* " », "" , '•' ' "•""r* » «!«* * .;• -r--f * ** , * r f f ,.v'.<*« <P-^*P :¥*,•>*•& ?* -v?** 'f»c> 3A**r % *- «,.L*.<**S Thursday, December 13,1934 «»=a^g - < ' , , * • . < ^ s - ? < * „ w-* •.*,!> C- * •«. <- 4 ;» "tf- '••'• . "'?/•• T:'„ §HE McHENRY PLAINDEALJ5E $»age Seve* City Council Proceedings Priscilla Sewing Cabinet Magazine Basket For the wo .>.•*•*• man... w h o > • sews a-- . ^ . PrisciM «/ ^ Cabinet A Magazine Basket ,o walnut ® keePs Periodicals irw ^(ACAztNE rack in oxder. * Pr-v"C Efll v -X-: ';•*? <•:• >1 Council Soorn^ Dec. 3, 19,34 The City Council met in regiitar session, With Mayor Doherty presiding. Aldermen present: Barbian, Justen, Kreutfcer, Overton, Schaefer, Wattles. Absent: none.. • Motion by Kreutzer, seconded "by Barbian, that the minutes, of the previous regular and adjourned meeting be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Overton, seconded l y Justen, that the Treasurer'# report Ik approved-as read, shbwirig k balano of $5,495.75. Motion carried. Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Wattles, that the Collector's report bo accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Overton, seconded by Kreutzer, that the Clerk's report U accepted as read, potion carried. Motiori by Justin, seconded by Schaefer, that the following, tills'.be paid as read and approved by- "thcfinance cojnmittee. Motion carried i 1H. Beli Tel. Co., service k2i>r. J. StillingVrire Shop, gaa(o* , . line; .......... Geo.' .Meyers, gravel;;.„<*,j.'v'-V'7,riO Mayme Buss, commissions alid' .clerical service Henry.L. Cowlin, tel. call i . *30 Director of Finance,, water*,;--. .' sates' tax; McHenry Art Sl?i>ne Ctf.j ' merit and sand ^0 , McHenry Lumber Co., coal ...... 1I.B9 John\ B. Wirtz, marshal service 110,00 W. C. Feltz, caretaker service.. 100.00 Edw. Mischke, police service.... 95.0o M. M. Niesen, supt. service 50.00 J. W. North & Co., services --S3w>0 P. A. Neiss, commissions, stamps and tel. calls 15.2.". Public Service Co., power pumping water ST^l I^ublic Service Co., power at sewer lift 16.34 Public Service Co., st. lights.... 147.41 Public Service Co., st. lights.... 106.08 Public Service Co., city hall lights - 1^<" Public Service Co., parking lights ...„ .50 A proposed ordinance entitled "An Ordinance authorizing the improvement and extension of the sewerage system of the City of liffcHenry, providing for the issue of $20,000 sewerage revenue bonds of said city for the purpose of defraying the cost >f constructing such improvements ai •! extensions, prescribing all details >1 said bonds, and providing for the col lection, segregation and distribution of the revenues of the sewerage system of said city for the purpose "I paying the cost of the operation ar ! maintenance thereof, providing .*m adequate depreciation fund thereto and paying the principal and interest of the sewerage revenue bonds," w;iintroduced by Mr. Overton, read in. full by the Clerk and was taken up by the City Council and considered. It was moved by Mr. Kreut/er ami seconded by Mr. Justen that all rules of the City Council of the City of McHenry which might prevent, unless suspended, the passage and adoption of said proposed ordinance at this meeting be and the same hereby suspended for the purpose of permittii.;: the passage and adoption of said ordinance at this meeting. The question being upon the adoption of said motion and the suspension of such rules, the roll was called with the following result: Ayes: Barbian, Justen, Kreutzer, Overton. Schaefer, Wattles. Nays: None. TIm} mayor declared such motion carrieiiand such rules suspended. Mr. Overton then moved that said ordinance be now placed upon its passage. Mr. Barbian seconded the motion. The question being put upon th? placing of said Ordinances upon its passage. Mr. Barbian seconded the motion. The question being put upon the placing of said Ordinance upon its passage, the roll was called with th> following result: Ayes: Barbian, Justen, Kreutzer, Overton, Schaefer, Wattles. Nays: None. The mayor declared the motion carried. Mr. Kreutzer thereupon mov d that the said ordinance be finally passed and adopted as introduced and read. Mi*. Schaefer seconded the motion. The question being put upon the final passage an adoption of said Ordinance, the roll was called with tlu following result: Ayes: Barbian, Jus ten, Kreutzer, Overton, Schaefer Wattles. Nays: None. The Mayor then declared said motion carried and the ordinance finally passed and adopted and th< r signed said ordinance In approval thereof and it became Ordinance No. 97. Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Justen, that a resolution be passed to have an all-night light burning at the Junction of Routes U. S. No. 12 an i 61 and No. 20, without cost of instsl lation to the City. Motion carried. Motion by Overton. Seconded by Schaefer, to pay $1,009.56 on pri> cipal and interest for Public Benefit* on Special Assessment No. 10. Moti< carried. „ V Mojion by Wattles, seconded by Ju ten, that an am ndment to the Ordinance to regul-te the ss^e of Ale vide fpr Brewers i>nd Distributer, license in the sum of $75.00. The p! dermcn voted as follows: ifar&ian na Justen aye, Kreutzer. ave. Overt' ' nay, Schaefer nay. Wattle's aye. The being a tie vote, Mayor Doherty ca the deciding vote ^and declared , t|, motion lost. „ 1 Motion by .Schaefer, seconded I Barbian, to amend Ahe foregoing pr josed amendment to fix the licen ; .-fee for Brewers and Distributors r* S50.00. The Aldermen all voted aye. Nays: None. And the motion was <1 clared carried.. Motion by Justsn, seconded 1 y Kreutzer, to adjourn to the call of t r mayor. Motion carried.1 - 4 _ - shrd . PETER J. PQHERTY, Mavor •' PETER A. NEISS, City Clerk $2.45 and $3.95 1934 CHRISTMAS SALE--Christmas Gifts at Greatly Reduced Prices m The bedroom might well LIVING ROOM SUITE You have never had such an opportunity to purchase this quality of Sofas and Chairs at jck-bottom prices-- cCeery little boudoir chair 2-piece Suites $S9.SO and up And as an incentive to buy we are selling an attractive Lamp and Table for only 9g(* > rvliM »r If she lov^s you--Sh-h . There's the Gift Cedar Chest-- Makes up into a single, double or twin beds $21.SO and $28.50 $14.00 and up White Pottery Lamps Reflector Floor Lamps--New Eyespying lamps-- $1.00 to $12.50 Buffet, Table and Six Chairs for only $75.50 A FITTING GROUP TQ GRACE ANY DINING ROOM 4 r 7 V : .. - , ;'V Lighten the burdens of the Housewife this Christmas--Give her an ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE the "Tried and True" APEX A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY ARTICLE UNTIL ' CHRISTMAS Up Chair Roomy Pull Up Chairs in Tapestry covers, also the new white leatheroid covers and all white chairs-- I sr. Gift Suggestions HassocIpT Mirrors .. All Walnut Commodes .. .. . . .. Lamp Tables, white and walnut Pictures, fine assortment,, each . Coffee Tablear^P Card Tables ; 98d to $1.50 69dto$9.50 , $ 1.35 98^ to $8.75 1.18 $4.65 Bridge Sets, Table and four chairs Gov. Breakfast Suites • ... ... ,.$12.50 to; $32.50 Inner Spring Mattress $9.35 For any member of the family--Comfortable Spanish Bed Room Suites Once in a Blue Moon come opportunities like these 3-piece walnut Bed _ # S00™ Suitr^ Lounge Chair Dresser said Che^ 0 f Give .Him a Groat Big Lounge Chair. Sale Prioe-- W $i4.75 to $19 Smoker A handy little amivlring will keep ashe*v off the carpet and peace in the family-- 89c to Steel Utility Cabinet, 6 shelves $3.75 $6.50 DISTINCTIVE TABLES MODERATELY PRICED, Dishes Now Madam you can own a 32-piece Set of dishes for only -- $3.50axi<S$4«15 'Ifb. and Mrs. Earl - Turner aiul daughter of Crystal Lake spent Su day with Mr. and Mrs, Ben Schaef 1 and family. - v Clothes Hampers Whatnots English Doll Coaches New Kiddy Desks . Dolls and Swings Dolls' fiagh 'Ciiairs, #1,50 to $3.25 65d to $2.35 $3.50 $3,29 Damasks-Inner Spring Mattress. SPECIAL SHOWING NEW FALL RUGS; WILTONS, AXMINSTERS, AND VELVET RUGS IN POPULAR TRUE flfr DESIGN--TAITHFULLY C0NSTRUCTED AS TO QUALITY AND SERVICEABILITY--.AI.L PRICES LET US SERVE YOU ' NEW COLORS AND DESIGN; ALL SIZES AND PRICES. * . • THE PRESTIGE WE Chairs Doll Beds ,^^$1.85 :r.'; - 39o ^ $2.50 Mam Street Telephone 63*W West McHenry 1