s$Z'. - *- -f- Jfc ftThttrsday^ March, 5,1936 - >%',; C ""tr* *^pf€F THE McHENET PLAINDEALER isT. • • * . " - « » V - 1 * * . % 0 ^ ' '• mJ® &nm ••:-v FANS ASK FOR TWICE TOLD TALE 1200 PEOPLE BEE CUBS DEFEAT OUR BOYS . This is the second reprint of old Mme baseball games played in Mc- Henry. This one was played back in the year 1916. The White Sox fans bad their game. Now the Cub fans have theirs. We will find more of these games among the Plaindealer file*. .Jast send in your request. f SPORTS EDITOR. •; • , - v - i:.' Taking into consideration that the zftin of hut - Thursday morning decreased the attendance at least twenty- five per cent, Cub day in McHenry proved a success, nearly twelve-hundred people turning out to watch the big leaguers mix it with the McHenry Sox. The morning dawned with rain coining down in torrents, but long before the Chicago athletes arrived in McHenry town the skies had started to . clear and by noon the rain had cleared away, The afternoon was a perfect one and shortly after one o'clock automobiles started to stream into town from all directions. While the crowd did not come up to that of the White Sox game of last year, the fans were none the less enthusiastic. . From the beginning it looked very much as if McHenry would give the big fellows a pretty stiff argument and when Koob, the first man up for McHenry, picked out one of Zabel's fast ones.fior a double to left, the crdwd went wild with joy. This and the hits by Opfergelt and Seablom, with a pass sandwiched in between, netted us two runs and as each of the runners crossed the counting station therq was a roar that could be 'heard for Slocks. Sad to relate, however, Sahlberg went to pieces in the next round and during that and the succeeding three innings the Cubs landed his offerings to every corner of the lot. After the visitors had the game cinched, "Heine4" Zimmerman assumed the role of slab artist and if he ever had any aspirations to become a reg- For COUGHS due to COLDS Simple Bronchitis Use the great Douiu TttAmwt LEEMULSION <md VAPO-SPRAY ftaply aprajr Vapo-8pr«y ta Um mlr of the poultry houM at night. Soothing tennlddsl Site. la vapor form, work down through haad. throat and windpipe. LnnuWoa, fad la Um anash. allays •Mgb and reduces temperature. Oaa warka fna the (aalda «*t aad tha athar warka ta traaii Am aatalda. Bithar alone la Often •uftlcieaU bat together they ara doubtjr effective. Lee- Bulatoa Is aapeoWly valuable for chicks. THOMAS f. BOLGER irry faded from his view long before he, gag F^flhrer. McLarry stole third, but with the assistance of his team mates, j had no sooner reached that station succeeded in putting out the last man , when, he was caught by a snappy who faced him in the ninth inning. > throw to that bag by Sahlberg. Four During the three innings in which he hits, three runs. ' officiated he passed three men, hit j McHenry: Opfergelt out, Schultz another and was touched up for three to Saier. Seablom was safe at first hits, two of which were good for extra when Saier dropped Zabel's throw, cushions. All told, five runs were set Bowen walked. Listig hit to Zimmercured while the great infielder occu- mann, who forced Seablom at third, pied the mound. , j Warner skied to Murray in right. No Nemac took up the mound work for, hits, no runs. the home crew in the sixth inning] FIFTH INNING: Hargrave singled and from that time until the finish j to right, stole second and went to the Chicagoans gathered in but one third on Zabel's sacrifice, Zabel being on two hits, both of which were good thrown out at first by Bowen. Murfor extra bases. j ray's hard rap got away from Bowen, The story of the game by innings is i Hargrave scoring. Schulte singled as follows- j P*8* third, Murray stopping at sec- FIRST INNING: Murray struck out.! °"d- Knjse£-wl™ &hulte,» Schultz out, Sahlebrg to Ustig P^/^led to right Murray and Schulte fanned. No hits, no runs, Schult2 soonn^ Zimmerman* out, Mi SO\I HEAR by" EARL WALSH Our high school basketball team is in a Whirl of tournament competition these days. They marched into the district finals at Wauconda by defeat' ing Huntley and Barrington, but lost a heart-breaker in the finals with Hebron. Perhaps , the less said the better in this case. We all like t» think we are good sports, but many a jaw dropped beyond repair as the final gun barked forth it's sickening tones of defeat for McHenry. Many a joyous cry emmitted from hoarse Comiskey to Listig. Saier singled to j throats as Hebron's section went wild McHenry . Koob doubled past sec-! g ^ £ with joy. Let's take no credit from ond. Comiskey walked. Brailsfond ^ ™ ^ ^ They are a tournament team that takes advantage of all breaks. We.sounded high notes fanned. Opfergelt beat out an infield off .first- Pour 1lit8' fouI hit to Zabel, Koob and Comiskey advancing a notch. With the bases loaded Seablom shot * stinging single to right, the hit scoring Koob and Comiskey. Opfergelt tried to make third on the throw to plate, but was caught at the far cottier by a fast, relay of the bair via- Murray to out. i Three hits, two runs. J SECOND INNING: Ziminerman out ! Comiskey to Listig. Saier and Fluhr- f Sahlberg out, Schult* BOWLING NEWS runs. McHenry: to Saier. Koob fanned. Comiskey out, j'of praise for their team when they McLarry to Saier. No hits, no runs, took the Little Five tourament here SIXTH INNING: Nemac now early in the season and we continue pitching for McHenry. Fluhrer skied to stick out our right paw to a team to Opfergelt. McLarty fanned. Har- that has won four tournaments in grave tripled over both left field two years. Young Mr. Kuecker, who fences and came home on Zabel's, caused Richmond a big headache in single past second. Two hits, one the previous tournament was the boy run. e who did. the damage against McHen- McHenry: Zimmermann was now|)ry. He's a cool cookie 'with, a dead er both walked and showed their ap- j playing second, Knisely, short, and! eye for the basket. Fans were appreciation of Sahlberg^ generosity . sajer ieft field. Brailsford out, Zabel I most unanimous in declaring one of by pulling off a fast double steal. ^ Zimmermann. Both runners scored en McLarryV^ left Seablom hit to Schultz at doub e to right Hargrave fanned. who tagged Opfergelt on the Zabel doubled to left, the hit scoring way keystone bag, but could McLarry from second Murray out, I ^ the baII t0 first in time ^ Sahlberg to Listig. Two hits, three runs. McHenry: Listig skied to Murray in right. Warner out, Zabel to Saier. Sahlberg went out on a high foul to Opfergelt singled the official's unfair. That is too touchy a subject for us to handle. One loyal fan, sharing keen disappointment with us immediately after the game, placed a threat over our head Team No. S in the <3ld Timeraleague were tops in the last week at the Palace Alleys. Led by Jake Schaefer'a 607 series and Bob Weber's 598, this team rolled a total of 2826 pins for three games. They rolled an evei^lOOO in the first game to get off to a good start. Team No. 3, led by Les Adams and his 547 series were the victims in this match. Team No. 2 won a match from team No. 4, 2393 to 2319. Smith led the winners with 568 and Page led the losers with a 497 series. In the Forester league, Ed Sutton was high tman, his 591 series0 leading team No. 4 to a 10 pin victory ovet team No. 1. A1 Jus ten lead the losers, rolling a 676 series. Ed Smith rolled 678 to lead team No. 3 in a win over the Winkel outfit, team No. 2. "Red" led his team with a 565 series. The McHenry Brewery team lost a match to Elgin last Sunday. P. Schmitsy led the" winners with a 592 series. Herb Simon was hitting the,nj in form, rolling a 222 game and 613 series. ' Volo took a close match from Wauconda 2670 to 2657, Clem Dacfey was high man in the match/with 576, and Joe I^nzen had the honor ^of high single game, roiling 221, The Wildcats went down to Palatine And lost a match, but scores are trot available. . ,vv>v Hargrave. No hits, no rtins. THIRD INNING: Schulte hit complete the double. Seablom stole that if we didn't "pan" that ref, he second. Bowen walked. Listig fan- would quit the column forever. Now, ned. One hit, no runs. far be it from, us to want to lose a SEVENTH INNING:- With the be- reader, but let's go on to the District ginning of this inning and continuing | tournament being played at Woodthroughout the balance of the gathe j stock. Both Hebron and McHenry are the Cubs turned the game into a joke, 1 entered in this match. McHenry C. O. F. TEAM NO. FOUR-- Stilling «... 144 186 Thies ....--........... 136 165 Sutton ................ 176 178 Steffee 193 170 Karls 151 167 176--466 198--499 187-r-691 165--528 199--617 800 TEAM NO ONE-- 816 925 2640 sharp one past Sahlberg. Sahlberg allowing themselves to be put out' meets Crystal Lake tonight in the knocked the ball down but could not (without an effort to resistance. Mur recover it in time to get the runner ray was safe at first on Koob's error, at first. Schulte hit to Sahlberg. j Schultz hit to Listig, who forced Mur- Sahlberg tried for Schultz at second,. ray at second. Schultz led off the but nadel a bad throw, and both run- ; first bag too far and was ran to death ners were safe. Zimmerman singled between the two bases. Knisely fanto center, Schultz scoring, while ned. Ncf hits, no runs. Schulte stopped at third. Zimmer. j McHenry: Zimmermann and Zabel mann stole second. Saier skied to' exchanged places. Warner wenst out Bowim at short. Fluhrer drew a' on a roller to Zabel *t first. Nemac 7:30 game. McHenry's recent showings rate them as the most improved team in the county this year. We hope they can go places in this tournament Competition will be tough, but all the m\ore glory for the win ners. -The Druggist" Street That "Little Glenny" Wattles is a ! regular nuisance to this department He hands us another good cigar and then adds, "Don't forget a little writeup for the Hone'st Brothers this to we€k-" H. begins to look like a racket ' '860 TEAM Nb. TWO-- Heimer 186 V. Freund ........... 141 G. Freund 190 Weber ........ 154 Winkle L...„. 188 Vernon Freund was lost to the team because of illness. He is not expected pass. With the bases loaded McLarry out Knisely to Zabel. Koob and Com- j to be ready for the game tonight. shot a fast one between first and sec- iskey both walked. Koob was caught i ond. Listig raced <»t fielded the ball stealing third. No hits, no runs. I Bowling scores were printed withperfectly and then, in an attempt to' EIGHTH INNING: Zimmermann;our comments last week. Just in case nail Schulte at the plate, threw the was safe on Bowen's error. Zimmer- i y°u didn't notice, "Big Hank" Weber ball a mile past its mark with the re- mann was caught stealing second. ro'led a 246 game and 636 series! suit that not only Schulte, but Zim- Saier skied to Brailsford. Fluhrer mermann as well, crossed the count- out Koob to Listig. No hits, no runs. ing1 station, Fluhrer going to third, McHenry: Brailsford fanned. Opwhile McLarry went to second. Har- fergelt was hit by a pitched ball. grave doubled to left, Fluhrer arid Seablom was safe at first on 'Schultz's McLarry scoring. Zabel out, Comis- error. Bowen doubled past third, Op key to Listig. Murray out, Bowen fergelt scoring and Seablom going to, to Listig. Three hits, five runs. third. Listig hit to Zimmermann. us- We got a confession out of him; Wilson McHenry: Koob skied to Schulte Zimmermann made a wild throw to last n»gbt about the Joe Louis - Char-jGoodeN in left Comiskey out Schulte to Listig, tried to g» to second on the lie Retzlaff fight that he paid some Schaefer ... Saier. Braislford fanned. No hits, error but was caught between the ^ve bucks to see. Glenn took his eyes no runs. bags. Warner out, iSchultz to Zabel. i0^ the fight just long enough to see FOURTH INNING: Schultz doubl- One hit three runs. I some dream girl walk down the aisle ed past third and stole third. Schulte NINTH INNING: McLarry out,i--anti the fight was aU oyer while he skied to Bowen. Zimmermann sent a Koob to Listig. Hargrave doubled three-bagger to right Schultz scoring, left Zabel out, Bowen to Listig. Saier flew out to Brailsford in right Murray skied to Opfergelt in center. Fluhrer doubled to right Zimmer- One hit no runs. mann scoring. Fluhrer stole third, i McHenry: Nemac out, Zimmermann to> Zabel. Nye Knox ................ Bolger Justen Simon 129 146 173 193 181 124 170 173 171 147 McHENRY LOSES , DISTRICT FINAL TO HEBRON McHenry dropped a real thriller to Hebron in the district tournament last Saturday night 31 to 30. j McHtenry stepped into an early lead that found an 11 to 8 advantage at0 the quarter. The second quarter found a battle royal with a 17 all score chalked up at the half. Hebron's sharp shooting little sub, La- Vern Kuecker, was fouled as the gun ended the first half and he stepped calmly to the free threw line to drop his shot tying the score. Beckenbaugh and Kramer were out on fouls early in the second half, breaking up the regular "combination. Hebron led by five points at the end of the third quarter, but McHenry's guards stepped in time after time to intercept passes and gain possession of the ball. With only a half minute to play, McHenry led 30 to 29. It was here that young Mr, Kuecker made sure of the hero honor by dropping a slick corner shot In spite of defeat McHenry displayed a brand Of basketball that should have won. Many opinions are offered as to the reas<m for the loss. McHenry's failure to stall with the ball is offered as one reason. Another point is that Hebron chalked up 11 points on free throws while McHenry had only 4- In spite of this, the percentage of shots made was only slightly below Hebron's percentage. Any attempt to cover up disappointment is futile, but the boys are working hard for their game with Crystal Lake in the regional tournament at Woodstock tonigkt. The game will atari at 7:30. j; . > HEBRON -- 31 163--416 Palmer, f 1«7nfnr --r4 9« n2 1 Xl€rn^r« A I7o--519 r v m * • 211-575 £UeCher' ' 200--528 rT**8' ° 822 786 TEAM NO. THREE-- Schaefer 145 146 Unti 168 166 Thennes ...„: G. Justen 923 2530 Burgett, c Johnson, g Montgomery, g Jt . 1 . 4 . 0 .. 1 . 2 . 0 Totals .... McHENRY SO 176 166 191 177 182 169--460 194--517 189--563 171--613 A . , 191-678 i £T&dxammAaT'i f Vi Beckenbaugh, f ... Knox, f 160-520 £™mer' C 178--475 CJ?. Af1n"d'.0e rs"o n, gH ...r G. Anderson, g 10 11 JOHNSON WINNER IN PINO PONG- SINGLES Johnson, a Sophomore, was proclaimed the winner of the ping pong singles tournament at the local Community high school in tha championship match played on UM stage of the auditorium before tha student body of the school on Friday noon. To win the tournament Johnson defeated Cletus Althoff, a Junior, in an exciting exhibition of stUll, both Johnson and Althoff playing great ping pong. The championship was a three-game match. The first game was won by Johnson 21 to 19 with the second game going to Althoff by a score of 24 to 22, after being deuced three times. , In the final and decid-' irig game Johnson put over a sweeping victory by a score of 21 to 12. Nineteen boys entered the tourn%- ment, which was played during- the noon hour at the» high school. The boys are now pairing off for an all-school doubles ping pong tow ney which promises some very gt>od games with teams such as Johnson , and Adams, Althoff and Hettermamt and Miller and Noonan entered. In Che elimination process of the recent tournament Reihansperger defeated Bolger, only to be defeated by L Miller. Marshall defeated Conway only to be put out of the running by L. Miller. Tonyon won from Wolf, only to be defeated by Anthony Noonan, AIlie Noonan defeated Bamas, to be defeated by Althoff, who beat the twin and then L. Miller bringing him to the championship contest Taxman, who defeated Sutton, and Hettermann, defeating Meyers, met with Hettermann coming oat winner. Adams defeated L. Smith and Johnson defeated Justen, JJmo jrvept on to victory by defeating Adams and Hettermann and then Althoff in th«,..fl»- ate.--: 867 * 914 2631 NEW RADIO PROGRJOI «*. Radio listeners will miss a good program if they fail to tone in on "Lucky Girl" eVery Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 12 o'clock noon It is a story of how a small town girl skyrockets to fame, a sensational, romantic story of real Mfe problems. The program is sponsored by Meister Brau Beer. . Chas. Herdrich and 8m are the local distributors. 163--534 168--499 195--565 858 881 854 2593 OLD TIMERS' CLUB TEAM NO. ONE-- 168 186 167--511 151. 161 161--453 166 196 171--522 -- 143 180 Adaths ......--...... 181 186 4 27--31 22--30 Totals Hebron .... McHenry \ LOCAL RIFLEMEN BEAT Et^fN I FRIDAY MARCH 6 Peter Lorre -- Eld ward Araold "CRIME AND PUNISHMENT'9 / THE EMPIRE Weekdays--7:10^-9:10 C. S. T. Admission 10-2Sc FRIDAY (Last Day) -- "THE LITTLEST REBEL" V SATURDAY, MARCH 7 • Jean Harlow -- Spencer Tracy in "RIFFRAFF" ALSO--Crew Racing--Victoria, Vancouver SUNDAY (Only) Kay Francis - Paul "I FOUND STELLA PARISH" ALSO--"Hie Cat Came Back--Voice of Experience World News Events -- Matinee 3 p. m., Continuous MONDAY -- TUESDAY, MARCH 9 -10 1'A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM" Tha Mu|m1» of Shakaspac--1 li. Tb Mdodr of Mendelsaalml e_, . Tha Master of Reinhardl! Wrntr Bros, "A praaaal MIDSUMMER MIGHT'S 1 DREAM" ' MAX HEWHARDrS Production a * 15 STARS * * )AMES CAGNEY fOE E. BROWIf DICE POWELL ANITA LOUISE Mndid br Maa Xtlahortt '.aad Wllllaa Dlatavla Price of Admission For This Picture Only 55c A Few Choice Seats For 83c and (1.10 Inch Fed. Tax See Your Local High School For Special Prices One Show Each Evening at 8 p, m. ' WED. - THURS. - FRI. The Marx Brothers im "A NIGHT AT THE OPERAr,v ALSO--West Point of the South -- World News Events We get a great amount of pleasure. out of reports from spring training Scbaefw ........ c*mPs these days. One story that Freund . Koob walked and went to^P^zsles us is that one about Hank; Granger third on Comiskey's double to left.,Leiber quitting his cente# field job at j Both runners scored on Brailsford's' grand per year to coach baseball single past second. Brailsford stole Iat t,ie University of Arizona. It just second. Opfergelt skied to Saier in d°n't make sense. Something wrong in that picture. 799 897 TEAM NO. THREE-- Wattles 167 176 Weber 218 214 214 202 171 179 191 167 left. Seablom out, Zimmermann Zabel. Two hits, two runs. The scor^.: McHEN»X'-;;v/ to Koob, 2b .. Comiskey, 3b .. Brailsford, rf .. Opfergelt, cf .. Seablom, If .... Bowen, ss ...,. Listig, lb ........ Warner, c ...... Sahlberg, p .... Nemaic, p ........ CUB8 Murray, If Schultz, 2b Schulte, If Knisely, ss .v... Zimmermanrtj ss, lb ... Saier, lb, if Fluhrer, cf ... McLarry 3b Hargrave, c Zabel, 4p, lb HFOA 1 4 2 1 2 2 0 2 11 6 0 0 The Stanzak Brothers baseball team of Waukegan are considering an offer for a thirty day exhibition trip thru Canada. The trip would start the qJ middle of July and wind up in time 0 for them to again compete in the national tourney in Wichita, Kansaa. Ice skates are tossed aside and the ^ rollers have come out again. Just 0 as soon as we see a marble game, we'll 21 know that spring is really here. We 'have yet) to hear a "first robin" story. 1000 884 TEAM NO. FOUR-- SayJer 120 183 Covialt 170 Johnson 168 Barbian ...u.... 170 tt«e ... 162 The McHenry riflemen defeated the 2G4--527 | Elgin Co. 1 team on the local range 181--547 ; Tuesday, winning in all four positions --: ' of shooting. Kamholz led the Mc- 864 2560. Henry teaim with a 369 total, closely I followed by his teammates who show- --*81 'ed good form in piling up a team total 214--698 0f 1802. Volmer and Hall each had 214--j607 303 totals in leading the Elgin team. COMPANY I P . 9 5 » 98 168--563 208--577 127 '168 131 166 Rahn 942 2826 j Shanholze£; Volmer ...* 166--469 iHall 141--438 168--474 150--451 190--497 TEAM NO Beavis .... Karls ... Perkins Smith - Bacon ... 770 TWO- 111 764 795 2319 148 169 193 171 140 96 160 182 191 Ulti# 98 95 S 87 92 95 95 96 K 84 79 84 85 79 0 Tot. 76--342 64--333 85--363 85--363 81--361 486 466 4118911752 McHENRY RIFLE CLUB P S K (..Smith 96 „ „ I Kamholz 98 167--j Freund 98 147--391 Klapperich ...... 100 10^ Justen .--97 198--568 180--542 97 99 89 96 98 91 91 81 91 80 O Tot 81--365 81--369 76--843 81--367 83--358 7 7 27 17 7 R H PO A E 10 1 0 0 From the way Frank Schreiner swings that ice spade around in front of his house, we suspect that he imagines that weapon in his hands is % mashie. It won't be long now. 792 769 842 2393 MATCH GAMB McHENRY BREWERS Heimelr Weber, Justen; Smith > Simon 134 '160 183 167 222 164 179 178 189 216 Which reminds us and makes us wonder if we ever thanked Leo Still- j ing for .that, -golf wi' tf o _ EIXrIN your time. * We plan to retread it be- „ ^cbmitz fore the season opens. 178--466 165--491 181 -542 193--549 175--615 866 916 892 2664 16 15 27 16 Score By Innings Chicago Cube 035 3 4100 0--16 M c H e n r y . . . . 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 -- 7 As the ice goes out, our fishermen find that many fish perished through the severe winter months. Don't forget that our boys play Crystal Lake tonight in the regional Left on bases--McHenry, 7; Cubs !tournament- Maybe a few more good 3. Two base hits--Koob, Comiskey. 1rooter8 woul(1 P'y,ve iUst wf»at the Bowen, Schultz, McLarry, 2; Har- <^octor ordered. Hake B. Schmitz J. Westerman, P. Westerman 214 il67 176 177 li 198 173 177 197 180--692 190--530 140--493 204--578 214=547 878 934. 928 2760 grave, 2; Knisely, Zabel. Three base hits---Zimmermann and Hargrave. Struck out--By Sahlberg, 3; by Nejnac, 1; by Zabel, 5; by Zimmermann, 1. Bases on balls--Off Sahlberg, 8; °ff Zabel, 3; off Zimmermann, 3. Hits off Zabel, 3 in six innings; off Sahlberg, 12 in five innings, off Nemac, 5 in four innings, off Zitn«KCTnann» .3 in three innings. Umpire--Bending. M*HEtfRY SECOND IN CONFERENCE McHenry is second in the LitUe Five basketball conference with five games won and two lost and was beaten only by Richmond who have undisputed claim to the championship of the Little Five with seven games won and only one lost. And right well McHenry knows ^ that Richmond lost one game for it was from McHenry that Richmond took the only beating .of the season. Richmond won the championship by defeating Hebron by a 39 to 27 score in their final game of the season. Marengo is now third in the Little Five with three games woo and four lost Hebron ranks fourth and Huntley fifth. Coach Reed's lightweight team is also second in the. Little Five with four games won" and three lost. Hebron lightweights are the champs of the conference with five wins and one defeat to their erwlt$. Answer to Last Week's Question. Nfo. It was not a balk. Pitcher ma^r bluff throw to second or third. This Week's Question Can a runner steal a base on a foul ball which is also the second stride? The McHenry and Johnsburg Foresters^ drew a large crowd Sunday afternoon at the high school gym. The McHenry boys took a bang-up baeketball game 27 to 25. H. Smith was the big gun for Johnsburg with j pie^erison- i"" " 14 points. Meyers rolled up 18 points for McHenry with Stilling accounting for the other nine points. McHenry's married men won in volleyball, but the Johnsburg single men were too much for the McHenry boys. ACES AND GREENMEN DIVIDE WITH HEBRON . O u r t o w n t e a m s t r a v e l e d t o H e b r o n night and came home with one victory and one loss. Joe's Aces took a hoi game by a 37 to 33 score. Both teams found all of their starters taking part in the scoring. Green's team lost, after a three week lay off, returned to action and lost their game 36 to 28. The box! score in this game is not available. 489 478 434 401 1802 SATURDAY SPECIAL WARNER OLAND in "CHARLIE CHAN'S SECRET" SUNDAY -- MONDAY A Miller Theatre Special The MARX BROTHERS ia "A NIGHT AT THE OPERA" Crime Does Not Pay--"A HuriH For Tfcelma" -- Color Cattaea Universal News A1 Klemme at the Organ lfa TUESDAY ONLY ' 15c Edmund Lowe - Valerie Hohtoa "THE GREAT IMPERSONATION" ALSO--Special Attractions WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY Bette Davis -- Frandrat Tost "DANCBBOTS" V' A'PP j » TBI* WE®K of thaae values represent definite •avings for you. Plan now to take advantage of A A low prices this week-end. Check youi needs against this ad--then shop a! A 4P. BOX HOCKEY Stanley Schmitt, a Sophomore, was the winner in the Box Hockey tournament just ended at the high school in a championship match with Klintworth, a Senior, which proved to be a thriller. Klintworth and Schmitt won two games each, with Schmitt finally squeezing the pucks through to win in the fifth or play-off game. Eight boys were entered in this tournament, each winner being succssful in three out of five games. In the play-off Diedrich won over Brefeld and Klintworth defeated Meyers and later defeating Diedrich ta bring him through to the finals. JOE'S ACEST-- H. Smith, f Chamberlain, e Hughes, g ............ Anderson, g Totals HEBRON 83 Oglesby, f •dilYtet f Kuecker, c ................ Behrens, g ................ Sipsma, g ....--...... Totals .*« 5 ... 0 0 0 0 4 ... 6 0 0 ~ Z 1 .. 8 0 1 in; 8 w n... F P ... 4 1 8 ...2 0 0 ... 8 1 8 ...8 1 2 .. 8 0 0 ..... 16 8 8 Kenneth Boky of Rockford spent the weekend at home. Herbert Johnson of Chicago spent the weekend at Fair Oaks. Taxman defeated Noonan and Schmitt eliminated Gritzuk and later Taxman, bringing him to the finals with Klintworth in irikkh he was victorious. - Sawyer's Saltines or Graham Crackers, 2 1-lb. pkgs. Bokar Coffee, Vigorous _ Winey, 1-lb, can Softasilk Cake Flour, 44-ox. pkg 23c Oxydol Soap, 2 lge. pkgs. Rinso, 2 lge. pkgs. Amer. Family Soap, 10 bars Seminole Tissue, 4 1000 Sheet Rons Ask About Free Oumon Towel Sunnyfield Sliced Bawn--144b. R. & Oakes Pork Sausage P Plain or Sugared Doughn Sunnycane Sugar, 5-lb Seedless Raisins, 4-lb. pkgj Blue Fish Fillets, lb. 10c. Sea Perch, lb. 17c Oysters. Bulk, Qt ..... 49c PRODUCE SPECIALS Naval Oranges, Size 150, doz. White Potatoes, Bananas. 3 lbs. IT Lettuce, 60 size " Celery, 2 lg. stalks DICED G ABBOTS TOMATOES CORN or YOUR CHOICE NO. 2 CANS tit 2*