accompanied by Hazel Howard. Mrs. Joanne Rulien gave a talk on summer health hints illustrated with slides. Out-of-town guests Were Mrs. Callahan of Chicago, and .Mrs. Conway of Woodstoclc. . The club sponsored a. Salvation Army tag day Saturday and plans are beir\g made for a picnic to be held the second Thursday in July. . . . - - - fLADIES' AID SOCIETY "The"Ladies"AW society met at the ' ehiuch Thursday "afternoon ' with a' good attendance present to talk over blans for future activities. Plans are,, :rre? ^amnoiz, jr.-, oi-Skokie ta\ heimr mndp fnr tbA cnl0 Kn 1.^.'^P«nt the weekend with his Sunday visits*# in Hhe B, J. BrefeJd. home w/^re Mp. and Mrs. Paul Brefeld, Mary, Theresa and Olgra Brefeld -and'Herbert Hageman of Chicago/ ' • v „ •' Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brefeld were Sunday visitors in the Louis Krfeo horiie at Fox Lake. , Mrs. Dan- Donohue and Mrs. Edmun4 and daughters of Huntley visited Mrs. E. Knox Thursday. ® • '• Mi-, and Mrs. Ray Conway and Mrs. IS. Knox visited at Spring Grove Sunday evening. "* Miss Adeline Perkins of Waukegan spent-Sunday at her home here. M1'- and Mi*s. Hitzeman and their friends, Mr. and Mrs. John Hoste, of Chicago, spent the,weekend with Mrs. Hitzemari's parents, Mr. and Mrs. AE. Nye. . . Mrs. A. XAndwer of'Woodstock-was weekend guest in the Jame^" Perkins home. . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J?oger x>f Chlcajarb spent . Wednesday ot^ last week here." . ' : Mr. and-Mrs- Harry, Lawrenpe of Chicasift "Snerit- iSunday with hef mother, Mrs. Mollie Oiv^ns^ Mjr. and Mrs. Charles Sullivan and Frank Sullivan and children of River Forest were Sunday guests in the Mike Knox home. Attorney and Mrs. C.. M. McDermott, son, Tommy, and daughter, Ona Lee Ann, of Chicago visited friends Saturday afternoon; Miss Marie KnoX' has' returned home from Rosary College for the summer vacation-. Vernon Knox graduated from Kent College of Law in Chicago this week- He has been working in the " office of Attorney Henry Ctfwlin at Crystal Lake. Miss Rose Tonyan of St. Anthony's hospital, Chicago, spent the first of the week fit.her home here, returning for the6 graduation exercises at De- Paul University on Wednesday. I Mr. and Mrs. Mat Karls and son, Bobb, of Chicago, visited Mrs. Anna Karls Sunday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Douglas and children left Friday on their vacation. They went to Janesville and intended to motor through Wisconsin. . Mrs. Laurence Senten and son of Chicago spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Anna Karls. -Will Martin of Chicago spent the weekend with his parents, .Mr. ahd % 'f' -r June 14,1934 er left SojKiay for a visit at Turtle Uke, Wia., with Mr. and Mrs. Joe N. Miller, who ate spending aonle £" time there. / ' Mr. arid Mrs. Joe Hoffman and. son of Chicago spent Sunday with relatives here. ' -, *> • WILLIAM SKIDMORfe BUYS "STOCK" tABM 1(Continued firamDxmt ptp) ' - Mrs. C. H. Duker and • daughter, Marjorie, were Chicago visitors Friday. • >, • • , father Charles S. Nix visited- Mr. and Mrs. Joe N. Miller at , Turtle and 100 black raspberries and 200 red raspberries have been set out. While the corn is growing gopd there is no grain and the grain fields will probably be plowed again and I soy beans, or-something of the kind, i. planted. Mr. Smith says he thinks there will be very little threshing done in this locality this year. . Hie has just finished haTvestihg a first crop of hay, getting about five tons where the yield has "usually -been president of tjie McH<?nry -40 tons. ' „ - rs. Ted Schiessle, Mrs, Anna Nine"carloads of hay arid three cars of feed are being shipped in to ke^P the stock in good condition. Mr. Smith has been on the farm for eleven years, preyiously renting from Mrs. Sayer, arid is well acquaint- LakeyWis., last week. _ Members who attended the county meeting of the' American Legion1 Auxiliary at Crystal Lake FridayTiight were t," unit, Howard, Mrs. Lester Bacon and Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer. Mrs. Herman Fisher of McHenry, and sister, of Chicago, attended the commencement < exercises at DeKalb college Friday morning, where Miss Dorothy Fisher was one of the graduates. Donald McCafferty was also present. V , 1 Miss ^largaret O'Garfl, local high school teaclier/iftnd Miss Gertrude KeJley of Crystal Lake returned last jweek after a four day motor trip with friends at Clarke College, Dubuque, la: They are graduates of Clarlce Col- hgeed with the prevailing conditions. Local people can remember, not so many years ago, when George J.^Sayer, dealer in butcher supplies, came to Pistakee Bay, buying and improving farms until they numbered five and building his beautiful mansion on Pistakee Bay. > Now this wealthy man is dead, his palatial summer home is close<l, his farms are sold and his wMdoW is living in Fond du Lac, WiSv Mr. and Mrs. 'fidTOrd'.0^Cofa1neH^.;lM[ft with her sisters. The rise and decline and Mrs. Dunn*. Mrs. Wegener and of a dynasty is depicted in the pass>- daughter, Helen, of Chicago were Sunday guests of Mr. and Ife/William Bonslett. • " ' Mr. arid Mrs. Otto Hermann, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hermann of Chicago and Fred Hermann of Maywood spent the weekend with their mother. Mrs. John Hermann, at" Woodlawn Park. Joseph Frisby and ^daughter, Gertrude and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph, Frising of the Sayer name and, again, we find a new adventure building again upon the same foundation with courage and interest and a love of rural Hfe, giving, promise of larger and more modern attainments. V ; Mrs. C. "V^. Goo'dell and Miss Ethel J»nes attended the funeral of a rela-' tive at Platteville, Wis., the last of by, Jr., of Oak Park vj^ited relatives the week, .f* in this vicinity Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Andersoft of Chi- Ma!rgaret McCabe of Libertyville cago spent Sunday in the John Anand Agnes McCabe and Mrs. (Mnley derson home. ' of Elgin spent Sunday with their mother. " ; ,. . ' Mrs. Anna Howard wtis"~a Woodstock visitor Saturday evening;' - Earl Walsh and Leo Winkel are-^Bfc Dr. Emily Rorer of Saqtee, Neb., spent one day the last of ihe week with her grandmother, Mrs. Saman« tha Button. Mr.. and Mrs. Jack Shutterly of Dayton, O., are visiting her mother, Mfs. Catherine Young. ' Mr.--and Mrs. Elmier Winkelman dhd son -of Melrose Park visited her mother, Sunday. Marion^ Beauty Shoppe Tel. 117-J. McHenry, IIU Specials For Month, of June School Girl Special $1.50 Croquignole or Spiral Waveis or - Combination My Own Permanent $2 Combination - Extra Curly Ends 7 . •: .• Marvalur Reconditioning v Oil Permanent $3 Spiral or Cro<juignoi« Wind . f / . Corobination Good for Dry Haif fecial $5.00 Gabrieleen. J Wave $4.00 N^piral oar Croquignole Wind & ^ Combination • ^p^cially Good for Grey or • ':rf;TvWhite Hair - • ' All Complete with Shamp&6, i'v Eingerwave and Haircut All Shampoos and Fingerwavea 50c '•T-, Mrs. Clarence Martin. Fred Kamholz, Jr.-, of i GREEN ""STREET First Show 7:15 (D.S.T.)- ThC KMPIBR McHENRY ILLINOIS Adm. 10-25c Friday and Saturday, Joae is and 16 Saturday Only, Miss Lulene Griffith will make a personal appearance on the stage at 9:15. Miss Griffith will present Her Daring Veil Dance later in the evening at "The Bridge" Ball Room On The Screen--JAMES CAGNEY in. : „ _ 4 (JIM MY THE GENT" funday and Monday, June 17 and 18 Sunday Matinee 2:45, Admission 10c - 20c Joan Blondell - Glenda Farrell - Pat O'Brien in _ 4TV| COT YOUR NUMBER" Hang Up On Trouble - Ring Off the Blues ' - Give Gloom the Busy Signal 1 1 !• ri Children 10^4 Tuesday, June 19 Adults 15^ > SILVIA SIDNEY FREDRICK MARCH in - "GOOD 3AME" Street cars and women alw ys waited for him--until? Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, June 3D-21-2X KAY FRANCES AL JOLSON and ALL STAR CAST "WONDER BAR" The Wohder Show of the Centuiy3 being made for the bakery sale to beU^' sP*nt Ine weeKena wnn ms parheld June 30-at the old bank building ! EL**S'«R. „• T „ , ' . on Green street . ' 8 !, , Miss Mane Ropp, who recently Those who have coal bags to maTce Jad .^i' t 1?nsils amoved at Harvard are asked to turn them in at the next^• lioapital, ha^ gone to her Jiome at meeting so they caii be distributed. P12?m^gton' • . o t. • Aprons, also, are to be turned in at | Fiv Dommermuth and John Schremthe next mating and will be on sale at the bakery sale. 1 The next meeting will^be at the home of Mrs. L. H. Brattain with a .pot-luck lunch served. This will be apocial meeting and those having birth-. days in April, May and June will be; put on a program of stunts. Each one is asked to bring a guest to this meeting- A special drive is being put ori: to stimulate church attendance and: everyone interested is, asked to mvite f and bring others to church Sunday. a motor trip north. Miss Mary Kinney, teacher in the locahraade school, and Miss Kathryn Kinney^ksvho ha9 been teaching the Cherry v&lley school, have left for their home at Mankato, Minn., where they will spend the summer with their parents: Mrs. Edwai$ Caflahan arujl Mrs. Robert Blum of Chicago were guests in the home of the Misses Mary and Frances Fleming a fe.w days last we^k. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schaefpr-a^idi, daughter of Chicago visite#|«latives here Thursday. .. \ "e . - Mr: and Mrs. Wm. 6ajley oB'Woodspent Wednesday evening in the Fred Kunz home. After being hurt three times in auto smashups, George Kedzie of Palatine, 111., sold his motor car and now walks, three miles to the railway station. •»•»»»»• f 1 •!'» f |.» • .|. • |,|» » Births • » • • i|.» » •••••» » » i^. H.C.A. Supreme Sound v: CRYSTAL LAKE. ILL. Shows Dailv 7 and 9 D.S.T. FRIDAY and SATURDAY Robert Montgomery in / "MYSTERY OF MR^t'^ with Elizabeth Allan EXTRA FRIDAY ONLY Dancing Revue on Stage . fco - PEOPLE - 60 • Special Music - SUNDAY and MONDAY f, " "John Boles in . "BOTTOMS UP'V" It's with Sjmicer Tracy • It*s 'different! It's new! sparkling with songs! Sunday, Mat. 2:45 to 6--10c-25c AfterH. and Weekdays--10c-30c TUESDAY 10c SPECIAL 15c •Ramon Novarro in "LAUGHING BOY^T with Lupe Velez Again he sin^s hi., Pagan r Love. "Songs! ' ES. - THURS. - FRr. Bing Croscby in ' WE'RE NOT DRESSING' With Cirole LonlbaH It's a Circus! , • I •• • i m , m m--m*m i . FRIDAY, JUNE 15 Starting "OPPORTUNITY NIGHTS" 8 New Acts Each Friday 8 *, $270.00 In Pria^ On The Screen :r v'/DEATH TAKES A HOLIDAY " ^ SATURDAY, JUNE 16_ Slim Summeryille - Andy Devine In a. Western Comedy Hit "HORSE PLAY" ' ; SLUN. - MON., JUNE 17 - 18 Bing Crosby, Leof» Erroll, Burns I Carole Lombard and ;-• / Ethel Merriman in , "WE'RE NOT ; DRESSING" . with New Song, Hits Galore.', Mr. and Mrs. Harry N.' Wright of . Oakhurst have received«an announced ment of the birth of Diana Jean Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Davis of Chicago, at the Mary Thompt. sop hospital. r ^ The proud father of the young lady' is one of the Cumberland Ridge Run^ ners of radio station WLS and is a native of Mt. Vernon, Ky.,' while Mrs. Davis was formerly Miss Jean Harris of Winchester, Ky. ; ;i The "<juiet" wedding of the couple took place at the home of. Mr. and' Mrs. Wright at^Oakhurst about a year ago with many local people in attendance at the fine entertainment' given by Announcer Hal OUallorhai* and the WLS entertainers later ia the evening. Df? C* Keller OPTOMETRIST _ Saitiays^and Mondays, at My Snmmer Home, Riverside Drive, • ' McHenry, 111. •All Work Guaranteed Tel. 211-R When You Need Flowers or Plants call oq the McHenry Floral Shop West McHenry Greenhouse on U. S. 12 (1 Mile South of McHenry) Phone 293 REDUCED! Also Todd-Kelley Comedy * Cartoon and News' TUESDAY, JUNE 19 BARGAIN NIGHT /^"Adults 15 - Children 10c '.'MEANEST GAL IN TOWN" WEto. - THURS., JUNE 20 - 21 "BOTTOMS UP" WEEKLY EXCHANGE Billy Kroeger, 11 years old, of Chi** cago, was taken to the Ross em* ergencv hospital at Wauconda oa Sunday morning of last week for the removal of a fish hook fnn% his head. The :»lad had' been tak» ing instructions on how to cast frorti his brother, John, near Peter Porten'i| subdivision on the Fox river. One of* the demonstrative casts resulted in t back-lash and the artificial bait wa* imbedded deeply in Billy's scalp. Thp* physician found it "necessary to °"ti the hook out. Albert Richards, son of Mr. aa4 Mr?. Waite Shards-of Woodstock was seriously injured Sunday afteit noon of last week when the car in which he was driving skidded hear the Brookdale bridge between Woodstock and Harvard. ,The accident occured about 4:45 during a heavy thunder storm and the car turned over leay ing Mr. Richards underneath it. Dri a ad Mrs. C. F. Baccus and little son on their way to their home- in Woodstock, discovered the accident and removed Mr. Richards from the wreckage rushing him to the Woodstock hospital Where it was found ho had a fractured clavicle, two fractured ribs, sever cuts on his hands and chin and a wrenched back. Albert G. Smith, former publisher and owner- the Palatine Review, passed away at his home on Memorial Day after a lingering illness of $wo years' duration. f \ ; Stomach Ga One dose of ADLERIKA ly relieves gas bloating, BOTH upper and allows you to eat out BC bowels, DOWN ON ALL MODELS THE GREATEST VALUE IN THE tOW-PRICED FIELD! v • * NOW ONLY *675 price, Pontile, Mich. With standard extra equipment, $32.00 additional. Porttiac ia a General Motota Yahm AND UP Effective immediately, Pontiac announces a sleeping price reductipn on every car in the Pontiac line. bat the Price In making this sensational price reduction, Pontiac furthec j^punces that the big, beautiful Pontiac Eight has not been cheapened in any way . . . nothing has been omitted . ^ ^ nothing baa been changed but the price! Same Car...Same Performance Same Economy,.. bet a New Valie The Pontiac Eight, now listing at HO less, is the identical car that has thrilled thousands of owners with its remarkable smoothness, ease of riding and exceptional economy. It has the same 117-inch wheelbase, Knee-Action wheels, True-Course steering, powerful Bendix brakes, Fisher bodies and Fisher No Draft ventilation.. Before you buy any car, SEE and DRIVE thelow- priced, economical Pontiac Eight ! V OWNERS SAY 16 TO 18 MILES TO THE GALLON AcwrnvMro? A D L E R ( K A * ~ * V - West McHenry, Illinois ^...

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