Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Aug 1897, p. 4

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plWl : $ ; A Betrayed by a Flower. To the monastery of the Grand Char­ treuse women, as a rule, are inexorably refused admittance, only a very few having had the ^rivilege of seeing the Carthusians (monks of the order) at home. A story is told of a French daughter of Eve, blessed with even a greater share of curiosity than that pos­ sessed by the generality of her sex, who, having heard from her husband and brother of their late interesting visit to the monastery, tried by every means in her power to effect an entrance there, but all to no avail. Determined, however, by hook or crook, to suoceed, she at last hit upon the happy idea,of presenting herself there dressed as a man, managing to persuade her husband to allow her to do so, and to take her with him on his next visit On arriving at the gates of the mon­ astery she entered unchallenged with the remainder of the party, but while in the gardon the conducting monk, leaving her side, gathered an exquisite rose, which he brought and presented to her with a courtly bow, proving that he at least was Jiot deceived by her dis­ guise." She, too, foolishly betrayed her­ self by her ready grace and charm of manner in accepting the rose, which she did most willingly. Needless to say that after this, incident she never pene­ trated into the interior of the building nor saw what she was dying to see, but returned unsatisfied, a sadder and a wiser woman, with a high appreciation, however, of the keen discernment of the cloistered ones. O W E N a 93/40F u A DOLLAR HERE EQUALS . Bl.OO ELSEWHERE Univeral Provider Originator of Low Prices (SUCCESSORS TO TERRY & OWEN.)G Money Saving Sales Are growing, growing in immensity, growing in patronage, and growing in popularity. There's a good reason for it, the public realize that in such times as the present when everyone consults their purse and strive to make their hard earned dollars do double duty, they naturally patronize the place that gives them most for their money. That place is the %• of our entire stock of Shoes to be sacrificed at below cost. Great Department Store Our items are from several departments sample of other equally as good bargains are In order to make room for our large Fall stock of Shoes, we will, for the next thirty days, sell all blacks, tans, Oxford, and broken lots of men's, ladies', misses' and child­ ren's shoes at We are determined to close out the bulk of our Shoes now on hand, and have put a price on them that will move them quick. * 3/4 OF * A DOLLAR HERE EQUALS SL.OO ELSEWHERE a ,.C '44 OF c A DOLLAR HERE EQUALS SU.OO ELSEWHERE Don't fail to take advantage of this sale, if you do you will miss some rare bargains you will never get again. CALL EARLY AND GET. FIRST CHOIJE. GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE OWEN & CHAPELL McIIenry, 1897 DR.FRUTH Riverside Hotel . •will visi t at McHenry. I l l , Friday. Sept< I 7th. at Chancery Notice. STATE OF ILI.INOI9, I MCHF.NRY COUNTY. (BS Circuit Court of McIIenry County, Septem­ ber term. A. L). 1897. ®' Klla Lamphere VB. unknown heirs or rlrvi- sees of Mascal E. I .and, deceased ; ot Ri hard T Stoutenburg. deceased; of Lysander K Bald win, deceased ; of Christopher Walktip, deceased, and of George Wooster, deceased, in Chancery. Affidavit of the non-reBidence of al l of the Defendants, and tnat their names and places t residence are unknown, hnvirg boon fi led in the office ot the Clerk of said Circuit Court of McHenry Oountv, notice is hereby given to the said non-resWent defendants, that the complainant f i led her Mil of"omplaint in said Court , on the Chancery side thereof, on the 3d day of August , A, L>. 1897, and that a sum­ mons thereupon issued ont ot eaid Court Hcrain.- i t said defendants, returnable on the 27rh day of September, A. D. 1897 as is by law required. Now, therefore, unleBs yon. thi» s ikl above named defendants shall personally be and ap­ pear before the said Circuit Courtof McReurv County on the Ilrnt Hay of the next term thereof, to be hoiden at the Court l lousr, in the ci ty of Woodstock, in said county, on the 27th day of September A. D. 1897, and plead, answer or demur to the said complainants bil l of complaint , the same and the matters an-i things therein charged and stated will be taken as contested, and a decree entered against you according to the prayer of eaul bil l . In test imony whereof I have hereunto set my hand *n<i affixed the seal of said Court , at my office, in Woodstock, t h i s 3rd day of Aug- Uet , A. I>. 1&97. G. B. RICHARDS, Clerk. CHAR, a, NORTHROP, JAMES ALFRED PERRY, Complainant 's Solici tor®. August 3rd, A D. 1897. 0w4 YourShoe Money Chancery Notice. STATE OF ILLINOIS, 1 Ses MCHENRY COUNTY, I Circuit Courtof McHenry County, Septem­ ber Term, A. I) . 1897. Ade.lbertS. Wright vs. Charles E. Irwin, and Frank C. Irwin as executor# and trustees under Will of Major P. Irwin, deceased. John Gord' n, Carrie Irwin Gordon, John Dowlintr Gordon and Irwin Leslie Gordon in Chancery. Affidavit ot the rvon residence of John Gor­ don. Carrie Irwin Gordon, John Dowling Gor. don and Irwin Leslio Gordon, |of tho dulend- ants above named, having been .f i led in the oll i- 'c of ihe Clert t of said Circuit Court of McHenry C< unty, notice is hereby piven to the said non-resident defend nets, thft the com vlainant t i led his bil l of complaint tn Bald 0 urt on the uhancery side thereof on theti th daj of August , A. D. 1897, and that a sum- irons thereupon issued out of said Court against said defendants, returnable on the 27th day of September, A, D. 1897, as is by law required, Now, therefore, unless you, the said John Gordon, Carrie Irwin Gordon, John Dow l ing Gordon, and Irwin Leslie Gordon sluil t per soually be ai d appear before tho sain Circuit Court of McHenry County on the first day of the next Term thereof, to be hold en at the Court House, in the oity of Woodstock in said County, on the 27th day of September, A. D, 1837, and pload, answer or/d#mur to tho said ' •omplainani 'a bil l of eompla nt , the same ai .d the matters and things therein cl iaiyed and stated wtli be takea as contessed, and a de­ cree f ntero I against you according to tho prayer of eaid bil l In test imony whereof I have hereunto set ny hand and affixed the sealof said Court , at my offi ise. in Woodstock, t ins (i th day ot Aug­ ust , A. D. 1897, G. B. RICHARDS, Clerk. J. F.CASKY, V.A.WRIGHT, . Complainant 's Solici tors. August 6tb, A. D. 1897. f iw4 WEST MCHENRY, III., 1#97 VANSON'S shows just how your house would look if painted any one of 20,000 artistic com­ binations of colors* Designed and made only for the manufacturers of PAT- TON'S PURE LIQUID PAINTS. Sent postpaid upon receipt of 10 cts. "How to Increase the Size of Your House "With Paintn mailed free. JAS. E. PATT0N CO., Dep't X. MILWAUKEE, WIS., U.S.A Will you need shoes for the boy or the girl before school be­ gins ? We have received the most complete stock for fall wear ever shown in the town, also a few odd pairs of the old stock left at what WJ paid for them. But you must call and examine the Shoes. Prices and quality better than you expect. This is Fair week. We don't look for much business during fair time.. Will try and make it up Saturday .'day after Fair is over. Perhaps it may be of interest to you to drive over Saturday. A whole counter full of 10c to 13c stuff; your choice at 5c per per yard. You will not see the like again; 10 yards to a customer is the limit in the sale- Special good deal in bulk Coffee, 17 and 19c. We mean to make your dollars buy much. Closing prices on Shirt Waists. Housekeepers are praising our "Very Best" Flour. DO YOU TRAVEL YOUR FORTUNE CATARRH HAy FEVER OK ASTHMA wri • «»••»«• positively curel by nature's roots and herbs or no pay. Send luo postage io ten safe pie treatments, COLORADO MBDI- Co.. Denver, uol. " Chase & Sanborn's Coffees at Owen & Chapell's.

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