Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Jun 1897, p. 4

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(SUCCESSORS TO PERRY. & OWEN.) •0.. FLOUR 40&M PLOUU^ make that's FLOUR, ETC 1 :.W-F : -, . -' • • : • «£: - **•':, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 23, 1897. I* VAN SLYKE, Editor I®-There was an active demand for butter on the Elgin lioard of Trade Monday, and all the offerings, 733 tub*, Bold at 14% cents. Tne Board voted to meet Saturday morning, July 3; at 10:30 o'elock, instead of Monday, July 5. 'The Minneapolis Tribune sajp: "The Iowa legislature has adopted the •wildroBeas the state flower, which ie 'just too lovely for anything.'" To judpe by the fragrance cminatiog from the vicinity of the Illinois legislature, where a lobbyist approached the wrong man and gave away the methods behind the notorious Humphrey bill, the skunk cabbage would be an appropriate em blem for the "Sucker" state. An amusing etory as to the way in which acts of Parliament are drafted and amended was toid by the Lord Chan­ cellor iu. speaking in the -city on the codification of the statutes. An, act wa? once passed which imposed a pecnuiary penalty for the falsification of parish registere. half of which was to go to the informer and the other half to* the crown. In a subsequent and amending act this was changed to transportation for seven years, but the rema ining words were not altered, so that half the transportation was to go to the informer and the other half to the crown. JOfThe legislature has passed a law in regard to thistles, briars, burdock and other noxiouB weeds that generally lin< the roadways every summer, goto seed in the fall and sprout out. manifold qnan tities again in the spring. Beginning next July, from the first day until Aug­ ust 20th, every farmer is required to re move weeds along the highways contigu­ ous to his property. For this work he if- allowed $1.25 per day, and the amount will be credited on his road tax. If the work is not done by August 20th, tin supervisor is empowered to get the work done and have the same charged to the property owners. (6^° President MnKinley verv sensible said in his address at Philadelphia June 2d: "Let me tell you, my countrymen, that resucitation will not be promoted by "recrimination. The distress of the present will not be relieved by a distrust of the future. A patriot makes a better citizen than a pessimist. And we have got to be patient. Much as we want to move out of the old house, we cannot do it until the new house is finisher. A tariff law half made is of no practical use ex cept to indicate that in a little while a whole tariff law will be done, and it is making progress. It is reaching the end, and when the end comes we will have business confidence and industrial activ­ ity.-Let us keep steady heads and steady hearts. The country is not going back ward but forward. American energy has not been destroyed by the storms of the past. It will yet triumph through v and beneficent legislation." TROUBLE FOR FISHERMEN. , A bill relating to fishing was passed at the session of the legislature just clos­ ed which is of especial interest to every­ one who delights in the pursuit of the finny tribe. The, law is a very severe one and it would be well for fishers to study it carefully. Here is one section that will even pro­ hibit the boys from spearing suckers in the little creeks in the spring: That it shall be unlawful for any per­ son or persons, at any time to catch or kill any fish in any of the rivers, creeks, ponds, lakes, sloughs, bayous, or other water courses within the jurisdiction of i his state, by the use of lime, spear, acid, medical or chemical compound, or ex­ plosives. • , - * This section absolutely forbids the use fa spear at any time anH iu any Kind it w ater. But here is another section > hat will occasion any amount of kicking: That it shall be unlawful for any per- >u to catch or kill any fish in or upon ay of the lakes or rivers within the ju»- diction of this state With any device or leans when such waters are covered with 3. . v' • No more fishing through the, ice now. he power; of the whole state of Illinois ill- be after offenders. Here is a> section that provides how ixgeflsh must be if offered for sale ach kind of fish must be of these lengths:' - lack Bass.........................eleven inches Vhite or Striped Bass ......eight inches lock Bass....,.....;,,eight inches lack or River Croppie .einht inches Vhite Oroppie.l.... nine inches Yellow or Ring Perch ....eight inches V all-eyed Pike or Pike Perch fifteen inches ike Pickerel eighteen inches Buffalo fifteen inches erman Carp thirteen inches N'ative Carp twelve inches unfish .. . six inches lled-eyed Perch six inches atfish thirteen inches Vhite Perch ten inches Offering fish for sale of less lengths than the above subjects the offender to severe penalties. The penalties for breaking any of the ections of the law are fines running from $25 to §200, or from ten to sixty lays in jail. So those who love to fish vill do well to read this law carefully tnd then guide their actions accordingly. The Declaration of Independence Saved by a Woman. In an historical article, recalling the lestruction of our National capital by be British forces in 1814, Clifford How- Lrd, in the July Ladies' Home Journal, ill show that Dolly Madison, the most >eloved and popular woman of her day, vas courageous and fearless in the face >f grave danger. In the mad stampede from Washington, that preceded the in­ vasion by the British troops, Dolly Mad­ ison was the last to seek safety in flight, ind her final act before quitting the White House, as the enemy advanced, to sieze the Declaration of Inde­ pendence and carry it with her to a place of safety. As the White House was im uediately afterward looted and burned ly the British, Mr. Howard declares that but for brave Dolly Madison the priceless parchment would have been destroyed. OFF THE TRACK. Among the propositions of statutory law that did not pass the late unlament- ed Illinois legislature was one to enact that "any newsyaper found guilty of un duly eulogizing any person or persons thus falsely building for such person or persons a reputation without merit thereby misleading and deceiving the public, shall, after ten days' notice serv ed in writing upon the publisher or pub lishers of said newspapers of the false and misleading character of said eulogy make a retraction or correction of said eulogy, in manner and place as conspicu ous as was its original publication, for three succeeding issues of said newspaper This act shall not apply to deceased per­ sons, nor be operative against funeral orations nor obituary notices." In treating this project of law as "en titled to the first premium" for being "an example of pure and unadulterated fool legislation,"the Albany Law Jour­ nal is "off the track." It was proposed as a sarcastic commentary on the malig nant "libel bill" which passed the Senate and was intended by its supporters to punish newspaper editors for criticising merchantable legislators in the strong terms of criticism they deserve. It was among the expositions of that Vindictive attempt at "fool legislation" which put it to death in the house.--Legal Adviser, --1 1---- =-- Road Race. The second annual Road Race, under the management of. the Richmond Ath­ letic Association, will be held over the Richmond-Genoa Junction course, on Saturday morning, July 3i. For entry blanks and full information write the I secretary, R. L.< Alexander, Richmond, Illinois. --DR. HESS' Poultry Pan-a-ge-a, posi­ tively guaranteed to cure Gapes, Cholera Roup, and make hens lay. Also destroys Lice, Ticks and Fleas. It is a universal remedy for all diseases of the poultry yard. Try a package. At G. W. Besley's Glover Blossoms Wanted! I want 75,000 POUNDS OK CLOVER BLOSSOMS, for which 1 will pay $2.00 per hundred, at the McHenry Dryer. The | above price will purchase as much as $3.00 would five years ago. Bring on your Clover Blossoms. We shall com- i mence drying to-day, Wednesday. |S. S. SHEPARD & SON. For sale, a second-hand single Buggy and Harness. Enquire at this office. Washburn Croshy's Superlative Flour at Owen & Chapell's. J------ -- Try a sack of Superlative Flour, at) Owen & Chapell's. UNIVERSAL PROVIDER, ORIGINATOR OF LOWEST PRICES'. The Principle is this. The greater the Bargains the brisker the sales. Quick sales enable us to turn pur, money often, to take ad­ vantage of the markets. TO BUY FOR SPOT CASH FOR SALE. A limited supply of six blade Cultiva­ tors at $ 18. T. J. WALSH. Spring Tooth Cultivator attachments do the work. Try them. For sale T. J. Walsh. ; , ) At a moment's notice while others, are scurrying about trying to make up their minds, or endeavorin to arrange terms, we step in and being always .ready to pay cash, when the goods and prices are right, we have captured the -ADIES' SHIFT VAIST3,-- - 'T-- % It will pay you to call and look over our line of shirt waistsX Uhe colors and styles are of the very latest", and at prices to suit all, rom 60c to $1.50. Also ladies' summer wrappers, at prices from 'Oc to $1.50. Latest thing in ladies' belts, 25c, 35c, 40c, all colors. ADIES' & MISSES' SHOE* and OXFORDS. In this line we have, without a doubt, the most up to date here a town. Have had to put in the third large Order for Oxfords, so you cap see how they are selling. Straw Hji-ts, We have a large assortment of prices from 5c to $1. neatest styles out. gents' and boys' straw hats at Also, misses'liiilor and white Tamoshanters, AN exchange gives th$ following novel recipe for destroying the dandelion pest that is in so many dooryards and de­ stroying tiie beauty of so many lawns: "Take aiToil can and fill it with gasoline, and, thrusting the end of it down into the pulpy part of the plant, inject a spoonful of the liquid. In three or four days the long root will be found to rot and no more trouble will be given by that plant, at least." This can be tried, with but little trouble and expense, and if it proves efficacious will be of great benefit. ever brought to Elgin And we quote below a few samples of the Bargains in store for you in our 11 ' - I Sale next Monday, j^une 28th. Unens and Domestics, Large line of large I. II. PERKINS PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, Brushes, Wood Fillers, Buggy Paints, Oil Colors, Artists' Materials, Etc. WALL PAPER 11Ladies' Furnishings all linen Huck Towels, large size, knotted fringes, ^plain white and color­ ed border^ worth 25c, 14c Half bleached Table Linen, full width, excellent quality, usually sold at 35c, for 21c 1 lot Bedspreads, slightly soiled, hemstitched, Marseilles pattern, $3 value, for $1,89 Brass extension sash curtains, rods, for EaT" The following are the entries for he June Races, to be held on the Fair Grounds, Woodstock, June 25 and 20: FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1897. TWO-YEAR-OLDS. Lucy Gilbert HT White, Chicago Hazel Boy H B Throop, Nunda Nina V P J Kinney, Richmond %t"r Bird Geo Vosrle, Solon Clara C L H Beall, Antioch jTHHEB-MIHUTE TROT. Owen S ... .H T White, Chicago Lola B P Blair, W*ukecha Virgil .. E W Sherman. Lake Geneva Dell Field L H Boall, Antioch Q 0 Bas8ett..Quigley &',Orodan. Lake Geneva i.ady M ..F Dusenberry, Lib.rtyviile Crystal L TF Leonard Hurrah E T & C W Phillips, Dclavan 2:30 TEOT. Deck Wilkes F Dusenberry, Liberty ville Col Hutchinson S Langman, vVoodstock •Sylvia Doll G A Voltz Trevor Vlaggie E Parker Bros. Chicago "uiitheonian Wm McDonald, Nunda SATURDAY. JUNE 26, 1S97. 2:40 PACE. Matlie R ...A E Rich, Janesvilie Lucy Gordon H T White, Chicago Sanders U I? Throop, Nunda Coooanut ... Geo Cropper. Chicago Vie A H 3 Ames, Janeuville 2:45 TROT. Owen S H T White, Chicago Eddie Shay D T Shay, Chicago Lola B P Blair. Waukesha Valhalla. C W Hill, Woodstock Hurrah E F &C W Phillips, Delevan J C M J J M o r l e y , A n t i o c h Robin Wilkes F Dusenberry, Libtrtyville 2:20 PACE. Johnny B J J McOahe, Lake Gen»va Venus A H Muhlke, Deerfield Jakeo ..Robt Crichton, Dundee Elgin Girl Jas Schoonhoyer, Elgii Q BZ JosiahStevens, Elgin Good Running Raoe each day by Chicago horses. TANNERS ftUEEE ACTS The action of Governor Tanner in rela­ tion to several bills passed at the recent session of the legislature has evoked severe criticism upon the part of the press and citizens of Chicago, and set people outside in the state to wondering what influences could have been brought to bear on the official head of this great commonwealth to induce him to take such a course. The Yerkes-Humphrey street railway bill was defeated in the legislature only bv the most persistent effort of press and people, who expressed the almost universal sentiment prevail ing throughout the state in regard to the infamous measure; yet, with all this mass of testimony at hand, the Governor signs the Allen street railway bill, a measure of thff same stripe and charac­ ter, which totally disregards the right of municipalities to local self govern­ ment. On the other hand, Tanner vetoes the lake front improvement bill which was deemed of great value to the people of Chicago. In casting around no one seems competent to find a cause for such erratic conduct upon the part of the Governor.' His friends, if he has any be­ yond the pale of his office-holding hench­ men and the gang of Chicago "bosses" should have "his excellency" looked after to learn if he is not suffering from an attack of well-defined strabismue.- Whiteside Sentinel. Another car of the~Poiap~Star Fancv Flour just received at Simon Stoffel's Every sack warranted. * Excursion Tickets to Racine. Via the Northwestern line will be sold at reduced rates, June 30 to July 3, inclu sive, limited to July 5, on account of Wisconsin State Meet L. A. W. Apply to agents Chicago & Northwestert R'y. New line of men's black and brown Stiff and Fedorah Hats at Owen Chapell's. At astonishingly low prices. PAPER HANGING, HOUSE, SIGN and CARRIAGE PAINTING Done on short notice and satis­ faction guaranteed. E. B. PERKINS. McHenry, June 1G, 1897. fast no seams, Ladies' regular made black and tan hose, good quality. Ladies' Lisle Hose, fancy col­ ored, and drop stitch tops, Hcrmsdorf D, e, 17c Ladies' white linen Waist Fronts, always sold at 15c, for 8c Silk string Ties, in plaids and stripes, full length, 9c Sole Agency for the Celebrated) POLAR STAR Fancy Flour! Manufactured at New Prague, Minn., Fancy Goods. Combination Coin card case, metal clasp, all leather, Purse and corners and 19c Hand painted satin squares for cushion tops, Dresden and floral designs, colors light pink, blue, green and white, worth Drugs. Root Beer, makes 5 the great summer drink, gallons,^ 2 qt. L, for Fountain Syringe, worth 59c Japanese Pile Cure, $1 size 39c Seven Sutherland Sisters' Hair Grower, 50c size Stationery. 1 boxl| heavy satin finished writing paper, worth 30c, for 15c 100 white wove envelopes, such as others ask 15c for -7c Carter's black ink, bottle, 3c Paper novels, bookstores ask you 25c for, our price > 9c We are Sole Agents for this community for WASHBURN, CROSBY CO'S SUPERLATIVE GROCERIES, | Our Grocery Department is kept as neat as a pin and,.,always tilled full of only the best groceries that can bought, at prices to compare with cheap goods. * I Fresh Strawberries 1 very Day. $1,25, for Mills, are located :n the finest hard wheat country. Are supplied with most I modern machinery. The Fancy" is fully warranted and guaranteed The choicest in the marfret. Bought in % car lots only and sold on lowest pos­ sible terms by SIMON STOFFEL, WEST MeIIEN 11Y, ILL. Always in stock at Yolo, 111., by E. RICHARDSON, JOHN ROSING JOHN RICHARDSON, Hammocks. Our line of Hammocks is the most complete in the city, our leader for Monday is a close vvoven cotton, fancy colors, heavy metal ends, for 48c Besley's Sarsaparilla Compound. The ereat Blood purifier. Try a bottle. Q.TOHN ^ANSON'S STORE OFFERS SPECIAL BARGAINS In LAWNS. PERCALES, SHIRT WAISTS, BROWN HOSIERY, BROWN SHOES. LADIES' BELTS, ETC. Millinery. Pure white Bernino sailors, short back, the taking thing in the city. 69c Another sailor, having a large sale, is one with white'crown and colored rim. On Monday we put a lot on sale at 39c. Monday we will divide our large stock of Trimmed Hats ' into 4 lots at 49c, $1,49, $1,98, i;98, values from $1 to $5. Ready- fVfade Goods Department. Ladies' white duck suits, 79c Ladies' sweaters, for outing and tennis, and bicycle rid­ ing, beautiful colors & com­ binations, each $1,49 Infants' long and short cloaks, silk embroidered, fine qual­ ity, well lined, colors white and tan, 98c Ladies' black skirt, made of a novelty material, with gren­ adine effects, taffeta lined, full wic^th, $1,19 Hardware. Manilla rope for hay forks, Gc lb No. 1 harpoon hay fork. 69c No. 2 harpoon hay fork, 98c 3 tine hay fork, 20c Glidden 2 point barb wire, gal­ vanized, $1,86 por 100 lbs Wire nails, from 4's up, 2c lb Universal clothes wringer, $1,75 I love her just the same, Billy Daly's Girl, Let me kiss your tears away Roosters on parade, 40 and 50c for 15c. Shoes. Clearing Sale of Odds & Ends In all lines of Merchandise. Ladies' bicycle shoes, in bl'k and tan, all sizes, $1,69 Ladies' chocolate colored, latest coin toe, all sizes. Slioe stores ask you $2 for. same ar­ ticle. Monday $1,19 Ladies' bottle green shoes, the new ,1897 fad, front lace, coin toe, cloth top, pr. $1,39 Groceries. 1 pkg monarch mince meat, " none-such mince meat, " baking powder, 3 lb can clam chowder, 20 oz. box bluing, 1 quart jar apple butter, 1 quart jar jelly, 1 po^nd coffee, 1 pound tea, 7 c 7c 9c 9c ,5c 9c 9c 9c 10c Full line of Heinz's Sweet Pickles, Chilli Sauce, Apple Butter, Mustards, Baked Beans, Tomatos, Ketchup, Chow Oho'w, and all FANGY GROCERIES. :v ANSON & CO. riii:o, swan. McHenry, 1S97. OWEN & CHAPELL. jaSIMON STOFFEL WEST McHENRY, 11 I,. PREPARE TO CELEBRATE THE GLORIOUS 4th OF JULY, AT McHENRY. j ; And do not forget and call and inspect our large and well assorted stock of warm weather goods, such as Dimities, Organdies, Lawns, Challies, Jacquard Swiss, in all the newest shades and patterns. PARASOLS, UMBRELLAS, FANS, Tan Shoes and S<>PPers> Men's Fine Shirts, Collars and Cuffs, Neckties and Furnishing Goods. ^)is« Meads WEAR OUR If your head is out of ddte, the rest of your body is pretty^ure to follow. Our Hat men sre hat experts and know jusi whcC. block or curl or color become^ou. Our prices become your pur^e too. No antiquated heirlotjms here; no machine pressed goods, but all the latest nobby styles in headgear to go so well with a K. N. & F. Co. Suit or Overcoat. Look for this label on your cloth­ ing, it represents a guaranteed... I OHM GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE, ELGIN, II^I^ GROCERIES, in stock. " SXMQXT STOFFEL. West McHenry. III.. 1897.

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