Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jul 1934, p. 7

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an RINGWOOD 'c ;• . • The Low family held their reunion f Hit Beatty's Pond, July 4th. A picnic • firmer was enjoyed. Those to attend Were: Mr. and Mrs. David Low and | family of Muskegon, Mich., Mr. and ' Mrs. Leslie Allen and Robert Low of Hebron, James Low and Sadie Cftmp^ bell of Kenosha and Mrs. Viola Low and children of Ringwood. ^ M>s. Harold Whiting of Chicago Is visiting in the Lewis Schroeder home. Mr. and Mrs- George Springzl and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hildtphmndt of Chicago spent July 4th in the L. E. Hawley home. - Rev. wfd Mrs. Collins and son, Roger, -of, Lanark, 111., spent July 4th v;ii fTDr. Paul A Schwabe-JS^ 7 OPTOMETRIST , E. NY£ BUILDING West McHenry Thursday We Can Fix 'Em Any car or truck that is' • not b£yo®Ld. At this garage. That's our specialty. And ^ will give an estimate of the cost, before starting tfe woj^« ^^t dmve in and talk it o^fiE That's fair enough, isri't it. guaranteed. -v'r. ._V- & Phone SMITH'S GARAGE 32ft McHenry Elm St. and Riverside Drin All at- Green- • Uncertainty--due to lack of infoc* mation--need "not handicap the farmer who has a telephone.. The telephone cads uncertainty . . . brings information . . . hdps determine the best course of action.' A quick, inexpensive call to town", to a marketing association or to a neighbor often prevents a loss or makes an extra profit. At all times, and particularly during the busiest seasons, the telephone will "run" errand# at a fraction of the expense of' tending to them in person. Your farm NKEDS a telephone, not only for these every-day tasks, but because it assures quickest action in EMERGENCIES! Frequently one call pays for a yew's telephone service. Call our Business Office, or any telephone employee will gladly help ypM place your order for service. in the J. V. Buckland home. tended the Homecoming at wood. Mrs. Thomas Doherty entertained the Bunco Club at h^r home Thursday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. George Shepard and Mrs. Nick Young. :*:• Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carney anddaughter Marion and Ben .Fowle • bf Chicago spent July 4th in the Roy Neal home. Mrs. Carney and daughter remained for a few days' visit. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kidd and son and daughter of Chipagojspent Thursday evening in the Roy Neal h#me. Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch spent Friday witn her moither, .Mrs. Nellie Dodlge. Mr. and Mrs. Charles, Mrs. Edward Howard and Mrs. Meyeris of Woodstock spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Genevieve Dodge. Mrs. Joe Carney and dai^hter, Marion, Ben Fowle afcd M!rs. R©^ Neal and family called on Mrs. Frank Dix acd family at Solon Mills, Wednesday evening. v k Virginia Jepaon w visiting relatives at Elgin.';-.". v ;' Mrs. George Bacon a*nd Mrs. Nellie Dodge spent Friday afternoon, at McHenry. Among those from here to attend the Eastern Star party at the home of Mrs. Minnie Miller at McHenry Friday afternoon were Mesdamek Agnes Jencks, Edward Hawley, -J. C. Pearson, F. A. Hitchens, H. M. Stephenson, and L. E. Hawley. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young and Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Nimsgern spent Saturday afternoon at Woodstock. Among those from here to attend Prosperity night at the Miller theatre at Woodstock Friday evening were, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young, Mrs. Nellie Dodge and Mrs. S. W. Smith, and daughter Bernice and James Lindemann. " Mrs. Jennie Bacon is visiting in the home of her son, George at Antioch, James Lindemann of Dundee is spending the summer with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith. Mr. jfttd-Mrs. Ralph Simpson and Will Beth spent Sunday and Monday in the Max Beth home. ; Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson- of Johnsburg and Mrs. Stain of near Spring Grove spent Thursday evening in the George Young: home.- Ringwood Home Bureau unit met at the home of Mrs. Eppel Tuetcby, July 3rd. There were fourteen members and four visitors present. Roll call was responded to by giving a receipe. Mrs. W. B. Harrison, food chairman, Mrs. Jepson, health, and Mrs. Thomas, clothing chairman, each gave a short reading on the various articles. Mrs. Sweeney was not present. Mrs. C. L. Harrison, local leader gave the lesson on buying and texture of linen. 'Andrew Jepson of North Adams, Mass., and Arthur Dunn of Williamstown, Mass., are visiting in .the home of the former's brother, C. J. Jepson. Sidney Edinger of Woodstock spent from Thursday until Monday in the Roland McCannon home. Mr. and Mrs. George Jepson of Wauconda were visitors in the C. J. Jepson home Thursday evening. Mir. and Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin and daughter, Julia, spent Sunday in the Max Beth home in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and family helped the latter's mother celebrate her birthday Sunday- Miss Lillian Darby of Chicago- and her nephew, Richard Darby of Florida spent a few days the past week with, her sister, Mrs. W. B. Harrison. Mr. Bishop and son-in-law of Lafayette, Ind., spent Thursday night and Friday in the C. J. Jepson home. Ml*", and Mrs. Henry; Hinze of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with the latter's parents,. Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison. Mrs. Woodford and daughter, ivsr,' of Park Ridge, spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs. Wm- McCannon. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson, Andrew Jepson and Arthur Dunn attended A Century of Progress Monday, Fourth of July evening, guests in the Charles Peet home were: Miss Lillian Darby of Chicago, Richard Darby of Florida, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. • Harrison und son Earl, Mr. , and ness this year was the largest ever recorded in the village. Stephen H. Freund is the possessor .of a new six passengter Partin-Palmer automobile, purchased through the company's McHenry agents, G. A. Stilling. The McHenry supervisor is fast acquainting himself with the machine and already handles aame nicely* ' VTEN YEARS AGO 7 . With all the traffic which passed over the Fox river bridge here over the weekend nary an accident was rs• ported. This seems to indicate that the drivers are becoming more cautious. ' In spite of the unfavorable yeather conditions most of the cottages along Fox river and Pistakee Bay aye occupied. l! Every hotel and eating place about town were taxed to their very capacity over the weekend. The meat markets and ice teeam parlors were practically cleaned up by Monday morning. McHenry baseball cl^b will Mm Raymond a^oh'^'t^Si';ravd. to Burlington, Wis,, next.Sun-, and Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison. day aftemoon> they are schedul- Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson . daughters, Qjive and Virginia, Andrew Jepson and Arthur Dunn were visitors in the Lee Huson home, at Mundelien Sunday evening. " Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foss of' New Yortc City spent Friday evening in >ihe F. A. Hitchens home. \:Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLean of Woodstock spent Sunday .with Mrs*. Frankie Stephenson. The Ladies Aid Society' will hold an all-day meeting at the home of Mrsi Ben Walkington Friday, July 20. The Beatty family held a Reunion in V Olsen Woods Sunday- Thpse to attend were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey a find family of Deerfield, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jackson and family of Solon • Mills. Mr. and Mrs. S. H, Beatty, Mrs. Viola Low and family and Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Olsen and son Charles. ^ Miss Mildred Jepson of Evanston J spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. V and Mrs. C. J. Jepson. | «• Barnes and Clarence Harrison left I & Thursday morning with the former's ! i sister, Mrs. Stanley Thomas and lit-j% tie son for her new home at Lewis- • ^ burg, Penn- They arrived there Fri- j day evening. Mr. Thomas is "employed : as a guard at the State Penitentiary, j J James and Clarence will remain for! V a visit. , j Mae And Roy Wiedrich were visi-j j^ tors at Woodstock Tuesday morning, j % Mrs. Frankie Stephenson is visiting- ^ with her sister at Woodstock. Dr. and Mrs. A- H. Churchill of T5s-' wego, 111., spent July 4th with Mr. and Mrs- Clayton Harrison! Charles Coates of Genoa City spent, Sunday with his sister, MriT Fred! Wiedrich and family. ' l~" '. . ! Mrs. Fred Wiedrich spent Tuesday ; in the home of her son Harold and family. FORMER RESIDENTS HERE Mrs., J. A. Conrad arid son, Frederick, of San Diego, Cal., called on friends here Friday enroute to their home in California, where Mr, Conrad is employed "in 4 bank.^ The family were residents of McHenry eight years ago«.when Mr. Conrad was cashier of the Green street bank. . Mrs. Conrad and her son visited relatives in Indiana and Chicago for several weeks and attended the Century of Progress in Chicago, meeting many old friends and acquaintances. Frederick, who has graduated from high school and had a year of college, at San Diego, will attend college at Berkeley n?*t year. Mrs. Conrad, with her son at the wheel of their car, expected to reach Dubuque Friday night where they would visit relatives in that vicinity. HOLY NAME SOCIETY MEETS About 150 members of the Holy Name society met 1n St. . Mary's church hall, Tuesday evening. A good time was enjoyed during the evening. The president of the society is Charles Pich and the secretary ,, is Herman Steffes. . ' • MRS. CULVER IMPROVING Friends of Mirs. Theresa Culver will be glad to know^ that a letter from ; this former resident of McHenry ha* been received by one of her old neighbors in which she says that she i3 improving in health and now weigh.* about 130 pounds, having gained about > 30 pounds since she went to Des- Moines, la., to make her home with her nephew, Carlos Parker and wife. She gets about some on crutches and is having her shoes fixed to aid her in this. She has.,a pleasant home and passes the time in reading and other light occupation. Friends will be glad 1 to know that Mrs. Culver is improv-' ing in health. '• ; . LASCH-WHITE ' Mr, and Mrs. Charles F. Lasch of> Norwood avenue, Chicago,! announce 4 •' the marriage Of their daughter. Dor- ftf' * othy Alicv, to Mr. Dan Ivan White, on ^ -- ' July 3, 1934- The ceremony which '0. took place at St. Paul's chapel. The bride is a graduate of the ITni-;, " vei'sity of Chicago and Mr, White U an Armour Tech man. : ^ Immediately after the ceremony Ifi*. 31? aifd Mrs. White toured to Auguata, .',, Kansas ^ where he is employed. . (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Report of the Condition of * • West McHenry State Bank • Located at McHenry (P. 0. West McHenry), State of Illinois, at the' " close of business on the 30th day of June, 1934, as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of tjie State of Illinois^pursuant to law.; ' ^ . RESOURCES-- . 1. 2i • 4. -5. 6.. •M 9. Cash/t)u^^^tn Banks and Other ^ash ; Resources^(1-2-3) •„ , ;> ,o(?0^95 U. S. Government Investments (4) ,, ^ 7 77,426.00 Investments Guaranteed by U; S. Government (5);y / " >00.00 Other Bonds and Securities (6) *. 242,02 Loans on-Collateral- Security. (7a) < . 90,027.42 _0ther Loans (7b) : u.. 121^174.76 Loans on Real Estate (7c\ -- SJ...., " 22,059.00 Overdrafts (-8) ^ 80.66 .Ot'liet1 Real Estate (9) .• NONE. ••u: Latest Modet GENERAL ELECTRIC Af& FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS NOW ON , Twice T o l d Items of Interest Taken From the Files of the Plaindeali ----:----of Years Ago t T \ I T Tt T T T rX ± 30. Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures (10) 11. (histQiner&'<Luibfl44TTinder Letters of Credit (11) „ 12. Customers '^ability Account of Acceptances (12) 13. Other Resources (13) 12.000.00 NONE NONE NONE Total Resources $535,470.^1 itaLNotes LIABILITIES ^. Capital Stock (14) 15." Ineome Debenture^ anc 16. Surplus (16) ; I 17. Undivided Profits (Net) (17) 18. Reser\re Accounts (18) 19. Demand I Visits (,19a) 20. Time De]>osits (19b) 21. Due to Banks (19c) -^4 ^0,000XK) NONE ^ 40,000.00 ' 10,085.82 24,532.99 259,394.70 151,444.31 N.QNESA Total of Deposits (19a), (19b) and (19c) •'(1) SecuredT by pledge of loans and/or ^ investments 34,235.2$- (2) Not secured by pledge of loans and/or invest meats; • See the many new Frigidaire and General- Electric Refrigerators now on display at your nearest Public - -^- Service Store. Here are the latest models, with new features, new conveniences--the latest developments of electric refrigeration. Ask about our easy payment plan which lets you "purchase an electric refrigerator for only a small down payment, the balance monthly, the "little-by-little" way. Coi&e in and see these electric refrigerators today. •* T» CQtxr interest and otbtr evsts, a somewhat higher pric* is charged for appliances sold *» deferred payments. - IT -V, FOR ONLY One Nickel Five cents --the cost of • package of gum--will operate a washing machine, a vacuum cleaner^ a percolator, an electric iron, a toaster, a waffle iron --all at one time--for one solid tour at the new 2c per kilowatt-hour portion of the electric rate, in effect after 17 kilowatt-hours per room have been used in the month. Other useful electrical devices also coit but« few pennies to operate. Take advantage of the new low • Bates -- think what comfort, what convenience Che u*e of labor-saving appliances will hring to your home. ublic Service Company PP HORTHBRH ILUHMI ' FIFTY YEARS AGO • Married---In Woodstock, Wednesday, Jun« 2nd, 1884, by Rev. Geo. K. Hoover, Mr. Charlie B. Hubbard to Miss Effie F. Tilton,, all of McHenry. ^ We learn that burglars made a"vTsTT to the resiJsnce of E. J. Hanley <Sn 8unday night last, and got away with some ?15 in money. Mirs. J. A- Goirp and daughter., Bessie, have been visiting with friends'at iBig Foote, the few days. - Miss Amelia Ritfhter of Chicago was the truost 'of Miss Cora McOmber over Sunday. * . • • _ , . -- .* John Kelter of Chicago ^ spent tH'e fourth in this village. i-.i (3> Tot^TOeiios^ff^l.^ 22. Bills Payable (20a). u 23. Re-Discounts (20b") 24. Dividends Unpaid (21) .. 25. Ivetters o^f Credit. (22) 26. Bank Acceptance^ (23) „ 27. Other Liabilities t^-*) Total '-Liabilities^ „ 376,603.82 410,839.10 NONE NONE NONE NONE NON® 12.9Q :i535^o.ii; FORTY YEARS AGO There were about fifty effuples re-, pftrted at the party at the McHenry House, July 4th. One hundred and. seventy-seven Couples attended the party at the Rivw ersi< le House on the 4th, aDd~aiL»^- port a pood time. ' The drouth in this section is getting to be a serious matter. No rain, in three weeks and "pastures and all kinds of vegetation suffering. It is said "the prayers of the righteous availeth much." Have we a righteous man among us? ' -- Miss Dora Besley attended a reunion of the class of.'92, Waukegan High School, held in that city, recently. E. W. Howe has taken the contract to build the residence of Prof. T\ M. Goodman, of the Chicago College of •Pharmacy, which is to be located in the grove, on land-fHidehased"5"®^^®. E. M. Owen estate. m Memorandum: Loaiis arid Investments Pledged ^ * to Secure Liabilities: ' ' .*:'i . lir Loans and Investments Pledged:;. - 7^^ . .. • (a) IL 8. Govl'i nnwnt Securities l $3(j,30<l0l). - fb) Otller"Bonds;^Stocks and Se^ritlSC;. •/ (c) Ijoans and Diseounl s - NONE Totai^Pledged (Excluding Rediscounts) (25) .. .. $ 40,300.00 .-Pledged (a) Against U. S. (Jov't. and Postal Savings Deposits (b) Against Public Funds of States, /. Counties, School Districts and othet Subdivisions or Municipalities 27,000.00 (e) Against Deposits of Trust Departments ^ (Federal Reser\re Member Banks oiilv) . NONE (d) Against other Deposits ...'...•;.---'M,»}00.00 (e) Against Borrowings ^ NONE (f) AVitb Au.dkor of Public Accounts to . qualify for the exercise of Fiduciary V,,;'-'PnwerH' y '(|f) - For other Purposes. NONE NONE -T": Telephcme: Crystal Lake 280 TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO The foundation for McHenry's beautiful new $17,000 depot is now completed and the brick layers are now on the job. The Chicago Telephone company has been stringing considerable cable in i village limits recently, thus doing away with the many wilres in oar streets. New cement floors are being laid m the basement of the McHenry public school building- Nick Bohr is doing the work. ' Mr. Eld r edge of Richmofid Ras a^ain been appointed game warden •ad fish commissioner for this county. Total Pledged (2(5) (Must agree with item 28).,_.v. $. 40.o00.00 w This'bank hafe outstanding $94,301,78 face amount of Deferred' Certificates, payable solely out of future net profits, if and when such future net profits are earned, (future net profits«are operating profits plus recoveries, less charge-offs and proper provision for reserves) representing contributions to the bank and subordinated to all deposit and creditor liabilities but payable before any distributioil to stockholders as such. i:: " TWENTY YEARS ^GO -Butter on the Elgin board of trade Monday sold at 26 cents per pound. It is estimated that no less than 1500 people were carried out of this village by rail last Sunday night. " AH the business houses in McHenry report that the Fourth of July busi- I, Gerald J. Carey, Cashier of the West McHenry State Bank, dor solemnly swear' {hat the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above cor? respond with the items and amounts shown in the report made to the Audi(or of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law., . GERALD J. CABEY, Cashier. _ • • STATE OF ILLINOIS, v ; -7;.: County of McHenry. sa. * ^ ! Subscribed and swort to before1 me this 5th day of July, 193^, , (SEAT.) A ROBERT L. WEBER, Notary Public. fe*4Sa.,'

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