Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jul 1934, p. 2

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Jt * 4 ' v'f r***~ 4 • •*.» '-twrwe pt* ..5 %+ „-., '•-v^;r'-.-?^:<% " • --' " •^.i >»* T~l\£ i„.,.. , ,!T % , •/•' * '$8 f "" /i » ; *Wri ..•, * * -"* * „.£_•*" *" •.•*•«. ^ 'r -* tf- i err -Kg # <?> s/w** ' -! : fl'".'y~'f* J: •*VU *-T Aif'-n **?' i ... * c.~ * * \ Wmm - • • , 3Pif» T#e * Thursday, JMy 26,1934 College QABBY QERTIE VOLO m:iii MKk^iLv L2» DONALD COOK PEGGY SHANNON ALAN DINEHART DUDLEY DICGES novhjzation ay arram COLUMBIA WHAT HAS HAPPENED LAM ASM INT WITH PICTURES • "A strong breath after a high* out -Vrs.y^fas rumed many a home" •" /oart, o yownp American girt on her Way to join on. expedition, w forced to atop off at Ma la n go in Matto Oros-A fO because of the iUne^s of her brother There, .she tneets Attest, a u'oma^* kflter, and ia <n danffer from Taggart •M French p. two ex-convicts, who are forcing their attentions upon her. The brother die« due to the fact 'that Dr Parrish h«s been tricked into petting drunk by Taggitrt. After the funeral. Taggart and Frenchy try to force thetr at ten t to us *Q>on Joan, but rebukes them. #OW GO ON WITH THE 8 TO It Y '>•'• A* Joan left, FVertehy turned to Taggart, "I must .say you showed appalling bad taste with Miss lieeaom." .Tagrjrart tfirew roejes at the croco- ; vflllee In the river. "Y«u didn't do so well yourself." '"'Why not step out gracefully, Tf.g£art v You haven't a chance" "'You may be kidding about this, Prenchy." said TaR?aurt, "but I'm not I'd kill you before I would lei you have her." "Taggart turned to go, but Frenci y t unmov^d and said. "Yoy oUght ure them out for myself, and theji are the same for you." He be* came youthfully enthusiastic. "I'm taking a trip in the jungle. A bunch of jaguar skins and our fare's paid.- "But Joan--" Parrish persisted. "You and Jake'll look out for her,-' said Allen, then added seriously, "We're pals, aren't we?" Parrish nodded. "And that's that," said AllenJ Then he left the hut to call on Joani "You've changed a lot," the eiri" said. Allen was a little surprised guess X made a pretty bad impre sion." •' "Yes, you did." Then the girl didn't know how io go on for tear of offending him. - "You a pretty bad impres-l sion on me, too. lady. I thought you were like All the rest of t.h« wometi I had seen," "What made you ch«T^eyour mind?" she asked. "You're fair abOnt things. Tou-- he floundered, "--well, women usually WMM Joan cWillofl POTPOURRI ^ Buddhism Budilhism. the relicious. system, was fmindeil tKHi years before the birth of Chrkst. Rtiddha's life and ^teaching? nearer resemMed. Christ's thhn any .other -of mankind's'benefactors] Th£" Riiddhlsts' five great corHniandments are apaio^t killing, adultery, stealing, lying, and drunkenness. There are nearly a half tfil- 'lion believers in tlTTs faitH, priBcipally in the- pur East. Father TOYS . '1 hey control his -temi»er. i:. uuc & t e Hi p e r n overthrew his art- his manners? intended • Charley Yates, Georgia Tech Junior, Is shown above with the national Intercollefciate'trnphy he won by defeating Ed White of the University of Texas In the finals at the Country club, Cleveland, Ohio. Big Nugget of Platinum " The Ural mountains are the source of^ nearly all of the world's platinum supply and one nugget wasiincovered which weighed 13 pounds. Cold Truth Don't Pay "Tain* much credit in tellln* de cold truth," said Uncle Eben» "If jou does It Jes' foh de fun of maktn' yohself disagreeable."" . Primitire Musical Instrument* • More than 2,OQO musical Instruments made by primitive tribes are Mn the collection's of~the Smithsonian Institution. are. THOMAS DENTIST ?.• Elm at Green St.. > Tel. McHenry B9-J Hours 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. V - , • • v - . . . • • • " .. Evenings by Appointment Closed Wedinesdays, All Day MNT & COMPANY All Kinds of. IHSURANCB Placed with the most reliable . Companies Come in and talk it ever Phone McHenry I 'Telephone No. 300 - Stoffel ^ Reihanaperger laaorance agents for all claaaea of ^ property in the best.companies. WEST McHBNRY t . v,- ILLINOIS •%' get out and make good, would I have a chance Icith you, ladyt" {Poted bp Donald Cook and Peggy Shannon) Charlie's Repair Shop , Formerly Pint's Blacksmith Shop--Pearl St. A. Radiators Repaired, Bodies and Fenders v . ' Straightened . Painting - • • Truck Lettering Acetylene Welding [ARX.ES RIETESEL to make a record of tViat and play it on your gramaphone." As Taggart walked on the wharf, he discovered a hole sufficient enough for a man's leg to fall through and snapped off by the -crocodile A piece of matting lay near, and he. pushed it . over the opening, and then called pleasantly to Frenchy, 'Well, Frenchy, let's forget our troubles. The drink's on me this time." Frenchy started to go but, when he reached the break in the wharf, he fell through and barely escaped losing a leg as the crocodiles jumped' up out of the water at it. Taggart never made any effort to assist him, but grinned all the while. When the Other man had extricated himself from the opening he said. "Thanks for your friendly assistance." Taggart's grin broadened. "It weuld have broken my heart if you . would have lo«t a le?." Allen and Parrish also tried to make an Impression upon the girl. ,-You, know, the whole darn place •©ems different," said Allen. ."I'll miss you like the devil. Lucky--" Parrish replied, "--nobody to empty his pipe on the floor •--no number tens kicking about." "I'm sorry to disappoint you, but you're not going to get rid of me that easy," said Allen. Sorry to say it, but you're a liar," said Parrish. "That makes it unanimous. Doc, the lad replied. . "There's plenty of room in this old world for a young chap to make a new start," said the physician. "Yeah? How about an old one?" Allen asked. "Don't count It's youth jtnd love -that's life." " \ -- "Huh! Well, you can forget that •tuff." said Allen. "We're going-- the lady, you, and me." " "No," said Parrish. '71m through •--better oft here--but you and jjoan---'" Allen was vehement. "Yeah You're so much better oft here that ^jrou're taking the next boat out." Then in a lighter tone, he added "Besides, it's cheaper to carry a doctor with you." Parrish started to say something, but Allen cut him short. "1 know - Jill the answers, Doc. 1 had to fl|f* you trying to say that you like me?" she asked.^ Yes," replied the lad; glad of the "'S.CI like you, too/' said thej girL "I guess, then, we like each other," he grinned. , - "A lot,' 'said, Joan. "You'll soon be leaving here," Jie( continued. "Yes--soon," she, Replied. , . "Guess your folks will be glad jto see-you." ! "I haven't any folks--now." , "Where are you going? What are; you going to do?" i "Go back to the States--maybe| Paris--maybe Buenos Aires. I don't know." She raised up and faced' Allen. "For the first time in my life I feel lost It frightens me when, I let myself think about it." I know. I've felt that way, myself. until--" he stumbled, "--be- Joan realized what he bad left unsaid, and broke in suddenly, Lucky, is there any reason why you can't get out of here?' "Yeah--a good one." Then he faced her slowly and intensely. "But rot good enough. I'm 'getting out, and the doc's getting out with us. That's what 1 wanted to talk to you about, The reason I'm here " Don't tell me. Lucky. I don't car about that. The only thing tha matters is leaving here." "If I get out and make good would I have a chance with you. lady?'r The question was asked with deep sincerity. Joan couldn't keep from touching the lad, and she put her hand on. his arm. She replied with deep emotion, "The lady says" yes." 'I can do it." Allen suddenly took her in his arms and kissed her passionately. "1 can start all ovei again. Knowing you love me 1 car lick the whole world." *:i know, dear. Of course you will,' said Joan. "I love you. ladf. I'm crazy aboul you." he said as he drew her closer to him again. j "I love you, too, man," she repHed._ • i I tO BE CONTINUED > • Downs Motor Express The Pioneer Line Operates daily between McHenry and Chicago Phones: Wabash 7518 McHenry 256 A. P. Freund Excavating Contractor Tracking, Hydraulic and Crane Road Building City Council Proceedings - • Council Room, July 19, 1934.. The City Council met in special ses,- sion Thursday evenintc for the purpose of taking more definite action on the Sewer disposal plant improvement project. Also for the purpose of making arrangements to have the City wells cleanetl out. Aldermen present: Barbian, Justen, Kreutzer, Overton, Schaefer, Wattles.-. Absent:,.none. Motion by Overton, seconded "by Kreutzer, that the Auditor and Engineer be instructed .to prepare necessary data and forward same to P.W.A. at Washington requesting that the Sewage treatment plant project be financed by the combined Water and Sewer rental plan ami that the Water revenues be kept separate from the Sewer revenues. -The Aldermen all voted aye on this motion; naya none. Motion carried. , , Motion by Overton, seconded Wattles, to adjourn. Motion carried. PETER J. DOHERTY, Mayor PETER A. NfcISS, City Clerk T Td. 204-M McHenry, 111. S. H. Freund & Son CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS ^ Phone 127-R *' McHenry Our experience U at Your Service in bnilding Your Wants Miss lElsie Gormafi of Chicago prosecuted her former fiance, Walter Stejlen, for beating her, but broke down and pleaded for him after lie was rentencedi- Three -robbers attempting. to loot a residence in Evanston, 111., were captured by a police dog.. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES "Life" was the subject of the Ivesiwn- Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, July 22, The Golden Text was, '"As tlie father hath life in himself; so huth be given to the Hon to have life ln°. himself " (John 5: 20). , Among the citations which comprised the Lesson-Sermon was the following from the Bible: "I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing i therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: That thou niayest love the Lord thy God, and that thou may est obey his voice, and that thou mayest cleave unto* him : for he is thy life, and the length of thy days" (Deut. 30:10, 20). The Lesson-Sermon a l s o I n cluded the following passages from the Christlah Science textbook, '"^cienoe and Health With Key to the PcHptiiree," by Mary Baker Kddy: The spiritual fact and the material belief of things are contradictions; but the spiritual is true, and therefore (he material must Ite untrue. Life is not in matter. Therefore It cannot be said to pass out of matter. . . . Because Life is God, Life must be eternal, self-existent. Life is the everlasting I AM, the Being who was and is and shall be, whom nothing can erase" (p. 280. 290). Deep S»It Mining Salt Is mined 400 feet below the supface of the earth and deeper;, beds from 200 to 400 feet thick are found. Apartment Dwellers • " . About one fatally in five, living in a city In the United States, makes Its home in an apartment. Tree* Grow Continuously Unllk6 the higher animals and man, trees1 continue to. grow for most of their lives.. No Nine-Footers There is no authentic case recorded Of a human being reaching 9 feet in height Cact«* in Oklahon* Seventeen species of cactus in Oklahoma have been catalogued. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hankie and son of Evanston spent Tuesday here w?th Mr.° and Mrs. Frank St., Georgre. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cronin of Chicago visited Mr. «and Mrs. Frank Hironimus Tuesday. Mrs. Catherine Wagner and son of Grayslake called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser Monday. Mrs. L. Molidor and daughter of Libertyville spent a few days here at the home of Mrs. C. Molidor. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hironimus and family of McHenry spent Tuesday here at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus. Mrs. Lewis Brown and family of Crystal Lake visited her parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Joseph Wiser Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy of Grayslake spent Wednesday evening here at the home of the lattef's parents, M!r. and Mrs. Harry Passfield. M5ss Lillian Schied of Watfconda spent Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher. ' Mrs. H. J. Martini and family of Chicago spent Tuesday. hete at the home of Mr. and Mrs, E. Rossduestcher. _ Miss Emily Vogt of Waukegan visited her grandmother, Mrs. C. Molidor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Martini and son of Wauconda called on Mir. and Mrs. F, Wagner Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and family and Mrs. Sarah Fisher spent Wednesday evening at the Home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henkel, Jr., at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. E. Rossduestcher and son spent the past week in Chicago at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Maitini. Mrs. Clinton Ravin and family of Slocum's Lake and Mrs. Richard Dowell and daughter called on Mrs. Sarah Fisher Thursday evening. Mrs. Frank Hironimus and son, Mri. Roy Passfield and son witnessed the Lake County Farm Bureau baseball team play DeKalb County Farm Bureau baseball team at the Wauconda township high school diamond Saturday. Lake county won Math a long score of 10 to 4. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Casper spent a few' days with the latter's pkrents, Mr. and Mrs.4 Hansen at • Ma4ison' Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wagner have purchased the Volo Garage from Mr. Mertes of Pistakee Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Frnnk Henkel, Jr., of Wauconda spent Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Anna Lusk. Mrs. Clarence Hironimus and son visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo Knigge at Wauconda Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Harvey and family of Wauconda visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller and son of Libertyville spent Sunday here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Oeffling. ~ , Little Richard Fisher' spent^ the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis at Slocum's Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henkel, Jr., are the proud parents of a baby girl, bom at the St. Theresa Hospital Sunday morning at 2:30 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Frahk Henkel are formerly from Volo and have many friends here. The Volo Bears' baseball team played the Milbum team,at the, Volo diamond Sunday. The Volo Bears lost with a score of 3 to 4. Misses Alice Russell, Beatrice Wilson, Eleanor Dillion and Migonette Walsmeley attended the lecture "As Others See Me" given by Miss Fannie Brooks at Geneva!, Thursday afternoon. Earl Walker, Sr., and son Of Chicago visited Mjr. and Mrs. Roy Passfield Thursday. Miss Alice Johnson of Cary spent Tuesday at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker. Mrs. Thiele of Dodge Oity, low® visited Mirs.. E. Bacon Thursday evening. Miss Sarah«McEmmell- of Racine, Wis., spettt the weekend "here at the home of Mrs. Anna Lusk; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and family and Mrs.'Sarah Fisher spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George J*v, mt condjUr ~ Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker andfamily visited Mlrs. Mjary Dunker at Crystal Lake Thursday; ' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hironimus and son attended a picnic at Wonder Lake Sunday. The McHenry Brewers' baseball - team of Volo played the Richmond; Tiger^ at the Richmond diamond Suih day. McHenry Brewers w.on with fc* score of 6 to 4. v ~ Mrs. E. Bacon and daughter Vinnie, were Sunday dinner guests at thfc home of Mr. and Mrs. WayneJjBeon, at Grayslake. "O - ' Mr. and Mrs. Josepli Passfield, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfield attended tfee El Tovar Theatre, Sunday and nessed the WLS Bam Dance Crew. V; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hironimtrtj, Mrs. Frank'Hironimus and daughter spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Kpjggo #| Wauctpnda. ; " •• i .jv'u .. y Just as Styles Scott hooked a "2-, pound trout, near Sarasota, Fla., a pelican swooped down and swallow^! J the fish- He succeeded , in both the fish and the David Evans, former mayor of Car* digan, Wales, arrested for theft, said - % he stole to get mon'ey for a womaa who had blackmailed him for 20 years. Barpos for Friday and es Best No. 1 Grade - Potatoes, per ped(- "Hillside" Fancy. Creamery. ' Butter, per lb. American or Cheese, per lb. NewPota Butter Cheese Com Fldkcs Kellogg's Corn Flakes, Salt 'I • W - - • Stoneware Brown ^ »ith large package 26c 26c 19c lOc Free Ranrung Table Salt, 2 lb., pkgs for 6 Steins for Set of Six Black Glass Cups-Saucers Cups and Saucers for fiMfltSnlrlAWf* 10 Quart Galvanized oprillliivrs Sprinkling Cans, each 69c 29c 69c ERICKSON*S Department PHONE 154 Store W. McHENRY, ILL. Cone see why Our lest Salesmen are of the NE Yes sir--people who got the * new G-3 All-Weather before It was advertised and have driven this marvelous tire many thousands of miles, are singing its praises louder than our advertising does! Particularly do they insist that the new G-3 gives better thai! the * '43% niore non - skid mileage" we advertise! All we ask is, before you buy tires give us a chance to show you why G-3 users boost it stronger than we dol even ASTONISHING // I# While serenading his sweetheart in Philadelphia, James Corcorn was shot in the leg by a neighbor. G"3 GOODYEAR ALL-WEATHER Look!--at No Extra Cost... 43% - More Miles of real non-skid safety r." wear oUt tire# m . .. Flatter Wider Tread .. . More mUes. Noappreci- Center Traction (16% more non- * " skid blocks) . . . Heavier Tougher Tread (average of 2 lbs. more rubber)... Supertwist Cord Body (supports heavier tread safely)! « r u r ; \ e s » ve\ 50 tfcr** Big Value--Low Price! rT»P^tonla9V^tbeVr GOODYEAR SPEEDWAY Built with Super twlat Cord...Cen ter traction; tough thick tread; full oversize. 4.4S-21 22,000 mile*--»tiu itmtyoltrwtlon. _«t>52 Approximately 32.00C miles--still tome traction --W. Va. Can You Use 30 x 3H Tkese Sizes at. H.40 $4.95 able wear on front G-3 • little on rear, after 12,879 milte --Georgia Other iIm In proportion expertly mounted on wheels Prifmt r*bfctjQ c^n|cwuh^q 4.50x21 5.00x21 5.25x18 (H.D.) 6-ply ;5.25xl8 4-i^l 1.00x19 5.50x20 "6.00x19 : 6.00x20 r Battery Charging, RepairingTire and Tube Vulcanizing SINCLAIR GASOLINE and OILS PRESTO LITE BATTER!^ Phone 294, West McHenry, Illinois • «rA ii /

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