Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Aug 1934, p. 8

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JNpJPffc* a * "•'| \ t • *.- * -*>- • " • • "• * / ' *,-*** X'*';. ... _. •hsii- TBI MoHXHSY PLAIMDlAUflL V t ? L '.r-'Jt.-: L.,< «. - ., ^V-sT »<v; "> „*v»- **i "•"•V'r -'"'""•'•v. _• ' - "'\ : ^ -rf- . g} As *. • ^ V'.. " 118%^% Society Motes "i1 ICE CREAM SOCIAL An ice cream social will--be--held Friday evening, Augnfls<t 24, oil' the Charles Jecks lawn,Ostend, for the benefit of the Ostend, cemetery. Ladies please bring: cake. v • V-.--. mtv. LADIES' AID SOCIETY "*.?JTie Ladies' Aid Society met last Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Charles"Ertsig-n.., A pleasant afternoon was spent on the. Ijjwii. Tly next, meeting will be held next Thursday at the M. E. church, where pot luck lunch will t>e served; ' '... ;• • f f : ' RIXGWOOD HOME-COMING.-: "The annual home-cominp will be held at Rjnjrwood ill the W..-W. A. •hall, Friday, Aufr- £4. A program will be given in the afternoon, followed by • cafeteria supper serv.eii by the La- .•djes' 'AW $<jdet'jr. In the evening' there will be a one-act play?" "Friday For Luck," followed by an act put oh rby Frank Mathieu, the clown juggler. O.E.S. CARNIVAL SUCCE^ftft,,H The carnival sponsored by McHenry Chapter, O. E. S., which was held in the city park Saturday was successful in every way. The worthy matron, Miss Frwfees Vycital, wishes to thank allS'who heljxM, and all who attended thje car* nival and the business men .who donated. . """ ' STUNT NIGHT The Stunt Night. sponsored by- ^te McHenry unit of the Home Bureau and the 4-H club and held at the graie school gym Wednesday evening was a real success, with a varied program of real talent put on by various lodges and orders of McHenry. Nearly every organization was represented by a number, musical or otherwise, and the program was enjoyed by all present. RETURNS TO HOSPITAL Miss Leone Freund went to Waukegan Sunday ' night, wh'efre she resumed, her course in nurse's training af^St, Theresa's hospital, after a five #eekV vacation ; itv which she ' recuperated from her operation for af>- pendicitis^ ; "Miss Freund, who is the daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. A. P. Freund, has one more, year of training to efcrhplete £er course at the hospital. . fvAs * "The Amerkan Legion Auxiliary met fri Legicm hall . Thursday evening. Flans were made "for a public card party to be held at 2:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at Weber's Park on Riverside Drive. There will be prizes and refreshments. Plans were also discussed for installation of officers to be held September 20, when the Legion officers also be installed. BAKERY SALE SEPT. 1 The officefs; of Fox Riv^r Valley Gamp- R. N. A.,- met for practice Tuesday night- in preparation for the annual convention which will be held this year on September 25 at Algonquin. Mrs. Bratzler, district deputy, was present to give instructions in the retiring march which the officers will demonstrate at the convention. Plans were also completed for the bakery sale to be held in the bank building on Green street, Sept. 1. End of Month Sale Seaside Percales 1 Reduced to, per yd. •*" *** 2 New fast colors and designs/Save now at these low prices. Golden Star Percales 1 End of Month Price, per yd. ............. Fine quality vat dyed fast colors, new patterns. GOLDEN STAR Plain t&lor PrinlpS:. :.v •. J ; -Ig# Dating Flannel Fancy and Plain Colors, 36 in. wide, quality, yd. ... TURKISH TOWELS, 20x40 . WASH CLOTHS PLAIN SATEENS 15c^ •15c 18c " BENEFIT TEA ' Mrs. Mary McCabe entertained at the C. W. Gibbs home on Wednesday* afternoon of last week at one ttf a series of diminishing teas held for the benefit of St- Patrick's church. Five hundred and bunc^ Were played with prizes awarded to Mrs. David Powers, Miss Florence Conway and Miss Anna Frisby, A card table oovfc^ was given to Mrs. Thomas Bolger. Out-of-town guests were Mrs., J. McGlave, Chicago, and Mrs. Stacia Malone of Elgin. - v-V" •y.;;; *' SODALITY" PARTY;^3*" • . v Nine tables of cards were in play at the card party sponsored by the Altar and Rosary sodality of St- Patrick's church and held at the church hail Thursday afterndiin. s Wintiers in bridge were Mrs. H. L. Ritter and Mrs. Clarence Martin; in five hundred, .Mrs. B. Brefeld, Mrs. Saunders and Mrs. Stacia Malone, and in bunco by Miss Anna Frisby- A basket of fruil and vegetables went to Mrs. Harry Rankin. • PRE-NUPTIAL SHOWER Miss Dorothy Knox was guest of honor at a pre-nhptial shower given by Miss Ruth Kent at her home on Riverside Drive, Tuesday afternoon. Many l«vely miscellaneous gifts were received by Miss Knox, who will be a bride of this month- Games were played during the afternoon^with prizes won by Betty Conway" and Mrs. Roy Kent, At 3:30 o'clock a telegram wa9 presented to the guest of honor-, disc-losing-Jthe hiding place of a treasure which, when discovered, proved to be the. many gifts brought for her by the guests. A dalicious chicken .luncheon was served with table decorations in pink and white. Candles,•~nut--e»ps and place cards carried out the c6\or scheme, as did algo an attractively decorated caka Guests were: Mrs. E. Knox and daughters, Dorothy and Genevieve, Mrs. John S. Freund and daughter, Lillian, Mrs. M. M. Niesen and daughter, Mrs. Roy Kent, Mrs. Catherine Schneider and daughter, Helen, Mrs. Ray Copway--and daughter, Betty, Mrs. Joe Guth and Mrs.. Laura Kent anS daughter, Ruth. BIRTHDAY SURPRISE . , A genuine surprise was perpetrated on E. R. Sutton Saturday night by a party of friends who knew that the next day, Sunday, August 19, v^as his birthday anniversary. " f- In a casual fashion, much in acawrdance with the plans of previous Saturday nights, the crowd gathered at Schaefer's tavern, where dancing was enjoyed during the evening. As the ox midnight Mr*. Albert Vales, who was the instigator of the plot up Mr. Sutton, went to the kitchen where she brought out a beautiful birthday cake which she had made and decorated with fifty-two candles. Her entrance into the room with the cake was the signal for the orchestra to strike up the tune, "Happy Birthday To You," while all joined in singing the greeting siOhg as they gathered arouhd Mr. and Mrs. Suttoft, 'who, with two other couples, were (lancing at the time. To say that Mr. Sutton was surprised would be putting it mildly as he received the congratulations of his friends who also presented him with a gift. About this -time in the celebration it was learned that Mrs. Ray Howard, who, with her husband, was also.present, had a birthday on the same date. Mrs. Howard and Mr. Sutton then danced a solo number, after which the cake was cut with the first piece goin# to Mrs. Howard. Everyone in the room received a piece of the birthday cake. The evening was a. delightful one with-the congenial crowd mingling like one happy family. , Members of the crowd' who planned the surprise were:, Messrs. and Mesdames Albert Vales; Jacob Schaefev, Thomas, Wilson, Albert Purvey, John Stilling, Albert Krause, Charles Thies of Chicago, Ray Conway, N. J. Nye, Vincent Martin, George Miller, Ben J. Dietz, Hugh Morris, E. R. Sutton and Mrs. Catherine Schneider and daughter, Helen. PKK80WAL8 » »» • » • •>»i » »i> .|. mm** Among the Sicfc ••f" -t - i t - •4• Mary Jane Hunter had her tonsils and adnoids removed at the „ Seeley clinic at Harvard on Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Maurine Hunter and her little daughter spent Tuesday night and Wednesday at the hospital at Harvard. Elizabeth Weitl returned borne Friday from St. Theresa's hospital. Waukegan. She is recovering nicely from her recent accident when her abdomen was pierced by a rifle shot. Delbert Whiting is in the ppst hospital at Fort Sheridan, where-he is recovering from an operation John B. Kelter is recovering from a serious illness at his home on Main street. E. E. Denman, who has been in St. Theresa's hospital, Waukegan, since he was injured with other PWA workers in an automobile accident at Spring Grove, is improving slowly and may be able to return home .the last of the week. Ed Smith, Peter Smith, Leo Smith and Henry Weber arrived home Tuesday from a trip to Billings, Mont. They covered 3,200 miles in an interesting trip through several states, including a visit to Yellowstone Park- Mrs. Hetjry Vogel, Mrs. Clinton Martin and Elsie Vycital, with Miss Claribel Martin of Woodstock, who has been visiting here, attended the world's fair Tuesday. Levern Krepel, stfirr of Mr. and Mrs. Henry O. Krepel of Crystal Lake, who underwent^ an operation for tonsils and adenpids at Sherman Hospital on Tuesday of last w^ek is recovering nicely. Mr. and Mrs- G. A. Hemler of Tacoma, Wash., are visiting in the home of their daughter, Mrs. F, E. Cdvalt, on Waukegan street. . They made the trip from the west coast by auto, taking the northern route. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boger of Maywood spent the first of last week with relatives in this vicinity. Misses Elizabeth and Harriet Bogei of Chicago spent Sunday at their home here, /, Mr, and Mrs. James Callahan and daughter, Kathleen/ o^ Chiciyfo arid Mr. and Mrs, Gene Zioa and children of Woodstock were Sunday callers in the home of Mayor and Mrs, Peter > Doherty.' , Mr. arid Mrs. L. V. Adams and Mrs. Lester Bacon and children attended a family reunion at Barrington Sunday. About 4ft members of Mrs. Adams' family were-present. Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer was a Chicago visitor two days last , week and saw the Cubs game on Ladies' day, Friday. Peter J. Schoe%er is spending the week in the home of his son, Fred. Mr. and Mrs. P. Moriarity and children, Dr. and Mrs. Harry Hartley and son of Chicago, with Mr. and Mrs. George Worts and son, spent Sunday in the Ed Thompson home at Ringwood. 1 Harry Diesel of Berwyn, Ben Aicher and Mary Louise Aicher of Oak Park and Dorothy Carney of'Chicago were guests of Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Aicher, Monday. M. B. CHURCH I' You are invited to attend services at the Ml E. church every Sunday, The last united service will be held next Sunday. Sunday school will start at 10:25 a. m.~ There will be a special offering taken for the church budget next Sunday. Any gift will be appreciated. On September 2 the Sunday school will start at 10 a. m, and the morn-, ing worship at 11 a. m. All are invited to attend. ~ i COW KILLED BY AUTO Charles Jecks lost a valuable cow Sunday morning when it was hit by an automobile while being driven to pasture. The accident occurred on Route 20,- near, the Ostend school house, where Mr. Jeck9 intended taking two head of cattle to pasture or his 80 acres near the school house. A Model A. Ford sedan with five young men from Rockford. tried to pas's the cows, but hit one of them, killing it instantly. •T' . " .' BURIED IN WOODLAND Lincoln Boewen, of St. Louis, died at the home, of his son, Clark B. Boweri in Chicago, Monday, , Burial was in Woodland cemetery, McHenry, Wednesday. . - \ Mr. and Mrs. George Kamholz^ and children, of Chicago, visitied his parents, Wednesday. ^ '/Births A daughter was born last Thursday to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Campbell, ati Dr. Brand's hospital, Woodstock. Tony Wirtz is all smiles this week. He's a proud father, you know. Lit-: tie John Henry, who weighed 8 pounds • 7 Vz ounces, was born Monday at St" Anthony's hdspital, Chicago, where both Mrs. Wirtz and her little son are doing nicely. The baby is also the first grandchild in both the John" Wirtz and Henry Freund families andis, no doubt, a very welcome arrival. r AUDITORS' MEETING ^ t Notice is hereby given that the".J Board of Auditors of the Town of Mc-* 7 Henry, County df McHenry, Illinois; •/• will meet at the Town Clerk's office / ' in West McHenry, 111., on Tuesday|i|^ the 4th day of September, 1934, at 2: ' o'clock (DST), to audit any and allV>\ bills against the town. Bills may bet'«^% left with the suppiyisor or the under-fc^:^ signed. ' ~ Dated this 20th clay of August, A,f ^ < 'D. •' Y-McGEE,- ' ' Town CJ^'^r'6 Bfra; Qartence Pearson and Normal Whiting left Monday on "an automo- ' bile trip around Lake Michigan. f* 1 FORD GARAGE ERECTS SIGN ... A new sign, the largest in this locality, has been put up inside the archWay at the Waukegan street entrance to the Ford garage and shows up well from Route U. S. 12 and Route 20. The one name, "Ford," known the world over, gleams brightly upon this electrically illumined sign eight feet long and four feet wide, which is mounted on a cement pedestal fifteen party grew, extra tables were ap feet high- The sign weighs 500 propriated until all were seated about | pounds and is the first of its kind In one large table. Soon after the stroke McHenry. "RESIDENCE CHANGES Mr. and Mrs. F. A. B&hlander moved this week from the P. J. Cleary house on Main street to the - F, E. Covalt house on Waukegan street. President Roosevelt seems to be having as much trouble getting prosperity aro\ind the corner as Kate Smith does getting the moon over-the mountain. Eskimo Need* the Caribou The caribou provides the Es^ia^o not only with food but with clothing as well. From the deer skins all the clothing of Eskimo pien, women and children is made; also their sleeping bags and rugs. The Eskimo tries to get the hides of the younger, animals for making clothes, because the fur is darker and finer than that of the older animals and does not fall out so readily. Is your fountain pen working properly? Take it to Bolger's for repairs. 13 GRAND OPENING of the JUSTEN'S HOTEL McHenry Saturday Night, Aug. 25 FREE DANCINO Chicken Dinner ' • * • . A cordial invitation is extended to the - public to be present Saturday night and enjoy this opening. DRINKS OF ALL KINDS FRED JUSTEN, Prop. '25c at BOLGER'S Saturday, Aug. 25 - 26 AS THE SUMMER SEASON DRAWS TO A CLOSE, THIS DRUG STORE OFFERS MANY BARGAINS THROUGHOUT THE STORE DURING A WEEKEND SALE ON THE ABOVE DATES, PROVIDING CUSTOMERS WITH AN OPPORTUNITY TO SUPPLY THEIR NEEDS AT REDUCED PRICES. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS AND PRICES SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES--BE SURE TO CHECK THEM ALL: v . Playing Cards . - RUSSIAN Mineral Oil Pint 49> Quart 89^ Gallon .......u $2.00 $1 Congress Cards 69^ tffc St. Regis Cards 29c 50c POKER CHIPS 100 for -J.l: 29^ POND'S 65c Pond's Cold Cream jar -- 26c Pond's Cold Cream ....J. 7 it .'V.8&C Shumilk ~...10<£ 25c Venetian Cream 17# LEE'S GERMOZONE quart 98c Lee's CHICKEN LOUSE POWDER 50c size- 33C ALLWAHL Pens and Peneils 50% OFF ~ All JATHING SHOES <& Syrup of Figs Save Money On These Items BATHING CAPS {INDOOR BATS ^ PRICE SWIMMING RINGS BEACH BALLS I PRICE 7" *7 . Lilly's * FOUNTAIN SYRINtr GE or „ HOT WATER BOTTLE 59^ 75c Spalding Kro-Flite GOLF BALLS . ,53^ $1.25 Agarol ? _.....98<^ $1.25 Petrolagar with Cascara , ,9 8 C 8-ounce Super-D Cod Liver Oil ....._I. 59C 6 lbs. Epsom Salts $1.00 Adlerika ; • 50c Unguentine • 35c Vick's Vapo Rub 75c Dextri Maltose 25c Tincture Iodine 1 lb. Absorbent Cotton . 50c Jergen's Hand Lotion 65c Bay Rum 60c Marro-Oil Shampoo $1.00 Marto-Oil Shampoo .. 50c McKesson's Olive Oil, 8 ounces. 31C 60c Condensed Jad Salts 41c 4-ounce Powdered Egyptian Henna 17 C $1.10 Coty's Face Powder McKesson's Mouth Wash, pint McKesson's Aspirin, 100 75c Listerine Antiseptic 39c N. B. Mouth Wash .. 49£ 69tf - 5 9 ^ -26c ..-..:..57^. 16^ - 3 9 ^ -33c ........32^ - 4 1 ^ -61^ $1.00 Palmer's Gardenia POWDER, with a trial bpttle of Perfume 63^ CAPT. KIDD WHISKEY Piuf 110 - 49c Wellington Hand Lotion .. 31# Pint Witch Hazel - 29£ 5dc Lysol ...-.r....-..A...-.^.:............^^38d 30c McKesson's Peroxide, 8-ounce . 21# Bauer & Black Baby Talcum 12# 10c Gainsborough Powder Puff 3 for 19c McKesson's Shaving Cream 2 for 37c Thomas P. Bolger The McHenry Druggist PHONE 40 McHENRY, ILL. R@) TO» MIN. WOMEN ANO >A ft _____ Cf HTL(L/ TAITI1 LI KI CHOCOLATI EX-LAX 16C Wild Root $1.20 Wild Root Hair Tonic 60c Wild Root Hair Dress . 50c Wild Root Shampoo 40c Wild Root Wave Set 25c Wild Root Wave Powder ^ Box of 50 VANDYKE CIGARS $2.10 Box of 50 , CHAS. DENBY CIGARS $2.10 1 GaL Johnson's ^ VARNISH $1.29 SIMONIZ CLEANER 37^ , Electric FLAT IRONIST $1.39 . Pint McKessotSs MILK of MAGNESIA & Woodbnry,i Soap 3 for 25^ ST. REGIS Alarm Clocks 89C • Palmolilrt AFTER-SHAVING POWDER ^ 17^

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