Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jun 1897, p. 7

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<f • -;.i: i'v Ere thi Farewell l«\6j>okcn On tlje deck oi the steamerXos on board the traiu that is tV> bear you away from those dear to you, you will, if you are wise, have Safely stowed away In your luggage a suf­ ficient supply of that safeguard against Ill­ ness--Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. Commer­ cial travelers, tourists and pioneer emi­ grants roricur' in testifying to the fortifying jnd saving properties of the great tonic. Use Tor constipation, biliousness, malarial and Kidney complaints and nervousness. Never. Criiusonbeak---Speaking of George (Washington, the first President of these United States Yeast--Yes. <•' "There is one thing certain; if the policy adopted by him for truthfulness had been carried out we never would (have. a weather bureau."--Yonkers Statesman. Tea, Coffee and Nerves. Everybody in England drinks tea; morning, noon and night, and nervous diseases are consequently on the in' crease there. In this country we drink more coffee than the English do. with plenty of tea besides; and nervous dis­ eases are on the inei&ase here. too. Both these universal beverages are bad. They break down the health of habit­ uating people to the effects of the poi­ sonous principles they contain. The recent introduction of Grain-O. the new food-drink, designed to take the place of coffee (and why not test?) is the be­ ginning of a needed reform. Grain-O is made from pure grairffe, is harmless, nutritious, palatable, good for young and old, and one-fourth the cost of cof­ fee. Try it and you will drink no niore. coffee, and have better rest and sound­ er health as rewards. Packages 15c. and 25c. of any grocer. Direct Vote of the People. It is a singular and not generally known tact that no official of the United States is elected l>y the direct, vote of the people. The President and Vice President are not named in the ballots cast at a presidential election, but in their stead appear the names oL' a number of gentlemen, most of whom are unknown even by name, to the great mass.o"f voters. The members of . the President's Cabinet are selected by' himself and are confirmed; on his recommendation as his personal ad­ visers. Supreme justices, judges of the Circuit and District Courts are named by the President.- who. with his Cabinet, nominates, with a few trivial : exceptions, all other United 'States officials.1 Members of the " United States Senate are elected by the'State Legislatures. Representatives are voted for directly by the people^ but neither Senators nor Representatives are proj>er]y officials of the .United States. While the people of this coun­ try are the ruling power, the exercise of that ]K>wer, so far as the United States Government is concerned, is largely indirect. There la a Class of People Who are isjnred by the nse of coffee. cently there has been placed in all the gro» eery stores a new preparation called GKAIN-O, made of pure grains, that takes the place of coffee. The most deli­ cate stomach receives it without distress, and but few can tell it from coffee. It does not cost over one-fourth as much. Children may drink it* with, great benefit. 15c and 25c per package. 1 >-• When E^r. Chalmers wrote his Ietteri of proposal, he said to the lady, "Ij have}no anticipation of heaven upon! earth:" In spite of this lack the twain! were teoon after married. THEY USET) TO HOU> THEIR PIC­ NICS IN THE WINTER A HEALTHY WIFE Is a Husband's Inspiration. A sickly, half-dead-and-alive woman, especially when she is the mother of a family, is a damper to all joyousness feeling of suffocation and alarm, she must at once regain her strength. It matters not where she lives, she can write a letter. Mrs. Pinkham, of Lynn, Mass., will reply promptly and without charge. The following shows the power of Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound, accom­ panied with a letter of advice: 44 Dear Mrs. Pinkham:--I have suf­ fered for over two years with falling, enlargement and ulceration of the womb, and this spring, being in such a •weakened condition, caused me to flow for nearly six months. Some time ago, urged by friends, I wrote to you tor advice. After using the treatment which you ad- vised for a short now had for the Jpast ten years. I wish to say If to all distressed Buffering women, do not suffer longer, when there is one so kind and willing to aid you."--MRS. F. S. BENNETT, West phalia, Kans. Experience of a Batavia, III., Wom­ an and Her Daughter. BATAVIA, ILL.--"My little daughter had eczera a very badly and the medicine she took d; d not help her. Then we began grivin.u hei, Hood's Sarsaparilla and aha was soon cured. I have also taken this medicine- uyself and it has relieved me of rheumatism and stomach trouble. £ am thank fnl th^re is such a medicine tfa Hood's Sa. rVaparilla." MABV- )E. NJJTZEY. Hood'. > Pills only pills to take IO with TTnnH'c Sar-wmartlbL. THEIR WHEmKlS TOuRS Wf RE APT TO Be vexvsLow AFFAIRS. ,< Tit SAT3MA1I wvwirio tr,m me tfxttt e«t*Y Tint. . THE ROCKETS WTF.C SOMEWHAT .•! STAWINS but Tiicr WENT orr-.^i. RiGiT V IN R*R r«T>. g' \ THINK C* IT« A Cl.RCUS WITHOUT Ifcp LEMON­ ADE OR PEANUTS! Bownpcs we««* BECAME uwhtRSAtj CY FT)PL»LAR 4* The Seven Churches in Asia. Whether the famous seven churches established at Ephesus. Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira. Sard us, Phila­ delphia and Laodicea were all founded by the Apostle John is a . matter cou- eerning which the commentators are not agreed, many taking the ground that some, at least, were established by others of the Apostles. The question is one of those historic problems which will never be settled, because the in­ formation is lacking. It is certain that from the allusions made by John in the Book of Revelation to these churches that he was ou most intimate terms with them, and that he felt a lively cenceru for their welfare. It is possible that each may have been at one time or another the recipient of his personal attention, but this is uncer- tain. x BOAT RA«9 WTCT ConducTED W.Thout PtOwiNG T.N HOffWf *--Chicago Inter Ocean. WHEN UNCLE SAM WAS YOUNG Jethro, proudly, the tire of manhood in his eyes. The words acted like a trumpet call. Each young soldier buckled on has pistol, seized his rifle and sprung to his horse, shouting: "Marion's men! We are,Ma­ rion's men!" It was agreed that they were to divide tliemsel^s into two squads. One squad was to take up its position in a small thicket of pines, about an eighth of a mile from tihe scene of execution. The other squad was to be concealed in a sim­ ilar thicket of scrs'b oak and myrtle, with­ in 200 or 300 yards of the first. When the soldiers from the fort, carrying the old colonel to execution, were midway be­ tween the two squads the attack WAS to be made. They had not more than taken their places when the procession from the fort was seen approaching. There were twenty soldiers. Eight were walking, four abreast, in front, the same number behind, while in the center was the colonel with two soldiers on either side of him. These five were on horse­ back. The old man's hat was off. It had fallen, and the solvere would not stop to pick it up. He rode with head erect, the sunlight gleaming down upon his sil­ vered locks. His hands were tied behind his back, but he held himself proudly up. He looked what he was, every inch a courtly gentleman. Suddenly the hoot of an owl rang out. It was answered by another. The second had barely died away when there was a quick report of firearms, then the clang of sabers, while later above the din came the cry of "Marion! Marion! Marion!" The soldiers were at once thrown into confusion. It seemed to them that they were being closed in by the enemy, and beyond a doubt by Marion's whole army, for were not those cries of "Marion! Ma- FIREWORKS FOR THE FOURTK, f H E N Liberty first spread her wlugs, and Freedom found her \V lien Independence Day was new, and Uncle Sam was When "came the jolly Fourth around -- the first grand celebra- With fun and noise for I all the boys, with joy and exultation. • Do you suppose those old-time lads, so many years ago. Knew half the joys the merry boys of recent decades know? Did Andrew Jackson fireworks have? If so, do you suppose He got excited, burned his hands and set on fire Ills clothes? And did the youthful .Tames Monroe, when shooting off a rocket. Forget and drop his lighted punk with crack­ ers In his pocket? Did Madison and Jefferson and Burr upon that' day At early dawn shoot cannons off, and scare the infant Clay? I wonder if Ben Franklin, with approving smile stood by And watched the Roman candles as they sailed across the sky. And Hancock, he whose heavy hand signed Freedom's proclamation. Do you suppose his bosom swelled with rap­ ture and elation? And from a flag-enveloped stand did Wash­ ington proclaim And call in bursts of eloquence on Free­ dom's sacred name? Do you suppose a grand parade passed by the speaker's stand, , The columns moving gayly to the music of the band? And did they have' fantastics and all kinds of games and races. And a thousand glad surprises at all sorts of times and places? What all was done upon that day--I'd really like to know Just how they spent that old-time Fourth so many years ago. --Chicago Record. Insist on Having Kind That -Never Failed You, T H E C E N T A U R C O M P A N Y . Elevators. The following mention of oue of the earliest elevators is taken from the "Greville Memoirs:" "Genoa, March 18, 1830.--Went to the Iviug's palace. The King and Queen sleep together, and on each side of the royal bed there is an assortment of ivory palms, cruci­ fixes, boxes for holy water, and other spiritual* suaivl« for their souls. For the comfort of their bodies he lias had a machine made like a car, which is drawn up by a chain from the bottom to the top of the house; it holds about six people, who can be at pleasure ele­ vated to any story and at each land­ ing-place there is a contrivance to let them in and out." The Finest Parlor Organs at Almost a Nominal Price. On another page will be found a dis­ play advertisement offering the famous parlor organs of Lyon & Healy, Chi­ cago, for $47.50. These are very fine instruments iu every respect. Not long ago such a price would have been con- . sidered Impossible, and to-day it is a good $20 less than the real value of the organs--but Lyon & Healy have un­ equalled opportunities for marketing th(«r productions. Lyon & Healy in­ struments are known the world over and It is Lyon & Healy's policy to give their customers the benefits of their enormous facilities. Write to them to­ day if you are at all interested iu an organ--you will never regret the pur­ chase. They also sell other styles of orgaus--from the cheapest to the finest pipe organs. Sarcastic. "Oh, Mr. Smyth, your newspaper jokes are so funny I always read them twice." And after Smyth had departed, with his hump of self-esteem considerably extended, she told the other girls that sh^ had to do so in order to see the point.--Texas Siftings. Shake Into Your Shoes , Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It cures painful, swollen, smart­ ing feet, and instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight-fitting or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Try it to-day. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. By mail for 25 cents, in stamps. Trial package FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy. N. Y. A St. Bernard was sold for $2,:'.o0 at the Birmingham, England, dog show. This is said to be the highest price ever paid for a St. Bernard at auction. A GUARANTEE THAT'S GOOD! W e have thousands of testimonials, and are proud of the stories they tell of relief from many forms of misery. But the experience of another person may not be yours with the same preparation. CURE CONSTIPATION opened thai ' bottle o f Rootbeer? The popping of a / cork from a bottle of \ Hires is a signal of \ good health and plea­ sure. A sound the old folks like to hear --the children can't resist it. ... Are you sure ' j---Tt y that you're using the right thing' for washing? If the work is slow and hard, and you have to depend upon | \ rubbing, then you ought to get some- ' e^se- And even if you have some- . Mirr \\ thing that saves work, it may be bad ( I I j|^ for the clothes. You may be ruining { Wjl fl " 1| Pearline gives the easiest, quickest, most economical washing, of anything that's safe to use. The more you investigate, and inquire and compare, the surer you'll be that Pearline is the only right thing to wash with. 540 j Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers will tell you " this is as good as" OC11U or "the same as Pearline." IT'S FALSE--Pearline is never peddled, it- T5 1 an(i if your grocer sends you something in place of Pearline. be r5a.CK honest--send it back. JAMES PYLE, New Yorfc. DEED OFMARION'S MEN Rootbeer Is composed of tho very Ingredients the system requires. Aiding the digestion, soothing the nerves, purifying the blood. A temper­ ance drink for temper­ ance people. Made onlv bv The CVi&rles E. Hires Co., PhQt. A package makes 6 g&llons. Sold everywhere. . l» /v®. r | 1 HE sound of horses' \ I hoofs was heard fib -A- coming down the ljr 'ong avpTlue of live \oaks- T'rom the ap- Pt*arall<-'e °f the rider V ^it was evident that S something- very ex- ' )>w/\ citing had happened. xvas a mere C 5sC youth, not more than r 10 or 17 years of age, tf 1 but he was as tali, strong of limb and supple as a young ash. His body was bent slightly forward in the eagerness to urge his horse to renewed speed, but his head was well up and his eyes keenly on the watch. He was both in haste and on the watch. He turned suddenly from the avenue and struck off toward a dense portion of the woods. He had gone a half mile or so when, all of a sudden, he stopped, threw back his head and gave the hoot of an owl. It was answered. Without fur­ ther hesitation he plunged on until he came upon what seemed to be a camp of soldiers, or . rather, what had been, for the soldiers themselves had disappeared, leaving five or six youths, the most of •them no older than the rider. Like him, they were dressed in the uniform of the continental army, but so dilapidated it could barely be recognized. "Boys," cried Jethro Pinkney, as he dashed into their midst, "where is Col. Anltrey and the rest of the men?" "Gone for a brush with the Britishers!" was the quick reply. "They were sent for by Marion. He is in a tight place and wants'them to help him out of it. They just left us to care for the camp and the things they couldn't carry." " "Well, this is a go! I mean." he added quickly, "because the men are not here. Boys," he continued, excitedly, "don't stop to eat". Get your horses at once and your guns, and come witn me, for if we don't act. there's no one else. That wretch, Balfour, down yonder in Charleston, has ordered the execution of old Col. Ratledge. The British claim that he has not only been contributing to the needs of our par­ tisan soldiery, but that he has actually joined Marian's staff, and when he was captured had on the uniform. They . are going to hang him for his disloyalty, so they say. But there are many who know- it is because the colonel won't tell where the family plate and other treasures are hidden. Boy's, -mount quickly. We will station ourselves along the road, and we must rescue, the colonel. There is no one else, and he will be murdered if we don't get him." ° "But, Jeth, what can a handful of boys like us do?" asked Arthur Wallace, doubt­ fully. "W e have one to three," declared Jethro boldly. "Didn't Marion -whip out that squad of Britishers up on the Santee last week when he hadn't even one to ten?" "Yes, but we are not Marion." "But we are Marion's men!" declared Forbid a Fool a Thing and That He Will Do." Don't Use Special 'HE CAUGHT THE HORSE BY THE BRIDLE, rion! Marion!" resounding on all sides? The tight men in_£hg rear were the first to break ranks and flee. By making a hasty detour of the woods to the right of them they might yet reach the fort in safetyT The eight in front, seeing their ranks thus weakened and hearing the noises of the combined attacks increasing moment by moment, also lost heart as well as courage and turned in pursnit of their companions. Only the four about Col. Rutledge seem­ ed determined to remain. They now clos­ ed around their prisoner and for a mo­ ment or so showed stubborn fight. But the next moment, there being a rush on horseback from the woods iu two direc­ tions. It was more than even their nerve could stand. Wheeling their horses, they, too, joined in the flight. Jethro was the first to reach Col. Rutledge. "Why, boys," he said, "I was like the Britishers--I thought it was Marion." "But we are Marion's men, colonel," said Jethro. proudly. "I'm glad you think we have done credit to our commander." "That you have, boys; bless you. And," he added, softly, "I feel sure now that this old country of ours is going to be saved, when even the boys show such spirit." The colonel didn't have to live long to find the fulfillment of his prophecy, nor was that the first or the last deed of cour­ age performed by these brave boy sol­ diers of South Carolina during the stormy days of 17S0. skyrockets, 2 parachute skyrockets. 1 ? cascade skyrocket, 2 bags red fire, 1 bag green fire, 1 dragon's nest, 1 wizard can- dile. 1 floral fountain, // ~7Jl aerolite, 1 battery /Jiyoi colored stars, 1 /j' Uiine of serpents, 1 ii? .fes miue of colored' TIIE FERRIS WHEEL.®tars,' geysers, 2 floral bombshells. The dangerous blank cortridge pistol has almost entirely disappeared. So many serious accidents resulted from its use in former years that many firms in the busi­ ness do not sell them. Tire boys will still have their pistols, though. They are first- noveltiea for the ehil- dren is the Ferris MAGIC FOUNTAIN. wheel. It owt» its name to the fact that it is the largest fireworks wheel sold for five cents. It lias a lively action. A cen­ ter wheel revolves with great force and, with two smaller wheels in the inner cir­ cle, l'orms fantastic figures. Magic foun­ tains are another novelty for a nickel. And in the one-cent novelties the only new things {ire silver geysers, electric lights and trolley wheels. In the West Indian islands, Nubia andjfbe Soudan, is found the whistling tree."* It has a_ peculiar shaped leaf and pods with a split or open edge. The. wind passing through these makes the odd sound that gives th» tree its name. In the Barbadoes there is an island fill­ ed Iwith these trees, and the wind pass­ ing through gives rise to a constant moaning sound, very unpleasant and nerve trying. Offerl Tills organ has 5 octaves, 2 full reg­ isters, 122 reeds, 11 stops, 2 couplers. 2 knees wells; handsome oak or wal­ nut case. This special price can only be appreciated when you re­ member it is a high grade organ, and fully guaranteed by us. It excels manyS65 organs in every respect. Easy payments if desired. If your dealer can't supply you, address Dept. 77 LYON & IIE.ILY, Chicago. Compile catalogue of Parlor and Church organs sent free on request. •D IN THE MOST COMFORTABLE MANNER VIA C.K.WtLBS*. Am*t Gmt A.J. SMITH. ' G'en'l l\u$. mnd Tkt. Agent y Hall's Catarrh Cure. Is a constitutional cure. Price 75 cents. SEND for HANDSOMELY ILLUSTRATED TOURIST BOOK. The hydra fusca, a sort of polypus, may be turned inside out like a glove, and will continue to live and eat as heartily as ever. A stimulant is often needed to nourish and strengthen the roots and to keep the hair a natural color. Hall's Ilair lienew- er is the best tonic for the hair. Caesar did not say "Et to, Brute!" Eye witnesses of the assassination de­ posed that he died lighting but silent, like a wolf. Women admiration win who use Glenn's Sulphur Soap to Improve Iho skin. Hill's Hair and Whisker Dye, black or brown, 50c. There is more snuff used in Boston tlian in any other city in the United States. . • - ; : Piso's Cure for Consumption is the only cough medicine used in my house.--D. C. Albright, Milflinburg, Pa., Dec. 11. '95. Deserve your wife's respect and you need not fear the world's opinion. FITS Permanently Cured. No fits or nervousness after first day's use •of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Re- siorer. Send for FKKE 83.00.trial bottle airl treatise. DR. R. H. RliSe, Ltd., 931 Arch St.. Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. Wlnslow'S SOOTHING SYHOT lor Children teething; sottens the gums, reduces lnflammatUn, allays pain, cures wind colic. 23 cents a bottle. NFRRASKA II l»U IIHBU alal miliaria,an abun- p n n n a dance of pure water, a soil I* U K M which is unsurpassed foe f rllllVI richness, and is easily culti- • gunA vated, yielding all va- 8 A ni 11 V rieties of crops. That is LH SI U C§ • what Nebraska offers to the home seeker. Lands are cheap now. Send for a pamphlet describing Nebraska, mailed.- free on ap­ plication to P. S. EUSTIS, General Pas* setiger Agent-, C. B. & Q. R. R.< Chicajjd / WM*; B/CYCLE ̂ "Wfestern "Wheel "Works MAKE'S . C/-//CAGO /ll/A/O/S CATAL9GVE FREE AKDS can be saved without their knowledge by ANTI- JAG, the marvelous cure for IH© drink habit. Write HE- NOVA CHEMICAL COMPANY, •k> Broadway. New York. iu wrapper) mailed free. Talking Too Lionel. Bingo--Bobbie, there's mischief in your eye. What piece of cruelty have you de­ vised for this evening? Bobbie--I don't want to tell. Bingo (firmly)--Out with it or I'll wal­ lop you. Bobbie--We've got two cats out in the barn, and we're going to tie rockets to their tails. Bingo--Keep still or your mother may hear you. The silver quarter was authorized by act of Congress In 1792, April 2, and colc^e was begun in 1^0. formation (in ltcoer Disappoints,, thoroughly up-to-date and guaranteed by manufacturers of un­ questioned financial responsibility. If not to be obtained of your dealer, we c&n teU yon -where to get supplied. Write us. Send for "FROM FOLD TO SALONS," our handsome gift U readers of this paper--maileu fret. KOHN BROTHERS, ^^Chicaffo. n A H. B. WILLS ON a co„ Wo£h r E& I r n I jfeington. D.C. No charge tat patent K W B nil u Wobtained, GU-page book free. W A NTEI)--Sales Aeent. Write BARB BROS.. Mfrs., Salem, Oregon, for full particulars. $5.00 profit on every $10.00 sale. References given and required. CORE YOURSELF! i'l"KKS\ j IV Big © for uns466tt*&1 /ijiui i f 4i*ch»rse«, iulluumtfoc'* / UcartBiMd \J irritation* or alterations I »t U iificun. OF IUUCOOI MEMBRAUEI » [Prevent* coautfen. l'aiuUsa, and not Mtrin. ITHEEVANS CHEMICAL CO. geu T or poioocou*. YCiNCimn.o.l J SaMkjrOrattbti, V C-S-A- X For seat in plain wrapper V I by express, prepaid, tor 3 bottle*. •V • Circular ae&t «s H CURES WHERb ALL ELSE FAILS. I |£| Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use I fpi in time. Sold by druggists. ft IN writing: to Advertisers, please do not fall to mention this paper. Advertisers lite to know what uoetiiiuu* tbom b«U cured free. Address BocheUe Sanatori­ um, 20(3 West 133d Street. New Yorfc' GOITRE

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