Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Sep 1934, p. 8

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"•4 .V/* , 4. #Y' • fapHftt > •' ' * ' < ;• ". '"* > ' * ' j; * v * * ' i'"^,.'"" ,. { ^ _ •_ __%' •" ' 'f •*„ £. A .: Tr^o?# - ,hn^ ^yr- £g+r-Zi&4. ^ " H ^ ^ '* - ;,~:; > T» * •" * •»*T >:»' - <^;t •" ;< i » * ^-« 1 .'f ^ ^ %• > W>. •., *\" "* ,. .V 4'4 .» <,**•*-- v.* »s*w .1* •• - •*»»•..»>••» *4 T*» ».*• • (*»<^«f , -or * IV '(* * ' "V " ' • ^ .4»-V« ** • ' '• 9 - •". . -- ...'«, -• ', "• - . - • - f '/k • ' • . < •' - • / .- ,V • "•' • * - - _, * , THB McHKNRT PLAINDBALIR V ,' •• . ' • ;• . ' nmn.dv, Somber 13,1934 EMERALD BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. Thomas Wilson was hostess to members of the Emerald Bridge club Thursday afternoon when prizes were won by Airs. Ben Dietz. Mrs. Albert Krause and Mrs. Albert Purvey. MID-WEEK CLUB The Mid-Week Club will meet Wednesday afternoon, Sept .19, with Mrs. H. B. Sehafer. All old members arc urged to attend this last meeting of %e series as the club will re-organize this meeting. .. "".V'-..':';r.. ••," > MOTHERS CLUB W . The Mothers Club will meet at the |lon»e of Mrs. George Kramer Friday afternoon with Mrs. C. H. Duker as assistant hostess. < Miss Hobbs, the eounty nurse, will be the guest Speaker. This will be the first meeting since the summer vactaion and • £004 attendance is desired. .. . ENTERTAIN FRIENDS Mrs. Jacob Schaefer entertained c few friends Tuesday afternoon. Two tables of five hundred were" played £nd prizes awarded, after t^hich a delicious luncheon was served. CLASS ELECTS OFFICERS The girls of the Triple-F class of the M. • E. Sunday school, with Mrs. L. H. Brattain as their leader, held their election of officers Sunday. Officers elected for the term were Miriam Sayler, president; Janice Kientz, treasurer; Darleen Lockwood, secretary, and Vene Denman, librarian,, 1. . ; . . The Christian Mothers will hold-, a public card party Sept. 18 at Schaeffer's Tavern^ for the benefit of Sv Mary's church. Lunch and prizes. Everyone» invited. *16fp GROCERY SHOWER FOR BRIDE About thirty guests attended a grocery shower Sunday afternoon in honor of Miss Clara Kennebeck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kennebeck, who will be a bride of this week. A social afternoon, was enjoyed and lunch was served. ; '•Wj: Could you stand before your mirror, look yourself squarely in the eye and say, "there is another ice cream that equals Luick?" • j We are confident, you couldn't^-you couldn't fool yourself* This week's special brick, a new one, again illustrates the superiority of" Luick ice cream. Rich, smooth caramel ice cream -- delightiulv flavory, fresh walnut meats -- there just is np equal. So be sure to swerve Thos. P. Bolger 40 McHenry GETS GOVERNMENT JOB Friends of Raymond Sanger, former pastor of the McHenry M. E. church, will be interested to know hei. has procured a fovernment job in connection with relief work'. Mr. and Mrs. Sanger have jstored their household goods in Hebron and will make their home in Peoria. has accepted for this month: Guest of honor at North Chicago, Sept. 19; Marshal at Vesta Chapter, Downer's Grove, Sept. 25; secretary at Wilnvot Chapter, Sept. 26; Esther at Mayflower Chapter, Wauconda, Sept 28. • . _ r ; Grand Chapter will convene in 6hicapo on Oct. 2 and 3, with a banquet and dance on Monday night, Oct. 1. Eastern Star day will be observed at A Century of Progress on Oct. 4. There will be a queen chosen and each chapter is to send a candidate for queen. Those wishing tickets for the fair for-<Oct. 4 are asked to buy them from the associate matron and in this way assist the Eastern Star charity fund. • • M5ss Frances Vycltal and Mrs. J. E. Wheeler are planning to attend grand chapter. ' . • RIVERVIEW CAMPMd: . There will be no meeting of Riverview Camp, R. N. A., this month as the next meeting night falls on the date of the convention at Algotkiquin. All officers are requested to be present for practice Tuesday evening, Sept. 18, at 7 o'clock sharg, to prepare for the convention. PERSIAN LILACS BLOOM AGAIN The B. Laskin summer home, Fox Hill, on the Idle Dell road, is beautiful with» its Persian lilftcs which .are in bloom for.,~ffte second t^me this seasoh. The cottage is a new one, being built in the spring when the shrubs • were also planted and their blooming for the second time this season is a phenomenon^ especially considering the drouth and nnfavoiS1 able conditions. . . ENTERTAINS FRIENDS McHenry friends were entertiffr«t by Mr. arid Mrs. Will Heine at their home in Jefferson Park Sunday evening, A pleasant evening was spent at five hundred with prizes awarded to Mrs-; R. V. Powers, Robert Thompson, Mrs. John Dreymiller and H. G. Hughes. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hughes, Mrs. Charles Mertes, Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard, Mrand Mrs. John Dreymiller, Mr. and Mrs. E. J, Nickels, Mrs. R. V. Powers and Jfr. and Mrs- Robert Thompson. : ' . PHI LATHE A CLUB ELECTS The Philathoa Club met »at the home of Mrs. L. J. McCracken last Thursday afternoon in the first meeting after a summer vacation. Election of officers was held and the president elected for the next six months is Mrs. L. J. McCracken. Other officers elected are_ Mrs. Lester Bacon, secretary, and Mrs. Helen Walkington, treasurer. The next meeting of the club will be with Mrs. Maurice Hunter next Thursday afternoon. TO CHECK HOME EXPENSES Hbmemakers throughout the county who attended the Home Account Class conducted by Mrs. Ruth Crawford Freeman, Home Account Specialist from the extension Department of the University of Illinois, or who have kept a record of their household expenses during the past few months will be visited by Mrs. Freeman on Monday, Sept. 17, and given help .in home budgeting. M. E. CHURCH , You are invited, to attend, services at the M. E. church every Sunday. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a, m. ; 5 - ^ Sermon- subject: "The Suburban Christian," by pastor, Rev. L. H. Brattain. The district meeting of the Women's Association will be held at Harvard,. Friday. The meeting will be open to 10:30 standerd time with H program and discussion of the Ladies' Aid work in the various churches. EASTERN STAR NOTES . On Friday, Sept. 7, Miss Frances Vycital, worthy matron of McHenry Chapter, O. E. S., served as Adah at Elgin chapter. She was accompanied by her sister, Elsie, and Mrs. George Kramer. On Tuesday evening, Miss Vycital served as marshal at Sorosis Chapter, Grayslake. She was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. J. J. Vycital, Miss Elsie Vycital and Mrs. J. R Smith. An invitation has been received for official visit at WaulJfegan Chapter Sept. 15. Miss Frances Vycital has received the following invitations which she PRE-NUPTIAL SHOWER Miss Clara Kennebeck was a guest of honor at a pre-nuptial shower jfield at the home of Jennie Kearns at Woodstock, Monday evening. Sixteen employes of the Montgomery Ward and Company store were guests of the evening and presented Miss Kennebeck with a silver tray and sugar and creamer. Bridge was played during the evening and lunch was served. Miss Kennebeck has been an employe at the Ward store in Woodstock for the past five years. WHAT you hear and whttt you read about a car is im portant--but one ride is worth a thousand words. Test ChevroletVs Knee-Action on a bumpy road, where you can see for yourself what a big difference Knee-Action makes in riding comfort. This teat will also acquaint you with the smooth, economical, valve-in-head engine, the positive, cabled controlled brakes, the bodies by Fisher, and the comfort of Fisher Ventilation. Go to your nearest Chevrolet dealer and make the Ownership Test. Chevrolet is sati»e fied to let you and the ride deckle which car is the best for you. CHEVROLET MOTOR OO„ DETROIT, MM Cmnpare Chevrolet's low delwend ptmm G. M. A. C. terms. A Motor, V«fcn McHenry, Illinois ENTERTAINS CLUB MEMBERS Miss Frances Vycital, worthy 'matron of McHenry Chapter, O. E. S., entertained the worthy matrons and worthy patrons of the Fox River Valley Club at the cottage of Mrs. J. E. Wheeler on Fox river, Sunday. About fifty members of the club were present to enjoy the day, which will be remembered as an outstanding event in the club activities. The gathering was especially honored by the presence of the Worthy Grand Matron, Mrs. Gussie Hart, and the Worthy Grand Patron, Harry Cole, who came from Aurora, where an official visit had been made the previous evening. A picnic dinner was served, aftor which cards and dancing were enjoyed. Music was furnished during the afternoon by the "Monarchs of Melody," a three-piece orchestra composed of Stanley Vycital, George Vales and Chester Howard. After a picnic supper the guests departed to their homes in various cities of the Fox river valley, all unanimous in their praise of the delightful <iay and entertainment. CHAIN OF LAKES ASSN. TO DANCE SATURDAY The recently formed. Waterways Improvement association will hold its annual dance at the Mineola hotel on Fox lake next Saturday evening. The purpose of the dance is to bring together the residents of the chain of lakes region and to better acquaint them with the officers and directors' of the Waterways Improvement association and the projects on which they are working. JFhe Waterways Improvement association was formed to maintain water levels, cut weeds, dredge all connecting channels, put in dams where DM* essary in order that a higher level of water may be maintained for fishing, boating, and swimming. In the short time this organization has been in existence, several hundred members have been enrolled and plans are being made to obtain'an appropriation from the state during the January meeting of the assembly that will make it possible to carry out the many proposed projects. The officers of the association are: President, John R Dewson, Fox Lake; vice president, C. Kier Davis, Pistakec Bay; treasurer, C. K. Anderson, Antioch, and secretary, Fred J. Buenger, Ingleside- „ fairs of the association and are participating in plans for the dance: Aid. Oscar Nelson, State Representatives George M. Maypole and Dick Lyons, W. G. Hepner, Ray Pregeitzer, Dr. E. L. Brunswick, J. J. Clemensen, Urban S. Steffes, Paul Avery, E. M. Runyard, Don Hubbell, Joseph F. Friend, William Herbert, Ralph D. Kelley, E. Jennesch, Fred Eit^r, J. P. Piles kad Harold Lindgren. Mr. end "Mrs. George Johnson, with Mr. and Mrs- H. M. Stephenson, motored to Highwood Thursday evening to call on F. L. McOmber. They did not see' him, however, as Mr. McOmber was on a six week's visit with his daughter^ in the east. Mr. and Mrs. David Powers ajiiJ daughters, Mary and Evelyn^ of Crystal Lake, spent a, recent day with Miss Etta Powers. Frank Herhold of Chicago spent the weekend at a cottage on Fox.river. William Powers is employed at the State hospital, Elgin. Weston Frisby of Chicago is spending the w<eek with relatives here. Miss Nancy Frisby returned home last week after a two Weeks' visit in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dowltng viaiied her mother, Mira. F. 0„ Gans, last week, enroute to their new home at Indianapolis, Ind., where he has been transferred. r .../ Mrs. Caroline Schiessle - spent several days last week in Qg£ago- Mrs. Mike Lavelle of Strea tor spent Friday here.. Her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Buss, returned with hey ,for a visit.: • ... " ' • " Mr. and Mrs. Howard Phalin and Miss Marjory Phalin of Chicago spent Sunday here. .Miss Agnes Sloey, Alice O'Hara and Mr. and Mrs. O'Connor of Chicagp spent the wteekend here. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Burke and son of Chicago visited relatives here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Mitchell and,, baby of Waukegan were supper guests in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Bacon, where the birthday of Mrs. Mitchell was observed. Mrs. Henry Freund returned to her home in Chicago Wednesday, '.after spending some time in the home of her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wirtz, and their little son, John Henry. Mrs. Eugene Smdth and Mrs. A. McNulty of Chicago spent last week with Mrs. William Smith. Mr. and Mrs*. Albert Krause and daughter, Marion, left" Monday on a two weeks' western trip. They will visit Yellowstone Park, Montana and Wyoming. In the latter states they will visit-a brother and sister of Mr. Krause, whom he has not seen for many years. . ' Miss Vivian Switzer of Houston, Texas, w'ho motored here with an uncle to visit relatives in this vicinity is a< guest in the heme of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bassett. Will Martin of Chicago is enjoying a week's vacation from his work at the plant of Armour & Co. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hitzeman. of Chicago spent the weekend in the A. E. Nye home. Dr. and M!rs. R. G. Chamberlin, with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Whiting and Mr. and Mrs. Westlakte, returned home Saturday night from a week's fishing trip at Lake Vermilion, Minn. They report some great fishing, bringing home some fine specimens as proof of their success. Kenneth Boley went to,Champaign this week to prepare for college. Mbr. and Mrs. Andrew Eddy, with their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy of Grayslake, went to Plato Sunday, wliere they, were called by the death of the former's brother- , in-law. They also attended the funeral on Wednesday. Attorney Windh&m Bonham of Chilag& was a local business visitor Saturday. . * Inez Bacon of Elgin visited home folks Monday night and Tuesday. Sunday guests of ^Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson were: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander of Hebron, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ober and daughters of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Charlt? Owen and son of Niles Center and. Miss Miaud Granger of Chicago. ' Miss Helen Freund of Winnetka Is visiting at her home here. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bauer find daughter, Carolyn, and Mr. and Mrs. George J. Freund and daughter, Kay', (returned from a trip through the •South, Monday. They spent a week visiting relatives at Nashville and Chatanooga, Tenn. Say you read it in THE DEALER.. r,"T Fg!1;--'^.-1 •. - Aeeepta Agency. Jo® W. Rothermel has taken over the agency for Prima Beer. He will deliver and will give prompt service. APPLE TREE BLOOMS AGAIN t Elmer Meyers, who resides on Richmond road, north of the city limits, informs the Flaindealer that he has an apple tree which bloomed the second time, this year, with, jsmall, apples forming.' .. > ' Ruins at Antigua Antigua, Guatemala, has ruins which rank with Jhe most Impressive in the world. The city, 5,000^eet above*sea level, once had a population of 80- 000. Every Day Super Specials Wind Blown Bob Hie Summer "Fashion Queen" Guaranteed Ringlet Ends, Permanent Wave, $3.00 value for $1.50 Ringlet End Curl Permanent Wave, All Styles, $3.Q0 value for $1.59 Croquignole or Spiral Waves L'Armour French Oil, $3.00 value. 2 persons for $3.00 Singly for m..-..„-...$2.00 "Prom Qneen" Vita-Tonic $8.00 value, 2 persona lor ........... $4.00 Singly for ...........M.,...:„...$2.50 All above Permaaents complete, with Shampoo and Finger Wave Note--Combination $1.00 extra. Haircut extra. Every Day School Girl*' Croquignole or Spiral Waves From Kindergarten through Junior High .$1,50 For High School ,$2.00 Complete with Haircut, Shampoo *nd Finger Wave. STOMPAN ATCS . Ultra-Modern Exclusive Barber and Beauty Salon Two Entrances - 10 Private Booths 226 Main St. 229 Benton St. Telephone 641 Woodstock, 111, Beauty Salon Open Evenings Until 9 p. m. Daylight Saving Time ^ ¥• ** "V v-." "* V ' For Sale MILK FED BROILERS 11 to 3 lbs.. JULIUS KEQ Phone 285 State Bank DEPOSITS INSURED BY Ttie Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation WASHINGTON, D. €. v w ccnnn MAXIMUM INSURANCE tennft I9UUU FOR EACH DEPOSITOR |*IWWU West McHenry, Illinois SPECIAL SALE A FEW DAYS ONLY Cut Prices These are the tires that actually fulfill and exceed in performance every "claim" made by competition. TRIPLE GUARANTEE 1. Road Hazard. 2. Defects • 4.40-21 4.50-20 & mm, $5.43 5.90 6.2b *.75-lft^ 6 . 5 5 5.00-19 . 7.05 5.00-20 7.30 3. Our Personal Guarantee. - You have just a few days to take advantage of these bargains. Come in and get yours TODAY. " 5.25-18 7.95 5.25-21 ...-^^.65 5.50-lt Prices subject to change without xtotice IF IT'S GOODYEAR IT'S BETTER! Special sale of all popular sheet music Friday and Saturday at 25c. Nye's Jewelry, Music *nd Radio Shop, West McHenry. I0bp Battery nhn.rgingr) "R^pfiring Tire and Tube Vulcanizing f ' SINCLAIR GASOLINE and OILS* ~ ^ : PRESTO-LITE BATTERIES ' - " • Phone 294, West McHenry, Illinois

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