Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jun 1897, p. 4

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HOJRkORS OF BOSS GOVEENMENT. In" the Poruin Jos. B. Bishop calls at­ tention to a form, of government that has developed in this republic. It is the rule of the political boss. By aid of a determined will and an unscrupulous conscience the boss crawls up crooked ways to the ugly eminence of owning his fellow citizens, soul and body.- He cracks his whip over them and they dare not disobey. He rules the ballots of coun­ ties, states and legislatures. No man can even be sent to the United States Senate except it be one of his tools. The African slave never occupied a position so dishonorable, so abject as that of the hundreds of thousands of free white American citizens who to-day wear the dug collar of the political boss. This form of government is increasing. It spreads its slimy trail over the politics of the country. It saps political honesty and manhood. Tryihg to fight it at the primaries does no good, sayr Mr. Bishop. That task was-given over long ago. Ouly one remedy is left for decent men-- that is the right, under the Australian ballot, law, to nominate candidates by petition. The primaries always follow the bosses' dictation. There, are, how­ ever--at least, it is to be hoped there are --in every election district a few good men who as yet have not given up to let this whole Union slip under the, rule of a despotism worse than that exercised b.v the Sultan of Turkey and a hundredfold meaner and lower down. 1! these will take the time and trouble to circulate petitions calling for the nomination of certain candidates agreed on, men whom no boss can buy or terrorize, they could manage without trouble to bring such candidates before the voters. A citizen*^ organization in every district would do the work; the secret Australian ballot would do the rest. Proceeding's of the Board| of Trustees COUNCIL. ROOM, June 21, 1897. Special meeting called by President Story. Present full board. President Story stated that the meet­ ing was called for the following purposes.^ To pass upon the question of water works. To decide what licenseshould b > charg­ ed a merry-go-round which is to be oper ated in this village. Trustee Miller moved that the liconee for the mefry-go-round bo fixed at one dollar per day. Motion seconded by Trustee Freund. Carried. * Motion by Trustee Baer. seconded by Trustee Granger, that the Board pro­ ceed to build waterworks in this village Carried by a unanimous vote. Trustee Wentworth moved that H. C Mead accompany Trustee Granger to Chicago for the purpose of ascertaining what Knight & Brown would charge for legal purposes pertaining to water woiks and that he be allowed actual expenses* for doing so. Seconded by Trustee Baer Carried. On motion .of Granger the board ad­ journed. .. " • • - • V V- JOHN I. STORY, President. A. O; Rurp, Clerk. Sole Agenoy for the Celebrated POLAR STAR Fancy Flour! WEDNM)AY. JITNIi REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION The Republican voters Of McHenry county are requested to send delegate* to the Republican County Convention to be held at the Court Mouse, in the city of Woodstock, Monday, July 19, 1897, at 2 o'clock i>. M .for the purpose of placing in nomination a candidate for County Judge of McHenry county, vice Judge Donnelly, resigned. The several to vn- ships of the county are entitled to the following representation, on the basis of one delegate to each twenty Republican voters or major fraction thereof: Riley 8 Marengo...... 27 Dunham 8 Chemung 33 Alden. 9 Hartlaud 4- Seneoa 11 Coral ...^....V ....H Grafton.... 10 Dorr.. 30 Hebron 16 Richmond ..T<rv Barton 3 McHenry 17 Nunda.... • 11 Barreville 6 Algonquin.......... 12 Crystal Lake ...... 7 Gary 8 Greenwood 8 It is recommended that the several townships hold their caucuses on Satur urdayj July l7, 1807. , -- \ L T. HOY. Chairman. H. C. MEAD, Secretary. ' (SUCCESSORS TO PEP.RY & OWEN.) Manufactured at Now Prague, Minn, The Latest field Fence. GUABANTEED AN IMPROVEMENT OVER ALL OTHERS. A hog and pig-tight fence within the reach of all. All large wires of Best Bess emer Steel. Absolutely satisfactory to everyone. The Strongest, Best and Cheapest Field Fence On the Market. Just the Fence wanted by the farmer. Simple in construction; strong and dur­ able; easily put up, and one that will last a life time. Mills, are located :n the finest hard wheat, country. Are supplied with mott modern machinery. The " Fancy" is fully warranted and guaranteed Twelve (loz. Shirt Waists, latest patterns, latest styles and latest colors, and must go within the next 30 days, if " up-to-date" waists and low" prices will move. them. Also an elegant line of shirt waist ties. The choicest in the market. Bought in car lots only and sold on .lowest pos­ sible terms by » ° SIMON STOFFEL, WEST MellENRY, ILL Always in Btock at Yolo, UK, by E. RICHARDSON, JOHN ROSINO JOHN RICHARDSON, . On the market less than a year--and sell- U ing at the rate of 10- Crlnrpnn«V Joint, QQQ ro (j0 da£,y; 10 new patterns. 25c up next viBiT. Thursday, July I 7, wooitBtocK DR. IF RUTH'S lion86 10 to 9 The Antiocti Races. The stake races to be trotted at Anti­ och during July and August promise considerable sport for the lovers of siicb events. The entries to date are as fol­ lows: .. No 1 Yearling Stake--$20 Added. George 01«r Frank Olar, Salem Oorris: W W Liohty, Spring Grovf Jennie B... .. W H Willrt, ATitioch, Garrum Gus Vrltz, Trevor Bob Fitz-aimmons OK. Kelly, Antioch Frosty Morning .. . H B Throop, Nunda No. 2 Two year-olds--$20 Added, *t«r Bir l ... Goo Vogle, £olon Hazel Boy.... H B Throop, Nunda Nina V P J Kinney, Richmond Dolly T.nck Gns Voltz, Trevor Wllil Eyes...: A P Anie9, Antioch Doc H Holmee Bros, Genoa Junction No. 3 Three-year-old8--$25 Added, Gennett IS Buchanan, Richmond Tony S ... .N J Schumacher, Trevor Gyiisey M J arliarry. Waukesha Viola Thorne G W Kldreilge, Richmond Mona's Isle ... .OK Kelly, Antioch No. 1. 2:45 Trottins-$25 Added. J O M J J M o r l e y , A n t i o c h Lizzie Borden G W KHlredge, Richmond Lola B P Blair, Waukesha Delfield H Herman. Antioch Nellie A. AP Ames, Antioch 16^Butter was in firm demand on the Elgin Board of Trade Monday, and many dealers sold without offering their goods on the call board. All- saJes-wer* made at 14% cents. On call but few loth were offered/ Floor, sales swelled the total to 639 tubs disposed of. I®" The following closing lines of Gen Alger's Memorial Day address at Cincin­ nati are clean-cut: "And now, comrades, good-night. May lingering rays of th< setting sun of life cast no shadows on your immortal past; and should ahigher power bid you from these scenes of by­ gone triumphs, may the anthems of a nation's triumph be a parting benedic­ tion to each noble soul as it takes tht pathlesB course unlit save by the star ol its unblemished honor. Good-night. Hay-In order to commemorate the con­ solidation of greater New York, an archi­ tect proposes to erect a tower that shall be 2.130 feet in height. The lowfst por­ tion is to be 300 feet in diameter, and will be flanked by four pavilion building giving the structure a base of 400 feet. The highest tower in the world is tl» Eiffel observatory--981 feet--and this- one to be built in New York would bt more than twice the height of the Parie structure. Electric cars will run spi­ rally to the 5th floor of {the building, making a two and one half mile ride. The tower is to be constructed of iron. Orsjartcftes, Dimities, lawns, Percales, PrintSt French and Scotch Cinghams, in en less variety. Call soon and get first choice. ^ Latest Novelties in Veiling. Table Linens, fine white, 45c to 85c f& fasr Consolidated Steel and " Wire Co , CMoago E. H. THOMPSON, Agent, WEST MCHENRY, III, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, Artists' Materials. ^"Down Pillows, extra fine, lGxlG, 40c; 18x18, 50c; 20x20, 60c, We have the finest assortment of Fancy Ribbons in all the latest shades and widths, at prices within the reach of all. Grand Celebration and Picnic ! At Columbia Club Park, near tin- bridge, Johnsburgh, 111, Sunday and Monday, July 4th and 5th. There wii will be a grand Fourth of July Celebra­ tion and Picnic as above, to commence Sunday afternoon, July 4, and continue Monday, July 5th, all day and evening. There will be Foot Races, Sack Races, Boat raceB and other sports during the day, and a grand display of Fireworks in the evening. The McHenry Military Band will be present and furnish music for the occassoa. The McHenry Orches­ tra will furnish music for Dancing on the large platform on the grounds. Re­ freshments of all kinds will be served Tickets for dancing 50cents. Everybody invited. GEO. NELL, Jos. MICHAELS, Proprietors. PAINTING, GRAINING, KALSOMINING SIGN WRITING, ETC. Done on short notice, and cheap a- or od work ran be done. Just in, u line stock of Parasols and Umbrellas, from 50c up to $2 WALL PAPER! At greatly Reduced Rates, to ecIose out Spring stock . E. B. PERKINS McHenry, June 30,1897. OWEN & CHAPELL McHenry, 1897 FOR Piles or Hemorrhoids. Fissures & Fistulas. Bums & Scalds. Wounds & Bruises. Cuts & Sores. Boils & Tumors. Eczema & Eruptions. Salt Rheum & Tetters. Chapped Hands. Fever Blisters. Sore Lips & Nostrils. Corns & Bunions. Stings & Bites of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and $1.00. Sold by druggists, or sent post-paid on receipt of price IllUl'HUEVS'HED.CO., Ill * 113 William St., New York. SUMMER STOVES I am prepared to deliver Ice to families for the season. I have them. You need one, I hereby agree to furnish you with ft Quick Meal Gasoline Stove, which is standaid, or a New Process Blue Flame Oil Stove, for less money than you can purchase inferior stcves. I will also agfroe to furnish you the best Gasoline on the market for 8c per gal. Eocene Oil for 9c par gal, Now if you don't practice economy this summer, you know who is to blame. You can also find a clean stock of Hardware, Tinware, SPORTING GOODS. BICYCLES. Paints, Oils, Brushes, etc. Which we are anxious to trade to you Respectfully, DELIVERY MADE Tuesdays & Satin days First delivery, Saturday, May 15th. You'are an fgjgja. economical housewife ? Then you are interested in "Sherer's Tea" in Pails. Just see what you get for 50 cents 1 FIRST--a pound of excellent Tea, new crop, rich flavor and strong. SECOND--a one quart covered tin pail containing the tea. THIRD--a genuine imported china TeaCup and Saucer, full size, gold band, decorated and very hand­ some. Large assortment. Our offer to furnish free this ex­ ceptionally fine cup and saucer can only be continued for a short time. If no dealer near you keeps it or will order it tend us 65 cents in stamps and we will send Pail, Tea, Cnp and .Saucer by express to your rail- Iroad station prepaid. Sherer Brothers, 24 Years at 37 River Street, Chicago* Your orders solicited. W A. CR3STY, WU6T ILL F, L. MCOMBER Are you going to take a trip! Do you suffer from Severe Head:iche«, IS'ervoiiMiieKw, 8eanlck- neww or Exhaustion? Why not prevent it all by li?!£g M KNTHOL I MI A J,- KII. Help that headache, cure that nervousness and seasickness bv the use of this Inhaler, the greatest stimulant and preventative known. Wonderful re- Y CUN1I- XU.A.3I » lMIALhli and you will always use it If you can't gel it nt Druffirlsth send for It. By ttnll, 50 centn. Send for Book on Menthol, free. CtSHStAN DRUG CO., YlNCfcKNKh, 1ND., II. 8. A* West S'de Hardware Store Ladies' Shirt Waists, in all the new colors and styles, at Owen & Chaoell's. Clover Blossoms Wanted! I want 75,000 POUNDS or CLOVER BLOSSOMS, for which I will pay $2.00 per hundred, at the McHenry Dryer. The above price will purchase as much as $3:00 would five years ago. Bring on your Clover BlossomB. We ehall com­ mence drying to-day, Wednesday.^ 8. S. SHEI'ARD & SON. THE CELEBRATION At Evanson's Store. SUMMLER. Horse Goods! GUS CARLSON, Illinois, DEALER IN MEDICINES, PAINS, GILS DRUGS, At his Harness Shop, near' the .Red Bridge, has just received a fine line of Summer Horse Goods, consisting of Fly Nets, Lap Robes,. Summer Blankets, &c Shirt Waists, Summer Underwear, Piles of Dimities, Lawns, Wool Challies, and Up-to-date Dress Goods are here. Flags to Children Free, Friday Afternoon. Our Annual Clearing Sale BEGINS MONDAY, JULY 5. Also, Bottled[Al© and Porter lor Medical Use, PW The best brands of Cigars and Smoking and Chewing To­ bacco always on hand. " . ' . : ^ ; - V : Physicians' Presoriptious Carefully compounded ^txtve me call. GEO, W. B West McHenry, J7n„ 1897,

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