Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Oct 1934, p. 4

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Pile Four TBI McHSNRY PLAINDBAUER mfSP Thursday, October 21,19H THE M*HENRY PLAINDEAJLER Published cr«ry Thursday at McHenry, Dln bjr Charles F. Renich. Entered u second-class matter at the portoflw! »t McHenry. DU ttaitr the act of May 8, i879. "•*. , One Year » lis Months- $2.06 $1.00 V A H. MOSHER, Editor and Manafer -r*~ MOTHERS ("I.t B SPONSORS HOME TALENT PLAY " The Mothers Club will meet Friday afternoon at.the home of Mrs. C. W. -Goodell with Mrs.' George Johnson as assistant hostess. Mrs. L. A. Erick- FOn is committee on the program and Mrs. Ray Page for tbe games. S-upt; C. H. Duker will he the speaker and r>,as an interesting Sub}<?<?t upon which he will speak. PERSONALS ii Among the Sick ****** crashed in the j • Plans are befnp made for the home _rovimr nicelv. She is the daughter talent play, "Crazy Politics, to be T Q/>Via OUT O T" .. to rs. E. Knox received a thumb when, she caught it washing machine this week.^ . Mrs.- Albert Rosshtart is lit;' this week. • ' /; ^ . ' : Mrs. George Garrity, who underwent' an operation at St. Bernard's [Stella Austin, Bessie Westerm*n and hospital, Chicago, last week, is 1m- Matie Knaack of Woodstock attended Mrs. Henry Heimer spent last week in-Chicago, where she assisted in the care of her grandson, Donald, and daughter, Mrs. A. J. Butler, who were ill. She returned home the fast of the week. Misses. Eilsie and France^ Vycital and Mrs. Henry Vogel attended Libertyville Chapter, O. E. S., Thursday night, where Mrs. Vogel acted as associate conductress. Miss Irene Walsh spent Wednesday at her home at Fox Lake. Mr- and Mrs. Henry Heimer were callers at Crystal Lake Monday and Visited with their daughter, Mrs. K., M. Bradley. Miss Mayme Aylward of Elgin is spending the weekend here Jean Mathison, Glenna Housholder, Nellie Wagner, Edith Peters, Martha Parker, Ann Wright, Anna Graves, the Eastern Star meeting Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Guinto, Johii Anderson and daughter, Anna, Laura - - - „ j , of Peter J. Schoewer. £ giveb Oct. 25 and 26 and sponsored jo(> jUP^en is improving aft^y a two ; by the Mother's Club. ' weeks' illness and, is now able to be ^ ^ The proceeds from the play will go up and around his home on Green ; Meyers and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest * for a worthy cause as the dub is jjis brother, N. J. Justen, jSchondorf of this city, with Mr., and $ active in charity,.work during, the win- has also been ill, js improving at [Mrs. W. H. Maywald, Mrs. Verne Hartermo. nths and is foremost in pro- ^js ^brne on Waukegan street. jmon and Mrs.- A. E. Kowalske of..Chi-. £; fnpting projects of benefit to the com-1 " Joe Regiier has been suffering from jcago, attended A Century of Progress, j!j munity,,Otie-half : qf-" the-1 pr6ceeds 'ribs and bruises Tuesday.. ' " " ; " fr6m the- play will be 'used tobuy • jptistAiried when he was thrown from [ RoVena Marshalland Earl MarvJijilk fqr children at school,, to pay' a". Donkey dtiriiig the - donkey hall shall, with Clyde Carr, of Ringwood, doctors' bills and to meet other emer- garne ; , Vi-- ^ land-'Dorothy'..Leonard of Evanst<?n, Agencies tvhrch ans<r during the. wn.. ,v Louis McDonald has been ift fpr the. attendfea;. the air races at the Curtis- |;te r tWonths. which the r#ethers;. ^eek with infl#inmatory rheu^a-1 Reynolds airport at Gleview,- Sunday. C ub is called upon to m^t.,. The tiSm. Miss Audrey McDonald, also is , M c trDT^,T qu,i„ Mla " other half of the proceeds will go into ;,ili with jaundice. <'V * p Mrs..Hany Shales Mrs « Hhrarv fnna •• i J - Frank Brockrogge, Mrs. Henrietta . . .-*• : A»v 4'IWI irr r t vvivr dp Burr, Mrs. Lillian Gilbert, Mrs. Mar- Project XSM&M ™*ke<i rF garet Johnson and Miss Mabel up by the club and it is expected that l.QOO CANS DAY AVERAGE ^rnTli during the winter a library will he opened for the public in McHenry. , Grantham of Crystal l^ake attended V Oct. 12, being Columbus ^hJa3tern Star .meeting Monday Day, a national holiday, there will be ATTEND MEETING OF ; no canning done at the Armory by the ^ ' » . . , STATE FEDERATION . McHenry Co. Emergency Relief Com- Say you read it in THE- PLAIN- ------ . j mission, according to Arnold, J. Rauen^DEALER., «• . MtevVCV^W- 'Goodel-r- comjnittee i of McHenry,,the County Canning and ..." ; ."•••' ti chairman of the eleventh district of j Gardening Director. the Illin^s Federation of the Busi- Up to the present time there have ness and professional Women's clulji been 15,750 cans of fruits and vegeand her sister, Miss Ethel Jones, at- tables canned at Woodstock and at tended the meeting of the state fed- the present writing the "daily average eration held at Springfield Friday and is about 1,000 cans. The McHenry Saturday a week ago. i County Emergency Relief Committee Mr. Goodell and Waster Waxren invites everyone to inspect the modf Jones accompanied them to Spring- ern equipment and setup at any tiroe- -field and enjoyed visiting the many j interesting places about the state'- DOSE OF HIS OWN MEDICINE capital while the ladies attended the' Peter J. Doberstein, one of more "•meeting. v than 200 "dry snoopers" now working Among the tnany interesting events out of the Chicago office of the Fed- , was a banquet at the Lincoln hotel eral Alcohol Tax Uriit (FATU) was Saturday night and a reception at the fined $100'and sentenced, to ten days governor's mansion where Governor in jail by Judge H. P. O'Connell of Horner met the members of a com- Chicago for driving his automobil'?> mittee and gave them an interesting Whil^ drtahk, J •• 'r . talk and refreshments were served.'1 -- .• ' Business was transacted at the semi-j WORKING ON ROADS ^ annual meeting of the state board an4 j About^ twenty men on the relief plans were made for a district meet- rolls are employed by Road Commising to be held •df Rockford Nov. 11. sioner {"Butch") Freund on the roads This meeting will include the eleventh of the. township. Among other work . district with the first ten districts of ] the men are picking up stones, cleanthe federation. . i ing up brush and widening road£.' 1 Saturday Night at NELL'S WHITE HOUSE One Mile Elast of McHenry on Route 20 You Save Certainly Missed a Treat If You Haven't fried SQUAB SUPPER, all trimmings 25c^ Pree Danci^ Every Saturday Night - 3-Piece Orchestra FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT NEW WALNUT ROOM Justen's Hotel, McHenry Saturday Night CHICKEN DINNER, 25c "Wop" Weber's Orchestra Featuring Bob Peterson From Radio Station WCFL , Listen to 44Bob" Tuesday, at 7 :15 on WCTI^-tlien nieet • liim here on Saturday. -" • „ ; i - FRED JUSTEN, Prop. ^ New Johnsburg Tavern Fish Fry Every Friday Nite 10c per plate SPECIAL SATURDAY NITE ", Goose Dinner with All Trimmings, 25c ' ^Slusic by Gold Coast OrchesJtFay Ben Tonnison and , M. A. Conway , J/B. HETTERMAN, Manager GREEN STREET TAVERN Just North of Empire Theatre MEXICAN CHILI SERVED XT ALL TIMES?-- 10c PER BOWL and Liquors, Meister Brau Beer^ 5c GEO. L. JONES, Erop. SCHAEFER'S TAVERN East of the Old River Bridge Mixed Drinks - Sandwiches - 5 and 10c; Beer FISH FRY FRIDAY NITE-^-lOc per plat# CHICKEN DINNER--Saturday Ifite 25c , ORCHESTRA SATURDAY NIGHT :^s. v f/. Undiicorered • / "What we want." said the idvlce volunteer, "Is a Utopia." "What's that?" asked Senator Sorghum. > "A place where everybody can dwell In comfort and happiness." "There Is no such place. If It existed, the realtors would have had it on the market long ago." ' . . The Snooper " Junior--My dad must have got into all sorts of mischief, when he was a boy. , Friend^-W'hat .makes you think so? Junior --He knows exactly tthat questions to ask me when he wants tc find out what I've been doing. Farm Bureau News The results of the referendum being taken in McHenry County on the Corn and Hdg question indicates that Corn- Hbg producers favor an adjustment program dealing with corn and hogs in 1935. To date with meetings having been h<jl<! at Harvard, Marengo, Hebron and" Woodstock a total of 153 ballots have been cast. Out of the 153^ 113 or 74% have voted in favor of an, adjustment program for corn and hogs in 1935, 40 or 26% have voted against a 1935 Com and Hog program. Thre includes the combined) vote of signers and non-signers. The proposition carried at all four of the meetings with the non-signers supporting the .proposition in about the same ratio as th^ signers. On Question No. 2, which is as follows, "Do you faVor a one-contract-per-farm adjustment program dealiing with grains and livestock to become effective in 1936, there were a total of 15Q votes cast with 99 for and 57 against or 64 per cent for and 36 per cetit against. This ballot likewise was a result of the vote of both signers and nonsigners. Irving Eppel, treasurer of the Mcr Henry County association, states that the approval sheets have been received on 389 of the 400 contracts sent in Sept. 22. Approval On the additional 98 contracts is expected at any time. A letter from Washington accompanying , the approval sheets states that checks may be,expected in a few days. The McHenry association is" expecting these checks at'any time. The first 389 checks will exceed $53,000 in benefit payments. The largest check will be $780. This first payment includes 15 cents a bushel on corn and $2 a head on hogs, or half of the corn^ benefit payment and 40 per cent on the hog benefit payment. The total benefits for McHenry county will exceed $150,000. FOR SALE FOR KENT--Farm near McCollums Lake. Inquire of Mrs. Magdalena Bohr, Mc'Henyy. 5. 18-3 FOR SALE!--Potatoes, home grown Rural New Yorkers. M. P. Meyers, 1% miles north of Johnsburg, on the Biver Road. *20-3 FOR SALE--Air compressor outfit, mounted on riveted, welded/ tank; 100-lb. air gauge; 25 feet air hose; %-hp motor; for inflating tires or spraying. Call Carl Barnickol, phone 55-M. 20 FOR RENT FOR RENTJ1--A pleasant room, centrally located. ^Inquire at this office. " " 52-tf FOR RENT--The J. J. Vasey house on Green street. All modern. Inquire of Mrs. Geo. F. Lindsay, phone 01-R. 19-3 OVERPAID FAMILY GATHERING A family gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Owen at Nile? Center, Sunday, "when the children and relatives of Mr. and Mi's. L. H. Owen of Cushing, Okla., gathered to spend a few hours with them before they left for their home in Oklahoma on Tuesday. During the day, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Owen attended a reunion of the Owen family at Elgin, but arrived at Niles Center for the evening gathering of members of Mrs. Owen's family. FOR RENT--Modern house. Inquire of Dr. N. J, Nye, McHenry. • i7tf FOR RENT -- Six-room cottage on Waukegan St., north of McHenrv scho<4> Inquire at Plaindealer office- 19tf Home Bureau News garments features, among other things, a boy's outfit including not HOME BUREAU MET AT RINGWOOD OCT. 5 also his father's shirt, which is made only a neatly tailored and very smart adaption of his father's trousers, but into a blouse for the boy. The trousers are dark blue wool and the shirt is light blue cotton. Another boy's FOR RENT---The Burke bungalow, Washington St., near Richmond Road. Rent reduced. Phone 93-M. 14-tf WANTED WANTED---Old cars, scrap iron, brass, copper, radiators, batteries, rags and paper. Call M. Taxman, McHenry 173. , 38-tf WANTED TO BUY--Old solid walnut dining room drop lea/ table. Write Math J, Rauen, Spring Grove, 111. *20 WANTED TO BUY--Second-hand office desk. Inquire at Platndealer office. 20 The Ringwood Home Bureau unit met Friday, Oct 5, for an all-d^ 1D 11KIIfc olue COLU)U. Anoin€r ooy s meeting. In the forenoon, Mrs. Ed suit is made of two large-size salt Peet gave the demonstration of the (bags. For a little girl there is a handicraft meeting she attended at coat dress made, from two 98-pound Algonquin on Tuesday, Sept. 25. Pot flour s^ks, dyed pale green For luck dinner was served at noon. | the baby there is a romper made from Mrs. F. A. Hitchens called the af- ' dad's old shirt, and another one made ternoop meeting to order at 1:30 p. m. from a sugar sack. The salt bags are with sixteen members and three more like crash. The material is; a guests present. Roll call was respond- fairly coarse cotton weave Of blue ed to with suggestions of Hallowe'en and white threads; and lends itself stunts. Reports were given by Mrs. well to tailored effects. Not all Jepson on health, Mrs. Clinton Martin salt bags, are made of the particureported on clothing1" and' the home lar material, but a great ma'hy are. management report was given by Mrs. They are the &iz£ of big flour J. L. McCannon. Mrs. Clara Sweeney, sacks a^d' are used for the kind of who had been called home by the ill- salt the farmers --buy for their liveness of her father, was not present stock. Flour sacks, of course, have and Mrs. C, L. Harrtson and Mrs. E. purposes, as dish towels and dust- E. Carr, local leaders, gave the les- ers. But they look , surprisingly son on preparing and serving guest new and different when dyed and meads. Mrs. Fred Eppel gaj/e the cut into garments. Both the sali report of the meeting at Carpenters- bags and the flour and sugar sacks ville which; was very interesting. The These Can usually be taken out' by meeting adjourned at 4 o'clock. - scrubbing with hot water and spap --• • ; and-then boiling for half an hour. ' OLD CLOTHES TO HAVE THEIR The garments in the collection are IN CLOTHING CLINIC for children. of different ages, and A-How the smalThoy can be ***J™ b^f9- 7^ ao*,~A „<•••' j t j •*», 9 young woman s jacket and skirt dresM. with a remodeled pair of jSs :of. th y e Jt bagging, with blouse of fathers old trousers, while mother ,crap materia]> and a child's dress can make.over last year s dress into made of f!our sacking dyed greert. ed in Wr • Ifmv,°n|r 'at^ There is aIs« a Play suit made from a 2 £ * Home, woman's knitted wool • dress, with ' S w e e n e y o W i H W r i s t l e t s , a n k l e t s , a n d cap made of an hold at Woodstock on October 18 in old red bathing suit. - tcooperation with the home economics w.,. .. t extension service of the College of • • the^xhibit are jihotogrraphs of {Agriculture, University of Illinois. the pie? df matefial .f™m which the i Featuring the clinic will be an ex- ^aJments ^ere cut with.patterns laid .hibit of made-over clothing for chil- 0ut "pon the™ show how each gar- Wen which the college has obtained ment 18 7°rk^ The garments from the bureau of home economics, made m the_bureau's division of U. S. Department of Agriculture- textl^fi an? c^thin,^Jy Miss Edna Gray, Clothing Specialist fco^ng to the cloth. All the chilof the college staff, will be in charge dre,n 8 f^^nts follow the hygiemc of the clinic and exhibit. ' and self-help principles embodied m It is no new thing for mothers ^ the bureau s own designs. make over old clothes or to adapt new materials to new uses, but there will be some ideas on design and adaptive possibilities in the clinic and the ex " 'J RELIABLE DEALER wanted to succeed G. E. Krause in the south onehalf of McHenry county to handle Heberling Products sold direct to farmers. Excellent opportunity for the right man. Mlany make $40 to $50 weekly profits. Write quickly M. E. CHURCH You are inivited to attend services r „uu „1IC the M. E. church ev&w Sunday. hibit, Home Adviser, Clara Greaves Sunday-school 10 a. m. A buffet luncheon was served at [for free catalogue. G 6 o'clock and bridge was enjoyed during the evening with prizes merited by Robert Thompson, Mrs. L. H. Owen, Mrs. George Smith and Oliver Owen. ' Moving pictures were shown by! Charles Owen, who had several interesting reels of pictures taken at Appleton, Wis., of the Brookfield Zoo, of the World's Fair and, best of all, pictures of the family and of rela-- tives. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander, Hebron; Mr. arid Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Maud Granger, McHenry; Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Owen, Cushing, Okla.; Mrs. Adah Smith, Mr. and Mrs. George Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Granger SmiCh and son, Gage, of Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Johannse'n, Evanston, and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Owen, Chicago. Company, 111. Dept 409, C. Heberling Bloomington, 20-2 MISCELLANEOUS "He's getting $10,000 a year, and isn't worth It. No man Is." "I quite agree with you. Tm gefrN ting only $20 a week, too." Seasonal Error V Alarmed Wife (whose husband bad gone to bed first, but whom she did not find abed when she got there)-- Bill, where are you? Billi : Drowsy Bill--Aw, come OB: to bed. I've been asleep hours. Mrs. Bill--But you aren't In bed. -- Kill--Thunder I'm not. I'm where the bed is, anyway. Mrs. Bill--No, darling. You are w here the bed used to be. I changed things around today and you are sleepihg lii the cedar chest. WHEN YOU NEED A VETERINARIAN-- Call Richmond 16. . Graduate Veterinarian, prompt service. General practice. Both large and small animals. Dr. John Ducey, Richmond, lit 12-26 f Sweeney said. This year it will be easier to make new clothes from those of previous seasons than it has -been Tor several winters past, and women attending the clinic will he shov^n how to do it. They will bring old dresses or garments to the meeting, where they will be given suggestions and ideas for remodeling and changing them to make- them conform to 1934-35 styles. Morning Worship, 11 a. m. Friends and members of the churCh are extended a special invitation to attend services on Sunday and welcome the pastor, Rev. L. H. Brattain, who has been returned for another year. - • It is hoped that people will now take a renewed interest in affairs of the church and support Rev. Brattain in his work here. Show your co-op- - miiv n juvu vv"v The exhibit of made-over children's eration by your attendance Sunday. 49-fcf DEAD ANIMALS REMOVED FREE OF CHARGE MIDWEST REMOVAL CO. PHONE DUNDEE 19 Reverse Charges • FOR QUICK REMOVAL OF DEAD AND CRIPPLED COWS OR HORSEa call Axel Bolvig, Woodstock 1645-W-2 and reverse charges. j *18-26 •.'-••'•"'•'White House Aide "Pleasant" Prologue "Did we get anything in return for our sacrifices in the big war?" \ " "Well," answered Senator Sorghum, "we are supposed to pay .for our pleasures, and maybe we ought to remeinbe. r the satisfaction we had in hearing the 11 re I i mi nary protests ' of eternal gratitude." FINNICUM-CORNEY Miss Margaret Finnicum, daughter of TSUt. and Mrs. Thomas Finnicum, Erie, 111., and Mr. Willis Corney, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Corney of Brimfield, 111., were united in marriage at the bride's home at 4:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon, Oct. 6, with the Rev. Albertus l'erry of Erie officiating. The couplfe was unattended. Miss Norma Efner, an intimate friend, sang "O, Promise Me" and "I Love You Truly" during the ceremony. "" Following^ the ceremony a buffet supper was served to about fifty guests. The bride wore 'a gown of green silk with matching accessories and carried Talisman roses. * Mr. and Mrs. Corney haye' gone to housekeeping in the H. A? Asmal sky house east of i the river in McHenry •• • • Mr. Corney' is field',,;j*$Gif for the Pure Milk association^ . . No Cheating Father--Why don't you getdtit ami find a job? AYhen I was your apre I was working for'$3 a week in a store, and. at the end of five years I owned the store.. Son--^Yod can't'vdo that- nflWaditys. T h e y h a v e c a s h r e s i s t • ' Safety First 'Vjllagfe. 'Grocer--What are yon rutv> rting forv sonny? : • Boy--I'm trying to keep two fiTOws from fi^Min'. ' t i r ^ e e r -- ' • f e l l Q A - i ? ' Boy--Jimmy (ireeti and me, i---tt-- Wi»a One ----- "He is vcrv careful about what he says, isn't he?" gets him, in any more trouble than the one in his shoe does.". Minister--Do you know wh£££JltJtle boys go who fish, on Sunday? johnny--Sure! Follow me and I'll show you! , . The Chater, -' ^ VisiWr^That, was a tlon, my dear, Do you Hke to recite? Mary--Oh,-no, I don't like It much, but mother gets'me to ^lien she wants people to go. • • ^ ALMY E. WISWALL ' Funeral services for Almy BJ. 'W'isi* wall of 3635 N- Keeler avenue, Chicago, werp held last Thursday afternoon at .1:30 o'clock from the funeral' home at 3834 Irving Park boulevard, Chicago. Burial was in Mouut Hope c?meterjfc- The deceased is survived by widow, formerly' "Elizabeth Buss of McHenry. ' - Fish Fry all day Friday 10-25c Mexican Chili 10c Beer 5-10c SANDWICHES - PLATE LUNCHES - OR DINNERS .:;•' My Place Tavern. Green Street McHenry, 111. AT THE PIT Quarter Mile East of McHenry on Route 20 SATURDAY NIGHT Chicken Dinner 2Sc FREE DANCING SATURDAY NIGHT Orchestra • HAROLD MILLER, Proprietor ^ J.U'in. T1umh:is ('. lVi riii, who has been serving aboard the battleship Texas, has received the coveted appointment of-marine aide at the White House. He hails from Hishopville, S. <aiul is well known in Washington, having served at the marine corps base at Quantico, Va., before being trausferretl to sea duty. * * CARI) OF THANKS desire in this manner to expi^s our appreciation and thanks to all who assisted us during the illness and at the time of the death of Mrs. Elizabeth Hoff. Also "those who sent -flowers and donated the use of cars. 29 STEPHEN HOFF and FAMILY AUTO INN TAVERN On the Brewery Corner, McHenry, 111. FRIDAY NIGHT, Fish Fry, 10c SATURDAY NIGHT, Chicken Dinner, 25c Free Dancing and Orchestra » Latest and Newest M^cedDrinks, 5 c and 10c Beer NAME COMMITTEE Richard .Overton, McHenry: Earl Whiting, Ringwood; Joseph Wagner, Spring Grove and Peter Smith, Johnsburg, are among those named on the committee for the Republican rally and dance at Woodstock this Thursday evening. . e He Know® 3?ercy--Er--er--um--am--thatr tg-- a|t--might I--er-- 7 Jeweler--Certainly, sir. Samuel, brtirg me over that tray--of engagement rings. 3 -No Fun for Him •'WWy doa't you believe in men-^iy ing about In bathing costume* ill day?" "Because 1 aia a pld®acltet,w Births Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kilday are parents of a girl, born Thursday, Oct. 4, at St. Theresa'^ . hospital, Waukegan. Yhe*Tittl.e girt^has been named Grace Carol. Mr. and Mrs/ Henry Felmeten, Jr., arte parents of a boy, borh Monday night. - He tipped the pounds. ' ' - * • "• $1,000 a W e ek THE BRIDGE Just East of State Bridge, McHenry FREE DANCING - FRANKIE GANS' ORCHESTRA Usual Chicken Dinner Every Saturday Night--25c liOXING MATCHES EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT Meet Your Friends at Joe Friend's This is an Invitation Fi ances Hughes attended a nurses' convention^t Peoria, Wednesday. ' Mesdames, Peter J. Schaefer, Frank Hughes, Earl Brown, Ben Miller, and Anna Geier attended the fair in Chicago, Wednesday. I.irtle Mickey Rooney is here seen holding his new contract with MX1M entitling him to receive $1,000 a week for his work in the movies. No wonder he smiles. to Jerry and Betty's Wedding Anniversary Party at BETTY'S at Lily Lake SATURDAY NIGHT. OCT. IS . Roast Young Pig Dinner Free to Patrons and Their Guester--""'-^^' llusic, Dancing and Games for Everyone to Enjoy FISH FRY FRIDAY ALL DAY All the Fish You Can Eat For a Dime

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