Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Aug 1897, p. 4

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€gppj WEDNESDAY, AUG. 11, 1897. fi VAN 8LYKE, Editor. FOR COUNTY JUDGE, O. H. CILLMORE. EJECTION WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18. The election for County Ju&ge, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Judge Donnelly, will take place On Wed­ nesday of next week, August 18th. It behooves every Republican voter in McHenry county to come out and cast his vote on that day. We have a candi­ date who is an honor to the party, and is deserving of a fall vote on Wednesday next. The common enemy is alwajs on the alert, and too much apathy on the part of Republicans might be dangerous, Therefore we say let every ltepublican go to the polls on Wednesday next and do his duty and all will be well. 160°" The Governor of Tennessee ap­ pointed Thosl B. Turley to fill the place in the U. S. Senate made vacant by the recent death of Senator Isham G. Harris. SHEr • - -------- "All is not gold that glitters" is an old saying that will aptly apply to the excitement prevailing about gold dis­ coveries in Alaska, California, Colorado, Peru and Pennsylvania. (8T:Mr. Bryan is not repeating his little joke about the absence of "General Prosperity" these days. Nor is he say­ ing anything about wheat and silver leaping pace with each other in the mar­ kets of the world. HST' A special dispatch dated Aurora, Aug. 9, says: A cyclone and hailstorm carrying de­ struction in its path mowted a swath through the country here this afternoon, unroofing buildings, stripping the fields, and uprooting trees. Much stock was killed. • The storm broke about o'clock, the center passiug about five miles south­ east of the city, traveling in a northeast­ erly direction. Its path through the north end of Ken­ dall county, the northeast corner and the south end of Du Page, ranging from a mile to three miles in width, is a scene of complete destruction. Cornfields were stripped to the stalks by the hail and the stalks flattened ^fco the ground by the wind that followed in its wake. Oats and other small grain in the shock are beaten into the earth and partially thrashed. Scarcely a tree is left standing in the main track of the etorm, and scores oi barns are unrooffed or crushed down. It is reported to-night that several members of a family named Wolf, at Tamarack, were killed. In Aurora the storm was severe, but (*a,used no great damage ! beyond a mix- up of telephone and telegraph wires. A NEW DEAL • McHEHBI THIS 19 TO INVITR THE LOVEKS OF -• ' • " ~ ~ • /'• '• ' • --FINE TEAS-- , To call at the Store, or send for s&mple of of Will [Cored and Packed for me in Japan Since the 1st op May, 1897. These Teas are new and fragrant, acd guaranteed to give sati-faction, or pur­ chasers are at liberty to return them a? d their money will be cheerfully -refunded. These Teas will also be on sale AX GILBERT BROS1,' Opposite the Bishop Mills. The usual full and complete stock of Foreign and Domestic Green and Dried Fruits, Fancy and Staple Groceries and Provisions. Of the usual fine qualities, always in stock at the Old Staiid, near the Depot, by the same Old Uncle, 16 to 1. • ' - I- O W E N • '-Mr v, rVV , 33/40F ADOLLAR Univeral Provider ADOLLAR UAL5 Sl.OO •' •• 1 • ; Butter on the Elgin Board of Trade Monday was steady. Offerings 526 tubs of which 75 were withdrawn. Bids open­ ed at 14%c, bat all sales, 350 tubs, were at 15c, Quotation committee decided the market 14%c. Butter last week, 14J£c; year ago, 15@15%c. Nothing has been heard from Prof Andree's balloon at the time it was ex­ pected he would reach the north pole. It is surmised that another name has been added to those who have lost their lives in a reckless attempt to explore the land of everlasting ice and constant snows. tfe^The man who asserts that the effect of the Dingley law has not been perceptible in increasing business and in­ creasing employment, even in the short time in which it has been in operation, is either ignorant of the facts or wilfully misstates them, as many thousands of people receiving employment since that time can testify. V . " "" Ready for the Fair A special meeting of the executive com­ mittee of the McHenry County Agricul­ tural Board was held at the court house in Woodstock on Saturday, July 31, 1897. President Beck being absent, Vice- President Zimpleman presided. On order of the presiding officer the secretary read the minutes of the last meeting of the committee and they, were approved. Motion made and carried that the fol­ lowing named persons act as judges re­ spectively in the following named classes, to wit: Class A, Lots 1 to 5%--0. W. Mason, Cyrus Mead, Frank Beardsley. Class A, Lots 5% to 6%--Thos Thomp­ son, Del Abbott, Christ Schroeder. Motion made and carried that Richard Steel act as single judge in Sweepstakes, Beef Breeds. Motion made and carried that H. M. Foote act as singlejudge on Milk Breeds. Class B, Roadsters---W. E. Wire^ Del Sears, C. H. Heck. Class B, Draft Horses--James Smith, J. A.. Daggett, Geo. Lanning. Motion made and carried that the Superintendent select a committee on Shetland Ponies. Class E, Swine--F. C. Wells, Warren Cole, J. R.J211is. SEN. GILBERT. West McHenry, Aug. 3,1897. - Originator «.i Low Prices ff j (SUCCESSORS TO TERRY & OWEN.)? It is ai mm mm »was •. g 1 • . • • • ^ > • . • • < Chancery Notice. jTATE OF ILLINOIS, I McUbnky County. f Circuit Court of McHenry County, Septem- >>er term. A. D. 1897. Ella Lamphere vs. unknown heirs or devi­ ces of ilascal E. Land, deceased; ot Ri hard T Stoutenburg, deceased; of Lysander Baldwin, deceased; of Christopher Walknp, deceased, and of George Woostpr, deceased, in Chanccry. Affidavit of the non-residence of all of the Defendants, and that their names and places >f residence are unknown, having been llieii in the oilice ot the Clerk of said Circuit Court of McHenry County, notice is hereby given to the said non-resident defendants, that the complainant tiled her bill of complaint in Paid Court, on the Chancery side thereof, on the 31 day of August, A, L>. 1897, and that a sum­ mons thereupon issued ont of said Court •caindt said defendants, returnable on the 271 h day of September, A. D. 1897 as is by law required. Now, therefore, unless you. the said ahovr named defendants shall personally he and up- near before the said Circuit Court of McHenry Orunty on the flrnt r^ay of the next teiin '.hereof, to be hoid«n at the Court House, in the city of Woodstock, in said county, on the •27th day of September A. D. 1897, and plead, msweror demur to the said complainanti bill of complaint, tho same and the matter? ini things therein charned and stated will br caken as contested, and a decree entered against you according to the prayer of said bill. In testimonv whereof I have hereunto set ;ny hand in<i affixed the seal of said Court, at ny office, in Woodstock, this 3rd day of Aug- utt. A. I>. 1897. G. B. Riciiabds, Clerk, nhas. s. Northrop, James Alfred Perry, Complainant's Solicitors. August 3rd, A D. 1897. .Rw4 I©* Times will never become bo pros­ perous that an able bodied man can sit on dry goods boxes, denounce pluto­ cracy, and get rich. The return of pros­ perity simply means that men who are willing to work will have an opportunity and will receive good pay in good money. The idle man and shiftless will be as hard up in good times as in hard times. There are no wages for laziness in any sort of times.--Fx. gpHffe fSi.,- I®" The recent increased gold develop­ ments, not alone in Alaska, but in the increased production of mines every­ where, is a hard blow to the 16 to 1 theorists, and, when coupled with the fact that the prices of farm products have advanced and that crops are plen tiful and that farmers are paying off their mortgages, must prove very de­ pressing to those who have insisted that prosperity could alone come through the adoption of free silver. Ifcf" Farmers of the West are now hav- PouJtry at the J?'air. The Superintendent of Poultry has had the good fortune to secure the services of Judge Thellabarger, of Iowa, for our coming Fair. The Judge hns a national reputation as a poultry expert, judging some of the largest shows of the country. Poultry breeders from a distance who cannot accompany their exhibit, may send their fowls and they will receive the best of care and be returned at the close of the Fair. Send all fowl and one dol­ lar ($1) entry fee to F. T. Barnes, Super­ intendent Poultry, McHenry County Fair, Woodstock, 111. When more than ten pair are sent each additional pair will cost ten cents extra. All fowls to be sent cooped in pairs, labeled on a ship­ ping tag with name of bread, whether chicks or old fowl, and the name and ad­ dress of breeder. If sent by express must come prepaid. Judge Thellabarger will be here Wednesday morning, August 25 ready for business, so you can see all poultry must be on the ground Tuesday and ready for show Wednesday morning. F. T. Barnes, Supt. Poultry. ing as much difficulty in getting freight cars to remove their crops as they had a couple of years ago in getting crops to put into the freight cars. Thousands upon thousands of freight cars which have been standing idle since the summer of 1893 are now rushing day and night to carry the abundant crops of the West, for which advanced prices are being ob­ tained, despite the fact that silver has steadily fallen meantime. 16?"Silver bullion has touched the low­ est price per ounce it was ever known to ! reach in the commercial history of the I Sliflworld. The cause is that the production has been largely increased by improved machinery and methods in mining in recent years and such large silver using countries as Russia, Japan and China have ceased purchasing silver in as great quantities as they usually aid in other years. The two first named countries cur-1 have arbitrarily established their rency system upon a single gold basis, and their people have no appeal from the dictum. The value of gold coins is es­ tablished by the monarchs and the people have no recourse--not even that of discussion. The following is found floating round in the exchanges: "If you owe anybody pay it as soon as you can. The man to whom you are indebted may be indebted to his neighbor and be unable to pay op your account. A dollar may pay a good many debts in a day's time if kept mov ing. Don't carry money around in your pocket when it belongs to somebody else. By keeping money moving times can be made better by far than they are at present." Excursion l'ickets to Freeport. Via the Northwestern Line, will be sold j at reduced rates, within 75 miles radiup,1 August 3 to 6, inclusive, limited to Aug­ ust 7, on account of Races. Apply to agents Chicago & Northwestern It'y. Reduced Rates to Franklin Grove. Via the Northwestern Line, from stations in Illinois, on account of Franklin Grove Camp Meeting, to be held August 7-17 For dates of sale, etc., apply to agents Chicago & Northwestern R'y. 5w2 Ezcureion Tickets to Epworth Grove Camp I Mooting, (near BelvidereO Via the Northwestern Line, will be sold at reduced rates August 11 to 22, inclu­ sive, limited to August 24. Apply to agents Chicago & Northwestern R'y- Chancery Notice. 4TATE OF ILLINOI3,4- >88 McHenry CotruTT. ) Circuit Court of McHenry County, Septem berTerm, A. D. 1S97. , AdelbertS. Wright vs. Charles E. Irwin, *nd Frank C. Irwin as executors and trustees under Will of Major F. Irwin, deceased, John Gordon, Carrie Irwin Gordon, John Dowling Gordon and Irwin Leslie Gordon in Chancery. Affidavit ot the non/residence of John Gor­ don, Carrie Irwin Gordon, John Dowling Gor­ don and Irwin Leslie Gordon, ;of the defend- ints above named, having been filed in the office of the Clerc of said Circuit Court oi McHenry County, notice is hereby given tt the said non-resident defendants, th"t the complainant. Bled Ills bill of complaint.In said Court on the uhancery side thereof on tbetJih day of August, A..D. 1897, and that a suin- Tons thereupon issued out of said Court against said defendants, returnable on the 27th da$r of September, A, D. 1897, as is by law required, Now, therefore, unless you, the said John Gordon, Carrie Irwin Gordon, John Dowling Gordon, and Irwin Leslie Gordon shall per tonally bea'd appear before the said Circuit Oourt of McHenry Connty on the first day of ] the next Term thereof, to be holder at tie Oourt House, in the oity of Woodstock in said County, on the 27th day of September, A. D, 1897, and plead, answer or demur to the stud -omplainant'B bill of complaint, the same and the matters and things therein char^cd and Uated will be taken as confessed, and a de- | cree enterel against you according to the prayer of said bill. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set ny hand and affixed the sealof said Court, at my office.1 in Woodstock, this 6th day of Aug­ ust, A. D. 1897, G; 15. Richards, Cloik. J. F. Casey, V. A. Wright, Complainant's Solicitors. August 6th, A. D. 1897. «w4 That the prices on all lines ot purchases at The Great Department Store are the Lowest in the city. There is a reason for this, and we wish to impress the reasons strongly on the minds of the people. • We sell only for cash, We buy for spot cash. We buy at bottom prices, and our customers get the benefit. That we make a point to . carry onlv the best of everything, and sell at prices that are a source of surprise not only to our patrons, but to our astonish­ ed competitors as well. Don't buy a poor article when we will sell you a first class article for a great deal less money. THEO, F, SWAN, GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE, ELGIN, IIX. When you buy Hosiery, Buy the Best. The CELEBRATED LEATHEJJ STOCK IK O AND BLACK CAT BRAND OF H O S I E R Y ! IS THE BEST MAI >10, And we have it. We have just received a ficsh stock and can give you good values. If you once jusc this Hosiery you will use no othe, as its wearing qualities are superior to anything in the market. JUST RECEIVED CAR OF Washburn brated " Crosby's Cete- Superlative " n 3/4 OF* A DOLLAR I HERE EQUALS Sl.OO elsewhere! We have a very large trade in this Flour, _ ind would like to add your name to our already long list of users o£ this great Flour. Every sack guaranteed to give satisfaction. Call and get a sack, use a baking, out of it and if not satisfactory you may return the balance and we will refund your money. There is nothing fairer than this. i as H» 49 Lbs McHenry, 1897. OWEN & CHAPELL. is/' "If the Shoe Pinches don't put it on." That's a safe way to secure foot comfort as well as peace of mind. There's variety enough in our assortment ggf->of shoes for men, women and for children to avoid selection Of anything except what fits just right. There's no pinching you on prices either, for we want your friendship as well as your trade. We have shoes that will not pinch, for men, women and children. Calf shoes, kid shoes, kangaroo calf shoes--shoes that we guarantee and whose guarantee has the backing of the world's greatest shoe builders. SEE "Selz"on the Sole of the shoes that you buy. Selz Shoes make your feet glad. 0 JOHN "pVANSON'S not The Bargains we offer in Clothing are Matched in To\7~« See our Line. -• fi . Another car of Jersey Lily Flour in this week. FRESH GROCERIES. Yours for bus ness, 7 JOKK -J1, WEST MCHENBY, III., 1897. \ • HINTS TO CASH BUYERS. We have some special1 good Bargains in Bleached and Un­ bleached Muslips. Here is an indication how it goes: Lonsdale Cambric, 8c; half bleached, regular 10c value, 7c; good quality bleached, 6£c; standard brown, 32 inches wide, 4c; 36 inches wide, 5c. Ladies' and Gents' Brown Shoes, 2 50 quality for $ 1.95. JVew and Stylish Dress Prints. ^ Fancy Tickings, 10c quality for Tic. A few Shirt Waists to bs Closed out Saturday, 25c, Housekeepers arc praising our "Very Best" Flour. ON & CO. Half Hates to Indianapolis and Return Via the Northwestern Line. Excursion tickets will be sold August 17 and 18, with extended limit to September 12, ttt j one fare for the round trip, on account of Y. P. C. U. Apply to agents Chicago & | Northwestern R'y. • 5w2 F-WW.'.s'-sSI ... t®" The end of uncertainty regarding duties on imports gives greater confi dence alike to those who. have opposed and those who have favored the change, The great strength in stocks, particular­ ly in those of the granger list, reflects assurance of heavy crops. The remarka­ ble rise in wheat, notwithstanding that assurance, is based on heavy buying for I LaL^Bhi^an^retur'nat export and belief that foreign demands September 1, tickets limi will be large. To these must be addeu another element of confidence scarcely Lake B uff Camp Meetings The Northwestern Line will sell excur­ sion tickets from points in Illinois to low rates until limited to 30 days from date of sale. Apply to agenls Chi­ cago & Northwestern R'y. w 2w4 S3'* m' observed two weeks ago. The heavy in­ crease in receipts of gold, whether from one aide of the Alaska border or the h other, swells deposits at the mints and in the banks of this country, and if the yield from new regions answers current expectations, may have an influence akin to that of gold discoveries in California. The one retarding force, the strike of coal miners, has caused closing of a few manufacturing works for want of fuel, but negotiations for settlement are still pushed with hope.--".Dun's," July 24 1897. ' 1 1 -- ^Seethenew line of Shirt Waists from (50 cento to f 1 at Owen & Chapell'a. Low Bates to Buffalo and Points East On August 21 and 22, the Chicago & Northwestern R'y will make less than one-half rates to Buffalo and return at the time of theGrand Army Encampment tickets good returning until September 20, by deposit with Joint Agent at Buna-' lo, enabling patrons of this line to extend their trip toNew York, Boston and other points in the east, and make a liberal saving in railway fares. This is theroute selected by Commander-in-Chief General Clarksoa. For time of special trains and agents, and re- ] 5w3 shows just how your house would look if painted any one of 20,000 artistic com­ binations of colors. Designed and made only for the manufacturers of PAT- TON'S PURE LIQUID PAINTS. Sent postpaid upon receipt of 10 cts. "How to Increase the Size of Your House With Paint ** mailed free. JAS. E. PATT0N CO., Dep't X. MILWAUKEE, WIS., U.S.A AYIN GS. * ji. received and loaned on carefully « looted real Mtat* securities Kcd tu . in tar eat collsctedT (\ \ XJ<L i and remitted without-!^/\J A O "charge. Loams made en tjjr . udterrj-. to suit borrower. J. W. L I UlXa.; U U aPace stmt. JOsi*. UUmI*. Complexion Preserved D R . H E B R A ' S VIOLA CREAM Removes Freckles, Pimples, Liver-Moles, Blackheads, Sunburn and Tan, and re­ store# the skin to its origi­ nal freshness, producing s clear and healthy com plexion. Superior to all face' preparations and perfectly harmless, druggists, or mailed for 50cts. Send for i OR FRIlTK'S nPxt v,B,r-Saturday, un.rnuino Aug woodsto'k H>u:e 10 to ? TO HAVE A WELL FURNISHED HOUSE. ...CALL ON...... CONSOLIDATED At all Send for circular. DOCTOR FftUTH bo Well nncl favorably known ns CHICAGO'S LKAD1NG CQr-r»J A I •£«•«• &MOBTSUCCKSSKUL OrC,l#IALIoT• for his many and wonderful enrea of PATARRM throat, lunpra, liver, dyspepsia, indigos Un I Annil tlon, all disease.* of stomach and bowels BLOOD AND SKIM taln^H, tumora •etter, KCZEMA and Blood Poison of every nature. XIONEY AND URINARY abdomen,' 'bladder, neiu! ment in urine, brick-dust or white, painful urinations, BrlKbt'8 disease and all diseases ot tho bladder. PRIVATE IdSeaeesr-Gleet, Gonorrhoea, inllamma- rniVHI C tions, Discharges, Strictures, Weakness of Organs, Syphilis, Hydrocele, Vdrlcoelo and kindred troubles quickly cured. LOST MANHOOD both ja f M Wd l'j^\ VIOLA 8KIM SOAP I* .wiy Bkln purifylug Soap, uncqualod for the toilet, and without a Incomparable as a >i iuuoi/i i i)^ uiwiii-i) |ii i i i imniii uil l i and weakness of bot.h body and brain, ~~ your troubles If out of city. Thong. rival for tho nsracry. A)>»oluH'lv pure und delicately medi­ cated. At druggfctK. Price 25 Cent*. The Q. C. B1TTNER CO., Toledo, O. of energy and wc WRITE ands cured b? correspondence medicines sent secretly. DU. D. O. FHUTH. Cd# to­ other Bate turn, inquire &S E. 48th Street, Chicago, Wanted- ftn Idea yonr Idea;; they may brli OHK WKD^ERBCRN ft CO Protect, 'rite JOHN W1 ashington, Ot two *""" Who can think of some simple thing to patent? you wealth, a. w., *'atent Attor- C., for their $1,800 price utter I " tuTeatlous wanted. P AT A R EH HAY fever or asthma • #*nflFl iiositively cure4 by nature's roots and herbe ornd pay: Send 10c poatage forten sample treatments, UOLORADO Mkdi- )J> Co., Denver.OoL Is made in 10 different styles, and is guaranteed to turn all kinds of stock. Nothing but Large, Galvanized Wire, of the Best Bessemer Steel used in its construction. A FENCE THAT ALWAYS KEEPS IT'S SHAPE. The hirge joint at o*cb 'ntora.jction of the wivct- makes an artjiif table fence and prevents stay* wire? iiom bendirc. The crimp in the ptrand wire provi es f-r expan­ sion ami contraction and prevents stay w re from moving out of place. Consolidated Steel and Wire Co., Chicago Thoee wishing a fence will do well to ste this fence, and get our prices before | buyinc elsewhere. Call on or address E. H. THOMPSON, Wrht McHenry, Ili^. Agent for McHenry and West Half o. ake County Crimp and Joint He Carries a Full and Complete Line of Bedroom Suits, Parlor Suits, Lounges, Couches, Tables, Fancy Rockeis, Iron Beds Hal] Trees, Wardrobes, Side Board-*, K'tcben Cupboards Trunks, Feathers, Pillows, Mattresfces, Carpets, Car­ pet Sw< epfrs, Rugs, Foot Mats. Hassocks, Easels, Pictur< s and Room Moulding; Window Shades and curtain Fixtures,^ J$a^y and Doll Carriages. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF Caskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, Etc., We guarantee first class work in every respect. Etc. Call and see me before purchasing. :v' ' ' S "'W* K " " Z i 0% Sic ma McHcnry, 111,, 1897 mm

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