Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jul 1934, p. 3

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^ July 12, IBM -stfsssj. -iblZkJtny >*.* ';>TV;r^^'*;7^ PLAINDEALMt B«y |1W ,£'*?• > " *V *S *, "< V"' HEW REDICED ;w+i ,* * ^ LIMITED TIME ONLY 4.40-21 TO BUILfr THE TIRE SENSATION Beyond Comparison in Quality, V struction, Appearance and Pric# With Any First Quality Tire Made THE way to crteate a "TIRE SENSATION is to giv**' the people what they want, and Firestone bu done this with the new Firestone Century Progress Tire, As millions of people visited^the Firestone F actory at the World's Fair last year, ^e asked this question--- "What do you value most in a tire?" They answered-- 4'Give us Blowout Protection, Non-Skid Safety, and Long Wear at a moderate price.** This was a big order, but Firestone has a habit of giving car owners what they N want when they want it. We knew there was only one way to build Quality and Value into a tire at a moderate price, and that was by volume production. We built the greatest tire ever made to sell at these low prices. Car owners are profiting because we found out what they wanted and found the> way to give it to them. - ThenewFirestoneCentnry Progress Tire IS EQUAL OR SUPERIOR to any first quality tire built, regardless of name, brand, by whom manufactured, or at what price, offered for sale. :T}'. <HKK THESE AMAZING VAUJB Come in and equip your car with this marvel of tire construction, at the lowest, price we have ever been able to make on a tire of this high quality and construction, carrying a Triple Guarantee --for UmquaM Pffonwan' r Racords --4or Lift Against Afl Dtfots --for 12 Months Agnimt Afl toad Hazards* -• *54* Months in Co«nnrni«f Sarsta* SlM Old Pric* N«w Pric* Yew Sm 4.40-21 95,75 •8.91 4.50-20 ici *.!• O.9J 4.54M1 jtt 6.)0 S.Ol 4.75-19 7|8 6.70 1.08 5.00-19 8fU 7.20 1.14 5.25-18 w 8.00 1.17 5^5-21 i l l 8.80 1.48 5.SO-17 ^.LL 8.75 1.48 5.50-18 j(b,il 9.0s 1.40 Other SUM Proportionately Lour The rfirst bicycle hike invthe histoty of the McHenry troop was attempted and was completed very successfully. Monday saw eight fellows off on a round trip ta Sherman's Hill through much scehic land over dirt roads. And the hajd pumping the boy9i did was enough for anyone. When the gang: arrived at the Hill a dark sky threatened rain; so immediately the tent that had been, so useful at the Camporee was put up. I might add that the tent was donated by John Karls, so we really have to thank him for Wt getting wet. A hasty supper was choked*for already a few drops were coming down.e Just as the gang vas seated comfortably the rain came down in torrents. Stories wer® told but one by one the fellows dropped off to sleep. Bang! the tent rojSe broke and. at once...A .commotion began for tying a .rope in a sJriving rain is by all means no> easy job. After the confusion was qaie^ed and the tent was back to Baroml, the gang slept until morning. After breakfast the bike brigade went to Woodstock and back and believe it or not, cdming back to the Hill the crowd made it In a half an hour from Woodstock. Then another trip after dinner to McCullom's Lake and a swim refreshed thiworn out boys. Home felt good to tho boys as they had been gone a whole day. We want a greater crowd to go next time, for Richard Vycital said that so .great was the fun that manv more will be in store for us- Every Scout that has a bike ought to/turn out for a real bit of .great entertainment. y "• The .finishing cohtest is next Monday and lhat dollar is still at staler. All you have to do is to catch more fish than your competitor Scouts /and the dollar's yours. It*s a chance and what you can do with a dollar is nobody's business! SCOUT HAROLD TAXMAN City Council Proceeding! ' • '/ . ,y '"'T"1'1 ' - i " « • • > C o u n c i l Room |,v-;^uly 2, 1934 The -City Council met in regular jnonthly meeting with Mayor Doherty presiding. Aldermen preaettt: Justen, Kreutzer, Overton, Schaefer, Wattles. Absent: Barbian. • .Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Justen, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved a? read. Motion carried; • < Motion by Overtop seconded by Wattles,'that the Treasurer's report be approved as read, showing a'balance of $'4,551.25. .Motion carried. Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Wattles, that the Collector's report be accepted as read- Motion carried. - Motion by. Justen, seconded by Kreutzer, that the Clerk's report be accepted as read. Motion' carried. Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Overton, that the following bills he paid as read and approved by the finance committee. Motion carried. John B. Wirtz, marshal service ,.-- Edw. Mischke, police service ..a 95.00 W. .C. Feltz, caretaker service 11)0.00 Mayme Buss, commissions, efev,'716.52 111. Bell Tel. Co., service 2.25 Fttfft Thw# Farmers MS11, broonW lu J. Stoffel, drayage LOO Job Vasey, labor: on'water- v works '. s Andrew Hanson, labor on waterworks M. M. Niesen, supt. service ...... P. A. JNejgs, commissions ........ John JR. ^nith, gravel ., Thos. P. Bolder, fumipators M. Engeln & Son,, supplies .and labor Henry L. Cowlin, Tel. calls .... V'alvoline Oil Co., gasoline The McHenry Plaindealerv publishing, etc. .'.a' Overton Motor Sales, work on hydrant ............... J. Stillin-gs Tire Shop", repairs and gasoline James B. Clow & Sons, hydrant .Public Service Co., power purnpmg water Public Service Co., street lights 121.73 Public Service Co., street lights 105.27 Elgin Glass Co., plate glass. .... 17.65 Arrow Petroleum Co., road oil"., 368.32' Motion by Kreutzer, seconded. by Overton, that the resolution regarding ,street lighting;.recommendations be passed as read., •. ; _ Replace 3-60 CP with 100 CP lamps and replace 100 CP lamps cm main traffic arteries with" 250 CP lamps, 3:60 50.00 9.50 5.00 12.60 7.20 r.30 ,9.75 12.75 12^» 3.52 75^97 68.75 • 2.50 also increase burning hours from dusk 12 p. m. to dusk l a. m. Motion carried. ' * Motion by Overton, seconded*; by Kreutzer, that Special Assessment No. (^^^loaed according to law. Blotion Motion by Kreutzer, - seconded by Justeji, that t*he H^lork be authorized to procure Compensation Insurance for all city employes. Motion carried. Motion by Overton, aecpnded by Kreutzer, that the Tajfr-'Levy Ordinance- levying a taxin the sum of $11,458.14 fo^.the year A. D. 1934 be passed a& -read. JusterT^voted aye, Kreutzer aye, Overton aye, JSScfiaefer aye, Wattles aye. Nays ijone; Motion carried.' -V. Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Wattled, that, an ordinance levying a tax for Public Benefit purposes for the City of McHenry, in accordance with Section 33-b of an act in relation to Local Improvements, together with all amendments thereto. In the •sum of $858.14, be passed as read. Justen voted aye,,Kreutzer aye,'Overton aye,. Schaefer aye, Wattles aye. Nays none. Motion carried; -• Motion by Overtoa,--seconded by. Justen, that a resolution authorizing ^rad directing that proper steps be taken to enjoin the application of the Illinois Retailers' Occupation Sales Tax Act to revenue of thi.i mtm.icipality derived frofn the furnishing; of- - ff water and/or electric service. Bo passed as read, and $10.00 be sent with a copy of this resolution to help yg$ defray the d&st and, Expenses of such ' legal proceedings. ""Motion, carried,. Motion by Overton, seconded by Kreutzer, .that the Standard Oil Co.-' be granted permission to replace with ; new si ens the signs now located at the junction of Routes No. 20 and U. S. No.. 12. Motion tarried. . Motion by Justen, seconded by..Ov;-_, . crton, to set the deadline for payment~ cf vehicle license, dog jjcense, as July " 15th. Motion carried," ^ ..Motion Justew, seconded by Kreutzer,' to 'adjourn---~1®tlon caj- ' ried. , " , • - - PETER. J. DOHERTY, Maycr _ :: PETER A. NEISS, City CIerkC=! EMPIRE THEATRE ^ INSTALLS NEW E. W; Johnson of •Empire Theatre,". his installed new 30-=it)eh^hre^ j>hl^ser motor fan in' conjunction with the cylinder blower. JJatrons may r^w be assured of comfort and good ventilation, while enjoying the best programs obtainable. .- v.*, THE BEST LOW PRICED TIRE ON THE MARKET flrMtoH COURIER TYPE SI/.E I'HIC.S 1 4.40-21 •4-45 , 4.50-21 4.90 ,4.75.19 5.ZO 1 30*3*4 PraooOrtthlo«n>o lSailxvw L*w For. those car owners who need new tire safety at a very low price the Firestone Courier Type tiro has no equal at these exti t UMIT low prices. • .* # Sre how Firestone Tires «re Made at the Firestone •' •* " factory and Exhibition Building, World's Fair - • • • ^ . ig. " Listen to the Voice of FirestonB Featuring Gladys StcarthouM --Every Monday Night or# N.B. C.-- WEAF Netkoork no morer my lady! Starts Fri., July 13-Ends Sat., July 21 • HERE YOU WILL FIND VALUES SHOWING SUCH UNUSUAL SAVINGS THAT CAN ONLY BE OFFERED DURING A GENUINE CLEARANCE SALE J . L BUY HERE -- NOW -- AND SAVE MONEY DIM* EvMiing in fori* preparation* ww» cfoted wpttldlyfcr larimgfmhMMM wniMfdayi Use Evening in Puis Toilet Wster niter your bsth «nd dsih it over yo«u face and neck during the dsy. I u hmgnacc lasts longer, «nd it keeps you cool, . fresh and radiant. $1.25 . Then duty the new pursesize jewel flacoa of Evening in Paris Perfume fo renew your chsnn during the day. It s as es»y to use as y our lij^ocfc. 5S« Dry Goods PRINTED ORGANDIE, some very fine patterns, per yard -16^ VOILE--Printed, plain and seed voile, nice patterns, per yard...16c^ PERCALE--Best 80 square prints and plain colors, per yard ...... 16o CURTAIN GOODS--Some very at tractive pieces, per yard BUTTONS--Fancy o&e lot, per card dress buttons. :.3«* e Motor Sales ^Phone Sales - FORD - Service W. McHenry Thomas P. Bolger "The McHenry Druggist" Phone 40 .« Green St. Lace and Insertions One lot, per yd, ic - Shoes One lot of CHILDREN'S STRAPS and OXFORDS, values, to^ $1.50, per pair 1 98£ Men's COTTON CHALLIE--Fpr quilts and comforts, per yard -l6o FORD'S NEW REDUCED without reduced vali) SPORT SHIRTS Men's White Sport Shirts, only a f e w s i z e s , e a c h . . . . 3 9 Men's Union Suits Men's knit union suits, short sleeve and ankle length. •;v . • •. .. . ... 95c value, each 69c THE only change in the JFord V^is the change in price. Lower prl does not mean any difference in basic material or in engineering--Ford has only one standard. There is only one Ford V-8 car chassis^ It gives you a full 112" wheelbase. It is a powerful car--developing a generous 85 horsepower. It has the only V-8 engine in a car selling for less than $2500. Despite its bigness, its roominess and its power, the new Ford V-8 is the most economical car Ford has ever built. You save money on gas and jail every mile you drive. Examine the new Ford V-8. book at costly cars. The more high-priced cars inspect, the more Ford-V-8 features you will see. AMERICA'S GREATTRUCK VALUE! . 6 . The Ford V-8 is everything a truck should be. Full-sire. Rugged. Economical. Moreover, Ford Trucks and Commercial Cars are built to handle 90% of all hauling problems--with a body type fot every noed. NOW AT NEW LOW PRICES A CJ T H O R 1 ZEfi F,0 R D DEALERS COOL--In the Ford V-8 you Jet windshield vetotilatlon from the front ma well as ventllatjon from the side. You're cool LASYPAFTKINOThe Ford V-8„i« one of- the easiest cars In. the world to drive. A 15 to i ratio nudem IMrttoft chlld'i plmj. FORD V-8 MEN'S ALLEN A KNIT UNION SUITS, short qsleeve, ankle length, $1.50 v^lue, each ...• $1.19 Menfs Athletic Union Suits fine nainsook, regular 75c value, now 59^ TABLE MATS--Metal hot dishes, each back for 5^ MARKET BASKETS--A real buy, choice of two sizes 2 FOR 25c^ FRUIT JAR RINGS--Nevfr> red rubber, Ferndell brand ^ 5 DOZEN FOR 19^ Dress Oxfords $4 values, per pair $2.95 One lot of LADIES' HIGH CUT LEATHER SHOES and WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS and SLIPPERS, old stock, per pair 15<^ One lot of INFANTS' and CHILDREN'S SHOES andSLIPPERS, odd sixes, per pair 2 j5<^ Wall Paper One lot of Bargain Wall Paper, from 2 to 6 single rolls of a pattern, side wall and celling, per single roll 2(^ KITCHEN. BEDROOM and LIVING ROOM PAPER, values up to 15c per single roll, now your choice : WALL PAPER VALUES up to 30c per single roll, now per single roll : 15C STONE WARE STONE JARS, from 1 to 20 gallon size, per gallon 14<^ BLACK GLASS CUPS AND SAUCERS, per doz. 59^ Groceries NAVY BEANS -- Choice picked Michigan beans, 5 LBS. RICE -- Fancy Blue Rose head rice 5 LBS. 29^ PANCAKE FLOUR -- Pillsbury's pancake flour. 1 \* -lb. pkg. 8<^ 3^2-lb. pkg. 23^ Ferndell Catsug Large bottles, 12£e \ f T - •X f •t f t' T T T T t t T i FRUIT'NFOR SALAD Sunset brand, 1-11/ cans 15^ FRUIT FOR SALAD--Ferndgtt brand, No. 2 cans, a 30c value. 2 FOR 45* KELLOGG'S CORN Large size pkg. .FLAKES-- SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUITS, 2 PKGS. 23^ ASH each TRAYS--Glass ash trays, HEINZ RICE FLAKES, per pkg, Baby Stuart 8-ounce cans of Gra|># Fruit, Apple Sauce, Peaches and Strawberried , Per can . . . . 5c P. & B. WHITE LAUNDRY SOAP, per bar LEMON SQUEEZER or JUICE EXTRACTORS, each 5# SCREW DRIVERS--One lot, each 5^ COFFEE MILLS -- q o ffee as you use it. coffee mii|s, regujs^ n%rW .: Grind your Our Arcade $1.50 value. 98c "LANA OIL" TOILET SOAP - 5 BARS FOR 17C" FANCY DRESS LAUNDRY SOAP 5 BARS FOR 17& SOAP FLAKES--Fancy dress soap flakes, fine quality, l ib. pkg. ?)<£ PEARUNE and RUB NO MORf^ Soap Powder, small pkg. $ AND UP, F.O.B. DETROIT £a& ttrms thrtmfh Umivtnml Crtdit C*. AND REMEMBER THIS: The foUowinft Special Equipment, "which usually,costs from $38 to $40 more, is furnished at No Extra Cost on Ford V-8 De Luxe ModelsTSafety Glass Through, out... Twin Tail-lights .. .Twin Cow 1 Lamps .. .Two matched-tone Horns... Cigar Lighter. Ash Receptacles...Two Adjustable Sun Visors ....Fenders that match body...Colored Wheels. THESE PRICES ONLY INDICATE A FEW OF THE EXTRA VALUES TO BE FOUND HERE. SHOP r v HERE AND SAVE MONEY , ' < = ERICKSON X Phone 154 P West McHenry RADIO PROGRAM -- WITH WAKING'S PEN1SSYLVANIANS: EVERY SUNDAY EVENING -- COLUMBIA PFETWORS* x •T y * T I I •f f V •f •tf • f •t • f f V - £

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