Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Jun 1897, p. 8

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If you have ever Boon a child in the agony of croup, you can appreciate the gratitude of the mothers who know that One Minute >€ough Cure relieves their little ones as quickly as it is administer­ ed/ Many homes in the city are never without it. J.A.Story. Chicora, Pa., HcrAio: It. Yensel re­ ports One Minute Cough Cure the great­ est success of medical science. He fold us that it cured his whole family of ter­ rible coughs and colds, after all other so called cures had failed entirely. Mr. Yen­ sel said it assisted his children through a very bad siege of measles. One Minute Cough Cure makes expectoration very easy and rapid. J. A. Story. MRS. M. P. O'BRIEN, Ivesdale, 111., writes : "i have used Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin as a family med­ icine with the best of results. For de­ rangements of the stomach and a gen­ eral laxative I like it better than any­ thing 1 have used. It is so pleasant to taste my children are always anxious to take it." At J. A. Story's.4 THE GOLDEN WEST Invites your attention. Fabulous for­ tunes have been made t>y judicious in­ vestments in gold mining stocks. Send a stamp for ful l particulars about Cripple Cieek gold camp (near Pike's Peak) and full particulars about our company. Ad­ dress, Pike's Peak Mining and Real Es­ tate Company, (Incorporated,) J. A. Story,the Leading Druggist Has the sale in ..McHenry of Brown's Cure, a perfect Family Medicine, used in more homes and better liked by both parents and children, than any oth'er remedy. Owing to its marvelous power as a tonic and nervine, it positively cures all diseases of the stomach, liver >n'd kidneys, giving new life and strength and affording welcome relief to all sufferers from dyspepsia, constipation, loss of - appetite, sleeplessness, nervousness and sick headache. Brown's Cure gives to weak women the clear skin, rosy cheeks and the. rich blood they so much desire. Keep a bottle of it in the house and save yourself and family many spells of sick­ ness and heavy doctor's bills. It is pleas­ ant to take. Price, 75 cents. JD.LODTZJr Merchant Tailor. MY SPKING AND SUMMER tSuitir.zc arc now Ml in, and I am prepared to give you come great Bargains. Pants, $3.50 and upwarJs Suits, $ 17.00 and upwards, Strictly hand made and guaranteed in every particular. New Stock Of Gent's Furnishing Goods, Neckties, Collars, Cuffs, and Shirts of the very latest styles. Come and inspect my goods. I can save'you dollars and cents. ^Tery Respectfully, J. D. LODTZ, Jr. Barbian Bro.'s Block, McHenry. R'NCWOOO, Get special quotations on JANEHSYIJJkl! PlilXiXB WIM • . ' #• FENCING. We guarantee quality and prices with anything in the market. will compare favorably with any machine on the market. All Wool Carpets LOWEST PRICE EVER KNOWN FOR LIKE QUALITY Tie Great Mucin Stallion. cimtt 9701. 2.21i. Special values in many lines this week. Call in. At J. E. CRISTY'S, Ringwood, 111. ^Standard under both trotting and pacing rules. Sired by Lakeland Abdallah 351 (full brother to Harold, sire of Maud S), by Hambletonian 10. Dam Fanny B, a fast pacing mare by a son of Geo. M. Patchen, 2:23%. Geo. O, 2:21%, is a chestnut horse, a sure foal getter, and is bred as near like Geo. Wilkes the sire of trotters, as it is possible to get them. „ Geo. O is the sire of 8 in the list, a grandson 2:19%, and others, as follows: JStbel B 2:18^ Vera 2:28& Henry O .. ......2:20^ Volney, G. S 2:195 Mary Lee.,! 2:22^ Centreville 2:31X Algonquin.......2:27}$ Smithaoneian... 2,31 J. F. B 2:26Jj Chicadee (3yr») 2:3 % Prince T * 2:2% Ben. H 2:26^ Harry D 2;30 And a great many other very promising ones, I will stsnd Geo, O at mvplacein MnHenry. 111., at $25 00 per mare, payable in cash or due bill at time oi service. Mares not proving in foal will be entitled to a return season or money refunded, at mv option. A live colt guaranteed. The atove price is final. Breed to^a horse that h is proven himself both a trotter and a producer. L. H. OWEN. MeHeory, 111. ATTENTION, DEALER IN DRUGS and MEDICINES, A FULL LINE OF CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, £ Paints, Oils and Colors CONSTANTLY ON HAND. FULL LINE OF PATENT MEDICINES, "TOILET ARTICLES, Stationery and Druggists' Sundrias. Physicians' Prescriptions \ Carefully compounded by a Registered Pharmacist, Your Patronage 1b respectfully solicited. m* -- JULIA A. STORY One Door West of River tide Boute, McHenry, III. A. P. BAER, Prop'r West McHenry, III. 338 Sired by Knightm ears old. H amble toni makin vice. JACOB JUSTEN 24 ft* two enfc of e'e side, ions in eer- Aving good and sure **and road- ay o tbo for their ver before en£ AT THE EAST SIDE in market nd breed call and season SENATOR Can be seen at the Stages of miles south of McHenry Brlc Toritis of Servic_ To Insure, with return privilegS^to at! maree not proving in foal. Money due as soon ae mare proves in foal. HANLY BROS. WEST MCHENHV, III, Let's See Your Face AT OUR STORE IN THE NEXT FEW DAYS There are some things in warm weather goods that will- cause your eyes to sparkle with amazement and f LIGHT UP YOURCOUNTENANCE With pleasure. Whatever may be your taste we believe we can please you with something. . • :. :Vv Sf Yoyr Purse Leaked " v-.' You'd stop that leak instantly, if you. lost but a penny. . Where do You Buy Goods? We are saving people money every day by our HIGH VALUES and LOW PRICES. Look over our Stock and you will be conviuced that our store is the store for bargains. O GROCERIES. Our Grocery Department is full of choice, pure goods, and at prices as low as the lowest. FLOUR. FLOUR. If you bake your own bread or cake you are fully aware of the importance of having the ingredients fresh and pure. Flour, of course, being the basis of both cake and bread, should, be absolutely the best procurable. We have the old reliable Sleepy-Eye Flour that will just suit your wants. Goods delivered to any part of McHenry. West McHenry, Illinois. 1 Jl Crown Cottage Colors. --...Hiiwiiii., AVE you ever tested a can of CROWN COTTAGE COLCRS? If not, do so now, and you will find that it is unquestionably, the BEST mixed paint on the market. It will positively cover more surface and last longer, thus giving better satisfaction than any­ thing you have ever tried before. It is an absolutely PUKE PAINT, without any Adult­ eration whatsoever, and in any case where it is found to be different than represented, the goods are forfeited. Remember, you need not pay for CROWN COTTAGE COLORS it the guarantee we give is not found good in every respect. F L. MCOMBER. I West Side Hardware Store Standard Under Rule O. This fine young Stallion is f( hi. rfPw' c.oloi\baY. with black points, Is 10.2 hands high and weighs 1050 poudna. ED. DOWNING KtB s!^ed I?5',?®1 Downing, No. 18205. Record trial, l -MX, ana was said to na\e as iritrch speed as any horse living Hie dam was May First, standard under Rule 7. Registered in Volume 10 of Wallace's Am­ erican Trotting Register. EP. I>OWNING will stand for the season Of 1897, for a limited number of Mares at mv barns, in West McHenry. Terms. $10 for the Season. Do not fail to call and see this promising young stallion. E. J. HANLY. We«t McHenry, April 21, 1897. McHENRY ILL. Has just received a new stock of & goods in his line, to which he invites the attention of the public. Remember, I will meet all prices of my competitors on any and all goods in my line. WE CAFCRY A FULL LINE OF Caskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, Etc., Ctc. We guarantee first Class work in every respect. Call and see me before purchasing, M; • JACOB Justin. McHenry, 111., Jan., 1897. *• . GEO. W. BESLEY. W. L. DOUGLAS Merchants, Bankers, Lawyers, Physicians and all economical men wear WV;L. Douglas Shoes because they are the best. For sale by The Style, Fit and Wear could not be Improved for Double the Price. L. Douglas $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 Shoes are the productions of skilled workmen, from the best ma­ terial possible to put into shoes sold at these prices. We make also $2.50 and $2.25 shoes for men, and $2.50, $2.00 and $1.75 for boys, and the W* L. Douglas $3.50 Police shoe, very suitable for .letter-carriers, policemen and others having much walking to do. having W. L. Douglas Shoes from your dealer. .. We use only the best Calf, Russia Calf (all colors), French Patent Calf, French Enamel, Vici Kid, etc., graded to correspond with prices of the shoes. If dealer caniiOt supply you, writo ft W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. CATALOGUE FBEE. SIMON STOFFEL, West McHenry West McHenry, I Illinois, i • DEALEE IN • • • • DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINS, OILS, TOILET ARTICLES. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Also, Bottled Ale and Porter tor Medical Use, I^W3 The best brande of Cigars and Smoking and Chewing To bacco always on hand. • Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully compounded Give me call. GEO. W. BESLEY. West McHenry, J7n„ 1897. CONFIRMATION SUITS, Wc have just placed on our counters an entire new and large line of fine black Confirmation Suits sizes from 12 to 18 years, price $4.50 and upwards. A look at our stock will convince you where to buy the goods. IN FOOTWEAR We have bargains to offer thnt are of real value to the wearer. In women's Oxfords wc bought heavy and in that way secured unusual bargains. Call for our boys' shoe and wc will save you money. See our Felt and Straw Hats, for men and boys. A new line of Summer Underwear. Hammocks, 50c to $3.50. Have you seen our fancy Shirts for men. Large stock Lap llobos. Remember, we have the largest stock of Overalls an<§; working Shirts, Jackets, etc. We arc not undersold in Groceries, our Jciscy Lily Flour still has no superior. Yours for business. .roust WEST MCHENBY, 111 ., 1 > 1>7. Are You Going to Celebrate As the season advances no doubt you are having some thought as to whero you will c-elehrtto the 4th of July. Now that Mc­ Henry has prepared to celebrate a general invitation is extended to all to all to j >in us and make it a day long to be remembered in this community. No doubt you are saying on the quiet that you would like to go to McHenry and take part in the Griand Parade; but in order to do so I should have a New Carriage, Surrey or Road Wagon, As the old one will hardly do. I will say to yon that if you will call at my ware­ house any time between now and the above date that I will show you the best line of Buggies, Surries and Road Wagons in the county. Goods that are honest and reliable and will please you, both in quality and price, viz: The Peabody, manufac­ tured by the Peabody Buggy Co., Fostoria, Ohio. We can and will Bell you a good turn out at $48.00. , Still left, a few 0-blade Riding Cultivators, ranging in price from $18 to $22 Can you use one, If not make the old one as »ood as new by placing on it the spring tooth attachment we hive for sale. t^lT3 Repairs lor all machines a specialty. The best Axle Grease and Machine Oil always on hand. Farm Gate. * The best, most convenient, most handy farm gate on earth is the Sherman Patent Gate. Jail in and look it over and you will say that it is the best, and the price we will quote you, all rsady to be placed in ponition, will surprise you. Thanking you for your patronage of the past, and hoping for a share of it in the future, I am, Rrspectfully Yours, McHenry, 111., 1897. T. J. WALSH IN THE FIELD. ftbe •!• iRicfymonS CUSHION FRAME BICYCLE CUSHION DEVICE IS HEBx. Every Wheel Warra you can buy a wheel giving & EASE AND COMFORT. & Lines of Wheel Unchanged. Durability Increased. Send for catalogue of our Rigid and Cushion Frame Bicycle. RICHMOND BICYCLE CO., Richmond, EASTERN BRANCH, 97 Chambers St., New York. Ind. THE McHENRY MAllB'Eilii AID WOIIS,^ J.H.MILLER. Prop. All kinds of Cemetery Work at Low Prices A FULL LINE OF FINISHED W.ORK CONSTANTLY ON HAND. ! McHENRY, ILL Foreign and American Granite a Specialty.

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