Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Jul 1897, p. 5

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• ' : - ' - V . / gprap? gflp , ' | OHM WEDNESDAY, JULY 21. 1897. §f$ ' Railway Time Ta&le. Taking effect Snnilay, Mav 39, 189B. at six a'clook A. M. Trains will "pass iicHenry station aB follows: GOING BOUTn. D Lake Geneva Pasconger... E Williams Bay Express -- K Williams Bay Passenger,. K Lake Genev'a Freight*% K Witiiams Ray Passenger. S Williams B<»y I'assengor.. S Williams Bay Express .... GOING NORTH. K Williams Bay Passenger ii:47 \ M E Lake Geneva Freight " " - Williams Bay P«sseuger E Williams Bay Passenger E Williams Bay Express.... 9 Lake Geneva Passenger .. E Williams Bay Passenger HXPLANATIOr. D--Daily.* E--Daily except Sunday. S Sundays only. B. BU8S, Agent,"McHenry, 111. 7:34 AM ....... 8:33 •« 3.27 PM 3:87 « 6:17 •• 7:24 •• 7:(J8 " ll:()5 10:51 '• 2 .50 P M 4:45 " 4 ;55 " 6:56 •• MASON 10. MCUENRY LODGK, NQ. 158 A. F. and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each mobth. W, A. ORISTY. W. M. :K. O. X. M MCHKNRV LODGB NO. 77, K. O. T. M.--Reg- alar meeting* second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month, at 1C. O T, M. Hall. GKO. HANLEV. Com, J. j. BISHOP, R. K. New Advertisements This Week, John Evanson & Co.. West McHenry. Theo. P. Swan, Elgin. Owen & Chapell. McHenry. G. F. BOLEY received a car of malt one day last week. THE PLAINDEALER and the Weekly Inter-Ocean one year.for $2. ICE CREAM FESTIVAL, in the Park, on Wednesday evening next. Let all attend. ONE dozen pictures given free to the mother o! the baby that can move quick­ er than Bennett's Flash Light. JOHN HEIMER has purchased a new pacing mare. She is four years old and bias fair to be a hummer. THREE shares, of $50 each, of the McHenry Creamery Company stock for sale. Inquire of Stimon Stoffel.r LOST.--A small Fox Terrier Dog, white, with short tail. A liberal reward will be paid for his return to E. J. Hanly'e Livery Barn, West McHenry. CAPT. J. R. WHITTLETON, of Harvard, has been given his old place as pur­ chasing agent for the Department of Agriculture. THE infant.child of Stephen R. Smith was buried on Tuesday. .The funeral was held from St. Mary's church, Rev. Father Kirsch officiating. THE amphitheatre and part of the stalls at Gage's Driving Park, in this vil­ lage, have been torn down and the lum­ ber used for other purposes. BENNETT is making better pictures than ever before, at his gallery in the Colby Block. He will take your picture in your own rooms if you desire it. DON'T fail to attend the Ice Cream Fes­ tival, |in the Park, on Wednesday even­ ing next, July 28th. A fine social time may be expected. THE steam merry-go-round, which has been here since the Fourth, departed on Tuesday for Antioch. They reaped a rich harvest white here. THE Woodstock Telephone has been changed from Owen & Chapell's store to the Jewelry store of Heaman & Schneid­ er, three doors south of the Post Office. WE understand that Jos. Deitrich will soon commence the erection of anew house'on his lot just north of the house now occupied by A. C.- Friedley, on Park Avenue. THE Chicago Telephone Company have put in the poles between McHenry and "West McHenry, and they now have the Toll Station in the store of Simon Stoffel, on that side of town. A. G. STEVENS will immediately com- mense the erection of a new barn, 28x36, On the east side of the street leading to the Driving Park, and one block south of J ohn street. THE McHenry Military Band went to Johnsburgh on Thursday evening last, it being Rev. Father Mehring's birthday anniversary. Some fine music was rend­ ered and a good social evening passed. JOHN JOSTEN, who purchased the Gea. W, Owen"residence, in this village, we learn contemplates erecting another house on the lot east of the one purchas ed of Owen, now occupied by S. S. Chapell. DR. E. V. ANDERSON requests us to give notice that the new Pension Examining Board will meet at his office, in the city of Woodstock, on Wednesday of next week, July 28th. All interested should take due notice. A CHICAGO man was arrested for pass­ ing an aluminum beer check on a peddler for money. That's right. Any man who would give up a beer check in preference to money these dayB should be arrested. There's something wrong with him. TUB Rockford Monitor, a prohibition paper at Rockford is in the hands of the sheriff. Its liabilities are $20,000. The same company published The, Voice and The Lever, state and national organs of the Prohibitionists. THOSE who eat the least in hot weather and make fruits and light food their prin­ cipal nourishment are the most comfort­ able as well as the healthiest. It is the poor laborers who take few baths, who always wear^flannels, who stuff then- selves with meat, pie-and other horrors that are overtaken with sunstroke. SPECIAL --Richmond Driving Park, Saturday, July 24- Heat race, 2 in 3, between O. W. Stenstrum, a crack Chi­ cago bicyclist, and Gee Z. Dee, N. P. Manor's speedy pacer; record 2:23%; half in 1:07 Also on same day, 3:20 and 3-yr old trotting stakes, and 3 mile bioy cle race. PERSONAL. HARRY WIGHTMAN was a Wauconda visitor one day last week. - HARRY FULLER, of Wauconda, was on our streets on Thursday last. GEO. G. Smith and children, of Elgin, were calling on friends here Sunday. Jos. BARBIAN was calling on friends in Elgin on Sunday and Monday. EARL MEAD and wife, of Gray's Lake, were calling on friends here Sunday. MRS. A. P. BAERspent a few days at Fox Lake last week. PETER THELEN spent a few days with friends in Elgin the past week. F. A. HEBARD is reported quite sick, at his residence, in this village. REV. Jos. ROBDE, of Freemont, 111 was in town Monday. Miss JULIA A. STORY attended to busi­ ness in Chicago on Tuesday. THOS. BURKE and wife were Chicago visitors, to-day, Wednesday. MRS. C. A. HUTSON, of Moreland, is visiting among friends here this week. F. L. CARR, editor of the Wauconda Lender, was on our streets on Monday. W. SENG, of Chicago, was the guest of Barbian Bros, one day last week. Miss MUNN, of Elgin, was the truest 0F Miss Doherty, in this village, on Sunday. MRS. BEN LAURER and children are visiting at Wm. Huff's, at Richmond, this week. \ Miss EVA MILLER went to Kenosha on Tuesday morning, where she wilt visit with friends for a short time. E MRS. JAS. MCDONALD and daughter, of Greenwood, were McHenry visitors on Tuesday. OLIVER MOORE has secured a position with the Chicago Telephone Co. and went to Hebron with them on Monday. J. W. ACKER, of Wauconda, an old vet­ eran, was calling on Simon Stoffel on Tuesday. CITY ATTORNEY H. C. MEAD transacted legal business at the county seat on Tuesday. E. E. CROPLEY, the veteran horseman ot Richmond, transacted business on the West Side on Monday. J. J. BISHOP, Peter Rothermel and Jos. Bishop went to Woodstock on their wheels on Thursday. p R. H. OWEN and wife, of Chicago, are visiting friends here and at Woodstock this week. W. H. WIIITSON and wife, of Wood­ stock, passed through here on their way to Pistaqua Bay on Sunday. JOHN MCGEE and wife, of Woodstock, were the guests of Dr. C. H. Fegers and family on Sunday. BEN SHERMAN and wife, of Wauconda, were visiting friends in this village on Sunday last. EARL HARRISON and E. Johnson, of Wauconda, passed t hrough here on Sun­ day on their way to Lake Geneva. RAY JOHNSON and Ed. Pratt, of Wau­ conda, were on our Streets on Sunday last. MARK FOOTE, of Chicago, was shaking hands with old friends in this village on Sunday. CRIS. BKAMER and wife, of Chicago, were visiting friends in this village the first of the week. MRS. MARY KEARNS and son, Andrew, of Chicago, are spending a week or ten days with friends in this village. MISSES EDNA STORY andlva Mead were visiting with Earl Mead and wife, at Gray's Lake, on Tuesday. J. J. BISHOP and wife visited with the latter's parents, near Fox Lake, on Sun­ day and Monday. MRS. A. KILBURNE. of Richmond, was the guest of Thos. Kimball and wife, the first of the week. MRS. LOWE and daughter, of Chicago, are the guests of D. F. Hanly and wife, in this village, this week. MRS. JAMES GRAY, of Libertyville, vis­ ited with her sister, Mrs. D. Parker, in this village, on Thursday last. H. R. BALDWIN and wift, of ChicagOj were the gcests of W. A. Cristy 'and wife on Saturday. FRED MCOMBER, of Chicago, is spend­ ing his vacation with friends in this village. MRS. \IAR8H, of Elgin, was the guest of E. Hubbard and wile one day the past week. JAMES KIMBALL and wife, of Elgin, were the guests of Mrs, E, M. Owen on Wednesday last. TACK COLE, of Richmond, was visiting with his sister, Mrs. Thos. Kimball, in this village, on Tuesday. ICHABOD WELLS, of Minneapolis, has been calling on old friends here the past week. JOHN BROWN, of Hebron, was attend­ ing to busk-ess in this village, on Satur day last. R. W. OVERTON, of Richmond, made our sanctum a pleasa it call one day last week. MRS. R. ABT, of Chicago, is visiting with her son, Dr. J. L. Abt, in this village. ED. CARPENTER and sister, Miss Edith, of Elgin, were visiting friends in this village and vicinity the first of the week MISSES CORA AND ANNA TINKER, of Elgin, are the guests of W. A, Cristy and wife, thiB week. The ladies are cousins of Mrs. Cristyt JOHN BUHR and Jake Rothermel, of Chicago, came out on their wheels Tues­ day for a short visit with relatives and friends. > . . NEWELL COLBY, JR. and MIBS Myrtle Slim pin were among those from this vil­ lage who attended the party, at Barre ville, on Friday evening last. MRS. JOHN HERBES and Master John Stoffel, son of Nicholas Stoffel* started on Tuesday for the latter's home in Humphrey, Neb. Mrs, Herbes will attend the wedding of her son, Frank,, to Miss Warner, of that city. MRS. HENRY POILE, of Chicago, is visit­ ing with her parents, H. E. Wightman and wife, in this village. She will remain about two weeks. GEO. SLIMPIN, Newell Colby and Ed. French went to Wauconda and from there to Algonquin on their wheels on Monday, ALBERT REYNOLDS, who has been working at Harvard, in one of the bicy- clo factories there,' came home to Btay until tall. MR. AND MRS, W. F. GALLAHER have gone to St. Paul for a viBit with rela­ tives. The childrgn-wfl! stay at W. B. Nogle's until tfiey return. ATTORNEYf^tL P. Barnes, David T. Smiley and V. S. Lumley transacted legal business at West McHenry on Tuesday. MRS. GEO. YAGER and children, who have been visiting here Bince the Fourth, returned to their home in Evanston on Satirday. EUGENE ANDREWS, of Algonquin, ac­ companied by two friends, came up Sat­ urday and spent Sunday at McCollum's Lake, fishing. y A FINE nine pound boy arrived at the home of Jacob Justen on Monday morn­ ing. Mother and child are doing well and Jake is happy. MASTER NEWTON OWEN, son of Geo. W. Owen, of Chicago, is spending his vaca­ tion with relatives and friends in this village. GEO. W. BESLEY was in Waukegan on Friday last, that day being his father's 89th birthday. The old gentleman is still hale and hearty, and as full of fun as ever. MR. AND MRS. HEBARD entertained Mrs. Rodman, of Big Foote, Wis., and her sister, Mrs. Gardner, of Cedar Falls, Iowa, a part of last week. The ladies are stepdaughters of Mrs. Hebard. MRS. H. L. Rounds and children, of Belvidere, were visiting among friends here the latter part of last week. Mr. Rounds came up on Sunday morning and returned home with them in the evening. LIEUT. H. R. PERRY, 17th Regt., U. S. A., who, with his wife and daughter, has been spending his sixty days leave of ab­ sence with his parents, in this village, will leave on Saturday afternoon next for Columbus Barracks, Columbus, Ohio, where he will report for duty on Monday. REMEMBER the Ice Cream Festival by the Y. P. C. U., in the Park, on Wednes­ day evening of next week, July 28th, Should the weather be unfavorable it will be held in the City Hall. All are cordially invited. THERE will be no preaching at the M. E. Church on Sunday, July 25. The Pastor will bs at the, Des Plaines Camp Meeting. His address will be ^5 North Avenue, Des Plaines Camp Ground, Des Plaines, 111, THE sea serpent made its annual ap­ pearance at Lake Bluff, near Chicago, and properly frightened the bathers, during the recent heated term. It would seem that people ought to stick close to plain lemonade in Buch weather. THE Young People's Society, connect­ ed with the Oniversalist church, will hold an Ice Cream Festival, in the Park, on Wednesday evening, July 28. Ice Cream, Cake and Lemonade will be served, and a general good time may be expected. All are cordially invited. FISHIVG is good now along Fox river Get a pole and line with a hook attached and go forth early any morning and pull 'em out. The only trouble that you will find is in the baiting of your hook. The fish are so hungry just now that one has to walk back a dozen yards or more be­ fore he can safely pull out his worms or show his minnows, for the reason that if they were exposed near the water's edge the fish would jump out after them, and unless one is careful he is liable to have a fight on his hands. V. J. RUH, the hustling salesman of Arbuckle Bros., tea and coffee der lers, was calling on his trade here for the last time, on Monday last. Mr Ruh has sev ered his connections with Arbuckle Bros , and will start on Monday next for San Jose, Cal., where he expects to make bis future home. For a good many years Mr. Ruh has represented Arbuckle Bros in this section and has made a great many warm friends among the merchants here..who will miss his smiling face very much. We wish him success in his new venture west. ONE is reminded that life is but a fleet­ ing shadow and filled with lots of sham when he has got to admit the truth of the statement in the following item clip­ ped from an exchange: "The young man who lives within his means, dressing plainly, puts a polish on his brains whether his boots shine or not. and toils honestly for his daily bread is snub­ bed by what is called society, while the young man who beats the tailor out of q. cutaway suit of clothes, gets his old mother to polish his shoes, with a few cloves in his pocket and a cigarette in bis mouth is a bell sheep in society-in this blessed year of our Lord, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven. THE McHENKY GUN CLUB. The McHenry Gun Club went to Wood­ stock on Thursday afternoon last, to try conclusions with the club of that city, and came out victorious by a score of 140 to 110. The following is the score in full: ... McHenry. Woodstock. Owen 23 Barnes ...........10 Lodtz 12 Jackman ..10 KPBIPV 10 Lee 23 i 1 o a ui'd 21 Arnold 9 l'ilz»n Lr 24 Lumley......12 Miller •-- Gallaher..... Heimer ...20 Herman.... 13 Briuk... ......17 Eiklor.. 10 ....12 ....18 Total.. 140 Total 110 The next shoot between these two clubs will take place in this village on Thursday of next week, July 29th. New line of men's Stiff and Fedorah Chapell's. black and brown Hats at Owen REPUBLICAN CAUCtTS. •' Pursuant to notice, a Republican Caucus, for the purpose of choosing seventeen delegates to represent the town of McHenry in the County Conven­ tion, to beheld eft Woodstock on the 19th, was held at the City Hall, in - the village of McHenry, on Saturday last, JulylTth, The meeting was called to order by the chairman of the Town Com­ mittee, and W. A. Cristy was chosen Chairman and J. Van Slyke Secretary. J. W. Cristy then presented the follow-,, ing Resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved. That in justice to the'several candidates before the people of thiB county for the office of County J udge, and iu justice to the voters of this caucus a full aud. fair expression of their choice of said candidates is desired, and to secure this result we ask that each voter vote by ballot for the candidate of hie chpice, and the candidates receiving the greatest number of votes shall be the nominee of this caucus. And we hereby instruct the delegates to be -selected by this caucus-to represent McHenry in the County Convention, to vote for and use all honorable means to secure the nomi­ nation of such candidate in said con ven­ tion, until a nomination is made or the choice of this caucus ceases to be a candidate. " The motion being duly seconded the resolution was adopted by almost a unanimous vote. Y: V . - After the reading of the resolution Hon. F. K. Granger took thp floor and attempted to convince the people that it was for their interest to send an unih- structed delegation to^the County Con­ vention, but that he failed to convince them is the vote given be­ low. His arguments were clearly and pointedly answered by Hon. Geo. Gage and J. W, Cristy, after which a ballot was taken as to the choice of the Caucus for County Judge, which resulted as follows:, Whole number votes cast 121 (Jilmore received 104 Smiley " 15 Young " . 2 A committee of three, consisting of J. W. Cristy, Jas. B. Perry aud Isaac Wentworth was then appointed to select seventeen delegates to represent the town iu the County Convention, to be held Ju|y 19, 1897, and report for the consideration of the Caucus. They presented the following names as such delegates: J. W. Cristy, Chairman. J B. Perry, F. K. Granger, W. A. Cristy, J. Van Slyke, i). T. Eldredge, Isaac Harsh, B. Harrison, Robt. Sherburne, Albert Francisco, J. V. Buckland, Isaac Wentworth, E. T. Chase. H.C. Mead. Fred Sherburne, Ed. Thompson, John Huemann. On motion duly seconded, the report was accepted and adopted. On motion the delegates present at the County Convention were authorized to fill any vacancy that may occur or cast the entire vote ot the town. On motion adjourned. A BELVIDERE man advertises: "A herd of butter producing cows to be let out for 1, 2 or 3 years on favorable terras to one who will give them good care. No money rent required. Rent to be paid entirely by raising calves." C. B. CADWELL, who has been operat­ ing the Cold Blast Feather Renovator in this village ha* about finished his work here and will soon move his machine to another point. Those who have not already done so should lose no time in having their beds and pillows renovated. He will remain but a few days' longer and you may not get another chance for years. The work he has done here has given perfect satisfaction in every par­ ticular. WE learn that a party, representing himself as a brother-in-law of E. B. Perkins, called at the wholesale Paint House, in Chicago, where Mr. Perkins deals and attempted, on a plea of being broke, to get money enough to get home, tie was told to wait a few minutes and they would telephone to McHenry, but while they were doing this he shot out and forgot to return. We have heard that the names of several of our business men have been used in the same way, trying to procure money, and that the party is well known here. He should be caught and punished to th" full extent of the law. We have not learned whether or not he has succeeded in getting any money by this scheme. Hotel Arrivals THE following are the names registered at the Hotel Riverside from July 13 to July 19, inclusive: Tuesday, July 13 --L. J, Hills, Ma­ rengo; W. H. Wilcox, Aurora: J. O. Prichard and wife. L. M. Thorn, I). W. Cole, C. Zimmerman, H. Miller, E. P. Wise, Chicago. Wednesday, July 14.--M. D. Carrett, Aurora; A. B. Wager, M. L. Joslyn, Woodstock; J. C. James, E. P. Wise, J. H. Thompson, H. M. Tliorne, Cbicag" ; J E. Chappell, Oshkosh; E. W. Robbins, Greenwood. Thursday, July 15.--F. J. Kennedi, W. R. Mount, D. Ileinoid, F. J, Hose, E. H. Oxley, Chicago; O. H. Gilinorfe, Geo. Eckert, E. C. Jewett, Woodstock. Friday, July 16.--S. L. McClelland, S Shepard, C. A. Fisher, E, Grimes, B F. Pomeroy, W. Engstrom, A. L. Sailor, Mrs J. Ilanne, T. E. Eustice, Chicago. Saturday, July 17.--E. Orton, Jr., and wife, Columbus, O., E. E. Gorton, Nunda; C. B. Avers, Evanston; C. E. Carr, Lora Cnrr, Maplewood; H. E. Ball, J. E Orassie, J. T. Edwards, H.T. Rockwood, F T. Rockwood, W. H. Emery, Jr., Elm- hnrst; C. B. Gibson, S. B. Foote, Evan­ ston ; E. A. Woodard, H. R. Conklin, H. M. Rabel, R. C. Hitchcock, E. W. Hitch­ cock, Chicago. Sunday, July 18 --F. K. Root and son, E. Waller, G. D Chandler, Chas. L. Bliss, H. Peck, F. S. Holbrook, A. Pike, J. Goldwater and lamily, G. L. Schuber', P. V. Newbold, A. W. McOmber, Chicago; M. L Reser, Algonquin. Monday, July 19 A-P- Peck, Algon­ quin; V. J, Ruh, L. F. Smith, Ed. Smith, G P. arson, T. Hubbard, 0. H. Moore, C. D. Dreier, 'Chicago; F. T. Ilealey, Aurora, THAT insufferable old direction about always wearing flannel next the skin is an importation from England, which practically never knows any real sum­ mer. Wear the clothes in whiah you are most comfortable in America, and these will naturally be thelightest and thinnest you can find in summer. THE sale of Paris Green is much larger this year than it has been for any season during the paBt fifteen years; The amount of the bug poison sold is aston­ ishing. The fields of potatoes in this vicinity are not greater than usual but the bugs are more numerous than they have been for years. THE University of Illinois will open a law department in September. The school is to be as well equipped sis any in the country and graduates will be ad­ mitted to the Illinois bar without exami nation. A circular recently sent out fthows that mauy.prominent-men are to be connected with the department.; COMMISSIONER of Pensions Evans has appointed a new board of pension ex­ aminers in and for the county of McHenry. He has selected Dr.--J. W. GroeebecR, of Harvard, Dr. E. V. Ander­ son, of Woodstock, and Dr. C. C. Wateon, of Nunda. Two of the members, Drs. Groesback and Wateon, served on the board during the Harrison administra­ tion and proved their efficiency in various ways. : ; Mcf'LURE'S MAGAZINE for August will be a special Midsummer fiction,- number, with a complete novelette (a story of England and India) by Rudyard Kip­ ling, chapters of a novel by Robert Louis Stevenson, and short stories by A.Conan Doyle, Robert Barr, John Kendrick Bangs, and others. It will be richly illustrate:!, the frontispiece being from a drawing made expressly for the maga­ zine by Boutet de Monvel, the distin­ guished French illustrator. A Great Improvement. Fifty year.s ago it took from one to two hours to take a picture on the brightest day, but Bennett will take yours in the tenth part of a second on the darkest night. Rl DGEFIELD. Bessie Reed has a new wheel. J. Fisk spent Sunday in Elgin, D. Smith was in Woodstock Saturday. Esther Anners, of West McHenry, vis­ ited her grandparents here Monday. Fred Peeler, of Crystal Lake, called on friends here Saturday. Harry Compton, of Woodstock, called on friends here Sunday. Miss Mabell Lynch was at Nunda or business the last of the week. Jas. A. Westerman was in Chicago one day last week. Lewis Gibson WBB in Woodstock on Sunday last. A number from here attended a party at Crystal Lake Saturday evening. Ed. Kiltz, of Cary, was here one day laBt week. Prof. Thayer, wife and daughter, were at Woodstock last Wednesday. Miss Madeline Lynch has been quite sick the past few days. Miss Flora Harback, of Elgin, is spend­ ing a few days with her parenra here. Reno Bros.' circus will be in Ridgefield Thursday evening. A. Westerman, wife and daughter, May, visited in Woodstock Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron, of Nunda, vis­ ited friends here the first of the week. C. W. Jordy and wife left for Oneida, Iowa, Tuesday, wh<re they will make their future home. Mrs. Jenks and two children, of Elgin, are visiting at A. L. Wakefield's. One of the children i&quite sick. J. Dufield, wife and two children, of Woodstock, visited at Doc Dufield's on Sunday. E. Letsler and wife, and the latter's brother, spent Sunday between Frauk- liuville and Union. Mrs. T. Anner has been spending a few weeks with her sons, Will and Alfred, at WeBt McHenry. Amos Keeler, wife and baby, of Janes- ville, visited relatives here the first of the week. McHenry County Lodge, I. O. G. T., will meet at Crystal Lake the first Fri day in August. Arthur Skinner gave a birthday party to a number of his little friends Satur­ day afternoon. Miss Sadie Wood gave a party to a number of her friends in honor of Miss Dean, of Chicago, who has been visiting her the past week. Albert Jacobs, of Elgin, who had been visiting here, left for home Saturday but came back again Sunday and visited with his mother, Mrf. N. Jacobs. Our station agent took a trip to Ripon, Wis , where hs visited relatives and friends the la*t of the week, return­ ing to Ridgefield Moni»y afternoon. C. Keeler took the agent's place and Miss W. B. Lynch took the night operator's place. THERE will be three good races on the Antioch Driving Park,on Saturday, July 31. The events will be a yearling race, a two-year-old race and a 2:28 trot for a purse of $100. Entries in the yearling and two-year-old races have been made and entries in the 2:28 trot will close with the Secretary, H. Bock, Antioch, 111., on July 23. This race will be a good one and a large attendance is assured. RINGWOOD. Lee Car^r, of Fox Lake, was in town, Monday. Fred Coates, of Richmond, was calling oh relatives Monday. Edith Matthews visited relatives at McHenry last week. Mr. Waterman's people entertained relatives from McHenry last week. James McDonald and wife were Ringr wood visitors Sunday last. Mr. Conet, of Rockford, has been visit­ ing his aunt, Mrs Rich, for a few days. Master Claud Westerman, Of Elgin, ia spending the week at Mrs. Dwelly's. Many Rinwoodites attended the County Convention at Woodstock, Monday. Warren FOBS took a vacation last week. One day was spent at Lincoln Park. Mrs. M. A. Frisby and her sister, Miss Whitely, of Big Foot, passed through Ringwood enroute to McHenry. Editor Van Slyke of the Plaindealer, and Isaac Wentworth, were in our vil­ lage Friday evening. Mrs. E. F. Harrison has been ailing for a few days but is better at present writing. McDonald and Dassow, the veteran road builders, are at work west Of town putting up a three track grade. Miss Cora Martin of Ostend was adult­ er at N. D. Stevens' last week, MiBs Myrtle accompanying her home, remain­ ing till Saturday. Two calves came into the enclosure of G. A. tevena about ten days ago. Mr, Stevens wishes the owner to come, prove property and take them away. ' H. W. Allen's team took a turn around the hav field on their own account, Sat­ urday. A badly demolished hay rake was the result. The little folks gathered at the home of Lora Dodge on Wednesday last. Ice cream and cake were served and all re­ port a pleasant time. „ Tommy Carr, who has been in the em­ ploy of the Chicago Telephone Company tor the past season is visiting his sister, Mrs. F. E. Fay. Several from Solon attended the show here on Monday evening. Among the number we noticed Willis Monear, Ed­ ward and Walter Aylwood and George Sutton. Politicians were rather thick in our vil luge last week, and the political cannon seemed very unstable on the carriage, with every indication of an explosion before it could be sighted. It's all over now, Gillmore is the man. Reno has been here again. For a small show he has the best on the road. His tent was crowded Monday evening, and •ill speak in praise of the gentlemanly way in which his men conducted them­ selves. Closing Sale. Being desirous of closing out our en­ tire stock of Summer Millinery, we will, for the next two weeks, sell any and alt goods in our store AT COST AND LESS, for cash. Our stock comprises the latest styles in Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, Plumes, etc., to be found in the market. Now is the time to get Millinery Goods cheap. Call and inspect goods and learn prices MISSES FRISBY & POWERS. Schnorr Block, West McHenry. For 6ale> Fine large Family Horse, at Low Price Inquire at this office. For Sale at a Bargain. A good Becond-hand 12-horse Engine. All in good order and ready to go to work. Terms easy. Inquire of T. J Walsh. * " 2-4 w THE country is overrun with schemers, who publish pretended newspapers with alloged big circulations, based on free de­ liveries to the public generally. Adver­ tisers have been swindled by them so often in the large cities, that they refuse to go into them any more. A circulation that is based on being given away is almost worthless to any advertiser. People who get such a paper care but little for it, and its circulation soon as a gift is very doubtful. If a dozen iss'ies are missed who is to kick? Not the party supposed to receive the paper, for he iB not paying anything--and not the advertiser for he does not know it. The only valuable circulation to an adver tiser is one that the readers want and show what they want by paying for it -- Waukegan Gazette. MERIT recognized. The Peabody Bug­ gy Co., of Fostoria, Ohio, signally hon­ ored. It IB awarded the contract for building a beautiful carriuge for Grand mother McKinley. There May be Others Just as Good, but None Better. I have a brand new high grade Bicycle taken on a debt, abd as I have no use for Bame, will sell cheap for cash, or trade for stock or anything useful. What have you? W. BONSLETT. lml For Saie Cheap. One second-hand Hay Loader and one Hay Rake, nearly new. Inquire of 0. N. Owen, at Bank of McHenry. New line of men's, boys' and children's spring Hats and Caps at Owen & Chapell's. YI-KI cures corns and warts. 15 cents Washburn Crosby'B Superlative Flour at Owen & Chapell's. Besley's Sarsaparilla Compound. The great Blood purifier. Try a botde. Another car of the Polar Star Fancy Flour just received at Simon Stoffel's Every sack warranted. The celebrated Polar Star Fancy Flour, delivered to any part of the yillajge, at $1.10 per sack. It has no superior on the market. SIMON STOFFEL. Spring Tooth Cultivator attachments do the work. Try them. For sale by T. J. Walsh. Eocene Oil, the very best on the mark­ et, only 9 cents per gallon, at SIMON STOFFEL'S. You may hunt the world over and you will not find another medicine equal to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar­ rhoea Remedy for bowel complaints. It is pleasant, safe and reliable. For sale by J. A. Story, Druggist, McHenry. All desiring Jardineers Vases, and all varieties of Flower Pots, call and see the large assortment at Julia A. Story's. I have made a specialty of the prose­ cution of all kinds of damage cases against RAILROADS. other Corporations, and Estates, for fifteen years and make no charge unless ucceBsful. Call or write me. . . , „ C. P. BARNES, ATTORNEY, Woodstock 111. Awarded Highest Honors--World's Fair, DKl Why Pay Bent? . Better own a farm! Start now! Send to W. B. Kniskern, 22 Fifth avenue, Chi­ cago, for a tree copy of the Northwesteia Home-Seeker, which gives practical infor­ mation to those interested in the pur suits of agriculture, dairying and cattle raising. Correspondence solicited from intending settlers. ' 48eow-5w imMis Business .Locals. Besley's Fig Syrup' Nothing/better in the market. ' Insure your property with S. Stoffel and be insured. Try the Red Dragon tea, in half and pound packages, never in bulk. 50c per lb. At Owen & Chapell's. Bargains in every department at the Farmers Store, A. P. Baer, proprietor. A fine line of Summer Dress Goods, at bottom prices, at Owen & Chapell's. _______ Have youi1 clothes cleaned and dyed. Must come Saturday or Monday. E.LAWLUS. Opposite Riverside House. lotl The finest line of Neckties ever shown at Owen & Chapell's. •i j, , •• Call at Owen & Chapeirs and see the new line of Black, Tan and Ox Blood, for ladies and misses'. New line Suspended, Neckties and Summer Shirts at Owen & Chapell's. . -> v; iBBi Have you seen the pew stock of Fedora and Straw Hats at Simon Stoffel's ? Ladies'" Shirt Waists, the finest assort­ ment in town at A. P. Baer's. Peabody Buggies are sold .by T. J. Walsh. • Call at Owen & Chapell's and see the new line of Oxfords. 11 • T , i^iSl town at Owen & Chapell's. See the new line of Shirtwaists from 60 cents to $1 at Owen & Chapell's. Prices get customers, but it's quality that keeps them. Simon Stoffel says they never lose a customer who once wears the Iv. N. & F. Co. Clothing. Another car of the celebrated Sleepy Eye Flour expected this week. Beats anything on the market. Try a sack. At A. P. Baer's. Ipil . M} For oaie* Choicest building lots in McHenry. Also lotB and acres to rent for garden purposes. Inquire of O. N. Owen, at Bank of McHenry. DR. HUMPHREY SAYS! Dr. Humphrey says, as -77" iB to Grip, so is No. 10 to Dyspepsia. The first dose relieves--its persistent use cures--25c at all druggists. PIGS FUR SA1.E. Twenty-five or Thirty tine Pigs for , sale. Just ready to wean. Call ac this office and learn whereabouts. 49w4 FOlt s>ALE. A Sow and nine Pigs for sale cheap. Call at Mrs, Aylward's, one-half mile southeast of Iron Bridge, on the river road. » Ladies' Wrappers, all sizes and styles, troui the best to the cheapest, at the Farmers Store, s. A, P. BAER. Another large invoice of the celebrated W. L. Douglas Shoes just received at Simon Stoffel's. 8se» mm - , Torturing, itching, scaly skin erup­ tions, burns and scalds are soothed at once and promptly healed by De Witt's W itch Hazel Salve, the best known cure for piles. J.A.Story. "Style, Service, Satisfaction," are the che three triumphs of the K. N. & F. Co. Spring and Summer Clothing now ready at Simon Stoffel's. CREAM BAKING POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. ' , . * ! Ready-made Dress skirts, The finest line of these goods to be found in McHenry county. Call and see them at the Farmers Store. A.^P. BAER. A WORD IJN *OUR EAR. The secret of good health is found in the periect action of the stomach and di- gesrive organs. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin prouuees a perfect condition and good health results. Try it. Sold in 10c (10 doses 10c) 50c and f 1 sizes. Of J. A. Story. ' * ' "7" HONESTY, Inside as well as outside, is what has given the K. N. & F. Co. clothing such a proud prestige among the best dressers in every state in the land. Simon Stoffel control their sale in West McHenry. "Last summer one of our grand­ children was sick with a severe bowel trouble," saj s Mrs. E. Gregory, of Fred- erickHtown, Mo. "Our doctor's remedies had failed, then we tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which gave very speedy relief." For sale by Julia A. Story, Druggist, McHenry. FEMALE LOVELINESS May be obtained by intelligent women A well regulated system must of necessity show iis iruit iu the faee. To regulate the system and keep it in perfect con­ dition there is nothing so good as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup pepsin--Constipation aud indigestion absolutely cured. 10 doses 10c. Large size 50c and $1, at J. A. Story's. AGENTS.--$25 to $50 per week easy. You work right around home. A brand new thing. Write to us quick. You will be surprised at how easy it can be done. Send us your address any way. It will be to your interest to" investigate. Write to-day. Address, ^ PEOPLES, 3941 Market St., Philadelphia* .It's Free I Do not fail to send for a free sampe copy of the Weekly Globe, box 540, Den­ ver, Colorado, an illustrated home and family paper, devoted to temperance, pure western stories, mining news, ete. Fifty cents per year. Send to-day. Seasons Why Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy la the Beat, 1. Because it affords almost instant relief in case of pain in the stomach, colic and cholera morbus. 2. Because it is the only remedy that never fails in the most severe cases of dysentery and diarrhoea. ' *3. Because it is the only remedy that will cure chronic diarrhoea. 4. Because it is the only remedy that will prevent bilious colic. 5. Because it is the only remedy that wilfeure epidemical dysentery. 6. Because it is the only remedy that can always be depended upon in cases of cholera infantum. 7. Because it is the most prompt and most reliable medicine in use for bowel complaints. 8. Because it produces no bad results. 9. Because it is pleasant and safe to take. 10. Because it has saved the lives of more people than any other medicine in the world. The 25c and 50c sizes for sale by Julia A. Story, Druggist, McHenry, ill. ^ v'y •' SH 'm%i • • , "• S i w B m & vf . , • • ' > 7 4 . '• 'lis • teiSa

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