Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Sep 1897, p. 5

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^C-'v"S^'p^ :••' v;^r '• '": .'.' " L: ' - ' • " • • " m m WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 8. 1897. Railway Time Table. Taking effect Sunday, May 29, 1896, at six s'ctock A. M. Trains will pMi jIcHenry station as follows: GOING SOUTH. D Lake Geneva Passenger. 7:3J AH E Williams Bay Express 8;33 E Williams Bay Passenger 3:27 P 11 E Lake Geneva Freight....: 3:27 " E Williams Bay Passenger ..6:17 " 3 Williams Bay Passenger.,... ...7:24 •• GOING NOBTH. K Williams Bay Passenger .. 9:47 A M E Lake Geneva Freight ll:<6 •* •* Williams Bay Passenger .......10:51 " E Williams Bay Passenger 2.50 P M E Williams Bay Express 4:45 " S Lake Geneva Passenger 4;55 •• E Williams Bay Passenger 6:56 11 EXPLANATION. D--Daily. E--Daily except Sunday. B. Sundays only. B. BUSS. Agent, McHenry, 111. MASONIC. , MCHBNBT LODGE, NO. 158 A. F. and A. M.-- Regular Oommunicatione the second and fourth Mondays in each month.. W, OBISTT, W. 111. K. O. T. M. MOHENRY LODGE NO. 77, K. O. T. M.--Reg- alar meetings second^ and fourth lueaday evenings of each month, at K. O. T, M. Ball. GEO. HANLET, Com, J; J. BISHOP, It K. . M.?W. A. Uogular Meetings every second and (fourth Wednesday evenings of each month, at their Kail, over Evanson & Oo.'s store. • W. P. STEVENB, Consul. J.KIMBALL, Clerk. •Methodist Episcopal Church. &ev.;J. R. Clark,. Pastor .Preaching Sunday, 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 p. M. Sunday School, 11:5 A.M. Dr. A, E. Auringer,. Superintendent Epworth League, 6:5 p, M., Kev J. R. Clark, President. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. M. Ladies' Aid Society each alternate week, Mrs. M. E. Howe, President. 49"A Cordial invitation U extended to all Universallst Church Directory. X.J. Walsh, President F. L. McOmber. ...Olerk James B. Perry v Treasurei Rev. J. Straub, D. D Pastor The Willing Workers (the ladies organ­ ization.) Mrs. Jas. B. Perry Presideni Mrs. L. H. Owen. . ..Secretary 3upt, of Sunday School, ....O. N. Owen Assistant, Mrs. O. N. Owen 4arThe Pastor's Chicago Telegraph Address is Grand Crossing, Preaching services at 10:30 A. M. and at 7:30 p. M. A cordial inviUiiou to all. New Advertisements This Week, A. P. Baer, WeBt McHenry. F. L. McOmber, " John Evanson & Co. " Uncle Ben Gilbert, " Administrator's Notice. LAWN SOCIAL at G. W. Besley's, on Tuesday evening next. THE PLAIN DEALER and the Weekly Inter-Ocean one year for $2. Drc. ABT treats diseases of the eye, and tests eyes for glasses in a scientific manner.^ 9m2 BE sure and attend the Lawn Social, atG. W. Besley's, on Tuesday evening next, the 14th. IT is estimated that tl^e potato crop in McHenry county is not 30 per cent of the usual yield, and it certainly is the small­ est it has been in years. WE understand that John Stroner'e mother-in-law is making him a visit this week. The old lady has a determined look and John is accordingly meek and docile. A full and correct account of the se- verev accident at Ringwood, in which Eddie Peet barely escaped with his life, can be found in our regular Ringwood correspondence this week. HON. F. K. GRANGER has just sold a car load of young cattle to be shipped to Western Iowa. They were purchased by James Ladd, of Ringwood, and will be taken to his farm near Osceola. THE Wauconda and Ringwood Base Ball teams played a game at Gage's Driving Park, on Friday afternoon last, which resulted in a victory for Wauconda by a score of 30 to 9. ED. GRANGER and Clyde Curtis started ior Belvidere on Monday morning with the running horse "Springwell," who is entered for two races at that place this week. OUR Public School opened on Monday tuorniug with a full corps of teachers and an attendance of about two hundred. This is a fair attendance for the first day but will be much larger by next week. HANLY'S bus team made a desperate attempt to have a little spin on their own hook, at the seven o'clock train on Monday evening. The prompt action of Harry Wightman prevented a runaway and the consequent damages, JOHN I. STORY is making extensive re­ pairs on his cottage, on Pearl Street, in this village. ThiB is one of the finest residences in that part of the village, and Mr. Story takes pride in keeping it in the finest repair. THEHE will be an Ice Cream Festival held on the grounds of Mrs. Jennie Spaulding, Ringwood, on Thursday even­ ing of this week, Sept. 9, 1897. Pro­ ceeds for benefit of M. E. church. A short programme will be rendered. JOHN R. BRENTS has our thanks for a copy of the Battle Axe and War Cry, a paper printed simultaneously at Vicks burg and New Orleans. It is a seven col­ umn folio, neatly printed, and full of oewfl. It is printed semi-monthly. YES, these are hard times. We let timbers go to rot and buy fencing. We throw away our ashes and grease and buy soap. We raise dogs and buy hogs. We raise weeds and buy vegetables and brooms. We catch a five cent fish with a $4 rod. We build school houses and send our children away to school. And lastly, we sen 3 our boys out with a $40 gun and a $10 dog to shoot a ten cent bird. REMEMBER the Lawn Festival at G. W. Besley's, on Tuesday evening of next week, Sept. 14th. Peaches and Cream, Ice Cream and Cake will be Berved. Pro ceeds for benefit of M. E. Church. FOUND, in West McHenry, a small amount of money. The owner can have same by calling, proving- property and paying for this notice. M. J. WALSH. THE train which has passed this sta­ tion on Sunday evenings for Chicago, at 7:08, has been discontinued. There is now But one Sunday evening train for Chicago, which passes here at 7:24. THE McHenry and Nunda Base. Ball Clubs played a game on the Driving Park, in this village, the first of the week, which resulted in a victory for McHenry by a score of 13 to 11. SAYS an exchange: To enjoy sausage all that is necessary is faith, hope and charity; faith in the sausage, hope that it isn't your own dog, but if it is, char­ ity enough to believe, that- the man didn't know it. THE Ladies'Aid Society of the M. E Church will m^6t with Mrs. R. Sherburne, on Friday afternoon of this week, at the usual hour, fen cent tea will be served from five to seven o'clock. All are cor­ dially invited. SEC. WE are requested to state that ise Browne, music teacher, having returned from her travels will be iu McHenry next week, Sept. 16, 17 and 18, and will be glaid to meet her old pupils and any new oneg who may desire her services. MRS. HEIM.BR, of Milwaukee, a neice of Fred Schnorr, of this village, died at her home in that city on Saturday. John J. Buch and .Jacob Justen attended the funeral, which was held on Tuesday. Mr. Schnorr was unable to attend on account of sickness. THE editor acknowledges a very fine serenade on Monday evening. The Bongs w Jre beautiful and finely executed, and w e return our sincere thanks for the remeir- brance. Come again and we will be glpd to receive you and return thanks in p3rson. WORK on the Water Works System was commenced on Tuesday, and as SOOD as everything can be put in shape the work will be pushed at every point. Messrs. Keith & Co. propose to put on as big a force as can be worked with profit, and thus push it to a speedy completion. THE entertainment by the ladies of the M. E. Church Aid Society, at the Cicy Hall, on Friday evening, was well attend­ ed and a very enjoyable affair. The pro­ gramme was an excellent one and wan well rendered throughout. We did not learn the amount of the receipts. PETER BISHOP and M. Thelen were ex­ hibiting some very fine strings of Black BaBS on our streets on Saturday morn­ ing last. They had 51 that weighed 7G pounds, the largest weighing 3% pounds. They were caught in Lilly Lake and Lake Defiance. MISS LENA SMITH, of this village, will start a class of Vocal and Instrumental Music, in the village oi Algonquin, about the middle of this month. Miss Smith is a fine singer and a good teaiher, and those wishing to take lessons in Algon­ quin are fortunate in securing her ser­ vices. THERE will be a Lawn Festival at the home of G. W. Besley, on Tuesday even ing of next week, Sept. 14, the proceeds to be used for the benefit of the M. E. church. Peaches and Cream, Ice Cream and Cake will be served. Do not fail to be there and don't forget the date. Let all who enjoy a good social time turn out and make the evening a success. THE new house lately built by Mrs. R. Carr, at Ringwood, is one of the finest in that little burg. It is of tasty archi­ tecture and is finished in a style second to none. The interior is finished in--oil, the work being done by P. S. Harrison, who has no superior in this line of work. The whole building is tasty, neat and an ornament to the village. A MILLION postage stamps weigh 64 pounds. Joined together in one line they would reach 15 miles and 4,133 feet or cover an area of 5,200 square feet, and stacked together they would reach a height of 125 feet. To count them would take one person 4 weess, 3 days, 7 hours 40 minutes, allowing one count each second and ten hours work a day. WITH last week's issue the Antioch \ews commenced, its eleventh volume. It is one of our most newsy exchanges, and is an ever welcome visitor to our ex­ change table. Brother Burke is a born newspaper man and is worthy of the grand success he is achieving. The News is an honor to the enterprising village of Antioch. We wish it long continued prosperity. . THR Annual Clam Bake, at Ben Stilling's, Pistaqua Bay, on Sunday last, was largely attended and a very enjoya­ ble time is reported. About onehundred and seventy-five plates were served and the spread was said to be one of - the finest ever set out at that popular Sum­ mer Resort. Stilling spares no pains to please his guests on all occasions, and that he succeeds is evidenced by the growing popularity of his house. Devil's Lake. Remember the excursion to this wond- erful and mysterious Lake, Sunaav, Sept. 12th. Round trip only $1 50. Leave Williams Bay at 6:30 A. M., Lake Geneva 6:47 A. M., Genoa .Tuuction 7:02 A. M., Richmond 7:15 A. M., Ringwood 7:25 A.M., McHenry 7:34 A M., Terra Cotta 7:46 A. M., Crystal Lake 8:15 A. M., arrive at Madison 11:30 A. M., Devil's Lake 12:30 p. M. Returning pleave Devil's Lake 6:20 p. M , Madison 7:00 p. M, For tickets and information appl.v to agents C. & N. W. R'y. Fresh Corn Meal,„ Graham, Rye Flour, Pankak Flour, Wheat Nut Flour, Sweet Cream Flour, and Tip Top Flour for sale at lowest market prices at John Evan­ son and Co's. Great bargains in shoes at Owen & Chapell's. Rainbow Party. This novel and unique entertainment was given on the handsome grounds of M. A. Howell, juBt north of this village, on Monday evening last, in honor of a party of Chicago people whp were there and at Mr. Gregston's. Quite a number were invited from this village. There were about 30 in the party and a royal good time is leported. We shall not attempt to unravel the mysteries of the Rainbow part of the entertainment, for fear that we might be tangled up more completely than those who had a hand in the game on Monday evening, but suffice to say it was not only amus­ ing but highly interesting when you got to the other eud. Besides this there were games of all kinds, dancing, etc., to while away the time, which were in­ dulged in and enjoyed equally by all. After this refreshments were served in abundance, in Mrs. Howell's best style, and those who are acquainted know just what that means. There is no better or more hospitable entertainer ?n the State than Mr^Hof^ell. At about 11 o'clock the partybrtike up and accompanied by those from, Chicago chartered George Myers' "Buss Line" and' came to the vil­ lage where they treated a few of our citizens to a fine, serenade, ye editor being included among the number, for which they will aceept our thanks. The singing waB excellent and highly appre­ ciated. Taking, all in all those who were present pronounce it one of the most pleasant evening gathering they had at­ tended for many a day. A Complete Surprise, In view of the fact that Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hanlj' were about to move to Chi­ cago for the winter, the ladies of the [Jniversalist Society and their friends, to the number of about fifty, planned a surprise for them on Monday evening, which was carried out to the fullest ex­ tent and to the eutire satisfaction of all concerned. A part met at the residence of W. AjCristy, and about eight o'clock marched in a body to the residence of Mr. Hanly, where they unceremoniously took possession of the house and pro­ ceeded to make themselveB perfectly at home. Mrs. Hanly, although taken completely by surprise, took in the situ­ ation and surrendered unconditionally,'I and while the house was in a torn up condition incident to moving, proeeeded to make it a* pleasant as it were possible for all. Mr. Hanly came in later, took in the situation at a glance and grace­ fully submitting, entered into the festivi­ ties of the occasion in his usual happy manner. After au hour of visiting and sociability Ice Cream and Cake was served, when the company dispersed to their several homes, all feeling that they had spent a pleasant and profitable evening. Women's Oatholic Order Forresters. Mrs. M. E. Rayburn, of Chicago, is now in this village for the purpose of organ­ izing a Court of the Women's Catholic Order of Forresters. A meeting was held on Sunday last at St. Patrick's church, fifteen names being secured, and another meeting will be held at the same place Sunday when MI-B. Rayburn will fully ex­ plain the workings of the order and solicit other names. This organization originated in Chicago and is now over 15,000 strong, consisting of 176 Courts. It is a social and benevolent institution, and one that, in the short time it has been in existence, has been of untold ben­ efit to its members. All the above num­ ber of Courts have been organized by Mrs. Rayburn, who is an enthusiast in the cause, and devotes much of her time to the good of this order. At the meet­ ing next Sunday she hopes to secure enough names to insure the organization of a Court in this village. E. J. HANLY and wife are packing up their houehold goods preparatory to moving to Chicago. The reason for this move is that their two sons, Harry and George, are attending, one the Law School and the other Medical College, and Mrs. Hanly thinks that it would be better aud pleasanter for them to board at home and therefore makes this move for their especial benefit. Mr. Hanly will continue his business here, aud will be here himself a good Bhare of the time, C. E. Lamphere will occupy the Hanly residence, Mrs. llauly will be greatly missed in social circles and church work and her many friends hope for her return at no very distant day. Their address in Chicago will be 25 Stauley Terrace, West Side. AT a regular meeting of the Village Board, on Monday evening last, Isaac Wentworth was unanimously appointed as Superintendent, on behalf of the vil­ lage, of the construction of the Water Works System, in this village. No better appointment could have been made. Mn Wentworth has had large experience in different kinds of contract work, and our citizens can rest assured that under his supervision everything will be done ac­ cording to plans and specifications, and that the material used will be such as said plans call for. As we said before the appointment is a good one. IF there is anything that gives us a longing for eternal rest aud Bleep, and damp solitude, it is a man who comes to a town or county and builds up a good paying business, grows rich from the re­ sources of a prosperous country, and then Bquats down on his wealth like a clucking hen on a door knob and is too infernal stingy to even let the gravel grind in his own gizzard. HERE is the way an exchange sounds the trumpet of distress: "Persons knowing themselves indebted to this office are requested to call and settle. All those indebted to this office and not knowing it are requested to call and find out. All those knowing themselves in­ debted to this office-and not wishing to call are requested to stay in one place long enough for us to catch them. All those who are not indebted are requested to call and get indebted. English breakfast and gunpowder teas, 20c per lb, 2 lbs for 35c. At Owen & Chapell's. PERSONAL. LYNN SHERMAN, of Woodstock, was the guest of Dr. W. C. Besley over Sunday. PETER B. FREOND was a Lake Zurich visitor on,Thursday last. P. S. MAYES is visiting friends in Wis­ consin this week. MISS MAE LUBY, O! Chicago, is visiting her cousin, Miss Annaotta Kane. BEN BONSLETT, of Chicago, spent Sat­ urday and Sunday here. C. F. THORNE and wife were over from Woodstock Sunday. MRS. S. T. ELDREDGE spent Sunday in West McHenry. HARRY WIGHTMAN attended to business in Chicago the latter part of last week. GEO. S. CURTIS is taking in the Boone County Fair, at Belvidere. this week. M. D. STOPDARD and wife, of Hebron, were calling on friends here Sunday. MRS. HENRY ALTHOFF, of Elgin, was visiting friends here the first of the week. RALPH AND MISS MYRTLE CHILDS, of WilmettQ, 111., have been visiting friends in this village the past week. HENRY DOWE and wife, of Waukegan, who have been visiting friends here the past week, returned home on Monday. F. A. PARKER and sony Carl, of Sioux Rapids, Iowa, have been visiting, among friends here the past week. MRS. PERRY MURPHY, Misses Agnes and Mary Mu?phy were the guests of G. W. Besley and wife over Sunday. MRS. H. S. GREGORY,.of Chicago, was calling on old friends here a few days laBt week. C. H. TitYon, County Surveyor, was at­ tending to business in this village on Friday. MRS. S. S. CHAPELL, who has been in Elgin the past two weeks, returned home Saturday. MISS NELLIE KNOX, of Elgin, spentSun- day and Monday with her mother in this village. Miss COOPER.,Miss Osborne and Miss Baldwin, teachers in our public school, are boarding at G. W. Besley's. Miss KATHRYN HOWARD, of Fox Lake, is boarding at G. W. Besley's and at tending school. MISS JENNIE WALTON, of Volo, is boarding at C. H. Granger's and attend­ ing school. CAPT. DOMINY. of Chicago, the veteran Life Insurance Agent, is in town this week. GEO. A. HANLY went to Chicago on Monday to resume his studies at the Chicago Law School. MRS. CIIAS. GUERING went to Chicago on Tuesday where she will spend a week visiting with friends. LON HOWARD, who has been in Elgin for two weeks, came back in better health. MR. LAPOOK'S family, who have been living here the past two years, moved to Chicago Tuesday. MRS. JACK WRAY, of Richmond, called on friends Saturday, on her way to Terra Cotta. MRS. JOHN SLIMPIV and two children stare Thursday morning for Kankakee to visit her old home. T. J. WALSH returned on Tuesday after a ten day visit with his wife at Green Bay WiB. MRS. C. H. PARKS started on Tuesday for a few weeks visit with her sister, Mrs Wm. Mudgett, at Britt, Iowa. MISS EFFIE KENNEDY, of Chicago, is visiting with her parents, S. Kennedy and wife, in this village, thiB week. MRS. THOS. LUMLEY, of Chicago, is the guest of R. Sherburne aud family, in this village. MRS. H. C. SMITH, who has been spend­ ing the past week at Elgin, returned home this Wednesday morning. JOHN J. BUCH and Jacob Justen went to Milwaukee on Monday, being called there on account of the death of a relative. FRED SCHNORR has been under the weather the past few days, although able to be around. The extreme warm weather is probably the cause. MRS. BURTIS and children, of Chicago Lawn, who have been visiting C. A. Douglas the past two week, have gone to Lake Villa on a visit. HENRY FRAMBERG and Walter Peck, of Moreland, cama out on their wheels and were guests of Guy Harrison until Sun­ day morning. EDDIE COBB, who has been spending the vacation with his mother, in th's vil­ lage, returned to his school at Milwaukee on Monday. MRS. DORA LONG went to Hebron on Saturday to take the position of teacher in the Grammar Department of the Public School at that place. MRS. JOHN BOYLE and children and Miss Maggie Walsh were visiting James Wal-ili and family, at Fox Lake, the first of the week. MRS. A. G. RYTHER, (formerly Mrs. Kate Powers), of Minneapolis, and Mrs. Agnes Torrence, oi Genoa Junction, are visiting with Mrs. Dr. Brown and other old friends in this vicinity. J. J. ARMSTRONG and wife, of Chicago, are the guests of .J. C. Park and wife, in this village. Mr. Armstrong is one of Uncle Sam's officials in the railway mail service. THE following a* little boy's version of dad's breeches: " When dad haB worn his trousers out they pass to brother John; then ma runs them around about, aud William puts them on. When Will­ iam's legs so long have grown,. the trousers fail to hide 'em; so Walter claims them for his Own, and stows him­ self inside 'em. Next Sam's fat legs close invest, and, when they won't stretch tighter, they're turned and shortened, washed and fixed on me--the wjriter. Ma works them into rugs and caps when* I have burst the stitches. At doomsday we shall see (perhaps) the last of dad's old breeches. Devil's Lake. Remember the excursion to this wond­ erful and thysterious Lake, Sunday, Sept. 12th. Round trip only $1.50. Leave Williams *Bay 6:30 A. M., Lake Geneva 6:4^ A. M., Genoa Junction 7:02 A.M., Richmond 7:15 A.M., Ringwood' 7:25 A.M., McHenry 7:34 A.M., Terra Cotta 7:46 A. M., Crystal Lake 8:15 A. M , arrive at,Madison 11:30 A M, Devil's Lake 12:30 A. M. Returning leave Devil's Lake 6:20 P. M., Madison 7:00 P. M For tickets aud information apply to agents C. & N. W. R'y. _ f Village Lots at Auction. Dr. C. H. Fegers, who owns fifty-eight Village Lots, just north of the corpora­ tion line, has decided to offer them for sale at Public Auction, on or about the 25th of this month, due notice of which will be given by posters and otherwise. These lots are pleasantly located, in one of the best resident portions of our vil­ lage, and are very desirable property. These lots will be sold on long time and easy payments, and thus enable persons with small means to secure a home for themselveB. With the scarcity of houseB to rent in this village, parties with means could make no better investment than to pur­ chase a few of these lots and put up nice little cottages, which they will have no trouble in renting at paying figures. Taken all in all the Doctor's scheme to ^offer them at auction is sure to re­ wound to the benefit of our village. The exact date of the sale, with a plat of the lots, will appear in these columns next week, at which time we shall have more to say in relation thereto. Illinois Prairie Chicken Laws. Inquiry has been made into the status of the Illinois came law or that part of it which relates to the -time' for killing prairie chickens; It.has been claimed i hat through an error of an engrossing clerk, the law was inoperative. This is absolutely false. A Certified copy of the act has been obtained and carefully scrutinized by able lawyers. There is uotthe slightest liaw in it of any kind, and it says verv distinctly that it is un­ lawful to kill chickens in Illinois before the 15th of September.--/5e. The McCormick Ahead. At the trial of Corn Harvesters, on the Tonyan farm, north of Ringwood, on Tuesday, the McCormick downed the Deering in handsome style. Besides do­ ing the straight work in a superior man­ ner, the McCormick ran over two or three rows of corn; mashing it down flat, and then turned, picked it up, cut and bound it as good as if it had been standing corn. The bearing was then offered $50 to duplicate the performance, but refused aud took their machine from the field A virtual acknowledgement of deleat The McCormick had done what they could not do SPECTATOR, Mrs. Grundy Says: That the singing of the cricket and the cool night bespeak the coming eclipse of the shirt waist. That light housekeeping frequently fol­ lows a matrimonial match. Tnat budding geniuses and blooming idiots are often near relatives. That a wise man keeps his own counsel while the lawyer sellB his. That all work and no play makes the girl with the piano popular next door. That a person may be landless and yet have several achers in his mouth. That the new woman ought to buy a larger shoe and a smaller hat. Emma Myers, and Mrs. John Myers, Sr. and son, all of Elgin, attended the picnic at Columbia Park on Sunday. Miss CLARA WIGHTMAN went to Chica­ go on Monday and commenced her school on Tuesday. From reports we learn that she is one of the most success­ ful teachers in the city. « FRANK WEISIIAAR and wife, of Joliet, 111,spent Sunday and Monday in this village, the guest of A. P. Baer and wife. Mr. Weishaar is foreman of the Job De­ partment of the Joliet Republican, and made the PLAINDEALER a fraternal call. He is a brother-in-law of A, P. Baer. Devil's Lake. Last excursion of the year to thfs won derful and mysterious lake, Sunday, Sept. 12. Round trip only $1.50. Leave Williams Bay 6:30 A. M., Lake Geneva 6:47, Genoa Junction 7:02, Richmond 7:10, Ringwood 7:?5, McHenry 7:34, Terra Cotta 7:46, Crystal Lake 8:00. Arrive at Devil's Lake 12:20 p. M. Re­ turning,, leaving Devil's Lake at 6:20 p. M For tickets and information apply to agents C. & N. W. R'y. Hotel Arrivals THE following are the names registered at the Hotel Riverside from August 31 to September 6, inclusive: Tu«8rt»y, Aug. 31.--J Rosenblatt , Belolt ; H A Keith, J Thompson, 11 M IlubbaTrt an ' i ( laughter, F M Dike and wire, J C BiBhop, Chicago Wednesday, Sept, 1 --F H Burko, E H Cut­ ter , Chicago; H White. Ravenna, Ohio; WA Thomas, Batavia; C C Conway, Oak Park; A W Norton, May wood. Thursday, Sept. 2.--E C Peter. M W Benson Algonquin; S S Chapell , McHenry; H Errio- Bon, Pistaqua Bay; Mrs J M Ne» ie, Mrs J A Dutleld, M as Ople Dullcld, J B Neale. Mr Galigerami-wife, C B Merry, Woodstock; A 8 Sailor, John Flanlgan, E W Bill , J It Smetl loy, Ohicago; A E Lll l ie. Freeport . Friday, Sept. 3.-vGeo Enkert , WoodBtoek; T H Kelly. A L Packard, Chicago. Saturday. Sept 4.--S Wolf, Mrs Patton, Mrs Parr , Mrs T W Dailey, Mrs P D Hager, J U Edwards, H K Hallonbeek, F M Goodman, RG Uadener, Chicasro ; II P Tilden, Elgin; A It Reeder, I t ichmohd; W H Emery and wife, Elmhnrst; W II Green, Glencoe; C 11 Bit tor- ning, Winetka, Sunday, 8ept. 5.--A D Ivennedv, Tony Mal- len, Twin Lakes; 0 Prouty and wife, Wi netta; J T Golden, E It Woodle, C D Irwim Chicago, - *' Monday, Sept fi-- W Brown. Ben Ackerman E Dominy, Chicago; C Venll l and daughter, Libertyvil le; E W Bobbins, Greenwood, Homes Wanted The Forward Movement, through its Bureau of "Employmentand Home Find­ ing" seeks to supply families desiring to adopt a chid, or who desire various grades of help. By means of agents who make a most systematic canvass of city and country and with the assistance of committees in church, the Bureau seeks to furnish such help as will tend to pro­ duce self-support and self-respect, at the same time'accommodating families who are willing to he'p a worthy person by giving them the advantages of home life. The Bureau thus seeks especially to find homes for dependent children aud youths. Also to.find^/omes for deserv­ ing mothers with a child without sepa­ rating them. Homesarespeciallywanted for babes, both boys and girls. Any one knowing of worthy cases needing the help JOHN MYERS and wife, Misses Maime «»«UWMU8 UN>UEII> Gracey. Aggie Myers, Tena FreundTr^18 Bureau. or willine to offer home life to one such person, or desiring fur­ ther information, address Rev. Geo. K. Hoover, 167 Dearborn Strte, Room 712, Chicago, 111. BOARDERS WANTED. Three men Boarders can be accommo­ dated with good room and board by applying to MRS. E. HUBBARD. When in need of Rubber Goods we have special bargains to offer. For instance: Child's Rubber Boots, 95 cents; Boys and Girls. 11-13, $1.35.; Ladies'Sandals 28 cents; Misses' Sandals,'25 cents. This is an indication of the list all along the line. They are Cindee make hence re­ liable. JOHN EVANSON & Co. Proposals fop Purchase of Vil­ lage Bonds. Notice is hereby giv6n that the ,Village | Board of the village of McHenry, 111., (through its President and Finance Com­ mittee) that the President and Finance Committee of said Board will meet at the Village Hall, on Tuesday, Sept, 21, at 2 o'clock, p M., for the purpose of receiving bids for ten Water Works Bonds of five hundred dollars (§500) each, said bonds bearing interest at the rate of five per cent per annum, interest payable semi­ annually, on the first days of January and July, Bonds payable as follows, to-wit: Two Bonds, July 1st, 1899. Two Bonds, July 1st, 1900, Two Bonds, July 1st, 1901. Two Bonds, July 1st, 1902. Two Bonds, July 1st, 1903. The right to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved. JOHN I. STORY, President. A. P. BAER, C. H GRANGER, J. H. MILLER, Finance Committee. Business Locals. IT SAVES THE CR0UPY CHILDREN. SEAVIEW, VA,--We have a splendid sale on Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and our customers coming,from far and near speak of it in the highest terms. Many have said that their children would have died of croup if Chamberlain's Cough Remedy had not been given--Kellam & Ourreu. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by J. A. Story, Druggist, McHenry. SALT PORK. Armour's finest Bean Pork, 6% cents; very finest Star Hams, 11% cents; very fiuest Bacon, 11 cents. "Very Beet Flour." Also bargains in Coffee and Tea. JOHN EVANSON & Co. The "Bicyclist's Best Friend" is a fa­ miliar name for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, always read* for emergencies. While a specific for piles, it also instantly relieves and cures cuts, bruises, salt rheum, ecz ma, and all affections of the skin. * It never fails. J. A. Story. McHenry. HONESTY, * Inside as well as outside, is what has given the K. N. & F. Co. Clothing such a proud prestige among the best dressers in eyery state in the land. Simon Stoffel control their sale in West McHenry. We want to close out our stock of Tin­ ware. If you need any come and get them at what they cost us, but come quick if you want to know the actual cost of it. JOHN EVANSON & Co. Small precautions often prevent great mischiefs. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are very small pills in size, but are most effective in preventing the most serious forms of liver and stomach troubles They cure constipation and headache and regulate the bowels. J. A. Story, McHenry. If you want high grade corsets,such as $2, ^2 50 and S3 50 per pair, will be pleased to dhow you a new line. JOHN EVANSON & Co. "My boy CP me home from school one day with his hand badly lacerated and bleeding, and suffering great pain," says E. J. Schall, with Meyer Bros.' Drug Co., St. Louis, Mo. " I dressed the wound and'applied Chamberlaiu's Pain Balm freely. All pain ceased and in a remarkable short time it healed without leaving a scar. For wounds, sprains, swellings and rheumatism, I know of no medicine or prescription equal to it. 1 aonsider it a household necessity." The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by J. A. Story, Druggist, McHenry, 111. We must close out these shoes in the next two weeks. OWEN & CHAPELL. To heal the brokeu and diseased tissues to sooth the irritated surfaces, to in­ stantly relieve and permanently cure is the mission of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve* J. A. Story, McHenry. Shoes below cost of manufacture at Owen & Chapell's. YI-KI cures cornB and warts. 15 cents Besley's Sarsaparilla Compound. The great Blood purifier. Try a bottle. Let us fit you out with a pair of shoeB at Owen & Chapell's. s " ;.' CIDER MILL. My Cider Mill, on the Richmond Road, nearly opposite the McHenry Cemetery, is in first class order, and I am now ready to receive your apples and make them into cider on short notice. All lots of five bushels and over will be pressed sep­ arate. Satisfaction guaranteed. NICK WINKELS. mcHenry, 111., Aug . 5th, 1897. SMI L:; IU Come to the Bhoo sale at Owen & Chapell's, Besley's Fig Syrup. Nothing better in the market. Insure your property with S. Stoffel and be insured. Bargains in every department at the Farmers Store, A. P. Baer, proprietor. Have your clothes cleaned and dyed. Must come Saturday or Monday. E. LAWLUB. Opposite Riverside House. 15tf SDR. CALDWELL'S YRUP PEPSIN CURES If you have ever seen a little child in a paroxysm of whooping cough, or if you have beein annoyed by a constant tick­ ling in. the throat, you can appreciate the value of One Minute Cough Cure, which gives quick relief. J. A. Story,% McHenry. LadKfs' Shirt Waists, the finest assort­ ment in town at A. P. Baer's. ~ Peabody iBuggies are sold by T, J. Walsh., • - Call at Owen & Chapell's and see the new line of Oxfords. ' • ,-- "1 ' For Sale* Choicestr building lots in . McHen y» Also lots and acres to rent for garuen purposes. Inquire of O. N. Owen, at Bank of McHenry. Awarded Highest Honors--World's Fair, DR tflCET w CREAM BAKING POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adu" * 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. New line of men's, boys' and children's iring H Chapell's. spring Hats and Caps at Owen & Cht " FROM A METHODIST PREACHER. CLAY CITY, lnd., Jan 12,1897. PEPSIN SYRUP CO., Monticello, 111. GENTLEMEN: It affords me great pleasure tb speak in praise of your most excellent medicine. 1 have suffered quite a great deal from sick headache, the re­ sult of sedentary habits and sluggish liver and bowels. Your remedy corrects these troubles and my headaches are stopped. J. C. BOONE, Pastor M. E. Church. For sale by Julia A. Story. Another car of the Polar Star Fancy Flour just received at Simon Stoffel's. Every Back warranted. Eocene Oil, the very best on the mark­ et, only 9 cents per gallon, at SIMON STOFFEL'S. 'm •V Now is the chance to get shoes cheap, at Owen & Chapell's, Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diart rhoea Remedy always affords prompt re­ lief. For sale by J. A. Story. Running sores, indolent ulcers and similar troubles, even though of many years' standing, may be cured by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It sooths, Htrengthens and heals, it is the great pile cure. J. A. Story, McHenry.. For Sale Cheap. One second-hand Hay Loader and one „ Hay Rake, nearly new. Inquire of O. N. Owen, at Bank of cHenry. WELL'S m m PEPSIN GESTION. I 1 SDR. CALDWELL'S YRUP CURES INDIGESTION. BESLEY'S Soda Fountain is now in running order. Cali and get a cool and refreshing drink. All kinds of syrups to suit the taste. Ladies' Wrappers, all sizes and styles, from the best to the cheapest, at the Farmers Store. A. 1'. BAEK. Another large invoice of the celebrated W. L. Douglas ShoeB just received at Simon Stoffel's. "Style, Service, Satisfaction," are the the three triumphs of the K. N. & F. Co. Spring and Summer Clothing now ready at Simon Stoffel's. m Ready-made Dress Skirts, The finest line of these g:oods to be found in McHenry county. Call and see them at the Farmers Store: A. P. BAER. Cattle for Sale* On hand at all times, choice yearling and two-year old heifers, and a few cows. For sale in lots to suit purchasers, •itf 1 F. K. GRANGER. MomentB are useless if trifled away; and they are dangerously wasted if con­ sumed by delay in cases where One Min­ ute Cough Cure would bring immediate relief. J. A. Story, McHenry. BENNETT is now making the popular "Aristo Platino" picture. It has a mat or dull finish which gives a more artis­ tic appearance than is possible with any paper that has been used heretofore. Call and see specimens. m For bale. Fiije large Family Horse, at Low Price. Inquire at this office. A HOWLING SUCCESS. Wherever properly introduced Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, as a cure for constipation, has met with a phenomenal sale. Many druggists cannot say enough in praise of its merits, as well as its great popularity with the people. In 10c trial size and also in 50c and $ 1 sizes oj Julia A. Story. I have made a specialty oi the prose­ cution of all kinds of damage ea^ea against RAILROADS. other Corporations, and Estates, for fifteen years and make no charge unless uccessful. Call or write me. C. P. BARNES, ATTORNEY. ̂ Woodstock 111. No man or woman can enjoy life or ac­ complish much in this worhl while suffer­ ing from a torpid liver. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the pills that cleanse that organ quickly. J. A. Story, McHenry. Closing Out of Neckties- I am closing out my entire stock of Neckties at Jo cents each. All new and of the laiest styles. Call early and g«-t your pick. J.D. LOUTZ, Barbian Block, McHenry. A CUBE FOB BILIOUS COLIC. RESOURCE, Screven Co., Ga--L have been subject to attacks of bilious co ic for 8ftveral years. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedv is the only sure relief; It acts like a charm.-- One dose of it gives relief when all other -6.1). ~ remedies fail -- G. D. Sharp. For J. A. Story, DiUggist, McHenry, 111. by Certainly you don't want to.suffer with dyspepsia, constipation, sick headache, sallow skin and loss of appetite. You have never tried DeWitt's Little Early Risers for these complaints or you would have been cured. They are small pills but great regulators. J. A. St©ry> McHenry. . ' • •• : • v Mm t •M a

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