Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Dec 1934, p. 2

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-r :;^y>y&..f ^ < ^ 7 ^ r r v : e * f 'J;:h•:--«r. j*/#^ ^ i?^w-^v^ • ' •-! ... • ' . , « • ;.y, r-O * * : --<••>: -. ••*.;• * I Page Two THE McHENBT PLAINDEALBE • ? " * + j.?yx; -r- ^ -v; Thursday, December 13,1934 ^ * * burg, was burned recently and tf^j loss promptly adjusted by Simon Stoffel, in the Phoenix, of Brooklyn, j The village board, accompanied by the city attorney, made a trip to ^Chicago on Friday last, to confer with ; the railway authorities in regard tQ putting in gates or flagmen at the crossings, in the village, ' r TW ENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO ' The first real winter weather str&clc McHenry last Sunday afternoon and since then business has boomed for our'mereharits to a high state of sat- ' isfaction. ; The furniture for" the new Northwestern depot is slowly arriving. During £h.e week a beautiful office desk, thrt?e oak rockers and a clock have • : R. A. Howard, of the Red Front b<«?n added to the depot's equipment. Market; -nekr V ';dei*t,';i>iuvft^-"*y.T}fe merry , jingle of the sleigh bells- 'fish every Frid&y. t' 'v- 'A is.-again ..heard, -tfhe.'sl.eighi/lg' is. the8 Twice T o l d Tales -JtfKQjs" of Interest Y«&en From the files of the Plain dealer 'v .'.• - -of Ifears :Afro ,::Vt FIFTY YEARS AGO SLOCUM'S LAKE John Nestad spent Sunday with friends at Waukegan. . ' "Mrs. Earl Converse and Mrs. W. L. Converse of Grayslake spent last Friday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse were business callers at Crystal Lake last Wednesday aiternoon. Mrs. Fred Nordmeyer spent last Friday afternoon at the home of Mr pnd Mrs. John Gossell at Wauconda. Mrs,. Elmer Esping returned home Monday afternoon after spending a fe^ days at the home of Mri and'Mrs. LaPoyt .Matthews at Forest Park.. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lundirren and 7, y$"'; frm ;^ ••also 500 vawfs'»*orth 7 cents will be that so-far this faU his biisineSs ha^^ f- Vccntv rash, and many other increased about fifty per, cent oyer bargain* - Come early and avoid th" vear. v - /'^The i* how hi full ^ TWENTY YEARSAtfO ' "'blast, end is o'pen Taesd^y, Thursday -^.'Thifc business houses in McHenty Satutfd^ evening, and Thursday ,^1% piore. elaborately decorated! this and. Satarday t?ro^thW/.eVer- teiore, One of the « pronounced by skaUTs to be the places which is drawing more than •" "jbest arranged and easiest ,to sk&te J.n ordinary attention is the J. D. Lodtz - «f 'any in the county. 1 O" '^tfcggery \\ here miniature colored elee;- •' trie lights are being \lsed fdr decorat- ; FORTY YEARSViSGb ' ling purposes. As we go to press out Indian sum-! The snow has-brought,out the rabnser weather has taken a charge and a snow storm is threatened. Walter Freund appeared in his bag j?.uhchin# act . before a packed house »t-Pta£o£k's hall, Spring Grove, oft a recent night.Walter is getting better right along 'and > expects to fill eji- -gageihents-'all-'-winter.r"^v'H:;';^-';"': • tit hunters in goodly numbers and local lovers of the sport report some Hueman Bros., in the show window j good baggings. of their jewelry store, have a Wheeler | The Borden Condensed Milk Com- 4 Wil?on sewing machine running by (pany is laying off hands at a numciectricity. It is an ingenious device, r nd attracts the attention of all who pass. . We learn that a large straw stack, <25 men were laid off recently. ;be?^nr;rr *<» May. Bear Join;*- lay-off affect? the entire v'Hage. ber of its plants in Northern Illinois. At Chemung, where tin cans are manufactured, 12 young ladies and The ; TEN. YEARS AGO - \ ;F^Ur Spring lamb<» I'dQgs- on the W. E.,Whiting farm south j of - tfjisV "city during last Friday ni^ht. The liambs, at present market prices;, were worth from $14-00 to $16.00: eateh and therefore the loss is quite heavy. .. According io reports from Wpodstock, Mrs. - Lucy Renich, wife of Editor Chas. F. Renichi or the Sentinel, will be the next postmaster of "the county seat. The office pays an annual salary of $2,600. Rev. Win. Weber, pastor of St. John's Catholic church at Johnsburg, already has Bishop Muldoon's approval for the expenditure of about $20,0Q0 on the church edifice there. The paving_job in district No. 2 at Crystal Lake was completed last Thursday and opened up to travel the following day. Miss Nelson of Wauconda spent Suitday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. Chesney Brook attended the Int^iy national Live Stock Show in Chicago last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nordmeyer and son, Russell, spent l<ist Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Lohman at Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs1. Harry Matthews and son?, Robert and Lyle, spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earle Matthews at Wauconda. Darwin Brown and darughter Arissa and Miss Althea Coss of Wauconda spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. Mr. Hoffman and son of Chicago were callers last Friday at the' home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Foss. Arthur Wackerow- spent Sunday at' ihp home of Mr. and .-Jlrs. ^harles Nelson in Chicago. , Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bauer and children and Freddie Schmitt of Spring "Grove Spent Thursday evening at the home of Mr> and Mrs. Fred- Nordmeyer. - 't • ,,:. : • .Mrs-.. -'Saraft -"Fi'sher'^of: yoW-; %w«.s.a; visitor &t the honte of . Ci^fa Smith last Friday afternoon.<7 v Mr. and Mrs. Hay tkfweTl and daughter, Dolores; Were caHers at ^Il- •gin' last Tuesday. . • • 5 Mir: and Mrs. Harry Matthews arid"; son, Lyle, and Mfrs. Elmer E^pinpt' spent Tuesday afternoon at Wauke-: gan. Mr. and Mrs. ,Wm. Harris and Itfr. and Mrs. Gilbert Harris %nd son, Raymond and daughter, Evelyn of McHenry spent last Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell. At the Annual meeting of the Pqre Milk Association of the Wauconda Local held at Wauconda Monday evening, Harry Matthews was elected president. . " f' NOTICE TO TAVERN KEEPERS OUTSIDE OF CORPORATE LIMITS OF CITIES AND VIULAGfcS IN McHENRY jCOUNTY. Your 1934 liquor license will expiiv December 31st, 1934. • PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that it you ^intend to ^continue to Operate a tavefn in McHepry County for the sale of intoxicating liquor outside of the c/rporate limits, of any City o Village, it M'ill be necessary for you to renew your-license for the year 3935. . _ The Licenses Committee, of th< Board »of Supervisors on and after the 15ttrof"December. will set forth in the office of the' County Clerk for the purpose of receiving; your renewal or new application. • \ - It will be necessai^ for'you to" ap • pear before said Committee between the 15th and the 31st of DecernIk ifor the" purpose as set forth abovt, and .unless you do appear, it will be understood by the Committee that you are not intending to opei^ate a tavern on and after December 31 fit. Any one operating a" tave?n without a. countv licehse afte^ the 31st <jf. Dece-mber, 1934* Will be ' subject to prosecution according to law. .".--.v-"---" PLEASE TAfcE ^NOTICE ern yourselves accordingly.'^' - By,order of N. ;TB. GLAWSON, ? Ghairman of Boafd of Super-. vicors and ex-officio Liquor Commissioner McHenry" County, Illinois. Mrs. AlbeVt Krauae,. Mrs. Nick Freund and Mrs." C. W, K16ntz w,ere Chicago'visitors Saturday.: ; Mrs. F. E. Covalt and daughtier, Shirley, lyere Chicago visitors SatptE-u day. .,".. .• •'•'•M* BABY IS CHRISTENED Mary Dolores, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Young of -Waukegan, was christened Sunday. Sponsors were Mary Walsh and Clarence Young. Guests from McHenry were Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh and daughters, Mary and Dorothy, Miss Ellen Doherty and Mrs. Catherine Young. .When You Can Save Money at These Prices SPECIAL ^FOR SATURDAY % gal. can Sinclair Winter Oil 98* m •:F* 1 ye- Pennsylvania GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES at Bargain Prices - Midwest Winter Oil, .. gal. +~:iTc Winter Oil, gaj.: 61 ^ . v - r L e s s ' in 5-gal.; and ., • " ' barrel lots^ .i^ri in.y n "• ;. t r" „ , • - ii -iii rit.rr.iiir-? V"*; ' ALCOHOL ;^^nuine 188'/; Rust Proof •V Alcohol, per ^al 59c in 5 gals, or more) ; .. BATTERIES - to fit every car. Ford or Chevrolet, 13-plate, gnar- . anteed $3.95 and up . 'uiit'inri PRESTONE : . , World's Greater Anti- Free"z6. ; Can be used, over and over, $2.9 5 &ali i i lymm--m HEP AIRING V. Tire and Tube Vulcanizing at the right prices. Walter J. Freund Battery Charging, F&n Belts, Radiator Hose and / Spark Plugs, Etc., to Fit Every Car or Truck Phone 294, West McHenry, Illinois >. •/•:&•••. i-.s ^ wJ . in person will be at the •' • '.V v. f / ^ o. ^ £ ' - j l •* Mi •' "'j- i l. % ' » ••• ••• •••••• ••• ^ •t* ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ^ ^ »• ••• ••• ••• •••••• ••••••••• ••• ••• ••• •••••• ••• ^^ ••• 1 to greet all the Boys arid Girls L" ////. .- V '.{«• o& £o-eAjy Ft •f Buy Furniture this Christmas--there is a gift in our stocknhat will satisfy Wife, Mother, Dad, Brother arid Sis «|I ter ajid also the little members of the household. Below we offer a few suggestions. , He s just waiting for a chance to talk to their secret wishes to him. He has a supply of everything, too, a bag full of toys, games, dolls and all a kiddie could liope for. Children, be sure to meet Santa at Althoff's Saturday. Walnut Cedar Lined Chests Studio Couches' Studio Loungea Rockers End Tables Comfortable Lounge Chairs Easy and Pull-up Chairs DOLLS 18 in. tall and has pretty blue eyes, already dressed. SLEDS AND WAGONS Glider Sled " Streak-0-Lite " Wagon :_. S4.65 With Electric Lights . .. ... . $5.65 Junior Express :„4„^ 98c^ Red Injun Coaster $3.29 Pedai Car .-- 98<. BLACKBOARD You'll have endless, interesting hours of fun! This blackboard stands 34 inches high and has an illustrated chart. •^50^^ ^ POLL CARRIAGES lyiade Of .flat woven fibre, paintted 'green. uith ivory\ colored rubber tired wheels Others at higher prices if desired. •^AtoOTTE'TOYS. • £v»orl Cotpe';'. . o .-r >, Dump Truck ' 2 K -1 Stake Truck 25^ .05'59^ . NESTOR JOHNS#-;? 'Skates vf" ' M e n ' s and B o y s ' Models, Ladies' and GivlaL,Models, Cowhide Leat 1: Runners of high grade hardened tool steel $4.95 Genuine Noma eight light sets w i t h 15 v o l t Mazda lamps. Has adjustable rings on wire to hold lamps in p o s i t i o n . A vidue at 59^ GAMES Roll Game .. 25^. Basketball Game ..... $1.00 Spot Shot ...„...v„...„:...:..v.-...'J.....: 50^ Many others to please the children 1 at very moderate prices. "WIND-UP TRAIN £dmfw Bridge Lamps - _ 2 Junior Lamps Table Lamps A* Boudoir Lamps Radio Benches Occasional Tables Magazine Racks Carpet Sweepers 0 Hoover Vacuum Cleaners . s • ;. Kitchen Cabinets Kitchen Tables Card Tables- Bridge Sets Bridge Table Covers Mirrors Smokers Secretary Desk*-- --Cabinet and Metal Ladies' Desks Pictures Foot Stools Small Rugs make An Inner-Spring Mattress Electric Sewing Machines Children's Go-Carts attractive gifts. will please. Tricycles Children's Rockers Pool Tables Sleds WHAT COULD BE FINER THAN A PARLOR SUITE, DINING ROOM SUITE OR BEDROOM SUITE? Tcot toot -- all aboard for the Empire Express• The 614-in, locomotive has an .electric light, brake stop and piston reds. TBs"coal tender carries the battery. With .three 41/2-in. passenger cars and 4 pieces of track 980 Pocket Watch : ^1.00 flaslilighN J/.,... 55c to Si .50 Bird ge arid Stand Whistling Tea Kettle --89 <> Pyrex Pie Plate • Pvrex Custard Cups • 5e Boy Scoilt Knife .....Mz Kiddies' Snow Shovel HERE'S A REAL SUGGESTION AN "ABC" WASHER 4L * :Y0U^AVE HER The Christmas ^MfRIQlDAlKE '* (A Gift In a Million" Conibihes beauty with usefulness and , Koritiment wiili tlirift. Visit our ' store -today'!." Let lis sliow^you The- ("hiistnias Frigidaiie, Let us tell y«Myt^ about o«r special Christmas. Truly the World';: Finest Would Please the Lady of the Home . More than a mj|iion American housewives -sow •and/• ABC DeLuxe Washer at A Century of Progress in 1933 . . . a million "more will aiee 'and acclaim it this year. It is, truly, the world's finest washer . . . no other like it! Every woman who sees it operate wants to own it! No other washer has so many worthwhile safety and4SBjvenience features! , ' Just look at these outstandinip?, exclusive ABC features, Matures not found on any other washer on the market . . . exclusive ABC Fingertip Control . . . exclusive French type agitator together .with the new type ABC corrugated, vitreous poc&cla-in tubjgrodqeea the fastest sate* method of was.hinsT ever' invented . . . Massive, all-porcelain, ABC patented wringer with extra large balloon rolls. Instantaneous tpuc;h ; release . . . push and pull motor switch . . . ball bearing mounted wringer - which - swings'- into S positions . , . convenient.tub cpv$f si#s- • 'pension -and n^any other important features. .• " : $54.50 and S09.50 - HOLSTER SEIS; Belt, Holster and Gun Set" $1.00 Set for a Young Cop 50c^ A DEPOSIT WILL HOLD A NY TOY UNTIL CHRISTMAS Jacob Corner Green and Elm Sts»^ > fc*. Aj jfc i y ' ' • \ ... > v •• • • McHenrv

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