Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Aug 1934, p. 4

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^ \ ' - ' • . . - i " •", •i'-. . " •Spfpfp Four THE THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER Published every Thursday lit McHenry, Ill-s by GharlM F. Reaich. Entered m aecond-claaa matter .at the poetofflce at McHenry, I1L, unv the Act of May 8, 1879. Om Year ..---- fix Months ........ ...$2.06 ...11.00 ,2.l rnrnk PLAHfDlULLSft Thursday, August 1®, 1934 / A. EL MiOSHfiK, Editor and Mauftf •• • 1 • > !•>' •< •••• ope rat i on for appendicitis at St. Theresa's hospital, Waukegran, Sun- Among the Sick Elizabeth Weitl, 9-year-old daughter of Mr. and M"rs. George Weitl, i? recovering1 'nrcely from her recent accident when she was shot by a rifle bullet. She is at St. Theresa's hos- ' pital, Waukegan, but expects to return home the last of this week. Howard Culver, who is a patient at Hines hospital, Chicago, is- .improving slowly from his illness and paralytic /stroke. - Mary jirie Hunter had her tonsils removed at Harvard hospital, Tuesday. . .. "'j : B. F Mftrti^ ol Grayslake Is jpeeovferirig from- .fih' injufy ei^sU-in^d in a fall while in Chicago- recently. She is now able to be up and around again,' after several weeks in bed. , ' ^ Charles Berdrich, Jr., underwent an day night. He is recovering as .well as csgl be expected. Mrs. Merlvin Kent of Chicago is a patient in Henrotin hospital, Chicago, where she underwent an operation last week. Shirley Smith had her tonsils removed last Thursday.. Mrs- Nettie Harrison, of Woodstock, who has spent several Weeks in the Woodstock hospital, following an auto accident, is still at the hospital, but will leave sooon for her home. She has been in a serious condition* but is now able to he up'and about a little. Flirtation* Girts of . Seville ,In Seville, Spain, the girls bpldly flirt-with their eyes and their faup, btit are ably protected by alert duennas vrho see that no man comes within conversational distance, •.j;..a: AT THE PIT Quarter Mil a East of Mcllonry on Route 20 SATURDAY NIGHT v ' Chop Suey Dinner 2Sc FREE DANCING SATURDAY NIGHTS Music by Frankie Gans' Orchestra HAROLD MILLER, Proprietor Fish Fry Every Friday We Specialize In Preparing Boneless Perch In a Manner Pleasing To The Most Particular ; SANDWICHES PLATE LUNCHES - OR DINNERS Greejfi Street My Place McHenry New Johnsburg TaVern FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY NITE 10c PER PLATE SPECIAL CHICKEN PLATE DINNER EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT, 25^ Free Dancing By Popular Orchestra -- Coolest Spot in Locality -- J. B. HETTERMAN, Manager / GREEN STREET TAVERN Just North of Empire Theatre SPECIAL LUNCH FOR SATURDAY NIGHT • Mixed Drinks, Wines and Liquors, Meister Brau Beer, 5c ' • : '-V' '• ' GEO. L. JONES, Prop. . SCHAEFER'S TAVERN East of the Old River Bridge Mixed Drinks > Sandwiches . - 5 and 10c Beer FISH FRY FRIDAY NITE--10c per plat* CHICKEN DINNER--Saturday Nite 25c Music By MONARCHS OF MELODY T E D ' S PLACE West McHenry, 111. •:Sj3b»h. Fry Friday Night DANCINQ -----SATURDAY NIGHT Music By At, KLEMME & ELLEN BAKER Lunch r* Lartffcit Pwl ^ TKf world's largest pearl, wMch was once the property of Marie Antoinette of France, la In Delhi. It came from the collection of Henry Philip Hope, the possessor of the famous Hope diamond, which brought tragedy to all Its owners. How the pearl reached Delhi is not known. The pearl Is two Inches long; four and a half Inches In circumference and weighs thrive ounces. It is surmounted by the royal crown of France In red enamel, and gold, set with fine dbl* monds.--Pearson's Weekly. FOR SALE Firil in U. S.'to Got Nobol Prise The outbreak of war between Russia and Japan began on February 10, 1904, and closed with the signing of the treaty at Portsmouth, N. H., September 5, 1905, Here Is where Theodore Roosevelt came In. It was he who negotiated the treaty between these two nations, and for his efforts in connection with the settlement of this war he» was awarded the Nobel peace prUe, the first American ,to receive a Nobel prize. Tho Face ^nd Personality . T*he face is the first thing we look at wheD we meet a stranger. Justly or unjustly, we use the fa«;e as air lnde* to chawcter, writes aft authority in the (Josiflopolitan. It is only tire psychologist or the plastic surgeon who knows the extent to which a fttcial defect can force' upon "the individual a personality not his own. Museum of Cookery < Frankfort-on-Main, the world's first Museum of Cookery, has collections of old cooking utensils and ancient recipes, plaster models of dozens of dishes In various stapes of preparation anc| service, display sections for soups, sauces, fungi, mollusks,. fish, and on to nuts. It Is, run- b£, the.JatetBjltional Cooks' association. Carry All Burdens on Head In Paramaribo, Dutch Guiana, the native women carry everything--from milk bottles to coffins--on their heads. In fact, their aversion to using' their hands is so strong that they even carry letters In this manner, weighted down by a brick.--Collier's Weekly. FOR SALE--Mathews Gas Machine for cooking and lighting. Used but two years in Pistakee Bay home. Cost $650. Will ^11 to first comer for $75. Anyone who does not have regular gas or electrieity will welcome this offer. Chance of a lifetime to equip your hotne with this modern convenience. Can be examined at Huemann Miotor Sales, Johnsburg. *6-tf Fdlt SALE--Bed, springs and mat.--' tress. Very reasonable. Inquire at Plaindealer office. *12 FOR SALE--Fir Silo, two-piece stay, 14x32. Good condition. Will sell cheap. Albert Paddock, 2 miles east of Volo on Route 20. Tel. Round Lake 10-M-2. 12-2 LIFE'S LITTLE JESTS FOR.. SALE--China closet, mirror back and* plate* glass shelves, electric pancake griddle, telephone desk and chair, Mrs, F. A. Bohlander on Main street, . *12 FOR RENT FOR RENT OR SALE--The former Perry house on Richmond Road, Hear St. Mary's phyrch. Modern, 8 rooms, steam he%t, newly decorated inside and but Ideal home, Double garage- Call Mlrs. >John R. Knox, Phone 17. 46tf FOR RENT--A pleasant room, centrally located. Inquire at this office. 62-tf FOR RENT--Sept. 1, 6 acres ink 6- room modern house, Youngberg'S' INITIALS VI have* fallen naturally Into the way of initials," said Farmer Corntossel, "especially when I tell my troubles." . "What's worrying you nowr • "I'm waiting to hear from A. A. A. I went hunting with B. B. «hot ttpd the doctor told me to get 20cc of liniment to cure my wound. My daughter married a D. JX i*nd is1 learning a, piano piece Which she plays f in the key of g. With a few exclamation points, I cgpld- go right OA, up^ ^ phabet." - ' The Wrong Loeaflon A man was eagerly fingering the dials on his radio, when suddenly he tried oyt^; as A twinge of pain struck him: •; Man--Gad! I believe I've got sciatica., • His Wife^-There you go. I don't know why you keep bothering with those foreign stations. Tou never understand them when you get them. place, Center St. Thies, Center St. Inquire of Jacob Tel. 160. *12-2 WANTED WANTED--Old cars, scrap iron, brass, copper, radiators, batteries, rags and paper. Call M. Taxman, McHenry 173. 38-tf Large One-Cent Pieces The last large "l-cent pieces were made in 1857, and in that year the first small ones were minted. The large l-cent pieces were generally 1 2-16 inches In diameter, but in some yekrs they" were Tt 1-16, 2 3-32 and 1 8-16. ; . - y • : . :: - .. An Atlas "" -i-.'-" A book of maps is called an atlas because when the earliest collection of maps appeared it bore on its title, page the picture of Atlas, the Titant. bending under the weight of the earth" URpn> his shoulders. WANTED--Party who desires to take over first mortgage loan on modern home in McHenry. Safe investment and interest paid every month. No commissions. Inquire at Plaindealer oyice. *11-3 MISCELLANEOUS " i Hides Her CuiHmm » Monstrous sashes and large bows tied in the back are a part of the national dress because the Japanese woman does not wish her beholder to suspect that her body possessed any curves. Use for the Cat In Russo-Jewish folklore, blood front the tail of a cat is regarded as a cure for erysipelas; while a cat put into the baby's cradle drives away] evil spirits from the baby. " Controls Panama Canal Land The United States Is In complete control of a narrow strip of land upon which the Panama canal Is built. This was arranged for by a treaty with Panama. First Railroad in Australia About' 1885 the locomotive made its debut In Australia, in which year the first length of railway from Sidney to Paramatta in the oldest colony was opened. „ "Blood Curdling" 'Noiso A "blood curdling" noise is more than a poetic fancy, for tests show that protein will curdle or cldt if affected. by certain intensified sound waves. • . Honesty "Honesty U still held In respect," said Hi Ho, .the sage of Chinatown. "Even those who are not honest mustmake loud pretense of being so.'" " WHEN YOU NEED A VETERINARIAN-- Call Richmond 16. Graduate veterinarian, prompt service. General practice. Both large and small animals. Dr. John Pucey, Richmond, IiL 12-26 DEAD ANIMALS REMOVED FREE OF CHARGE MIDWEST REMOVAL CO. PHONE DUNDEE 10 V . Reverse Charges .4. 49-tf FOR QUICK REMOVAL OF DEAD AND CRIPPLED COWS OR HORSES call Woodstock 1645-W-2, and reverse charges. *11-4 Queen of Murphyc ADOPTED Tom--My ancestors were all people of brains. - Mary--Sou must, have been disinherited. Big Idea "What is your opinion of money?" "Ifs the big idea of civilization," said Mr. Dustin Btax. ' "Is it only an idea?" '"Oh no. Some of Its most •firfrtftteaT forms are its humblest expressions. For instance, a plugged nickel goes right on buying things, while millions Of dollars may be found to exist only in imagination." if Missed His Pal The director of a city zOo was on his vacation when he received the following communication from his assistant : "Everything all right, except that the chimpanzee seems to be pin ing for a companion. What shall we do dmUl you return?" ' • 7 ^ 1 ' - M a n a g e d E m o t i o a 7^ "Do you ever lose your temper In debate?" "Not if I can help It," answered Senator Sorghum. "It's always liable to weaken your argument I' you permit a -righteous indignation to sound like a personal grievance." Consistent Hostility "What is your reason for wanting the government to take possession of the railroads?" "Oh," replied Mr. Growcher, "no particular reason except that I doa't (blofe the railroads would like it.* Naming Eiffel T^wer The Eiffel tower was nanicilffor AIexandre Gustave Eiffel, the. famous engineer who constructed It. It was completed in *1889. ' ° . r : X-Rjiys Always Popular /Within a few wwks after Roentgen discovered X-rays in 1895, science had begun Using the rays in^ examining broken bones. , : NELL'S PAVILION Johnsburg Bridge . 3 Miles North of McHenry Saturday Night--V2 Spring Chicken and Trimmisgs 35c FREE DANCING Wednesday and Saturday Nighti BENNY RAHN'S FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY NITE Bandits, Bandits Everywhere , Astronomers: have detected "Interstellar bandits," attacking light rays and hindering observers with the spectroscope. _ "Queen of All the Morphys" was the title bestowed -on Miss Kathleen T. Murphy of East Boston, Mass., when she won a beauty contest held at Revere Beach, Jn which all the content ants were named Murphy. - . You'd be astonished at the number of laws people would repeal If they had a chance to; and at the new ones they would vote for. "" No Familiarity Counsel (cross-examining prejudiced Witness)--I suggest that Mrs. Qlggins is anathema to you. Witness--Then you suggest wrong. It's only my friends I cal^ by their Christian names. CHANCE TO WIN Most Popular Book Statistics show' that the Bible, or' some paj-t of it, has been translated into 941 languages and dialects. . - -- The Potato X It was In the Seventeehth century that the potato was adopted by the Irish as a great food staple. Named by Brigham Young Zlon canyon, in Zion National park In Utah, was named.'by tbe llormon leader, Brigham Young. ' Chinaman's Chance "Chinaman's chance" is generally employed in the sense of "a very poor chance" or "no chance at all." Tit is thought that the phrase had its origin in the early mining days In the West, when the Chinese, who were in a hopelees minority, had no chance at all 1? «»Ufht In any Infraction of the law. - All-Saints Day '® All-Saints' day was Instituted by Pop* Boniface IV in the Seventh cen- - - Thoughtful Patient One winter night, when the ground was covered with sleet and the rain was freezing as it fell, the old doctor received a, very late call from a family living away on the other side of the city. It was after one o'clock when he left home, and hls-Jiorse--this was in the old days--slid nil the way to the patient's house, says the Toronto plobe. He got there about three o'clock and found that' a girl in the household had a severe cold. It was nothing dangerous. ^ i .; . . "How long has she had it?" asked the doctor. . : "Three days," answered the mother. "Why didn't you call me In the daytime?" asked the doctors- Then came the answer, which made this the favorite story of the medical society for many, many years. "We are poor people, and we aren't able to pay very much. So we thought we would call you when you weren't Corn Fed Carp Becomes Table Delicacy in East Prairie du Chlen, Wis.--Give a carp a bath and a square meal and he'll pass for a pike In polite society. That Is the theory on which thousands of pounds of Mississippi carp are shipped from here each year ,to a profitable eastern market. The carp, seined from the mud flats of the Mississippi,' are placed in a large artificial reservoir, filled with water from an artesian well, and they are fed on corn and barley, and wax fat on the diet. The flesh, which or- ^narily Is disdained by epicure!, becomes firm and white, and few persons ean tell It from pike. And they hold their own as "fish" on the east- SfRANGLKR LEWIS - HEADS RENEHAN CARD Ed 'Strangler' Lewis, former heavyweight wrestling champion of the world will meet the neWly crowned Lake County champion, Lou Plummer, the pride of Waukegan,' in a one fall finished contest on the main event of the fourth all-star professional heavyweight wrestling cara to be presented by promoter 'pFeggy" Behning in Renehan's open-air arena at Round Lake, Friday evening, August 24th. The "Strangler's" signature was finally obtained by the matchmaker, Les White, after more -than a week ?>f communication. The headlock king consented to th^ bout only after White succeeded in convincing him that it will draw at least 3000 people. The match, which will be the most important ever staged in this county, will attract thousands of local as well as Chicago mat fans, who will journey to Round Lake to view the "Strangler" in his last match before ha climbs through the ropes on the night of September 20th to tangle with Jim Londos, the Greek Adonis, for the heavyweight championship . of the world in the mat classic of the century which threatens to shatter all existing attendance records in the history of wrestling. < Profrioter Behning is planning to add a thousand seats and will place the tickets on sale Friday at the usual places. f'This match/' stated the promoter, "which is by far the greatest ever held in this part of Illinois, will attract a record throng and I want, to be ready to accommodate each and every customer. Because of the hugh guarantee I am forced to give Lewis, it is necessary to raise the price of the tickets for this super-attraction, but instead of raising th® prices I have elminated the 55c tickets and added to the dollar ten and dollar sixty-five cent seats." In this way no additional charge will be added to the tickets'and in comparison with the six dollar tickets for Lewis' match in Chicago-these prices _ are very reasonable. No sooner had White signed Lewis and Plummer than he set out to /Obtain the greatest array of wrestling talent ever seen at Renehan's for the preliminary matches. Jiny McMillen, who is trying to make a come-back in the county', lime-light, has agreed to wrestle on the card. George Zaharias, public enemy No. 1 of the mat game has also consented to appear. George who is often termed the Colorado vCryhaby" is the roughest and toughest wrestler in the game today; barring, none. Abie Coleman, the Jewish Ape Man, who is recognized as the leading Jew-" ish wrestler in the country has also been signed. With such men as these already signed, the fans of Lake County are assured of seeing tli« best there is in wrestling. GRAND OPENING ^ ^ . Joe Vrieod announces the gTaftd: --p opening of the "Bridge" tavern, under new management, Saturday night of this week, Aug. 18. A capacity crowd is expected for this event, but the Bridge is large and can accommodate several hundred pleasure-seekers. The . dance floor occupies a space of about 2,500 square feet and dancing is free. A special 5-piece orchestra has been engaged. -- Mr. Friend announces that tha "Bridge" can be secured for all special occasions, such as parties, dances 1 etc. r 'V "'Meet Your Friends at Joe Friend'* Bridge next Saturday night." >. Seedless Grapes, 2 lbs... 15c Head Lettuce, 2 far ......17c Firm, Ripe Tomatoes, 2 lbs Carrots, 3 for > 10c Watermelon 35c LARGE CROWD AT CARNIVAL ,St. Mary's carnival, which was held over the weekend, was a big success with a large crowd in att^dance. Over 800 people were served at the dinner as well as about 400 at supper. The stands and merry-go-round were all busy, while those present were entertained by music furnished by Lowell Nye'^"Orchestra. The fine co-operation of the workers was greatly appreciated and Father Nix desires to express his thanks 'to all who helped in making the affair a success. STRINGER FINISHES COURSE Gordon Stringer, instructor of English and Latin in the Marengo high school and a former teacher in tho McHenry high school, has completed the summer course at Northwestern University. He has been elected to the Phi Delta Kappa fraternity, which is honorary, and includes in its membership only those who have done outstanding educational work. Mrs. Brown--Clarence DctJroke has had dreadfui luck at bridge lately. Mrs. Smith (eager)--You don't say? Dear me I I must Invite him out before It changes. He Got It--- Jake--That dollar you gave me yesterday was counterfeit What do you mean by that? Jack--Well, didn't you say to toe "I want a dollar and I want it bad?' Fervent Word# Speed Fiend (as he slowed down a bit)--Gosh l Don't you feel glad you're alive? Timid Passenger-r-Glad Isn't the word---I'm amazect Dressy Answer Burglar (to mate, as telephone rings)--Yus, you'd better answer It. but speak as If you 'ad evening dress on. Sicily Sicily if" the ^largest island In the Mediterranean sea with an area of 9,890 square miles. gcMlnla Is next, with an area of 0,468 square mile*. Cyprus, Corsica and Crete are next with areas between 8,000 and 8,600 square miles. Religions liberty GimaUirf The colony of North Carolina Insisted on a clause guaranteeing religious liberty before ratifying the United States Conctttotloa ia lfifc "Going West" The expression "Going West," meatiing death, is variously derived from the ancient Egyptians, the Greeks and the American Indians. It was a common term in the Boer war among the soldiers. BORDEN'S CHATEAU CHEESE 2 ^ 29c Borden's American, Pi mien to, Brick, LimLurger, Swiss or Buffet Cheese H-LB PKG. 17C , - feVEREADY FRUIT COCKTAIL 2--29® Yukon Club Assorted Beverages 3 bottled 25c : Plus Bottle ^Deposit NORTHERN TISSUE 3 ROLLS 17C SHREDDED WHEAT, 2 pkgs. ...ZZ.23c Fine Granulated Beet SUGAR, 10-lb bag 55c I'm BRAN, pkg 13c v Free--Pkg. of Zo with. each pkg. Fig Bran SPARKLE Gelatin Dessert, 4 P^gs- 19c Derby CORNED BEEF, 12-02 tin ...15c I Sultana PEANUT BUTTER, 2-lb jar 25c Rajah Salad DRESSING, qt. jar 25c Iona Brand Sweet PEAS, 2 No. 2 cans ... 25c Sunnyfield FLOUR, 5-lb. bag 25c HIRES Root Beer Extract bottle 23c SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR ftf£25c GRAPE-NUT FLAKES . 2^. 17c POST MAN HAKB . • MAXWELL HOUSE COWEI . L».SIe G R A P E - N U T S . . . . « « 1 » « LA FRANCE POWDER . . « « . » « N Abundance of Pleasure EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Pink Harrison's at Pistakee Bay 1/2 FRIED CHICKEN 25^ MUSIC BY BARBARA HORICK'S ORCHESTRA -AUTO INNOn the Brewery Corner, McHenry, 111.--Phone 184 FRIDAY NIGHT--Fish Fry, 10c SATURDAY NIGHT--Fried Chicken Dinner 25c BOB AND HIS MELODIANS will again delight you with their peppy music. Friday and Saturday nights, Free'Dancing BETTY'S at Lily Lake The Best Cooling System in the Country FRIDAY NIGHT ^Boneless Fillet and Trimmings, 10c - Delicious Beer - MUSIC BY COLLEGIATE SYNCOPATORS ^ii r WEEKEND SPECIALS Roast Duck or Fried Chicken Sandwiches, 35c ' i:« V- , X

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