Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jul 1934, p. 8

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(ssr, y? .» * ; • ', " , - ** ^ ' »; ^,8,^' J ^ : ' - j - -' v*' . • • *. , ^ "" -• •;•"?&• ,<• '"^lf o*?V^ * t# y f r ^ T - g s ^ ^ * v ^ f O P ^ T S t T Y ' V ' w '$1.. . • y- • & i • * - » * , -A^v.ll '«"• : K-^'V ENTKRTAIX RELATIVES „ V.: A gathuing of l'dptivps^arwl ffiends '*'" '*ras held at the John Aylward cottage '"- • fast of the river, on July fourth. The .'.- clay was spent playing cards, ball, .-..,'^ horseshoes §nd various garnet, with - lunch served, cafeteria style, at noon. C^ut-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. .. ' ,Whi. Iltarey and daughter, Kathryn, Jacksonville, Fl-a.; Mrs,. Mary Mc- . ,.|Cabe, Miss Margaret Aylward, John cL;.r'Mattoon, Miss El]is'; Mi;'."'and: Mrs- A1 Fricke, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dameron, daughter, Gloria, of Chicago; Mrs. Alice Woods and daughters, Alice and Winifred, of Elburn; M,r. and Mrs. James Conway, Helen Lawrence, Crystal Lake; Mr. and Mrs.-John Aylward, Mayme Alyward, Minnie and Jean Conway. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aylward, Marguerite" flines, Dorothy Simmons, Es^thefe Muri-ay, Irene Conway, Mr. " and Mrs. Frank , C.leary, Miss Grace Gahan, Elgin. / ^ PICNIC AT LILY LAKE ^ July fourth was a busy day at Lily Lake/where Sampson & Sex held a picnic. More people were out than at -amy previous time this season. PHILATHEAS MEET 18 The Philatheas had a special meeting Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Maui'ine Hunter. Committees were appointed and detailed plans were mad<3 for their sumtmer bazaar to be given July 26~at"ffie Methodist church. Also, more articles ,©f fancy work were completed to add to uie fine display which they already have- I? -"S * SURPRISED ON BIRTHDAY A party of friends surprised Misfs A dele Froehlich Saturday evening, in honor of her sixteenth birthday anniversary.' Games furnished entertainment, for the guests and croquet was played on the lawn which wag lighted for the, evening. Miss Froehlich Was presented ^ith a pleasing gift froth the group^ of friends. Delicious refreshments were served at a table attractively -decorated .iri-piftk. and white, with nut cups, place cards arid other appointments carrying -opt the, Siblor s c h e m e . ^ \ • - QUILT EXHIBIT ' Ori Jttfy'26. there will be an exhibit of the Mary E. McElwain quilts, and also local quilts at the Methodist church from 2 to 4 o'clock in the afternoon, A short talk will be given at 2:30 explaining the art of quilt making, 1 and other interesting information concerning the qtiiks. Awards, for the best-quilted quilt, the 'one with th£ most attractive design, and1 the oldest quilt, will be given at 3:30. Admission of, 10 cents will be charged for this exhibit. If anyone has an old or unusual quilt jvhic-Ji she would like to display, plea|| call Mrs. JMaurine Hunter or Mrs. Alby Krug for more information. , _ The public is also Invited to see the beautiful display of fancy work which will be on sale at the bazaar given by the Philatheas on this d&te. More details of this bazaar will be given next week.; ' , * - " , ' Piai^dealers for sale at Bolger's. x° r*v- -vc,i£ 12,1934 PAST MATRONS AND •- PATRONS HOLD MEETING Miss Elsie Vycital and Lisle Bassett, members of the Fast ,Matrons a'hd Past Patrons Club of 1933 of Mc- Henry county, with their guests, Ml-s. J. E. Wheeler and Mrs. Henry Vogel, attended the meeting of the club at the home of Mrs. Stella Olson at Capron one evening last week. Twenty- three members were present to partake of the delicibus pot-luck supper, which was followed by 'an leveling at auction bridge. Prizes were won by Lisle Bassett, Mrs. Henry Vogel and Miss Elsie Vycital. M. E. CHURCH -You are invited to attend services at the M.' E. church every Sunday. There will be no regular church service Sunday, July 15, as the morning will bg devoted to the Children's Dayprogram, which will start at the Sunday school hour at 10 o'clock. SEVENTY-EIGHT YEARS OLD . Mrs. J. F. Claxton observed her seventy-eighth birthday Sunday. July' 8, her natal day, being the same as that of John D. Rockefeller. A family supper was enjoyed Sunday evening w^ien Mrs. Claxton was happy with all of her children present. /Those prisent were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Shepard and children of v Ringwood, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foss and-son of New York City, Mr. and Mrs>. John Dreymiller and Will Claxton at home and Mr. and Mrs. Will Heine of Chicago. ' . " RlcHENRY CHAPTER MEETS ^he regular meeting ,of MeHterry ChApter, O. E. S., was held Monday evening with banking on the order of Business. Plans were made for, a County Fair to be held'in August, the exact date to btf announoed later." An invitation from Barrington chapter for Monday evening, July 16; has been received* * - ' NAMJE ORGANIZATION The business and' professional men» of McHenry county held their second' meeting at Woodstock and adopted *# their name the "Dairy District Bufi- * ness Men's League." ' The purpose of the organisation as outlined in the director's report is to assist the farmer in securing prices for his products which are commensurate with the cost of commodities h^" buys and to perform any necessary?, business which will promote the g#ty> ^ral welfare of the community. WAUCONDA MAN IS REPORTED MlSSU«g* Joseph Steindorfer, 54 years old, of ' Wauconda, has been missing from'his home since last Saturday when be Vnade a t^ip to Chicago, according to a report made Tuesday by his son to the sheriff's office in -Waukegw,' where he sought assistance In locating his father. --and what a " ; ± time youMH«v4! £rom McHENRY 'phony orcl>cstras playing daily Two world-famous symphoas pi . . . miles of interesting exhibits . . . great choruses, bands, •aude'rille programs, operas ... . spectacular fireworks . ... startlingly beautiful lighting miracles that turn Fair nights into scintillating fairylands. A thousand other things to see, do and enjoy -- fascinating foreign villages ... strange, interesting people and places . . . exotic costumes, custpms, dances. trn" off*n fHit, nmfortaklt frrv- Kt mtd bar%sm f*r*i iwrj ^ Round trip in coaches, every At A Friday, Saturday and Sunday. 10-day return limit. f C C Round trip in coaches, every V ^ day. 15-day return limit. $ 9 A C Round trip, &rst class. Mhdaj ™ rreettuurrnn lliimmiitt. WORLD'S FAIR lit-Chicago To or» •' .' Two days *7°J* as low a* --includes tr*fljfer» between sution and hotel (licht's 2 admission tickets to Expoji lion; I concession admission; sicbtseeins too ofChicijo. 3-day tomf «i low as $10.00; 4 daya $IZM; S days* $14JOi 6 days SUJO For co<apte«e ifrfortnation sec roar local C. ft N. W. Ry. Ticket Agent »J CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN RY. FAMILY REUNION ; "'•^he j*phn S. f round f^n>Hy hel<3. a yip^Sicin !a.t the home of Mr. and Mrsf Peter Weirtgart on the fourth of July. The day w&s spent in games and Visiting and dinner was served, on \ the lawn. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. John S. Freund, Mr. and Mrs* Mat Blake, Mr- and Mrs. Peter A. Freund, Mr. ami Mrs^ Edwin F.reund of Spring Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weingart, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Smith of Ringwood, and their families, Miss Lilliart Freund, Ben Freund, Miss Bernice Weber ancfsWin^P.. Weber, „ FAMILY REUNION . r^TVfr. and Mrs- Harry Townsend entertained a ^roup o? relatives at their home on Green street Sunday at a reunion of the sisters and brothers of Mrs. Townsend. Those present were: Mr. and M,rs. J. J. Griffin and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Mle'ine of Quirtcy, Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy of Footville, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Peter Geary, Evansville, Mr. and Mrs. James Stack and Mr. and Mrs. John Dooley of Janesville, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Del iTownsend, DesPlaines, Mr. and Mrp. Leonard Townsend, Woodstock. * B savings for you this week-end at National Big values on famous quality canned foods ^ nationally advertised brands. Shop today and know lhat the foods(you buy represent genuine economy Thura., Frl., &Sa« r •" ^JEESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES i . . New Low Price Unequalled for.the Quality It Buys , (LOWEST PRICE IN BUICK HISTORY] #795 >i I935. Strict $o--$iiio tm 112^0. Seriel *• Sma 90--$187^ List prices •0t Flint, Mich. j\llpricts smbj*ct to cbangt without ****** UUu> it model 48, f86% at Flint. Sptctal equipment extrm. Dmeo fendm at no extra charge. A Straight Eight--i 93 Horsepower# 85 miles per hour-- 15 miles per gallon! First of all, the newest Buick is built to be a Buick through and through. Then, it is given a price--lowest in Buick hiftory and unequalled today for the quality it buys--which puts its value beyond comparison. Big, beautiful, modern, it is upholstered in fabrics of exclusive smart design. .Unmatched in performance by any other balanced car, its dependability is attested by Buick records of 30 years. For it has every famous Buick feature. Thousands have waited for sudi a car x such a price. They ttt buying now. They mre getting deliveries now. M Body by Fisher Kmn apv R. I. Overton West McHenry, 111, W # E ^ i • ' » A P T O M O T ? I t E S A F l E • B U I L T -- B U I C K • W I L L • B U I L D The Perfect Shortening Lih1fV9C CORNED BEEF ^ ® Delicious sliced c<rfd Am. Family soar Am. Famtly flakes UammIb am* Chocolate Bari > «lCr»UCjr Plain or Almond Evap. Milk TLS; ...... "Gottginr-Soft" Snow^-Wliite • ' •i , 14-oz. bottles 1-lb. • can Ne. l can • • • 5 bars . * med., pkgs. bars PET, BORDEN'S or CARNATION Seminole » .can 1WKT sheet rolls. 6c NEW Potatoes ? y- Fwwy Whit* Cobbtera , „ Mtir for IMr An* fu" • M fl \ goodii>»». 15-lb. •' NEW COOKING Apples 3 20c Head Lettuce . .2 ^tSi*l5« T • Criiff, fancy California" GreenBeans 2""-l5c BUY CANNED FOODS NOW AND SAVE AMOIICAN BfflB 0No-2%0 K Peaches A<sn> ou iMciowt,eold*n YallowCling,Holv#» A N«. 2V%| |Q 0 •r SJICM for d*»Mrt« and Mtodi O cms A •-- AJOUCAN HO*B . Pineapple/6 - o # S4k»d--Vocuum-pflck*d-- A N*. 2Uff AC .Dependeble enlferm qweli•try. - . O «•*» * --•» V. B. MAND ^ SAUCE V. m. MMJU1V Apple 2N..2I fy "m M. 4 6 50c AjmiCAN HOM1 ^ A No. f Grapefruit A ™ >61 -- N o ; 2 fmt a <Mld««s vtgttabl* dl»n# try If A No. 2 gy| C biM In a camroi* with Hwrtm O COM UP§ AMERICAN HOME gr% Ceuntry Gentle- I Al*!! 111,111 *r Gelden Bantam AMBUCAN HOME v'; Cut Beans A™ A Otma er Wax With th«t («rd«n- |l Ne. 2 Cf AC fmh flaver. Serve creemet4d.. O mm Tart rw**t with Hi* goodnou •f tha Writ Haw York appiaa Whola «agmawt» raady ta *arva Nica far takid* and frwtt cacktaii* AMEK1CANHOME Tomatoes J£u«-rip«n*d ta full daliciatUMMH. . IMld pack--whala tamataas AMERICAN HOME Tomatoi • Raady fo ute for flavoring tpagheHi, •avpi, uikm and gravio* m. 2 10 56c AMnUCAN HOME '• > ~ t Sauerkraut 2^21 jjk,J»aatthful dlth aipidaHy papular with r««md ar ballad iplerertbe. Hava tavarei MM an ya»r awargancy thaif. NATIONAL BKAND <^No. 2V, Spinach A ° A # Packed at Its ba«t. Jutt haat eml aarva with hard caakad agga Na. 2% 76' No, I cans e 25 1 O NO* I •ymwrn- cans VV \ SwansDown cake flour 2Xb'24c Calumet BAKING POWDER 24c Sawyer's Graham Crockara--Ovan-Datad pkg. 14* VREE--I Sample Package with Each Purchase of Large Package Rippled Wheat X. 1 Oc Chipso Pure Fiakat ar OraitalM 2X29C jHperSodSM.^ 3-^22* Ivory Flakes Far fine thing* X I » ' THEM rORK AND BEANS - i)1 U Ju ^ Campbell's o~ 14 . Slow-cooked ta a dellciam golden eonJ in a Hch tawafe wwwa • t AMERICAN HOME A Spaghetti A Prepared in rich tomato tauce with a tangy cheete. Heat and aat. Vr. 18-oz. 18-oz cans Palmolive Soap 6°-25c Camay Soap 4-l7c Snnbrite Cleanser 4 <™ 16C Gold Dost Fa*t work! ng Wash i ng Pawdar pkg. 15c Doggie Diomer The perfett dog fecij 3 lb; 25c NATIONAL coA FOOD STORES T M I C O I I H P H T 1 MOW i ° Y - t A V I H O P O O 0 0 I » T 11 » U T I AN IfiMIZIO CASH MOIITII IICilM W > T <1 «V 1 • Y JM|j_O^A»B_ , Mek» Evarythuig Spic and Span Old Dutch CLEANSER Oom fwrtkw...Deeent •cr«tcli boctmoifi q|(| witti eeismofife. .. 7 LUICK'S

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