vy** r , . « <4 : fC ^ • Thursday, February, 27,193# . -. '* Jv:«M < ,." * ^"V- M' McHENRY. PLAINDEALE& C. O. F..BOYSTO MEfeT JOHNSBURG IN SEASONAL FINALS "SO I HEAR" by1 EARL WALSH <C. O.' F. boys closed their season. at the grade school Sunday, Feb. 23, the Stilling Speeders coming out on top without losing a game. Vernie Pre and's Ponies and Moe's Pickles Mr. A. H. Mosher, Editor, ., were tied, each winning 2 and losing McHenry Plaindealei1 3. . Sutton's Curly Tops won only 1 McHenry, Illinois and lost 4. * Dear Mose: ' ; SHUFFLE BOARD GETS ATTENTION AT MCHS The shuffle board tournament, which has been in progress at the local Community high school, under the direction of L. J. McCracken, was completed last week, with the Fresh MANY CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE IN OUR BASKETBALL RULES The basketball season of 1935-36 is nearing its end and will close with the district tournament which will be man team of Larkin and Stilling de-1 play^ on March 7 - 8 at Woodstock. clared the winners. | In many respects basketball is the M'HENRY MEETS HUNTLEY TONIGHT AT TOURNAMENT The McHenry Community high school basketball team will travel to Wauconda tonight, where they are scheduled to meet Huntley at 7:30 p. m., in the game of the Illinois State Fifty-two contestants, comprising most skillful of all team contests, j High School District Basketball twenty-six teams, made the tourna- j While great emphasis is placed on , mejrt "an interesting elimination of> size in certain positions,* it is quite suppose iSome of the younger boys showed you are having seven- players down to the final struggle j true that the little fellow has a betimprovement since they started, and teen different kinds of fits" waiting betweenTkrkin"and |^chanceto maTe g^Mhanln"other should make good m another year, for old "So I Hear" and the other stilling against, Powers and Doherty.! sports. - The burly fellow who is a The attendance was very good m spite sport writeups. Not that you will the ]atter meeti defeat ift the finals. great tackle in football finds hi.iiself " 7,7'\ of the weather. Moe Meyer was high be worrying so much about the in- Each game consisted of each plav_ j sadljrout of place on the basketball Iley' Wauconda' and ^Zurich tournament. The tournament, which opened Wednesday night, includes 1 eight * teams entered as follows: Palatine, Hebron, scorer of the season with a total of teresting news angle, but this chat- 147 points. Moe Meyer u _ i. 5 H. Phannenstill 6 Richard Freund 5 Gerald Miller 4 Clarence Stilling .. 5 * Vernie Freund 3 ' Leroy Smitli 5! Geoi Frisby ......... 3 Wm. Sutton '4 Delph Freund 5. • Chas. Sutton ; James Vanderboon ...J 2 Richard Weber ;..... 2 Irvin Freund 2 Richard Justen 1 , er pushing the four pucks fare times.' floor, where finesse, quick thinking, I -fr!^12iey C07e ^aturday . ter does fill up allotted space. j ^e team chalking up the highest j quick action and deft fingers play j ,* winner# will go to Games This copy is late because I took score being declared thq winners. such an important role. ^ ® regional tourney at Woodstock, another little trip down to see our An all-school ping pong tournament j Basketball has changed. Just re- w[j^re t'le various district champions ^out^ Bend Correspondent, who is in is now in progress at the high school , call some of the rules that have alter- ™eet" the hospital with a little nurse and and through the courtesy of Mr. Mc-jed in the last twenty years. Remem- . _ Wauconda are R. B. without the little appendix. Never Cracken we hope to have some scoresjber when it was a technical foul in-jr?n\ "®"kegan, and DeForrest tried one of those appendectomys, but on this event for you soon. 1 J stead of'a violation to run with the j ' ^ mnetka. ^ it seems to be the thing to do if one j These games are played during the' Imll cr double dribble, or when there W ednesday night Wauconda met 80 78 66 is to keep up conversation in the best noon hour and keep the students hap-| wasn't any dribble at all. Syrely you 1 Ea!at'ne !n °Pen'nP game and On next Sunday, March 1, they 66 sewing cirehak.-.- ' * * jpily occupied in healthy, clean sports! can 'remember, if you are twentyfive ] Catron. About t|Kpftiitte,. Ill bet you are until study hours roll around, all too j .years old, when one man .could shoot i , e winning teanr at W auconda and f? thinking aMut that New Year resolu-- soon for the players. . . all the free throws and sometimes j team fi™sh'Og second will have IT', tion that said something about jgetr.j.-, • -The eliminatioA procfess in-the shaf- joiie fellow chalked up as many as fif-!. - -°£porffi)lty . .•"owing their class 51 ting copy Irt eatly, ; / r>|fle board tourney went spm^ing'teen or twenty points. There was a;VJ . J)e Woodstock •= touniamen^ in A While down in Soutt Behd I cdV-! Ws i : ^ v " htiAie VWn the. man^^>ith the hall i ®4*rch- The winner, of the regional j 'ered a verv imDortant snorts "event Gathmah and "Weftl defeated Bol- i c6uldn}t make1 a feul."'unless.', hie ..hit ^ secQonal and teams 47 to 26; Hebron 22 to 20; Hebron, 29 to 28; Richmond 34 to 21. * y In addition to the above mentioned games the Mcljenry team has won two out of three additional games. Last Wednesday night they defeated Elkhcrn by a score of 35 to 22, and Monday "night they defeated Marengo by a 35 to 30 score. On Friday night they lost to Niles by a 33 to 27 score. The probable tournament squad for McHenry and the height of each will b£ Vernon Kramer, 6:1Bob Beckenbaugh, 5:8; Vale Adams, 5:10; Vernon Freund, 5:8; Glen Anderson, 5:9; X. Page Fivr /uie district tourney while the stro^#. •er teams will meet in the regionttl tourney. 5 ^ . While this, perhaps, gives the smaller teams a better chance to win a cup, such as will b<j awarded at aB of the tournaments, it 'also makes theqi compete in one more tournament than the stronger teams are called on to enter in order to get in the rwp> ning jor the state finals or eemi-ftni- *ls»- • • * °! U- ' Although the Richmond high schoel is classed with the smaller schools of the state, its basketball team is conClarence Anderson, 5:9; Paul Justen, sid..e. red, a .s trong team and is included 5:10; Harold Taxman. 5:7; JLeroy Mil- , the lar^er schools in the regio»- ler. 5:10! Rr,h K-a- i^ a „ al • tournament at Woodstock. I ment. championship tourna- All Foresters should be there to see ^a11 geme last fall in a driving rain, their favorite team win. The mar ried men will play the married men put out of the game. Klontz and Bauman defeated Bentroubled me more than it troubled t o r n J o h M l m r g i n t t h . , i n g i , m . » ^ . ' ' J ! P"r the up '„ flUly tL e' He«erm.nn,_ who they defe.t,d. Colby and Pearson defeated Hapke ler, 5:10; Bob Knox, 5:8;,Joe McAndrews, 5:8; Jerome Justen. 5:9. Vernon Freund, one of the best" guards on the team, who has been threatened with pneumonia , will be unable to play tonight because of his illness.-,";. , v. ' - The' Wauconda > District pairings tore: ' Wednesday--1. Palatine vs. Wauconda. 2. Hebron vs. Capron. ' Thursday--3. Huntley vs. McHenry. 4. Barrington vs. Lake Zurich. FViday---5. Winners games 1 anid 2." 6. Winners games 3 and 4. . • Saturday--Consoiatjiin: Losers of games 5 and 6. District Title: " Winners of games 5 and: 6. ^ - ^ If McHenry wins from Huntley thejf: will Tfieet the winner . of the Barrington-Lake Zurich game Friday night. '.' 1 • '• • <. It is expected the Ela lads of Lake Order your rubber stamps ftt tiW Plaindealer. • . •.. - rsaved" that" "rain* soaked'^rwhich Gathman apd Weitl, who "they also sai<Tone " ??lnt ^ j to^^t^dif night an? to" at°nSJ:urich wiH the Harrington team !aw°a"r!d ^anLot^herr.t ed the referee might , in t.h..e regional meft at WoodsS>ck f11 ^ ,ca» ha«dl* a«d will doubt- The only thing that has remained: • .? , ^av®r,a McHenry victory the same about basketball during the|fl on18' r"ar&'n- -The two passing years is the baskets and the ifives ha\e ,^aced each other twice this OFFICIALS APPOINTED I Well, what I started out to say T ^ ° 1 season, both verdicts c-oimr to Coachi FOR REGIONAL MEE?re when that old hat subject came up and- Buch'- bjmgmg them against,balls and the number of players, fiveL°aCh ,. . . . t was that I took time out to M»\hat Brefeld. and Justen, whom they de-|on a side. Even a slight chahge has Re®d 8 men Mc^®nry touroament to £\ \A > w /. S N^re Dame PittTbuS basketbal feat«d' to be eliminated when been made in the size of the ball. 1 f*H.in *he firf ""counter be held at Woodstock Danie-Plttsburgf basketball they met Rlontz ^ Rauman Klontzi Many changes have been made! to 13 and in the next game Mc- *Sm£i S4 B tJOS. f'T"n."mthen hywhieh h.ve eh.n(ted th. J^y .Tt o l l . couple of records for Notre Dame £• »f I..rk,n-! er«bly. Ft«ye» »re prthib,ted from . « to 17 Offtr>;>i. „ • 1 nut on "R'nrize nerformance as he' The Colby brothers beat touching the net while the ball is en- ' bbaas^kAetbaallll ttoouurrnLammein^tsf ro n Marchr r4a -7 7 ssccoorreedd Z255 ppooCin.ttes , PpoossitHiokn^ anndd aanngclleess Doherty and Frarxzen and Tonyon and tering o/going through the basket. ™e local Reed men have won nine Sutton «nH AmWsou I Miii^ nf tn «n and lost six tilts this season, includhave been assigned by the Illinois mean nothing to that fellow. Pitts- High School Athletic Association. jburg tried three different guards in Other referees well known here are *\n effort to stop Moir, but he had Rogers Gerhardt, who will work in a way of getting away from them, the Moline regional; Oscar Dahlquist, You should have Seen the unselfish defeated Peet and Anderson, | Miller of Purdue used to reach up . next putting the Colby pair out of the ; in his great height and push the ball 'ng 1)0111 tlJ? ., lt Five and county running. |back up through the basket as it Following is their record: Doherty and Powers defeated Har-| started to enter. ~, vey and Justen and then eliminated; There was also a reason for inwho will be in the Oregon regional ness of fellows like Ford and Ireland Knox and Hunt, making them elegible troducing the rule that the centers and Milton Vaugh in theeStocktSTre- in feeding the ball to' Moir. They to - play the Tonyon-Sutton' team, must tap the ball before any other gionf). . RfW Khaki Uniforms T% first use of khaki for uniforms seetrte to have been In 1848 by the Guides, a mixed regiment of British 'IWtltle^ troops In India. < ; Won from Elkhorn, 29 to .21; Niles Center, 30 to 29; Marengo, 32 to 22; Wauconda, 35 to 25; Huntley, 28 to 13; Huntley, 55 to 17; Fox Lake, 46 knew he had a record to*'break'and which they also, eliminated.' players may touch it Ralph Jones,'*0 ^ Richmond SOto^' In the closine bracket Noonan and when coaching at Illinois, used to _ • ' '"°sl 10 "•icnmona, su to £4, less be the team the Reed men will have to beat. Ela's Blue and White cagers', coached by H. L. Wesner, have won ten and lost six contests this season.. Coach Wesner has six second-year nien^on his squad. Three of these second-year cagers are ~ six feet in height TOURNAMENTS ARE > PART OF NEW PLAN ^They6'haveha^fe/low* d'own thete in ! Diedrich beafe Phannenstill and Blake, place Clarence Applegram at a for- So^h^end^^ed Jimmy Costin^who ; ne^ ^atin/ P/ and ^eftl. ward position on the tip-off and he rambles on day in and day out for R Wolf and ^lthoff were beaten by would run and leap high ,n the air the News-Times and never fails to £a™as Til Z ", mf and kno^k the ball back to the guards pack a punch in his. writings. He's KnoX and Meyers< who had previously before the centers could touch it. An Hie district and regional tournaments such as are taking place this season are part of a new plan which is being sponsored by state basketball officials for the first time this year. ' / According to the new program the r GETS ASJL 9 KINDS OF WORMS lKtoet fowls have Tapes Pins aa well as Round Wor All Xhr-- kinds greater «H production. The Oiazard Oapsuls Is •ffeettre acalnst every becaose it does not upon only oae drug bat has or more drags for each kind worms. And its medicine carried through to the la the patented INSOU mating. Safa. and surv of best] results. A product of the EL Lee Oa. 1 | Get mora eggs. ON i iaye* ft CUMfcrt C*fisuls THOMAS P. BOLGER "The McHenry Druggisf" Crystal Lake. 40 to 19; \\ oodstock, j teams of the smaller schools me^t in Phone 40 I the kind of a fellow you know where ^feated '^others, putting important change prevent^ to find-and you'll alwavs find him them out of th^ scoring in their jumpers from catch.ng the ba In the Limelight ' _* m fl IVn ntl T F\ HptOO t af ilia nonile ft* F*R% t>n Aif nKnnt Till "Mjr neighbor. Hi Hat, likes to be seen on parade," said Hi Ho, the sage of Chinatown, "but he mqkes the mistake of believing he can be an entire procession ail by himself." on on Notre Dame's side of th? fence. &t ^ hands of the jump" Carney- ^reat Illinois He tells one about Huck Betts, Bos NoAnan and player, was. great on the stall and Th£ heatf^^ "McHenry, Illinois FRIDAY (Last Day) James Cagney -- -- Margaret Lindsay "FRISCO KID" ALSO--Honey Land--Vitaphone Varlete World News Events SATURDAY FEBRUARY 29 Melvyn Douglas - Gail Patrick "THE LONE WOLF RETURNS-' ALSO--"Andy Clyde"--It Always Happens--Modern Tokyo SUNDAY -- MONDAY M A R C H 1 - 2 Miriam Hopkins -- Joel McCrea "SPLENDOR" ALSO--Mickey Mouse--Let's Dance--World News Events Sun. Matinee, 3 p. m. Continuous TUESDAY, MARCH 3 10c -- BARGAIN NITE --15c "ONE WAY TICKET" ALSO--"Radio Rogues"--Star Gazing--Water Sports WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4 10c -- BARGAIN NITE -- 15c Edward Everett Horton I "YOUR UNCLE . : DUDLEY" ALSO--Selected Short Subjects THURSDAY -- FRIDAY Return Engagement by Popular Request Shirley Temple -- John Boies Bill Robinson "THE LITTLEST REBEL" ton's slow ball pitcher, who says he , ^nan a£d Diedrich were then de- once stalled for five minutes jumping is "dff" Jimmy Wilson, Philadelphia feat,ed P°wers and Doherty con- into the air and catching the ball oh manatrer for life Last vear Huck ten,deTs for the title, against Larkin each jump, .h.i.t JTi.m m'y .in the templ,e wiyth a p.i.t c,h - and S.t illinJg^ , who had put their opr- 1 There uuase d. to buer a ,ruu le, that a ed ball, and Jimmy stood there. P°ne"ts ®f Klontz and Bauman out player once withdrawn from the (ramo "Hell," said Huck, "at least he might f . . T coul(;, "«t i-eturn. This was changed have fallen down and made, me look ,-if ^ c n ^T ^r; !° a,,0W hl'm t0 r11"'" onc,\am1 nOW good.' He had another one about a a"d SlSeated the.r final he cfcn re-enter the game tw^e New York reporter who called up ^ Dohcrty toj^The latest changes in the rules are Long Island University and asked to ** declared the winners- ; |the ten-second center line, the threeisection restrictiru^on' the pivot man players, not a resei^e This L what OOLF COURSE WILL and tossing the jiall in from out of BE IN CrOOD SHAPE "°un"s a*ter a ^-e^ throw on a per- „ sonal foul. Here is cheerful news for the sports The biggest/flrawback to the game enthusiast. The golf season is about is the amount of^w'histle blowing necessary. The professionals made an he got from the sweet young thing at the other end of the line: "Don't worry, honey, we ain't got any reserves. ^ Our S, B. C. is vetting along better forty-five days away and courses are the last couple of days, so we may going to be in better shape than they ^ get away from this by elirnexpect more contributions soon, have been in years. [mating out of bounds and playing the Here's one that our Si B. C. picked Owing to the deep snow covering! pa,"?.W . a "ee ^et , •^,ey J?aYe "up from Lee Tannehill, famous short- the ground, fairways and greens are ^oup^t a minimum of whistle blowstop and third baseman with the old certain of being thoroughly soaked inpr' the game as played by the "Hitless Wonders" White Sox team, this spring, and at the same" time are T™ It seems that when the great Ed in little danger of suffering from Walsh first joined up with the Sox as the intense cold. If there are heavy ' UI in^ «««man a raw rookie, the veterans put him spring, rains the courses may be late. WI^S an !sm\. , . through the usual tricks. The play- The golf course at the McHenry . year ll ^kes the fans and ful boys informed big Ed that the Country club has had a complete rest {V 3 a eT *We?- s used t° hammocks in the Pullman was Rlaceil this winter, the heavy drifts making ° j *# 'l! there as a rest for his pitching arm. it impossible to play'during the cold !* .« * ' u LFebrua°' a"d M?"h The big fellow put in one heck of a winter months, as has been done in ^ . , *™om* to night with his arm in the hammock, past years. . T f th* rul?;. A Guess it would be a good idea for The baseball season *rill dpen^ about1 kin-j in -vniHin^ - a . the first of May. , s skilled ,n avoiding fouls and v.ola- | tions and while the fans perhaps do ••.. 1'.".: , n°t realize it, the amount of whistle blowing decreases as the season advances. scarcely resembles basketball. It is more like indoor football with some of the earmarks of hockey, me to get around a little more Never knew the old Terra Cotta depot was torn down. The conductor said that the company is selling such buildings for a song. Taxes kept on even though they weren't being used. (Now, I suppose that's the Democrat's f atritr) " ~ Heard some road men telling good yarns about the past few weeks of road bl6ckades. One woman called a commissioner «to ask why her road wasn't opened. The commissioner attempted to explain the tremendous task at hand, but got tjii,s snappy1 reply, "If this was the <lay before election, you'd have these reads open." I hear that McHenry High went over to Marengo Monday night and trimmed them in an overtime game. I'll be watching them in the Wauconda tournamnt tonight zi 1 will let you know all about it next week. --But, don't you worry too much about this little trip, Mose. A fellow seldom, has rain-soaked hat trouble at a basketball game. Your Resolutionist, " "SO I HEAR." BREAKS RECORDS FRIDAY--ONLY Gene Raymond -- -- Margaret Callahan "SEVEN KEYS TO BALDPATE" SATURDAY SPECIAL Barbara Stanwyck -• -- Preston, Foster "ANNIE OAKLEY" SUNDAY -- MONDAY Irene Dunne -- Robert Taylsv "MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION* Also 1935'8 Prize Musical "P;.-ate Party on Catalina lale" 15c TUESDAY 15c Wallace Ford -- Phyliss Brooks "ANOTHER FACE" WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY Katherine Hepburn--Cary Grant "SYLVIA SCARLETT" Answer to Last Week's Question: J Charge pitcher with hit. batsman. Credit batter with a hit by pitchet. This Week's Question: Man on second ba^e, one out, pitcher steps* toward second base bpjt does not deliver ball, and does not lea,ve mound. Was this a balk? RICHMOND COMMENTS The,'following items from the Richmond Gazette, commenting on the recent basketball game in which iSc- Henry defeated Richmond, tell us what they think about it: McHenry's basketball floor seems to jinx Richmond teams. Last year's quintet suffered their first conference less there, so did this year's team and. in addition, the present squad did not show up well in the Little Five Tourney, which was held at McHenry. • CRYSTAL LAKE TEAM --HAS SPLENDID RECORDS the team that takes second place in j the -Wauconda. district basketball Tytournament will have touirh Koing j in its first regional engagement [against Crystal Lake in March. | Coach Owen E. Metcalf's Orange and j Black Tigers have a record of thirteen j victories and four defeats I Two 4^'its four set-backs were j handed < w. by Woodstock, one by only ! one point and the other by two. 'points. The Lakers also. lost to' Elf J gin and Marengo, the latter's rnargin being only one point. Crystal Lake is rated as one of the strongest fives in the regional. They have averaged over 31 points each game, scoring a total of 537 markers. They have allowed their opponents only 403 points, an average of less than 24 points each contest. FIND MATCH FOR CHAMPION ROSS Barney Ross, world welterweight^ champion and McHenry summer resi-'1* ) dent, need look n<? farther than Rock- Iford to find an opponent for a title, j bout in a year or so, it is said by the j Associated l*ress. J This statement was made in comment on Celebron's victory over Harry Dublinsky of Chicago/in their 12- round battle at Cicero Stadium. A protege of Sammy Mandell of Rockford, former lightweight champion of the world, and, like Ross The average fewest number of points per game, needed by Richmond; to win, including all games played so 1 far this season, has been 26. This helps to bring out . how accurate the McHenry team was and how unusually inadequate the Richmond defense was against the fast-breaking McHenry five. I Henry Cieman of Toronto, Canada, won the one-mile walk at the Millrose games in New York city, and in so doing broke all existing Indoor and outdoor records for that event. His j Golden Gloves amateur " graduate! time was 6 minutes, 28 7-10 seconds. Celebron moved up to contender for world honors by achieving a technical knockout triumph over Dublinsky in the eighth round. « , It was Celebron's thirty-ninth victory in forty-two bouts since he entered professional ranks, Nov. 6, 1933. Buy Goodyear and Gillette Supertraction. tires. They really pull though snow. Walter J. Freund. 40 Contiauous Labor Skip* Travelers do not always realize that the spic and span appearance of steamships IS the result of practically 24 hours a day care. Day and night brass is polished, wood Is scrubbed with holystone and water and repainting is continually carried oa EIGHT CLOCK AGED COLO SALMON Green Streat ' • In celebration of the seventy-seventh yeoi «i our public service we have dedicated this entile week to the Founder of A & P Food Stores, and offer these great values which will aiford you an even greater opportunity to save by shopping at AaP. Far example... IM Monte Corn ooLokfe banta!^ Del Monte Peas . . . . . Del Monte Tomatoes k .... CAN I CANS 29c wm DEL MONTE PEACHES Del Monte Asparagus Tips . Del Monte Pineapple . . Del Monte Pears . . . . Dole's Pineapple Juke . . Sparkle Gelatin Dessert . tona Tomato Jnice . . . Swans Down Cake Flow . . Encore Spaghetti OR MACARONI NO. 1 CAN 29c CANS NCOA N2 IJHfWe 4 PKGS. 15c CANS 24c 9ie 12e 33e lie, 2de Politician*' Promises "Some folks look foh new promisee fnm different politicians." said Uncle Eberi, "purtv much de same as dey changes off fum one fortune teller to another." Oysters, pt. 25c; Naval Oranges, 200 size, dozen Naval ^Oranges, 252 size. 3 dozen New Florida Red Potatoes, 4 lbs. McClure Potatoes. 15 lbs. Rome Beauty Apples, 5 lbs. Lettuce, 60 size, each Ceresota Flour, 24^ 2-lb. bag Pure Lard , .;.:v lb. Medium Red Salmon, 2 1-lb. cans Crisco. 3-lb can 53c 1-lb. can Campbell's Tomato Soup, Four 101 2-oz. cans American Family Flakes. 2 md. pkgs. 37c Camay Soap, 3 cakes . .ISc Waldorf Tissue, 5 rolls 19e White Canvas Gloves, pair . .. ... 10c Baby Lima Beans, 3 lbs. . 20c Ma Brown Dill Pickles, Qt. Jar. 16c Ass't. Ice Box Cookies, lb. . ^ . 26c Iona Cocoa, 2 lb. pkg . 16c P. L. Red Sour Pitted Cherries* No. 10 can 39c S. F. Flour, 24i/2-lb. bag _ 73c 49-lb. bag- $1.45; 5-lb. bag 19c Maxwell House Coffee, lb. . 28c Thot. J. Webb Coffee, lb. 27c JeU-o; 3 pkgs. 17c Staley Starch, Two 1-lb. pkgi. ; 19c Blue Fish Fillets, lb.: • 10c Sea Perch, lb. 19c Sliced Halibut, lb. 19® Cod or Haddock Fillets, lb* VNt Smoked Blue Fish Herriiig, Ib^ 19c Jumbo Shrimp, lb. .... lfcf Florida Seedless Grape Fruit, 54 size. 3 for 17c; 70 size, 4 for. . 19© Florida Celery, Med. siie. eaA... 69. Cauliflower, each lit Mushrooms, lb» 260' Nancy Hall Sweet Potatoes, 2 lbs. 5c Bananas, lb. S« Jtfr C///f/'c c" Ayy