mmm Page Four TBE McHENRY FLAINDKALER THE M'HENRY PLAIN DEALER ^ " *Pnblif^«d every Thursday at McHenry, Dl, bf Charles F. RenicIL Entered m second-class matter at the poatoffice. *t McHenry, Dl., on fcr the act of May 8, 1879. . . / ;....$2.oe „....*l.dO One Year ...... fix Months .. I A. B. MOSHER, Editorand Manager Currency Plate* Guarded .AH" currency plates in the engraving bureau of the United"States treasury afe carefully numbered and counted every nijfht before pinployves ran leave If the plates become worn they are de- •SfToyea in full riew of a special committee. Only one mnri in the history of the federal engra \Mn^^but^n -ever turned counterfeiter. ' ^ Averagt Life of Ship The average life of a ship is much shorter than the average life of other large structures, writes William Bigelow, Hathdrum, Idaho, in. Collier's Weekly. The amount of tonnage which either sinks or has to be removed from service during a 25-year period is equal to the total tonnage on the aes* in any one year, ' •• SPRING GROVE -V ' <-, n . ,»* » /* Nelson said: "When I don't know whether to.fight or not, I always When illness occurs and yon don't know whether to call * the doctor or not--call the doctor. Whenever he prescribes, ask him if he knows of any pre- '• script ion service surpassing ours. ^ Bolter's Pharmacy Phone 40 McHenry Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund and son, Tommy, motored to. McHenry Sunday evening $o visit at the home of Mrs. M. J. Freund. Zelda Sanders spent the past week in Woodstock with friends. Lucille Nimsgern left Monday morning- for Chicago where she has accepted a position. Ina Gracy and two children spent Wednesday afternoon in Woodstock. Paul Weber mojtored to Manituwac, Wis., Friday to fret a new Chevrolet> Leo Lay and Albert Britz- drove to Chicago on Wednesday to attend the Livestock show. Mrs. Frank Sanders entertained the Five Hundred club Thursday evening. Mrs. Arthur Kattner received first prize, Mrs. Math NTmsgern, second and Mrs. Al Schmeltzer, consolation. Mrs. Sanders received a hostess prize. A very nice lunch was served. Mrs. Charles Freund and Mrs. Geo May motored to McHenry Tuesday afternoon, to visit with friends. Margaret ; Bowers and daughter, Ellen drove to Watikegan to spend the -Weekend.. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison, .of. .• Aijtioch, Mr, and Mrs, Roy Thompson and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Weber and two daughters of Keystone, Laura Weber of McHenry were, among those from out of town who attended the old. time dance Saturday night. • Valeria Spindler spent the weekend with her sister, Anna Spindler. The children of St. Peter's school are all prepared for their Christmas play to be held on Friday evening, Dec. 21st, and Sunday afternoon, Dec. 23rd. Mrs. Joseph Brown and Mrs. Frank May motored to Kenosha, Wis., on Monday afternoon. j The meeting of the Christian Mothers held Sunday afternoon at St Peter's church was well attended. tfOR SALE FOR SALE!--9x12 Seamless rug. Tel. McHenry 90-J. 29 FOR SALE -- Potatoes, U. S. No. 1; cabbage and sorghum. Phone 638-R-l. T. R. Howi. 29 WOULD LIKE TO SELL about 90 tons silage. Old Abbott Farm on Route 20, 4 Vi miles west of McHenry. O. Hauri. *29 COMING SOON! Am erica's Outstanding Motor Gar Value All Used Car Prices Reduced For Pre-inventory Sale PHONE 1 WEST M'HENRY Pay Cash and Save FRIDAY SATURDAY MONDAY We. Do Not Sacrifice Quality for Price. Our Meats Will Always Be of the Same High Quality For Which We Are Noted. . FRIDAY, DEC.. 14 HALIBUT STEAK BONELESS PERCH ] PERCH (not dressed) " We Will Have An Assortment of Fresh FISH and OYSTERS Every Friday SATURDAY, DEC. 15 Neck Bones From Young Pigs ~ 3 ^s. 14^ lb. 2B& lb. 29^ ft. 18c Veal Hearts Real Fresh ...3 lbs. HAMBURGER, Fresh Groui uJ 2 ib». 19^ Rib Roast of Beef Boneleis, tender, roUed lb. 17^ - •ij Steaks _j; Sirloin or Round Choice Baby Beef MONDAY, DEC. 17 VEAL ST1W, very meaty ^ "" lb. lA^ PORK LIVER, nice, fresh----2 lbs. J When Better Meats Are Sold, For Less Monev We Will Sell Them Cash Market Green&t' WM. PRIES, Prop. TeL 80-M We Deliver :.V' BOWLING LEAGUE STANDINGS o Oldtimers League Freunds .2540 Smiths .....A..............2531 Bidders ....„...........2510 . Grangers „.......--..:.™.......2420 Forester League Team No. Three ....5017 Team No. One „........5006 Team No. Two ...............4983 Team No. Four ...--.....4872 Oldtimers League : • SMITftS-- FOR SALE -- Home-grown potatoes $1.00 per hundred. M. P. Meyer, 1% miles north of Johnsburg, on Raver road. 29* McKinUy Gold D.lUr The McKlnley gold dollar, issued tn*' 1016-17 In Connection with the ereetlon »f the Memorial building at Niles, Ohio, ihe birthplace of William McKinley, was no different in design from other gold dollars. On the Obverse jof this join are the words "United States of America McKinley Dollar," forming a continuous circle around the outside. In the center Is the head of McKinley facing the left. On the reverse are the words "McKlnley's Birthplace, Niles, Ohio," at the top in two lines. Below Is the likeness of the McKinley Memorial building and then the date 1910 and the word memorial. The edge Is reeded.: : FOR SALE OR RENT--Nick Weber farm, 75 acres. Located 1 mile east of Pistakee Bay Road. Inquire of Mrs. Win. Bis^iqp, McHenry. 24-tf FQR RENT FOR RENT --yil75 acres on Meyer's Bay (Crockett farm). Will rent by month or year. - Also pair of horses, 8 cows, 1 Durham bull, quantity of hay, corn and fedder for sale. W. B. Hewitt, Prop. Phone Fox, Lake 195-M-2. , FOR RENT . SiX-room cottage on Waukegan St., north. of McHenry school. Irtquire Walter J. Freund. , 24tf Red • The red banana is a less common species of banana which grows almost everywhere that the common yellow species grows! It Is Inferior to the common banana in raw eating quality* but makes a good cooking banana. It Is somewhat hardlter and will ripen in climates unfavorable to the common b a n a n a . ' X . ' " . - - - ' i . L ; „ Thttrsday," ^ HOLIDAY ITEMS TABLfi COVERS, 54x64 49c WOMEN'S HOUSE SUPPERS ....59c HAT PADS, 2 pads 25c MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS, 3 for 25c WOMEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS, 3 for .......25c BATH MATS .. .39c BATH TOWEL and 2 WASH ^ CLOTHS 49c GUEST TOWELS, pure linen .S9c-49c PILLOW CASE SETS, hand embroidered, pair ....88c-98c WOMEN'S PURSES ..50c BRIDGE SETS ..............49c 27 IN. BLEACHED SHAKER FLANNEL, yd. ,..,...10c 36 IN. STRIPED OUTING * FLANNEL, yd. 12»/,c 36 IN. PLAIN OUTING --77~ FLANNEL, yd .........^....15c PART WOOL DOUBLE BLANKETS „• ...$2.95 John Stoffel FOR RENT--Farm near McCollum's Lake. About 125 acres. Possession March 1. Make terms to right party. Inquire of Mrs. Magda\ena Bohr, Mc- Hensy. 26tf' WAMTB) WANTED--014 cars, scrap iren, brass, copper, radiaters, batteries, rags and p«tp«>r. Call M. Taxman, McHenry 173. 8*-tf WANTEI>--Lady's coat, -sine 42 or 44, and other women's clothes; men's overcoats. These articles are needed by the local relief workers for destitute people of McHenry towfcship. Anyone who has any of the above and are willing to donate them, please call McHenry 208-R or 117-J. *27-2 MISCELLANEOUS Sayler .180 167 163--500 Johnson .171 194 169--534 Covalt, .................. .125 154 134--413 J. Schaefer. .169 201 151--521 E. Si^fth .219 154 190--563 ' i ,, 864 870 797 2531 BICKLERS-- Barbian .151 198 185--634 Karls .................. 130 172 152--451 Patre- .190 179 176--545 Weber - .155 150 150_455 Bickler .139 181 202--522 765 880 865 2510 FREUNDS-- Bacon 177 177 166 177--531 Adams ;201 158---527 Perkins .133 165 134--432 C^oodell .147 157 169--473 .............. .188" 191 198--577 846 858 836 2540 GRANGERS^- Wattles .123 169 jl38--430 Beavis ..182 147 149--478 Hughes ..137 162 134--433 M. Schacfer ........ ..190 152 197--539 Granger ..180 180 180--540 WHEN YOU NEED A VETERINAR? ' IAN--Caft Richmond 16. Graduate veterinarian, prompt service. General practice. Both large and small animals. Dr. John Ducey, Richmond, Itt. 12-26 WE PAY FOR DEAD ANIMALS MIDWEST REMOVAL CO. PHONE DUNDEE 10 Reverse Charges 49-tf FOR QUICK REMOVAL OF DEAD AND CRIPPLED COWS OR HORSES call Axel Bolvig, Woodstock 1645-W-2 and reverse charges. *18-26 WIRFS BROS. Auto Repairing Reasonable Prices Give Us a Chance On U. S. 12 BACK IN BUSINESS AGAIN -- The old reliable commission man. Ship us your Live and Dressed Poultry, Veal, Eggs, Hides and Game. We pay, you top market prices always, give correct weight and make prompt returns. Write for tag and quotations.^ A Square Deal to AIL Fred Pegel Co., 230 Peoria St, cor. Fulton Market, Chicago. 24-7 812 810 Forester League TEAM NO. TWO-- 798 2420 C. Stilling „ Pfannenstil Vic Freund Geo. Justen, : L. Winkel ... 154 143 158 .*......158 210 154 202 194 159 210 1ti4-*~466 214--557 180--532 189--507 2i44--664 Q05 QIC TEAM NO. FOUR- - G. P. Freund 213 149 A. E. Nye ............158 133 H. Schaefer 185 175 H. Steffes .....:. 182 182 H. Simon 185 185 981 2723 182--546 185--555 Sctituiis' 923 TEAM NO. ONE-- L. Heimer 149 W m. Heimer 824 781 2528 179 123--451 A. Justen Ed Sutton H. Smith . 154 188 183 191 154 157 189 191 15£_462 191--536 189--561 191--573 TEAM NO F. Unti A. Tonyan .. A. Weingart E. Thennes .. Ed. Smith .... 865 870 . THREE-- 147 152 ........154 206 148 171 173 130 172 180 794 839 801 2434 CkisM* Old Man RSvar No song writer has ever written a lyric to the Yangtse, but to several 1 hundred million Chinese it's Old Man 1 River. They are born on it, grow up on • it, eat on*it, sleep on it, rear their I families on it, and eventually die on It Nobody has ever figured out why. At Chungking, 1,400 miles above Shanghai, all natives either live In river boats or perch their dwelling on the banks that rise sharply from the water's edge. The ledges are so narrow that it is necessary to support the houses on long poles to keep them from sliding into the river. We had the honor of having Robert Ellis, our Field Scjout executive, who gave us the details on that long looked-forward-to Merit _ Badge Exhibit to be held in Marengo, Jan. 25. At your next meeting. Patrol Leader, HO, 472 get your gang to Select an exhibit 157 448 they'd like to ptti on. To the public, 147 507 this exposition is to sftow what we Scouts can do. When the boys come around with tickets, subscribe eagerly and remember you'll see a very educational exposition. Boy! from those pictures Mr. El Up showed us, I believe that we're in for a new and swell sport. .. ' " ; But, of course, the meeting. Jack Hess and his Patrol gave Us ,.a "Minute Mystery" of a man killed by a shot gun. jit sure was a thriller and puzzler, too. Next week another Patrol has a chance to give us a little entertainment. Come on we're always eager to accept a good play or what have you; so please don't disappoint us. How about it? Vale Adams, put us in a receptive mood with a fine talk about the Scout Law. Helpful, obedient, and many others, made us feel that we should do bigger and better things. Bringing up that question I might ask if you Scouts did your good turn. Remember the overhfcnd knot and its symbolic motto. , Handicraft was given an important part ir the meeting. The giving out of braid and the teaching of braiding took up.that time. This « a class in which we learn a lot, not only in Leathercr&ft but also in beadwork and carving which will come later in thb year. So cooperate with Jack and Bruce because, remember, they're striving to help you so strive to help themi in putting the work over. I thought that you were a little lively, Monday, so to take this out of you we had "The Battle Royal" and "Poison in the Pond." You're all 848 2583 135--434 136--496 172--491 160--463 198--550 r Gotti Lobi ia Use The goat h^s been used for ftitlk an<) ^.1° ,Eur?pe:.A.8i^,fnd familiar ^th these"'so no ne^ for explanation. May we ask a little more obedience froth abme of you fellows? Don't forget we have to take a lpt. Just kinda "ease" up a bit and I'll bet you'll enjoy the meeting by getting satisfaction out of your own obedience. Remember those announcements. Don't, for one minute, lay down on those teeta. You all have s goal to reach. Climb this ladder and you will have an education very few people receive. England for thousands of years.. Wbeu the first colonists came to this country many brought goats with them. As this country became a grazing land with large farms, cows were considered to be more adaptable. < » Hi* KimUbi Pa in tar Fra Angellco, a celebrated Italiaa painter of the Fifteenth century, so felt the dignity W hls art that he painted kneeling. FRED J. SMITH, Prop, JOHNSBURG, ILL. Prepare For Winter -- We Carry Alcohol, Preetone, Winter Oils and Greases; TOWING AND REPAIRING Phonea-?-900-J -2 Bargain Night at - NELL'S WHITE HOUSE ^ 1 Mile East of McHenry on Route 20 --^V SATURDAY NIGHT ^ ' Haasenfeffer and Beer .. .10c Highballs j5c Nell's Special Gin Drink..... 15c Don't Forget Nell's for New Year's Eve IT GREEN STREET TAVERN lust North of Empire Theatte i: y MEXICAN CHILI SERVED AT ALL TIMES* . .. 10c PER BOWL Mixed Drinks, Wines and Liquors, Meister $r|u Beer, 5c Fine Assortment of Holiday Wines and Liquors GEO. L. JONES, Prop. First Picture Poitcarci The first picture postcard of wfclcfc" proof exists was made in 1777. at the ffistokec Bay Saturday, Dec. 15 Special Turkey Dinner 25c 4-PIECE ORCHESTRA WM. MERTES, Prop. • '* •K'S .«?• -rsr.v I S. H. Freund & on O " CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Phene 127-R McHenry Our experience U at Your 8errice in building Your Wants A. P. Freund Excavating Contractor Trucking, Hydraulic and CraiHf Service Road Building % Tel. 204-M McHenry, ill SCHAEFER'S TAVERN East of the Old River Bridge . Chili and Sandwiches Served At All Times Mixed Drinks • - 5 and 10c Beer FISH FRY FRIDAY NITE--10c per plate Roast Chicken with Trimmings 25c ORCHESTRA SATURDAY NIGHT Downs Motor Express The Pioneer Line Operates daily between McHenry and Chicago Phones: Wabasb McHenry 7518 ? 256 THE BRIDGE Just East of State Bridge, McHenry FREE DANCING WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS - FRANKIE GANS' ORCHESTRA CHICKEN DINNER--Saturday Night .r.'25^ WRESTLING AND BOXING MATCHES DISCONTINUED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICfi Meet Your Friends at Joe Friend's Charlie's Repair Shop Just East ofiOld Bridge Over Fox River (Rear Schaefer's Tavern) Radiators Repaired, Bodies and Fenders Straightened Sign Painting Truck Lettering Acetylene Welding T7" CHARLES RIETESEL Fish Fry all day Friday 10-25c Mexican Chili 10c Beer 5-10c SANDWICHES - PLATE LUNCHES - 0E DINNERS My Placefavera Green Street : ~ McHenry, Dl. CARD PARTY AND DANCE FRIDAY NIGHT BETTY'S at Lily Lake .\;'v;:^1Jame8^ Will Start at 9 O'clock - -- Many Prizes and Refreshments - Prize Bailee Smith's Orchestra - Madam Tonnison Will Sing • FISH FRY FRIDAY--Boneless White Fish and ^ Potato Salad--All You Can Eat, 10c Telephone No. 300 • Stoffel & Reihansperger . eaarance agenta for all classea ef property in the beat eoatpaniea. WEST McHENRY ILLINOIS KENT A COMPANY All Kinds of I N S U R A N C E Placed with the meat reliable Ceae in and talk it o«|b "hone McHenry 8 »» T Johnsburg Tavern SPECIAL SATURDAY NITE Rabbit or Chicken Dinner and Haasenfeffer Take Home a Turkey or Goose Saturday Night FRIDAY NIGHT--FREE TURTLE SOUf Music by Ben Tonnison ^ Chili Served at All Times ; 3. B. HETTERMAN, Manager RADIO and WASHER REPAIRS We are now prepared to handle all repair work oil, radio and washing machines, carrying complete stock of repairs for all makes of machines. CAREY ELECTRIC SHOP Phona 2HL . / McHenry •X. W/Foss GENERAL AUCTIONEER We Aim To Please ; r Give Us a T*rial Ebtimates Cheerfully Submitted Phones Libertyvil|| ' 938-J and 1040 Libertyville, 11L . j.