Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Jun 1934, p. 4

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M;- - /C^- - • ... { ^ . - -- , w " ; e - - • j , . . - v > • t.u.r.:l-' '?* ,?2?r . "*. t~i % *.-»-} .-f .. - m v.. .X •i'fc -t-i Mm "«»iiTrfj^,JinieH, 1134 PMilUnil ersry Thursday at McHenry, J JLt by Charles F. lUnlieh. Bntered as second-class nuktter at the pi 4st the act <rf May 8,187#. ^ " ^ Itofiee at McHenry, HL, nu O]ib Tesr .. . iMijl.. : • i:;. . • f ' - -. 1 .......J..MliT ' if--»v. • , „ -ftl.M) • - -- --- • / ^ " A. IL MOSHBR, Editor sad Maaafer; ^ - "V- . v ' . . • ;> : ;«? • - . \ ,</?;••• ' '?!•:'? i. #v •pistakee Bay CLEAN, MODERN ROQm SANDWICHES DINNERS : GOOD FISHING s: * , JIOATS DANCING Italian Spaghetti Served Every Wednesday Night WM. MERTES, Prop. K.-W I 1^02 1.08 £5.60 14.4a 16.00 25^0 East of the Old River Bridge GOOD BEER - CHOICE LIQUORS fcSWCH and Dancingv A! H. Schaefer and H. J. Schaefer, Mgr*- PL ui • .City Council Proceedings . Council Room, June 4, 1934. ' The City Council met in regular monthly meeting with Mayor Doherty presiding:. Aldermen present: Barbian, Jusfeen, Kreutzer, Overton, Schaefer, Wattles. Absent none/"---> Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Schaefer, that the msnutes of the previous regular Meeting be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Justen, seconded by Wattles, that the treasurer's report be approved as read, showing a balance of $4,281.62. Motion carried. Motion by Barbian, seconded-, by Wattles, that the collector's report be accepted as rea.d. Motion carried. Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Barbian, that the clerk's report be accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Justen, that the following bills be paid as read and approved by the finance committee. Motion carried. J. Stoffel, freigKt and drayage 15.90 111. Bell Tel. Cot, Service v..,...,;' 4-50 Public Service Co., street - lights . 160,16 Public ServiceCo., street"., lights 11&28 Public SwMce 'C?o.,. power ." pumping water 52.82 Public Service Co., power ' V, at sewer lift U..-...;.. Public Service Co., cj^y teH v. lights ..w.... E. It. Merrick, labor on r; v ; streets .....-- Roy Smith, labor on streets..".. Jope Vasey, labor on streets.*, Donald Powers, labor on streets' .7........... Wm. Schreiner,.labor on streets / F. C." Feltz, labor o;n waterworks Andrew Hanson, labor on „ ^vater works L. F. Newman, labor, etc, M. M. N iesen, supt. se: Geo. Meyers, .labor, etc. W. S. Darley & Co., n£me plates ..v........... Mueller Co., waterworks -• supplies J. Stilling'* Tire Shop, gas- ' and oil McHenry Lumber Co., lumber and coal McHenry Art. Stone Co.,-:-- cement ,..., Adams Repair Shop, grease gun .... ...... Louis Althoff, repairing cart.. Thos. P. Bolger, fumigators, * . etc. .....v.... Alexander Lumber Co., brick, tile, etc. ...... .......... Mayme Buss, commissions, etc. Jacob Diedrich, (gradiag aM - gravel M. Engeln & Soir^ batteries, etc ..... Henry L. Cowlin, phone calls..;. The McHenry Plaindealer, pub. Treas. Ann. Report........ H. C. Kamholz, lawnmower Carey Electric Shop, electric supplies J. J. Vycital, shovels, rake, etc. W. C. Feltz, caretaker service.. 100.00 John B. Wirt*, marshal service Edw. Mischke, pol J. W. North 4 Co., athBi service P. ied^ by en til be le city KmiUer, to fcrder tfti new ters and haye a number of old meter! overhauled. Motion carried.' .Motion by Barbian, secondffi by Kreutzer, that the. city Msomeu thef2 per cent s^lea tax on city wafer fo> the balance of this year. Motjpn carried. Motion by Oyerton, seconded by Wattles, that the appropriation ordinance for the fiscal year 1934 be passed as read. Barbian voted aye, Justen aye, Krejjfczer aye, Overton aye, Schaefer *T$', Wattles aye.. Nays, none. Motion carci^d. Motion by Kreutzer, second Justen, that the escrow agreemen accepted as to form and the "Sity treasurer be authorized to enter into agreements with the bondholders holding bonds of the Elm Street Paving Assessment -and pay 80 per cent on ?rincipal of bonds and additional 10 er cent on or before Dec. 4, 1934, and sign agreements as provided by the City Council. Motion carried. Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Kreutzer, that Harry Morris be grant* ed a Class "B" license for the sale of bottle beer only- Motion carried. / Motion- by Overton, seconded fey Barbian, that Mr. North's audit report be accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Barbian, to adjourn to the call of the Mayor. Motion carried. . , - PETER J. DOlEBRfY, Mkyor. PETER A. NEISS, City Clerk. FOR SALE FOR SALE--N^sh 1-ton fcTucic, good condition; priood to sell quickly. Chas. C. Owen. Inquire of John F. Brda, McHenry. "* , • 48tf FOR SALfe--17 ft. mtotipr boat, Elto motor, cush ^ns. Seats 'six comfortably; or exchange for 120 base accordian. C. A. Johnson, 219 So- 9th Ave.,. .Maywood, 111k.--Tel. Maywood 7171. V."' .. ^ • *3 FOR SALE--8-room house in block across the street from the Grade School and Community High School, practically new and priced to sell; time given. P. J. Cleary, McHenry, 111. 3-3» FOR SALE--Two young stock bulls, Hoi stein and Guernsey. Wm. Staines, McHenry, 111. . ' 8-2 FOR RENT 31.60 50.00 90;60 33.58 4.20 14.41 3.5Q 7.84 4,00 : 20.85 14-97 35.19 57.00 2.20 .80 61.60 13.77 39.68 7.11 110.00 96.D0 Plaindealers for sale at Bolger's. WATCH ffi WINDOWS & ADS COLD STREA^PINK SALMON 2 "s|' 23c FOR RENT--Sif-room flat in W. McHenry. Completely modern and in excellent condition. -Rent vei*y reasonable. Call McHenry 9&-M; *50tf FOR RENT OR SALE--The former Perry house on Richmond Road, near St. Mary's church. Modern, 8 rooms, steam heat, newly decorated inside and out. Ideal home. Double garage. Call Mrs. John R. Knox, Phone 17. 46tf FOR RENT--A pleasant room, centrally located. 'Inquire at this office. 52-tf FOR RENT--7-room house with garage, cortier Pearl and Court streets. Reasonable rent. John Blake. .Tel. 636-J-2. 1-tf DEL MONTE TOMATOES 3 "»* 40' ENCORE PREPARED SPAGHETTI 25c 225.00 it f)H .1 MoiJWl^by •4.... 18^0 Juai«n, seconded by Overton, to pay $50 on the West McHenry State Baflk judgment Motion c a r r i e d . . . . Motion by Justen, seconded by m-w- - NO ASMISSIOir OHASefc iT THK G A L A O P E N I N Q! i i " • . ; McHenry, lit SATURDAY and SUNDAY EVENINGS, JUNE 16 -17 FOR RENT -- 5-Room apartment on Waukegan Road, McHenry. Modern. Ed. Kelley, Woodstock. Phone Woodstock 115-M. *3-3 FOR RENT--Upper flat, Johnsburg. Inquire of John Pitzen. *3-2 WANTED I WANTED--Old ; brass, copper, rags and paper. McHenry 173. ears, scrap iron, radiators, batteries, Call M. Taxman, ! 38-tf WANTED--WILL REMOVE DEAD AND CRIPPLED HORSES OR COWS Call Crystal Lake 8017-Y-2, and reverse phone charges. JK l , 45fp WANTED TO PURCHASE--from 5 to 40 acres, close range of McHenry. X care of Plaindealer. *2-3 WANTED--Girl for general hou^Cwork. Must be good cook. Wages $6.00, Pistakee Lake, Pistakee Ph. 635-M-2. Call Saturday or later. *3 Campbell's Pork and Beaiis 5 22c . PROOnCS SPXCIALS 1 5c Le&o&s, dcw. 2#c 4 for .10c Carrots, 2 buncliM 9c Watermelons, each .39c Frtsh Limes, box of 12 196 i '• i ii»i lit i iTi in) Block Ooller Salt. CrO 11*. .. 39c ege Iim XHocpbr Ale, ; 3^24-o«. bottles _..20c (plu8 bottle deposit) Minced Hamir lb. ^ 15c Veal Loat lb. - 12c Long Bologna, lb. 12c Sugar, 100 lbs., cane, bulk ••• ••,• • - ' . t4^5- Sugar, 100 lba., beet, bulk .R$5 Sugar, 10 lbs., beet, ' cloth bag 47c Sugar, 10 lba., cane, cloth bag jffic 8 O'Clock Coffee, 3 lbs, 55c 1 lb. ..; ; „.19c Queen Olives, Encore Br^nd qt. 32c Pork and Beans, Aim Page 2 16-oz. cans 9c *• And His Famous NATIONAL BROADCASTING KADIO ORCHESTRA Ten Musicians and Entertainers fc > --v.' < SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION ^ LURLENE GRIFFITH ' ' "* . ' . '• -rr.r.*-s_ . In Her Exotic-and Daring WANTED--Girl for general work. Call McHenry 295. house- 3 MISCELLANEOUS WHEN YOU NEED A VETERINARIAN-- Call Richmond 16. Graduate veterinarian, prompt service. General practice. Both large and small animals. Dr. John Ducey, Richmond, I1L 12-24 • ^ UPHOLSTERING--Furniture upholstered, recovered and repaired. Chas. J. Rasmus sen, West McHenry, Tel. 107-M. . 46tf DEAD ANIMALS REMOVED FREE OF CHARGE 49-tf MIDWEST REMOVAL CO. PHONE DUNDEE 10 Reverse Charget • ,*«S? A f ; • OFTOMZTKIS* A. BL NYE BUILDING * West McHenry Hmraday Afternoon--Ho«« IM-S Ji Phone 123^J NELL'S WHITE HOUSE ^®ne mile east of McHenry on Route ' i, ufy FISH FRY - Every FFii day Ni; '<BOKBLISS PBRCB 10c --;S Served With Appropriate Trimmings . - . - •. >> 4 - =-V. j - ; V r SPECIAL 25c SUPPER re Kibs and Sauer Kraut WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20 *•$* -v. Two Miles North of McHenry V : WATCH FOR ATLAS BEER Sialf i"' ^ A. F. Shober, Prop. ii W. V- ,• ;v.-:v; v;: Dance * at BoaVs Barn 31Z^-_^ATURDAY NIGHT, JUNE 16 2-Mil«a North of Woodstocl|i#B . >' Music By . LOWELL NYE and His Orchestra, Admission 40c - - - - - Ladies Free M- $y ( - MI PLACE is a NICE PLACE To Spend the Evening With Your Friends FISH FRY -- Boneless Perch -- FRIDAY NIGttT McHenry Lager and Oreen Bay Beer on Tap * SANDWICHES - PLATE LUNCHES - OR DINNERS Green Street ^ MI Place McHenry ni 1 ^ New Johnsburg Taver n FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY NTTE 10c PER PLATE SPECIAL CHICKEN PLATE D^NIWBR EVERY SATURDAY NITE 25o ;v v ~ Tree Dancing By Popular Orchest^ib Coolest Spot in Localitf ; '1 J, B. HETTER1IAN, l\• mi : > i • ; v - - - 't Miss This Sensational Dance Featured at "Hollywood At The Fair" 2 E IS THE HOME OF STARS OF RADIO AND STAGE HIRES ROOT BEER EXTRACT UNEEDA BISCUITS COC^ANUT 10c MALT SYRUP MOULNDIC H aHCA NL B GRAPEFRUIT 2 cans ^3C| FLEISCHMANN'S VW»T Jc SPARKLE 3 Pkgs. 13c CORNED BEEF HASH BROADCAST ttC-QANZ . FRESH COOKIES A9TT SOKAR COFFEE 19c 25* CORN rLAKES VAIOWCIMNOtYU9 AMERICAN FAMILY 5 25c SUMNYFIELD IVORY FLAKES 21c CASTILE SOAP 4 19® KIRK'S KARO WATCH WHITE HOUSE EVAPOMTED NHLK FOOD STORES Special EntertajttiHent At the Empire Theatre The Empire theater is supplementing the Tuesday evening*program with special entertainment with local talent producing an act Tuesday night of this week. Miss Jean Huck, popular little tap dancer, put-on a specialty number and the Adams Brothers of Johnsburg put on musical numbers, featuring cowboy, pongs. Tuesday night is also bargain night at the local theater, where the popular prices of 10 and 15 cents prevail. The up-to-date pictures and fine equipment at the Empire theater attract movie fans from neighboring localities as well as affording local people a convenient place for entertainment and the crowds in attendance, especially over the weekords, speak well for the popularity of the management. E With the new parking space just across the street from the theater any number of cars can now be accommodated without congestion and Green street and the Empire theater are now ready for summer visitors,. Abundance of Pleasure ' XVSRY 8ATUBDAY NICtHT ' > \ Pink Harrison s at Pistakee Bay . ^ Baked Ham Plate Lunch 25 cents , i .. • K MUSIC BY BARBARA H6RICK'S ORCHESTRA *• r-Ving Mnsic - Low Prices FINALLY GUESSED WRONG J. Emil Smith tells in h;s cojumri in the Illinois State Journal of the man who made his living guessing the occupations and affiliations of persons in his fmdience. Landing in a non-appreciative town one night, the man challenged his audience by saying: "111 ev^n tell your political affiliations." Pointing hi stinger first at one and then another, he continued: "You're a Republican, you are a Socialist, you are Progressive, and you are a Communist." Each man thus designated nodded in the affirmative. The attention of the audience increased. The speaker noticed a bedraggled sad-faced\man leaning against the wall in theN[ar comer of the room, apparently o livious of all that was happening. "And you," the speaker shouted, "arfe a Democrat." - "I am like heU^ltoiatter retorted,, "I'm sick." - ^ M E. CHURCH are invited to attend services at the M. E. Church every Sunday. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Sermon subject: "Quiet Talks on Power," by pastor, Rev. L. H. Brattain..,. ; . MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT JOE FRIEND'S ^ " •' V dk)OD ORCHESTRA ' Lunches Served - Free Dancing - • ^ - p • • - •* • : • Joe Friend's Rathskeller JUSTEN S HOTEL BETTY'S at Lily Lake FRIDAY NIGHT, JUNE 15 Boneless Fillet and Trimmings, 10c - Delicious Beer MUSIC BY COLLEGIATE SYNCOPATORS SATURDAY NIGHT and SUNDAY, JUNE 16 and 17 R^ast Duck or Fried Chicken Sandwiches, 35c ACHICAGO ORCHESTRA • '• • •Sunday Dinners Home Made Pastry i -AUTO INN~ K ,On the Brewery Comer, McHenry, 111.--Phone 184 FRIDAY NIGHT--Baby Trout SATURDAY NIGHT--Chicken Dine and Dance to That Delightful Music of BOB AND HIS MELODIANS -J

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