Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Jul 1934, p. 8

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flight - • '-.. •- _ ^ rrr, :' ~r „ . . . « THE McHENRY >y^r . , - & , < . . yil , _ V- Jr ' •* v f*: ;""-w i.' • 1 4- i. 4 /^T- "" , . ,._ _ w ^ , *•*-•* "* 40 , 1 liraraday, July, 19, 1M1 ¥ . * . ' CAMP PLANS PARTY fht next meeting of Fox River Valley Camp, R.N. A., will be held ott fthe first Tuesday in .August. Only one meeting of the camp will be lield < in August; " ; - , ' "• Plans have been completed for tne i- card party to be held at the home of Mrs. A. K. Burns at Hickory Grange •nneexxit, Tiiuiressud.a.y. afternoon, -J u: ly• -4. cliib-met With Mi>s. Ben Dietz Tuesday • V Those wishing to attend who have n0,^,fternoon. Prizes in cards w:ere» award .7. way of transportation are asked to - *• *" --*• ,r- *11-- phone Mrs. George Johnson,, 70-J, of . Mrs. Gecrgq Lindsay* 51-R| and- cars.. will be provided. V. ' ' , • The als^o, 'planning abaRery ^ "%ate, the date of which will be a n - X'l' nounccd. later. ; •••"' - - • 'to'*/ no morer GROCERS HAVE PICNIC .•"The- Grocers' Association, of Mciienry county held a picnic if Peterson's woods Sunday. A picnic dinner and supper were enjoyed by nearly J(X) members from the county. • i -- . EMERALD BRIDGE CLUB ^ Sfentbers V^tfie "Emerald Bridge ed to Mrs. Albert Krause, Mrs. Albert Vales and" Mrs. E. R. Sutton.. rDelicious refreshments were geryed»j , " EASTERN STAR * ^ ,; ::> . McHenry Chapter, O. E. S-, has received invitations to attend the_ folfowrng official , yisite -of the- Worthy Grand Matron," Mi s. Gussie L. Hart: PansyChapter, Plainfield, July 25, and Aptiocb^chapter, July 26. ; ; AUXILIARY TO HAVE GUEST '• The American LegibH Auxiliary ^'il. ihetet this, Thur«Ja^-evemrig in. Legion ball. ; Miss Jylia Feffer i of ; Crystal Lake, district director, will be the gayest of'the evening.- It is hoped that Members;:will attend the nieeting In honor"Of. ^his distinguished visil#*; •,;'V MID-WEEK CLUB The Mid-Week club- met with Mrs. A. K. Burns at her summer home at Hickory Grange on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Five tables of bridge were in play, ^ith Pr*zfs awarded to Mrs. L. A." Erickson, Mr?. Hi B. Schaefer and Mrs. J. A. Graver. That* Evening in Pari* preparation* were created especially for larfinp freshness on uinm*f day* Use Evening in Puis Toilet W at er aiter your b«th *nd cksh it over your face and neck during tbe day. Its fragrance lasts longer, and it keep* TOU cool, fresh and radiant. $1.25 Then carry the new pursesize jewel flacon of Evening in Paris Perfume fo renew your charm during the day. It * as easy to use asyour lipstick. 53c Thomas ?. Bolger • "The McHenry Druggist" bone 40 . , ^ .Green St. i yi sV MOTHERS CLUB PICNIC . ^ The Mothers Club will-enjoy its antiual picnic at Bangs Lake, W-auconda, on Friday, July 20. Members who desire to go^ will meet . at the city park and at L. A. Erickson's store. Anyone having a Car who can take others is asked to notify Mrs. C. W. Goodell. ~'4DmTNBSlNG TEA , Mrs. Walter Waish entertained Fri- -- --- r - day afternoon at one of a series of Thursday afternoon with Mrs. G. Satdimdnishing teas for St. Patrick's 'church. Cards furnished entertainment. Guests were MSsses Mary and Frances Fleming, Mrs. Thomas Bolger, Mrs. Robert Knox, Mrs. George Adams, Mrs. Vincent Martin, Mrs. George Kunstman, Mite. jLoretta Walsh, Mrs. Maty McCabe and Mrs. C. W. Gibbs. .. ... AUXILIARY CARD PARTY Thirteen^ "tables of cards were in jjjay'at the pubtfff Card party given .By tile'local unit of the American Legion Auxiliary at Weber's Riverside Drive, Wednesday afternoon. . Prizes in bridge Were given |;o Mrs. Albeit Barbian, Mrs. Nick Freund' and Mrs. John Stilling, and in five hundred to Miss Gertrude R. Weber, Mrs. Harry Townsend, Miss Ahtii Anders&n and Mrs. .Jacob Schaefer. „•#. ^ LOSERiS ENTERTAIN v *XiilIpxt'ra good time was •enJo^6^^^ member?! of Pinochle club of Burtoh s Bridge on Thursday &ftemaon' When the four losers entertained : the win-* iiers at- cards and Clipper. Cairds /wfete playfed during' the a.fternbon at' the home of Mrs; Michael Justen, with high honors awarded to•Mrs?. Albert NefeS and the; consolation- to Mrs. Y:; Stnith. Following; the games the ladies went to Sam's Rja^ at Burton^s Bridge, where si deli<nous suppe«.*«^; served by Mrs. Helen Lindscoop. ' - * • SEVENTIETH BIRTHDAY M. A. Conway was surprised by a party of relatives and friends, Thursday evening, in honor, of his seventieth birthday. A picnic supper was served on the lawn in the early evening, a f ter which horseshoes and other games Mr. and Conway, Mr. and Mrs. .Frank Cleary,^ daughter, Charmayne, Kiss Grace r Gahan of Elgin; Leroy"Conway, ChTcago; Mrs. Mary McCabe, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Gibbs; Mr-, and Mrs. Geo. Miller and family, Florence Conway, Theodore Miller and "William. Quinn of this city. LADIES' AID SOCIETY The Ladies' Aid society met, tf»s tem. , Plans were completed for the supper to be given at the church ne*t Thursday afternoon, July 26, and 8 quilt top was finished and will be sold at the bazaar and supper next Thursday. .' . C. D. OF A. PICNIC{ > On Wednesday afternoon of August 1, the members of Court Joyce Kilmer, Catholic Daughters of America, will assemble at 2:30 o'clock at Winkel's LiTymoor Tavern on Route 20 to enjoy a picnic, followed by a pot-luclc supper. Each member may bring one guest besides the children of their own household. Each one will bring sandwiches aiTd a dish to pass and coffee • vl'ill be ftirrvished by the Court. Those attending must arrange for their own transportation to 'aft'3." ft*0"» ^1C grounds. i Winkel's at Lilymoor is an ideal spot for a gathering of this kihd as the * large. hall provides; shelter and dancing and the lake is safe for^ swimmers. / The " regular business meeting of the Co art will be held on th6. second Monday of the month, which will be A t i g a s t ^ . ' \ . ; FAREWELL PARTY, / A party of. .neighbors -and frfends surprised Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lynch Monday evening at their home at Fair Oaks is a farewell party as t^ey left Tuesday night for Providence, R. I., where they will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary on July 25. t Mrs. Lynch was presented with r. handsome handbag and Mr.. Lynch received a box of cigars from the guests of the evening. Cards and bunco furnished entertainment for those pres- - , J Mr And ent, among whom were Mr. and Mrs. were played^ Guests were. Mr^" 'Mi A.. Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. E. R.eSut- Mrs. John Aylward, Jean and, Irenft , „ • ftpssard. NOTICE Ladies intere'sted in the newest lightweight oxfords nose glasses are invited to inspect them at Br. Keller's summer home, Sundays, and Mondays only,: Riverside Drive, McHenry, 111., Tel. 211-R. on, Mrs. G. Smith and Mrs. Bessard- Mr. and Mrs Lynch will ifyake the trip with their daughter and husband, Mr and Mrs. J. J. King, and their daughter, and will enjoy meeting many friends whom they, have not seen for forty years. Mr. and Mrs. Lynch received the congratulations of their friends and best wishes for a pleasant anniversary. --^ - ....... "Sharp Stomach Pains Upset My Whole System" Says E- Hentges: "I tried a $1 bottle (3 weeks treatment) of Dr. Emil's Adla Tabletsi under your guarantee.. Now the pains are gone and I eat anything." Thomas P. Bolger, Drug: gist,--in Ringwood by S. W. Brown, Druggist.. WHEN A PRICE LIKE THIS LtrtprUmuiPonHmc. Mtchi< 4»n. Se >»ciml mquipmint mmtrm. rontiaa offers aia other di»tmgufh»<i mod*!* at propor t lonaflr low price*. Liberal Q.M.AiC. fimt. Pontiao /• a Genarmi Motor* Valua with Fuhar Bodiaa and either No Draft Ventilation. Prkiaa aubjmtt to changa without notiem.: BUYS A CAR LIKE THIS I , Mrs. John Thompson and daughter, Mildred, Mrs. William Thompson and daughter, Rosemary, and Frances Hughes spent.a few (lays this weekat Terra Haute, Ind. ( , Mir. and Mrs. Henry Schaffer with Mr. and Mrs. J. Zimmer and Donald Geary of* Wauconda. visited iri the Philip Wagner home at* Lake Villa, Sunday. * Dr. and "Mrs. "R. G. Chamberlin .have returned froin'their vacation spent at ^able, Wis. - ' •> Harold Whiting of' Chicago Is spending his vacation here. - Dan Powers of Woodstock is a guest of nis aunt, Miss Etta Powers. > Mr. and Mrs. William MahOney and scm, Joseph, with their guest, Miss Celia Sutton of Sioux Falls, S. D., was a Sunday caller in the. home.of Mrs. Jaick. Walsh. .. Mrs. Lena Kuebler of Palatine visited her daughter, Mrs. E. Jacoby, ^ few.days the 4ast of the week. " V Mr. and Mrs, Robert > Thompison Were recent guesjts of Mr. and Mrsl" Hairy Alexander at Hebron and ^ttendetl the honne talent show given 'fir the benefit of the Hebron library. . , Raymond Newman and" . Mick^ Fiche of Chicago are spending two weeks with the former's grandparents,- Mr. arid Mrs^ L. F. Newman. Mr. and Mrs. Louis McDonaljJ and sOns, Richard and Junior, were Chicago visitors Sundj^y. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Robinson . of Brookfield visited Mr- and Mrs. L. F, Newman Thursday. Misp Adeline Perkins returned home from the Woodstock hospital Tuesday and is recuperating fryn her recent operation for appendicitis. The three daughters of George-Witt attended the Fair one day last week. Mrs. Charles Dunham was a Chicago visitor Wednesday, Miss Dorothy Witt of Wauconda spent the weekend at her home at Griswold Lake. ^ Mrs. Forst of Chicago ia spending three weeks here. Phil Guinto was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. /..William and Albert Vales spent a few days this week at Michigan City.' . Richard Vycital and his cousin are Camping at Oakhurst- „ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Page visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walkup at Glen Crest Country ^ Club, Woodstock, Monday evening. - -Miss Eleanor Sutton is visiting at Evanston this week. . ' Mr. and Mrsf Hugh Morris of Chicago are at their cottage at Fair Oaks for the summer. * Mr. "and Mrs. Raymond McCarthy and children of Chicago are spending the summer at a cottage at McCol- Lake. - Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Kelly and children and Miss Mary Kelly of Libertyyille spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. R. McCarthy at McCollum Lake. Mrs. E. Knox, Mrs. Ray Conway, Mrs.'Robert Knox and Genevieve Knox were Elgin visitors Tuesday. Margin Knox and Allan Cleary atr> tended the Fair Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox visited Mrs. J. M. Phalin in Chicago, Wednesday. *, Mr. and Mrs. John Kueny and children of Kenosha spent the weekend with relatives. Allan Kueny remained for a week's visit with relatives. Mrs. Arnold Reinert and children of Elgin visited her mother, Mrs. Catherine Young, the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Gottleib Meyers and children of Chicago visited his father, Henry Meyers, this week. . Miss Irene Walsh is spending today, (Thursday) at the Fair in Chicago. Mrs. Jos. May and daughter Gertrude, with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rosing anefsons of Volo, visited at the Frank May home in Chicago, Sunday. Miss Nellie Doherty left last week for Detroit, Mich., where she joined j| party of friends on a trip through the east. ' Mr. and Mjrs. George Kuhn of Chicago, former residents here, came out Sunday and spent a few days the first of the week with friends here. They "Stayed in their own home with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Adams and called on old friends who were glad to see them lind wished that they could stay in .McHenry. Among those who attended the party at the Hunter golf course at Richmond Tuesday afternoon vrerex Ivfrs. Thomas Kane, Mrs. J. J. Rothermel, Mrs. W. G. Ricks and daughter, Myrtis, Mrs. Elmer Freund, Mr3, "Ray McGee, Mrs. Henry Miller, Anna Anderson, Mrs. P. Guinto, Mis^ Elizabeth Millet, and Mrs. Forst. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Marre and son of Waukegan spent Sunday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Schaid. Mrs. Simon Stoffel, daughter, Clara. Miss Minnie Knox, Mrs. John Schaid and,,daughter, Reria, were Lake Geneva visitors, Monday evening. BAND SURPRISES COUl*LB 4 Th? Johnsburg band, of which their oldest son, Ralph Justen is a member, surprised Mr. and Mrs. Midhael Justen Stunday. afternoon. After the ar-'» rival of membVs of the group they journeyed to a nearby woods where the land lays rather high and the beautiful music could be heard far and near. The afternoon was spent in games and music, with plenty to eat and drink, which the guests brought with them. The party left at 6 o'clock, promising Mr. Justen another party sometime in August. f i ' v why drive anything but a PONTIAC 8 T * • ' Sj> much more J or so littl# more. Qwtws sm 16 to -18 mite* thegallon. See it . , Drive it • . Compare prices! 2"fr> R. I. Overton Motor Sales 0 JWest McHenry, DV •' i Plaindealer, Want Ads bring results »' M. R CHURCH - « „You are, invited to attend iminf at the M. E. church every Sunday.^ * . Next "Sunday will be co-operaticin Sunday. The church school and the morning worship service will be united into one service for July 22 and July 29. This special service will begin promptly at 10* o'clock and close at 11 a. m. <f v" The Sunday school class work will begin at 10 o'clock and at 10:25 the regular church service will start, Sermon Subject: "Cooperation In The • Church," by the pastor, Rev. L^ H. Brattain. . . t* ' * V Would Reach to Mooa -Postage stamps printed at the bureau of engraving and printing In a •ingle average year, If laid end to end, would reach from- the earth to the moon, according to an authority. The line would exceed 200,000 miles, or eight tiroes the circumference of the globe, and 25 different colors would he represented In tlje chain. Stacked In sheets of 1<^0 stamps each, the annual stamp,production would make 92 piles as high as the Washington monument. Eight hundred tons of paper, 430 tons of Ink an<J 240 tons of gum are used In an ordinary 12-month period. 'MAUH* AovnrrtHMiNT Hawk* That Are Harmful Hawks that are definitely more harmful than beneficial are the goshawk, Coopers hawk, sharpshln. hawk, duck and pigeon hawks. All five of these Interfere with other bird life. Crucifix oa War«hip» fia the days of yore warships had a crucifix on the quarter-deck: when sailors passed this they crossed themselvee or saluted It. The cruciGx has gone, but the salute remains. ; ANOTHEJR PROOF OF BOLGEH'S ; /*• ' ' 'SUPERIOR- SERVICEr'• >* ^i{" It is now possible io have your Fountain Peif repaired in our store and avoid the delay formerly nedessary in returning; the pen to the factory. We have installed the necessary equipment and have a trained employee ready and w&ftittg 'to provide expert workmanship and PROMPT service^ Bring in that Fountain Pen that you" have laid aside for some reason or other and let us show you what can be done with it. .-. .. .... Phone 40 McHenry, 111. rr'- :r'Z. >,&:% "p v" 1 ' TO SHOP AND SAVE EVERY DAY THE NATIONAL WAY Come to National today and ih how very pleasant it is to shop in a cool, airy store; how refreshing it is to be able to buy National's fresh, wholesome quality foods, fresh fruits, vegetables and meats at price! that save you money. Libby's 4*25* Tomato Juica--ChMI and Cookies ^ »I5C Salerno--Nica with slkad paachM Salerno Bvttar '0% hjb. Cookies Saltina* or Grahamt Hb. pk§.l4« Frothnett guarantaad or monay bo«k 8-ox. Tapioca 2 pk«t. 21* MINUTI-- For quick daUMrt* PostToasties ft Energy Cereol 1 "!• Good Luck 2.5E- 25i Jelke't Margarine Burnett's"*^' ^ 9* Choc, or Vanilla lee Cream Powder Root Beer 3;H:25C American Home, Pure eta.**, « « *1 Beans KIDNEY 3 American Home--Red THURSDAY ; FRIDAY » SATURDAY JUWf 19, w 21 -Fruits and Vegetables Bxtra values this weekend too, on peaches, pears, seedless grapes, cantaloupe and red raspberries for cool, refreshing summer menus. > CALIFORNIA--Valencia DRANGES JS*),.*.,23C iDOZ., med. size (200-216) ......... lge. size, (150-176) 29c 35 c HEAD LETTUCE, California Iceberg, . med. head size 3 5c i No. 2 cant Properly aged, mellow flavor MILD AMERICAN Cheese 15 Excellent with cold cut* or sandwich** on "rye" ^ HOUSEHOLD NEEDS Waldorf 6 25« £ Scott Tissu* LUX SOAP, Mild and •fragTuut-5 fakes 2 AT -en*" «h»s PIOMMOOH lOpXxfi >WV *oB| •4«|duio3 I r ' '«A| |i . ' "'"J %00l, 361 T." * dooS ^OAl . Buu»puno| »uk JOj P* . 36 '6i(d o»i >ic.x NI|D|j XIT| dooj Aonqe^l MICHIGAN CELERY ; Fancy--Crisp and > Fresh. . . . bunch (gc FANCY TOMATOES, Southern . . 2 lbs.* 19c HEW POTATOES, white . full 15-lb. pk. 25° BOOKING APPLES, Serve with y Pork . . . 3 lbs. 17c WEEKEND COFFEE SPECIALS Our Breakfast COFFEE--Serve it iced or hot -- you^ enjoy its mild, fragrant flavor. 1-lb. irreen baijc , AMERICAN HOME COFFEE:--Full-flavored 1 II.. red & blue bajr 2J.C MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE--Vila-Fresh 29c 'i i & * " t -Si;':.,. .. ' rrh. / :-Li.

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